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Resolution No. 0974
.0' RESOLUTION NO. I ZI- 1 , , A RESOLU`T'ION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF VTHE CITY OF AZUSA EFFECTING SETTLEMENT WITH D. CORNELIUS SMITH AND BERTHA A. SMITH, HIS WIFE, F. S. LACK, L. W. COFFEE, R. E. CLAPP AND PARAMOUNT MOTORS CORPORATION OF THE PACIFIC AND AUTHORIZING THE PRESIDENT OF SAID BOARD AND THE CITY CLERK OF SAID CITY, FOR.AND ON BEHALF OF SAID CITY, TO EXECUTE, APPROVE, RATIFY AND CONFIRM CER- TAIN DOCUMENTS. The Board of Trustees of the City of Azusa do resolve as follows: WHEREAS, the City of Azusa claims an interest in and to the land and the trust set forth in the herein- after described documents and it is the desire of the Board of Trustees of said city to adjust and settle all matters relating to said land and said trust in contro- versy between the said city and F. S. Lack, L. W. Coffee, R. E. Clapp and Paramount Motors Corporation of the Paci- fic in the manner set forth in the said hereinafter de scribed documents; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the best interests of the City of Azusa will be served by a settle- ment of all said matters in controversy and that the said • settlement will be effected by the'execution, approval, ratification and confirmation of.the hereinafter described documents, to -wit: one called "Agreement", one called "Assignment of Beneficial Interest Bank of America Trust No.243'r and one called "Agreement and Collateral Assign: ment of Beneficial Interest"; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, for and in considera- tion of the stipulations contained in said documents,the City of Azusa hereby settles all said matters in contro- versy with D. Cornelius Smith and Bertha A. Smith, his wife; F. S. Lack, L. W. Coffee, R. E. Clapp and Paramount Motors Corporation of the Pacific and authorizes the execution of the said Agreement and the said Assigrment of Beneficial _Interest Bank of Amerlca,Trust No. 243 and the approval, ratification an&. confirmation of the said Agreement and Collateral Assignment -of Beneficial Interest, in the forms hereinafter respectively described; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the President of the Board of Trustees of said city and the City Clerk thereof be and they are hereby authorized, for and on behalf of said city, to execute said Agreement with D. Cornelius Smith and Bertha A. Smith, his wife, F. S. Lack, _ L W. Coffee an'd -Para mount Motors Corporation of the Pacific in the following form: hia:sgre®tont 44ae !riid'tr ueic6 'into'. D:� and be"4Xan' tii'a 'City: of usUaa, ..n rtiiifoiQi..00rorntioi3 of tiro ixth .C28oa-: organRtiefl and xiati>1g candor tha Uym of tho Mate of;.,Coli :forn o', Var.ty of the fia;ot art, :F.erein6ftcr eorwti.aae collect Coa'nciliuo Reith,{,and.Dertbti A., «kith, hie Gifa,, wino Joins- horein `,by bar hereto for th© -f rtao©e of d clr+i[ ira.:i�ny interest ehe.`r.,oy ha*e herein -or in -or .to the a1o$Gxty'aaver®d Ao a�y'or 4hb,,�jroo'aedF)'o the. cele thetenf, . and conaoming to wjO .joinUa-jn bll wattere in the 'paremleorn) Parti®s off' `the second 'part,' aoid' 3. Cornoliuo $faith''ooinj • here xaai'ter 'aoaerlaea:aalle�l ." rusbar", brad . salt, f�nriy, ' of tlpe.hhlFdport, hei�oiadf q .gometimeo'collali: "Den efl:oLary_"; ,. ,7. Cbxreo,_vorty, 6f fibe rbiirth-pr' t, be rein ofor ewmatir4ao ✓ ` called ".Arent,,- a aru�ount sotaru .Corporatioh €if the a'rioific, n; oorporatiga, (Ya;Fw3lzed euagale lin$ und6r the 10ia4 of the 't State of elnz.iaro` iC} iLa priYloigal plebe-Of•�Usjilesain ine ;)tato of Cnlifg, zhi8, located at ",oa Ancelea,.'Luliforuie, of tho•fifth pasrC,'•fierepi,aftor, comet imea:cai2©p "Mrcihheer",° • P%, ; ? E:a'. , under grant d eea dated July 31 ereouted by P. �oineliu>e Omits Jbnd 111@rtba G'. 6pitth, kala t7ifo there r,ie con -ad to 'Che -sm: of ,Ameriat phot oortalb real j�e4�aQ1'ty aoaeLi.bod ab tolleve% ($G) and elreuty-craven (27) of .O iviaion 5uba Yant1- "d �r ter EorIV)LYlj, In . -the: County of Tao'.M elect, ;tato of QCaii 16rsiiz, ,e0 Vex mcp recordefl iu. !InoIr 4 iogi �9, r-100e11aneoale .:Ucordo of T, -Os 10 016' eunCy,ecpC .,thc .northezl;�' 'iffy ( {,0 felt ", O.... 2 Conditiova.'.rQotrlbtiorig: rdbelev6tICAGS 11mitAtioAq, and eabemeute or•tecord,it- cant. Sud tsxeo,for-the fiunol yetr 1UM-1025' foanditien.af:title',rocoivo& ,aubgebt to'auoh t. Attero of rceord to appear in �'ut�re ntaa to ;. coze cid tobpd eonoidoiei •aWl, aoteO upon e:p . thourth tLo Cate bya been intiorae ha a1z in. ;Allj. • .. broil - - r . ,' ^ . _ _ . • �X� ii;:.i1J, •flail: roporty, vvqu- oiibo o6 to c�aid:�sunto icy pwtd' ellerl_at i nT for 6 Gonsiderotinn, o*Zcno .other tbillee, df ti oy�atii tlo{f - �'.Gr� gbopcand pXl€:rm o iaA tQ..it rpid. by c aic2 i7 � hi3; ho cnifl ^ensfiof'ory burcl3eae3 the ,4ola proporty fxoui acid Ovaptor ond' tpua' oi1aztA the ekno- to be oon vey@8 t9 the acid .? onz of. AnerAde,-7 he anah • u4m, of -12en CfougonQ. �4] lax , an®• . ' ie• tho u;dttor 4$ thea; 4d3ntatmanb,of the went&l-on".00 aaxl0611ation of tho 10660 021' Cold pralout� Ur tua(d betpeen the'CitV of a:sada,.and'i"pion,Tiock Grove]:.Cotapca)U.