HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - August 15, 1927 - CCCITY FItiLL, AZUSA, CALTFO')' •:IP., i:D�' D,"`l, AUGUSL'' 15, 1927. 7:30 P. ?,i. The City Council met it regular session at the above time and. place. Present at roll call: Councilmen: Howard, Meier, Chenovvetli, Durrell., City Attorney and City Clerk. ',bsent Council- man iriarti.r_. The minutes of the last regular meeting of August 1, 1927 and of the ad'lourned meetinr-, of August 8, 1927 were .,,ad and approved as read. I"cued by Councilman Iloward, seconded by Councilman Meier that the bids for the *rnrk on Secnnd Street be referred to the City Engineer for checking to be reported on later in the evenir,rr. Carried by the followi.np, vote of the CotLnci.I Ayes: Councilmen: Rowsrd, Ieieier, Chenoweth, Durrell. floes: None. Pbsent: Councilman Martin. iaoved. by Conncilmar Chenoweth, seconded by Councilman Howard that all bids for work on the neva City Hall be rejected and the Cit -r Clerk be instructed to send the checks deposited back to the bidders by registered mail. Carried by the following vote of the Council: Ayes: Councilmen: Eoward, �'+Ieier, Chcnolrreth, Durrell. Floes: 'Tone. Absent: Councilman &u:xt in . The City Cleric reported that he had received six bids for the lightin of Tract ' Moved by Councilman Che-r_owet'u, seconded btr Councilman 1deier and dul carried that the bids be now opened, examined and publicly declared. The installation of The installation of The installation of The installation of The installation of The installation of 95 Bids on Second Street referred to the City En;ineer for checking. All bids for the new City --all. rejected. Bids for li ;titin!, on Tract #8161. opened, examined and publicly declared. ROBERT301I ELECTRIC CORPOR.A.TION 24 idarbeli.te Standrvr,9s and Td-glrti-ng units for the sur.^, of •1315:1..00. VdAL —:R &: IvI,1.ftTIN 24 I,Iarbel.ite Standards and LiFhtirg units for the sum of '"3,765.00. JOHN R. DAVIES 24 Ivic:rbelite Standards and Lig)rting units for I;he sum of X3,690.00. 7KTZ ZIEBPRTiT Standards and LiFh.ti ig units for the stun of <;3,776.00 U1�-D RGROUDD CONSTRUCTTOF CO. 2,1 hiarbel_ito Standards and Lighting; units for the sum of :!54,100.00. -iA--'OLD N. J'.CKSOIT 24 i.`.arbelito Standards and I. units fpr I , ,- spm of `4.168.00. Moved by Councilman Hovio—',, scc•—cr'ed by Councilman Meier that t'^.e b_i.rls be referred to the City Engineer for Cho--Ir- ing. 96 6.6 1 �1 f �I IVl1NUTES OF REGUL��R IihETIA:G HELD TvIOIIDAY, AUGUST 15, 1927. Carried by the following_ vote of the Council. Ayes: Councilmen: Howard, Bleier, Cher.oweti, Durrell. Pioes: i?one. :absent: Councilman Martin. A request from Angel_ Perez to open a Billiard and Pool room at "300 Dalton P.ve. was, on motion by Councilman Idcier, seconded by Councilman Chenoweth la -id on i:he 'able. A recuest from E. J. L�r.c St�r_sbe,ry to open a Pool and Billiard Hall was, on notion ' by Councilman BIleier, seconded b7; Councilman Howard laid on the table. The request of Laura G'ola"l for a two :reeks vacation beginning September 5, 1127 i,,ras read. Moved by Councilmanion^r.:rc3, seconded by Councilman 1,1Ieier that the request be granted ,liith pay. letter was then read from tiu; C'• .tuber of Commerce congratulatinL, the City on the improvements that hay.., bee.,. last fer. months. Letters were read from anrai onto and Pomona and. ordered placecl on file. I,ioved by