HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - January 3, 1928 - CCCITY HALL, AZUSA, C:.LIFORIiIA, TUESDAY, JNAU: iiY 3, 1928 The City Council of the City of Azusa met in regular session at the above time and place. Present at roll call: Councilmen: Howard, Meier, Chenoaareth, Durrell, City Attorney and City Clerk. Absent: Councilman: l-'artin. The minutes of the last regular meeting of December 19, 1927 were read and approved as read. Puouncilman Martin entered the Council Chamber and took his seat during the reading of the minutes. After an application From G. Wellman for janitor work in the nevi, City Hall had been presented it was moved by Councilman i;`eier seconded by Councilman Aa_artin and duly car- , ried that the same be placed on file. Moved by Councilman I'lartin, seconded by Councilman Howard and duly carried that the Contract Fater Company be permitted to use the Council Chamber for their annual meeting on January 17, 1928. A communication from Elsbery Reynolds, Jr. Inc. was read and ordered laid on the table. A letter from Mrs J. E, uarker was read in- forming the Council of the death of En ineer J. E. Barker. Moved by Councilman Ilartin, seconded by Council- man Iaeier and duly carried that the City Clerk be instructed to convey to Mrs Barker the t sympathy of the Council in this hour of her breavement. He was also instructed to ascertain whether Mr. Barker's partner would be able to bring the books of the Electric Light and ?later Departments up to the end of 1927. Mr. J. B. Stair addressed the Council on the matter of the First National Bank's new building on the corner of Azusa .';venue and Foothill Boulevard. I -loved by Councilman "arti:n, seconded by Council- man Chenoweth that the First Nartional Bank be given permission to encroach upon the side- walk at the northeast corner of Azusa Avenue and the Foothill Boulevard. Such encroachment not to exeeed two incises. Carried by the following vote of the Council: Ayes: Counci;men: Howard, Irlartin, iieier, Chenoweth, Durrell. Noes: Nione. Absent: None. The City Clerk announced that the time had arrived for the hearing of protests on the work done in the Paramount Heights Tract and that he had received two protests. The protests from the Bank of Italy and the ' Paramount Motors Corporation were then read and discussed. Moved by Councilman Howard, seconded by Councilman Meier that the further hearing of these protests be laid over until the next regular meeting January 15, 1928 at 7:30 P.Il. Carried by the following vote of the Council.: Ayes: Councilmen: Howard, Eartin, Meier, Chenoweth, Durrell. Noes: None. Absent: None. _197 7:30 P.m. Application .for janitor filed. Contract 'slater Co. given Permission to hold meeting in Council Chamber. Letter from Mr. Reynold laid on table. Letter informing Counci: of the death of Enginee J. E'. Barker First National Bank riven permission to encroach two inches on sidewalk. City Clerk announced he hadreceived two protest on the work in Paramount Heights Tract. Protest laid over until next regular meeting. coo m MINUTES OF REGULAR-,,7EETIIdG hl;[,D JriNUARY 3, 1928 Moved by Councilman IIoward, seconded by Councilman Martin and unanimously carried that a resolution entitled: A RESOLUTION OF TlD] CITY COUNC IL OF THE CITY OF AZUSA APPROVING '!ND ':DOPT- ING THE DIAGRAM OF THs ASSIS ::E Ti i' DISTRICT FOR T'h33 IMPi;OVL.: 1dT OF S,.NTA FE, DALTON AND ALAirED:_ ;,V TIU S SIXTH STREETS. be read. This resolution was then read. Moved by Councilman Howard, seconded by Councilman Martin that this resolu- tion be adopted as read and numbered Resolution No. 1055. Carried by the following vote of the Council: Ayes: Councilmen: IIoward, Martin, ':Meier, Chenoweth, Durrell. Noes: Tlone. Absent None. The City Clerk reports that this is the hour, time and place for the hearing of protests against the assessment for