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Minutes - December 5, 1921 - CC
CITYiIALL,AZ71SA,CAI:I+ORiliA,DECMMER 511921,7P.M. The Board of Trustees of the City of Azusa met in regular session at the above time wad place. Present at roll call;Trustees Peirce,Moon,ileier and President Case,City Attorney and City Clerk. Absent;T_rustee Bierbower. The minutes of last regular meeting held November 21st were read and approved as read. On motion duly carried Steve Saunders was granted permission to construct q driveway into his property on the south side of Centre street betwen Soldano and Pasadena Avenues and to remove a pepper tree from the parkway. On motion duly carried Joe Daugherty was granted one weeks vacation commencing December 19th. The Superintendent of Dight ani Water was author- ized to purchase the following sup lies; 2 crates of 8x16 Globes and 1 coil of No.8 copper :vire. Carried by the following vote; Ayes-Peirce,Moon, Meier,Case. Noes;None. Absent;Bierbower. it was regularly moved and carried that all bids received by the City Clerk up to ldonday,December 5th,1921 at 7:30 P.M.,for the construction and comp- letion of street work on Soldano Avenue between the north line of Eleventh street and the south line of Fourth street,be now opened,examined and publicly declared. The b©d of J.L.Wilsford of $10,000.00 was read. On motion duly carried the bid was referred to the City Engineer for investigation and report. 'The City Engineer presented a report which was read by the Clerk. It was moved thaty,&,hk report of the City Engineer on proposed street on Soldano Avenue be adopted, approved and placed on fileand the City Attorney be instructed to present the necessary Resolution in connection therewith. Carried by the following vote; Ayes-Peirce,i?oon,ldeier,Case. iloes;None. Absent; Bierbower. Trustee 1Toon offered the Following Resolution; A r2SOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OF AZUSA REJECTING ALh BIDS RECEiVr7D FOR FUR5I'9H- ING 1-TATERIALS *TD LABOR FOR THE CONSTRUCTION, AND COLTLETION OF STREET WORK Oil 13OR'TIONS OF SOLDAidO AVENUE 3ETWr:EN THE NORTH LINE OF ELEVENTH STREET AND TIM SOUTH LINE OF FOURTH STREET IN SAID CITY Or' AZUSA,AND D:;CLA2ING,IN ITS OPINION,THE WORK OF CONSTRUCTING AND COMPLETING SUCH S'rRE,-,T WORK, INC- LUDING THE F-JR111SHING OF ALL L'IATFRIALS AND T3 PERI+,oR'.:IAtiCE OF ALL LABOR THEREFOR 11AY BE PERFOR= MORE ECONOSICALLY BY DAY LABOR AND ALL MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES FURNISHED AT A LOI'TE'R PESCE IN THE OPEN TIARM,AND AUTHORIZING TIM CITY ENGINEER OF SAID 'CITY TO NEGOTIATE FOR AND PROCURE ALL SUCH LABOR AND :.:A'22RIALS SUBJECT i'0 THE APPROVAL Ob' THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. The Resolttion was read. On motion `he Resolution was adopted as read, earried by the following vote. Ayes-Peirce,Moon, Meier,Case. Noes;None, Absent,Bierbower. It was regularly moved and carried that the engineers report on 1Faps 4316 and 4455 and the La Rica Tract submitted by the County Surveyor be accepted and the 1japs approved. 6 r.. r) t5 3 STEVE SAUNDMO GRANTED PER3SISSION TO COi7STRUC DP.IV27JAY AMD RIM:OVI: A PEPP R TR E.r. DAUG:IERT i GlWiT. ED VACATION. V;.& L.SUP'T.AUTHORIZED BIDS ON SOLDANO AVE - 0 P -3 VE.OP_ MD REGOLUTION NO. G ADOPTED, % COUNTY MAPS A?1%- rED 354 , , n 0 i ' 1 , n 0 MINUTES OF, CON . -ND. It was moved that the action of Trustees Peirce, moon and Meier in agreeing with the Grarmmnx school Trustees that the City would bear half the expense of a temporary examining Physician during the pen- ding Diptheria epidemic be ratified and approved and the bill or charge for same be paid upon proper warrant and demand. Carried by the following vote;Ayes;Peirce,Moon, Meier,Case. Noez;None. Absent;Bierbower. It was regularly moved and carried that H.H.Morgan be?mnloyed as a Special Police Officer to serve during the pleasure of the Board between the hours of 9 P.M. and 4 A.Y.of each day,he to furnish his own automo- bile and patrol the City at a monthly salary