HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 1070- 0 S4 •. [ i 4'4Y L.aT i r f I .. _. 4.
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�IIO 0,'. l'j,'OF MiE CITY'OF ".AZUSA:;
r\ r
BE IT' RESOLVED by+, the City Council of the City of:
Azusa,:as follows
That\he public interest;', convenience and necessity
r;equire,.'and`the,t it,',is�the;'intentton ofaaid-pity Council of the,=;
City of ;Azusa,;to order%the following improvements made and: work.
1. That{Foothill Boufievard from the westerly boundary line
of°said City of Azusa. to 'l n6 which line is, $282:17 feel
easterly,: of .and parallel with the aforesaid Westerly.boundary
line of said,C�ity,;be graded to it's entire width, and `that cement.,
concrete; pavement 8 'inches in Chic ness,•;be constructed upon 'that
portion, of ,the:roadway,of said Foothill 'Boulevard lying betrreen
a'.line' f1Q feet southerly of .and parallei,asith •the c.ehter lne.oi
6 P i r r: -
r said Foothill B'ouleyard andsa:line 28 feet southerly- of and, ..
-parallel`: with said center line of ,Foothill Boulevard; :and between•
aline IO feet northerly of and,,paralleh �i the"center liize of
said Foothill -Boulevard and:`a line 28,feet northerly of and' ,
pa rallel:'with•said center line of'Foothi l Boilevar.d; that asphalt,
'concrete'`weariiig`surface be•°'constructed'rupon the macadam pavement
now existing ,along that `por`tion of the roaflway of...sad Foothill
.. w
Boulevard -lying, between a line 10',feet northerly 'of ,'and parallel
with the, center hne='of said' Foothill Boulevard; and line -10
feet soiitheily of arid'parallel' errih said` center' line of Foothill
'1 C 14
' I r \
.. t F,
BoulevAid, excepting,aher,efrom^ that ,'Portion of said Foothill
•-Boulevard`occupied,by`arailroad track between the rail's`of.said`,`
,track aril for. a, distance 'of 2 feet westerly, ,of- and parallel With
the westerly rail of said';track,•and,2,feet easterly, 'of and; ;
., paral]'el' with; the. easterly rail of 4said track
2. That 'Foothill Boulevard -from 4 .1ile,, which line"'is
3282 17'feet easterly,'of and parallel withthe westerly boundary. '
lin e,of,said.City, to.'a lirie,.;which.line •Is. 207..12 feet westerly
of and.paiallel wr-theth(§. north erly;prolongaton of the westerly
line of .liem6n Avenue,..iie graded to 6%'eintire width and that
cement concretepadement 8 inches in, thickness:be construdted
upon -that: portion of the roadway, of said',Foothill Boulevard. lying';-
between-• a .,ling, 10,.f qet•northerly_ of and parallel %lith the -center
line of', said Foothill: Boulevard, and a. line, 38,feet.northerly of
aril par ' llel ,with th'e, said center li 'o ' Foothill Boulevard'
and bet*een 'a,line. .10 feet,' southerly, of and, parallel .With the
center ,ling of said. Foothill ,Boulevard;,•' and ; a line 38 feet 'south-
erly, of and parallel with 'thesaid, ,center lin,e,,of Foothill
Boulevarcj,l thdf,asphalt congrete wear in be !constructed
upon the macadam pavement,now e'xisting-along that'portion..of'the
roadway of said,• Foothill.Boulevard lying between a line 10 feet
north erly,-of,'and.parallel with the center -line: ofsaid Foothill
,Boulevard and a` line •:10 feet. southerly of anti' ,parallel,`with the
s'aia center line of Foothill Boulevards{and'ttat cement concrete
curb be constructed along;both sides of'the'roadway of said
porton of Foothill Boulevard
3.: That ::Foothill. Boulevard from a. ;1`ine,: which line`., is,
`.2,07 12 •feet westerly' of and parallel wi'h the ,northerly prolonga-;
fon of $he .ivester,ly` line rof!: Lemon?A+renue� `to, the easterly-kioundary,
line of said City, be graded to its entire. width, ,and that cement
concrete ,pavement 8 anches in t'hicknese 'ba c,onetructed'.upon ,the
,'.roadway;,of eaid por.ti.on oi: Footh ll�B,ouleyard,feicepting;therefrom
.that;portion .of,th"e intersection of Azusa Avenue, with sa;id.Foothill
Boulevard where cement concrete pavpq ent;.is now In place, that
cement concrete-curb -be cons,truct'ed along•both"s•ides•'.of the:!,
roadway'"of said'. Foothill °Boulevard. from' a line 207.12' feet ;westerly
of_'and .parallel 'orith the riortherly" prolongation, of the. westerly,;
line,of.Lemon=Avenue:;,to"�a line,•which:fine is 4.feet easterly of
and parallel '�:th ihe,easterly 1in;e of bolaano Avenue; that oement
gonorete'curb returns be cons tructed,a.t' the. 'northwest erly,, north-
easterly", southeaster•iy andl sout hweslterly-corners oi''Pasadena
Avenue and Fooihilh Boulevard; that., cement:conorete.curb be
oonstructed along the. northerly side of the, roadway�of as id; FoOthil1
Boulevard from; the northerly'prolong'atton of t westerly;• ins o'f
Cerritos;Avenue to,the easterly boundary line of said City,... that ,
cement concrete 'curb constructer al ong,the'6outher;ly,side of .:the
roadway, of eaid Foothill Boulevard fro�i the norther;ly'prolongetion,
of the".easterly curb_ line of, Cerritos, A.4enue,.to• the easterly
boundary.li'ne of said Clay;:'that. cement,- oncre,te..curb `be constructed
along the southerly ;•Line of Foothifl Boulevard frdm`tha northerly ,.
