HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - May 17, 1926 - CCCITY HALL, AZUSA, CALIFORNIA. The Board of Trustees of the City of Azusa met in regular session at the above time and place. Present at roll call: Trustees: Dnrrell, Beck, Loney, Howard, City Clerk and City Attorney. Absent: Trustee: Chenoweth who arrived later and took his seat. The minutes of the last regular meeting of 'Yay 3, 1926 were read and approved as read. A communication from the City Clerk of Long Beach was read, and the City Glerk was instructed to further investigate the Laundry question in Long Beach. A Communication from the Realty Board of the City of Azusa was read and referred to the Ordinance Committee. A letter from the Vosburp: Brothers uas read and accepted. A motion instructing the City Clerk to publish in the Pomotropic, and notify all property owners that in ninety days the sewers on Alameda and San Gabriel Avenues had to be abandoned, and other disposal made of the sewerage, was carried. The request of Mr. J. 7. Jankele to put in a gasoline tank and pump was laid over until the next meet- ing for a more definite statement as to where the pump was to be -placed. MAY 179 1926. 7:30 P.M. 227 The following applications for employment were read and laid on the table: Ed. Wilson ------ Hoeing weeds. E. A. Spriggs ----- Clerical L. ;.i. Dauffey ----- Bldg. Inspector H. F. Kecker ----- work 17. '::. Faix ----- Park Supt. E. L. Halberg ----- City Recorder D. Davies ----- Park Supt. The Petition of Pete Gonzales to peddle ice cream and to park his wagon opposite his garage was re- ferred to the Police and Sanitary Committee. The matter of renewing the insurance policies soon to become due was re- ferred to the Auditing Committee with power to act. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees: Durrell, Beck, Loney, Chenoweth, Howard. Noes: None. Absent: None. It was moved and seconded that the bond of City Treasurer, ism. J. Holden be accepted. Carried by the following vote: Ages: Trustees: Durrell, Beck, Loney, Chenoweth, Howard. Noes: None. Absent: None. CITY CLEM' INSTRUCTED TO FURTHER INVESTIGATE LAUNDRY SITUATION IN LONG BEACH. C07,II,IUNICATION FROM AZUSA REALTY BOARD REFERRED TO ORDINANCE 001PUJITTEE. LETTER FROIJ VOSBURG BROS. ACCEPTED. CITY CLERK INSTRUCTED TO PUBLISH III POL'_OTROPIC ND NOTIFY ALL PROPERTY OWNERS ON SAN GABRIEL AND ALC..FDA AVENUES TO DISCOPITINUE SLIER Ii1 'IIINTTY DAYS. J. F. JANKELE'S 'E^UEST LAID OVER UNTIL NEXT RE- GULAR MEETIIIG. APPI,IC .TIOii FOR EMPLOYMENT. PETITION BY PETE GONZALL'S REFERRED TO POLICE AIM SANITARY CME."ITTEE. INSURANCE POLICIES REFERRED TO AUDITING CO MITTEE 71ITH POWER TO ACT. MOVED AND SECONDED TH:_T BOND OF TREASU:=, '-RJ. J. HOLDEN B3 ACCEPTED. 228 r I MINUTES OF MEETI:'1G HELD '•,LAY 179 1926 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OF AZUSA DECLARING VACA_111T TEF, OFFICE OF PARK SUPERINTENDENT. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees: Durrell, Beck, Loney, Chenoweth, Howard. Noes: None. Absent: None. The following Resolution was presented: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OF AZUSA, DECLARING Thi+', OFFICE, OF WALTER HARTLUN VACANT AND APPOINTING WALTER LOVELACE TO THAT OFFICE AND FIRING HIS SALARY OR COI,.- PENSATION. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees: Durrell, Beck, Loney, Chenoweth, Howard. ?Does: None. Absent: !one. The Following Resolution was presented: A RESOLUTION OF TIE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OF AZUSA, DECIARING THE OFFICE OF ED. NENDLEY VACANT AND APPOINTING 0. M. MARTIN TO THAT OFFICE AND FIXING HIS SALARY OR COI.i- PENSATION Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees: Durrell, Beck, Loney, Chenoweth, Howard. Noes: None. Absent: None. The following Resolution was presented: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OF AZUSA, AItiENDING SECTION #2 OF RESOLUTION #4771 ESTABLISHING THE OFFICE OF COLLECTOR OF REVENUE IN SAID CITY, APPOINTING All INGUI,BENT TO SAID OFFICE, FIXING TIP, COMPENSATION TO BE PAID FOR SERVICES PERFORIIIED AS SUCH COLLECTOR, AND PERSCRIB- ING ITS DUTIES. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees: Durrell, Beck, Loney, Chenoweth, Howard. :?oes: None. Absent. ",one. The President of the Board and City Clerk were authorized to initial the changes in the Pacific Electric Company's lease as per their letter of I.'.ay 11, 1926. It was moved that J. E. Lee, re- tiring Street Superintendent, ISaurice Jones, retiring Park guperintendent and Joe Dougherty retiring from duty in Street Department, be allowed two weeks salary. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees: Durrell, Beck, Loney, Chenoweth, Howard. Noes: None. Absent: None. Lir. Lorne S. Neville, of the County Horticultural Commission 7130 P.IS. RESOLUTION NO. 888 ADOPTED. RESOLUTION 1d0. 