HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 3011] IN 0 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ORDINANCE N0. 301 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AZIISA REGU- LATING THE ERECTIONS CONSTRUCTION, ENLARGEMENT, ALTERATION, REPAIR, MOVING, REMOVING, DEMOLI- TION, CONVERSION, OCCUPANCY, EQUIPMENT, USE, HEIGHT, AREA AND MAINTENANCE OF ALL BUILDINGS AND/OR STRUCTURES IN THE CITY OF AZIISA; PROVID- ING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF PERMITS AND COLLECTION OF FEES THEREFOR; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF; DECLARING AND ESTABLISHING FIRE ZONES; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. The City Council of the City of Azusa does ordain as follows: - SEC. 1. That a certain document, three copies of which are on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Azusa, being designated and marked as "Uniform Building Code, 1930 Edition, Published by Pacific Coast Building Officials' Conference", and including Section 2311 and Sections 4701 to 4721, both inclusive, of the Appendix to said Uniform Building Code, be and the same is hereby adopted and such Code as above referred to and each portion and each provision thereof, except as herein provided, shall be and become the Building Code of the City of Azusa, regulating the erection, construction, enlargement, altera- tion, repair, moving, removal, demolition, conversion, occupancy, equipment, use, heights, area and maintenance of all buildings or struc- tures within the City of Azusa; and providing for the issuance of permits and collection of fees therefor; providing penalties for viola- tion of such Code; declaring and establishing fire zones;and each and all of the regulations, provisions, penalties, conditions and terms of such Uniform Building Code, 1930 Edition, published by Pacific Coast Building Officials' Conference on file in the office of the City Clerk, are hereby referred to, adopted and made a part hereof as if fully set out in this Ordinance. SEC. 2. That all fire zones or fire districts hereto- fore created by an Ordinance of said City of Azusa, shall be continued as such fire zones or fire districts and as described in any Ordinance of said City of Azusa creating and establishing the same. ctnen Its all be un! fur any lerma, Ih'm Or [Orel ratiolt Cl, ren- , eentllating not less than thirty (3p) - bgnarC in 'n 'aTGl pblood Lear tri$ (Il1Ct. ClllBl$G R11Cr, fCpat uOt•e Y2- floor oil C8 thr'EC sides and protect- , mote, demolish, concert, equip. use nr aI by wire netting. At the top of every ecupy or maintain any- building or sur tic,: or any Portion th.-reef, in the booth there shall be at (east a ten (10) inch diameter vent for each mouton machine. Such vent shall -be con- Ti, • eo;,pary to, or in violation of, any pro' sttucted of sheet metal not less than ision of said code, as hereby or hereafter/� twenty-four (24) Li. S. gauge end shaft 'mended, or to cause, permit or stiffer i connect into a masonry flue or go dl- he same to be done. rectly through the roof and twelve (12) Any person, firm or corporation violet- inches above, and shall be provided with 1 -in,.;, or causing or permitting to he via- I an exhaust fan which will produce al any of the provisions of said code, complete change of air in the booth every Lfated, as so amended shall be deemed guilty I ten (10) minutes. NO wood or other com- 1tm f a miedemeauor, and each such person, bustible matrrtal shell be allowed to 2 Mror corporation shall be deemed gull- come within four (4) inches of the vent. offense for each and of a separate oi•ery There shall be not more than one elbnw !eits day, or Norden thereof, during or change In-direction of this metal ventE which, any viohltlon of any such provl- ( any attic space.0 bLLCh pCRt shall 3 .,fell of said code is committed, continued Paas through any occupied room unless or permitted, and upon conviction them•- encased in not less than four (4) Inches of shall be Punishable by a fine of not I .pf solid masonry. 4 -more than Five Hundred Dollrog-(p00.001 i All shelves, furniture and fixtures with.