HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 1172RESOLUTION N0. �?!
BE'IT RESOLVED by the City Council of,.the City. .of Azusa
that'the foiloTing specifications, -to be known•as Specifications
No. 2 (New.Ser.ies), for the'.constructIbn of ,macadam pavement,
centrifugally cast.'iron,water.pipe, standard steel screw pipe,
4 -
gate valves')' -fire hydrants and appurtfnances, in the City of Azusa,
be, and the.same are, hereby adopted..
Under. these Specificaiions.the Contractor will be required;
1. 1 To excavate or fi11�in to:such, an extent and in such.a
manner as may be required by the, plans, profiles and cross sections
and these specifications.the area'upon which 'the. improvements here
inafter.provided for .are to.be constructed;
2. To' furnish 'all,materials as oereinafter provided for and
required for the construction and compLetion.of the improvements
in accordance with.the plans.and specifications, and all labor, tools
and equipment necessary for the performance of said work;
3. To. grade, and .construct macadam pavement, centrifugally
cast iron water, pipe; standard steel screw pipe,.,,, -gate valves, fire
hydrants and appurtenances etc.,.as he',einafter-specified.
Grading sh=•.11 include all filling, the ro,noval of all
earth, sEaid, stone or all other materiel of whatever nature it imay
be that may be encountered in preparing the road or street, and
which also includes all trimming and shaping required to bring the
surface of the road or street to gr -.dc and cross section.
When mud or other soft material is encountered, it shall
be taken out and the space filled with good earth, sand or gravel,
which, if it is earth or gravel,shall be rolled uiztil the surface
of the foundation ceases to creep in front of the roller. The
Contractor, however, will not be required in such cases to excavate
mud or other soft ;material to a. depth greatcr th .n two (2) foot
below the subgrade.
All fillinE shall be done with good, sound earth, grc;vel
or sand. %nonever a fill is to be m dr. of earth or gr-vel,the
embankment shell be brought up in layers not exceeding twelve (12)
inches in dep.-ch, and each layer thorou.-;oily da::ipened and rolled
with a. roller not loss than t,,,o hundred (200) pounds per
lineal inch of tire until it is firmly coi::pacted, or the fill, if
made of earth may be brought up in layers not to exceed two (2)
feet in thickness, each layer being diked and filled with ?rater to
settle and compact the same, this method to be repeated with each
layer until brought to gre.de. The final layer, after drying out
but while still in daLip condition, shall be rolled with a roller
as herein provided, until fir';ly compacted.
Amen the fill is rude with sand, it shall be brought up
to grade and co:apacted by thoroughly getting the fill.
No material of a perishable, spongy or otherwise im-
proper nature shall be used in filling. The space over which fills
are to be made sh,M first be cleared of -all brush, timber, weeds,
trash or other debris unfitted for foundation, and then thoroughly
plo^ied and broken up to allow nes^ and old material to unite and
bond together.
During the process of grading, t' -Ie rocd or street shall
be maintained in a reasonably good condition for traffic, care
being t, --ken to remove the surplus material as evenly as possible
over the entire surface of the road or street.
Any street intersecting tho street in which the 7ork is
being done may be closed at any time, provided that the closed
streets are not next to each other, and that oach alternate street
crossing is kept open.
Vhen constructinc emban'_.mments, the teams or trucks shall
be made to travel as evenly as possible over the whole surface of
each layer, both coming and going. The formation of well defined
ruts is specially prohibited. Clods or hard lumps of earth larger
than six (6) inches in greatest dimension shall be broken up before
being placed in embankment. The embankment shall be carried to
such height above grade, and to such increased width as may be
necessary to provide for shrinkage and campression, and they must
be maintained by the Contractor at ther.roper height, dimension
and slope until the wort; is finally accepted.
The width of the road or street to be graded shall
conform to the plans, profiles and cross sections, .-
:after a section of road or street has been graded as
herein specified, the surf[•.cc shall be thoroughly drenched with
water, end when sufficiently dry shall. be cultivated and rolled
with s. roller weighing not less than four hundred (400) pounds to
the lineal inti: twidta of tire, until the surface is unyielding.
Depressions made by roiling shall be leveled up with good earth
and ar-ain rolled. Such portions of the road or street that cannot
be reached by the roller and all places excavated belo�R sub,;rade
and refilled, and all pipe trendies and other places that cannot
be properly compacted by the roller shall be hand- te_::ped until
solid and unyielding. In cc.ses of wet weather, or soft or muddy
ground malcing use of the roller unsafe or impracticable, the
rollinE shall not be undertdcen ur_til the Found has become
sufficiently dry. If the cubgrade consists of surd, it shall be
compacted by wetting down thoroughly „nd smocthed to conform to
cross section.
The Contractor shall notify the Fngineer wren a section
has been brought to subgT_.de ?Then the latter till check the
elev^ Uions of the samo, 011d if the *.vorll is fo-and to be in accord-
ance ,rith the specificctions an grc.des given, the Contractor
shall proceed as hereinafter mmtioned..
