HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 1252-
the plans. General Electiic, :or-7equal-,' Novaiux straight`: series .
lighting unit., Form. 33; complete:, wi ih• No: `127 Light Alabaster
Rippled Globe; No-. .1 Light• Alabaster`,Rippled Canopy, B
etric 'dome refractor with fixed position:refractoi' older,'tronze
pinnacle 'and bronze:fitter' complete with•felt': and fitter' springs,
including; one 250 '0;p. stxaigit,,series damp:'
2'..,. :CONCRETE 1; part by measure •of Standard Portland
Cement'.; 3 parts by measure of clean ji gashed. sand and:• &`ravel,
wgich: vi•ll pass`�through,. a.1/4++, mesh soreen and be retained .upon a
screen•'having 60 gra
to••the,l neal inwhen screened• dry; :and%
said ,send :and..•gravei,'sh•all, not exceed. in proportion one.part sand
and: two •parts gravel:_ 'The ,gravel,'must. -be hard.'and,' of durable
quality•- s
3. REINFORCING -OF STANDARDS �--The'-`standards shall be'
reinforced as s oTi wnupon.,tFe '--Plans.T e .reinforcing rods shall. '
: be equally spaced around .the shaftat least' one' ,(l;)' inch- from the
outside surface. ' "The, -top of --,:the reinforcing' rods. shall -be arranged
so, that a cast -brass eliade holder can be fastened thereto; and
the bottom`of ,the reinforced rods, shall- bier arianged• so .-that, anchor
lugs •ar.e- fastened thereto 'arid cast into -the.base of the standard
,for, fastening the same' to the foundation; ash shown ,upon; the. plans., ,
.. ..
4.,:_0ASTING.0F STANDARDS.: The reinforcing of standards .
as' described,: •and�Fi •aggrega—f `cement, 'gravel' and' sand
as herein specified, after.Iaving been mixed-. withsufficient water:
to .p,ermit:'pouring same into, forms-:. After ,forms are filled :the
same'shall.be securely locked nto•a machine:r{hich will revolve
the forms and so compact the concrete-'that",at;the 'end•: of: "30 minutes.
the standard shall be, capable of sustaining-' its own weight 'without.
changing shaper ' And the `-:same shall' contaiii, a ,hollow corenot less. .
than 21+ :in,diameter extending• from end -to end, 'the wall of which
shall be:_ concentric with the outside surface.'of the _standard. = No..
metal cores sha.il be a1lorled,:.
REINFORCING' RODS 'The- steel reinforcing rods•shall'
have a- tensile strength ,of, not' less .than;'55;000 pounds:, to the
square inch; `and an. elastic �Iimit.,o.f not Gess than 35,000 pounds'
to .the square' inch; and shall 'show,no signs of.,fiactur.e' when : bent
around a -rod:of 'its - ..own diame. er:,
B. ERECTION ,OF STANDARDS The foundation must be
a'1lowed three' -3 ,days. to set- before the'standards. are 'erected.
thereon," and tyle -base of ,the' standards ,shall be set 12++: inside
the street face of the curb; unless otherwie•e shown upon the plans.:
The •standaide� must: be 'plumb •and ,iii line, and upon' a
uniform;,height above --the plane' of the sidewalk.
After the' standards ate:piumbed upon the':foundation, .
the base:must: be given a uniform:bearing by grouting with •mix-ture
of one part:•cement'and,'two..par'ts• sand, and the -foundation boli;; _•.
nuts must be protected. from grout;before-being.covered- to. the
uniform height of the plane=of:the.•sidewalk�'where sidewalk'is in
piace, and if no sidewalk°is..in place, •to the top:of the curb:.;
• 2,
•/ 1\ ' A
1The posts are to rest upon a.'concrete 'foundation
twenty-four inches square at the top,, laid to-sidewalk grade thirty''
(30) inches scu#e'-a ,the bo'
ttom, vgith a thickness o:f t't enty-four :,`
inches; .exce t; otherwise shown upon the plans;' four ^(4), `three- '
quarter. (3/4), inch-'bolts; twelve '(•12) inches long with cast iron
Washer three;(3) Ynches in .diameter,'are to be embedded in the con-
crete, .pro�eot ng taro' (2}.• inches' above,its surface; 'and are to be
held in place by.a..template'of-the; holes in the bottom of the, post.,
Concrete :foundation's; without: lamp posts..wih' be, installed'where
shown upon,. the "plans': '
2' ,The concrete for" the foundation shall be composed
of .one (1)' par't�by measure of.portland,C'ement;,two (2).parts by
me6sure of sand,'`or- stone, screenings,, four' (4) parts .by.,neasump of
broken stone or'screened gravel;-which will-.pass through a one
an' one-half (.1.1/2),.inch ring and.be retained on.a one-quarter
(1/4) inch mesh screen. The, cement used the work shall; be
Portland Cement, passing the •requirements-'for cement and' cement,.-
tests; under' the.condi:tions.prescribed in- Specifications.,C9-17.
