HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - November 15, 1926 - CC345 and 347 CITY HALL, AZUSA, CALIFORNIA. NOVEI,BER 15, 1926. 7:30 P.I1. The Board of Trustees of the City of Azusa met in regular session at the above time and place. Present at roll call: Trustees: Durrell, Beck, Chenoweth, Howard, City Attorney and City Clerk. Absent: None. The minutes of the Special I,ieeting of October 27, 1926, and of the regular meeting held Idovebmer 1, 1926, were read and approved as read. It was moved by Trustee Durrell., seconded by Trustee Chenoweth that bids for street work in the Paramount Heights Tract be now opened, examined and -publicly declared. BIDS FOR STREET :7ORK IN PARA:,1OUNT HEIGHTS TRACT OPEITED, BXLdINED AND PUBLICLY DECLARED. C. A. LARSON 30,900 Lin. Ft. Cement Curb - - - - - J x.50 WILL F. PECK, (Lowest Bidder) 30,900 Lin. Ft. Cement Curb - - - - - U 45V 013,905.00 167,800 Sq. It Cement Sidewalks- - - '1' l q 23,492.00 960,000 " " 3/4" Oiled I.acadam - - n, 04-4110¢ 42,240.90 52,300 " it 5" it if - a 10-1/2''0 5,491.50 10,000 It 2" It IT - u 05V 500.00 TOTAL -------X118,267.00 It was moved by Trustee Cheno- TOTAL ---------;'585,629.50 BIDS REFER'?ED TO CITY Beck that bids be referred to ENGINEER? FOR REPORT PEARSOF, & DICIWRSON AT A LATER DATE. at a later date. 30,900 Lin. Ft. Cement Curb - - - - - w) 45 $13,905.00 1671`800 Sq. Cement Sidewalks! - - 0 17¢ 281526.00 960,000 "" 3/4" Oiled.I'.?acadam - 3 056 53,760.00 52,300: 5" - 0 12v. -6,276.00 10,000 1, 112" - 0 09V 900.00 TOTAL --------X103,467.00 C. A. LARSON 30,900 Lin. Ft. Cement Curb - - - - - J x.50 u 15,450.00 1670800 Sq. IT Cement Sidewalks - - � .16 26,848.00 960,000 " IT3/4" Oiled.ldacadam- - 9 .059 56,640.00 52,300 it 5" If 11 - - 0 .13 6,799.00 100000 11 IT 2" it 11- - 1s .115 1.150.00 TOTAL -------- 4x106,887.00 B. R. DAVISSON CONT. CO. 30,900 Line. Ft. Cement Curb - - - - u$.60 18,540.00 ' 167,800 Sq. Cement Sidewalks- - 9 .16 26,848.00 ' 960,000 " IT 3/4" Oiled I.Iacadam- 0-- .068 65,280.00 52,300 " 115" " 11 - 'i .13 6,799.00 10,000 IT 2" it17 - Q .08 800.00 TOTAL -------X118,267.00 It was moved by Trustee Cheno- weth, seconded by Trustee BIDS REFER'?ED TO CITY Beck that bids be referred to ENGINEER? FOR REPORT the City Engineer for report AT A LATER DATE. at a later date. Moved by Trustee Beck, second- ed by _'rustee Chenoweth that when the Board adjourns it adjourn until Wednesday, Nov- ember 17, 1926, at 12:30 P. I'. and the matter of awarding con- tract be deferred until that time. It was moved by Trustee Durrell seconded by Trustee Chenoweth that I.Ir. Kort H. I.:eier be HINUTES OF REGULAR '.�]TING HELD :;OVEIMER 15, 1926 appointed by this Board to fill the vacancy on the Board occasioned by the resignation of Dr. A. L. Loney. Carried by the following vote of the Board: Ayes: Trustees: Durrell, Beck, Chenoweth, Howard. Noes: None. Absent: None. The President then declared '!_ort H. ?Beier elected a member of the Board, who after being duly sworn in by the City Clerk, took his seat,. The request of A. L. Boyce for permission to erect a sign in front of his place of business at 7015 No.Azusa Avenue was, on motion by Trustee Chenoweth, seconded by Trustee Beck, Granted. A letter was read from the Chairman of the Community Serviee Committee of the Azusa woman's Club asking for the improvement of Ninth Street by the planting of ornamental trees. Moved by Trustee Beck, seconded by Trustee Chenoweth that 0100.00 be appropriated for this purpose. Carried by the following vote of the Board: A s• Trustees• Beck -Meier 7:30 M349 I_ORT H. '_:LIER ELECTED SUCCESSOR TO A. M. LOPTEY AS A PLI,IBER OF THE BOARD. A. L. BOYCE GRANTED PER- MISSION TO ERECT A SIGN IN FRONT OF HIS PLACE OF BUSINESS. AFTER THE READING OF A LETTER FROM THE CHAIRMAN OF THE COIMUNITY SERVICE COMMITTEE OF THE AZUSA NOI�LD'S CLUB, THE MOTION WAS CARRIED TO APPROPRIATE �100.00FOR THE