Prolongation of^the easterly%line, of Lelnon Avenue to";a line. 1Q.6'.16
feet 'easterly ,of .,and parallel with;` said:, easierly line of Lemon
Avenue,'except`,that, no work',or. ' improvement 'sha.11 be'.done upon'that
' portion-of the hereinbefore-•described Foothill Boulevard now.
occupied by.4 railroad track, lying betWeen.a line 2•feet.north-•
westerlyof and parallel with the `•northrresterly rail of said track`
"and a, l,•' :.:•. .:' ; ..; ,: :, •.; � ,
ins 2 feet southeasterly of and parallel.,with. the south ,y
easterly;; rail of•sai•d track;, and;, that cement concrete sidewalk:be
constructed�ih the follotinoc
g lations
(a) :,Along'the southerly side of said Foothill Boulevard
from the: northi r y' prolongation of the ezesterly:line °of, Lemon
Avenue'to a line, whi'oh line is lq6 16 feet easterly of and
. 1.
... •. , ' 1.
parallel w'i.th the easterly hne of Lemon Avenue,
(b} r' At the southwesterly and,`southeasterly corners of}the ,.
,ntersee•tion of Orange Avenueand:,FootNi: ll Boulevard;;
fo.) At the northwesterly,,northeasterly„;.•southeasterl'y andA':
southwesterly corners:of,the intersection of S;unset'A:venue and
Foothill Boulevard,
itt the northwesrter�ly, north%sterly..,'southeasterly and
southwesterly corners of th`e int`ersectign of �Angeleno•Avenii'e, and
{e) Along the northerlk'6nd.southerly sides of said, Foothill•
Boulevard from'the easterly;fine.of Angeleno,'Avenue 'to a line,
which line is 15.'50,71 6e t6de'terly'of and parallel with said,
easterly .line of Angeleno Avenue, ✓ t,..
('f)At th'e north�seaterly, northeasferly,” }southeasterly, and
southwesterly corners,oi the'interct
.seion of San Gabriel Avenue
i ,• s ` r j
and Foothill boulevard,
(g} Along the northerly\and southerly sides of;said Foothill;
Boulevard from.- line -'35 feet westerly of and•,pe.rallel with,'the {
e'sterly .line`of Azusa Avenue to she west"erly`"line ofsaid Azusa
n L,
(h} At th"e northwesteray, noutheasterly,:"southeasterlp"and
southwesterly ,corners` of the', intersection of Azusa Avenue "arid
(i} Alon,the noitherly and southerly sides of g:
Boulevard,from a line 15 50 feet;,WesterI: of and parallel with
the westerly line,of A}amedatAveAue to th"esterly line of•said
Alameda A"venue',x` ` X
�r t
At thg northwesterly; nor,theesterly,'southeasterly'`and\ '
southwesterly cor'46r,s •of;'the, h,` er'section of Alameda Avenue ;and
r Foo, ,Boulevard,
(kJ ,,"Along, the northerly and southerly, side's of I?ooth}11
Boulevard%from, a>\line,^and
which ins 'as 15 50 feet" esterly of'
' ... v ..r �...-. .i h • 1. ,: . Y' ' t .. '\ t • .r � ,
parallel; �nith the 'viesterly' line 'of Dalton V6 to to the westerly
•Tine of'• said. Dalton; Avenue,
(.1) At-the no r:thmester1y,, nor thsea terly., southeasterly and .
southwesterly- cbrners'of;the inters ectIon.'of•.Dalton Avenue•. and
Foot�zll Boulev$rd,
(m)'Along`,the^-northerly and southerly sides of Foothiil
`Boulevard from "a. .line; which line ia'115 50feet.weaterly`•of.and
"parallel,crith the: westerly aline of S'ol'dano' Avenue` to .the west'erl'y
line of, skid So•ldano; Avenue;.
_(n') At the northw6sterl-y; fiortheasterly,,,southeasterly and,,
sod-thr-esterlY7 oorners. of th'e. intersection of Soldano.Avenue
and Foothill Boulevard;'
(o) At. the.norihissterlp,' northea.sterly, southeasterly' and-
southwesterly oorners.Of;the' intersection,of_<pasadena Avenue and''..'
Foothill Boulevard.
4. That all•,,those.portions_ of the following, described..
public rays; be `graded. and tht'cement"concrete.pavement,8 inches,. '
:in thickness be constructed'upon the roadways of said public Trays '
and ,that `"ceib'ent;ccncrete 'curbr and cement gohoreie ,sidewalk be
oonstrubte& along .b,o.:th tildes of! said. publid ways:.
(a) Orange ,Avenue from the southerly line of Foothill. „
Boulevard to a line: 4' feet southerly of and 'parallel..rtith.• said
southerly line of, Foothill"Boulevard;
'(bunset Avenue'fromthe-northerly line of Foothill
Boulevard •to s, line-4 "feet •northerly of and -parallel with the
'northerly line of said Foothill Boulevard,
Sunset Avenue from the souiherly.line of Foothill
;$oulevard 'to a line 4, feet'souther'ly.,o.f 'and:parallel r-ith the
said southerly line -of Foothill:•Boulegard,
(d) Angeheno Avenue fr,cm the northerly line of Foothill,
Boulevard to.a.ls"ne 4Ifeet' nUktherly:of and parallel with :the
said northerly. `li ne ofjFoothYill Boulevard,
{e') AngelenoY Avenue from the southerly ,line of Foothill
Boulevard to :a line 4 feet{;southerly of and 'parallel with the
said southerly ;13ne: of Foothih Boulevard-
f Ban Gabriel Agenue from the northerly, line of Foothill.