the improvement of Alameda, Dalton and Santa Fe Avenues and Sixth Street with ornamental lights under Resol-ation of Intention No. 1011. The City Clerk further reports that no protest have been filed. The Mayor then asks if any person .wishes to be heard in the matter. Yo one objected. The Mayor then declares that the Council have jurisdiction to confirm the assessment. Moved by Councilman Martin, seconded by Councilman Howard and unanimously carried that a resolution entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CO UdCTL OF THE CITY OF AZUSA APPROVING T1-11'1 PROCEEDTi,,GS C'•.ivD CON- FIRMING THE ASSESSI+iEi•?T AND DIAGRM,11 FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF ALAMEDA, DALTON AND SANTA F) AVENUES AND SIXTH STREET AS DESCRIBED IT RESOLUTION OF INTENTION NO. 1011 AND ORDTHRIIdG THE STREET SUPERI""TEidDilNT TO DRA'':'1 TIT be read. This resolution was then read. Moved by Councilman IKIeier, seconded by Council- man Howard that this resolution be adopted as read and numbered Resolution No. 1056. Carried by the following vote of the Council: Ayes: Councilmen: Howard, Martin, P.Ieier, Chenoweth, Durrell. Noes: None. Absent: None. The City Clerk reports that this is the hour, time and place for the hearing of protests on the issuance of bonds against the unpaid assess- ment for the improvement of Second Street under Resolution of Intention No. 986. The ity Clerk reports that no protest have been received. The Mayor then asks if there are any persons present who wish to be heard. There were no objections. The Mayor then declares the Council have ,juris- diction to order the bonds. Moved by Councilman Iviei.er, seconded b�, Councilman Howard and unanimousl-v carried that a resolution entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIO: CITY OF AZUSA, BE.NG AN ORDER PROVIDING FT,, TIE ISSUANCE OF STREET IMPROVEI,4ENT BOT!DS PRESCRIBING T1 -1r, DENOMINATION OF SUCH BOND3 AND THE INTEREST COUPONS ATTACHED THERETO. be read. This resolution was then read. Moved by Councilman Ho;r.r'., seconded by Council- man Chenoweth that this Vesoiution be adopted 7:30 P. B7. 199 RESOLUTION NO. 1055 A.DOP TE'D . RESOLUTION NO. 1056 ADOPTED. RESOLUTION NO. 1057 ADOPTED. 200 Tl ^W 4 1 nY ivIINUTESOF REGULAR i,IE✓TI'IGELD JANUARY 3, 1927 as read and numbered Resolution No. 1057. Carried by the following vote of the Council: Ayes: Councilmen: Howard, Tr:artin, '.-ier, Chenoweth, Durrell. Noes: None. Absent: None. Th- City Engineer reports that owing; to an over -sight by the Elliott Horne Co. in not reporting; certain assessments paid, that were paid on Nov. 25, 1927, two days ' after the final paid list was returned on November 23, 1927, that three assessments were bonded by Resolution No. 1054 on December 1927 that should have been omitted from the bonds. The Engineer therefore recommends that Resolution 1054 be repealed and the bonds reordered for a lesser amount. Moved by Councilman Howard, seconded by Councilman Meier and unanimously carried that a resolution entitled: A RESOLUTION OF TTlii CITY COUNCIL OF Tri!' CITY OF AZUSA REPEALING RESOLUTION NO. 1054 AND RE -ORDERING TILE!3S'Lj.IICE OF STREET IMPROVE- MENT BONDS, PRESCRI?IIG TT�—P: DEhiOivlIPif,.TION OF SUCH BONDS PJ17D OF TIt . I':TER]7,ST COU?0'CS ATTACHED THERETO. be read. This resolution was then read. Ivioved by Councilman Toward, seconded by Councilman Chenoweth that this resolution be adopted as read and numbered Resolution No. 1058. Carried by the following vote of the Council: Ayes: Councilmen: Howard, Martin, IvIeier, Chenoweth, Durrell. Noes: Alone. Absent:None. ' The City Clerk reports that this is the time, hour and place for the hearing of Protests on the ussuance of bonds against the unpaid assessments for the improvement of Tract #8161 and Eleventh Street under Resol-ation of Intention No. 995. The City Clerk reports that no