IMPROVEi:LNT ye OF NINTH STREET. Chenoweth, Howard: Noes: `Trustee: Durrell, Absent: None. The protest of Frank L. Dingman and Nettie L. Dingman against FRANX L. DIIdGMAN AND NETTIE the opening of Paramount Avenue was L. DING]jMN'S PROTEST OVER - then read by the City Clerk. RULED. It was moved by Trustee Chenoweth and seconded by Trustee Durrell and unanimously carried that a resolution entitled A RESOLUTION Or THE BOARD OF TRUSTEEW OF THE CITY OF AZUSA OVERRULING THE PROTEST TO THE OPENING AND IIei.PROVELL.IIT OF PARLUOUNT AVENUE WITHIN THE CITY OF AZUSA, AS PROPOSED AND CON- TEMPLATED BY ORDINANCE UO. 258 DULY PASSED AND APPROVED ON THE 7TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1926. be read. This resolution was then read. It was moved by Trustee Durrell seconded by Trustee Chenoweth that this resolution be adopted as read and be numbered Resolution No. 933. The request of Roselio Savala for permission to cut down three pepper trees at x#317 Alameda Avenue was, on motion by Trustee: Beck, seconded by Trustee: Meier, re- ferred to the Board of Public Works. It was moved by Trustee Beck, RESOLUTION NO. 933 ADOPTED. ROSELIO SAVALA'S REQUEST TO REMOVE PEPPER TRESS WAS REFERRED TO BOARD OF PUBLIC ORXS :LITH POUER TO ACT. 350 MINUTES OF REGUL _? i,EETIIIG HELD NOVEMBER 15, 1926. 7:30 'P.M.351 seconded by Trustee Chenoweth and carried that a warrant be ordered drawn upon the Treasury for ;?17.20 in favor of N. F. Pierce, tax refund on $1000.00 ItiIilitary Exemption, due him. The Superintendent of Light and Water was appointed to act with the Board of Public Works in the drawing up of a contract with the oouthern California Edison Company with regard to the service of electric power for the south= west section of the City. It was moved by Trustee Beck, seconded by 'Trustee Durrell and unanimously carried that an ordinance entitled AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OF AZUSA ESTABLISHING BOULEVARD RIGHT OF WAY ON FOOTHILL BOULEVARD AT THE IIITERSECTIO14 OF ALA1EDA AND SAIL SABRIEL AVENUES IN THE CITY OF AZUSA, AND, FIXING THE PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THE ORDINANCE. be placed on its second reading. The ordinance was then read for the second time. It was moved by Trustee Chenoweth and seconded by Trustee Durrell that the ordinance be referred to the City Attorney for amendment to be brought up again at the next re- gular meeting of the Board, December 6, 1926. Carried by the following vote of the Board: Ayes: Trustees: Durrell, Beck, Meier, Chenoweth, Howard. Noes: None. Absent: None. MOVED A- 1 D CARRIED THAT A VIARRATIT BE DRAWN IN FAOVR OF :7. F. PIERCE FOR $17.20 REFUND 011 TAX. BOARD OF PUBLIC ORE AND. SUPERINTEIIDENT OF LIGHT AND WATER TO DRAW UP A CONTRACT 71ITH THE SOUTHERN CALIF. EDISOTI CO. UITH RE- GA:iD TO SERVICE III SOUTH- WEST SECTION. ORDINANCE READ FOR THE SECOIID TI12. REFERRED TO THE CITY ATTORNEY FOR Ai. NDI.IENT. It was moved by Trustee Durrell seconded by Trustee Beck. --and unanimously carried that an ordinance entitled AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OF AZUSA RE- PEALING ORDINANCE NO. 164 ENTITL- ED "Ali ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD Or TRUSTEES OF THE CITY 0' AZUSA, ESTABLISHING THE OFFICE, OF BUILD- ING INSPECTOR, FIXING HIS COI,IPEN- SATION, DEFINING HIS DUTIES, ESTAB- LISHING FIRE LILIT'S I11 SAID CITY AND PROVIDING REGULATIONS FOR THE C0_.- STRUCTION, ALTERATION, AND REPAIR OF BUILDINGS III SAID CITY, PRESCRIBING THE PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF SAID ORDINANCE AND REPEALING ALL ORDI1,ANCES IIT CONFLICT THERE"WITE" , DULY PASSED AIM APPROVED OTI THE 21ST DAY OF SEPTE1,1BER, 1914. be placed on its second reading. The ordinance was then read for the second time. Moved by Trustee Durrell, Seconded by Trustee Beck that this ordinance be passed as read and numbered Ordinance No. 260. ORDINA2ICE I10. 