hereby fixed.at the sum of $225, said compensation to com- mence on the night of December•5,1921. Carried by the following vote. Ayes,Peirce,Moon, t`eier,Case. Noes;None. Absent;Bierbower. T±AT^ 'R OF T PLOY' 7Z? OF TLRiPORA.RY PI:YSICIAW H.H.MORGAN Z_,- LOYb;D AS SP"ECIAL POLICE OFFICER. It was regularly moved and carried. that Steve Saunders STS SAUNDERS APPOIN- be appointed a Special Police Officer without salary TED SPECIAL POLICE, OFF to serve during the pleasure of the Board. ICER WITHOUT SALARY. Trustee Meier offered the following Resolution; RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE CITY ADOPTED. 6�' OF AZUSA PROVIDING FOR THE TRANSFER OF $400.00 FROM THE GENERAL FUND TO THE NATER FUND. The Resolution was read. On motion the Resolution was adopted as read. Carried by the following vote; Ayes;Pei.rce,T:Toon, Meier,Case. Noes;None. Absent;Bierbower. It was regularly moved and carried that the City LOAN OF SAIVED OFF SNOT Clerk be instructed to write to Nm.I.Treager County GUTS Ri3QUES'P1,,D OF CO. Sheriff requesting the loan of two sawed off shot SHERIFF. guns during the period of the next 90 days pending an epidemic of hobos and yegg men. It was moved that the following bills be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the Treasurer for the sarne. Carried by the following vote. Ayes;Peirce,Moon,Meier,Case Noes;None. Absent;Bierbower. GEN P, A.L FUND 7601 J.H.Malone Labor $ 3.00 7602 Steve Saunders Material 3.80 7603 Spriggs Brothers n 2.88 7604 H.L.Saunders Jitney service 2.50 7605 A Carlisle Co, 11 aterial 11.45 7606 N.A.Johnson it 7.30 7607 Kerckhoff Cuzner Mill & Lumber it 1.20 7608 Home Telephone Co. Rentals 32.15 NATER FTX -,TD 2527 Azusa Agricultural Nater Co. Assessment 16.07 2528 The Pomotropic Material 69.11 252.9 Neptune Meter Co. " 116.3.0 2530 Canyon City Garage " 10.81 2531 Spriggs Brothers " 1.2.0 2532 Owl Fumigating Company Lhbor 96.74 2533 J.H.Malone " 37.00 2.534 Lloyd Juden " 42.bO 2535 ',Fill Zerrcll " 8.00 LIGHT FUND 2246 The Pomotropic Material 26.59 Pacific States Electric Co. it 176.65 '2247 2248 ITestinghouee E ectric & M'fg Co " 89.65 2249 Spriggs Brothers to 3.00 2250 F.D.Streshly is 4.50 2-261-S T t , e � i n �J i i i e � i n �J i MINUTES OF MONDAY, DEC�7,S R 5,1921 CONTINUED, It was regularly moved and carried that demand No 2251 of the Southern California. Edison Co..for 02344.82 be approved under protest as recommended by the Auditing Committee and on the grounds stated in the written protest attached thereto. Carried by the following vote-Ayes;Peirce,Moon,Meier, Case. Noes;None. Absent;Bierbowet On motion the Board adjourned. E 3)7 EDISON BILI. PROTESTED zusa. STREET WORK BOND FUND 259 J.E.Lee labor w 77.00 260 Arthur Wolfe it 66.00 261 Pedro Garcia to 38.50 262 Joe Savedra to 38.50 263 Demetrio Jiminez of 38.50 264 t9m.Molino " 36.97 265 James Ayon " 38.50 266 V.Cruz " 28.00 267 Frank Roberts " 44.00 268 Hobart Johnson " 50.00 269 D.Aguilar " 38.50 270 C.J.Piper " 36.97 271 Charles Hersey28.00 n 2.72 R.Ramos " 38.50 273 F.i.Iorales " 38.50 274 F.ITarcia " 29.53 275 F.Luna " 33.75 2.76 Floyd Lee " 15.00 277 Joe Daugherty " 7.00 278 C.L.Nichols Surveying 78.40 279 Ruth- Rildit ? Tynetvriting 2.50 280 Kimball Motor Truck Company Material 10.22 281 A.F.Gilmore Company " 819.73 282 Uniom Rock Co. " 787.05 283 Austin -Western Rd Mac Co " 5.00 234 Dump Truck Smithn 2.87 285 Adolph Frese Corp. ° 15.12 287 Vfm.Peters " 10.25 288 The Pomotropic 9.50 2.89 Azusa, Feed and Fuel Co. " 37.95 290 Kerckhoff Cuzner M & L.Co. " .60 291 Hei's Garage " 20.1.2 292 Steve Saunders " 42.50 293 Uhion Rock Co. " 576.')1 294 E.P.Bosbyshell Co. " 3.18 It was regularly moved and carried that demand No 2251 of the Southern California. Edison Co..for 02344.82 be approved under protest as recommended by the Auditing Committee and on the grounds stated in the written protest attached thereto. Carried by the following vote-Ayes;Peirce,Moon,Meier, Case. Noes;None. Absent;Bierbowet On motion the Board adjourned. E 3)7 EDISON BILI. PROTESTED zusa. 3�8 �C