HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 5282` RESOLUTION NO.`�V A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AZUSA ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AND SPECIFYING THE FUNDS OUT OF WHICH THE SAME ARE TO BE PAID. The City Council of the City of Azusa does resolve as follows: Section 1. That the following claims and demands have been audited as required by law and that the some are hereby allowed in the arnounts and ordered paid out of the respective funds as hereinafter set forth: Section 2. That the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this resolution shall deli r a certifie opy th of to the City Treasurer and shall retain a certified copy thereof in his own records. 1elU6 I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted by t e Cit Council Ayes: Councilmen: � Adopted and approved this- of d ., 19 of the Cit of Azusa at a regular meeting thereof held on the day Noes: Councilmen:_ of tL 19 ;Z by the following vote of the Council: Absent: Councilmen:_ -! CITY CLERK AYON FUND OUT OF WHICH PAYMENT IS MADE GENERAL LIGHT WATER PARK OTHER FUNDS r WA13R T TO WHOM ISSUED ;.'.;y.. ". W RANT AMOUNT (\YfitlTi r.. DAT .,�� '1•�; N' R WARRANT �,,. 3*- •+'= TOTAL LINE PROOF $0.00 NO. AMOUNT WILLIAMS LUMBER YARD TWENTY THREE & 58/100 AUG 161 225 $ 23.58 14.56 9.02 0.00 WILLIAMS LUMBER YARD TWO HUNDRED NINETY SIX & 78/100 AUG 161 226 $ 296.78 292.62 4.16 0.00 I STAN WILLIAMS TEN & NO/100 AUG 161 227 $10.00 10.00 0.00 XEROX CORP TWO HUNDRED FORTY 31X & 15%100 AUG 1 61 228 $ 246.15 246.15 0,00 XEROS CORP TWENTY & 75/100 AUC 161 229 $ 20.75 20.75 0.00 Y TIRE SALES TWO HUNDRED FIFTY ONE & 16/100 UG 161 230 $251.16 5,72 0 251.16 0.00 '1120 3.65:3.16 T a 100,022.537 11 1,93 4.87 T ATLANTIC RICHFIELD CO 15,306.397 3,426.68 7 21 4.80 o 9j9.6 y 31.659.98 T 39,302.71 r io 0.00 29.41 15,306.3 9 i 29.4 1 0 19.60 21 944.68T It 15296.58T Section 2. That the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this resolution shall deli r a certifie opy th of to the City Treasurer and shall retain a certified copy thereof in his own records. 1elU6 I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted by t e Cit Council Ayes: Councilmen: � Adopted and approved this- of d ., 19 of the Cit of Azusa at a regular meeting thereof held on the day Noes: Councilmen:_ of tL 19 ;Z by the following vote of the Council: Absent: Councilmen:_ -! CITY CLERK AYON i RE50LU7fON NO. 1 i A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CIN OF AZUSA ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AND SPECIFYING THE FUNDS OUT OF WHICH THE SAME ARE TO BE PAID. The City Council of the City of Azusa does resolve as follows: Section 1. That the following claims and demands have been audited as required by law and that the some are hereby allowed in the amounts and ordered paid out of the respective funds as hereinafter set forth: Section 2. That the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this resolution a sh II deliver ce tified co thereo to t2,5ity Treasurer an hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the City Council Ayes: Councilmen�� LLG of the C' Azusa ai a Tegular meeting thereof held on the- day Noes: Councilmen: of _-_, 19fd7 by the following vote of the Council: Absent: Councilmen:- CITY CLERK j d shall retain a certified copy thereof in his own records. Adopted and approved this --� day of �-LC� �19 I MAYOR FUND OUT OF WHICH PAYMENT IS MAD GENERAL LIGHT WATER PARK OTHER FUNDS TO WHOM ISSUED _ r RAN AMOUNT I\1f$'TTEN - } 3 ,, -:` , sw ,�^I •: $. i.+lam fir'- WAR}��►NT� DAT)3- ;i N M13 4: > - ARRANT y: ._ �+'. F-a�p TOTAL ..k'.+ �r LINE PRooF Ski: NO. AMOUNT PRESTON WEED CONTROL FOURTEE3 KUr40RIE0 F03TY & 81/1OU :1+1; A6% 104 Is L41111$31 1.440.81 0.00 BILL RALL3 TtIIAYY & tl0/100 4ex t 01 115 $ 34.00 30.00 0.00 REALTY TAX & SERVICE wENT't FIVE rlo/100 'lax I 6 1`)6 X25+00 25.00 0.00 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES 91WITY THREE & 7N/100 �.lrr A61 1')7 x,83.7? 83.72 0.00 WILLIAM J RUCH M 11M)REU t1011100 94 161 Ila S 200.00 200.00 0.00 DAVE SANDEL L FOPITY & X10/100 AL4 161 19') u 4 0.00 40.00 0.00 R SANOWI CK FETTY CASH FOitTY 1111111E & ;31 /100 %r, 160 2409 v h 3.31 36.66 6.65 0.00 SAN GABRI EL VALLEY GUN CLUB I<ONTY SIX & N0114O 11AX 160 201 146.00 46.00 0.00 SAN GABRIEL VALLEY TR IBUrNE 111ELYE & NO/1011 r!A -t 6t 207 117.40 12.00 0.00 WALT SCHAEFER ONK HU btu 9111AIY s�V�:v � �O/ 100 $u+� 161 203 13,1.54 187.50 0.00 MRS ROSE SCHOFIELD an & No/Igo 161 204 107.00 10.00 0.00 JAMES SKINNER T(witY FIVE & w/14u `, r 1 151 200 25.30 25.50 0.00 JACK SMITH alGi mn dig 06/10(1 'kw A bt 206 S 1a.0 6 x.8.06 0,00 HARRY SNYDER FIFiY YOUR & 94/101) XIS 14t 201 , 1.�9h.9t# 54.94 0.00 SOUTHERN OOUNTIES GAS CO I-AIE1111*1 14INK & 44/104 AQG A M 204 es 2`).44 29.44 0.00 STADIUMS UNLIMITED FIFIEM HU11,A)RE0 Maim Folin b' 96/100 '-A Afit 249 1 L584.16 1.584.96 0.00 STANDARD OIL FIFTY I'tiM & 94/I013 JG 161 214 125.25 59.94 65.31 0.00 VOID STAND OIL AUG 1 61 $ 125.25 CR 59.94 0 65.31 0 0.00 STANDARD OIL COMPANY ONE HUNDRED Twirf FIVE & 25110o )k 1. 