Boulevard to a line .4 feet:•northerly of';and parallel. with. the
said northerly line of Foothill Boulevard, °
(g) Lsan Gabriel Avenue from the southerly" line,•of 'Foothill
Boulevard to e, line 4 ,feet -,souther'ly of: and paralle'1 z^�,tif the said ,
southerly line of Foothill-Bouleva.rd,,
(h) Alameda Avenue from the northerly line of. Foothill
Boulevard toga line 4''feet:northerly of�,and oaraliel' with said
northerly line .of; Foothill •B1oulevard;
(1) Alameda Avenue, from _ths eoutherly:'-lirie; of Foothill
Boulevard to a line 4 fee$, ,southerly of snd parallel 'With .the
said southerly.lineof Foothill Boulebard,
(j) Dalton Avenue. -.from the, northerly line of Foothill,;-:.'.
Boulevard-to aYline.4 feet•northerly,of and p'a`rallelviths.said
northerly line of _Foothill; Boulevard,
Dalton :venue from' the;: southerly'.11h .of..Foothill`
Boulevard to:a ,line 4 feet,', y
south era' 'of and: parallel. with said
'southerly lrne: "o f' Foothill `$oulevard; .
('1) Soldano'Avenue from the'northerly line of Foothili
Boulevard to a'r.line'"4.feet northerly of and parallel Tith said
. n'or.theriy line''of Foo'thill'BouTevard;
('m) 8oldan6 Avenue :from the southerlyline ofFoothilY'
Boulevard to.a •line :4' feet'southerly of and •parallel with the
said- southerly line of` Foothill Boulevard.
That' Lemon' Avenue from the` southerly "line of ,Foothill
Boulevard to a' line 50 feet'souther ly1 of and parallel , pith said
southerly line.-of Foothill. Boulevard be graded-and."that csment
concrete pavement ,6 inches I# ',thickness be cone:truofed upon ;,the
roadway of said-Lemon Avenue, and that cedient concrete,,curb be
constructed Siong both sides of,.the roadt,<ay of.,said_Lemon Avenue;-,
that cement concrete.:sidewalks be;_constructed..along .both�'sides
of'said _Lemon' Avenue",- and :that :a:'.cement concr'e:te curb,. be 'constructed
along the 'easterly line;of said Lemon Avenue:
6. Th'a't, a` reinforced concrete Pipe culvert* together with ,
concrete`headwalis and other appurtenances be,constructed 'acroas'`
Foothill"Boulevard` along a, line,, whichJine,is 234.41, feet easterly
Of and -parallel --lith 'th&westerly boundary line of said City from,
the northerly line to the southerly ih•e.o�f said Foothill
"•Boulevard., except ai•ong suchportion thereof where a, culvert `is
now in place y,
?.• That a rdin forced.concrete pipe culvert. together rith
1'concre,te,.headwalla and other': aopgrtenances'be constructed across
Fo,oth311'Boulevard'along:a'line; i�rhich:;l;ine is, ;3136 feet 'easterly',,:',•
of and parallel er th_the.westerly boundary line of•said dity from,
the northerly line to the southerly line of said Foothill Boulevard,
except. along such portion thereof +rher_e a culvert is now' in place.:
:8. That reinforced concrete culverts together. with inlets:: .'
and other 'appurtenanoes 'be :constructed in the 'fol4or" g locations; 1.
(a) Across Foothill Boulevard along the'easterly•and westerly,
curb lines of:-Angeleno:Avenue, ind.at and .adjacent to the north
easterly and southeasterly corners of Ang'eleno'Avenue'.and Foothill
(b)Across:Foothill..Boulevard aloiig.the easterly and" westerly'.
sdes;rof: ban° Gabrieli. Avenue`;
(o)Acrora Foothill Boulevaid along the easterly-and.,westerly'
sides Of .:A lam eda..•Av-en1ie, ;and at.:.epd:adjacent, to the northwesterly
and sBoulrdva,
(d.,}Across -Foothill `Boulevard'along the easterly and westerly
sides of, Dalton Avenue, an'd'at and adjacent to. the, nor thr�esterly.
and southwesterly corners :of..Daltgn,Avenue'and ,F.00thill Bouledard;
7 _
(,e) Across Foatb.1 1ill•'Boulevard along, the. easterly and westerly
sides'of Soldano Avenue;'and at and adjacent to the northwesterly.
and southwesterly corners .of Soldano4venue and Foothill. Boulevard;
(f) Across Foothill Boulevard along the easterly and westerly
„ •,.,
sides of. Pasadsna.Avenue, and at. Arid adjacent`- %o the northtesterly
and southwesterly corners: of Passdena Avenue an d` Foothill, Boulevard;
(g) Across' a•portion;'of Foothill, Boulevard between Pasadena
Avenue and,Cerritos Avenue..
9. That:Teiriforced concrete culverts together
,with inlets
and othe appur,tenanc,es 'be:-constructed- in, along. and• upon, certain, ,
• F ` Y..