Pipe shall be furnished. in bell end. spigot type, Pith
or without bead unless ot'_icrwise specified, r;it'l lead groove in
bell, and in the following classes:
Class I 150 pound press=,--
IT 250 pound pressure
Unless otherwise specified, all pipe shall be completely
coated inside and outside with coal tar pitch varnish, to which
sufficient oil shall be added to make a smooth coating, tough and
tenacious when cold, not "tacky" and not brittle.
All pipe shall be :rade of cart iron of good quality,
and of such charactor as s'.:a.11 r..ako tho pipe strong, tough and
of even grain, and soft onougl: to satisfactorily admit of drilling
and cutting. Each pipe shall be smooth, free from cold shuts,
scale, lumps, blisters, send holes and defects of every nature
chich unfit it for ti:e use intended. i:t shall be straight, and
shall be true circles in section_ with its inner and outer surfaces
concentric. No plugging, filling, or burning in will be allowed.
1. Casting. - All pipe shall be cast centrifugally in
machines. A record of the melting and pourin„ temporatures of the
iron shall be furnished the inspector, when requested.
2. Ch.emicE.l analysis shall be made by the manufacturer
from each heat to dcterminc graphitic and combined carbon or total
carbon if the separate determinations arc riot available, manganese,
phosphorus, sulphur and silicon, and duplicate topica of test
reports shall be furnished the inspector. Sulphur shall not
exceed 0.10 per cent and phosphorus 0.90 per cent in either ladle
or inspection analysis.
3. Annealing. - Pipe cast in motal contact molds,
after withdrawing from machines, shall '.De annealed to meet the
hardness limits designated under "Inspection and Testae. Pipe
cast in sand lined molds, and stripped while showing color of
heat, shall be placed in an oven, and shell not be removed
therefrom until cooled to 5000F. or under.
4. Lengths. - Pipe shall have c. nominal laying length of
12 ft., 16 ft. or 16 ft. 4.85 inches (5 meters). Not more than
10 per cent of cut pipe shall be accepted. Such cut pipe shall
be no more than one foot under nominal laying length.
S. Tolcra.nccs in Diameter. - The inside diameters of
the bells and the outside d.ias^,eters of the. spigot ends of pine,
exclusive of bead, shall not vary plus or minus from ti]e tabulated
dimensions by more thLn 0.03 inch for pipe 12 inches and less in
no;final diameter, and 0.08 inch for pipe 14 inches and over in
nominal diameter.
• * 0 of . • r W
6. Tolerances in Thickness., - The tolerances in
thickness, plus or minus, shall not exceed those listed below.
Nominal diameter Tolerance, plus or minus,
in inches inch
- - - - - - - - - -• - - - - - - - - -
4 0.04
6 .045
8 .05
10 .055
12 .06
14 to 20 .08
For all sizes of pipe, tolerances not exceeding 0.02 inch
additional to above will be allowed for spaces not exceeding 8
inches in length in any direction.
7. Tolerance in weight. - The weight of no single
pipe shall be less than the nominal tabulated weight by more than
5 per cent.
8. Cleaning. - All pipe shall be thoroughly cleaned,
and any rough spots in bells or on spi,;ot ends shall be raooved
by grinding before coating or lining.
9. Physical Requirements. - Pipe shall conform to
physical requirements as given in Section V, paragraphs 5, 6
and 7.
1. The contractor shall furnish the inspector, free of
cost, such facilities as may be necessary for the performance of
his work.
2. The inspector shall have free access at all times
to all parts of any manufacturing plane, which concern the
manufacture of the material ordered.
3. All handling of material, sampling, preparation
of test specimens, and testing thereof, except chemical analysis,
shall be performed or furnished by the contractor without expense
to the City. 7hc re the manufacturer has no facilities
for Making tests or analyses required, they will be made at some
suitable place in the vicinity, at the contractor's expense, and
in the presence of the inspector.
4. All pipe shall be subjected to a careful surface
inspection, and hammer and rolling tests. All bells shall be
tested by circular ge.ges and no pipe will be accepted which is
deficient in joint room.
5. Tests of material. - From each 300 lengths of pipe,
or fraction thereof, of each size in the contract or order, 1
length of pipe shall be selected by the inspector before coating.
From each sample pipe there shall in cut and machined one test
strip 12 inches long, 0.50 inch deep, and the full thicknces of
the shell in width. This shall be tested as a bo*2 (with
machined surfaces top and bottom) on supports 10 inches apart with
load applied at two points 3 1/3 inches from the supports. The
strip shall be accurately calipered at point of rupture and
stress calculated by the formula
S = Plc
;the secant modulus of elasticity at tae breaking load, shall be
calculated by the formula
E = 23P13
-In these formulas ulus of RuPture
E _ uoodulus of Ele-sticity
P = Total load
1 = Length of Spar..
c = Distance to E)?treme Fibre
I = Loment of Inertia
y = Center Deflection at Load I
For pipe cast in metal contact machines the secant modulus of
elasticity shall not exceed 15,000,00Ci pounds per square inch,
with the corresponding modulus of rupture not less than 40,000
pounds per square inch.