260 ADOPTED. 352 1 -' 3.53 MINUTES OF REGULAR 'LETING HELD NOVEIdBER 15, 1926 8arried by the following vote of the Board: Ayes: Trustees: Durrell, Beck, bleier, Chenoweth, Howard. Noes: None. Absent: None. Moved by Trustee Chenoweth, seconded by Trustee Durrell and unanimously carried that an ordinance entitled All ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OF AZUSA ESTABLISHING THE OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR, FISTING HIS COMPENSATION, DEFINING HIS DUTIES, ESTABLISHING FIRE LIIJITS IN SAID CITY AND PROVIDING RE- GULATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION, ALTERATION AND REPAIR OF BUILD- INGS IN SAID CITY, PRESCRIBING T THE PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF SAID ORDINANCE AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. be placed on its second reading. The ordinance was then read for the second time. It was moved by Trustee Durrell, seconded by Trustee Beck that this ordinance be passed as read and humbered Ordinance -.No. 261. Carried by the following vote of the Board: Ayes: Trustees: Durrell, Beck, Meier, Chenoweth, Howard. Noes: None. Absent: None. I.1r. George i:Ieier brought before the Board the matter of the Flood Controll. A-fter some discussion the matter was laid over until the next regular meeting, so that further data might be obtained. Trustees Beck and Chenoweth to- gether with the Secretary of the Azusa Chamber of Commerce were appointed as a committee to in- quire into the matter of "Time Limit" for parking in the business district of the City. It was moved bl- Trustee Chenoweth seconded by Trustee Durrell that the following bills be allowed and warrants ordered drawn upon the Treasury for the same. Carried by the following vote of the Board. Ayes: Trustees: Durrell, Beck, Ideier, Chenoweth, Howard. Noes: None. Absent: None. GENERAL FUND 13314 Frank Clayton 13315 C. C. Xinbrell 13316 Irene B. Barnes 13317 C. E. ':lilliams 13318 Azusa Transfer Co. 13319 I.1. Nichols 13320 0. L. Nichols 13321 Leslie Nichols 13322 H. Van de Coot 13323 Hans Wolfe 13324 Clyde hiller 13325 Domingo Aguilar 7:30 P.M. ORDINANCE NO. 261 AD02TED. NATTER OF FLOOD CONTROLL DISCUSSED AND LAID OVER UNTIL NEXT bWETING. TRUSTEES BECK AND CHENO- WETH TOGETHER WITH SECRETARY OF CHAISBER OF 0012.1ERCE APPOINTED TO INQQUIRE I14TO TIME LIMIT FOR PARKING. BILLS. Material 3.00 Telephone 8.00 Light & Water 346.15 I::aterial 12.07 Hauling 5.30 Surveying 11.00 " 86.00 it 4.75 " 5.00 " 17.72 1.75 354 , 3 0 355 MINUTES OF 3EGULA'ci 1. ;ETI1•iG HELD 11OVEiIBER 150 1926. 13326 13327 13328 13329 1333 13331 13332 13333 13334 13335 13336 13337 .13338 13339 13340 13341 13342 13343 13344 13345 13346 John Edwards John Allen Pedro Garcia Vincente Crua Ketchum Bros. A. Carlisle Eugene Dietzgen Jennie Follows Calif. Iap Blue Print Austin-YJestern Rd. i;iae Hynes V. Culler 7. _.1. Fair The .:eagrave Copt. Grimes-stassforth Carbon Specialities Troy Laundry Richfield Cil Co. Home Telephone Elizabeth Griffith Jack Pierce VIAT.ER ; LTiD 7:30 ?:i.I. Labor 49.50 " 49.50 it 48.00 if 48.00 Material 17.75 it 1.94 " 1.80 if 8.00 " 48.00 " 7.35 Labor 8.75 " 44.00 " 36.00 Fire Eng. 250.00 Office Sup. 18.50 " it 4.75 Towel Ser. 3.75 '.:aterial 34.02 'hone Ser. 24.50 (Trees) 100.00 Tax Refund 11.20 3864 Keystone Express Express 6.01 3865 Irene B. Barnes City :Pump 224.25 3866 E. A. Davis I:iaterial 1.90 3867 Jennie -,'ollows Office Equip. 1.50 3868 Crane Co. " 116.66 3869 Azusa Agricultural P!. Go. .later Sup. 70.42 3870 Art Concrete Co. 1d terial 70.00 3871 :;zusa Herald " 2.25 LIGHT FUND 3398 Azusa Herald I:Iaterial 5.25 3399 Southern Calif. Edison Energy 1763.38 3400 V. D. Smith Labor 65.00 3401 Addressograph Sales Office Equip. 35.77 On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Wednesday, the 17th day of November, 1926, at 12:30 P. P.1. City Clerk of the City of Azusa. 356 I