protests have been received. The Mayor then askes if there are any persons present who wish to be heard. There were no objections. The Mayor then declares the Council have jurisdiction to order the bonds. Moved by Councilman Howard, Seconded by Councilman Iaeier and unanimously carried that a resolution entitled: A RESOLUTION OF TIE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AZUSA BEING AN ORDER PROVIDING FOR TILE ISSUANCE OF STREET I1JPI?CiTE;''JENT BONDS PRESCRIB- ING TJrL DENOMI1drTIO N OF SUCH 30'DS AND CF TIRE INTEREST COUPOISS ATTr:CiiED TH' ER.ETO. be read. This resolution was then read. ' Moved by Councilman Howard, seconded by Council- man Meier that this resolution be adopted ,�s read and numbered Resolution No. 1059. Carried by the following vote of the Council: Ayes: Councilmen: llowa_rd, &-iartin, T,lier, Chenoweth, Durrell. I1oes: None. Absent: None. Moved by Councilman ideier, seconded by Council- man Martin and unanimously carried that an ordinance entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIE] CITY OF AZUSA FIXING THE SP.LAfff OR COMPENSATION OF CERTAIN CITY OFFICE:IS OF SAID CITY AND REPEt�L- ING ALL ORDINANCES OII PAiiTS OF ORDINANCES IN- CONSISTENT THERE'vITH. 7:30 P. IS. 201 RESOLUTION NO. 1058 ADOPTED. RESOLUTION NO. 1059 ADOPTED. ORIINANCE NO. 272 ADOPTED. 2.92 MINUTES OF REGULA'.i :..;_TIF G JhNUARY 31 1928. 7:30 P. n'1. be placed on its second reading This ordinance was then read for the second time. Moved by Councilman PHeier, seconded by Councilman Martin that this ordinance be passed as read and be numbered Ordinance Pio. 272. Carried by the following vote of the Council: Ayes: Councilmen: Howard, I,lartin, i.ieier, Chenoweth, Durrell. ;does: None. Absent: None. 2.03 Moved by Councilman Howard, seconded by ' Councilman Martin and unanimously carried that an ordinance entitled: AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING 07STRUCTIOPIS ON CiKDINANCE READ FQ:R SIDE'i'iALKS, AND PRO'JIDING PENALTY. THE FT,cam' be placed on its first reading. This Ordinance was tien read for the first time. Moved by Councilman P,leier, seconded by Councilman Howard and unanimously carried that a resolution entitled: A H:,]SOLUT1ION OF THE CTT':' COUNCIL OF THE OTTY OF AZUSA APPROVING FS1`!D :.:;OPTING THE DIAGR: " 1i,.SOLUTION,, NO. 1060 OF TIE i:SSESSInENT DISTRICT FOR T1,7E IMPROVE— - D ALOP1'Eil IdENT OF THE STREETS IN 7 HL P:"+i1- I�iOUNT HEIGI_TS . TRACT. be read. This resolution was then re; -..d. Moved by Councilman i;Ieier. seconded by Council - man Howard that this resolution be adopted as read and numbered Resolution No. 1050. Carried by the following vote of the Council: Ayes: Councilmen: Howard, ilartin, I6eier, Chenrn^✓eth, Durrell. Tdoes: Iinne. Absent: None. ' The City Engineer presented the following letter: January 3, 1928. The Honorable City Council City of Azusa. Gentlemen: The proceedings for the improvement of i=sa :.venue were begun under the ",.'attoon Act" in order to secure bonds running for Thirty Years. This advantage is offset by several disadvantages. First: these is no assessment :nide or filed; as soon as the work is accepted bonds are issued to the con- tractor. This works a hardship on t`,e property owner as he is not allowed to pay his assessment even if he has the money, but instead he will neve h1s taxes raised for the next Thirtv Years during which time he will pay .for it 2-1/12 times in taxes whether he likes it or not. Second; each year the tax assessor will have to compute the assessment for the tax valuation of propert;,r chnnYes nearly every year and the Bn,�rd of Equalization has to equalize these assessment taxes the sane as other taxes, which may mean a re -assessment now and then, if so ordered. Third; If low value property chanced to high ' valued property, the new hi . -h value would absorb the most of the assessment of any Prone-,ty remaining low in value in the same zone. I would ther:fore recommend that the "Act" for Azusa Avenue be changed to the "1911 Act" and "1915 Act" for bonds which will spread the assessment in the same way; r.,ive fifteen years time and allow any one who wishes, L_nd nearly fifty per cent do, to pay his assessment. Respectfully yours, C. L. ,;ICiOLS Engineer. 