HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - June 7, 1926 - CCCITY HALL, AZUSA, CALIFORNIA. The Board of Trustees of the City of Azusa met in regular session at the above time and place. Present at roll call: Trustees: Durrell, Beck, Loney, Chenoweth, Howard, City Attorney and City Clerk. The Minutes of the last regular meeting of May 17, 1926 and of the Special Meeting of May 28, 1926, were read and approved as read. JUNE 79 1926. 7:30 1UP The President of the Board ap- pointed Mrs. C. B. Griffith and PRESIDENT OF BOARD APPOINTED Miss Wylie Jamieson as members MRS. GRIFFITH AND I`ISS of the Library Board for three JAMIESON UE10MERS OF LIBRARY years to succeed themselves. BOARD. The request of Mr. Follette for fire protection was presented and the City Clerk instructed to inform Mr. Follette that if possible the City Fire Department would respond to a call at a charge commensurate with the out- lay. The matter of digging cesspools was brought before the Board, it being determined that, pending the amending'. of the present Ordinance, the City Clerk should permit the digging of cesspools anywhere on the owners lot, but not in the parkway except by per- mission of the Board of Public "10 rks . A communication from Mr. Sailor 1,:R. FOLLETTE'S REQUEST FOR PIPE PROTECTION GR901TED aJITH 0OIIDITIONS. CITY CLERK INSTRUCTED TO ^R_ NT PEP.I,IISSION TO DIG CESS- POOLS A11Y',TAERE EXCEPT IN THE PARK "1AYS . of the M. E. Church protesting IaR. SAILOR'S CO?:ZiUNICATION the Rodeo being held on Sunday, READ AND ORD73RED FILED. July 4, 1926, was read and placed on file. The request of Mrs. Bertha Philleo for domestic water on her property south of Broadway was referred to the Board of Public ''corks in con- junction with the Superintendent of :?later and Light with power to act. Permission to use the basement of the Library for Girl Scout work etc. being made by a committee from the Mothers Circle, the matter was referred to the Library Board in consulation with the Board of Public Works. I:,MS PHILLEO'S R=EST FOR DCI;:r:STIC WATER REFERRED TO BOARD OF PUBLIC '.70I?ZS?,D SUPERINTENDET OF LIGHT AND TATER. PER:;IISSIOId TO US_, BASSI; ENT OF LIBRARY FOR GIRL SCOUT :TORI: REFERRED TO LIBRARY BOARD AND BOI'.??D OF ?UB''IC 7.ORKS. A communication from the Germo COI:II.UIIICATION FROI.1 GERI,10 MPG. Manufacturing Co. was referred CO. REFERRED TO PURCHASING back to the Purchasing Committee. COI<7dITTEE. A statement from Mr. Henry P. Goodwin was presented and laid STATEIERT FROi.i H. P. GOODWIN over for further investigation PRESENTED :_ND LAID OVER FOR as to one of the items mentioned. FURTHER INVESTIGATION. An application for the position of Yotor Cycle Officer in the City APPLICATION FOR I;OTOR CYaIE of Izusa was presented by Mr. B. A. OFFICER ORDERED PLACED Oil Omit and ordered placed on file. TABLE. 240 MINUTES OF I.2ETING HELD JUMP, 7, 1926. 7:30 P.M. 241 The request of r. Wright, manager of the Home Telephone Co., with re- gard to the use of telephone poles was referred to the Board of Public '±brks in conjunction with the Superintendent of Light and Uater. The City Clerk was instructed to have the Bond of the Street Sup- erintendent, J. E. Lee, cancelled and to apply for a refund on the same. The following Resolution was presented: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF TIE CITY OF AZUSA, APPOINTING ARTHUR 7JOLFE TO THE OFFICE OF STREET SUPERINTENDENT AND FIXING HIS SALARY OR COI:PEN- SATION. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees: Durrell, Beck, Loney, Chenoweth, Howard. Noes: None. Absent: Idone. The following Resolution was presented: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OF AZUSA RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 892, DULY ADOPTED ON THE 28TH DAY OF 11AY, 1926. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees: Durrell, Beck, Loney, Chenoweth, Howard. Noes: None. Absent: Bone. The following Resolution was presented: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OF AZUSA APPOINTING THOIti :S A. BERT BILE CITY ATTORNEY OF SAID CITY AND FIXING HIS C011P IDSATION. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees: Durrell, Beck, Loney, Chenoweth, Howard. Noes: None. Absent: None. It was moved and carried that at the next meeting of the Board the matter of the removal of the track of the A.T. & S. Fe Railway spur be taken from the table and the intention to take the track out be rescinded. I.M. WRIGHT'S REQUEST RE- FERRED TO BOARD OF PUBLIC 70RI:S TOGETHER UITH SUP- ERINTENDENT OF LIGHT AND F;ATER . CITY CLER2. IIISTRUCTED TO CANCEL STREET SUPERINTEN- DENT'S BOND. RESOLUT IOT_I NO.893. ADOPTED RESOIITIOh iIO. 894. ADOPTED. RESOLUTION NO. 895. ADOPTED. IT 7AS ]JOV.ED THAT THE BOARD AT THELE NEXT 1.2ETING RE- ST II?D IIFTENTION TO TAiL OUT TRACT7 OF A.T. & S.F. RR. SPUR . It was moved and carried tha the/ offer of 11r. P. L. Davis to ] lan i 'T! DAVIS OFFER TO SELL ONE one share of `.later Stock be accept- y'SaDrR� OF 7ATEi? STOCK ACCEPT - ed. The request of I,Ir. Hartman to serve warrants in the City of Azusa I,.R. HARTMIN'S REQUEST `i'0 ifas referred to the Police and u_ a .� REFERRED Sanitary Committee. SE_,IC 1Jf?ND ITAR1. TO POLICE AND Sr1;ITARY COi,_ZTTEE. It was moved by Trustee Beck, I;i0TI0Id TO DECLARE CITY seconded by Trustee Loney that the ZROTIONOORDET OFFICE VACANT office of City _ecorder be declared LOST. vacant. Lost by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees: Beck, Loney. Noes: Trustees: Durrell, Chenoweth, Howard. 242 1'iINUTES OF THE i.�ETING HELD JUIIE 70 1926. 7:30 P.M. The following ?esolution was presented: A RESOLUTION OF THE BO.' --11D OF TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OF AZUSA INCREASING TIE, SALA-�Y OR C OsieEITSATIOIi OF DEPUTY CITY P-ARSHAL, WALTER LOVELACE. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees: Durrell, Beck, Loney, Chenoweth, Howard. toes: None. Absent: None. The following Resolution was presented: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF TIM, CITY OF ^ZUSA INCREASING THE SALARY OR COMPENSATION OF DEPUTY CITY MARSHAL, 0. Ia. YARTIN. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees: Durrell, Beck, Loney, Chenoweth, Howard. Noes: None. Absent: None. It was moved by Trustee Beck and seconded by Trustee Loney that this Board.grant permission for the. sale of.safe fireworks for the coming 4th of July, to the following merchants:. 17.0. Streshly S. H. Bell F. D. Streshly I. D. Roach Spriggs Bros. 17. 