.portions.of the'-following-public 'ways;
(:a.) Along` the-easterly' and westerly sides of"Angeleno Avenue '
from the'northerly line of-Foothill.Boulevard to aline 24 feet
• northerl,y, of. and p6ft lel 44th t'rie said northerly line of
Foothill -Boulevard,
„'. (b)Alongrthe,.easteriy and. westerly sides of Ange]:erio Avenue
h . '
from the southerly line of.y6othill, Boulevard to a line 40 feet
soutrierly;of and parallel with sa d`isoutherly-line of Foothill
(c) Along the;weste"rly side.of.San Gabriel Avende from, the
'northerly line of Foothill` Boulevard to a line 31 feet northerly of
and parallel with said northerlyyline of Foothill Boulevard,
(d) Along the easterly side. of .San Gabriel.Avenue. from 'the
northerly line 'of Foothill;--Boulevard to'a line 62' -feet northerly
'•of and parallel• -said ,northerly,iine of Foothill Boulevard,
(e) Along the easterly and .westerly s•ides:of San Gabriel
Avenue•from the southerly line of, Foothill Boulevard to a.-line
C.8'4',feet, southerly of and parallel'with ,said southerly line* of
'Foothill Boulevard,~
(f) Along the easterly and wester ly.'sidee of.Azusa'Avenus'
from the northerlyline of Foothill Boulevard.�to a line,21 feet
northe,xly of and parallel with said northerly'1ine.of Foothill
(g) Along;the.easterly and.westerly •si.des of.Ktusa'.Avenue
,from. the-'southerly, line of •.Foothill Boulevard,to'a.line 21.:•feet
southerly,,of: aril parallel .with said southerly. line o.f, Foothill'
Boulevard,; ,
(h), Along the westerly side•'of Alameda Avenue' from,.tl}e
northerly line of-Foothill Boulevard to a line 78 feet northerly. .
of `and parallel`•with•eaid northerly ine of Foothill Boulevard;
(i) Along the jeasterly side of Alameda Avenue from the
northerly line'of Foothill Boulevard to a line 31-feet northerly .,.
of and parallel'with'said northerly linefof.Foothill Boulevard;
Along:the'westerly side of Alameda Avenue•from the
southerly line of Foothill Boulevard to 6 line 33 feet southerly
of and. paralleh.'with'said southerly line of Foothill Boulevard;
(k.) Alorig'the easterly-line of Alameda Avenue from•th@ south=
erly line'of Foothill Boulevard to a line 5T'feet southe'rly-df and
;.•parallel :isith said 'southerl`y-line of Foothill'Boiilevar-d
(1~) Along the'cjesterly side of DaltonAvenue ,from the
northerly "line•"of Foothill;Boulevard to a line 31 feet northerly
of and'parallel with said,noitherlyl'line of Foothill Boulevard,
(m). Along'the'easterly.side'of`Dalton Avenue from.the.north
erly line'of Foothill Boulevard to-a line. .45 'feet northerly- of, and
par.e;11e1'with* said':northeriy linesof Foothill.-Boulevard;
(n) Along the.westeriy side: of Dalton Avenue from,the7
•southerly line of Footh1lll.Boulevard to a•line ;M' feet southerly
Of and parallel,ith said southerly line of Foothill Boulevard;'
(o) Along,the. easterly] side of Dalton Avsnue'from the..south-
erly line of Foothill Bouleyard`..to, a, line.-65 feet ,southerly of
and- parallel with aid southerly line of Foothill Boulevard;.
(.p) Along the easterly and .westerly sides of Soldano;AyenUe
from, the northerly line of. Foo,.thill Boulevard"to a line 31 feet•
• I -
northerly of an'd pas �ilel :e th sa.3d northerly line ,of Foothill•
,:'" ...
(q) AlWig the'•easter13 anc� wiesterly'sides of Soldano..Avenue`
from the' south'erl-y, line of .Foothiill; Boul'evard''to a 'line 33 feet
southerly of and parallel with eaid southerly •Eine `of F,00thill_' r �'
Boulevard, r
;Along'Avenue from the
northerly line -'of F0othi.11Boulevard to•a line 30.66 feet northerly.
of, and''.parallel.with;said`northerly line.. of Foothill Boulevard,..
(s.) Along the ,easterly side of Pasadena'Avenue from the
northerly line of Foothill; Boulevard to',a line 70 feet 'northherly
,of and,'.par ahel; wi th. said northerly 'line' of Foothill Boulevard,
(t) Along the '�tiesterly aide of, Pasadena Avenue from the
southerly line of said Foothill Boulevard to aline 33 feet-
southerly of and parallel With said southerly .line of Foo;thih
•.(u)Along the easterly side of Pasadena:Avenue,from.the
-southerly 1 ne..oY:Foothill Ioulevard to, a line' -W feet .southerly,
of and parallel with.seid southerly line:+of•'Foothill'Boule�ara
10. That:.rein'forced concrete pipe.. ; togetkier with
inlets and .other 'apptirtenanoes be constructed. in,.along and, sor.ose
Foothill Boulevard'a;.t the.'.i-ntexsection of Cerritos 'Avenue and'at,.`
along and adjacent to.'tHe'southeasterly.-corner of •-said. Foothill
1'.Boulev4rd and Cerritos Avenue, •and in and along'Clerritos Avenue
.;from' the, southerly, line of saidFooth'ill Boul`evard.to`'a line.20'-
feet-:southerly'of and.:paral el ioith said'.southerl"y line of'. .
Foo thill`Bouledard
T3. That pipes;.hydrarita, and other, appliances and senor
tsn6nce6.16r sdpplyiria, and distributing domestic mater and for
fire protection: be constructed nn•. and' along the' f6llor?inE-•piibli6
frays, in and .along, th'poutherly side of Foothill 'Boulevar.d from
a'1'ine•1424 95 feet westerly of and parallel with the northerly
: b'' ;• ru -,,, a-, •` - -'.
prolongation of the weeterly,line of Lemon Avenue, ;to a line. l0
feet westerly *of andparallel 'with the--'easterly curb :line of
Orange', A'venue,•.;exoept' therefrom-that portion *of*. said Foothill.