-j a-,corparotign, oa d 2arohoeor flies pay to :tha,Citsc �5 Gstisn ns edjubt.1opt and toad onbi doneiderctton for. call, donvv;I- azide .rho a= of l>Z,GGp, :anfl "`tA6rflc€fter In the Ca Cr 'of' furtbor aajustmen't o"'. mid rmtal undor.esid lccoo, 9M..Vle ilt,0111iknt -,of thq• 00690 iticn :of: the Citi of. t:�ipca 3n c 1C lettii7g �s3 ea . r CEintrBdt In, roup oot'Of <ertgjn i'ppt6V€-'0tt6.pit.th,e eforeQatQ doocribed Proporty, tL CPAG at I&, y. dia: ney, 4o.:the City, • of.Gauca ars a►ditionel a1a� ai', 3,StJd, ana`' t�I�",�i14i,'. t)L1�t1 xroiler4q,. Ll!ue ednvoje& to the eaid , i;Qi is gf ' rrori¢a. lvii�o, zopeived' "thy 'it in, t,raot for .the UCC ,Ond 'Jenefit oi' 'Cad' Lrtaotor vnd .trio ,oa1S ren@PicieFy, ant tato .arq^nunt ';otox'o: 'or oratioaa:Pf, •th6 ;'aaifio An" . �a aorssffiin aoXaratiari. pY- TMet coverim, .obi.4 %pra�serty, Um-cd the dcy '4V Juno.; ' M40 ,;nosh tha 1colf, nrtca. an- :. . - •. t1C1'iC G ,oiieu Beolaia�Cio�i: c?P arji �.i (�i �+�i�U, �TD Y„ of �, lobg . attsohe4 :toroto,-�uarl;©d'.'i h0it gib, i is :hereby 'rai©rrc& to < . .. .: +� =iztires ® e dart tiarooR. on i t"cti�i„ _aMqmI3 oLAor proviaiona trcroin contbinea' ' ' . •' 'pDitf ,:runt ilrov�.flad''fdr Ctlo .t�abdiviaidn alit csY4 �ei+ tba. . asaT: •lfitl.6or®a:of" Qaid prapertV sled tho lmo=d.pept.jkom,the ^ talo: thdveof of w`C4fl; OJii i1i cads anti 0 , litredta, or e3 ttior of. that, Yor; ttaq use `brld •Daflc7fit_ of tho c3uid 14Ts91%ager to b¢ bg 1t'uppli'ad for th-a a Otion- of, ZatifltactiirtI g bulldlbgwon tren'tit Brea oi'.Ghs ra:ainizs parflicitl.of •Gho afor.coo a fro pertp to U C�il49je 0 it, fi113� •�A. 13hF! i3V8tlt p the idil*r, ok .t8ue • ao'o laltinj3 the paid oLiount on .os bafore the , 46c e ...: ., therein oDoo.ii'idd. providing fOle tho. evoroioll of the Yocwln--,. inZ fdvty 'gomi, L:oro 'or lo'od thtroof, 'tc the, ©aid ^riietor,,, : vhf oh ccjvoroioii. thc- acid r2ril9tog oop4ifi eo ir�a� ,to be. by- 1aira keid for the use `-and 'benefit of tpo smid "361ler,'.'find ' �?" r, vy ar tTldt,ezlt a th© said. Cruet oaia tine' , • 'estondod ' hoo ther®unUr_been mdifitd Geld ubsab fed' from time" to tlmoo and it, io*tho' daeige• Of -alifea, and to .. for the it of:, 41 pprti oa hpnx.otO; ' that Cai9 s2ict , t be to men8dti so. to, ellninate'*erefrpw alY rif.1ht in any of" the',yja.ti©a thdroto Other than the ouid £Ur6boser as to any right off deal ctiop,'.of ,thc� ap'plio,zGlon of tho qroceedo of eaTeo as to Etmi(i O;CCt9,' anti that the reebiniije portion` of. 60iG nnaubdieid.ea po,rtiof3 .¢.i' "io proporty I ZO sciez h&91.np ^ • hosroto.fore 'peon• cono4�cd`ari(ier the' teri�.e' o� 0�36.':ruc�t,:Gp, ' . , *she 2arecount '.'otorCr Coxporutlon 43 thc ;?acifioi be 'ooUVOY 4. j6,t�o 1�tkamouht '';,otore Corporation of _the 1 eoifia with,outi demr;md or li®bilit3 or farther 8000nnt thc.efor;. rind. quid Pene:fWtpry ono ould-ACOnt,, elld said :lur'ehneer gave Prod Limo: to tim'b ailvatico& oortain zr�nQya in .4 s 2 s tho'eitittter, of"tfq edxAliotratsioIl; Grid" d�aratiPri of aai8 argpt-, end" inprovement of - tho oftr6eaiO .prb�ort7 ehioYi uoid r4c-na q t:io dem!'rrl vo'rapay t:)'-the In ,tbo- saaverral aMqitht'Cr thuo udvanoaa, ,md . ��Ai G, tlo.npt.'1Q0, Doren o2 :tiDif� pzoPortl©o brave rib nfo� Ad boon,8uly `coli Plae4 bfi4or whoa 'i®'Unown crid .(7e04cnated aaa root 110,- 05.0 of,•poaAitaloo cqubt'y ao por _M0. "of rceora lilt Eoq� ..109► at rliinor3 7t3► 7 and'80. there'' Mill. oOdI41 erg b, tore H4 'omni of -'Ibuateeo of tbb. bald 3011c,1 thorn andas it ia.li�o goaea to tat,:a "oontrp4t• for'tiortcin "of,.aaiti Ogbdivision.ln- ' •Qrovomenta.end Gc*Opt u.6min r0c,-?aot "hereof- bl "plcice Oondc eb-,uuid ouIIdl.vi4"pf.pro?ertg lit rqufpc6t ti-App,�990 011 turftcr, utrc©t "I ps'over. L IIti " of lull► cn t . ., .,fr . "�`3. tea 'Dela 'tact is3 nQw "�Eit«s3�ist1•��'A`b�t;-� . .: ., ' brcrg Lmin ¢plcn6lu,1 io cad Agent i'Laa ©, Dolut ct-'jarbaxc• Lvenup. end Gtn ' trobt . to ro�aduuy, bet�laen Y i�aalo a `Jun seso, in; miQ 01ty►: and F' said noilr'z.ao qaevtAtiboc9"tlto lot►liGlt" of crc .•chid o&1e Uy reason, 02 olleperl iui:N4oQanc,Gf ion:. ; ' `' l) �ka�lw, -'�Cafdtttl';lioti'o.uo htaPfS".J�E'31�12'�CtluOxi�1'el� �i� • ; .' - vr tioua partiea bereto, 04 gEsioct tido,o ll6r, '16 reopeot < of vcarioun xmttre "in thG,rieen; GnFt" 3t to tho gotsire, -` orifi .for tba'bexaorit.of tall'pertieb rern t0:,.tl4at".c:attoro .. -of atep tio'.