HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 3465PABOWOM NO*- 3465
A •86QT.al1Ca OF I= CMamu• w TS Cirf w
BaGiIt Q 20T 120= in am ISMAUD a!
TAC COMM CW 10 CnW . W AMA 'iif AMU '!"@ MO �js'IR/cT
CCM CWA= Qom' lam. r
Ylt AM D94S1@1tA'!AA As A1aC A'M 3w /s'
m Opti m C e Im PRWWO A#ImrUIZ=*
in dreg COMIL or rat or AMU no mom As
AS nU M t
3fR'e► w 1. ?hat vwmm* to -00 vmw41Mw or WO AMMISSIot►
of the Whi ahabited tory Act at . p " goodlo ho" -barns 17AW&ted
by the City Comoro Z of the city at Aril" an its Oft Nation to *Mali to
tha City of Awn* aii of that tiaielpal! old ta"ritory situated ilk the
"WAY of Lss Aap1� ,. State at Clalillllwt a, heron dealowtoo as
Na!/iir/ y�.rfY�i y95'
"aaatasQand doodfibed as 101161101
All first rwol fA+A ► 011tnitod is test Colaw of LOS Anyalas,
MN of COU9 01" Dao ao 06116"s
at a point ly iltto e
or theme40" boo
360 1 fawbho 10 ,' a. �. a. a �
CIlt3 t ftled tit the t &ad o m" on th, 1876,
pt3#t di '25 fell: iy, na at t a*les
eaatasly of thr awu.rr#t et the Mart
at W* Sestim 36* d t boirs apo the
balumoum of city of iatad alt t, i thaae
alalto a Use with and 8025 waatarly
y at rlabt angles tad luta Oaid t R%ar"
of the mo rthwook of {ha ; of Section
c thw meoluarly of acid nartshaaMi of the at t
+ thr toastoo Of Sectlos tommas westaKO oa northerly
iiue aa�itherly on tha xe iy Ilse of raid t of the
t glarter-of the karst gwe lr et fiat 36 to a pot in
1 lilt. KalrJmt then
� - T
Commencing at the southeast corner of Lot 63 of Subdivision
No. 2 of th4= Asusa,, . nd and water, *"W&ny as shown on lisp rgsorded
In Bcok'*3"0 page 94, dr Kieo"l*mou& Records in the office of the
Recordor'of the County of i s.A"'lea, which point is in the
boundary of the City of Asusa as -same existed on lldy 21st, 19563
thenea northea•lX'Along the easter3� lines of, Lists 63, 62 and 61
of said acibdivision to the most nam AY' O.Orn r of oW last
mentioned let; theme proce" *#uthwesterly along the north
westoly boundary of said Sub"vision No. 2 to the intersection
with the southerly line of the northeast quarter of Section 22,
4cwhship 1 North, Range 14 West, S.B.B.& X, according to Plat of
said- Township filed its the U. S. Land Office, Los Angeles,
Qalitornia. April,6, 1676 and, the Xesurvoy Plat filed in said
U, S. Land Office April 200 1436) thence westerly along said
southerly line of said northeast quarter of Section 22 to the
center of said Section 22; thenal westerly along the southerly
line of the northwest quarter of'$aid Section 22 to the easterly
line of the west half of the southwest quarter of the northwest
quarter of staid Section 22; th*fto`northerly along said easterly
line to the southerly line of the north half of the northwest
quarter of said Section 22} theme, easterly aloft said southerly
line to the southeast'corner of 'the northeast quarter* the
northwest quarter of said Section 22,'"thence northerly along the
easterly line and westerly along the northerly line of said north-
west quarter to the northwest corner of said section 22; thence
r- •
westerly along the northerly lint of Section 21 or said ibwnship
to the northwest corner of sa A441ition 21; thence southerly along
the westerly line of saLd Section 21 to the northwest corner of
Lot 1 of said Section 21; thence esatorly on the northqrly line
and southerly on the easterly line of said Lot 1 to the inter.
section with a line defined as 'te33oWese
Commencing at the northwest eoraer.ofa=Lot 2,,
portions of Suctions 21 and 28, of the Subdivision
of the Rancho Asua de Duarte recorded in Book 6,
pages 80 through 82 of Mis®olUneous Records in
the office of said County Recorder, thence north-
westerly along a line bearing'*. 00 091 20" K. a
distance Of 150 feet to U* true point of beginning,
thence northeasterly along a line bearing A. 650
12o 30" E., which line is the intersecting line
with said easterly line of toot 1 being defined
thence proeeeding northeasterly along said line to a point distant
thereon 1180.18 feet, more or lend, from the true point of beginning
of said line as defined hereinbefore; thence X. 20 121 15" 1.