For pipe cast in sand contact machines the secant modulus of
elasticity shall not exceed 10,000,00() pounds per square inch,
with the corresponding modulus of rupture not less than 35,000
pounds per square inch.
6. Hydrostatic tests. - Eaoh length of pipe 12 inches
in diameter and less shall be subjected to a hydrostatic pressure
of 500 lbs. per sq. in. and 14 inches in diameter and over to a
hydrostatic pressure of 300 lbs. per sq. in. The pipe shall be
under this pressure at least one half minute, and while under
pressure shall be subjected' to a hammer test. Any pipes showing
defects by leaking, sweating, or otherwise, shall be rejected.
7. Rockwell Tests. - Upon the machined edges of each
test strip there shall be made at well. distributed points not less
than 3 determinations, using a 1.59 mm (1/16 inch) ball and 100
kg load. The average Rockwell No. shall not exceed 95. An
additional determination shall also be: made for pipe cast in metal
contact machines, upon the outside of eaciz pipe, using a portable
type machine. The equivalent Rockwell. No. for the exterior shall
not exceed 95.
B. Chemical Analyses. - In addition to such analyses
as are required to be made by the contractor, the inspector may
obtain samples for chemical analysis from finished material
representing each melt. The inspector may have samples
chemical analysis taken from test str'..ps. or from any part or
parts of the material concerned, prov.ded the serviceability of
the part or parts is not destroyed. r.'he sample taken for
chemical analysis shall be of sufficient size to permit five
analyses to be made.
Larking of shipments shall be in accordance with best
com;::ercial practice unless otherwise specified.
All cast iron tees, crosses, reducers, increasers and
special castings for water pipe shall be made from Class D
pattern and shall conform to Standard Specifications for cast
iron pipe and fittings adopted by the American water works
Association, May 12, 1908.
The pipe shall accurately conform
to the
given in the following
imensions C lass
glass II
of bells :150 hounds pressure,
250 pounds pressure
o inside 346 foot hr)ad
576 f^ot head
Nominal eig t
+ orcins weight,
V pounds
.ri ..
.y. . O . O .4� . 4> .
O F, -P O W i", C] O O
..1a 4. .
cd Y
U U O 'Cl U -k4 U a U
. rl +� 04 • +� f: U ,L"• W bD W W
W to
• U S:
• W L•0 W bD
W bo
? Fj 'H C,' U g e r, CV O t0 O
�-" C.
C.) O to O
Ln O
E; W
+> CJ P -HA •rl E •.4 r i rl H ri
ri rl
Cl •.4
rl H rl H
H rl
O .H
;21 'd
O .,-1
4.80: 5.60 :3.50:.34 :200 :260:
. .37
: 215: 280 :
: 6.90: 7.75 ;3.50:.36 :310 :400:
. .40
: 340: 440 :
9.05: 9.85 :4.00:.38 :435 :565:
. .46
: 515: 670 :
:11.10:11.90 :4.00:.42 :585 :760:
. .52
: 705: 920 :
:13.20:14.00 :4.00:.46 :765 :990:
. .58
: 935: 1220 :
:17.80:18.80 :4.00:0.60:1325
:19.92:20.92 :4.00:0.64:1579
:22.06:23.06 :4.00:0.69:1904
All cast iron tees, crosses, reducers, increasers and
special castings for water pipe shall be made from Class D
pattern and shall conform to Standard Specifications for cast
iron pipe and fittings adopted by the American water works
Association, May 12, 1908.
• ' 9 14 1 • • • e
All standard steel pipe sha:_1 be lap -welded and conform
to the dimensions shown upon the plans. The steel for the plates
and the manufacture of the pipe must be of the best quality soft
steel and have a tensile strength of net less than. fifty-five
thousand (55,000) pounds per souare inch.
Plates must be free from lamination and surface defects.
All. pipe used shall be galvanized.
All pipes shall be laid in an open trench. The minimum
width of excavation for pipes and fittir_gs sh::.11 not be less than
six (6) inches wider on both sides of :.pipes or fittings. The
excavation shall be mode: s, sufficient distance below the depth
indicated by the grade line on the pro:Pile and shown by the grade
stakes set by the engineer to allow for thickness of pipes or
fittings, and of hubs. Should, i:owever, the trench be excavated
to a depth greater than that hereinabove last mentioned, t.e
Contractor shall refill such excess excavation with sand. The
Contractor/at all times during the progress of ;:he work keep
the trenches and excavations free from water un -til the backfilling
has been
All soft and spongy earth or Imaterial below subgrade not
to exceed two (2) feet in depth, shall be removed by the Contractor
and replaced with screened gravel which shall be tamped until solid.