Boulevard Tying between•'a';line 2--feet northwesterly of and parallel
with th,e nor thieaterly rail of tbe.railroad track now occupying a.'
portion-of said'Foofhill Saulevard'and"a 1ine'2•feet southeasterly
of,and. arkiel i� fi,the*�southeasteFly;rail of said railroad track"
ln,and across said Foothill Boulevard along:a; line, which •line
3472 17' feet easterly of, and. parallel with, the westerly boundary:line
of said City.. from the southerly line of .said Foothill Boulevard
to a line 8 feet southerly of and 'parallel' .with the norther1. ly line-
. ... ...
of said` Foothill Boulevard; in and along tIie, westerly side,, of
' Lemon. Avenue, from the'•southerl`y'7:3ne of Fo"othill• Boulevard to a
.'•11ne• 50 feat r.sbuth'erl.yof and'paia.11'el with aa`id southerly'line' :of
,'Foothill, Boulevard, and in ,and-across 'a portion of 'said Lemon
Apenue;, in and:alofig the northerly and southerly, sides-of 'Foothill
Boulevard from aline l0 feet 'westerly.of and parallel nith.the
northerly prolongation of.the'easterly. curb line of ,Orange Avenue
to a Tine 5 feet westerly •of. and :,parallel 'with' the westerly, line
of 'Azusa.. Avenue; iri` end along the northerly and southerly sides
of Foothill Boulevard -from a line ao feet' easterly .of and
..parallel,with the eas.terly.•�line-of ;Azusa Avenue.;to a.•line 387.70
` „feet- easterly of and. parallel with -.the northerly prolongation
of the; easterly line of der: itos Avenue; in, and across a portion
of Foothill,Boulevard'along a line.' 10 feet westerly, of and,
parallel' with. the. northerly prolongation of`the easterly curb line
of'"Orange Avenuein and "across'a'.,portion of Foothill Boulevard.
along a::line 10. feet:',westerly of and parallel with the easterly
curb.,line of Sunset Avenue; in and,,gcross a portion. of Foothilf
Boulevard' along a' line 5,£eet westerly. of and,,parallel' with the
westerly line of Azusa Avenue, in and across a.portbn of Foothill-
Boulevard -along
oothill Boulevard-along a Line 15 feet'easterly,of and parallel-w'ith"the
easterly: line'•of Azusa. Avenue;. in and aaross� Foothill Boulevard
along a line. 12 feet.,*esterl.y of.,and,,parallel'with the as
cdrb:line of,Soldano Avenue; in•and across Foo.thiil Boulevard
along a; line-7',feet raesterly' of and parallel•`with the 'easterly
curb line of, pa:sadenazAvenue., and.•in aria across a.portion -of
Foothill Boulevard along a line,.387 70 "feet easterly of and,.paralle`l
with t'he' northerly 'prolongation of the easterly line of Cerritos:
12. That',cement .pipe..sanitary sewers, -to, :with- manholes,
junction chambers, cast iron frames and covers, lampholes', 'flush
tanks and otherr appurtenanoes be constrdcted-in the follovaiig
t A
(a_) In and along the southerly side of`' Foothill, Boulevard
'-from. a line 45cfeet• easterly of And parallel .with,.the.horth•erly
prolongation of the "easter;ly line;,•,of Lemon Avenue, to a_ line 24
feet easterly of and parelleV,with."the northerly prolongation of''
the westerly line of. orange Avenue,
(b) In snd`along the northerly side of Foothill Boulevard
f-r'o 'a 'line 24' feet 'eas'terl'y of And parallel with 'the northeriy .
prolongati•on`o.f -the wesierly,line 'of orange-A'venue;''to a.line'24,.
feet easterly of and, -parallel. with- the weeterly. line of Sunset
• Avenue; ••. .- L;, . .
(c) In and along the southerly siLde of -Foothill Boulevard
from ;a'line. 45 feet."easterly of. and.parallel.,rAth the northerly
prolongation of .the easterly line:"of Orange Avenue., to a line 24
feet .easterly.:of-and,parallel .tgitb' the :resterly line of Sunset
(d) intend along, the-.`north'erly. and southerly' sides of
Foothill ,Boulevard from aline -45; feet," easterly, of and parallel '
pith the easterly -'line of Qunset Avenue to ,a line. 24 feet easterly.,, ;
of and parallel. rith, the westerly, line of Angeleno.,Avenue;
.("e) I'n and along the nor'therly.and,southerly, sides .of, Foothill,.
Boulevard from' a line`.,15 feet easterly :of ,and parallel 1,1th the :.•.
easterly line. of,Angeleno {Avenue to a>line 15'feet,.westerly of••and
parallel, with) the Westerly -line of, San'•Gabriel Avenue,,
(f) In and along the'northerly and P.Q,iitherly sides 'of., .
Foothill Boulevard .'from,a line'15'fset easterly of and parallel
".wi,ih the.6ssterly line of San: Gabriel: Avenue',to a line 15 feet
westerly, -,-6f .andparallel wit. the•i�est6nv,'line; of. Azusa 4genue, '.
(g) In and along the northerly and southerly sides'of,'
Foothill Boulevard from a line 15'fe'et easterly of. and.parallel ry
with th'e'.e$sterly., line of Azusa. Avenue :to a.•line 15 feet .esterl,y
of and parali_el pith the westerly line..of Alameda Avenue-,
'(h) In and alone= the, northerly and. southerly.* sides of.
-Foothill'BouleuardI from a• line 15.feet easterly of and parallel
with the easterly line `of . Alameda Avenue to' -a .line., 15:1eet .