161 210 '"S 125.25 59.94 65.31 0.00 STOCKWELL &B INNEY 11114C & 90/10 .!l.4 161 21t 11 3.10 3.90 0.00 SURVEYOR SERVICE FOUR & W1100 A4 A61 212 S 1111410 4.00 0.00 SWEEPER BRO tM CO ONE 11UNOR10 FIFTY FoUlt & Ishol'f fly i" 213 134.75 154.75 0.00 SWENSON & CLARK ONE 10-ME0 Etrit1fY rao & "SO/100 141 214 $ 182.30 182.50 0.00 0 C TANNER 001E IIUNDR EU 311"tTY THREE IN 14/100 161 223 `fi 19 3.14 193.74 0.00 TEN EYCK SUPPLY ONE HUi'1C]rM90 3EW41Y 31A & 40/104 J.jr 1"$1 216 'S 17 6.4 0 25.49 82.62 5,720 68.29 0.00 THREE M BUSINESS PRODUCTS r111my & d's/10'0 'Lt A 61 217 Is 30A4 3 0.6 4 0.00 TOM TRAGER SLVEnTY FIVE & NU114A !.L4 1$t 213 7540 75.00 0.00 RALPH TREJO five & x0/1013 �'VG 161 219 IS 9.00 5.00 0.00 GI LBERT TRUJI LLO 9Even & 47/100 ',% 161 220 'r 1.87 7.87 0.00 U S POST OFFICE Tilt) HUM)RE0 11AI iTY & 40/100 m-6 141 221 724.00 83.48 77,11 5141 3.55 4.45 0.00 WAYSIDE PRINTERS NI NITY ON6 & ?A/1 OO J:Lr& 141 222 ,51 1.26 9 1.2 6 0.00 WESTERN ARBORISTS 1`11103 NUMIAEO 11GIMEW & 1'101100 ',1,�C 161 723 S 218-00 218.00 0.00 WESTERN DISPOSAL ONE HILINOR90 TH13TIC14 & NO 100 ).g A 6t 224 t. I 13.0 0 -6.on- gra _nnn Section 2. That the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this resolution a sh II deliver ce tified co thereo to t2,5ity Treasurer an hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the City Council Ayes: Councilmen�� LLG of the C' Azusa ai a Tegular meeting thereof held on the- day Noes: Councilmen: of _-_, 19fd7 by the following vote of the Council: Absent: Councilmen:- CITY CLERK j d shall retain a certified copy thereof in his own records. Adopted and approved this --� day of �-LC� �19 I MAYOR TO WHOM ISSUED ... RESOLUTION NO. �O A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AZUSA ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AND SPECIFYING THE FUNDS OUT OF WHICH THE SAME ARE TO BE PAID. The City Council of the City of Azusa does resolve as follows: Section 1. That the following claims and demands have been audited as required by law and that the some are hereby allowed in the amounts and ordered paid out of the respective funds as hereinafter set forth: FUND OUT OF WHICH PAYMENT IS MADE a, r W ANT AMOUNT (WRIiTE .t > .. �, WARRANT WARR/NNT ':>. t ,,� iy� , ,':4 DATE ''�$Tf':. NUMBERx,. tri TOTAij, x.4 GENERAL LIGHjr T WATER PARK OTHER FUNDS I LINE NO. I AMOUNT It PROOF 5�'VELUiN�gftO ixXY rrw 90/100 �,UG A 61 161 ' 6 6.9 0 I 66.90 0.00 LEI SURECRAFTS TN1i'l1Y A Woo 'G 151 162 `5 30.10 30.10 0.00 LEWIS SAW & LAWNMOWER ELIEVEN & 96/100 BOG 161 163 11.96 9.36 2.60 0.00 r TERRY LENHOFF F1VE & no/100 AIX 161 164 S 3.00 5.00 0.00 LEWIS SAW & LAWNMOWER fOtt1Y & 83/I Ot) ;V.# A 51 163 � ft oil 3 4 0.8 5 0.00 OWEN LOETTERLE 91xTY IFIVE & tjS/!00 4-4 '161 166 6300 65.00 0.00 LOUIS THE TAILOR sixty & 32/100 An Alit 167 b Or;S 2 6 0.3 2 0.00 J MAAS ENTERPRISES 3Ix1Y & NO/140 1%, '161 16d t60.40 60.00 0.00 MARLOWE MADISON alulf & 44/I00 AX 161 16'} 18Ato 8.64 0.00 MAXWELL INDUSTRIES f9RTY TRO & 1111003 `�jo 161 170 42.11 4 2.1 1 0.00 MCLAUGiiLIN INDUSTRIAL ONE IIUtj)REI]t EI+GiITY Iaq tai 9?/1i10 'JA 161 171 . 132.91 182.97 0.00 CHARLES MC LEES NINK & 50/100 V.6 16t 112 1)9,60 9.50 0.00 MERCHANTS BUILDING MAI NT 100 I-MI)AW E1011119M & NO/194 3 "14t 173 15 213.00 130-80 87-20 0.00 JAMES MILLER alk & 71%100Mk, 161 174 b.7'1 6.71 0.00 JAIVES MILLER PETTY CASH THIRTY usit & 50/loo wo I 6 179 a 39.58 0.00 MOBILE COMNiUN I CATION CENTER T11110Y N13' 9 & 04/IUO 1 tt6 t 61 1.16 T 39.14 39.94 0.00 MOBILE RADIO TI1M HUMMED UENTY f(JJA & %/100rr J AU 177 132 4.3!) 200.25 74.58 49.72 0.00 A D MOCRE T1lialy 016111 to 90/IOU 161 17+3 $ 38.90 38.98 0.00 MUNICIPAL PARTS ONIE THOUSAND 1AVITY WEE & 80/100 ttr 161 179 15 11023.30 .6023.80 0.00 MUTUAL CREDIT BUREAU TH131EEN & 03%10 t 61 130 't 13.05 10.44 2.61 0.00 NAT I MAL CHEMSE ARCH ONE IMAXIE0 f I f 1Y THREE & 32/100 kir, A 6t 131 13 3.32 15 3.3 2 0.00 NATIONWIDE PAPERS INC (ftO HUlM391) 10MY 11IRIEL & 2V100 'V 16A 182 'S243.93 2 0.9 4 122.14 5,730 100-85 0.00 NELSON TECHNICAL COATINGS t1NE jjU%UjF.(7 f 01tlY .ON �i di 34/100 16t ld 3 ' ih 1.4 r; 14 1.4 4 0.00 RAY NEVI LLE if l c4 w/1W "19t 18 t; 1 d.00 5,143 10.00 0.00 PACIFIC ATHLETIC CO F031Y 111RIK & 66/l 0U Ite. 151 135 1543.66 43-66 0.0 0 PACIFIC COAST STATIONERS T40 HUN031[f) 1(10- iT & ii7%!00 !1 141 136 S 204.2-1 208.27 0.00 THE PACIFIC NETWORK T 41Y MEN & 02/10+0 0. It Gt 187 '527.09 16.25 10.84 0.00 L J PADDOCK rive A al/100 Ur A 6t 130 •G 5.61 5.61 0.00 8OHN PANATIER f1ftY & MO/100 16t 1-,)`) 530.00 50.00 0.00 PARK SON SEVENtY ONK & 24/104 19t 190 °5 7 1.2 It 7 1.2 4 0.00 PASADENA PIPE CO ONE 111LIN1RIE0 3131Y NINE & 381100 VC 16A 191 161.13 169.58 0.00 PERRYS PLANTS ONE I1WID310 TIMMY NO & P.0/100 c 161 192 12 2.2 0 122.20 0.00 PITNEY BOWES ONE & 30/100 t 161 19 1 '51.30 Section 2, That the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this resolution sl�pll deliver a _4ertified c py the/rreo��o the ity Treasurer and shall retain a certified copy thereof in his own records, hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Cit