-je. pottiQq, '.pna tl:6t rnoN intorcmt Ao tto'ccfa Sellar and. the Cad vtotot• mac yhave .in or "tq :naia. piropertyi * or `in ©r to tb"cr.Yrrooap(t�i t8erboY, 0v in or -tca o a colorotion tbo x•1&tu th.oA'wauder, Including thL& of tb6- roverbien thorolu.- aot iortr,, ao to, said forty ao'roo, . be core- , v©yoa to thy► sal tayor, and Cj l ,. iii{, Sp11GA• delay,hO6 oa • �• _ ,rn , • ouzreQ ,-iU qir imn do ' Bale of, squid property through r5atuel' ra'igtlndesx ; btcnding" a •:Gnd• tilvpw etio as oi':,o }ir#o:i . 0 to Cmo i 3sta of - t2ca .g9voral part too: harifl4t) n avid vroncrty, 'rlti 06 to, the Turn 'ct,1nC, of-tiatcr to the gEi18 fscport;1. tlttrl tihQ L*,A►rova cent. , �i o oecc: to be' placcd..tbo"ob the s o9.Q to sive xCtt coriaert . cooDorntiop _In. rreoneot tbcrcof tintil s'nch . czt:tor0 hc�l bocoLe . aottlod, in conaido ctiQn�.oi' tbe.prci~iaea► ona Qf th.o cu,R:of port thou ani ,'2ol3ai�a to bq [jni6 to •ebb �itv og,lseu.es an heroine t4r rovi9cd, ,`to Vit, r 4h6t(btbd,, : �ol~1arr� oseh to 1t _in bcnJ oto � ;oirl6 -SR G31F1E3fiY, ,thc 'rc ` eoic)t-v'hrvcof-to her. �sohnoirled�e3', arld `�irC7�''�an�ahr] Dollars to be$Foz r/rinoipaal eolleotiabn upon tba C101I6 of th1O-.Gu!i4Av1.acd-P!,Ogorty undor-.069.8 r.Ot 00 %.ur�thtjYtcr �iiov9dQ8; cwi-of the Gongit+arot'iov^, amtugl .• oovonMnto. aria a carveME) -11.6p+aiz��aF.ter contetnc+l ; . •I IfZ =l �j✓N.S��Y.J11J✓.Li�^.4� M. 'i�ct:. whdt Jsitai ,)o31ar, &r�3 CPse pgi{t°.:rt;atosr;r lio_ bq Gha sa` �jioocnta,�°,rant, coli, trach-s, 'trcc3oa cnd aet e, to xo r�oun t otQ o O i QYGti i► of, th6.l.caciflc, QCG�S. oc • :. evorh 'bnd ell thblr,,: 4n6 e661i oi' tkei- rinljt,,'titic en3, Interoct, 'in and to On in xo6"ov of the ,.fl$orceo:id tion oz ibed 'zeal pxoAortg, thg daiit 51an . 'of `Zttarle6, •rtict Jp, n,6 : b9.(� pra uxty'oovera? ttioroD ;Find tha pgocoado ,MO FVV�tl# tb- oroo,f cIna .•Cbrtx1CM'o1 anforomaent bf 6Pp1240ticn-of'. f143Qo therau der, and .Vighta, 61 iooGr„ion,tber(ianliev !f , wV ;. aria .rublt�Iel4iods ders,pOpa 4bina..riehtc'..'5> auy, thoyt or citur of thrj toy 'h6vo t6.•ov hSdttngtos r rv�eet -of char proaAuep.. ©r cnji; og tre po tCiotr hart e, axotpt Zta, hercinefter . o�prerol� ;�koviiZe(i.' .. :. , • )GGon3;. Gaid e11er d;oeo 2keroDAi aCreo that Yt h00 r , ' ose:w ll. Srmaliiatcly;'upon t}is cgoonflfon.hlrxoo4; it not D.ro-,' vlouely done; lob tha .•o6ut aot for.:tho 'itipUllatfoYi of ttae iajrovoiaata 911 f3csfdraoc Zip, 0607.`xnder `t2ia'ProoeQdt3..ilov vpii}ri .tae drb 3t` itt xoegors toopt tbo loric8t- ro0pona9,bl© -bid" for -tbo• radkin aY ga'fd i�prov genbo; or., event t} at rmtd ' a� to:76ucnto. *6ft not.. inotnllod ntzdor, : r aid pvoceodier ra iio�1 ehdin ";� j ra ooii•, of conditi ono 66cne tho control off, paid O t$. it �All thgfcu0x) ict adiatoly cul : izz goad taith.' ; nhdor. 46 , ,.oft 1911; .t©4o cuah pxpc©od ita' au are becaoyttS'y Iiorcartcler to csdnDui ate the,•inciGallot:ion briird: ?Shat o60 IIeller'W3i3' G niCb. over p. tx • : tlzxo gh thc+ laid to pgrq ;g- oerineotin� ze�sili;:uotween tho oity coin- Sup})ly 4f',water, and the oaid'pro'Po' ty"to the oo}}'uoity . of QoCt� to.tpor rj Cana gat on en -1 nue�c� an4"c}nrlan �a,oi tiho •o-.Hors of oiaid ? vo-ierby'q` rin their s- a xbtz `tl6e t6 ,tAas ' .1•e@uire., and uppr tris} '1natul'latLon o: the•`portagnent, •iioin �F h®reinoftox. }�ioviQad, tlrnlc�B v=(5r to tho full ospaefty t AoYooY "BB°eoiSdiCipn©'and .tr+4n(le.•arta#ro. gll:wat©i _ -kdr uai zunioi-pal 4144 IPourtM That ooid Nnefiolgry'.c7,11. at hia otn ospbzapo tnd within a r©bo4nable' tire. loy, dna it;ctell from " ' i -the itVof einos"ona k r#abnt sronucd In-, on and olontr . excmvupt hunuo-Cp �thc- said aNo., .8307. , thirty= Hina hurtiLred sixty feet ol castor taainfr foronrryina to ouldtherofo4r betvt heib5 ironed};.'"3t2oh GalArr to•4sp Baur :t�.i isioXs.<'thaFton.,gtoel e. 'bovoled :€dr r)eldinUj aepbaltun iilrpcd, I'r. d il.D. {3 ruhgq. Algin'"e=1, inp:'z4A TAlls.;tt, bio• own cr. once-0 tend ivitllout <e:0e11e0 to :tris City-."and vithiz3 p vc6conublo tfIC, iuetmll c?o 4-,abe1*-o�otoan ip,gai8 �rA.4,Ci At Gair.� eg �s©eeY j c,,roed. Ul t 00 v, id :feller 0911`rcift to. Gaili �ea3e floiarar or• bbo, prnic6 to^U:llitio t;ho, iro ?thg a ountn ao Gad noCt?. 0 3e etaia: root, QQter cy atm .. 11la F ent to: bi d, or. thcmj..of tho-pormltYago,or'propartlrin'c2 tb6 anter raltos 'colloott- ea frtau tt}o'diotrit3latipn ,a7f wetcro ors,. Duitb. yr0tat.0 : io:augerll� a11oGeQ Off:EYic Git "1NuDa'ib aiT0 009:0.. ifl;)tallatiou 0 gr-tor lno:'€md v0tbr'• Q tom to be-lnctullc!!, under tr.o Cupervigigii'ot..tta0 �u?os*isiC, float 09 ,;ater oP tPaa t;ai& ,roller. Fifth: .At cat' e, a, i?drk�acd1` Q&_ $0iza l;/ tFact, eho ,c7iI1� on or.iaofox0 to trio .said, ?o21nr ` a o .prilaalajeal 'Coll. dtions aE horcin pro v- idcd tote. wCozcccid 'uam or re initis- pov�iou 'of •Glia 0616 pur • ghcflo, f)rigo i1& Ci . e i t 'e rea;Q upan- In :e6ld main bf. 00 00; ara ,c�rco 'to' 13ea3ta m the. dvric .b2 .o ollctoral` aoai went,. &0 w plods?p • to the "raald 1rui.3too -ior the "aoPit of :� ald Ullcr.ou eootirit 'or vho as entl q%,eaIa tza r the �enofi,oinl in , ttrcat • In ar1+w "tmdcr LRtd Gce�dedi E`6olaviitioai of aDG e a31ri' it r Ate31 ,be proviacA Oat, aaid iruQt©o ohe]7 q to: t'hd' caid :'ellcp t ovo�at�-i'Svo:poi of the P=ipolpcl collocG$ono unace taaltlaly oet G @ iea £� (sofa" glen of hrbnt rtr in 'ca9,rl' rrnot: ao : nom ci 7sdivi8ed u>3Qrar 1.r"" Uo,,0507 uand6i oota urutst i7r}. P43., 0S'tar.