Councilman t Bier, sr=corded by Councilman Cheno.,ieth L,vit the bill of the Fire Department forfor a hose cart be allowed and paid. Carried by the following vote of the Council: Ayes: Councilmen: Howard, Meier, Cheno•,.,eth, Durrell. Noes: None. Absent: Couricilmar: Martin. The City Engineer presented the following report which w.cs on .notion duly carried, accepted and placed on file. Aumzst a, 1927. The Honorable Council of the City of Azusa, California Gentlemen: The City Engineer vii ,hes having carefully examined all bids work upon Second Street that_ is the lowest bider 7::,0 P.T'. 97 Angel Peru, request laid On tahJ e. Stansberry request laid on table. %,;, x1°r Goalby granted t,. -;o ­eeks vacation with pay. Let,.e� re.^.d from Chamber of Commerce. Lots;errs placed on fjle. Fire rept. to be paid fnz hC' ;e C^ri.. Cit« :n ,ir!eer's report. to rer,ort that after c nd bonds for !;j':e WA.LTE iS Respectfiiii ;;ours, C. L. ITC; OLS Cit;; Engineer Ifoved by Councilman Tfoicr, seconded by Councilman Howard and unanimously carried that a resolution entitled: A RESOLUTION OF TI -i -E' CITY COUNCIL OF TILE CITY OF AZUSA, CALIFORI?TA., PROVIDIIiG FOR THE TRANST7R OF ',f 4.;.75 FRO:' T;,E CITY HALL BOLD `rZ.r.n 1C,27 TSSiir TO --'7- CITY HALL iEL'_:MT07. 192'% REDEt:F170'. FUND. be read. This resolution ;vas then retic'.. Moved by Councilman ;°eier, seenrded by Councilman Ilowrrd that this resolutinn be adopted as read sand ni)mbered Resolution No. 1014. Carried by the following vote of t1he Council. Ayes: Councilmen: Howard, Teier, Chenoweth, Durrell. Noes: None. Absent: Councilman Iiartin. tui;` CLIJT'IORI NO. 1014 ADOPTED. r IJIINUTES OF REGULAR IriisP:TIIdG ITLD AUGUST 15, 1027 Moved by Councilman Howstrd, seconded by Councilman_ ;rieier and unanimously carried thak a resolution entitled: A RESCLUTTON OF Tii'r.', CITY COUNCIL. OF TIT CITY OF AZUSA, C TTFOR'•!TA, PROVID- ING FOR TI,T T'HANSFFR CF "'o81.Iq 1R0J,' THE CITY IIALT, tOP!D FUND 102" ISSUE TO TITE GENERAL FUND. be read. This resolution •x,as then roc -d. Moved by Councilman Crenonreth, seoond- ed by Councilman Tiol::arrl that this resolution be adopted. as read and numbered Resolutinn ?,To. 1015. Carried by the £olloviinr, vote of the Council: Ayes: Councilmen: Howard, Meier, Cheno- weth, Durrell. Noes: Nore. %.bsert: Councilman Martin. Moved by Councilman Chenoweth, seconded by Councilman Howard and unanimously carried that a resolutio^. entitled: A RESOLUTION OF TIIF' CITY COUNCIL OF TIT CITY OF AZ_USA, CALIFOIiNI,�, PORVIDING FOR TIT TRANSFER OF :;p1100.00 FROII THE WATER I SPiiVE FUND TO Ti MATER t JivD. 1%e read. This resolution was then read. Moved by Councilman Chenoarei;n, seen-,ded by Councilman Howard that this resolution be adopted as read and numbered Resolution No. 1016. Carried by the follovring vote of the Council: Ayes: Councilmen: now:+rd, Meier, Cheno,vel,'n, Durrell. Noes: None. Absent: Councilman ::Martin. Moved by Councilman Ilo:;a-d, secor_ded by Councilman Chenoweth and unanimously carried that a resolutir, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF TIFF CT" -,7 COU?dCIL OF THE CITY OF AZJS:1, C?.LTFOliigTA, PROVIDING FOR TIT TR 7\ E71 OTS F `;1125.00 FROM TITE LIGHT REST?VIs FUND TO I'=Z LI(:H'I' FUND. be read. This resolution was then read. i,=oved by Councilman Meier, seconded by Councilman Chenoweth that this resolution be adopted as read. and numbered Resolu- tion No. 