168.76 feet; thence S. 440 34' 30" t, to the intersection with
the northerly line of Rancho Azusa do Duarte as shown on County
Surveyors Flap No. 8-481, sheet 21 thence proceeding southwesterly
along said northerly line of Rancho Azusa de Duarte to the north-
east corner of said Lot 2, portions of said Sections 21 and 28,
of said Subdivision of the Rancho Azusa de Duarte; thence southerly
along the easterly line of said Lot 2. and the southerly prolonga-
tion thereof to a point distant 1ll.Q6 feet measured along said
prolongation from the southerly lire of Dish Canyon Road, 40 feet
wider thence southwesterly along a line bearing S. 400 461 19" K.
a distance, of 415.90 feet, more or leas; thence West a distance of
388.99 feet, mere or lase; thew )forth a distance of 63.65 feet,
more or less; thence West a distanse of 239.58 reet, more or less;
thence South a distance of 419.76 feet, more or leas; thence West
a distanee di~ 419,76 feet more or less, to the intersection with
the easterly line of Lot 4 in Section 28 of said Subdivision of
the Rancho Aguas de Duarte; thence southerly along said easterly
line of Let 4 a distance of 51545 feet, more or less, to the
southeast eotr4r of said Lot 4j thence westerly slong the southerly
line of said Lot 4 a distance of 250.06 feetj thence 8. 130 480
40" X. a,distance of 524.85 feet, more or less; thence s. 340 08'
48" W. to the point of interseet#on with the southerly line of
the Pacific Electrio Railway Rlswt!d` -Way, 300 feet wide <In -this
vicinity as shown on YAp roeo;*W , A Booic 2651, page 2,15 of Deeds
in said County lOscdirdr'r'a.oYPie, said map describing the present
raeifis Dieotrdc !l lwsy Right..•V�Ly gs,,the `Loi► AA69240 Inter-
Crban Milway Company Rlgjft cf•WWay; thence westerly along the
southerly line of said yasifie-rip ivie Railjlav fel t.*3 Way .af
variabl* W14t ti, following the "VA' ,n al} its comfts,:W.. directions
to a point 533.17 feet, more or asst;'eastefty`, measured along
said southerly 31ae, from the 4"UrlY line of dish Canyon Road
(formerly Las Lama Avenue) 40 f"t, wUW as granted to the County
of Los Angeles by deeds recorded in Hook 13349, page 339, Official
Records as filed in the office of the Nuaty Recorder of said
County, whieh point is also the north"At.Corner.of that parcel
of land described in that certs.14 grant dead in look 14312, page
222 of Official Records as filed in the office of said County
Recorder; thence southerly on tha,easterly line and westerly on
the southerly line of said parcel (14312.2228 9.2.) to the easterly
line of said Fish Canyon Road (formerly Las Lomas Avenue) 40 feet
widej thence southerly along the easteriy line of said plah Canyon
Road and its extension southerly as shorn on County Surveyor's Thep
No 8*1644 to the northerly line of the State Highway, 100 feet
Widoi Shoyn on said•map as poothill Blvd. and also known as
Hmtiagton Drive; said 100 foot aide State Rigiwway being as shorn.
ot+,#Mts .Division of highways 11ap No. VII-L.A.-9-4,0, sheet B, which
map is on file in the offieee'of the County Surveyor as. VLled Map
No. 10205; thence easterly a -long the northerly lane of said State
Highway and oontinuing easterly on the northerly line of the 100,-,
foot wide right of '"y as detctibod in County Sameyor's Deed
Book 37, Past 59, and recorded Sar Rook 2278, Page 187 of Official
Reeords in said Vountp Recorder's,0fioe to a,point in said
northerly line mppoaite.centerUns Station 1491+98:$6 as:shorn
on Sheet 14 of said State Divie344,0t:Highways mapf theme, con-
tinuing easterly on said northq�y line of,said..State Highway
Right -of ftyj 100 feet wide as dsaovibed in Coanty Surveyor's
Deed Book 64, page 152., and-,r#00itod in Book 7W, page 48 of
0ffIola 126th rds 14 4 sod% Je901oders :office as shown.on
Sheets 14o, 15*.,and 16 of saidi*� Diviriora til. XI&W ya map
to the-horthp'esterly boundAry of"' said Subdivision )io..2,
of the AXwW Land acrd lhater. Uence northeasterly along
said northwesterly line to the "irr�y line ;b1: the B"ific
Zl.actrlc Railway spur track M0046of+Way, 50 feet wide, as shown
on Stets Wird of Bquilization L� Identification.Map B.B.Z.
Map No. 856"19,4oWi thence northerly along the westerly line of
said spur! track Right -sof -Way, 50 tmet.. wide; to the intersection
with the southerly line of the Pacific *lectrie main line Right -
of -Ways 100 feet wide; thence easterly along said southerly line
of said main line Right -of -Way a distance of 95.76 feet, more or
less, to the northwesterly boundary line of said Subdivision No.