�ho"iirl.pr gi��raaiit•'�x4n'tia� �„rdhe,'�Ti>;atli,'g7Ell;iolige�9.o>Ao �f tr.; lmfivg,por Cent oot4lebia7ns on celo of•-;isoT)crtyj thio,. oxnenub�a of r, ics ; rnoteo ' uaa. 'in olutiina t:gsoo mQ' ; Pito ,:)or a nt to tho Inpuovemcnt :"Uno, ries tiga gri or b6foro, t~a'oll 1 lvo—O If any oecomo dae uO 4ro loot, ' otleon�Ticao"pe�16, of;;�ion:ttl aa,-iinotall�ozito tits• �csm&i3:bleexsr3 oat ' t3ullt; �lab.aividod prq;1cr6y., 9Y�oiu9in`.1, o.tD•.,hi3raboir� t ..coin., in : 8a i ';taos;, an.11ebult; o£ t�-q Ukitaveh'Ientu.Gr`ipt ot�0111 :bo "�lar3EAl whereon wdor, the lomlo;, bldq kor cortiraot^•fRr.' ties iaact6llotioll• off. vhtch ,i.4t rvo4slcnto:: arO`now „polling 4020rc t;F�p .' oerik of Uzi Gtee�tl;p ;thCr Citi; of 'G¢goa;: blc" there obt) - t)u_pcAi& ao 6 ;prior €ic0uotton c l6i, iin9did 'os 'braes ' foir t 1, r. r �E�j�L�621t �1��6ta�"Oab �fiG�. wf'Cb th0 r�'1ptCV do {1@Qbfln�i Pf• 1C!" . _ �xavoi�orat�. r , cnA f#S thQ evondnia cmi of ^hirhr; i��ac Ta&; •.> . ollorot or ,piiy- pcxt• ?:Y-evooi','l0 ln6'4 paid on -o r bor'pro 'btlla' 1r ra • ,l050 vinpol¢ p6rbion thci =Z., 3iall ,pcow t "bia© rani •C1t 4?UV6T1' j)Citr ;O T7C (iQ=.T!1T{adll'1�z9ii ,' •oh lt Neyc�ble quart(+r1p, aTi�,il Z)ald; Intl 'pais , o oter al coolruzout �heall •�rovi�,c £or t'hc}.•�ia�Gfl� pf �aiQ jtati�.roeb t»'�fafi �uca3.1 ., ..,, 'Do .3ponreti tborcbp. ,1s. and 'Tb t6 ,O ovent, aa'fal'a1Q, ir[ p�;rttarrt min E�3Y ca ,. o ,d�l.t9: P`a�iad�TB� lmro.,, �c " Hart :. t • ' ., - t�q�e3S, �n or '4ao�Qs®•$':aiHeb 1, . 3 J$�, oaitl' :�'ufcObo6®r�' oFs�12. F:avo , .. ' olrt �nthb Y't'�ty 'argh l� lgi3�'471��t�:t� �r}1i©14%tQ:`DuL•R �t��Q'!dp ',. fealait, pla. DQ isip -Obt. ..bo TAGBn gk1€�ar ea3fi oo l titoT}1i-`a =s%.�iTG until a�'tp� tha ox�is.•atign 6P �ne� pei�lba:. • - • ac. �r le uragor Coo3' r<ni cpbea tttta�: a.r i T3�'of tbo '. M :bttin sola:, =4' mdo4j end` QtTse}, " _.• " '' fi � are autato44iA; 011;.00A80ta..09• ^400"04t tiola, eon=.. crtiollo =0 Q:, shbola.06013 '40 a,-nfi:Cioreq- 'cul p�T'iflC$�'c'l oelleotioT3u i� �ro�aeot ` -uharool, 6-f' a, itwit: O�z doaucb, Qn -} Fg3.S1 �15TSS�2Q0{ 'QY� iT1-.. . elu fYa : D97,30U Of Said bands. 06 pgvtlm� 6 tYac7 .. �ris�nl ni'-t* •zhe nnt of ocvOpiy`-Ave pbr acot theroog, aR.. utT� ;rh�Ta coliaatod ui dur., an ''�i� ,•'o�st�ll did 'e jlic&:.4n - '--?aai fl2 .itei;7 It iQ:�Uwacx�(A@od. rxii, arr9cT., thtt taeIs I w, I+�iEiQnol ,�ruab' aia •�bviTT(��',,Got:oa'�otton fe,"r� euoaQ�c�r "rotatea: t ' tre, c3tait lana: of .Arcorloq •und�z; e�id.• �ryts�oreLinxi 4f 11ruob iTar L :i� nc}ti 1,R :tiTTQ •C TI be tho �i.dutoe ,11IIC er-Lt3.SO eT3Qd[ . llGolar?�"i O o;` `-' I4ct,'ii1♦ ��U� 01dt1 1A thUo rutu4lp Ona,*tC.d • to-"'U� a;t1 t$v��ic:�tiaa �cuu�o. � �� it Ao -�wdug 6 end ccrdo ttlrt.all tb4 1j'drtico' .. hsrato r11jl: taret��T o `anrl •{ iva, cueb coaoeot 60, :c� bo rrc uire',i ' M ♦• r. . . r r to, all dcouj e6tn 'nee )Ori to., mend,.,rpa idy orad ;aub�bltabd in ieapctlt'.of cuoh l Turd . n{i tho �rovtavino t,hcraof, , to corm thid. atremeng '3nt6'Y411: �ot_oo1'&O uet,. iizol9fiu naei nra(,.ntu, ei�a -1mra h- gravid' far,- thoroy,-ollminpzliir�,On d_ �'rapcaz Intl i sa, oil -if Co�ogt , it trio, q rcnlpc�, pq tea 044& olleic from bll fntgru�t 'in tho, preznii oo oroO?t :Gc to eulif_3q-0 0 Oba tho 4rov cionq.in tw)oot t�4i-cssf..e��A tt!fjt tind thdrefrou yFl0't.Sor0;:414 lrc6t' 0L` 7, ;ssLcill a-oPnVoyod 'ri'dom"na to ;*e u�,id',rurchaser, all s+iCht� thereif uria� t5 part cvco Uain.3ioobq tragi?c�#re`t4'it-by 41i=Af-La'�Sazieq .)iovata, kill_.cuthoricy tibia i^O by iv n 't. tf c� ^ ctgo t0 eat, in •., ro foot"t ordbf'ill wcordGnoe tior(;tith ST, im :undoxcatood.'am1 c tzmctl tr t: Che ir`o�ago3 e eka trs Che 'r6ocnt `F oo ar tiro i. oil r �'t3i�t.. Grlfl %0" crezi9 st�3' t�6relo,: 43:a11 'ba` oarriel otic' _b� ties O�Cd -11611 • {3e;t�n6cfl �+oolar�tioi� of`'.'ra�t'uo., ucfi3 CiiQ.. �3±r�Fi.'�bo ,�t�a�;vaad �� ; wended �,aelc>rOion 'Cf " sant .ro..M3, ses��r ,i5f rah jvt 3:0-hdretf)r Gttac.bea., muetCfl.tis.,Od QBGC a horeof, is ona 0'3 tae dccuaftjtC- i$io):-it io'G�rbQa aheil:l be r�;coaced pp.'