1017. Carried by the following vote of the Council: Ayes: Councilmen: iIowLird, Lleier, Chenoweth, Durrell. Noes: None. Absent: Councilman: 11artin. Prloved by Councilman Chenoweth, seconded by Councilman Meier and unanimously car- ried that a resolution entitled: A RESOLUTION OF TILE CTTV COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AZUSA, C;_LIFO :i!II:, PROVIDING FOR THE TRANS FSR OF '::��600.00 FPOTT THE r, JNTCIPAL ELC:C'TI_,IC T,IGIIT SYSTEuI IA$PROVE- MENT BOTFID FUI!D TO T1T 1,7I+TICIP:+L WATER SYSYTEIt4 IMPRCVT'. � E' TT BOTiD FUIF!D. be read. This resolution w_s then read. Moved by Councilman Chenoweth, seconded by Councilman Howard that this resolution be adopted as read and num:cero,d Resolution No. 1018. Carried by the following vote of the Council: Ayes: Councilmen: Howard, Meier, Chenoweth, Durrell. Noes: None. Absent: Councilman: Martin. RFSnT,UTION NO. 1015. ADOPTED. !:ESOLUTIOPI NO. 1016 ADOPTED. ?ESOC,UTION NO. 101.7 ADOPTED. IESOLUTTOW NO. 101P ADOPTED. 9g CI MIiUTES OF REGUTA.'I 77ETTIiG IEF,P AUGUST 15, 1Q27 Moved by Councilman Ho:^ard, seconded. by Councilman Chenoweth. and unanimously carried that a resolution ent=itled: A 3T;SOLLITION Ob' TILE CITY COUNCIL OF TTIE CITY OF AZUSA, CALIFORNIA, PROVID- ING FOR TIS TRANSFPSi OF ;;2100.00 FRO11: TiIE INATER FUND TO 'i'HL GEVE'T'AL FUND AND $2125.00 FRO -.r,', `[b I:LTSCTRIC LI!� i`�' FUND TO TI1� GENERAT, FUND. Be read. This resolution was then rend. Piioved by Councilman Hoiw: rd, seconded by ' Councilman 'Meier that this resolution be adopted as read and numbered resoLztior. No. 1019. Carried by the follovrin vote of the Council: Ayes: Councilmen: Howard, -`eier, Chenoweth, Durrell. Noes: None. .absent. Councilman Martin. Moved by Councilman Howard, seconded b1r Councilman Meier and unaninously carried that a resolution untitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COTTTICTL OF T -ITE CITY OF AZUSA ORDERING CI tT4T`` ''iOBK '�'0 BE DONE, ON FORTIOWS OF O3IT1E ELE6'rI;T'ri AND T71TiT STR!o:13TS IPI TIFF CITY" OF AZUSA AND DETERM13v11' =G TTS?T BO`'DS SHALL '171. ISSUED TO REPRESENT TT �r;ls C08i' be read. This resolution was then read. Moved. by Councilman Ho-aard, seconded by Councilman Meier that this resolution be adopted as read and nuribered resolution No. 1020. Carried by the follnwirr vote of the ' Council: Ayes: Councilmen: I'-o-:;c:rd, Meier, Chenoweth, Durrell. Noes: None. r'.bsent: Councilman 1.1artin. Moved by Councilman ilor;erd, seconded by Councilman Meier and unanimously carried that a resolution entitled: A RESOLUTION OF T111',,: CTT, COUAiCIL OF TTIE CITY OF AZU.DA ORDER_i 1- rL .ii6 ;,i•D SPl?CI 'I- CATIOTdS FOR THE OF A ND Df�LTON AVI]NUES T,Y `In, CO,iSTFjTr,TrOT? OF STT)EVIALKS, CURBS, i:'ID R1LT1u7,1,'T, AIdD BY THE PLANTING OF TRFIc',S. 3e read. This resolution was +-nen regrl. Moved by Councilman tceier, seconded by Councilman Howard that this resolution be adopted as read and numbered Resolution No. 1021. Carried by the following vote of the Council: Ayes: Councilman: Hormrd, =eier, Chenoweth, Durrell. Noes: None. Absent: Councilman Martin, ' Moved by Councilman Hoc nrd, seconded by Councilman Irieier and unanimously carried that a resolution entitled: A RESOLUTION OF T]F CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AZUSA AWARDT, G 1'T! CONTRAC FOR TIME IMPROVE1,ENT OF SECOT?D STHEE'£' IPi ACCORDANCE WITH AND AS DESCRT3ED IN RESOLUTION OF INTENTION NO. 966. be read. This resolution was then read.. Moved by Councilman T,?eier, seconded by Councilman Howard that this resolution be adopted as read and numbered Resolu- tion No. 1022. 