204 Yowed by Councilman Ho,:,;,3.rd, seconded by Councilman Chenoweth and duly carried that the following bills be allowed and Bills warrants ordered dra-wn upon the Treasury for the same. Carried by the following vote of the Council: Ayes: Councilmen: Howe -'-d, i,iartin, Meier, Chenoweth, Durrell. Noes: None. Absent: None. YINUTES OF REGULAR i,E::,TIPrG 1=D JANUARY 3, 1928 7:30 P.M. 2W.➢ Moved by Cb uncilman Iioward, seconded 591 Southern Counties Gas Co. Gas Gervice by Councilman Meier that the v✓ork 592 W. A Johnson on Azusa Avenue be done under the 8.00 593 "1911" - "1915" Acts. " 13.80 Carried by the following vote of the Marchant Calculating Co. " 45.00 Council: 594 L. A. Co-. Road Dept. Ayes: Councilmen: Hov✓ard, 7"artin, Meier, ',?owed and carried that L. A. CO. Health Chenoweth, Durrell. Noes: None. the work on Azusa Avenue 597 i.bsent: ?done. be done under the 1911 598 an id 1915 Acts. It 4.67 Moved by Councilman ivle9.er, seconded. by 599 W. R. Frisbee Labor Councilma- Chenoweth and duly carr-ied 600 ' that Councilman Hov✓,ard be aenointed to interview Paul Kressley to ascertain a ?c oved and carried Councilman Ilov✓ard that be 601 what progress is beim, made v:ith re -C, -rd appointed. to interview 49.50 to the work on Foothill Boulevard• ?aul Kressley. " 47•.75 Moved by Councilmftn Howard, seconded b•y Council as t vd:ole to act ° Councilman Chenoweth that the Council. be on r,urchase of new car for D. Aguilar appointed a Committee of the whole to Police Dept. 605 consider the purchase of a new Police Car, " 14.00 with power to act. W. F. Zerell " 7.50 Carried by the following vote of the Counc°.l: 607 Robert Keflin Ayes: Councilmen: Pioward, Martin, Meier, 608 Arthur F•iolfe Chenoweth, Durrel_I. Noes: Pune. 12.50 609 Absent: None. 12.50 Yowed by Councilman Ho,:,;,3.rd, seconded by Councilman Chenoweth and duly carried that the following bills be allowed and Bills warrants ordered dra-wn upon the Treasury for the same. Carried by the following vote of the Council: Ayes: Councilmen: Howe -'-d, i,iartin, Meier, Chenoweth, Durrell. Noes: None. Absent: None. GEI•T:REw FUND 591 Southern Counties Gas Co. Gas Gervice 8.62 592 W. A Johnson 'satei-lal 8.00 593 S. Saunders " 13.80 595 Marchant Calculating Co. " 45.00 594 L. A. Co-. Road Dept. 25.00 596 L. A. CO. Health Service 100.00 597 Wm Peters i.iat:erial. 2.75 598 E. A. Davis It 4.67 599 W. R. Frisbee Labor 41-11.75 600 G. Moody " 49.50 601 J. Allen " 49.50 602 S. Sturdibant " 47•.75 603 C. L.. Singleton ° 5.00 604 D. Aguilar " 4-3,75 605 Tome Lee " 14.00 606 W. F. Zerell " 7.50 607 Robert Keflin 5.00 608 Arthur F•iolfe " 12.50 609 J. R. Sitton 12.50 610 Fred Williams 12.50 611 H. L. Pierce " 1.50 612 James Rogers " 7.50 61.3 J. Hibsch 10.00 614 E. mace Buil ding_ 45.50 615 V. Culler Labor 40.00 616 S. Saunders Police 5.00 617 C. E. Gauldin'F 11 25.00 619 H. R. Smith Cash 21.16 620 Geo. Lambert iaeal.s 5.60 621 C. L. Nichols Engineer 70.00 622 Azusa Electric Shop 'r;aterial 29.10 623 Morgans Hd,:+,,. Co. " 12.20 624 td. Shaffer Typing 8.00 B25 H. Var_der•goot Labor 36.25 206 11INUTES OF Pi'GIJ1.,::R Eh"TING i? :LL JANUARY 3, 1927 124 Keystone Espress 125 V. D. Smith 126 E. I Davis 111 Southern Calif. Edison Co. 112 Keystone Express 113 V. D. Smith 114 E. A. D, -,vis Express Labor I.iaterial LIc;: T FUND Energy - Evr^ess Labor aterial Loved by Councilman Chenoueth, seconded by Councilman Howard snd du carried that the Council adjourn. 7:30 ? M. 3.31 7.50 6.05 1481.80 6.43 47.30 11.10 207 208