889 ADOPTED. RESOLUTION NO. 890. ADOPTED. RESOLUTION NO. 891 .?DOPTED. 229 PRESIDE14T OF BOARD AND CITY AUTHORIZED TO INITAIL CIir'_I;Gr S IN LEASE OF PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. J. E. LEE, MAURICE JONES JOE DOUGHERTY ALLOWED TWO WEEKS VACATION. REPRESENTATIVE OF COMITY HORTICULTURAL 0OIaII•SISSION GAVE TALK ON PUNCTURE \ VI:E. 230 TIIDTUTES OF I: ETI ',T fi�LD I: 4Y 17, 1926. gave a talk on the work the County were doing to eradicate the Puncture Vine. Any action in the matter -�;!as laid over until notice had been re- ceived from the County. The matter of publishing a financial statement was referred to the Audit- ing & Finance Committee to report back at the neat regular meeting. The matter of a Business License Ordinance was referred to the Ordinance and Judiciary Committee to report at the neat regular meeting. Trustees: Beck, Loney and Durrell were appointed as a committee to work out, in conjunction with the Azusa Chamber of Commerce, a satisfactory Canyon Sign to be placed on the monument at Azusa Avenue. It was moved and carried that the dity employees be requested to to bring any grievance they have to the members of the Board and not talk about it on the streets of the City. It was moved that D. Evans be appointed Canyon Patrol for Saturdays and Sundays through- out the summer months in con- junction with the Government Authorities. remuneration $5.00 per day. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees: Durrell, Beck, Loney, Chenoweth, Howard. Noes: None. Absent: None. The City Clerk was instructed to send the following Resolution to the Honorable Board of Super- visors of Los Angeles County: RESOLVED: THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OF AZUSA DO RESPECT- FULLY PETITION THE HONORABLE BOARD OF `'UPERVISOR" OF THE COU.TY OF LOS ANGELES TO DO ALL THI17GS NECESSARY TO IiPROV* THE ROAD -AND BRIDGE CONDITIONS IN SAN GABRIEL CANYCI.. THE INCISED USE OF THE ROAD SEEKS TO DEi:_uldD SUCH XTION. IT IS SUGGESTED THAT A SUFFICIENT CRElI BE E'UPLOYED TO THE EIND THAT ':T LEAST TEI, =PO .Y '.'+0= BE DO=E BY DECORATION DAY. It was moved by Trustee Durrell and seconded by Trustee Beck that it is the desire of the Board of Trustees of the City of AzAsa that a proposition along the lines of the one heretofore made by the Paramount Motor Corporation of the Pacific, and associates, be again made for entertainment by the Board and as a guide to the Board in making recom- mendations to D. Cornelius Smith. The following bills were allowed and warrants ordered drawn upon the Treasury for the same. Carried by the following vote. a 7:30 P.I.I. 231 MATTER OF PUBLISHING A FININC IAL STATEIc E NT RE- FERRED TO AUDITING & FINAINCE COIdt,IITTEE. BUSINESS LICENSE RE- FERRED TO ORDINARCE & JUDICIARY C01,21,SITTEE. COIfJITTEE APPOINTED TO WORK IN CONJUNCTION '-7ITH C F9MBER OF C 0!'MIERC E TO . I OUT SIGII TO BE PLACED ON MONUIENT AT AZUSA AVE. MOVED AND CARRIED THAT CITY EMPLOYEES BR IPTG ANY GRIEVANCE THEY '.1AY HAVE TO IdEMBERS OF THE BOARD. D. EVANS APPOINTED CANYON PATROL TO :TORI: IN CONJUNCTION WITH GOVETE-JENT AUTHORITIES. RESOLUTION SENT TO. BO LRD OF SUPERVISORS OF LCS "NGELES COUNTY. MOVED AND SECONDED THAT THE DESIRE OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF AZUSA THAT A PROPOSITION BE h1ADE BY PARAAiOUNT MOTOR CORPORATION FOR THE ENTER- TAIIPiFIIT BY BOARD AND AS A GUIDE IN 11AI:ING RECOI,I- MENDATIONS TO D. CORINELIUS SHITH. BILLS 232 233 ISIBUTPS OF I�E,:3TING HELD UAY 17, 1926. 7.:30 P.I.I. Ayes: Trustees: Durrell, Beck, Loney, Chenoweth, Howard. (does: Bgne. Absent: iwone. GENERAL FUND 12798 C. E. Wlilliams MaterialI Y 1.83 12799 0. I.I. Singleton " 3.49 12800 Ed Hendley Phone 4.00 12801 Seagrave Corp. Fire Eng. 250.00 12802 Troy Laundry Towel Servide 3.75 12803 Richfield Oil City Vias Tank 39.27 12804 IN. I. Rury I:abor (Park) 54.20 12805 Delbert Rogers it it 36.40 12806 'shite & ';7olfe Material 14.00 12807 E. A. Davis .59 12808 L. A. Rubber Stamp Office Supplies 3.53 12809 Irene B. Barnes Light & relater 349.15 12810 Standard Oil Co. Material 9.46 12811 Maurice Jones Vacation 57.50 12812 L. Vaillancourt Shorthand Rotes 17.25 12813 Reuban Donneylly Material 2.69 12814 Handley & Dixon 10.50 12815 Sitton's Gara?e 3.40 12816 Grimes Stassforth 14.30 12818 Domingo Aguilar Labor (Street) 41.00 12819 Fans & 94olfe 4.50 12820 Art Wolfe 6.91 12821 Chas Hersey 43.75 12822 C. L. Nichols 67.00 12823 J. Allen " 48.00 12824 J. E. Lee Vacation 125.00 WATER DEPA-RTIE, NT 3734 Sitton's Garage Material 9.00 3735 Harry Zerell Labor 40.00 3736 S. D. Stephens IT 44.00 3737 Irene B. Barnes City Pump 162.45 3738 Jennie Follows Material 7.25 3739 Crane Co. It 38.64 LIGHT DEPARMUINT 3283 Harry Zerell Labor 16.00 3284 S. D. Stephenes IT 12.00 On motion the Board adjourned. i�ty Clerk of the City of Azusa. 234