Council Ayes: Councilmen: G d r��% 'C.G��W$`jz Gt- Adopted and approved this .day of ., 19 Co �r� of the Cit �f Azusa at a regular meeting (hereof held on the day Noes: Councilmen• c of 1941- by the following vote of the Council: ^ Absent: Councilmen:_ �XpJ 7 t/t Z iL CAT CL.E K MAYOR I, I RESOLUTION NO. 15�2 d A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AZUSA ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AND SPECIFYING THE FUNDS OUT OF WHICH THE SAME ARE TO BE PAID. The City Council of the City of Azusa does resolve as follows: Section 1. That the following claims and demands have been audited as required by law and that the same are hereby allowed in the amounts and ordered paid out of the respective funds as hereinafter set forth: Tp WHOM ISSUED * r'�. •i:# s-{> ARRANT AMOUNT tWRITj'EN3;yy '` -,, �f '. WARRAhI� DATE x:'_1.'.:rr-+� UMBER _.,� _`Y,�RAN jy:.-' j,r '- - TATA i '" a t+ GENERAL LIGHT FUND OUT OF WHICH PAYMENT WATER PARK 15 MADE OTHER FUNDS ----- AMOUNT LINE PROOF -OENEXLECTRIC SLATY food & w oo I.0 1131 128 $64.,30- 64.30 0.00 GENERAL ELECTRIC CO TNIiitEE1't & 10%100 JG 141 121) S13.10 13.10 0.00 GENERAL TELEPHONE CO ItOUIMEN 111M)RE0 SIXTY EMir & 19/100 ic A 61 130 _r 1.4166.19 1 468.19 0.00 r GENERAL TELEPHONE 00 SIXTY 91X & t10f100 JO A 6 131 66.00 0.00 MRS RUTH GOMIEZ 31X & NO/100 :. 1 %1 132 S 600 6.00 0.00 - GRAYBAR ELECTRIC 1414 IMME0 f irrY Five 7811130 JG 161 233 233.78 255.78 0.00 LINDA GRIPPI 1HIIirY One Bit 910110) 16t 134 1531.913 31.90 0.00 HALPR IN SUPPLY TRO & 64%104 , '191 133 S2.66 2.66 0.00 HAMILTON LA4N MOWER SERVICE FIVE HUtORED NINETY ad 93/100 : 46 A %t 136 ` 511315 591.95 0.00 HANGING GARDE i6 NO iMMIRIL) tt1 ITY wx 8► a0%100 JS 16A 137 fS 29 1.20 291.20 0.00 MRS JUNE HART ma & ,"`,011110 : X; 161 133 'S 1000 1.0.00 0.00 MRS JANE HENKE lin & NO/100 . tC 1 CIA 139 °D 1040 10.00 0.00 HERSEY SPARLIM METER SEVE111113 IiUNDHE0 SIXTY 31A & 16/100) �A 16t 140 't 1.766..16 898.92 867.24 0.00 MAYNARO HORST at'1 & w/100 ' tfi '161 141 0,04 10.00 0.00 ALTHALEE HOSACK wic ip,I?,E?'tto riyit Tito & wmo d 161 142 '5152.00 152.00 0.00 PHILIP HUNT CHEMICAL Til ay ejoir & 61 104 + , A 61 143 $ 38.61 38.61 0.00 M P HUNTER r1i0 & '131100 X 16t x44 't 2,73 2.75 0.00 INDUSTRIAL CONTROL SIX & 441100 '161 143 x,6.44 6.44 0.00 INDUSTRIAL CONTROL FIVE & 32/100 aJG 161 146 $ 5.32 5.32 0.00 I NTERCONIMUNI TY HOSPITAL SEVEt`I & So/10!) A JG 161 147 'D 7.90 7.50 0.00 1 8 M CORP THIRTY f40 & 2.1/100 131 140 32.2tt 32.24 0.00 FRANK JAMES T NjY & tio/100 161 1413 2 0.0 0 20.00 0.00 JOINT POLE OOMMITTEE ratio & 90/10+} 161 150 1.1 3.90 9.90 0.00 K P F ELECTRIC E1Gttr hUNW10 3F.YEs%iTY ONE & da/100' , 161 1151 87 1.52 87 1.5 2 0.00 ALBERT KENDRICK 31 XIY FOUR & 891100 }: , A 61 132 '� 6 4.149 6 4.8 9 0.00 KIMURA NURSERY rYiEa"1TY To & as/ioo 161 153 S22-88 22.88 0.00 ►WESLEY KLOEPFER E1.EVEt1 ,1` 18/100 e+ 16A 134 't 11.18 11.18 0.00 KOEN I G CAMERA SHOP' ONE HUNDAEt! M41Y TIVIE11 &341100 sIG 161 155 12 3.36 3 0.0 6 9 3.3 0 0.00 KOENI G CAMERA SHOP T111AME11 31 '15/100 - 4 16t 156 `i, 13.75 13.75 0.00 KOPPL COMPANY F.ImTY FIVE & ra/100 G '141 137 $85.00 85.00 0.00 LA DUES CAFE FihiY FOUR & '1151100 t, or, 161 1513 :p 5435 54.75 0.00 MRS ARCH IE LARSON r11REE & wholf3 ',I , 161 139 S 3.50 3.50 0.00 M C LARSO N SIXTY TIHRIE 1AUtMEO fk1V11Y SEVEN. & ;30%100 �,;4 1 +}t 160 I & 32 1.0 0 1 6.132 7.0 0 1 1 t 0.00 Section 2. That the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this resolution W shall deliv a rtifed py tt(er f tCity Treasurer and shall retain a certif;ed copy thereof in his own records. �- 3 I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Cit Council Ayes: Councilmen: � � TC `- Adopted and approved this- day of of the Cit f Azusa at a regular meeting thereof held on the day Noes: Councilmen: of tG _., 19j�; by the following vote of the Council: Absent; Councilmen: irr- MAYOR _..�� - - _ ,1. Z 951", �11 CITY CL RK irr- MAYOR _..�� - - _ ,1. 9 i RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OI F THE CITY OF AZUSA ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AND SPECIFYING THE FUNDS OUT OF WHICH THE SAME ARE TO BE PAID. The City Council of the City of Azusa does resolve as follows: Section 1. That the following claims and demands have been audited as required by law and that the same are hereby allowed in the amounts and ordered paid out of the respective funds as hereinafter set forth: FUND OUT OF WHICH PAYMENT IS MADE \YAFiRANT W RA�lp. OTHER FUNDS "NT AMOUNT l WRITTENfi.' DATE ` �', / LINE To WHOM ISSUED" NUM9.ER.`i� 7Q7A�C�,rrs' GENERAL LIGHT WATER PARK PROOF '�'�•!~ NO. AMOUNT B I LLS S PORT ING GOODS 111111TEVII HUtlUi W FIfty Too & 26/100 vs, 1 at 94 'S 1.392.26 8.77 L.34 3.49 0.00 BLUE CROSS FORTY ONZ I0"'IED F031Y FIVE & 64/100 4.10 It tit 91 4,145.34 %797-68 206.85 14 1.3 1 0.00 Al & LEE BRODSKY too THGU3AI40 Is 110/100 4 -161 9+3 2.000„00 5.329 00 0.00 0.00 BURKE WLLLI AMS & SORENSEN tiililTY 31x. 60/100 t 151 99 36.60 36.60 0.00 BURKE WILLIAMS & SORENSEN FOUR KUNORE0 & U01100 till; 161 104 1400.00 400.00 0.00 GEORGE F CAKE 00 140 11W0RED 3i X1Y MEN & 54/100 151 101 -S261.54 26 7.5 4 0.00 CANYON CITY FLORIST FORTY sit & $0/100 .