2; thence northeasterly along said, last mentioned line to the
northerly line of said Pacific ;]Metric main line Right -of -Nay,
100 feet wide, Nhlc is A]Ao s point in said boundary of the
City of Asusaj thence following said Vity'boupAary in all its
courses and directions to the'point,of beginning.
1"t am Qity Qftuttell Of Vis Oily ifs Am"m
tosixbs t# mwx nit mtiabobitod tearritery to WO MY Of Aswa !br
fn lbhUrAM reaseaM 00 tsrrits V is eowU&o as to tae City of AXM"
sad its ppmea" anaoomum rill oveWlbvto to att! roetlitatr th& pit+ 17
l> me devoispowt or both or Me amw and the torritery psopssod
to be saw"df
tM oit l t tato ooatri bM
propos be a lltde �_
�CMCIt 3. °moi,' 19�i6. si tM how of 8:00 ellolook ?.Mo
iso the Comroii Chaabers or the City 022-a Citi os Awit►, Cewtty at Las
Model, oto Of Caliremla, bereby 18 tixot as the rias and plaa
slum am chore amp pa"m reel "esty Nubia the tinu"bited
Uwfttery &bow d Wftb&d and prwposoi Wit* 00"W to lobe MY Of
Aftwa end h&visp sY abseatioeut or prrtuts " the proposed Mn"&%U a
mf appear belt" %* oily "MIU, at the 0itp er Amara sad sbW oswe
AV emb nsits abitsd toeritery shettld net be so eanez d to "* eity of
A&wa. Saab p %teote =at be la WlUft# nq be fil"d at euy tine
beta" the haw sot for bea"As objeetaom or protMts to the pr""ed
SWAMtioa, SM shall stats the Aem the O 'n 1 of the proport3► &!"sated
mad wo tosasipttaa,�-and on& of Wm a .may in testes v
S!ClxOM '�, the City alm `ot the City or As"& sore" li
&Uthorised Mod dir"t" to oarM s "M of U" "mlt*im to to job-
iiehsd at it*" fMloo, tat not ortmw Sham " wt a rest" in ttw Asras
He ald sAd ftmtmpta, a MVWVWW *f sUM01 airpni U" Pwbiished 1A
the City of AsAea, "tat city toeh is MOP"" is asap" trio Oft"-
said umltewy, am also in the
.( .I9t/erDai/r
elrsalaeion publish" aside the City or As>ssa bA1t its tha Coaaty or
Las "Sw:L s, Stabs os C&literni.&, the oovmo in liblah is looaited um
torritoey goloposed to bo er OXId to tb O CIIW of Asu!&s said pnblieatioA
g •
to be osslplew at haat twenty (00) d•" Prior to the date set for
32MON t, The said Ute Cloft is further authoriasd sad
dir09tod to cause Mrittsa nOtios Of $04h Pre M"d atlrf M&tldft to be
swilled to esih poraoa to wIon IMM Within the to alter pr*90004 to
be aniseed was assessed in the last *qualirad O0M%Y asselIS11110* roll
available an Ww data the above a&U proceedings Mese Misted, at the
aidresseo ohm on said sssessmant roll or krAM to said Clerk, ase to
saw pessis go hat filed hM aw OW address and the 4001 neties Of
the lases in which he us an istoroats either legal sr 001table, with
said Clerko wah wtise to be gives not Use than twenty (20) daps
boftre the Brat pIN621e hearimis on the prop"" sane3[atwn.
>14'a= f. in the event say lend within the territory
preposod to be summod is ouaed by a lounty, the Ci*y Clerk is disee*ed
to eawse wM*tw notice of sums proposed annexation to be sailed to the
Beard of ffinpmisses of awb oouMrs sweh notice to be given not love
visa twagtr (90) days belbr0 the first p>110 hearing an the Proposed
gip golf m ( ill
in the else* bare is, Vp" the land Proposed to
be steed to said 61t7, s strM$0011 L"WOVesent NNW d, beisg aegwirad
or leased by a 40saaty fire pro*eatios district, % e City Cleric is
dirgeW to oauwe Wl%%en nation of sash proposed annexation to be
sailed to the Sgnernisg body of sxoh district, mob satiee to be sent
use less thin tw (lo) days bet"," the first, public hearing upas such
gaoposed aWW"tIone
SitCn= 1. 'dale City 01eak to 41r"te4 to eacse Winton setlos
to be given to such other par~ sssay be legally entitled thereto,
is the mer required by lar.-
32R!'lTtM f. go City Clerk %Wl 0e30tilp to the scaphas and
*ad the saw owl "Oroupw to" offeW,
M is tore**sK
Atli W AND PA&M tW& 40*&V oli;i 1"66
I r1
I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was
duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of
the Cit -r of Azusa at a regular adjourned
meeting of said Council of said City held in the
regular council chambers of said City Council in
said City.
June 26, 1956 and that the same
was passed by the following vote of the Council:
AYES: COUNCILMEN: Fawcett, Ortuno, Romero,
i lerc, City of pZUSa