HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - February 18, 1918 - CCFebru. ry 10th, 1,))0 The .'.'o -,.rd of 'Trustees of the City of Azusa met in reguler sesr.ion at 7: 30 P.'t. Present at roil call Byrnes, Robinson, 1'empliu, Case, Roach City Attorney and Uity Clerhr. The minutes of February 4th, 1918 were read and approved. It iv -,x moved by Barnes seconded by Case that the bids on the Imnrovement of Eleventh Street be onened, examined and publicly der) -red, !'lotion carried. The bid of Conrad Sheerer, being the only bid received, tvos rend, as fc'_iotvs: Grading and oiling .:er linear foot $1.85 Installation of one corru,*ated iron culvert 75.00 I9r. S. T. T-indley, representing certFin nrorerty owners along Eleventh Street, liable for the assessment for the Imnrovement of Eleventh Street, was before the Board and galre Notice that they would hold the City liable for 2.11 damages which may result to their properties by reason of the grading of said street. It vi,s moved by Case seconded by Robinson that the bid ne referred to the City Engineer to check up and report. Lotion carried. It wos moved by acnes seconded by Robinson that the Board do now.proceed to open and canvass the election returns of the Special Meetion held February llth,.3.018 on the question of the "nnexation of eertain new uninhabited territory to the City of A.^usa. • Motion c,11-ried. Trustee Templin offered the following Resolution, being "A ^.ESnTJJTTOT, OF TI?T: BOARD OF TRUSTITMS OF THIP, CITY OF A USA REPORTII:G TILT: REOULT OF A SPECIAL EL}l;CTIO1:T )dSTD TITRFIN 01. TEM' III,1 raiTII SAY OF FFr.RUARY, 1913, AT WHICH WAS SUBI'ITTED TO TIS ETTUITORS OF SAID CITY T17 ('R TION C^iFTIiFR OR NOT CERTAIIl NMI UNINRABITFD TERP.ITORY 51IOU11) DE N: -,,N=D TO SAID CITY AND TEF R):SU)a' OF THE CANVASS OF TJM' RFTTTRNS OF SAID ELECTION". The resolution rra.s rend. It wn.s move:) by Cane seconded by Bn.rneo th.a.t the resolution be adorted o.r read. .^,oil call Ayes: Barnes, Robinson, Templin, Case, Roach p Noesntl�Tone / p o b( w NCw�:ui., n -a �p s 3 3 (/ - /z, It etas move' by C, -se se(fonded by Templ.in that the Ilea.lth Crdin=.nce be referred to the hoard as a Cotlunittec of the vthole to check up. ).lotion carried. It w -.s moved by Robinson. seconded by B,�rnes that the City mske anrlic^tion to the Priority Corunittee of t1ie United for a rush order for the :.,oti.on c.^rricd J �t ^,formers or(,erecl from the east. 443 // -4- ;y, G.'1<i J' 3 3 444 It was moved oy Case seconded by 'Templin taut the communi- cation received from ra;ec]c with the instructions the+t he prepe.re a, contrect and subr::it sere to the Doard in accordance with the cotrmunication end with any changes I or additions Pte may deem advisable. Motion carried. It -was moved by Case seconded b;: Barnes that the ord.inance regarding; the keel:inc; of pigs inside the Cite Limits :;e referred to the City Attorney. Motion car;'ied. It wa.e roved by C -se seconded by Templin that the condition of the Pipe line on Pasa.dera Avenue be ,referred to the Public 'Uorks Cot:mittee to investigate and report. Motion carried. it was moved by Bcrnes seconded by Robinson ths.t the following bi)-1.s be a11oweel and warrints Orwin on the Treacurcr for the same. Roll. call Ayes: Bzrnes, Robinson, Templin„ Case, Roach ;does: hone Absent: hone GM71,RAL L'UdD 5040 Neier Bros Material a1.50 5041 Chas ?".organ & Son " 25.40 5042 McQuiston c: Currier Printing 32.40 5043 11. 0. Williams Material 5.00 5044 J. 0. Durrell Labor 5.00 5045 bred L. Clark It 5.00 5046 A. B. Thompson Bern Rent 5.00 5047 do Labor 33.00 5048 T.. I. Rury Material 6.05 5049 Jerry Sitton Labor 1.50 MATER PTMD 1862 t'i. 0. Streshly Material 2.50 1863 Meier Bros " .18 1864 Jerry Sitton " 25.00 1865 Kerckhoff Cuzner I.T. & L. Co., " 5.95 1.866 John Beaty Labor 15.31 1,IGHT PUdD 1503 Meier Pros ilaterial 14.48 1504 Westingnouse Elec & P.ifg Cc to 157.76 1505 Pacific States Electric Cc " 139.40 1500 So. Cal. Edison Cc Rental Transformers 124.92 3.507 John Beaty Labor 4.69 1505 `iorman Humphrey Expense 1.69 1509 Xerkkho-ff Cuzner Li & L Co. Ya.terial .75 PP,RK TUiD 709 ICercknoff Cuzner I:f & h Co. M -Aerial 34.85 710 Meier Pros " 2.91. C- ^-P It was moved by Case seconded by Barnes that the wort: of � -cam r5=. - calcimining the City hall be referred to the Public Worts Committee with power to enter into c_ contract w6th A. Straight to do the work. Roll earl Ayes: Barnes, Robinson, Templin, Case, Roach Noes: Bone Absent: None It w^.s movod by Case seconded by Barnes that the meeting adjourn. i:'otion c;,.rried. lite C1erL-