+ 141 102 't 46.80 46.80 0,00 CENTER STATIONERS iOi3TY & W 10 � 1 1.59 38.48 / .'� 141 1�?3 t 40.07 38.48 0 38.48 0,00 MRS M I LDRED CHAMBERLAIN THREE & 60/100 "A 161 104 13.50 3.50 0.00 CHEVRON ASPHALT CO 01"419 1A)MA110 FOnTY OA & 66/100Cr# 141 105 Kai 141.66 141.66 0.00 563.02 .697.99 CITY OF AZUSA L &W TWENTY NINE HUNDRED TWENTY NINE & 87/700 N.uG 161 106 ` Z929.87 ,697.990 16 9.9 0 ,697.99 377.72 64.70 5,720 56.54 0.00 VERN CONRAD nvir( & x O/100 Tie, 161 107 1;90.00 90.00 0.00 CONSOLIDATED PAINT THAE9 11M1MED 3EVI N'TY H 'A & 6e/100 wkro A 6A 10u 15 3'11),1 2 379.62 0.00 COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES 3IUM HUMif.,13 3IVEMY six & 63/100 11L4 1 O1 101 '55 2.616.63 .676.63 0.00 THE CREDIT BUREAU TWENTY two & 2$/100 '141 110 1.5721.25 22.25 0.00 CO LBY REALTY r Iver & AS10/100 1911 111 '5 5.00 5,0 0 0.00 D & G CONCRETE CONSTR (LIM"i 'FROUSAW OC 9 HUi, RED Sixty NO ,t7, 141 112 11, 16 2.0 3 5.:329 1 ,16 2.03 0.00 & 03 103 JOHN UANGLEI S Ftii1tY SEVEN & 03 00 9: A 5t 113 $ 41.03 47.03 0.00 DEARTH MACH INERY 0119 HUMMED Wilry 3EV16"1 & a0/100 " 1161 114 5187.20 187.20 0.00 EL MONTE PLAYGROU'VD ASSN TaENiY ti10 itiU�'� w THIRTY ( ing & 80/100 Ain 141 115 't 2.233.80 23 3.8 0 0.00 E S A SUPPLY IFIIFTY ►illi! & 40/100 V4 161 116 15 5`).43 53,93 5.17 8.19 5,720 7.86 0 0.00 MRS PAULINE ESCALANTE ft1Rfm & +`40/180 1 bt 117 "5 3,40 3.00 0.00 FOOTHILL DAIRY Fitt & 140/100 x t6t 118 `5 5.04 5.00 0.00 FOOTHILL DRUG SIXTEEN & 54/101) yuro '161 Ill a 16.54 8.27 8.27 0.00 FOOTHILL G LASS 3EVIEN & 33/100 ,44 191 120 $7.35 7.35 0.00 FOOTHILL MOTOR PARTS rikeITY Y1lilte & 77/100 X t 6A 121 f 2ill 7 5.56 15.15 3.06 0.00 FOOTHILL PHOTO sixty VOUR & mhiar ox '141 122 164.05 64.85 0.00 FOOTHILL STATIONERS FIFTY 1HRHL & 43/100 -1 �,.:. 123 533.43 36.77 9.31 6.21 1.14 0.00 FOOTHILL SUPPLY 31xtew & 64/100 .t9G t 4+t 124 $ 16.34 12.59 5,720 3.95 0.00 P FOXWORTHY PETTY CASH IOATY 3IX & 161100 VC 161 173 15 46,16 26.14 5.720 20.02 0.00 G & H ELECTRONICS TAVItY :IIN9 & 64/1100 o A 41 126 121.66 29.66 0.00 GENERAL ELECTRIC SUPPLY t Ally Food & 13 hU0 _..._,:____-- -. C A 61 7 Al 9 4.a 6 1 1 1 94.86 1 0.00 Section 2. That the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this resolution qqdd shall deli/,r a ertifleAjopy the of to the City Treasurer and shall retain a certified copy thereof in his own records. �� c'J fGo L I hereby Certify that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the City Council Ayes: Councilmen: f Adopted and opproved Ihis�day of , 19s'L� of the Cit f Azusa at a regular meeting thereof held on the- day Noes: Councilmen:_ ��'� of 19 -�(O�)- T/�Xby the following vote of the Council: Absent: Councilmen: - P� I7Y CLERK MAYOR T.._... L I RESOLUTION NO. S Y A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AZUSA ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AND SPECIFYING THE FUNDS OUT OF WHICH THE SAME ARE TO BE PAID. The City Council of the City of Azusa does resolve as follows: Section 1. That the following claims and demands have been audited as required by law and that the same are hereby allowed in the amounts and ordered paid out of the respective funds as hereinafter set forth: FUND OUT OF WHICH PAYMENT I TO WHOM ISSUED {� -_�� "_'. M °'.' WARRANT AMOUNT J)YRIITEN) f^.e'� CAT rr WARRANT,. WARRANT= , ._•g �_., r s. NUMBER ''��¢ TOTAL "� `tt GENERAL LIGHT WATER PARK A S SCHULMAN ELECTRIC CO BOB HARTUNI AN STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION STAB EMPLOYEES RET IREIVENT SYSTEM PAUL D FOXWORTHY AZUSA SISTER SISTER COMMITTEE PAUL 0 FOXWORTHY CITY EMPLOYEES PAYROLL ACCOUNT MRS VIRGINIA MEMWESHEINIER STATE EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT A B C REFRIGERATION SERVICE ALHAMBRA FOUNDRY CO AMERICAN HANDICRAFTS CO AMERICAN HOIST CO OF CALIFORNIA AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSOCN AQUA DIAL TURF IRRIGATION EQUIP ATLANTIC RICHFIELD CO ATLAS COVERALL & UNIFORM AZUSA GLENDORA IND INSURANCE AZUSA HERALD AZUSA HERALD AZUS A ICE CO AZUSA PUBLIC LIBRARY AZUSA VALLEY WATER CO AZUSA WESTERN INC B & K ELECTRIC YIHOLESALE BANCROFT WHITNEY J E BAUER CO BECHTEL CORP BEST MAINTENANCE TEN THOUSAND JHBRS� HO NDREO TWENTY FOUR NINETY THREE & 82/100 SIXTEEN & 40/100 NINETEEN THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED THIRTY TWO & 2876(6 NINE & 17/100 ONE HUNDRED FIFTY & NO/100 SIXTY` & 89/100 SEVENTY F I,VE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED ONE & 08/100 ONE HUNDRED N I f4E TY SEVEN & 40/100 NINE THOUSAND SIXTY & 46/100 1AE311 M IV9 & ti0/100 SIX & "hoo 11kEVE.•I �% 60/100 TANT'd Ml1 & 54/100 P!FTEVII & talIota THIIATEN & 33/100 TAID 104llRE0 f 11.1 RTY 120 h '19/100 num ttU►ww r1F"1'Y NIS & go/104 THiMY FOU3 TIMUSA4W NINK HUNDRED rnale & 401100 Sixty WINK & 30/100 e 1 wi tY Ttum & 60/100 ELIEV01 & 44/10+0 Six & 013/100 ria HUNDRED 31t,E1Y 3EvFjv & SO/100 foua tiUl'amo aGntY acair & oa/1oo M1ETEW & 97/100 roUR & 9!5/100 3EVEMEEN IIUNIMIED N VY FOUR & :10/100 111REE 114043EQ EIG11f1Y 140 & 96/100 N11%aly Six & 71:3/100 161 161 66 84 10,324.80 1 61 67 85 $93.52 1 61 68 86 $ 16.40 1 61 69 8I 10, 429.17 1 61 70 ad $32.20 151 71 t3 `3 $ 150.00 161 72 90 $60.89 161 73 91 ,,75.601.08 1 61 74 92 $ 197.40 161 75 93 $9.060.46 131 76 r) 4 123.00 161 71 15 �; 6.29 1 �i1 78 $11.6 0 101 7.) 