'adopted .by the"American-Society for .Testing iateria s in'1916. "
3 The concrete,' shall b.e"thoroughly mixed and. iiicor
_ porated while ,dry so as to ''form a: homogeneous mixture;of-the in-
:gredients Then the `water•shall-be,added'in..sufficient quantities
s.o as to.produce a uniformly axid'thor'oughly wet mass:' Tjtiil'e being..' .
watered, ,.the_ whole mass' shall be` turned at •least twice more: The
concrete:,thus,Drepar"edahaTl be..immedately 'placedi.n:the'-form ,and
thoroughly tamped until water appears',upon,tlie surface.' The .top
df"thecondi'ete:base. shall-be'f ,oated and, troweled-smooth,.: The
foundation mus,t;be'givsn at least•seventy=
4.. All ends of •conduit:; to be,•sealed with+ wood plugs
during construe'ti'-t
ono'pievent:Imo I sture'and foreign material_ enter
ing. • Conduit' ends t.ermiriating .in each .-lamp`post:'are to be, equipped.
with pipe bushings,. and, extend up.'into,the"post, as far as tlie,bot;tom
of=. the .hand.,hole: •N4. function' boxes Of'.,any,,kiind shall be used under. `
5 In' parkc�ays all 6 on' du' 6fi&11 be ,laid not less than
twelve (12) .inches below,'the top of the curb,'and at str.eet'.inter-
aectioni shall'"be laid, not less'.than.twenty-four (24) inches below
the finished;:.;grade; of the, street;, except':wheri laid ;beneath`-,a Cori-.
crate gutter, or permanent` pavement., .iii which: case the .conduit :shall
be,at least ...tw.elve,,(12) inches below the •finished grade:. Conduit
_shall• be laid: between the ,sideralk' and curb; or. >between the side
.vialk:afid' nearest property: line of therstieet in cases, where the
sidewalk,joins the. curb- except otherwise shown upon 'th'e'plans::.,
6. .The conduit system to li
is e .installed in a.loop
system from post _to.post:.,
7.�At'the.feed-in point conduit shah be run.irom-the -
post at the end ;of - the.. system to the service, .pole, as shown on
plans, and up the,pole thirty five feet. Ends'of,ccnduit up pole'`
,to: be ,6g4ipped:with pipe -bushings-. ' Cond'u'it, up•,pole to be •cover,ed'
fiber' conduit ,and ,securely strapped to the pole. '
8. .'p`onduita terminating' in each post shall be. electri-
caily,confected to ,each•other, with a copper' ground,.strip',''equiv-
I-anent in: area to' a•.Noi :8 'B.&S. Gauge copper mire•; the ends;-of
,conduit, to be thoroughly cleaned. befog e', ground ,strip '.is, put . on.
V1.CABLE: ' ..
The, cable used: is to be 'what 'i's known as. varnished cam-'
brie lead c;overed'cable All cable .must conform to'the following
1 .•:Conductors
The•;'cabie is to'76 single conductor number eight (8).•B.
&' S Gauge, ''solid
2 'Conduc't•ivitp The ,'conductivity of all conductors .
shall not be ..less; n ss-eight .(98 )`.per can . of that .of. pure
3: 'Insulation The.insulati.on shall consist of war-
niched`cambric. I .mus be 'homogeneous in quality, free from'
holes and defects, and applied helicall•y,:evenly and tightly to the
conductor There shall•be three-thirty seconds {3/32)-inch,
.varnished camt�r-ic aro,und the conductor."