. P,a eriona j) t1cu.hOVQt6 r+eOar4a An. Gho aRcontiion t7ao> c5 tin t: tl5tl i�o?on c] c1q_ -7jczjL. c�gY d cef� is hbrato attaa),igd,:'aictl"od'"'-tlllbit.V Iorcb;* r6Roirdl to .daft- rt�do'e1, pc�sa_ hoaco4 i.,i.,� doat�ant• k''h3afs' oi>a11•.4® c�Gtsutre�: . by. tho CltJ of 4'.Zdsn'. to favor oat, lana d.413vcrc:2 .o; L,rrc..,,mnt otosa o pretion Tod Cha �eqY igt, 'doors tiaa oxeostirri 3^c coi; :Cli-s4-,tAe. ��opoereo er�i,� :cash,•. caa,,1 -oP `:iraioFi A'c� ua�ttc�, �tj,•: ,- . tLlCtheds .,PEToa "-Zl4ot �", `�osoii� rexerreQ to cnd :me, a T_rt oi', iD rx tionuzicnt etaiah oball-.1i 6rcouycil , ,� , i:�rrmciiae ��iiCTi•L�fl�'k3crttiu 4y:��1.th, hYfs'r,.isc�;�f31 ��vo� c:t :': ' . una a.altvarod to',«4Yer3tiunt L'ertora to.rjaoxution of tbo.' acffid u,�;n thg.'r�aoraCien T:ereof, •thaC -i,�<e ;,,ro.DeaUfl,a�,�t{�fl+ae7t► . 4opj oft i c}� } n':aOnoFat !� %ortTh�4a ^ki C@ r'.'}tiPiit F',. t+oz'oby uo o rod# bo'. din , 91e a p rt, } cre0t;' is it}i6 co -Z' 40o, (m cent to uj3,oroai;tQii tho rttartigo Yiolding't eticP#o�o1 teaA; E.,tai and ntatior t3s14 AV. aa,o9 1Golorotiaz3 of xiunG..]c. u'h•!eb Grold Ue dallirgsc6 to by �`u too,'tsnd Clio ¢off tboroog ac 1-i oeea to, the, Gita? oft: Aau®a;' uflcn `tho Ozo.o atioo Qi 'Chit c�rect�eub, _ ' ;:' , .i.t bfl .�Q�QGG�� GtYt�O�G$¢Ql�• Gard II�S4t=� :fti}lG4• t?xio ., +?riti37{3 cinLcirt`ca 1xd n i(tlo ¢g t}ra (�xgotlas�t rs oc .bo Ivacoa tko r rUlotY Ya4i cttr 'iri rq�;; io¢ 4 ' dil .re Qntt� odah,c�ooct 1p�axa;�'g'ioa cs 2x11' @irCkita�{*a r.Yid quitc�l�5tr,, . • 0710.," th©'at}t9r;' gas--ro.ei�gct oto t11,.'rce tioro V'iothor r fpionoO i1L'a^eiir f` onot.3 ena thipa pritiag` el4all .�Q. MIA aor: "so- o.3ul oorlota iin z:ui uzrl' tx��tlewcxt Go t,a. n11 Lwtbavt� raaaQ txsttxrr, ' thio p�s'eeacnt'eirttl� r1o.0 `bp' bh�nae�, . p�1`2ic�d 0�. A1COt�@, :.• :;• : va oopt -0y tba.xcritr>d : bh'spv cif: a71 Chc�"F�z �i�a:horAt� oa tov':f ,lis ,goy ut% JCfegot 'tha portico 'baro%6.' ma cnly j betty, en -ths- 3ovoral,•�tartlor�., nat;yocn».tbomsdvoo ,1$ • 1! ividual -zritt m orweement' is reb�?ettt,,,to Daattord iri *:the "OotA460. ,6 ;:.th� Gita af.;ttunr*© }aQoft 8� ito ` a �' aort�TL ¢fiottgttd :auly authorizea\ bF.-rele.01.4tiop nZ itb Lours o.f.uatdoo, ati'@: mesctin aui1 eortRor,. auL , T % < G s h61.8 oil t:h'o f/ (}bq"a;? vaauao,i its'`corporcCa� hese t o bo xti�ne3 ; nii ito ooa a©rcpt© • Gool to be. Wfl.od ilorCitO, ani t1aa3 -gaid `urctiient '<adru eor arcttoix 4 . tha e'getf A6 .he o. 1� ' i ua a�Piucrc t},0rolthto 2iuly to hoVitod .,by roslolu,tion o4 MS 'oar@ ®i Mrootoxq, ' 'bouciod itn obrti tad bcj.biCno� LzII ita'eor�xarat;a beislto be i b }:rota; orifi tkso` atsi(t; ro }tett4 vo pttt co' r s have pi�t�C� %t;disc`i���ryd ha�titti�s� �3.;r-. �n;bLo ��a� p�:oo�t$igsa r • x _ ip. / y {{�.hy. ♦ -hae;la t'�.� ii '.' ,fie y� .,. idt{,T� �A•.' � �.ri.�(.• yi�4 . , r i Cgx7�q"da� ; ^,tla1) Tredid WW,, Ei Lhe bra -of rilot co ' • . = :Lci �� o "MP'lizholllpl-11'f�. i[5PIT(,, , orc"td , Y .. � . ) . •A 1 ,iy h 1 � _ _ i q Mary. R r�-------^-- . IJ A V1° 3'"' 987 12_ r 0 6. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the President of the Board of'Trustess of said city and the City Clerk thereof be and they are hereby authorized, for and on behalf of said city, to execute said Assignment. • of.Beneficial Interest Bank of America Trust No. 243 to Paramount Motors Corporation of the Pacific in the following form:. 0 F • - - °ilL�r�' �A la --..d4a� Z�({�.•� Cj4• �iEtJ;.. . . , i • ;ilio undorotpnel, Cit$ of Zzugn, a rMniOIDA .c6r zr&t16 of. th, '• 'i—th ^`la. o-,pYeeaa9`ce� ria o�.9at n� 4uitla� . tbo lc -"'o P tire'' )t6t6 fprintsi ,dor. enfl 1.:n;oonoiQcp ation oy _thQ. GUM of atd-'3011sr0. t0 lt.'ip,hpn rai3, ond'.;thpr r;;oo,a and the;raooIgt. of all pS .tbioli to P,osreD�:'sgfirir, ] oE� e6t, talo [�runteti, es i'�aG�i, , rciie a xo aaxd'got.r)ver, :zxs%1 dd@3 b�`ti ace r_'>resoi2oe.Cr6nv;. 30111 0:01.1t PA, twatoYor on& q0t Ever tatato7 i;Crt��a�xbt.fbware Coi o otlon oSC bho,�tioi8�o, n S eieae,e' • oorporOldha ;etich and ovorc, a11. 6� its, vi; hz, t3Wa00 ,in z tar t' G;xd6tsto, iix n �s to such a respec . o$ :Si at `corvalxi a',r`. nt imot;n cn4� dooiJrngt.o as «n,.^ p!. AQorice oeoilarc ton . o� �,xt1i L ' o. w '0, • and .the r�ros�ero� ep�ore(I tfi�r®�iy, �n{t tiro m¢pfls Lnl,. vailo Ocreo}, efig• rdoi3 rir'rt0, ie •oriy. of the th0 sy,P13Oct ion. oP �:tho ��Irou660,, ag *�LLo,- Colo 49 the 13v)p0rty envored thorcby.. 