. westerly ofand'parallel -with- the westerly 'lin e:of Dalton: Avenue;
and along the northerly,and souilierly sides of-
Foothill,,Bouie.v..ard from aline 45 feet easterly of .and parallel..
with"the easterly line o'f'Dalton, Avenue. to.a line 24'feet egisterly .
of and parallel ivith.the,weaterly.hine'of Soldano Avenue,
O'. In..and along the norther.y.and southerly sides oP
Foothill Boulevard from -a; line:.,45• feet easterly of and parallel -`
Tith ;the easterly line of•,Soldano Avenue.'to'a line. 24-feet•'east erly '.
of and. pAialiel: ivith'.,the' w sterly. line.'of Pasadena Avenue;
(k) In and alom'e.northerly and southerly, sides.ci
- Foothill. Boulevard from aline 45 feet easterly of and parallel'.'
with 'the easterly..line oi' Pa'sadens. Avenue to- a line, 387:70' feet
easterly of -and.' para3;lel With ,;the iortherly' prolongation of• the ,
easterly. -line of Cerritos, Avenue,
;(1) 'In and,across Foothill Boulevard along.the,westerly side,
of Sunset Avenue from'-. the northerly line, of,- Fgothill'Boulvard
to thosoutherly line_'of said Foothif! $ouledard.,
(m) In and across Foothill Boulevard along the westerl'y'`
side of Angeleno Avenue from the`north'erly'line; oi..Foothill
Boulevard to the southerly line, of said,Foothgl Boulevard;
(n) In -and across. Foothill Boulevard alongthe westerly'..
' . '. - .. Jam:•.
- 13
aide of ,the first alley easterly' ,of :Angeleno Avenue from the '
northerly, line: of laid Foothill Boulevard to., the southerly'lihe
of'said:Foothill Boulevard;
(o) " In,and across' Foothill,,Boulevard along the :westerly side'
of- th'e first alleyeasterly of San Gabfiel Avenue from the north-.-
erly line- o,f Foothill Boulevard to the southerly line of. -Said:"."
Foothill Boulevard,."
(p) In and across Foothill Boulevaid'elong,the westerly .
side 6i"; thefire t alieyl eagterly .of .Azusa Avende''frdm the'.
northerly line of Foothilh.-Aoulevard to the•southerly.line of said
Foothill':Boulevard,; .
(q) In' and' across Foothill Boulevard along the westerly, side.:
of the first alley easterly:of;Alameda Avenue from the northerly.•
line of :Foothi-i ;,Boulevard :to the -souther Yy line of said, Foothill'
e r
('r) In, and across Foothill 'Boulevard• along the westerly side"
of 8o1dano Avenue fiom ;the 'northerly line .;of Foothill Bodleaard::,
`-to'the southerly. line of said Foothill Boulevard;
(s), In and aoross•Fo.othill•'Boulevard along'the,weaterly side-
of'•pasad'ena'Avenue from the northerly line 'of -Foothill Boulevard:.
to'"she soutYierly line of said Fob,thill Boulevard,
(t) In and across Foothill Boulevard•alon: a_lirie 24 feet: V
easterly :of and parallel rith the northerly prolongation •of the
,v�eeterly line -of o.erritos `Avenue -from the setter ;hereinbefore
described' alorig 'the northerly, side of said Foothill Boulevard, to
the southerl• line 'of •said
y Footh`ll'Boulever d,:
13.. That. 9&r-belite Type No 2560-14 Lighting.Standards,.'
a /�a 7 eX .
conduit's, wires and:appurtenances'fOr'the suocessful operation of,
an,oinamental 'lighting system,�'be•oonstructed in, along, and upon:•-
said Foothill Boulevard from"a line•,327.12 "feet westerly. of and
parallel�,with -the northerly prAon getion.of the center 11.ne:,of
Lemon Avenue'tb•a line 4.3,0 -feet easterly;of•and,parsllel with the. ,
northerly prolohgation of ,the center Eine of :Cerritos Avenue,
except•therefi6m that portion of said;Foottiill.Boulevard lying
tietWeen;"a line' 2 fe'etr:northapesterly of'and parallel with he north-
I ester;ly. rail;:of ,th$ ;ra lro2d track,noW, occupying a, portron;.of
said'Foothill :Bouleva.rd, and a line 2 feet southeasterly -'of, and
parallel ,*ith• the' 66iiihe�sterly rail pf •:said railroaad track:,•'. also
1 es
that a gement c'oncre-Ge vault, conduits;; vires n appurteriances
be,constructed.in an& along',the eater•ly, side of Dalton Avenue ,
from.th-e 2tortherly�line of Foothill Boulevard to a line'295 feet .•
northerly -of parallel with the said'northeily line of Foothill`
14. Reference 'is hereby made to the Marbelite' Type .No.
2560-M Centrifu�allylCast cement concrete lighting standard,
Patent y cense.Agreemen of the Varbelite Corporation of America,
dated February,::_, 1928,, ,,and on :file inthe office,of .the .
.City.Clerk of .the City of Azusa..
15: All of said. wArk ` s to be done 'to,the +dot's, length
:slid thipk'n''' es_; ih-,the 10oation6, .,at .the elevations,, of .the
quantities, sizes andmsterfala and accordLng .to. the maps, z,pians; ,
profiles, detailed drawings and specifications therefor, entitled;
II3pecification`sr in 'the matfer of Acquisition.:and Improvement
Distri et No l' of the, -City -of Azusa, Californ all , filed with
thd'dlerk of this City Couhoil .on the c day.of February, 1928,
exoept as• the boundarie's of the.assesement diatr.i,et or zones, the ,
perceritages to• •be raised from each, of,tai d zonea,.'and grade's.
therein specified, may be.chenged at the hearing%of the matter
hereanaf.ter mentioned, which_said'specifications are by this
reference tSereto made a part hereof, and tp.which.all, personsv,`
'are 1.
referred for a ,fUll anddetailed description and, location of
said proposed work -and improvements, of the. grades, o-.rhich said.
