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Minutes - August 16, 1915 - CC
270 Azusa California$ Ausui:t 16th,1915.. Tisa Board of Trustees met in -regular meeting at, 7:30 P.M.' Present at roll call; Barnes, Smith, Petty, Clark, Col'_in'r, The minutes of August nd,1910, were read and ap_:roved. Caiv.lPilic ,tions were rears from the County Aliditor, California I State Board. of Health, and Sh ;i.S_,Chznlherle.iil, ,, S:Ioqe.l by Clark, seceac�ed. by B: ries that the Cha_ n�erlein' cwm:hunication be referred to the City Attorney. , , Roll cell; Ayes; Daa.rnes, Smith, Petty, Cl^.rk, Collins,. _;nes; 110ne. Absc_nt; ;:one. Co;m:.unirytion was read :from Irene Barnes ad4ing for tori day vacation beginning Septesier,13th,1915. ;-'oved by C17,r1:, seconded by Petty teat the vacation be granted. 2 Motion carries.. Father Ii.T:.Geary was bofore the S3orrd in re ,c_rd to the .)topping t:.e A!.uso, Irrig7.ting Co-in^,ny yiell on Tenth and 5olcle.no Avenue. 2r F.C.Roberts reported that the testing Of tAC City'6 dell rr. s progressing nicely. Idoved by Clox c, oeconded by Smith that the City Attorney' ant the City Engineer take the necessary steps to sidewalk and. curb Dalton Avenue and Sol:':ano Avenue. Roll. cs1.1; Ayes; Barnes, Siai'l:h, Petty, Clark, Collins. - does; ',done. Absent; lone. ;:'Loved by Clark, seconded by Petty that any mcr4)er of the Board of Trustees tAnt wanted to attend tae League Of S,ivxlicipalibies Convention at Oahln nd be o.11.oc;ed 'W20100. Roll Coll • Ayes; Barnes, Srcith, Petty, Clark, Collins. lines; None. Absent; Lone. 'Trustee Clark offered a Resolution and _roved. its adoption �oin;; °A PCSOLU'TIO.i OF '1"_x'5 DOARD OF 'TRUSTl;'":S OF 'TIDE CITY OF AZUSA PROVIDING l'OR 'T111i1 TR., TS1LxR OF CERTAIN FUNDS." The Resolution read by t:ae Clerx:, a.nd seeon(lcd by 1larhhes. Roll call; Ayres; Barnes, Smith, Petty, Clark, Collins. Does; None. Abse. t; None. \ .'.OVB('i b�✓ Clark, sC COs: CC C'. bySlnl{:h 'L.aat tihC £C1101"illli-; ''.d len ;iG be , ^.1161ved 7.no. arrants dra,,,. for 's he sP. ale. Roll call; Ayes; hornes, S. ith, Petty, Cia_t, Collins. Toes; None. Absent; .onc. ;171 0A General Fund. NO 3333, C.L.1110111 tr .umV i 't, 25.`00 3963, Geo, Zerell, 1:,bor, 0.00 3939, Czs _.o_rral,sup,.lie,s, .17.51 3990, 1.D.liOs,c.^, II' 1.•00 3991, ..13.33'caty, Ibo-r, 4.' 5 39931 J.H.Coates, " 0.3b 3090, T.I.Rury, it 6•9b 3995, T cQuiston L Cur.•ier, n:: int in 14.25 3996, P.A.5tecle, services, 50.00 3991, L_eier eros, suDplies 25 5993, `!.S.}lu:ry, " .15 999, C..1.� .ilerkle, " b. 00 -_--000, A.E.Tao_rpson, 1 .i or, 15.50 500.1, A.E.T:,o "o;on, " 13.50 4002, J.G.\7yatt, " 2.50 .1003, C.L.Snithp " 22 20 1073 _Anna r R..L.Bro•;rl, ° 6.00 11173, 117,_; F.C.Ale::antYer " 9.00 Electric D.lnd, 1155; ','.3,Leo, lzbo--, 8.00 1156, J-i)l .i1e::ander, " 4.50 1157; R.L.".ror.nl, " 16.00 1153, %I-.L'.Culler, " 5.00 1160; bred. Astor, " 2.2b 11658 Western Electric, Co, material 6.60 110; histe-rn Electric Co, " 50.75 1166; Thier Bros, " 6.75 1.1.66, F-C.Ale.:^nder:yl, labor, 12.5D 1167, Frank Dawson, " 3.75 1165, J..'.!.G^ble, " 3.00 1169, 17..P.Anderson, " 8.00 1170, Anna Cln,,,:, ° 5.'00 1171, liilo HANs' " 1.00 Water Fund. 1.341; J.R.Eldxed, supplies, 1.25 13420 J.H.Coates, labor, 2.i5 13431 Zor;an Peirce, " .60 1304, I!Qniston & Currier, _riacin; , 2.25 13-'_5, John Belcher, l-bor 4.00 1316, Meier Bros, supplies, .30 1347, F.C.Alewnaer, labor, 9.50 1343; Ralph Preston, " .13.10 1349, Ralph Preston, " 21.09 1350, Frank Dawson, " ?4 25 1351, T.J.Sutton, °. 4.00 1.35..^.; Frain: Roberts, ° 15.60 1353, Frpnk Roberts, ° 15.00 1354; Jeff Jernes, " 52.50 1355; Everett '_Ielone, " :4.00 1356, Everett ialone, 'I 9.25 135'7, A.Yellows, " 12,00 1358, Y Serrano, " `.25 1359, 'i1.P.Andercon, 7.25 1360, A.Bellosrs, " 10.00 1361; I.iilo Hay=loins, " 11.00 13621 Ann-, Clark, ° 5.0.) 1340, H.R.Boynton Co, supplies, 31.19 Municipal Electric S:, -stela I+7proveiae_lt lhnd. 2153 Saa.i 111illis, labor, 10.12 216; Heiew Bros, supplies, 26.03 217; C Anderson, le.bor, 32.53 318, R.L;Brocm, " 52.00 219, Pedro Garcia, " 27.00 :ago, v.c,il1e1•, 'I _ 19.E 121; V.F.Pierce, 44.50 Q22; Chuck Summer, n '7.87 223; Chas Roy, n 4II.00 22?i John Alemande-r," 48.00 225P D.Smith ° 24.75 229,Y'.H.Bud,. orth, " 27.00 271 ' `I.Dutteri'iela' " 52.00 230' H.T.I axtir.' n 08.O08.011) 251, n DaEs F but191', 57.70 2221 17.G.Law, ❑ 48.50 233i J..L',AlMnander, n 27.00 233 :.Aeon, n 15.75 ' 2:SG, U.S,B^.i1k, =;i,;;led, Jr 60.62 ;171 0A