1: lY 'il a' r • �,. tha-01ty nf. GzuRa,'.by 4th offtoore thorcubto- dully autflor tea.bJ roc6lutlon Qh Ito Pocrd of s�an•Cco3, •1103 call eei..ite.Go" "otcit6 ilne to -pe nlCznefl oIna, itb C3orpor6t60001 ,to VQ*c'2 x43' 110ELo,' all In 06 quo oz a'41bu borcof.. thls ar ClQA WIA (oor)oroue 1)014) BY > ,ion !?ent 'cf the �,omrl n iltte t' Kructoad. .. •• deo3�xaoa: _ 14 - • • and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the President of the Board of Trustees of.said city and.the City Clerk thereof be and.they are hereby authorized, for and on behalf.of said city, to approve, ratify and confirm the said Agreement and Collateral Assignment of Beneficial Interest executed by F. S. Lack, L. W. Coffee, Paramount Motors Corporation of the Pacific, R. E. Clapp and Bank of Italy National Trust and Savings Association to the City of Azusa in.the following farm: 15 r, hla ,a Ceree—WPP -and s•oaii 1tap6t • ekeouted •in duplicate `L . dad of ,� 1937,y and between , ;;,. ncFt, l.. .F. Cernnt . oore Coro;nLiAb c}. t$e _"aoiYi:o, Q,,be2s%7ara eoYporbtIpn', end. R. Clapp', parties o:. iiba "eirOt a. t.,..hertiiva�Ytoc agmet iihea'CAI ed""i"sjrnxP", and rn oi". Italy Put$caaal :kuc3randy avinco Eedociatiop, a Cirpgra:tip crgani e&'and Obis � ''aandvs .the rt anel iia sty Lct ,prasty of the cecot)d s,)B't; heroine ter tao etiiaea Called- "Traateo", and. C1ty o2 A.,ren a mnioipa corporation of the vizth Cib N,, du.4.. orgenizoa .-6nd existinC.irnd©t tha latre of the atato'of 0611lornia, pY, of tce third pert; horainrs£ter 'a3meticabo" called, ""olree"; ^I, ? i;11' i',13 ; trio Bala ':: S;16 rQ 3 s*6 purchuoed . of • ;' .vn9..X om Cornelluo Uaitb-6 t 13ortha d.- pith, M6 vile, and t;he oaid vdyoe'; r,ll of tboir. and each of Lhoir, •riOat, title and interest, in rang -to sandin respect @f of Zmoirl,ca cruet ro. P43 and -r�ha propFarty covered thefeby; anti the pro ceeda anti uvalla thorco�, orifi- tine xlEht o£. dbgi"ation of the eq?plicatlon of trio, proceetta o tbo Lisle Of propartiea •tberountier at 'and for.tho conaideratioti; t ! 1 J + X48, as ti9reinafter eat}out,all-o said f'aots are -, ; , h©ro`by aakn��lod�ad, +�� a�roa3 to •bpi said I�a.�ors ana - � k ,. •z F],'fiF"t�jt A , ,i�t `.10 desired to -aoour®; the smith Payee ` in-roapoot'' of tlio paymgtlt of -adid 64m of hirt� , hoUsaDd Dolldrs on or:before nod " L'Ix�2�; 1n` coia#18ozotio�► t+f thv �S�emi�oo and'ai+ oa tl 'ind`o tdetnerao and to 'oedure A' r7. 91rot,::'th0.;�ayr�ent •to,tho;,!�'ruat` o Q its iree,a, expoabp4, . comtxiaaions land advanoemen`ta n';oonnection t&oro k aeond the'ni�ypent of auia indebtedneen or:, eny ' ren'&Isl cr e$toiaoions of tha tfhole 8r any"Part theroof,i F •t t r$, t the ropaymvn't of 4ii�r aur�o.aid ''or adaoneod by olid tayoe for the protootIon or. pic'eeivation of thOL l r. intorGe ,horoby aaoieao&, with lnter4et thoroon, 4t Lho trate �t •.. .. of 7 por "'c'ent per annuli, frorl dot4 aaviinoed uratll: paid, `ahloh right' of paymont•_'or c�04hdoment is horobp given to the."stila goo, a Vourthl the payment to the°''a rca: and�or'the �ruatea.of a11, hit-orinoys'.»Peen, cos; rs or; peneee, ,ins , a roei gnciblo_.-oum thdt said;?'nye© or aeist; suetee, .'oit oitlior , .' of them, r.taay o� pQnd n :aA ottninor ip` conna'ation hcr6v ith. 3did ;�?�ayora ;do by th000 prooph B sell; gr at a, tri ofci and,spt over uritq`aaid Ts�ixetea,,ln �rlist, ho over+•.%" with, 07er'of o�ilp, e11..�hoir;,right ; title, and interest. in t t F und..to thea ePitaii� Trost as evidenced by'.thdt oortaixi• • ' S No.`.243 %�iraan cid-Aciolarnt on of Trubt`./okocuted "by Unk o'f :,'Italy_ . 116nal e'rust and Zovsn�® !i'sboeiat on unaor datb, ttsp ad]9,2,7,-to Obtbbi rtith;'a like �f,ntcrost In.- end:. to Cho. 7?rocoodq,vald'•aveilcj Rrislna'or gsocvin ort of 'the Baia iruot, an ::d,lrusteo',is hpratiy nu:ihorizoa ` to pay, and turn over :2nt0 baid Ppyeo all; m0noyw and benefits ' ♦ {+ , tv 1 ♦ 1 1 I s - rron3ng aut; bt tie in$orostb }ioreb;t:'aosigrod, bu6joaL to alt' of the :terzid and voti dit16n6 ofe,aid, dmoncied D®elaratio�i `off: gust. ,, , , . i :✓ e , Y It is &QrstpQd and; arreeQ that unt.l`'auah timQ �n , to a+�iH;�ayor� shall. be doi',au].t; at' tht� Haid; inde�Ladnebo mare-� .` f said; to�et# er s th Bili othor bumci Boa rete ak intended to bq a¢ ., Qursd fioraby,r'ayoe`nmol pialy•hecQnYt3:e9 to :recoivo fray' said rant that art3cOn ,off tho preoeeds tboreof rtli ah tdPIIiYEtiS14 o flintribu :iaxi toY t bs :too zru'stgo-bh'arQur►c�or' a „ . t}iB':jirll�0ip�tii-a011a0 0rio "t0 60140 t of rodext ix2,. Che. LitsQly od ., port oW:b9 t to pro ertyarse aav-ere t&�oreby; f�ftor -tib -Prior gray . �' � si n� , a ,< e r 'k, � � � fj i -�, t s'r k♦ ', , -ti tient nnc ^d�duciian frdm :the grpao 15f• not al ca12Qt#$ians v 26 ` icor Gent ooh�issiono on,aalea of �?roerGy, ,tha Qxjettoeo::oft10 "; irtateo iabfL. o t#i jrnnt`, ino�ludin Kt'oi, aYid 5 por 'o IST t t3ao , xl TmprovemenC` E'und, ;and ile payment- of -s�11 ord®ra nbi ficled,it,�t" the rustao: oovvri, irr }j.gvem nta as nQr6. ciade `on `;said nraot, acid tho payct nt of,"::bongo placed on �Spid eut�div�dett pro�iorty ail' W' aault 02� impravarent �;hi'oh.Ishall"be p]coed thereonander {y hej'Irgpaeod bond, isouo,• bids, kor contract fox tYi6,1- ngtallatioo• i • of r�hioh imrvvemcntp nr`e now pending ba€ore tho:oard d--O'f' firuatdes off; the Q ty of 12usa, Tbnd cover inC,lQta `that are Hoa ar -may hereaftQe bo eola; fko[�t: sgI4., mruot, Provided further, that.'Qaid n Y pgrtianf'ab4 shat l3be payabl'o to tiie eai$ paeQ :Ghoe from„shall"only 5a 96` der cent `of tha not :belanee 'a 001d grin= cipal Goliootiono:;thus liomainlzi thbrQYxoui.' 