� or by imprisonment in the County Jail 'In the booth shall be constructed of metal (a• not more than six (6) months, or by or other incombustible mitterial. nvery yptjj wuc,�_�fing and Smprisonment. notion piettfre machine shall be secure' 5 Y6n—L T subsection (b) of Sec-- (�f'C' agd to the door to ptrvenC over- at tion 802 of said Uniform Building Codej the is hereby amended tot- Au sling. j All films not c acetal use .,hail be be and same i Sstorct hl metal cabinets or boxes 9on- 6' dos follows, to-wit; 'Coiti9'truction: Ftructed of galvanized iron or st,v, with �, Special All public metal partitions And shelves, Each.such t or prfveto school buildings, two storiesi timpartnnent shall not have a capacity or more In height, shall be of Type I Con— n excess of ten (10) reels of flbu. and 7 (struetion throughout. Such buildings one: hall have tight self-closing doors of Iron story in height may be of Type Y Coll-, bt steel. leo solder shall be used in the I strnetlon with walls and partitions oil :20rudruction of such metal boxes or cab- one-hour tire-resistive construction. Roofs mets. I 8 coverings shall he Fire Retardant. - I Section 6. That Sections 4101, 4102, 1 Section 5. That Section 40trl of said .4103, 4104, 4105 and 4106, respectively, of Uniform Building Code be and the same said Uniform Building Code be and the 9 is hereby amended to read as follows. (same are hereby amended to rea4 as l0-wit: follows. to-wit: 4 Cec. 4001. P•.cery' motion picture ma- f See. 4101. Proseenlum curtains for f` hire using iuOammable flims, together [Croups A and B buildings shall be made 10 ! wlih Al electrical devices, rheostats. of incombustible materials constructed ="wing mdebines and ani films pr. sent in 'sand mounted so as to intercept hot gases, Any Croup :1. 13 or C building. shall be aflame And smoke, and to prevent glow n•_lneed in a booth I large enough to per- from a severe fire on the stage showing 11 suit the operator to walk freely Cot citric, (on the auditorium side within a period of side or in back of fie machine and sham efive (6) minutes. The curtain shall be be not less than seven (7) fret high and, iratsed and lowered each evening at the 12 have A floor arca of not less that, fifty i feet '.close of the performance. The closing of (50) square to each motion picturei ho curtain from the full open position machine in such booth. shill be effected in less than thirty (30) The floor of such booth shall be 1011- seconds, but the last five (5) feet of 13 of naso r or miffum V con- -be travel shall requite not less than five (5) 1 ,,is or shell ovPr,d with not lees i seconds. than two (2) inches of masonry. Thr Sec. 4102. A proscenium curtain fpr walls and ceiling shall be of not less than stage openings not over sixty (60) feet 14 one-hour Ore-resistive constrnetion a., In width shall be of not less fire-m-- specified in Chapter 43. sistive qualities than as specinecr in this The rnttmnce to booth shall b• equip- Section. The curtain shall be made of ped with a tight fitting self-closing fire one thickness of asbestos cloth weighing 15 door of Types 4. 5 or 6 as sPecifled In i not less than these and one-quarter (3 0 i Section 4304. Such door shall open out- pounds per square yald-i marrllp and shall not be eoaiPPed with ( The asbestos cloth used in the can- 16 anlatch. in ma= struction of the curtain shall have in. t \is •alar and oleservation posts Oflne. broth walls shall be of thr.ca kinds' ' corporated Into the yarn before weaving, either morsel metal, nickle, brass or ether{ projection ports, observation ports, and metal or alloy having not less strength 171•anlbinetimn spoited t lightin observationshall anbod than thyse metals at temperatures up to ports. These Perls lim seventeen hundred (1700) degrees Fah- ,ize and number as follows: There shall renheit and no less resistance to•Orm-! br not ears than one projection port for sion at ordinary temperatures. Asbestos 18 ravh machine head, including stemopti- cloth made of long fibre blue croq•IdolfCe O rat machines. The Area of each projec- asbestos may be. used in place Of chrym- tion Port shall be not mere than one tile asbestos cloth of the same weight. and twenty (120) square inches, The wires used to reinforce the yarn 1Jhundred There shall be not more than Cote oh- i shall be either single or double but the J srrvation port for each projection port tensile strength of each wire shall be suf- and their area shall not exceed one hun- ficient to support a load of not Tess than and fifty (150) square inches each. Iced a three (3) pounds at ordinary tempera- 20 ? 