HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 5290 RESOLUTION NO. 529 A RESOLUTION OF THE AZUSA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING AGENCY STAFF TO MEET WITH PROPERTY OWNERS IN THE PROPOSED RANCH CENTER REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA WHEREAS, the Azusa Redevelopment Agency (the "Agency") has initiated the formation of the Ranch Center Redevelopment Project Area in the City; and WHEREAS, an agency, pursuant to Section 33385 of the California Health and Safety Code shall either call for the formation of a project area committee or consult with residents and community organizations in a redevelopment project area; and WHEREAS, there are no residents within the Project Area, but the Agency desires to comply with the provisions of said Section 33385 by authorizing and directing Agency staff to consult with property owners in the proposed Ranch Center Redevelopment Project. NOW, THEREFORE, THE AZUSA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The Azusa Redevelopment Agency hereby authorizes and directs Agency staff to consult with and obtain the advice of property owners in the proposed Ranch Center Redevelopment Project Area. SECTION 2. The Agency staff is hereby authorized to provide copies of the proposed redevelopment plan for the Ranch Center Redevelopment Project Area to said property owners. ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 5th day of December , 1988. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Directors of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Azusa, at a regular meeting thereof, held on the 5_th day of Decembgr1988, by the following vote of the Directors. AYES: BOARD MEMBERS: NOES: BOARD MEMBERS: ABSENT:JBOADMEMBERS: ,7 AVILA, STEMRICH, NARANJO, MOSES NONE LATTA 0 C COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT l cnzus:�} INITIAL STUDY C ro cAzusat� ASSESSMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS r 1 Initial Study for Community Development Cepartment projects will be available to the public A copy of the In the Aroma Public Library. COmme PLa from the public en the in the Community DeveloPneot Ceparcment and Director [ t the public huridarm on --he projects oay be made in wP3ting to the Community Development to remodel an existing snoopi C-88-20, V-88-15, P-88-141, an OPA .els hcntnic organ:_-. s, in ah t., or n. r.m.a_:.an Project. reduced landscaped setbacks. 3. center with drive-in businesses and Project Dm erSpelon: of am aa? II. EWIRONHEYTAL I!. ACTS IExplanatlons of all •Yea• and •m+y be• answers are required on attached sheers,) YES MAYBE ND 1. EARTH Will the project result In: X unstable earth conditions or in changes in geologic sabot succor u? . b. Disruptions, dleplaeements, cbnpaction e v inq of the soil? NOISE sill ,., p ,cIt —IL _n. . Ctange In topography or ground surface relief features? v d. The doatructien, cd,ering, or modification Of any unique qe"'I" X or physical features? — a, Any increase In wind or water erosion of salla, either on or off the alae? — — f. Changes In dePmitien or emslon of beach Ward', Ocg L:GHT A';D GLARE -•111 c" pro ;ec: p. a..ce new li,,, or q "[e? in siltation, dept a icion or erosion which may rYthe channel of X river or scream or the bed of the cocahorany bay, inlet or lake? q. Exposure of people or property to geologic hazards such as earth- Y quakes, landslides, nudslldes, ground failure, or similar hazards? — 2, AIR Will the projecr_result in: . Substantial air enmivlona or deterloraLlon of ambient air quality} ti b. Sle c hatlpn of objectionable dd.rm? — C. Altera Lion of air -onvement, moist, or LemperaLvro, or any change in climate, either locally or regionally? — 3. FATER Will the project result in: A r the course of direction of water movemno, a. Changes in currents, e in either canine or fresh waters? — b. Changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns, or the rate and amount off wafer Nno[f? X Alte[atichs to the Course r [low of !lord waters? r 0. c.iscna in cne