After the pipe has been laid it shall be subjected to a
hydrostatic pressure test of 125 pounds per square inch and held
for thirty (30) minutes. During this t:i;ne no portion of the pipe
nor fittings laid shall show percolation.
All fittings for standard pipe; shall be galvanized.
Saddles and fittings for connecting standard steel
pipe to cast iron pipe shall be as shown upon the plans.
11 0 • 0 1 ' • • •
All gate valves up to and including eight (8) inches in
dialyeter shall be iron bodied, bronze mounted, two-faced valves
of either wedge or parallel faced, double disc type.
All gate valves of ten (10) inch diameter and over shall
be iron bodied, bronze mounted, parallel faced, double disc valves.
Valves and seat rings s_:all be of composition :metal and
valve ste.:,s of phosphor bronze. All v--lves must satisfactorily
stand a working pressure of one hundred and fifty (150) pounds
per square inch, either when closed or open. A11 valves, except
by-pass valves, shall stand erect unless otherwise shown. By-pass
valves shall lie on their sides unless otherwise shown. All valves
shall be provided with a nut for a. wrench and shall open by
turning to the left, and be marked with an arrow indicating the
direction of opening.
All gate valves having a larger diameter than fourteen
(14) inches shall be provided with a tevoled gear and with by-pass
from two (2) inch to four (4) inch, according to the size of the
After gate valves are delivered on the ground, but before
they are placed in the line, they shall, be cleaned and painted with
two (2) coats of P. & B. Paint, or its equal.
Fire hydrants shall be located as shown on the plans.
All hydrants shall have bronze mountings and be so
arranged that all working parts can be rammoved without digging
around or disturbing the barrel.
Hydrants shall be connected tD the -main with a section
of cast iron pipe, which shall conform both in material and
laying to the requirements of these specifications for Cast Iron
Pipe. All hydrants shall have flanged ends. All flanges which
are designed to be tight under water pressure shall be miachine
finished to a true surface. Hydrants having such flanges made by
casting against a plate shall be reject;d.
All gaskets required in connecting hydrants to the main
shall be cloth insertion ring gaskets one -sixteenth (1/16) inch
There must be cast on the hydrant in characters raised
one-eighth (1/8) inch an arrow at least two and one-half (2 1/2)
inches long, and the word "Open", at leE.st one-half (1/2) inch high
and one-eighth (1/8) inch in relief, inc.icating the direction to
turn to open the hydrant.
The hydrants below the surface of t_e ground shall be
painted with two (2) coats of P. & B. Paint, or equal. The
portion above the ground shall be painted �7ith two (2) coats
of dark green, yellow or aluminum paint after the hydrants have
been set and tested.
All fire hydrants must satisfactorily stand a working
pressure of one hundred and fifty (150) pounds per square inch,
either when closed or open.
All materials for macadam pavement including stone
noreenings, crushed rock, and asphaltic oil for all purposes shall.
conform to the following specifications:
The stone screenings and crushed rock for macadam pave-
ment shall be uniform in quality, and shall be clean, hard, tough,
durable material, free from vegetable or other deleterious sub-
stances. The crushed rock shall not show more than ten (10) per
onnt of stone having rounded surfaces. The crushed rock must be
of such material as will show a coefficient of wear of not less
than eight (8) after being tested in iln abrasion machine in the
manner hereinafter specified.
Stone screenings and crushed rock shall be uniformly
graded and conform to the following requirements:
Stone screenings designated herein as IlNoc.4 Stone
Screenings', all shall pass through a one-half (1/2) inch diameter
circular opening and at least ninety -:five (95) per cent be retained
on a 10 -mesh sieve.
Crushed rook designated herein as "No. 3 Crushed Rockil all
shall pass through a three-quarter (3/4) inch diar.eter circular
opening and all be retained on a one-quarter (1/4) inch diameter
Crushed rock designated herein as 11i\?o. 2 Crushed Rock"
all shall pass a one and three -quarter's (1 3/4) inch diameter
circular opening and c.11 be retained on a ring three-quarters (3/4)
inch diameter circular opening.
Crushed rock designated herE!in as "No. 1 Crushed Rock"
all shall pass a three and one-half (1, 1/2) inch diameter circular
opening and all be retained on a one end three-quarters (1 3/4)
inch circular opening.
At least thirty (30) pounds of coarsely crushed rock
free from any fragments showing rounded or water worn surfaces
shall be available for the tests. The rock to be tested shall be
broken in pieces as nearly uniform in size as possible and a test
sample shall consist of not less than 49 nor more than 51 pieces.
The total weight of rock to be placed in each cylinder
shall be five (5) kilograms (eleven pounds).
All test pieces shall be washed and t:-,oroughly dried
before Weighing. Ten thousand revolutions, at the rate of between
30 and 33 to the minute, shall constitute a test. Only the per-
centage of material worn off which will nasc through a 1/16 inch
mesh sieve shall be considered in de-cerr in ' .Lc a:acurt of wear.