'Et'"boinO.un4aro oa8 and :a teoct howaver, that •aha ui oubdividad £Qrt;i aaxoo held Yunddr ; 1 a ttoid'daendgd'}7o0 `nrgtion`.oP Truvt is not o'opared 'hotoby'and.that it Oho l bo..oanvb� od agi_.t}�orein Pioli, Qd to. tha Puramou it ;i ot0rss , Oorpvratior►':.-of' `tb,o tlaif� o �,tti put demand P+►pet+Sia11`af{th�s;,i�A`@8btpdgaEi di'at�.osaid. togothbr.-vith oll:egther,>mums tPius boour's 0r #1tand, eO ta. be ne- ourotl here0y, 'or'uj�on doiivar ,.to t}�a i$aid"2�rugtod of Q r;r.itten notice Tied tha aai8 Payoe, or;fram6thbll,Ulddr o `sa16, Boli`' f eatibu of tba V147. psi ent thePeoP, c#nd T' .the surrender. ' y n F r ' ' r 1Y � 1 1. r' •' r S' . J §T 'the da' %i pliedto of ;ts is agreomont';: is - `y '^ , ; , • '-` ' / c t ' • t rot s i and 61301, Qx► ""°ovi oziQ n� t[hy, Sudor e9uoa,o' thus rdfjourac'1 or ttte�aft4d° t� die- sequirdd l�aro�y N$o:3�a�,Q ypna't®;o 8ulg , ' ,. ��. ' Q�t1c�11oQ, �t�c�5,� `s�asbva �izilj 'roaoei(�n to tiro perZg or `,' < , ; !�Pprtcid 1�01tatR�t�e �ntpr0at 11` arrid,yroat #a4soby'p o3 o$ � 1 e , • r Y .{. r � : 4 ,Zr,. ns. . t 4. �° yf 4�. 1 a -r ,. , J ,;� tp ass nrClBtoo. fir sutQh 1`ntbrer3tf' ae•"r gy thaY1 ba.h0 ' by -said knotec i r �kovided� that 1gQthS.'i�g haxSin in ony 67ay.�'dthYinzt tit fs pa, 468'thol `at& d 0, fer the Eko tl[IG�i i1 Qtk ba ,in cio�oult to``Aht'erfera .ox, preven tb't thq rG l r, i'uno c tiotiitag o -thy eiil4 "�xu t vi erd-iri'�ro�idc6 is •iA '� i -Y . , ,.. ,` ,� cludIng t b IaI cztiora�;o tha Viocq' o .:dol}notioncs` tAor©under 'in reacatb the r5cattQra aocejatad �ntt' allorseQ ea eQaxaLlonp ti�'8YGOt118� vi t2 rµutho.r' natiox 3rir tbo +sovdtal `, , paz�,t' oa -ba t�rerc n'-'clraa saatofl to.,''Ive'.tha natruotiQna' yin 5#�Qin mnd thvr�antlorsilowea ant+ pttt�iitQd' to tha re iv > ' spQcta 'partipp lbAare oti ,t�ofing �er�in 'oontai` ed bl1 be co�istxued as psrxrti fi' ng payicaczt �4 cn� of $�o `•payors" 4 • ' :li. of tbig c�bain=acrit af,y rneyoataOavAr until paid ihodaaz►ti i}q1� �ar0;`u�i6„ fr�tcrest;; +nq, prDvit�e taerain, Ai ab Y,aen' grid, vaotitiucP1 honey a#:°r?lall `hargrifCar 4�0 -. ,. aota,11� &(ivrznae6;' to tide r r +tc�o qty"„said i tit� �oaymant a� tawoo,; aQ�se��mantacr othmr �}rq�4ot4pr• of ' ;J t tr`upti ori the,,prop.eOrty .colored theft@tib• t �• aa1d oPtsolt 3��►£ ade to paygcbi w ez�,. 3hdvbteduq�m :ooC�Iri; nr $nh&ted-;'to tib bQciirvd ` or tol6ad aefd if Ae t ach in , ayroci n at2d when” u& q`f nit:"Caxba os aoaoeomoto, lions, oacrtc�, , chrt�aer, "or abhor , ' • 1. 1_ 4... I �s�ymcnta avidod;dor #`a Quid';.'Sn¢axcdci6 -ion of Ttd0t, or tiepcsin, then and In'i tip lti`n�i c ' Maid: events of tnc d ,r 4 t 3+ • dofa�q to, isid, Payee, -d ty, ouaa; ,it! oacc0000ra or aaoxena,-may s�ecuto azs�l @olirofi to<tho onsa r!ruatoe a writtMi'Dec2ar©tion eog,lkdcult &T Dbm�nd Sar Qale,, cM,d ' �. thex.cuppnlpurro tlor to-tha. aYuatao,b$la,aroognt. oats ogaiEmznont 'ol? ,D9nefi01u1 intor,aat; toCothos 4sitb my otlisr. docunonta',i oliiiena9i8' oaiQ; it��u4,b6ci}oati,.'., nocurea or iiitVAdc4 to be. ceoatrod'hereby, nab th'e "Arustoo ahallthoiqixpon,lirocced to ool:l ,the lagal ,' and%or Bono-.. fietiY7 rLght, ,titlo, ,or interettt °t tho iigora,' ai0oggaouis iorcot oof tathom, r-o:a .. ' of tho hsi s: or .o'bQipo' Ohoa, or, o$ any of- thea. iia; •' ind: tc 1ihd.rriaole `o •the,truot•oatato, Iii, opo or'nor0 or i tzil 'of.'b21a the notloan rro vidod by-'9ection 002 o2 tho'Cotio of'-Qiv.il .>rocd8.ure of... •C Sttat•e of Oaiigorn.ia, '' ''rovide4, honavor, •thta-6 GzAd :ruotice paha}l ;not thuti �'rooeed to piaoh nolo anti} a<6or, t e Mirotion of - , Ox monthe from ,tho Qote, Larch 1, :14$0, :ona- not 'in, eny .QPqut-until it phall,huva rcooivcd..tho ?1eilar6tlon of Poftalt and. actu :for' aux�rgn:dor' �O t3]e,' SitRt.94 of:'the. -egid duplicato a�r44caci54 rand• aa"ei6ger(. of Deno r ficial, intaraat',,'anti tbon nl- An tho. oventr th t:tho o �,defeult ehall •not, 173ior titcroto.,•-3zavo boon-oared: { all proviolono of soot ibn ,3601'•t6- 907:•3ueln- �Oivo; of tho Civil �#v0o, oa" tjto atfltQ bi Ccii2arn a, ta�§othot' with temen0, protest, 'not 06 'df pratoat�, •n+�tiaa'..of ileMeiaa en&, notico 0P a to b6in ksorobi+ caxp encily wmi've& by,thd o3oreslareiri ei1A ab " rovido(t by ,tloctiai�''3t108'a .tho oivil colo. o eT,iPoritle, ox►i: the S notcole ldtoby fronted ab , 1:f .', ; ,t4`t'a ., i P 'i 'yam i ♦' ;.. -. ^, 20 eolnto anc unaontrCillad diaoretion `to aetorzzine'rbiQ one or gorb of, the, said. mannero .aifd ,moth.odQ of sale' 1$ gill = ..13634 Qr4ot co 'gtogtpono .'uuoh '4610 of: `n11 ar . an portion bf ,void i�cnCfioial, Intioroot:.b • �tibllQhinn a , .notice of pi:ah .pootponoment it ondisSua only.j, ptint to 'tho':doy 09 a.1' ae I)obtponod,',oY 'tho oomQ novapapor so aontcAned.tpo notion o�i'",aei.e', if -dny push, not,ioo,,hOG :boon publiohed'. oar at iter,'-00ti.gno Ug'�sub ia'tsnnounCer�offit t7►aroof' at the tir a e;c & ni66,off: 6616 e4, advvrti'ded ; ; and :xuetv0 6nj7.. fi'ow to time, in]11Co aotiinor,jaatponQ: oil. : lltti the t•i6o end"•plaao of oalo advortioed, as . hpr:oWbaforo pot forth.