;work and improvements 'are .to'be- constiuc,ted'and- for` the estimated
Beginnin6 at the northwest corner of Lot 34, of
Subdivision No. 2 Azusa Land and Water Company, as per map thereof
recorded in Book 43, page 94, of Miscellaneous Records of Los
Angeles County, California; thence southerly alonb the westerly
boundary line of the City of Azusa to the southwest corner of Lot
32 of the aforesaid Subdivision No. 2 Azusa Land and "Pater Company;
thence easterly along the southerly line of the last mentioned
Lot 32, and along the southerly line of Lot 44, of the aforesaid
Subdivision No. 2 Azusa Land and Water Company, to a point in the
southerly line of the last mentioned Lot 44, which point is 660
feet easterly of the southwest corner of said Lot 44; thence
northerly along a line, which line is 660 feet easterly of and
parallel with the westerly line of the last mentioned Lot 44, a
distance of 390 feet, to a point in the northerly line of Fifth
Street, as said Fifth Street is laid out and shown upon a map
of Tract No. 4474, as per map thereof recorded in Book 124, page 7,
of Maps, Records of Los Angeles County, California; thence easterly
along the northerly line of said Fifth Street to its intersection
with the easterly boundary line of the City of Azusa; thence
northerly along the said easterly boundary line of the City of
Azusa to its intersection with the southerly line of the Atchison,
Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company's right-of-way; thence westerly
along the said southerly line of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe
Railway Company's right-of-way to the northeast eorner of LoV.3,
Block 84, of a Map of Azusa, as recorded in Book 15, pages 93 to
96, both inclusive, of Miscellaneous Records of Los Angeles County,
California; thence northerly in a direct line to the northeast
corner of Lot 16, of Lemon Tract, as per map thereof recorded in
Book 11, page 108, of Maps, Records of Los Angeles County, California;
.0 • • • °M • 0.- • }
thence westerly in a direct line to the northwest corner of Lot
66, of the aforesaid Subdivision No. 2 Azusa Land and neater
Company, which northwest corner of said Lot 68 is a point in the
easterly line of Lot 55, of the aforesaid Subdivision No. 2 Azusa
Land and Water Company; thence northerly along the said easterly
line of the last mentioned Lot 55, to its intersection with $ie
southwesterly line of the Pacific Electric Railway Company's
right-of-way; thence northwesterly along the said southwesterly
line of the pacific Electric Railway Company's right -df -way to its
intersection with the northerly line of Lot 34, of the aforesaid
Subdivision No. 2 Azusa Land and Water Company; thence westerly
along the said northerly line of the last mentioned Lot 34, to the
place of beginning, excepting therefrom any lands forming any
part of any public ways, and also any lands belonging to the United
States Government or to the State of California.
. That ! in the judgmen t. of this
bity Council varying
b'e'nefits will be derived by,•the ,different parcels of land' 1yin6 _
within said assessment d atr'iot;'and siich varying benefits .requir.e
;that said district-.befdivided into zones.'according to benefits,- ;
therefore said 'district is Aividadtinto
62 separate zonee'to.be
known as. and numbered"conse,cut vely from `Zone -1 to Zone 62.), both.
inclusive, 'and-in,tneojudgment of this
City'Council in each '0 f the
said•.zones .are "included all the land's within
th'e `said district _
crhich .*111 be b'enefit,ed in' like measure
by ;the oonstrubtion of
s,aid,'aork or_ improvements
•. 3. t
Is further det ermined
the the percentage of the
sum: to bb: raised each'.year' by the •.levying, andd'olleotion 'of_
• speci61,aesesrment taxes in:,said'.assessm'ent•district for'the '
payment.-6f,principal.`_and interest of -the
=.bonds.;her,einaf ter mentioned`
c�hich ivi 11 ibe raised from a1ie-: lands in
each :of said zones;, shall- ..
T ,
- _ beas fo-llows
From -Zone a 1n :
0 610 •.
From •Zone'.11211
2 430
Fiom'Zone, It 31; :
J`rom•Zone "4"'.;
3.7' 0
From;',2one n 5'i
From: , Zone P611.
I ' , Fiom :Zohe " 7u
04 99,
• r":+. FromZone tu:8'i.
p'.48�, ,
.From.Zon@ a9"
-r Frogi 'Zone:''', ipu
From„Zone -!'11h;
'From Zoneul2'1
'6."0 &Z
From Zone Zone .11
"From' Zone AI 114”
From Zone 11151'
2:39"',, '
From Zone 111:61'
From Zone ." 1711
:From ;Zone
From Zone 111911
From ' Zone "201'
From ;Zone "21" . '
From Zone22!''
From. Zone a 23!i
2.391.1 1
Frog • Zone, 11240
0: a0°fo
From. Zone. 11251+
From. Zone. ',!2611
4. 78fo
Froin Zone uZ7u
0. 77L4.
From Zone::"281,
From: Zone 129"
Fro n Zone. !' 301,
; '0:640•, i
From 'Zone. a 31°
4: 78 ,.
i tY 1. ii
.. ♦ ,
-.. From Zonen 32!S.
From 'Zone' 0 33u
r From `Zon6, 0 341
From, Zone 0350
0.89?r, .
;From'Zone +13611
4: 780
From 'Zone' 1"371,
0..77 %
F From: Zone .1138!1,
g'ro• Zone 113911
From:.Zone n 0
1.58 0
FTOm' Zone 410 ' ..'
From ''Zone'n'42".
A. 7840 • .
Zone P 4311
From:°Zone. 11440
0.77 '
From Zone .0454
`O i0e,
From Zone a 46�!
Froin Zone 0 4711
" 1 , -From Zone 0480.
3 3
From Zone ��490
From'" Zane 11501,
0: 37�?�
From Zone 0514
.From Zone �� 5n,
0.3500 .IT
Fioo. Zone 0.5311 E
.• 0.861'
From ,Zone 11541,
5. 75Ila
Fropi'Zone' 0550
From ;tone. It 5.611
- From•'Zone n 571 .