'rherr shall be not more than three tom- tures, and the strength of two strands of i hination observation and spot light ports yarn and one wire twisted together shall mud they shall not exceed thirty (30) be sufficient to support a load of six M. inches by twenty-four (24) inches. Z4-liem pounds. The strength of the cloth in 21 the openings in the front wall of the .tension when tested by the strip method Projection booths are larger than the shall b• not less than one hundred and Ports specified, they may be reduced to sixty (160) Pounds Per inch of width ofy 22 the required size by bolting No. 30 gauge i were And fifty-two (52) pounds Per incl" steel plate over the opening on the booth of filling side of the wall, in such a mama. r that The asbestos fibre of yAms any ',A her cannot be readily removed or moved twin cotton or other co mbustible tlbrc eat 23 on the slides. These steel Pirates shall to exceed twenty (20) Per cent of Chc - -- - - weight of the asbestos. Thr total carbon have theeopenings of tbe required size content of the cloth shall not exceed ten nA cut in them. There shall •bc net less [11x11 (10) per cent of the total weight of the Obm. When by the Building In- GY ane (1) foot of wall space_ between open- required yings for combination ports. In no rase Spector, a sample of the cloth of suffl- size for testing shall be submitted. 25 sl"all the openings which are to bz re- duced in size by the steel plate be large, tient In addition to any decoration, the cur- both n (36) inhes square. Each lhmthirty-six, rain shall be painted on aides with port opening in the projection booth wall 'a mineral paint having a silicate of Pada shall he comp[EL:Iy- covered wish n single' binder, which will eomPl"tely all [he 26 pane of Phtl gl ss. Each such op ring loth. Filler paint shall have not less than tour (4) of casein in each ten tagelhrr with any frretr'+mLT-irdets,'shall be with a shutter' of not less i parts (10) parts of silicate of soda. This paint provided than No. 10 gauge sheet met' large shall be well brushed into the cloth Po 2t. � sough to overlaP at least one (1) inch that no light or smoke can come through. all sides of such opening and arranged' Sec. 4103. The certain shall be made oA to without binding. Ties^ shutters of continuous strips of asbestos cloth. no side ..shall be held normally open by means of The widths of cloth shall ON at the less than (1) Inch and Go .,small chains fastened to a one ,andred4 seams not one and sixty (160) degree Fahrenheit fusible shall be sewed with a doable row of 'link, the whole so arranged that the stitching of asbestos thread. 29 shutters may be easily released and The curtain shall be aide enough to into smoke on each closed either by hand or automatically by the fusible Zink and extend steel grooves side of the proscenium opening at least when rek'ased shall be so designed as ft, ertect a weight eight (3) inches, mid shall over tip the 30 or not less [inn sigh( (S) Pounds on top o[ the proscenium opening at least each fusible link. Pieces o[ film shall twelve (12) inches. Six-inch shall be sewed in the not he used in Place of fusible links. The shall be so hung that the gpe•a- pockets top and the bottom of the curtain to 31 shutters f tion of closing shall be smooth nntl with- hold the pipe battens: the sides shall be noise. The closing of all sharers o hemmed at least three (3) Inches deep. out effected iclosin (5) seconds. A two-inch pipe batten shall be placed ,"shall n at the top and a one-and-oe-half-inch 32 batten at the bottom. For stage openings over forty (40) feet in width the bottom batten shall be not less than two and ono-half (2yz) inches in diameter. The battens shall be reinforced at the joints with six-foot sections of pipe housed and 1' 'riveted. But h -(fir -M Ft2 a •.hall have six-inch nipples ,mei and eC. 411 a<lded On each end. and mate The curtain shall be held true,ural greater h steel guides in the smoke- is with this Chap substantial roller grips rive0r bolted subjected to the side hem. not more than eightten fled in Ch ter, shall before to the standard spier 42, as app in s (18) inches on center. Each roller grip bearing partitions. except that such tests shall be fastened to the curtain with not shall be continued only fora period of cables. less than three (3) bolts or rivets. live (5) minutes unless failure shall have ,. The top of the curtain shall have a I occurred previously. The unexposed face smoke stop fitted to make it as smoke of the curtain shall not glow within a tight as practicable The bottom of the period of five (o) minutes nor shall them curtain shall have a yielding pad of In- ( Fbe any passage of smoke or flame link welded chain, fastened to the top combustible material not less than three ( l 'through the curtain. 