ar. surface racer in any water body? e. water e. as ..a [ge into surface waters. or 1n any a..c orlon of surface face rch Sncluding but not limited to .e -P +.use. dissolved oxygen or X cu rbldity? f. AlLeution of the direcclon or rale of fl -w of ground 'ace's? Change in the 4alltY of ground waters, ether through dire Ct g. addiLions or withdrawals, or throigh lncetception of an aquafier by cu s ' mations? h. Changein lity of ground water? — 1. substantial reduction in the amou n- at -ater otherwise avail, ble X ' "::otic water suq lits? — j, Expmune of people ar property Co water, :cute' hazards morn as flooding or tidal waves? — C. RANT LIFE Will in. project result Ill a. Cnance in the diveaicy of sPacles, or o.m_er of plarts (including ,rhes. shrabs, grass, crops. -w:of lo:, roe agoatic plants)? b. Pvduc _ a of the nvrners of any unique, .are or endancered sp lea or plants? -- c. Inerodcctidn o, n ' species of planes inn a area. or In a baraet to :he normal rep<enishnenL Of a .inq s' vs? d. Hvductl-h In coca,. of any agricultural crop? — ,. ANChL L:iE Will Ve p[ojcct r malt 1... the c ,,:y of srecies, o ..n a of all "­I""­I"of C.`,t in herers a. ri,m,.a.-.d a r-.als. incl., q r'Lilca, .-an and snhlif'sb. .els hcntnic organ:_-. s, in ah t., or n. r.m.a_:.an � 3. Rhwct:on of tin nvco, of any -n.c_e. .are or ridar'erca species of am aa? — Incrcduction of now mn,c, or an.r into a, a, o[ result In a c, ca r[1 <r co cne =:q macron n .- ser_n if "'I' d. :ete[tecatran of eus.rnq f,,l or wr _,....c naottaL NOISE sill ,., p ,cIt —IL _n. ,. a. e :nc noose n ee s in, no lwelsi \• — s. Expmum of people :o severe no"d .eves. X . L:GHT A';D GLARE -•111 c" pro ;ec: p. a..ce new li,,, or q "[e? a. LAND USE Will the p[oleC[ result in: A. Su>scanclal al,,rion of in. Presenc or planned land use of an area? _ b. In o,nlatlhilltY -Ith ex ..inqm1hq, ._e General Plan, an, sPec1fl. rme plan, or oche[ arpllCable lard co.r.ml? _ CC c� YES MAYBE Ko [ 9. NATURAL RESOURCES Will the project result int a. Increase In the rate of use of any mac ural resources? -- result In the creation of an aesthetically offensive site open b. Substantial depletion of any non-renewable natural resource. 10. RISA OF UPSET moos the project involve a risk of an explosion or —" the release of hazardous substance• (including, but not limited to RECREATI ON Will the project result In an Snpact upon the quality " -' '.11. -pesticides, radi.ri..) In the even' of an accident chcmldals"'or �' or ".at ocodlti...I ARCHEOLOGICAL/Ni SICRICAL Will the protect r sulL In an alteration 11. PCPULATIOV Will the project alter the location, distribution, density or growth rate of the human population of an area? X 12. HOUSING M111 the project affect existing housing or create a object or building? demind for additional housing? X 13. TRANSPORTATION Will the project result In: . Generation of substantial additional vehicular movement? X Is. Effects on existing parking facilities or demand for new parking? X e. Substantial impact upon existing transportation systems? X d. Alterations to present pattern. of circulation or movement of lire species,se a fish or wildlife population to drop [clow people/and or good,? —� . Alterations to wterbarne, rail or air traffic? Y t. Increase in traffic hazard. to motor vehicles, bicyclists Consunity. reduce the res r or r,st.ict the rance of a rareor or pedestrians? 1/. PUBLIC SERVICES will the projo Ct have an e[fdct upon, or result le need for new or altered governmental services in any one of the area,+ e.alor periods of California history or ptehisz.ry' L X a. Fire protection? b. Police pr.t.cti.n7 .\ c, schools? X d. Parks or other recreational activities? �- . Maintenance of public facilities, including roads? brief definitive period of tire while long,Lerm itPlc L¢ .111 I. Other gever nmencal seav ice,? — 15. ENERGY M111 the project t --It in: K — a. Use of substantial am unts of energy or fuel? —� b. Substantial increaseIn demand upon existing sources of energy, or ro,aire the development of new sources of energy? X 16. UTILITIES Will the project r. m1R In a sed for new systems, or substantial It oration. to thefollowing utilities? X . Paver o natural gas? It. Cemm,neratipm systems? —L C. n'a ca r. — a d. Sewer or septic tanks? — Storm water drainage? I. Solid waste and disposal? 