7:30 °.'.,. .101 RESOLUTION NO. 1019 ADOPTED. RESCLU'I'IOP' NO. 1020 ADOPTED. RESOT,UTION NO. 1021 ADOPTED. RESOLUTIOI? NO. 1022 ADOPTED. l M M"I - MINUTES OF !v`I ETING 1LLD AUGiiST 1.5, 1927. 7:30 Carried by the following vote of the Council: Ayes: Councilmen: Howard, Meier, Chenoweth, Durrell. Noes: None. Absent: Councilman Martin. The City Engineer prese-ted the following report wlt_ich was on motion duly carried, accepted and placed nn_ file. AuPtst 13, 1.927. The Honorable City Council of the ' City of Azusa, California. Gentlemen: The City En;incer wishes to renort that after having carefully examined all bids and bonds for the installation of lighting posts upon the streets in Tract No. l6l that the ROBERTSON ELECI'ftIC CORPORI_TTON is the lowest bidder, Respectfully yours, C. L. I'TC HOLS City Engineer. Moved by Councilman How--,!, seconded by Councilman Meier and unanimously carried that a resolution entitled: A RESOLUTION OF TIT: CITni COUNCIL Op— THE FTHE CITY OI'' AZUSA AW .RDII'G 71T -JE CON- TRACT FOR THIS IMPROVE, IE -WT OF TRACT NO. 8161 Iii ACCORDAiiCF '`lITII AND AS DESCRIBED IN RESOLUTION OF INTL'NTI01,I NO. 995. be read. This resolution was then read. I -loved by Councilman Howard, seconded by Councilman Chenoweth that this ' resolution be adoT.ted as read and numbered Resolution No. 1023. Carried by the followiniC vote of the Council: Ayes: Councilmen: Howard, Meier, Chenoweth, Durrell. Foe-: None. =absent: Councilman Martin. Moved by Councilman Chenowcth, seconded by Councilman I'"eier and unanimously car- ried that an ordinance entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF TIil CT`P"r COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AZUSA Ai:IEDI?IT�I-i SECTION 24 OF ORDINANCE TATO. 261 ENTITLED " AN ORDIiNAI`.CE OF THEO BOARD OF TRUS'I'I.�ES OF THE CITY OF AZUSA ESTABLISHING TiD: OFFICE OF BUILDIj'. INSPECTOR, FIXIITG ,IS COt:IPr`NSATIOPi, DE- FINING HIS DUTTES, ES'.1;,3LISTIING 7TRE LI14I^1S IN SAID CITi' A.AID PROVIDING REGULA- TIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTTOH, ALTERATION AND REPAIR OF BUTLDTITGS TId S..ID CITY, PRESCRIBING T]>:r; Pi,:21AT,TY FOR THE VIOLATION OF SAID ORDINANCE AND RPPEAsJNG ALL ORDINANCES IN COI1 TCT T'IP.RE',,iITIT", DULY - PASSED BY SAID 80:;1i7) OF TRUSTEES ON THE 15TH DAY OF NOVI3MBER, 19261 111.TJID DULY APPROVED BY Tiir, P:'r,SID'_T,:T 'i'I1T:1_,'EOF ON TATS 16TH DAY OF NO'dTETIBER, 1926. be placed on its second rc^ding. This ordinance was then read for the second time. Moved. by Councilman Tlowtird, seconded by Councilman Chenol,eth that this ordinance be passed as read and numbered Ordinance No. 270. Carried by the following vote of the Council: Ayes: Councilmen: Howard, ?deier, Chenoweth, Durrell. Noes: None. Absent: Councilman. Iviartin. 103 RESO LUTIOIT ITO. 1023 ADO P'I'ED. Oi?DIi,IAIICE WO. 270 ADOPTD. 