1 (3) inches thick to form a seal against Section 7. That Section 4301 of said the floor. { uniform Building Code be and the same Sec. 4104. Structural steel guides aliall { to hereby amended by substituting for 2 be built into the side smoke pockets and aliall extend from the floor to the grid- I the table set forth therein the following entirely through the wall, or equally sub - iron. Guides and roller grips shall be -table, to -wit: designed, constructed and attached to stantial supports. Safety chains shall be the curtain so as to safely support it Section 8. That Section 2311 of -said 3 and work smoothly witha wind load of Uniform Building Code as set forth In one (1) pound per square foot over the `said appendix be and the same is hereby •, when It is lowered and the bottom batten t entire area of the curtain. j amended by adding thereto one new sub - 4 The support for the curtain shall be i less than three s;ctiory ,lo Iubbti:f,ion-..end-to read ysiolows, to -wit: not six (6) -eighths -inch i 12All flexible steel cables. These cables shall / (c) Parapet walls, towers, friezes, cor- :be spaced not mom than fourteen (14) signs, any overhanging, projectingfeet 5 on centers. Supporting cablesshall kees, • protruding objects or structures at - be tied to tt)e top batten with a clove ched to or a part of any building or.hitch and the end secured with two (2) ructure, water towers and penthouses throe -eighths -inch iron rope cllpa. Isiah be structurally designed and con- t' The supporting cables shall pass Fstructed to resist a lateral force of not grooves shall be machined. All blocks through sheaves in the gridiron and over less than the full dead and live weight 7 to the counter -weight guides and shall fasten to the counter -weight by means of turn- thereof. Notwithstanding the provisions of any Cher section of this the.• three -eighths -inch shackle and eye buckles with clove hitches and wire cable code permitting use of lime mortar in masonry construe- I clips. Eveners shall be provided where 'tion, the use of such time mortar in such I the cables connect to the counter- construction be and the same is hereby 8 weights so that the weight of the corm- krohibited. s ter -weights will be evenly divided On the cables. 9 There shall be at least six (6) safety stop chains of one -quarter -Inch straight link welded chain, fastened to the top " 10 curtain batten. The other end shall be attached to the proscenium wall by means of seven -eights -inch bolts passing entirely through the wall, or equally sub - stantial supports. Safety chains shall be 11 so adjusted as to support the curtain •, when It is lowered and the bottom batten t I is on the floor. 12All cables shall be carried over head ' and -loft blocks of not less than sixteen (10 inch diameter wheels. These blocks be ball bearing and the wheel ----•�� �.—-�.�..� 1Jshah grooves shall be machined. All blocks J supporting the asbestos curtain shall be supported on the proscentum wall by ; A means of steel brackets or shall be I - 14 mounted on the beams of the gridiron with through bolts. The mechanism and devices for con - I 15 trolling the curtain shall be simple de - sign and shalt positive in in operation. MINIMUM PROTECTION OF STRUCTURAL PARTS BASED 1 ON TIME PERIODS Opening of the curtain may be by hand , f FOR VARIOUS INCOMBUSTIBLE INSULATING MATERIALS 16 hydraulic or electric power. Closing for- emergency or for automatic operation - Mimplum thickness of shall be the same as for ordinary opsru- i _ Structural Parts to Be Insulating Material material In inches tot the following flu-rr- Ran and shall be by gravity obtained byi. counterbalancing the curtain by counter - Protected Used siAive periods 17 weights weighing not less than one-, ' 4 hr. 3 hr, 2 hr. 1 hr. quarter (A) pound per square foot of, ' curtain. The operating hand line shall be not Grade A concrete 2 2 1 1 18 less than three -quarter -inch manila rope ) Grade B concrete 3 2% permanently fastened to the top and bot- t tom of the counter -weight arbor and shallI Gunite 2 lys 1 ?i 19 pass through the .ptage floor _and -over aI less than eleven (it) Brick tension pulley not inches in diameter; under the stage floor. Steel or Cast Iron of clay, shale, con - Crete or sand-Ifine 3?j 3$ 2% jai This operating line shall be fitted to ani Columns; 20 automatic control line, or becket of sastif Projecting Clay tile, clay file and cord, which when freed by the breaking Steel Beam or concrete or concrete 4 or 4 or 2 2 of a fusible link will allow the curtain Girder Flanges; block (see note 2) 2 pl. 2 pl, to automatically lower itself by means of All Members of 21 a bucket release. Not less than four (4) t Primary Trusses Solid gypsum blocks 2 pl. 2 pl. 2 fusible links shall be placed on the auto- matic control line, one on each side of gypsum blocks 3 pl..3 2 2 the stage and two over head In the grid - 22 Iron. , 3 Penrod gypsum 2 1% 1 1 Smoke grooves which protect the sides of the certain shall be of structural steel Metal lath and gypsum or 23 shapes and plates not less than ane -guar- Portland cement plaster ...