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j t,
The Board of Trustees of the City of Azusa,.do or-
dain as follows;
SEC. 1. ;hat the monthly rate to be charged and
collected by the City of Azusa for the water supply from its
water works to consumers, shall be as follows:
1. Flat Rate: $ .75 per 2000 cubic feet= rates
to be adjusted by the Superintendent on said scale on basis
of assumed consumption, but no charge shall be lean than 't .75.
Tenement occupied by a single family, the minimum rate shall
be N*' .75. ( A tenement shall be construed to mean any person
or persons or family who am living together under the same
roof, and boarding at one and the same table).
2. For stores of less than 360 scuaro feet, not
having bath. toilet, urinal, oink, or stationary wash -stand
in use, the minimum monthly rate shall be .50.
3. All places of business not above classified, f
the minimum rate shall be $ .75. Where a parson or persons
reside in a place of business., family rates shall be charged.
4. The City of Azusa shall have the right and option
Of installing a water motor for any cvnaumer, wheraupdn meter
rates will be charged as follows:
For any quantity used, each month up to 2000 cubic
feet, $ .75.
For each 100 cubic feet, or fraotion thereof, over
the first 2000 cubiti feet,
E 4 �
Provided that, if the amount of any bill shall not
be an exact multiple of five cents, such bill shall be re-
! duced:or increased to the nearest multiple of five cents, as
the case may be.
There shall be no charge less than fifty cents where
a meter is used. That where a meter fails to register during
any period, a charge shall be made upon an estimate based upon
the reading of the preceding month, or where, a meter has not
been set for a month, then during such period as such meter
sb.all have registered.
That the rate to be charged and collected by the City
of Azusa, for all the water to be supplied hereafter by said
City for irrigating purposes, is hereby fixed an follows:
,pper miner's inch per hour, continuous flow.
The City of Azusa hereby declares that all water,
which it now has or may reasonably acquire from its present
water system, is needed for the present and future domestic sup-
ply for the inhabitants of the City of Azusa eyeept that the
said City undertakes to supply for irrigating purposes such
surplus water as it may have from time to time, for limited pe -
SSC. 2. The charge for each tap or attachment made
with its system of water worke,shall be as followst
For each * inch corporation stop, using * inch ser -
viae pipe, $10.00.
For each 5-8 inch corporation stop, using J -inch ser-
vice pipe, $10.00.
For each 41 -inch corporation stop, using 1 -inch service
pipe, $12.00.
/The City reserves the right, at any time, without no-
tice, to shut off the Water in its mains or services, for the
purpose of raking repairs or extensions, or for other neoss-
nary purposes* and all persons having boilerson their premis-
es are hereby cautioned against direct connection with the
All pipes or extensions connecting with the City
mains and laid by any person on any public street, plaon or
alley, shall at once become the property of the City, and ouch
person shall not have any Jurisdiction over them, nor may such
pipes or extensions be removed by such person.
And there shall be a stop cook in every attachment
on the sidewalk, just inside of the curb, at a point to be doe-
ignated by said City, which said stop cook and its box shall
be supplied by the City and shall be for its exclusive uce and
under its exclusive control.
The City will not be responsible for damages to any
buildings or their contents from any break beyond the street
service box or motor; and water consumers ars hereby required to
provide, at their own expense, another stop cock to be placed
at the first suitable point beyond the stop or meter of the City.
When more than one service pipe is supplied from one
attachment, there shall be an many protection stop Cooke as
there are service pipes;
SFC, 3. No consumer of water from the City, or any
other person, shall under any circumstances run or convey by
any means ark► water from his service on any lot or property, or
across any street or alley, or supply water to other persons or
families, for which such other persons or families are not pay-
ing to the City the rate or rates prescribed by the City, and
all water furnished to consumers in the City of Azusa shell be
charged to the owner of the premises upon which the water shall
have been used, and the ownor.of said premises shall be held
responsible for the payment of the water rates used upon the
premises owned by him.
Provided that the water superintendent may permit
more than one tenement or person to connect on to a single,
tap leading from the main with the proper stock cook at such
point on any public street or alley as he may deem proper, and
the City may contract with each or with one for all in such
cases, each party so connected to pay not less than $ .60 per
month, and in case any one of such persons fail to pay the rate
provided, one or all of such persons or tenants in common shall
be out off as rosy be deemed right by the water superintendent.
A consumer, in the meaning of this ordinance, is one
who has the privilege or opportunity to use water from a pipe
or service on the premison occupied by him or (by permission
from the water superintendent) from some line or tap on proper-
ty near him. And in all canes the city will Resume that water
has been used where any person or persons or tenants in common
have had the opportunity to use the same, and even though such
person or persons may not have used any water during any month,
they will not be entitled to any rebate from the regular rate
Provided in such cases unless they have notifed the rater Super•
Intendant in writing to out off such service, and where it is not
practical, to turn off said service or person, either owner or
occupant, must provude a lino on the street or alley with service
cocks, so that such service may be out off, otherwise water will
be charged to all said tenants in common or persons until the whole
aervice is cut off.