1 17. HUMAN HEALTH M111 the project result In: a. Creation of any health haaard or potential health haracd (e.cludinq a mental health?? — b. Exposure of people to potential hualch hazards —� 18. AESTHETICS Will the project re sult in the obs. ... flop of any scenic vista or view open to che public, or will the pno:osal result In the creation of an aesthetically offensive site open to public view? —" 19. RECREATI ON Will the project result In an Snpact upon the quality or Quantity of e.lacing recreational cppo Kunitics? — 20. ARCHEOLOGICAL/Ni SICRICAL Will the protect r sulL In an alteration of a significant archeological or historical site, structures, object or building? —1 21. MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE a. Oce, the project have the potential Lo dcorade the Quality of the nvlronm.on c, sobs.... rally reduce the habitat of a fish Or wild - lire species,se a fish or wildlife population to drop [clow self-sustaining levels. threaten Co ellmloal. a plane or anlmal Consunity. reduce the res r or r,st.ict the rance of a rareor endangered plant o anlmal o elimlral, Important a a..plesof e.alor periods of California history or ptehisz.ry' L the project have the potential to achieve short -tem. co the b. Dae. ...... an age of long-term, ap vlr .ren al 9oalai ( A sno rc-tern impact on the envlronnenc Is one which occurs in a relatively brief definitive period of tire while long,Lerm itPlc L¢ .111 endure well into the tutu tori K — e. Does the pro]ect have imp,gLl which are individually llmited but ,ulatively ronstd ra Ell? [ A project my ir.pact on two or more each resou ce is relatively .e Carate rs urre. where the lrpart o • small, butwhere the effect of the total of those I.pacts on the - envlecnment la rig n lficane.l X d. Does the project have envlroneental effects which will cause sub.Lant/al adverse effect. on human icing. directly or X 1 lndireclly? — "� ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS Cl7Y0F � y C{',•SCS;. 04 CAO >,CITYOFu� EXPLANATIONS/MITIGATION DISCUSSION LPAZUSA�� III. DISCUSSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION SEE ATTACHED SHEET IV. MITIGATION MEASURES Describe mitigation measures included in the project, if any are needed, to avoid potentially significant effects: NONE REQUIRED DETERt9INATION (To be completed by Lead Agency) On the basis of this initial evaluation: X I find the proposed project COULD NOT HAVE a significant effect on the environment, and a NEGATIVE DECARATION has been prepared and is attached. I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described on an attached sheet have been added to the project. A NEGATIVE DECLARATION WILL BE PREPARED. I find the proposed project MAY have a significant effect effect on the environment and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. Date: 2/20/8$ _ Signature: Title: Senior Planner E III, DISCUSSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION l.b. Some uncovering and compaction of soil will be required in the demolition of existing buildings and construction of new buildings. - 2.a. Dust raised during construction will be limited by requiring.the _ site to be watered down. 6.a. Construction noise will be required to not exceed noise standards found in the Azusa Municipal Code. 8.b. A variance is being requested for a reduction in landscaped setback areas. 13.a.& b. Remodeled shopping center may generate additional traffic and need for parking. Existing circulation system and proposed parking areas appear to be adequate to handle the projected increase. 16.a. Electrical service for all or a part of the site will be changed from provision by Southern California Edison Company to provision by City of Azusa Light and Water. .W