- ...... 2%. 1 ter (y.) inch thick. These grooves shall - Grade A concrete 2 be not less than twelve (12) inches deep 1 % 1 1 and six (6) inches wide. Grooves shall Grade B concrete 3 2% 1 1 24 extend from the stage floor to a point immediately under the gridiron, and shall Gentle be securely bolted to the proscenium wall. 1% 1 ?$ Details of grooves shall be submitted to Brick of clay, shale. con. 25 the Building Inspector for approval. crete or sand -lime 3% 2y, 2t/y 21i Top and bottom counter -weights shall Webbs of be cast iron four (4) inches wide by - Steel Beans Clay tile, clay the and 3 or 2 2 2 26 three (3) inches high by sixteen and three-quarters (16%)Inches long. There and Girders concrete or concrete block 21A. —2 shall be smooth grooves on the ends of ' Solid gypsum block pl. 2 2 2 " the top and-battom weights:whicb en -,j r- 21 gage the steel gtddea. Intermediate ..'"�' be four (4) inches wide by _ �'^ - _ - Hollow gypsum -black• 3p1. 2 2 2 aveights shall three (3) inches high by twelve (12) Inch- t Poured gypsum 2 1% 1 1 es long, grooved to drop into place on 28 top of the lower carrying weight. Two (2) Metal lath and gypsum or Portland three -quarter -inch bolts shall pass I cement plaster 2 1 through each arbor of counter -weights. These bolts shall hold the sections of the .Reinforcing Steel Grade A concrete 1?1z 11A 1% 1 29 counter -weight together and shall also . In Reinforced Con - have the supporting cables tied to them. Counter -weight guide tracks shall be of crete Columns, Beams, Grade B concrete _ 1, t4 lay I cold rolled steel elevator tees two and .Girders d Trusses Grade A concrete 30 three-quarters by two by twenty-three 'Reinforcing Steel thirty-seconds (2?;x2x23/32) inches. The �In Reinforced Con- Grade B concrete 1?$ hh 1 guide frame shall be securely bolted to crete Joists pg 31 the proscenium wall, and shall extend from tie stage floor-to-ths gridiron- =-- 1 -Ceiling Protection Metal or wire lath and All machines and hoisting gear shin i" for Roof ltemhers gypsum or cement ylas- 2 1151.1 be designed in accordance with the Safe- including Roof ter, concrete, burned clay ty Code for Elevators, 'Dumbwaiters and -Trusses and Second- products or gypsum 32 Escalators, published 1931 by the Ameri- ary' russcs can Society of Mechanical Engineers, as "� Grade A concrete 1 1 % va such requirements are specified. for pus- _ErThickness senger elevators, machine, and cables. Reinforcing and B concrete includes ly, 1 1 dr' Travel limit atop, and room for over- Tic Rods in Floor gypsum travel shall be provided. I and Roof Slabs Gypsum O[ convent 1 1' Sec. 4106. The complete installation of plaster every proscenium curtain shall be sub- jecto to operating testa and any theatre _l NOTE: (i) Ill, in above table shall be not less than % in. gypsum or cement plaster. in which such proscentum curtain is i I (2) Reentrant parts of protected members shall be fllled solid for 4 and 3 ' placed shall not be opened to public per- hour protections. � formknces until after the proscenium cur- • Two Ye in. layers with s/4 In. air space between. "tuna has been accepted and approved by - t the Building Inspector. s 1 SEC. 9. Whereas the existing Building Code of the City of Azusa is inadequate to cover 2 earthquake hazardsp involved in the construction and reconstruction of buildings within said. City2 3 therefore this Ordinance is urgently needed for the immediate preservation of public peace2 health 4 and safety., as buildings are constantly being erected without regard to the provisions set forth 5 in said Building Code and therefore the immediate adoption of this Ordinance is required and neces- 6 Bary. 7 SEC. 10. All ordinances or parts of or- b dinances in conflict with this Ordinance are 9 hereby repealed. 10 SEC. 11. That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this Ordinance and shall cause 11 the same to be published once in the Azusa Herald, a weekly newspaper published in the City of Azusa 12 and the same shall be in force and effect from and after its publication. 71�e__ 13 14 1511 The above and foregoing Ordinance No. 301 16 was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of 17 Ze = the City of Azusa on the ? day of June.. 19330 by the af- 18 firmative vote of the following members thereof: - 19 AYES: Councilman : >21au 20 NOES: 71�e__ 21 ABSENT: R.y: 23 4 24 CITY CLERK OFTHECITY YOF AZUSA. 25 26 The above and foregoing Ordinance No. 301 is approved and signed by me this 27 day day/of Junev 1933. 28 / � MA OR OF THE CITY F AZUSA. 29 30 31 32