The water Superintendent shall out or cause to be out
Off the water in all 68808 where this Ordinance shall have been
violated, and it shall not be turned on again until all, charges
due the City, up to the time the water was shut off, including
? ` r
the penalty for delinquency, are paid.
SEC. 4. All rates for water used in any month are
due and payable on the third day of the succeeding month.
A 1 water rates arepayable at the office of the
torte and if not ed paid by the 15th of the month,
there shall be added
�por cent penalty for delinquency,
and tho ads shall give notice to the delinquent by
mailing to him a statement of the amount due and the penalty
It the said water rate and the penalty for deliq-
quency is not paid within five days thereafter, theh---, - r
shall notify the Water Superintendent, who shall immediately,
without further notice, shut off the water from the premises
of the delinquent, and the water shall not again be turned on
for them, except upon the payment of the ti ole amount due to
the City for water used up to the time the water is so shut off,
Including the penalty for delinquency.
SEC. 5. The mater Superintendent or any other author-
ized officer of the City shall be admitted at all reasonable
hours to all parts of the premises supplied with water to see
that the regulations are obeyed and observed,
No one except the Water Superintendent, or someone
expressly authorized by him snail turn the water on or off from
any building or premises. No person shall tap any water main
or in any manner whatever meddle or interfere with any part of
said water works without written permission of the Water Super-
Consumers shall prevent all waste of water and no water
faucet or hydrant shall be allowed to remain out of repair, or
water be allowed to run therefrom when not in actual use for ir-
roga tion or domestic purposes.
SEC. 8. Water rates will be charged for premises va-
? ` r
the penalty for delinquency, are paid.
SEC. 4. All rates for water used in any month are
due and payable on the third day of the succeeding month.
A 1 water rates arepayable at the office of the
torte and if not ed paid by the 15th of the month,
there shall be added
�por cent penalty for delinquency,
and tho ads shall give notice to the delinquent by
mailing to him a statement of the amount due and the penalty
It the said water rate and the penalty for deliq-
quency is not paid within five days thereafter, theh---, - r
shall notify the Water Superintendent, who shall immediately,
without further notice, shut off the water from the premises
of the delinquent, and the water shall not again be turned on
for them, except upon the payment of the ti ole amount due to
the City for water used up to the time the water is so shut off,
Including the penalty for delinquency.
SEC. 5. The mater Superintendent or any other author-
ized officer of the City shall be admitted at all reasonable
hours to all parts of the premises supplied with water to see
that the regulations are obeyed and observed,
No one except the Water Superintendent, or someone
expressly authorized by him snail turn the water on or off from
any building or premises. No person shall tap any water main
or in any manner whatever meddle or interfere with any part of
said water works without written permission of the Water Super-
Consumers shall prevent all waste of water and no water
faucet or hydrant shall be allowed to remain out of repair, or
water be allowed to run therefrom when not in actual use for ir-
roga tion or domestic purposes.
SEC. 8. Water rates will be charged for premises va-
oated in every instance until the City shall have been notified
by the owner or his agent in writing, filed with the Superintend-
ent, of the discontinuance of the use of water and to turn the
water off.
SEC. 7. All faucets, hydrants, hose, sprinklers, nos-
zleS, irrigation heads or other continuous streams must be shut
off promptly upon the alarm of fire, the water not again to be
turned on until the fire is known to be extinguished.
SSC. S. Any person, firm or corporation violating any
Of the provisions of this Ordinanca, shall be deemod guilty of a
misdemeanor and upon conviction in a Court of competent jurisdic-
tion shall be fined not 1006 than five, nor more than fifty, dol.
lars, or be punished by imprisonment in the City Jail not exceed.
Ing twenty-five days or by both suoh fine and imprisonment.
SEC. S. The office of tater Superintendent shall be and
Is hereby created, and all appointments to such office shall be
made by Resolution of the Board of Trustees of the City of Aeuea,
duly passed at a regular meeting thereof, which said Resolution
shall also fix the salary or compensation to be paid the appointee
therein named and such appointee shall hold office during the pleas -
urs of said Hoard of Trustees.
SEC. 10. %hat such water Superintendent before entering
upon the duties of Such offie0, shall take and subscribe to the
constitutional oath of office.
S'SC. 11. That such water Superintendent shall have, sub-
ject to the control of the Hoard of Trusteos, general eh%rge, super-
vision and control of the water works system of the City of Asusa,
and he shall read or cause to be read all the motors on the 25th,
28th and 27th days of each month and at such times as may be re- .