The wear shall be express -.d by c�,sff:.cient knjim= ^s
the Coefficient of vyear, which coeffi_cie::t -'hall be obtained by
the Formula C = 400 divided by i^, where 0 equals the coefficien'.
required and W the weight in grams of the detritius under 1/16 i~:cc
in size per kilogra~ of rock used.
The rock used in the tests shall be furnished by the
Contractor and shall be delivered by him at the testing-:a.china
when required by the Engineer.
The asphaltic oil used under these specifications shall
be made from an asphaltic base crude oil which, in its natural
state contains not less than seventy-five (75) per cent of eighty
(80) penetration asphalt, which must :not have been injured by over-
hef4ting and which must not be obtained by adding solid asphalt to
lighter oils or distillates.
The asphaltic oil shall be produced and distilled for
road purposes only, and refinery residuums; which are the by-
products from the refining of crudes :or gasolines, distillates,
kerosenes and lubricating oils, will not be permitted under these
During the refining process the oil shall not be heated
to a temperature above 5500 Fahrenheit.
All oil must be delivered at the point required for
application at a temperature of not less than 2500 Fahrenheit, nor
more than 4000 Fahrenheit.
In determining the quantity of oil delivered the
correction for expansion by heating shall be as follows:
From the measured volume of Dil received at any tem-
perature above 60° Fahrenheit, an amowzt equivalent to 3/10th of
1% for every 100 above said 60° Fahrenheit shall be subtracted as
the correction for expansion by heat. For the purpose of measuring
oil a temperature of 600 Fahrenheit shall be deemed normal tem-
It shall contain not more than 1/2 of 1�o by volume of
water, and not more than 4� by volume of sediment. Deduction will
be made for water and sediment in exact; proportion to the per-
centage of water and sediment found therein.
After being freed from water and sediment, the asphaltic
oil shall contain not less than 90040 nor more than 94a of asphalt,
having a temperature of 770 Fahrenheit, a penetration of 800,
District of Columbia Standard.
The percentage of asphalt shall be determined by heating
fifty (50) grams of said asphaltic oil or residuum in an evapo-
rating oven at a temperature of 565 degrees Fahrenheit, until it
has reached the proper consistency when the weight of residue shall
be determined and the per cent calculated. Vie time required to
reduce the oil to the penetration of 0.80 of a centimeter shall b-1
less than 165 minutes.
The oil shall not lose in ezce:Ejs j: two (2) per cent o'
volatile matter when heated from a temperature of 770 Falirenhcit
to 2200 Fahrenheit and maintained at 220° Fahrenheit for fiftoen
(15) minutes. The time required for heating from 77° F to 22G°f
shall be one (1) hour.
i /.
Not less than 99% of the asphaltic oil shall be soluble
in carbon bisulphide.
Asphaltic oil soluble in bromine bisulphide or in carbon
tetrachloride shall be not less than -39.650 of that which is
soluble in carbon bisulphide. The solubility in 800 to 82°
petroleum ether shall be not more than 80% of that which is soluble
in carbon bisulphide. The wax content shall not exceed 1% by weight
The ductility shall be not less than :live (5) centimeters at 340.
The softening point shall be not less than 90° Fahrenheit. The
float viscosity of the oil shall be not less than fifty (50)
seconds for an asphaltic oil containing 90% asphalt. For each
one-tenth (0.1) of one per cent above ninety (90) per cent of
asphalt in the asphaltic oil one (1) E;econd shall be added tothe
fifty (5Q) seconds above specified.
All tank trucks.:used for the; delivery of this oil must
first be submitted to the Engineer who will gauge and stamp upon
said tanks the capacity in gallons, ar..d no figure of capacity will
be accepted other than the official resting given by said Engineer.
Upon the subgrade prepared as specified herein shall be
laid a base course of layer of crushed, rock consisting of a mixture
of not less than fifty (50) per cent nor more than seventy (70)
per cent, by weight, of No. 1 Crushed Rock, and not less than
thirty (30) per cent nor more than fifty (50) per cent, by weight,
of No. 2 Crushed Rock, of the quality specified in these specifi-
cations, and which shall be spread uniformly to the required
width alao+the pavement and to such thickness, which, when fully
compressed in the manner hereinafter specified, will have a thick-
ness of not less thanand one-half ( 1/2) inches.
17 7 2
Spreading of the crushed rock may be done by hand or by
approved mechanical spreaders, but whatever the method, care must
be taken to insure that the thickness is uniform throughout its
length and width, and that the various sized fragments of the
crushed rock specified are well mixed and in no case segregated.
When the spreading is done by hand the crushed rock shall be
deposited on a platform and from there shoveled into place on the
Wherever the macadam does not terminate against a curb,
gutter or another pavement, shoulders of firm earth, disintegrated
granite or gravel of a depth equal to -;he thickness of the pave-
ment shall be left or made at such terraination for the pavement
to abut against.