104 MTNUTES OF IIEGU?::ii i, 'FTTidG ijEr,D AU. iJST 15, 1927 Moved by Councilman Meier, seconded by Councilman FIo.a,avd that the "Mayor and Cityclerk be instructed to execute, sign and seal an agreement with the Santa Fe Railway Company in regard to a license for the lower Lines crossinS the railroad trucks. Carried by the fo11ovjinr vote of the Council: Ayes: Councilman. lio,sard, I'+ieier, Cheno- weth, Durrell. Noes: None. ",1,sent: Councilman: Martin. ' Moved by Councilman Iio trard, seconded By Councilman ":Meier that the offer made by the 71oman's Club to sell their property in Block 30 to the City of Azusa for the appraised valuation be accepted. Carried by the following vote of the Council: Ayes: Councilmen: Howard, Meier, Cheno- weth, Durrell. Noes: None. Absen.t: Councilman: iviartin. Moved by Councilman Howard seconded by Councilmmn I-eier that the Uity 1:nl.ineer be instructed to draw up tontative plans for the repairing of the bridge on Azusa Avenue as well as the street itself. Carried by the following vote of the Council: Ayes: Councilmen: Deward, i:eier, Cher.o- weth, Durrell. Noes: Mone. Absent Councilman: "Martin. 7: .;0 ? . iri . 105 ;.:ayor and City Clerk to execute an agreement with Santa Fe Railway Co. ;,ioved and carried that the City purchase property belonginn to %7oman's Club. City Engij-[eer ii;str,�cted to dr -w tentative plans for bridre on Azusa Ave. Moved by Councilman Howard, seconded by Councilman Chenoweth that the follo,^r- ' ing bills be allowed and warrants order- "?ills. ed drawn upon the Treasury for the same. Carried by the followin?, yore of the Council: Ayes: Councilmen: Iir,rard, t?eier, CYeno- weth, Durrell. Aloes: Alone. Absent: Councilman: Martin. GENERAL t IJND 153 Standard Oil Co. iMaterLa_1 154 C. E. Williams 16.63 155 Pacific Rubber Co. It 5.20 156 Union Rock Co. It 157 Calif. map & Blue Print Co. " 59.34 158 Rapid Blue Print Co. 3.85 159 Mac Donald Bonner Labor 35.00 160 Gus Meier It 21.00 161 Soule Steel Co. �aterial 8.13 162 L. A. Co. Road. Dept. " 9.60 163 Irene B. Barnes Li, -lit �; ':"tater 420.30 164 Azusa Herald I,Iaterial 6.75 165 C. L. 37ichols Engineerir.^ 54.00 166 C. L. Nichols 134.00 167 Ii. J. Vaniman ':Ia.terial 1.50 ' 168 R. C. Camp :50.00 169 `I'. II. Chinn. " 6.00 170 H. W. Lane Labor 10.00 171 Kellar L Brown Iviaterial 267.50 172 Azusa Steam Laundry Service 3'%•fr, 173 Seagrave Corp. 1•7ateria7 250.00 174 Pomotropic Ordinance (7:- etc. 231.24 175 H. Vander Goot Labor 55.62 176 L. Nichols 6.00 177 M. Nichols 6.00 178 Ray ?Moore 14.50 179 Edwin Mace Inspectinc 127.75 180 Tom Lee It 84.00 181 M. R. Brisbee Labor 48.00 182 John Edwards 11 52.00 jos ;'11-NUTE3 OF REGULI;R lr '.iJ'lI:G rnZ= AU.:UST 155 1927 7:50 P.:. GENERAL FIJIiD LIG,I=' PiJIID �5 183 Geo. Moody Labor y 52.00 Spriggs Bros. 194 Steve Stirdevant IT 48.00 " 1.85 V. Culler " 48.00 36.00 166 Robert Smith, Jr. IT 21.00 30 187 I'. f,. Davis, Inc. -aterial 1.76 188 Spriggs Bros. " 10.99 189 Man Wolfe Lai•or 4.50 190 P. E. Calbert atorial 14.23 191 P J. L. :'ilsford. L abor 7.00 FUi:D 20 Art Concrete -R'orks ��ater i al '"'.20 21 ..eptune ➢Teter Co. ',�n.^7 22 Frank Roberts LaI%or 10. 00 23 I;Iueller & Co. material C.((.G 24 Azusa Agricult„-Tal ':!ai;er ten. 4q,9� � 25 Azusa Transfer Co. Labor 26 Spriggs Bros. ,aterlal- 2.87 27 Irene B. Barnes Citi Pump 123.40 LIG,I=' PiJIID �5 Graybar Electric Co. i.:ater:i.al 150.C�6 26 Spriggs Bros. " 3.40 27 Duncan Electric Co. " 55.10 28 Frank Roberts Labnr 36.00 29 V. D. Smith IT P•5.00 30 E. A. Davis -1aLeria.1 7.25 CITY HiJIL F1J1'D 11 Daily Journal ;aterial. 4.r0 ' Moved by Councilman Beier, seconded. by Councilman Chenoweth and carried that the Council do now adjo,zrn to meet Wednesday, the 17th day of August, 1927 at 7:.;0 P.:'. Sty Clerk of tiie City of Azusa -137 I I I