524.34 A&A so $15.00 161 811 $13.3 3 141 82 '& 23 2.19 161 63 S 309.941 0.0 0 T 0.0 O T 0,00 T 0,00 T 1 .324.80 9 3.5 2 16.40 048.88 R.239.5 6 32.20 15 0.0 0 6 0.8 9 4 68 1.5 5 0.00 T .514.96 +,211,52 1,954.42 1 548.80 161 84 :1+x903.00 Ac 1 til 85 ,s 6 9.3 0 L'0 161 86 ` 8 3.6 0 414T 6.29 8I 11IA4 tat ad -56.00 1 151 t3 `3 $297.50 „moi y 6A 90 484.32 3 x.903.00 1 fit 91 °5 15.91 A6t 92 $11.90 19161 93 151,794.00 ' A 6t r) 4 1861 15 0.0 0 T 0.0 O T 0,00 T 0,00 T 1 .324.80 9 3.5 2 16.40 048.88 R.239.5 6 32.20 15 0.0 0 6 0.8 9 4 68 1.5 5 0.00 T .514.96 +,211,52 1,954.42 1 548.80 6.08 297.50 15.97 4.95 79 4.0 0 38 2.9 6 4.58 1 1.6 0 13.33 18.40 OTHER FUNDS NO. AMOUNT 0.0 0 T 5.14216.140.73 5.720 629.83 5.730 1 6 0.0 0 5.142 $.285.61 5.720 I 24.54 5.720 1 8.5 0 5.329 1488,52 Section 2. That the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this resolution and shall deliv r a certified copy thereof to the City Treasurer and shall retain a certified copy thereof in his own records. hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the City Council Ayes: Councilmen:/ Adopted and approved this.day ofd 19 of the ty of Azusa at a regular meeting thereof held on the day Noes: Councilmen: of 19� by the following vote of the Council: Absent: Councilmen: .. CITY ERK 1T. .. _ _ _ _ -. ... .... _... ,. . MAYOR LINE PROOF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 19 7.4 0 487,32 287.53 15.00 10.00 6.29 15.00 183.78 19.60 29.41 131.95 120.63 80.42 3 x.903.00 69.30 8 3.6 0 6.08 297.50 15.97 4.95 79 4.0 0 38 2.9 6 4.58 1 1.6 0 13.33 18.40 OTHER FUNDS NO. AMOUNT 0.0 0 T 5.14216.140.73 5.720 629.83 5.730 1 6 0.0 0 5.142 $.285.61 5.720 I 24.54 5.720 1 8.5 0 5.329 1488,52 Section 2. That the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this resolution and shall deliv r a certified copy thereof to the City Treasurer and shall retain a certified copy thereof in his own records. hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the City Council Ayes: Councilmen:/ Adopted and approved this.day ofd 19 of the ty of Azusa at a regular meeting thereof held on the day Noes: Councilmen: of 19� by the following vote of the Council: Absent: Councilmen: .. CITY ERK 1T. .. _ _ _ _ -. ... .... _... ,. . MAYOR LINE PROOF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 RESOLUTIOIi it0. 5281 OF TH CITY OF AZUSA RESOLUTIOIi GRAidTIIIG COiI511iT AIiD JURISDICTIOii TO THE COUNTY OF LOS AIIGELES IIQ TIA's "ATTER OF WOODCROFT STREET SN.IER DISTRICT WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Los Angeles is about to commence proceedings under Division 12 of the Streets and Highways Code ('Municipal Improvement Act of 1913), for the acquisition of necessary rights of way, the construction of sanitary sewers, and the reimbursement for a portion of the cost of existing seaters in WOODCROFT STREET SE1rT'R DISTRIC^1: and WIFEREAS, the proposed improvement includes irork in portions of Arrow Highway and Cerritos Avenue in the City of Azusa; and WHERi3AS, a portion of the land proposed to be assessed for this iranrovement lies within the boundary of the City of Azusa. PI O's^J, TIFEREFO33) BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Azusa as follows: SECTION 1. That the nublic interest and convenience require the acquisition of necessary rights of tray, the construction of sanitary sewers in Woodcroft Street and other rights of pray, and the reimbursement for a portion of the cost of existing sewers, all as set forth in the proposed Resolution of Intention of said Board for this ir.�provement, a copy of which resolution, incomplete as to dates and similar infor- mation which can only be inserted at the time of adoption, is attached hereto and made a Dart hereof. SECTION 2. That this City Council hereby consents to the use for said imnrovemsnt of those portions of Arrow Highway and Cerritos Avenue as described in said proposed Resolution of Intention, included within 0 the boundary of said assessment district aid lying within the boundary of the City of Azusa. SECTI011 1. That this City Council hereby finds and determines that the land included within the boundary of the proposed assessment district as referred to in said proposed Resolution o£ Intention, and lying within the boundary of the City of Azusa, will be benefited by said improvement, and hereby consents to the inclusion of said land within the proposed assessment district and to the assessment thereof. SECTIOii 4. That said proposed Resolution of Intention is hereby approved and that the consent of this City Council is hereby given to the commencement of proceedings for said proposed improvement by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Los Angeles, and to the exercise of exclusive jurisdiction by said Hoard of Supervisors over all pro- ceedings necessary U -n roto for the purpose of consummating the same, all in accordance with the provisions of Division 12 o£ the Streets and High,:rays Code. SECTI')I; 5. That the Clerk of the City Council shall certify to the adoption of this resolution and shall deliver two certified conies thereof to the Los Angeles County Engineer. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was adopted by the City Council of the City of Azusa at its meeting held August 7,_ 1967, by the following vote: AYE'S: Councilmen: Rubio, Solem, McLees, Cooney 140ES: Councilmen: None ABSE1'T: Councilmen: None - 2 - Signed and approved this 7th day of August , 19�. ,-'gzr�'t Mayor of'the City of sa PRO TEMP_ORF I hereby certify that the foregoing document is a full, true and correct copy of Resolution No. 5281 on file in the Office of the City Clerk of the City of Azusa, California. - 3 - WOODC; ;OFT ST'': _3T S3'ri32', DISTRICT 0 FOR THE ACQUISITION OP UMCESSMY RIGHTS OF WAY AID THE CUSTRUCTIOr OF SANITARY SEWERS RESOLUTION OF II:TAETIM: WHERRAS, it has been determined by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Los Angeles that proceedings be commenced and conducted under and in accordance with provisions of the Aun icioal Improvement Act of 1913 for the acquisition of necessary rights of way, the con- struction of sanitary sewers, and the reimbursement; for a portion of the costs of existing sewers within the ',;oodcroft Street Sewer District; and h1111_]REAS, it is the intention of the Board to undertake these proceedings pursuant to Article XIII, Section 17 of the Constitution of the State of California, as implemented by Ordinance Ko. 7647 of the County of Los Angeles, to determine whether the public convenience and necessity require the acquisitions and improvements hereinafter described.; and n7LRAAS3 if after proper notice and hearing, the Board determines by not less than a four-fifths vote of all its members that the public convenience and necessity require such acquisitions and improvements, it may order such improvements without compliance with the provisions of Division k of the Streets. ani: HighYa ;; s CoKe of the .hate of Cali- fornia; a&. !Hi RisA5, on. January 14, 1064, the City of Azusa entered into an agreement with Country Sanitation District i:o. 22 and Paul W. and Marie N. Ronald and Lee Arco and }:arti_,i Arce for the construction of a trunk ser;or and which agreement also provi-d.ed that the City be reimbursed for the amount of its obligation by imiposin a connection fee on future users of said trunk; scimr; and WIER}','LS, the ';loodcroft Street Sewer District will use the trtuiic sewer constructed under said agreement anrI should be assessed a reasonable charge for such use: and l:gI3REAS, it has been determined that T';!i;LVTS TI DUSVOM FOU! Ii[P!T)!'i;D NI'1NTY-FIVE DOLLARS ("1231+95) is the cost required b;/ the City of Azusa in accordance with the aforei:ientioned agreement; and WII1,REAS, the proposed ii:iprovement includes worl, in portions of Arrow IIighwary and Cerritos Avenue lying witl,..in the boundary of' the City of Azusa; and 'rMR?.15, a portion of the land proposed to be assessed for this improve..ent lies within the boundary of the City of Azusa; and VJU?R;•.AS, the City Council of the City of Azusa dial, on 1967, adopt a Resolution Granting Consent and Jurisdiction to the County of Los Angeles in this proceeding. Pt0':I, TII'sR?.FOI?s� TIAs BOARD R`JSOLt%'i5: SSCTIOI? ].. That it .is the intentio:, of' the oard to determine that the public convenience and necessity recuire acquisition of the necessar-, rights of war, to be done and i-iprovement made, all in the Count', K of Los Angeles, State of California, anti to order such acquisition, wore: and improvement made as follows, to -;•;.it: Y lrst: The acquisition of sanitary SBC:er 1'.lghts Of lJa;,r, b;; gift or purchase or cmi-ne.zt doimin proccedi.n�s, consisti-ng i.n general of the following: Parcel The northerly 1'% fejt; of Lot 57, Tract ''o. 1(122, as _A.. shown on map recoroe,d in 3ool: I�P:2, ?'ages 34, 3 and 36, of ?raps. Parcel B. The :,esterly 10 Feet of Lot 344, Tract ;;o. 19581, as shown on map recorded In Roo!; 1;01, Pages 8 to 111, inclusive, of 31aps. Parcel C. A stria of land 10 feet r:idc the southeaste-rly line of which is parallel with an.�. /2./0 Feet northwesterly, mcasu-rec at ri_olit angles, frorn the centerline of Rig Dalton '.!ash between the �,resterly line of Lot 3411, above-mentio! ed. Tract I:o. 19681, arid a line approximately 80 feet northerly of the most nortllerl;;7 line of Arrow Highway. Parcel D. A strip of land 10 feet gide the southerly line of which is approximately 100 feet northerly of the northerly line of Arrow Highway, 100 feet wide, between the easterly line of Azusa Avenue and the southwesterly terr?inus of above-described Parcel C. Second: The construction of sanitary sewers and appurtenances in THEJ3O'?E D_SCP1,3:'D PI,''" ti1 .:", -,.. �•-,�•,t -,`�; and in SIllII1iu,of .iP_Z LIGHTS -O-' �.II ' THE as sho%%7n on man of Tract i -.o. recDrded in Boo!L 621, pages j8 - and /9, of ;fans and as shown in Lots 263 and 251E on map of Tract I:o. 19681, recorded in )3o01. 