The rolling, mechanical lock.ng, bonding, seating or
bedding shall be done by properly operated standard 3 -wheel
macadam rollers having a linear inch weight on the driving wheels
of not less than 400 pounds. Rolling shall be commenced at the
edge of the spread layer of crushed rock, the roller following
the same track until the edge of the course is fastened against
any side movement from further rolling. The edge being fastened,
the rolling shall be continued by six inch (6i') set -ins, or laps,
until the center of the spread course is reached, and then the
roller is to be started at.the other edge and in a like manner
worked to the center of the course. The roller must at all 'gime:
be operated on lines parallel to the center line of the pavement,
.ind no material variation from such lines shall be made. Changes
in the direction of movement of the roller must not be conterminous
and the roller must not be allowed to stand on the layer of crushed
rock until same has been properly consolidated.
Rolling, as described above, must be continued until the
crushed rock is bedded, bonded and mechanically locked, and until
no movement of the .rock fragments can be seen as the roller passes
over the layer of crushed rock. As a:1 aid in consolidating the
crushed rock, watering of the layer may be done, but the amount
of water used must not be enough to wet the subUTade. All
depressions in the layer of crushed rock that develop during the
rolling must be promptly filled with No. 2 Crushed Rock, and
re -rolled.
After the layer of crushed mock has been properly rolled,
bedded, bonded and so mechanically looked as to meet with the
approval of the Engineer, the voids remaining in the layer shall be
filled with No. 4 Stone Screenings, the filling to be done by
spreading or drifting a light application of No. 4 stone screen-
ings over the surface of the layer, care being taken to have the
filler thrown in lines parallel to the center line of the pavement,
and the fine stone screenings worked down into the layer by rolling
and watering. The spreading of the filler and the rolling and
watering must be continued until all voids are filled to the sur-
face of the layer of crushed rock, and until the layer will sustain
and not show wheel or tire tracks from a motor truck carrying a
load and having a compression of 900 pounds per inch width of tire.
After this course, or layer, of crushed rock has been
rolled and filled as above specified, Lnd the surface having dried,
it shall be swept by the use of street hand brooms to remove all
loose filler from the surface and in the upper one-quarter (1/4)
inch of the layer. The surface shall then be lightly watered, and
in not less than thirty (30) minutes, nor more than one (1) hour,
asphaltic oil, as specified in.these specifications, shall be
applied by a power pressure spraying machine approved by the
Engineer, at the rate of one-half (1/2) gallon per square yard
of surface covered, and at a temperature of not less than two
hundred fifty (250) nor more than four hundred (400) degrees
Fahrenheit. Immediately after oil has been applied, No. 3 Crushed
Rock, as specified in these specifications, shall be spread over
the oiled surface in a thin, uniform layer, in sufficient quan-
tity to just coyer the oil. The surface shall then be immediate-
ly broomed, watered and rolled to bind the No. 3 crushed rock,
and form a true surface. Then a second coating of asphaltic oil
as above specified shall be uniformly a-pplied at the rate of not
less than one-fourth (1/4) nor more than one-half (1/2) of a
gallon per square yard of surface covered. A light coating of
No. 4 stone screenings shall then be uniformly spread or drifted
over the surface in sufficient quantities to absorb all surplus
oil and produce a uniform surface with no oil exposed, and no
patches or excess crushed rock or stone screenings.
The pavement shall then be broomed, watered and rolled
until it becomes smooth, true to grade and cross-section, and free
from all bunches, hollows and irregularities.
0 i 0 • - • • 0
The base course of crushed rock above mentioned shall
not be laid for a greater distance than one-fourth (1/4) mile
ahead of the first application of oil, it being the intent of
these specifications to keep the work finished as closely as
possible, and not to unduly expose the loose crushed rock to
injury or dariage from travel, dust or storm water.
Should it become necessary, to re -heat the asphaltic oil
to comply with the requirements of these specifications, it shall
be done at the expense of the Contractor, by the use of hot air
or superheated steam coils. In no case shall live steam or water
be injected into or allowed to enter the asphaltic oil after it
has been received by the Contractor.
No asphaltic oil shall be applied until the surface
which is to receive it is completed in accordance with these
specifications and satisfactory to the Engineer. At least twenty-
four (24) hours shall elapse between any taco applications of
asphaltic oil over the same area. In the process of oiling, oil
must not be allowed to fall on any concrete headwalls, curbs,
gutters, walks, or private driveways. All oil tanks and measure-
ments of oil shall be as specified in these specifications.
The Contractor shall not us=_, or permit the use of this
pavement by vehicles until he has received authorization to do so
from the Engineer.