4 Tj$heath The sheath shall-'cone `ist of lead arid'must be
Yioinogen eous.in}qu _'tt free from holes. and defects. ;The shea.th,,
shall-have an ayerage thickness.1 of, not less.-th'an one-sixteenth '
(1/16)•` inch arid` a minimum 'thickness of -'n'o't- less than ninety' (90);
per sent of the regtiired':average . thickr ess
5 V���ol__'t__a___ ge_�` Test % "Cable' . shall withstand three"thousand ..
(`3000)'. volts, �ernating"E:2d.F.:.between' conduotor and.: sheath for
five: (5) minutes
6 ins;tallatIon of 'the: Cable
(a) The cable, pis to be, installed in tyre conduit` -in a'
loop system from post; to,'post._, The,,erid,s of cable terminating in...,
each,;:postrt•are to extend up into the,.post to the•seyies socket
terminals so. ,that ttiei'e,will be: no splcesa,in the cable
(b) able.`ends terminating in_ each;;lamp post ar,e,.to be,:
•. equipned° with potneads, •and _ to) "be filled". "ith.an insulating com
pound.``Ih6- ends of 'all''cable:shall be, seal:ed.•by•so.ldering-.until,
the potheads are install ed. _;to prevent moisture from: entering the ,.
cable' ti
posts, are to be connected up'so as'to form complete
series circuits%a,s`shown on`pl ns, except' as.otherw se indicated
on said.:plans z
`(o):' One, cable`sha:ll,bb run from' the'♦end'-of•the•under
ground -'system ;at feed: points to' service; pole" and• up the :pole to, a
point twelve (1:`2), i be —e%s above .the end=of„the, oonduit.
(d)'"';The`;ends of ;all` cables up feed pole shall be,equipped
with suitable.;outdoor type potheads
si eaihs:' of all cables • in,'the base of each post',
are to be conn'eeted� together with a.bopper” ground strip` aiid this
dtrip bonded'•t6 •the conduit:
1 Th`e posts shall be °. lred for one:'cirdui,t {
Af`the service dole which is .indicated on tYie plan
there shall b'e' nstalled one General. leotrie; or.equal, constant
� current_ transformer.;, pole. :type; -Type R:`0;: 50 cycle; having"a rating
of,, 10 k. iv: with :2300-dOlt .,primary; and'6.6 ;amps;; secondary':; The
.transformei'shall be:=placed be1dw the primary.'.arm'of the service,.':.
pole not4less than' thiity:;(30),nor more- than, -forty ,(40) jeet `above
W..the., top surface of. the cur.b,�at.the point, where::the servic pole:'
is located '
There 6hall'.also be installed'`on the.above mentioned
s.ervi'ce,,pole one Anderson''T ens Plock.,•. os equals, two '.pole, --Type, L, .
hand .wouiid, ,of. +50: cycle, _ 3300 volt, of- 25' ampere,,capacity;` said ,
t me.'clook to be' installed on said service, pole at a; distance -of,':
no,t less'°than'"ei.ght::(8)nor. more than ten ,(10).:feet above,,the toy
:surface of .the ourb,at the point whee'the"service"pole.i's located.
s . •
t" 1
The Contractor shall, for the price bid, furnish all
the materials to execute the ;cork in every respect in a thorough
and wor'Kmanlike manner, in accordance with the plans and specifi—
cations, and to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Streets.
All materials must be of specified quality and fully
equal to the samples, when samples ere required. The Contractor
shall furnish to the engineer for test, whenever called for and
free of charge, samples of all materials proposed to be used in the
mork, and he shall notify the engineer as to the source of supply
of all such materials proposed to be used not later than ten (10)
days before commencing the work. Rejected material must be
immediately removed from the work by the Contractor.
Any overseer, superintendent, laborer or other person
employed by the ^ontra.etor on the work, who shall perform ^pork
in a manner contrary to these specifications, shall be discharged
immediately and such person shall not again ce employed on the
Bidders must examine and judge for themselves as to the
location of the proposed work, and the nature of the excavation
to be made and the work to be done.
The Contractor shall give 24 hours notice in writing
when he will require the services of the Engineer for laying out
any portion of the work.
He shall dig all stake holes necessary to give lines
and levels. The Contractor shall -sreserve all stakes set for the
lines, levels or measurements of the work in their proper places
until authorized to remove them by the Engineer, and any expense
incurred in replacing said stakes which the Contractor or his
subordinates may have failed to preserve shall be borne by the
The Contractor shall keep upon the work a copy of the
plans and specifications, and access thereto shall at all times
be accorded the E-ngineer or Inspector.
The Contractor shall prosecute work only in the presence
of the Engineer or Suoerintendent of Streets and any work done in
the absence of said Engineer or Superintendent will be subject to