- op: bn-$ flay -tO** :hi'ah auoh.00lo; y bq poetponcd. Said. Lliubtoo `bud abll' buoh interomt_;• ore on j portion • tbereoP, . at' pu01ic auotioti; to tho `2ii jhsot" Didfter, f4r.:,aaGti in Bold coin, ,oQ the. Lfnit4d $3tated of 't"ho prevent. atandocd of tir61ght: QiiO;-Tin eneot3;.. and o tar 3n.Cit ' ond',eftar' .due .0mont MQ Mf Ooia r4 f, 6ha11 o onto'ix►d Qglivvx :to -tho puroheopr, or purohaooro. an do df fl it or aoof nnorttp, of Otho• intoroot An' said lru,ot..1 IM colt, oub�eet• •to all, tho:,tc'rmb` and doudi'tiono thordbf. iit, of tAv•ir0000do .of e1tit polo, aai©.•^rultoo ` Shall p69:" Pirati rho- aoo�q, nrnat�e' ctfaoa, if' arm, . Socoiifl:: All 'ou o a hiah rsny haao. Doon paifl or ddWmoA In':aoaorderioe' jith thB roviaiar5a.horeo , wSsd"-mot ®p i$, taQoEhd pith: kntPr.as, aaoraod-bherodtq;, ,hird; '"ho tdount thio and unpaid on said obli6stion; rrrourth:.. Any pddYtion41`, cAmp, Syi h it?tprcat ' aeortaed �hoagn, oc�ing by o�id Ltgr'are ta' euid.aee, 'no horcilnbea�oro �zgoid od.: - . - •` ` - !►ztd, YabClBe ilio ©t�letToo; if pti�, tR . bo z�caroe n • -or orbonb. on' iCied' thorato, • ott dUoOh 'by tho (ileo ond. sccardb pf'th© �'riiptoo`tin&Qr;' &aDoolorntion of'"raoc. The !kadittlo -in cup bdc�iOinoi�t, . or Orlbigncicnto, `• f ofKi?st8 ine Coro or.`.feota taf�ont#&— Gide rormlarit�,-:vr,.vcaltd ' - 3,ty e9f ai33� .aelo, ati4'12`bo vgnbluoYva 4�ainst all per�cnae 00 do , nll 'Aatteva ,Or , too' Cb tt ore,irt r0oitca, and the redital in %I b atti:d_ aoaieaiaoat or• d0o1rs=enta, of •tho , raoolpt, of tiro uroishpe i opQy oiaall o -ti elt:ff pienb tl oohnr"'o to -cutch • ?,�urchaavr•.,fro�r enp,oull�caCiDt�'Co• ode- to;xt!o �i+e)n0� .ahpi o01on og the -,urehno07 Doney, a000srdirit. to the W'V11OV i proylde� . in c i a 1ut�tru bnC, ^:ructeo, T'48061 ang porno :bt dobe5 ® oiCbor, or EkdP bvli0r }5arapi.n may" p troha0 at onoh .nate. 1oopt •,aa hoibin,expf6boly }�rovidod to tho don tktttV do -rem©dg here i 'dgfafo7re11 upon or rooerve to It :rn„tce,find lor io%VAortdo(q to -bo of. any :. othoz+_ re:stoay Di t boar- o6a -+every Babbfeuod# obrA1 De otz14a1(Lt1rO; �na.cr F o �a� sic aiz to`r. gay igen berepader, or-unser-sold C-rUst,�or nov'or,borooftot �Mtbt iatg_ at lbw Or iz.•Q�ai`�g, qr �i�i' aEctui o; � tl evor do or P114 'r`oned�r divon • to Vho r2iiastleo-614./at Pasco tads' bq eget • oinoQ- from tizze to t1me; ard;-aa oft' z1i tray be deo oft:: . es;pgdipra�,.' 3'xovxdeti,•`hocoaar, 'that �ditha>~ a�ador Milo`-, <• . EICreci ncae Curl ©bbignaont, or othorz q , oboll•'the. oblita- tion uoreundor, bo aorm0I. pbroanalo. nor thall thore3 b(t c1nry other or futhlot ,rv®ourbe,`th °Wdt 09 the beneficial:' 22 «'. . i + r t ink©reoi covesrad reraby,` raeante�fto 34i�caQxdries ha�'e*rith.r �hit3 Aosicra cn C, 2Ti f€�1,� 'itrJ`p rti?, r�7 lio t0 inure to- 'rho Debo it o. and ,'�ia',$o Via] 2lpt t e J erttto, choir '` �tBiT�, �.q�t4tt3FiL�, ��pvioQ4�f, QQt�irllu��¢3,t0'tit9, ''EYCOt1iC,4�b� 3110 " x r Y w t 41 fitpRTi ; Gtpxfharpo`r4ui�+ri y iCC iQr&t ®�.'k e8 t •Y� ]7,T%♦ r t a \ �� ` +.: v r -Attest ,eot6Car� , 4,0 is •/. 4J 4i', XS�,7C,Q �,',^'p;f`.'ofl2'.��r 'a' .The City o�insatuiipa isazporeatiien, •above k1U110Q, the' ataypo ,in i�iF3:: ibovo 1 ElFIC3' A� d *rQp1 CTt� t]Y18 6C3 tii eaC,! ae hoz eq rsrae tote f)Elrte fl))d a ejj y' rave, ,a t •r, , rCSarid'.Cani�s tjo •.£65caan sr3aCman> cod,Cf�sitgnt, a t dncl :Ghe aa2 �rri$nde� �3ec2�areztYpn off:ruat ,fi3 a2� ptat4Ci3srtr. bmtod' ttia ka' �a 19E7 .`. i n i 'oai (lent o t e on A000E ° qr ..R O OGS i 7rasCeo' a iitcfor9art, tee. • -j J >�ha Yozo�oi�� ��arti�t -?e h�%'ct��r eea�ptsci,„an$,$u . , ' y��ieatQ p� :ChiB .a root OnC,anQ.aBei nraent',' iicfl in tbQ rnat I3,epsrtinela `Cf,$ha T944o;9,ZtaIV, 1tat+ona2 Trupt' abdZc)irl go JAnaoaiatiozl, }iOkp • r { F dap CY F:1 ;.2927• Y.' i L2 rf v r i J. • 1 �.. Bahl. QY 7tialy Ugtiotlal '�s'rast' end Savints ;. �asQai$tIQri, ' > ��` 1 ,8cpiat�ult ri'ru�t:gffieer:�♦y T h, • 0 0 0 I hereby certify that.the foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of Azusa at an adjourned regular meeting held April 11th, 19279 by the following vote of the Board- AYES: Board:AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Cit y Clerk of.t e City of Azusa. Approved this 11th day.of April, 1927. o President of the Board of Trustees . of the City of Azusa. - 24 -