4. Flynn Foothill Drug Co. F. T. Harnden T. S. Oki These permits to be issued by the Chief of Police. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees: Beck, Loney, Chenoweth, Howard. Noes: Trustee: Durrell. Absent: None. It was moved that the following bills be allowed and warrants drawn upon the Treasury for the same. Carried by the follod�ing vote: Ayes: Drustees: Durrell, Beck, Loney, Chenoweth, Howard. Noes: None. Absent. None. RESOLUTION IIO. 896. ADOPTED. RESOLUPIO_i IIO. 897. ADOPTED. 243 PERI,ISSION GRANTED :..s,RCHANTS TO SELL SAFE FIRE1.70R7S ON FOURTH OF JULY. PER14ITS GIVEN BY CHIEF OF POLICE. BILLS GENERAL FU11D 12843 Ayers & Horgan Material 3.10 12844 Home Telerhone Co. Phone Service 25.70 12845 Irene B. Barnes Tight & 1.7ater 278.60 12846 Union Rock Co. 1.1aterial 63.43 12847 C. L. Nichols Lcbor 91.00 12848 ?fir. Graves " 36.75 12849 V. Culler 18.50 12850 J. ellen 68.75 12851 Chas Hersey 69.25 12862 D. Aguilar 67.75 12853 K. Nichols " 2.00 12854 Hans 'iolfe 8.00 12855 .Calif. ?'.ap & Blue Print ^,o. Material 33.58 12856 Geo. Meier Labor 15.00 12857 John Hibsch (Fire) IT 20.00 12858 James Rogers It5.00 12659 C. Singleton " 10.00 12860 "ill Zerell " 10.00 12861 _gyred "illiams " " 20.00 12862 H. L. _Pierce " " 15.00 12863 Robert Heflin " 10.00 244 YIITU T?S OF LL:--TI-TG NyLD JUIIR 79 1926. 7:30 P.M. 245 12864 12865 12866 12867 12868 12869 12870 12871 12872 12873 12874 12875 12876 12877 12878 12879 12880 12881 12882 12883 12884 12885 12886 12887 12888 12889 12890 12891 12892 12893 12894 3748 3747 3746 3745 3749 3750 3751 3752 3753 3754 3755 3756 3290 3291 3292 3293 3294 3295 3296 3297 3298 3299 G I_T -RA! FUND John Sitton (Fire) Labor H. Grey It TV J. H. Brooks Prof. Services -7. G. �7heatley II II 77. I. awry Labor Delbert ?ogers It V. Culler I+ "P. Sandy IT F. R. Smith Bldg. Permits D. V. Peirce Labor So. Counties Gas Gas Troy Laundry Towel Service W. A. Johnson Material �. L. Fisher I1 Automobile Olub of So. Calif. Insurance R . It 11 IT q TV Reuben II. Donnelley Corp. lTaterial The Seagrave Corp. Engine L. Vaillancourt Labor P. L. Davis R D. L. Evans Canyon Patrol P. & E Checkwriter Co. Material L. 0. Lunch Lunches J. L. Wilsford Material �. A. Davis R Guy Garrison It Jennie Follows Spriggs Bros. TV C. Singleton t, Dr. I,iiller Prof. Services John Sitton I:iaterial 7ATER FUND C. E. Williams Santa Pe Pipe Co. John Sitton Addressograph Sales Co. Jennie Follo rs Leland Bro . C o . Irene B. Barnes Spriggs Bros. Harry Zerell D. Stephens Burrough Adding I."_achine Charles R. Hadley LIGHT BEIM Spriggs Bros. So. Calif. 3dison Co. Barry Zerell S. D. Stepehens S. D. IT Harry Zerell Burrough Adding 1.1achine Azusa Transfer Co. Charles R. Hadley The Stationers Corp. On motion the meeting adjourned. Material TV Contract I:';terial R Pump 1,Iaterial Labor TV Contract I,'Iaterial Material Energy Labor IT It Contract I:?aterial Material TV 12.50 5.00 17.50 2.00 24.00 47.60 44.00 18.00 7.00 42.32 3.60 3.75 3.50 5.00 221.00 215.47 8.61 250.00 34.50 10.50 35.00 78.75 8.00 134.58 7.75 3.85 10.000 29.17 2.60 7.50 17.50 .57 398.36 21.35 30.00 3.25 8.50 149.45 23.75 21.50 33.50 85.00 18.45 32.90 1133.78 25.00 25.00 14.50 26.50 85.00 6.25 22.11 12.90 City Clerk of the City of Azusa. 246