•From!Zone 115811
3.771 ... .
Fiom. Zone 0 5911
i; From Zone u"60n0.444."
From. Zone• 11611,
From Zone." 620
A map o£ slid"district, approved by :said City.Council,.,'
indicating bq,a boundary line the territory
;to'be: included therein',
and aleo.'plainly shoving the..;differen't':"zones and. -percentages • '
'aforesaid, is, -on file.rrith the Clerk.
of said .Ci.ty,Council, and all
,pe,rsons'by'an examination thereof.may pith accuracy aecertai,n
the boundaries .of.said,assessment.district,-the 'extent, location.,.,
and boundaries of the,'di ffer,ent: zones,
and within which zone any:. ,
:parcel' of lana_ within,ssaid district ;is
located,.,and tne.peroentage
of .the. total cost ,of /the .said, lmprovemehts to be raised from. the
lands ,in. each. zone., and•all persons interested
are r.eferred,to• "
said map. for all details conc.erning.the said assessment distridt.
• • ,and ,the; zones thereof.,., deference is
heieby ;made to.. the map;,of-
,said assessment, district,approye3 by
said City Council, and ;on <. . .
file 'in; the ofYice.'of the�C'-i`t"y 01.erk
of said City.,
That for the expenses of the., improvement,h.erein,proposed
to.be'done,,bonds'till bei-Is-sued to the, total amount of the same.'
(excepting' the, amount to becon'tributed' by' said City in money, as
hereinafter provided), said bonds'to,bear interest;%at the"rate -,of -
six per gent per;annum,.,payable semi-annu.11y, the first.•.,
interestepayment to'be made on.the 2nd",day-of Janiiary, or the.9nd
da-y of- July' (Whichever ronth first succeeds the date of the, bonds)_
next succeeding one (3) year: aft er`the `date'of :such bonds,.and_the
aggregate principal_'of �ll�bonds' issued under` the".proceeding to •tje; ,
paid and;dischasged Mithin_".f�Yepf y'-0/9e �2/
,,years "after the ,date ,of issuance, epproximately one7']L�YejjJ`je7�%j
(,1%20 .Ypart of such .aggr^egate'pr" ncipni'.to• be�•payable annually,
all:•in Gold-,Coin, and the first payment on the"aggr.egate principal
of the bonds issued will be made
years after t$e:issuance'thereof."
A special fund for the'•payment of said bonds Mili"be
constituted• t1y. the levy .of 1special' assessment taxes'.upon the lands,'
Fi:thin.;the aadessaierit,, district, _in accordance:' with the provisions
of the Act herein mentioned;` according. to the assessed.value of;
said ,lands:,, exclusive' of toe, improvements "thereon,.-except, as
othe'rwi-se' in aa._id Act "provided,, and in:accordance with the zones '
and per'o'enta.gee'=as fi'nally'i'determined by saidCity Council.
,. I bECTiON IV.
'That_, `Q cam; , the l2 tR day of Har ch
1928, at the hour of- 30 o!clock,..P.Jr: bil said• day; at the
Chambers of. said City Council in th'e_City gal of the City, of
Azusa, California, ie'heieby•fixed vas the day', hour and place
for hearing objections to, �hatri"s hereinbefore mentioned•as
intended* to' te`.ordered done;" and notice is hereby'gven that
at skid time and"place any and. all persons having objections to' "
:;the_ .proposed improvements; •or any par,t'oi porti'on't`hgieof,=or
.l,•. ii\\ i 1 ..^ ,tai ,
th_e.,proposed•grades to;rahich the. improvements,are .to„be con
strucied, or; to the extent of the,-Assessent.district,. or to the
zones into which the said district is.'to be divided, .or .to'..the oer
cents 'es to :'be ,raised fiom ,each of said .zones, - or'.. to 'any. -or all ,
of the, forego ng,map appear before
said City'Council and'be'heard,
Ettention is hereby directed to the provisions of; the u•Acqui'sitiori
and 'Improvement Act 'of 1925'I relative to, objections and protests.
' .
That, the' City of- Azusa .grill fr'pm they`f%/8ov�ero�'d� ;
ri�orovP�7` , ; Fund inth'e , Tr easury` of said"'City.'
of` Azusa:; pays the sum ofLF Z 0,07 ( JPO 000.0.0)
Dollars towards fthe experiges ,of the mbrk"and improvement ato be
performed arid;made at above set forth:
I: \
That the proc8edings'for said work and improvements
shall be had Od taien under and in accordance- with an Act of the
Legislature of the'State of•Pali fornia known and designated as.:
the Aoqulsition and Improvement Act. of 192511, approved May 23d,.
1,S25, and Acts ,amendatory.thereof- or supplementary thereto, and':
said bonds` shall also be issued. in accordance with the Provsions
of, said,Act. *r }
That Paul `E: Kressly;'a`'competent person,: is hereby
appointed 'Superintendent'of y'ork�!:, without compensation; and he
Is. her'eby_.,ordered to cause:.to;be.•eonspi•cuouslyposted in'the form
manner ,provided °in saiyl, Abt,; ,notice of the. adoption of this':
resolution, and: this Cxty�CouncT,deeins -it adwisabl8 and. hereby, .:
orders that said notices shall'consist of•Arinted.00pIs.s.of the.-
Resolution of tintent 'on ,''entitTed,.•!iNotice' Of',P,ublic Improvementtl';
and the same shall be,sufficient-for. all. nurpoaes of=said notice. .
-'The Cite C,ouncil.does•,not deem z,t advisable.that,;the
Clerk mail c.opies.•of:the-Notice 'of'Public Improvement:to ,0wners,.
or reputed ownersSnd h`e is not required to mail the same.
-G2- z.