105, Pages 8 to 1-11, inclusi.ve, of' I ans; and in )IR, ,1 -EY STR•llST between I;OC VAL-] s,1nd CITRUS AVENUE; and in PAYSOII STR:'�j"T AD; D KIR"s:t'!ALL ROAD between ROMKVALF AVFIME and VICIEROY AVETIU ; and in rlEIri'IG;. ROAD between the A:resterly ter�ii-nus of said RIJ; J _Cf ROt.D as slro�:'n on pan Of Tract IIo. 19896, recorded in Foo!; 621, Pages j8 ani j9, of i4�'ins and VIC OY" an,. in 0 i;_'`. BURGII STRMT between GL AFIKKAK 'iV HU_: and the southeasterly line of Lot 115, Tract P;o. 19225, as shosnl on rap recorded. in Boat 482, Pages 34, J5 and 36, of Pays; and in L YFO zD 1,',OAD between the westerly line of 0 KIMMY AV77UR and the easterly terminus of said LA]YIFORD ROAD as shown on man of Tract ITo. 19685, recorded in Book 505, Pages 8 to 14, inclusive, of Kays and between the westerly terminus of said LAT ORD ROAD as shown on slap of above-mentioned Tract: AIo. 19225 and GLENFINFAII AVEI?U1,; and in WOODCROFT STREET between DONNA BETE AVENUE and the easterly terminus of said MODCROi T STREET as shown on map of above-mentioned Tract Vo. 19685 and betucon CERRITOS AVENUE and the easterly terminus of said WOMROFT STRisE7.' as shown on may of above-mentioned Tract No. 19225; and in ; fILLB RK AVE M',' between DOHA BETE .'.:±'. I:U;, and the easterly terminus of said MLLB:;RGE AVi91UN as sho-.in on map of above-mentioned Tract No. 19685; and in ARI,O'.! HIGHWAY between the centerline of IIOi TERES T AVERUE and the centerl i.no of AZUSA AVENUE; ; and in AZUSA AVENUE between a line approximately 260 feet northerly of the northerly line of ARROW HIGHWAY and ARROW IIIGII?iAY; and in DONMA BETH AVENUE between the centerline of WOODCROi T STREET and the southerly terminus of said DONNA BETH AVENUE as shown on map of.' above-mentioned Tract Ivo. 19685; and in O Q1ALLEY AVM71 > ROAD 1 UT O 7i�1 T n bei.ireen LILX1'OI,D 13J: D a.n,'. .;OODCiO, 1 �T.i.: l; and. 1.. C:li!11TOS AVI':U:, between the northerly line of Lot 9, above--montio .ed :Tact To. 19396 and the northerly line of Lot 264, above-::nntloKwl `Pract. ;:o. 19685; and in 0 between NEWBURGH STREET and WOODCROTT ST'RART; and in CED;:RGLEL DRIVE between the northerly terminus of said. CEDARGLEN DRIVE ns shown on map of above-mentioned Tract No. 192.25 and WOODC30FT STREET; and in ROCKVAL3 AVENUE between GLADSTOI E STREET and WOODCROFT STREET; and in ORANGECR3ST AVEVU: ORAi GEGLEU AVENUE AND TWIMEE AVMJE between the northerly termini of said ORANGAGREST AV NUA, ORANG��,GLEN AVENUE and Tei UTREE AVEAU3 as shown on map of above-nehtioned 'Tract No. 19225, and ')RrT,,EY STREET; and in FEININOR , AV71'U between (}LA _?STO E STREET and ORKNEY STREET and in the intersection thereof with QRKW L?, ROAD; and EDEI'. IELD AVE:RP,� between the northerly terminus of said. EDsiTP.sLD AVrEI:Ui's as shown on map of Tract IIo. 20041, recorded in Boot: 529, Pages 3 and. 4, of Mnp s and PAYSON STREET; and in VICEROY AVENUE between the northerly terminus of said VICEROY AV?FUE. as shoi,n on mar) of Tract lig. 30346, recorded in Book 746, Pages 5 and 6, of haps and ORKNEY STP,,:,?T and between PAYSON STREET and Rv;:�.:ICc' LOAD. Third: The resurfacing of the trench,in streets or rights of way wherein aforementioned sanitary sewers are constructed. SECTION 2. That the sun of TWELVE i iTOUSAiD ]'OJFi HUMPAD -._,,r,`i - ("12,495) is a reasonable charge for the use of the trunk sewer Con - strutted under the Agreement between City of Azusa and Sanitation Division No. 22 and Paul W. and Iiarie H. Ronald and Lee Arce ani IIart.in Arne. and said amount small be Ancluacd. in assessi c0c 1 u'r for cii-strict nurnoses. - J - SECTIO;: 3. That when lmlprove!~ient Bonds for subject improvement: have been sold and assessments co11_ected, the Treasurer shall deduct the a:73u11t of "12,495 from the Im- ovement rUTli':_ fOr said1117pT'OVeiTi(:Ilt and CaU:;e it to be transmitted to the Cit;of Azusa. SECTlo ? 4. That the district to be benefited by said improvement and to be assessed to pay the cost and e.Tpense thereof, inci.udinC aforesaid costs .for acquisition of necessary r.i.-lits of way, and charges for the Use of existing Se1:er5, and t0 be hn0';;ill aS the aSSe.^>:iilC tlt dis- trict, shall be all that part of tlr. City of :zusa and unincorporated territory of the Count;;' of Los !mE-Ples, State of California, having e.:teri.or boundaries as shorn on a nap of the district approved by the 23oard on the ll.th day of July, 196`7, tirhich map i.s 02-1 file in the Office of the Board. Reference is hereb7, made to the map for a full and comnlete descrintion of the assessment district and the map shall. govern for al -1 details as to the extent of the assessment district. S;3CTIOii 5. That this proposed improvement is hereby referred to the Count;' Fngi.neer and said Count; ,ngineer is hereb-' directed. to ;n: l:e and file vith the Clcrl•: of this Board a report in writinE, nresenti.ng the follo�ri_ng: I. :Malls am! spcci-fications of the pr Oposed. improvement. 