All pipes shall be laid in an open>trench. The minimu.-i
width of excavation for pipes and fittings shall not be less than
six (6) inches wider on both sides of pipes or fittings. The
excavation shall be made a sufficient distance below the depth
indicated by the grade line on the profile and shown by the grade
stakes set by the Engineer to allow for thickness of pipes or
fittings, and of hubs. Should, however, the trench be excavated
to a depth greater than that hereinabove last mentioned, the
Contractor shall refill such excess excavation with send. The
Contractor shall at all times during the progress of the work keep
the trenches and excavations free from water until the backfilling
has been cow an6 cd.
All soft and spongy earth or material below subgrade not
to exceed two (2) feet in depth, shall be removed by the Contractor
and replaced with screened gravel which shall be tamped until solid.
After the trench has been brought to the proper line and
grade in the manner above specified, the pipe shall be laid therein
in the following manner;
Before any pipe is put into place the trench bottom shall
be prepared so that each pipe shall have a firm and uniform bearing
over its entire length. All adjustment to line and grade must be
made by scraping away ox filling in the earth under the body of the
pipe, and not by wedging or blocking up the ends.
The lead used for caulking t:ae joints of all pipe shall
be of the best quality of pure and soft lead, and suitable for this
purpose and in securing a tight and parmanent joint. Gaskets of
clean, sound hemp yarn braided or twisted and tightly driven.
Before running the lead the joints shall be carefully wiped out to
make them clean and dry. The joint shall be run full of lead, and
the melting pot shall always be kdpt within fifty (50) feet of the
joint about to be poured. The joint shall be caulked by competent
mechanics. The caulking to be faithfully executed, and in such a
manner as to secure a tight joint without overstraining the metal
of t e bell. In all cases the caulking shall be done towards the
place of the gate, and other points where the lead is likely to be
porous. The lead after being driven shall be flush with the face
of the socket..
After the pipe has been laid anlix-thmx z±xrx=Ntxanxfkxx
3AJCA:t7�xi3Ar�x�sia�fzr.�[xAt�t]Cx76x]tx good earth, sand or gravel, free from
larEe stones or hard lumps, shall be carefully deposited in the
trench so as to fill up to a level one (1) foot above the top of
the pipe, in such a wanner that the filling placed on each side of
the pipe shall be equal.
In completing the backfilling of the trenches for
pipe upwards from the aforesaid level of one (1) foot above the
top of tile pipe, the filling shall be made to within six (6) inches
of the ground surface when it shall be thoroughly compacted by
flooding where water is in any manner available, and where water is
not available, it shall be compacted by tamping. Then, wh-atever
remains unfilled in the trenches shall be filled and e:gain tiror•
oughly compacted by flooding where wa-uer is in any L,ianr.er available.
and where water is not available, the fillinc shall be conpr%.oted
by tamping.
/ S
In all public streets, alleys or other public places
the surface over the trenches shall, a:ter being backfilled anr.
prepared as specified herein, be finished by the Contracto:c is
workmanlike manner with the sa%,ia class of pavement or surfac n;
as existed on any of said stye us, alleys or public places priD.-
to the construction of the story:. dra-in or culvert, unless other•
wise specified.
Where no re -surfacing is required but the excavation is
in an unimproved but traveled roadway, the trenches siva ll be
thoroughly rolled with a power roller weighing not less than
twelve (12) tons.
After the pipe has been laid and before backfilling it
will be subjected to a hydrostatic pressure test of 150 pounds per
square inch, held for thirty (30) minutes, during which time no
portion of the pipe or fittings laid shall show percolation.
The Contractor shall furnish all pipe, pumps, valves,
labor etc. necessary for making these tests.
The materials excavated sh2.1:1 be laid co1pactly along the
side of the trench, and kept trimmed up so as to cause as little
inconvenience as possible to the public; travel. In case the street
is not wide enough to hold the earth without stoppinE, the passage-
way on the sidewalk, the Contractor shall erect a board fence and
keep a passageway - six (6) feet wide •- open on said sidewalk.
Free access must be left to ,111 fire hydrants and water -
Main pipes will be measured iorizontally from center to
center of structure along the center line of the pipe service,
including all specials.
Surplus material not required in refilling the trench or
tunnel shall be pro:-ptly removed by the Contractor as the back-
filling progresses and disposed of by ::iim.
The Contractor shall, for the price bid, furnish all
c_e materials to execute the work in every respect in a thorough
and workmanlike manner, in accordance with the plans and specifi-
nations, and to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Streets.
All materials must be of specified quality and fully
equal to the samples, when samples are required. The Contractor
shall furnish to the engineer for test, whenever called for and
free of charge, samples of all materials proposed to be used in the
work, and he shall notify the engineer as to the source of supply
of all such materials proposed to be used not later than ten (10)
days before commor_cing the work. Rejected material :.lust be
immediately removed from the work by t;.ze Contractor.