He shall have general supervision over all repairer
tappings, and additions to the system, and cut off or cause
to be cut off the eater from any consumer upon the written re-
port of the Collector of Revenue, or upon the violation of any
of the provisions of this Ordinance, and generally to do and per-
form every duty, .14 rater Superintendent* required by him by law
or by any ordinance of the City of Azusa or rule of the Board of
It shall also be the duty of the Superintendent to
keep all accounts relating to the said water works system, and
to make out and deliver for collection to the Collector of Rev-
enue, on the third day of each month, receipts with stubs num-
bored the same as the reeeipts,for all unpaid water rates for
the current month, and charge him therewith.
SEG. 18. The Collector of Revenue shall then proceed
at once to collect all such water rates, and if the same are not
paid by the 18th of the month, he shall thereupon add ten per cent
penalty for delinquency to all receipts than in his hands, and
charge him therewith and the Collector of Revenue shall thereupon
proceed as directed in Section 4 hereof.
It shall also be the duty of the Collector of Revenue
to pay over to tree City Treasurer on or before Saturday of each
week, all water rates collected by him, taking the City Treasurer's
receipt therefor, which he shall file with the City Clerk, and
the Collector of Revenue shall report the amount thereof, together
with the amount delinquent, to the Board of Trustees at the first
regular meeting of said Board in each month after the collections
are closed.
SEC. 13, the City Treasurer shall keep all moneys paid
Into the Treasury from the water rabee in a separate fund, to be
known an the Eater Fund, and the said moneys shall be used for no
other purpose than said City Water System, except that funds from
the dater Department may be borrowed by resolution of the
Board of Trustees for the use of other funds upon condition
that the said moneys to be repaid from said funds as soon as
SEC. 14. Parties wishing water service, or the dis-
continuance of the same, must sign the regular blanks provided
by the Superintendent, giving the street number where service
In desired or is to be discontinued.
• where the prospective consumer is more than 150 feet
..distant from the nearest main or service pipe on the street or
alley next to the property to be connected or where there is
difficulty in getting 8e11vice to said consumer, a contract must
be entered into for extra compensation to the City of Azusa, and
the Superintendent shall recommend such extra compensation after
he shall have made an examination of the case.
SM. 15. Ordinance 104, entitled "An Ordinance as-
tablishing water rates to be charged by the City of Azusa, and
prescribing rules and regulations concerning the use of water
and fixing a penalty for the violation thereof, and repealing
all ordinances, or parts of ordinances, in conflict therewith"{
and Ordinance 115 entitled "An Ordinance establishing water
rates to be charged by the City of Azusa and prescribing rules
and regulations concerning the use of water and fixing a penalty
for the violation thereof,"etc.1 and Ordinance 173, entitled,
"An Ordinance of the Board of Trustees of the City of Azusa,
establishing the rats to be charged by the City of Azusa for
water and water connections, and prescribing rules and regula-
tions concerning the use of water, and fixing a penalty for the
violation thereof, Add repealing All former ordinances in con-
flict with this Ordinance,"passed on the first day of November,
19161 are hereby repealed; and all other ordinances or parts of
ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed.
7 l.}
See. 16. This ordinance is urgently required for the
Immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety and
welfare of the City of Azusa, for the reason that the ordinance
establishing water rates now in effect has proved inefficient and
it is essential to immediately correct certain defects therein.
Sec. 17. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage
of this ordinance, and shall cause the same to be posted in
three public places in the City of Atuea, for a period of ten
days and the same shall thereupon and thereafter take effect and
be in full force.
P sident of the Board of Trustees
of the City of Azusa.
City clark.
I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was pass-
ed by the Board of Trustees of the City of Asuba, signed by the
Preidonjt,of said Board and attested to by the City Q.erk, all at
a regul meeting held on the .� day of May, 1916, by the
following vote:
Ayes:,�04l.ra, -f.J-
City Clerk of the City of A� ausa,�
7 l.}
See. 16. This ordinance is urgently required for the
Immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety and
welfare of the City of Azusa, for the reason that the ordinance
establishing water rates now in effect has proved inefficient and
it is essential to immediately correct certain defects therein.
Sec. 17. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage
of this ordinance, and shall cause the same to be posted in
three public places in the City of Atuea, for a period of ten
days and the same shall thereupon and thereafter take effect and
be in full force.
P sident of the Board of Trustees
of the City of Azusa.
City clark.
I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was pass-
ed by the Board of Trustees of the City of Asuba, signed by the
Preidonjt,of said Board and attested to by the City Q.erk, all at
a regul meeting held on the .� day of May, 1916, by the
following vote:
Ayes:,�04l.ra, -f.J-
City Clerk of the City of A� ausa,