2. An estimate of the cost of the proposed inprovement, includi.l; the cost of acqu.irini; the necessary rights of •ray, the cost of the accui.sit.ion of the use of the above referred to sewCrs, and the cost of the incidental e}:r,cnses Mi connection therewith. 3. A c.]., .rar sho:ri-rg the assessment district abo•,e referred A �;hi.ch sl.al_l. also show the bou.i:darles and di.mensi.ons of the reS}"?eC"Li.Ve subdivisions of land vithin said d.is- trice, as the same existed at the time of the pas.ste - 6 - u of the resoluti-on of .intenti-on, each of which sub- divisions shall be, given a separate nurlber upon said diagram. IF. A proposed assess:-ent of the total amount of the cost and expenses of the proposed iripr.ove,.gent upon the several subdivisions of land .in said district in proportion to the estimated benefits to be received by such subdivisions, respectively, from said ir:,provements. Said assess,nent shall refer to such subdivisions upon said diagram by.the respective numbers thereof. S?CTIOIa 6. The Board of Supervisors proposes to find and determine that the public convenience and necessity require such .irapr.ovement. At the time and place fired for hearing protests to the proposed i.l�lprove- ment a public hearing will also be held, pursuant to Counter Ordinance No. 76417, to hear objections to the ma4:.ing of such finding and detcr- minat.ion by the Board. After such public hearing, if' the Board by not less than a four-fifths vote of all me:;ibers thereof, finds and determines that the public convenience adid necessity require said improvement, it r.1ay order such improver:,ent without further proceedings with respect to the debt limitati.on or rgajorit;i protest, prov-isions of Division 1t of the Streets and IIighways Code of the State of Califorr!.i.a. SSC'T10'? Z. That it is hereby dete=.Ilned and declared that serial bonds shall be issued in accordance with Division 7, Streets and i?ighways Code (Improvement Act of 1917.), to represent each assessment of fifty dollars ("?50.00') or more remaining, unnai.d for thirty (30) days after the date of the recording of the Diagram and Assessment for this improvement. The serial bonds shall extend over a period- endin.- nine (9) years from the second day of Jaiivary next succeefu-:ig the, next September 1st follm%,i_nz their date. 0 The Drinci-pal suis shall beco;'le dile a,id Datable to t;;v^^- Treasurer in equal annual pay;leTts on each October 15th succee(Iing the Se 'tem-- ber lst followirlg their date unt5_1 full.;; oa.id. The first interest payment shall_ be payable to the Treasurer on L, -,e Pnril 15th next succeeding the Ilarch lst or the October 15th next succeeding the Sentember 1st, as the case may be, ne;:t following the date of the bonds. The following interest na,,,nents shall each be for s.ix months interest and shall_ be payable to the Treasurer on each fifteenth day of April and October, the last interest nayment coning due the October 15th irgmediately preceding the last annual payt,ieit of the principal of the bonds issued to represent the unpaid assessment. The bonds shall bear interest at a rate to be determined on the sale thereof, provided, ho -v, -ever, that said rate shall not exceed_ t•he maximum rate of 6 per cent uer annum. SECTITi 0. That it is the oni.IiiDn of the Hoard that the public interest will not be served by allowing the property to ta4_e the contract for the worl: to be done under these proceed..ings. S'?=Oli o That after comnlet.ion of this .improvement and. the -oayr.Ient of all claims fro:a the i-1provei.icnt fund, the amount of the surplus, if an;-, remaining in the improvement fund by reason of the assessment and an -,r supplemental assessment levied for said improvement shall_ be used: (a) for transfer to the general fund of the County of Los k.Igeles. nrovi.ded that the amount of the surplus does not es_ceed Three iIundred Dollars (:$300.00) or 55 of the total anount expended frorl the imn:cove- ment fluid, wflichevcr is lesser; or, (b) if the amount of the surplus is greater than that allo:.-cd under (a), then as a credit upon the assess -lent and anV sAnj;l6'i gent al assessment, in the i�ianner provided in Section l.(�27.1 of thle :.�t:'eets and. iiia; hi'a ys Code. if any surn.l.us results for the rep sons stated. in Sectio2 10',27.5 of the Streets and lligiiz•Ia;fs Code, such surplus shall be disposed of a s provided in that - 8 - section. 11 there is no sut;ple !Bent:, I 8.sse ss":ent, the elit ire a.".iolUn of the surplus shall be applied as a credit to the assess[7era, The foregoing resolution tras on the iay of 1967, adopted by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Los AniLoles, and ex officio the governing body of all other special assesscent and taxing districts for which said Tjoardl so acts. James S. :4ize, Clerlt of the =,oard of Supervisors of the County of Los I..nZeles, ana ex officio clerl: of the governing bady of all other special assess�.ient and ta7.ing di_stri_cts for vhi.ch said Doard so acts. By - 9 - )enllt,