Any overseer, superintendent, laborer or other person
employed by the Contractor on the work, who shall perform work
in a manner contrary to these specifications, shall be discharged
immediately and such person shall not again be employed on the
Bidders must examine and judge for themselves as to the
location of the proposed work, and the nature of the excavation
to be made and the work to be done.
The Contractor stall give 24 hours notice in writing
when he will require the services of the Engineer for laying out
any portion of the work..
He shall dig all stake holes necessary to give lines
and levels. The Contractor shall preserve all stakes set for the
lines, levels or measurements of the work in their proper places
until authorized to remove them by the Engineer, and any expense
incurred in replacing said stakes which the Contractor or his
subordinates may have failed to preserve shall be borne by the
The Contractor shall keep upon the work a copy of the
plans and specifications, and access thereto shall at all times
be accorded the Engineer or Inspector.
The Contractor shall prosecute work only in the presence
of the Engineer or Superintendent of St_ceets and any work done in
the absence of s id Engineer or Superin-,endent will be subject to
refection. The Contractor shall furnish the Engineer and Superin-
tendent reasonable facilities for obt^,ining such information as ma.r
be necessary to give theta full informat'-on at all times respectir.-,
the progress and :Banner of the work and the character of tile
The Contractor s^2:11 not dis to --b any monuments or
found on the line of improvements, until. ordered by the Engin e*,
and he shall bear the expense of re -setting any monuments or
which may be disturbed without orders.
The Contractor shall remove all trees, stones, debris,
7 -Irl. other obstructions thr:t may be encountered in making said
iaa- rovements.
The Contractor shall observe all the Ordinances of the
City in relation to the obstruction of streets, keeping open
passageways and protecting the same where they are exposed or
dangerous to travel.
The Contractor shall take ell necessary measures to
protect the vork and prevent accidents during construction. je
shall maintain and provide all necessary barriers, Guards,
tempbrary brid6es, watchmen and lights.
In case it should be necessary to .rove the property
of any owner of a public utility or franchise, such owner will,
upon proper application by the Contractor, be notified by the
Superintendent of wiork to move such property within a specified
reasonable time, and the Contractor shall not interfere with
said property until after the expiration of the time specified.
The right is reserved to the owners of public utilities
and franchises to enter upon the street for the purpose of making
repairs or chanties of their property th,st may be made necessary
by the work. The City shall also have the privilege of entering
upon the street for the purpose of repairing culverts or storm
All loss or damage arising from any unforseen obstruction
or difficulties, either natural or artificial, which may be en-
countered in the prosecution of the Rork, or from any action of
the elements, or from any act or omission not authorized by these
specifications, on the pert of the Contractor, or any agent or
person employed by him, shell be sustained by the Contractor.
No work which may be defective in its construction or
deficient in any of the requirements of these specifications will
be considered as accepted in consequence of the failure of any
officer of the City, Engineer or Superintendent connected with the
work, to point out said defect or deficiency durinE construction,
and the Contractor shall correct any imperfect work, whenever dis-
covered, before the final acceptance of the work.
The Contractor shall care for all work until final
completion and acceptance. ue shell ren^.ove all surplus c^aterial
and rubbish from the work after its completion, and before he
makes apolicetion for the acceptance o:' the -^ork.
The Contractor shall notify -;he superintendent of
when he desires a final inspection of -:::e -ork, when t:e latter
will, as soon as possible, make the necessary eX?"'.in?tion., if
the work is found in compliance with thise specifications, the
Superintendent -ill furnish the Contractor *with a certificate to
that effect.
When in these specifications a maximum or minimum,
either in size, percentage or thickness, or relating to quality or
character, or other matter, is allowed or prescribed, the work
ehall be accepted as in compliance therewith if within such
maximum or minimum so allowed hereby.
Whenever the word °Cityt, is used in these specifications
't :7efere to the City of Azusa, California.
,Whenever the word "Contractorit is used in these
specifications, it refers to the party or parties of the second
part in the agreement for the construction of the work herein
.Whenever the words ('Superintendent of Streets" or
"Engineer" are used in these specifications, they refer respec-
tively to the ItSuperintendent of Streetstf or IfOity Engineer" of
the City of Azusa, and their authorized agent, or inspectors.
The City Clerk shall certify` to the passage of'this.
Resolution and -shall cause the same to be entered in'the Book
of Resolutions, and a minute of the passage thereof in the Record
of the'City Council, of the meeting at which said Resolution alas
passed. .
Passed and approved this day of, , 1929.
-- Mayor
C ity C ' rk
I,, City Clerk of the
City of Azusa,' do hereby ce ify that- the`.foregoing resolution,
being Resolution No. ffZ2, was.adopted by'the City Council of
said City, signed by the Mayor of said,City.and attested by the
City Clerk, all at a regular meeting thereof held on_the. 3
day of. 1929, 'and 'that .the same was passed by
the following vote, to—wit:
AYES: Councilmen,
NOES, Councilmen,
ABSENT, Councibmen, cc c,C
"City Clerk, of the City of Kzus.a.