HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 7075RESOLUTION NO. 7015. A RESOLUTION OF THE CIIV COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AZUSA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR GRANT FUNDS UNDER THE ENERGY RESOURCES PROGRAM FOR SLAUSON POOL RENOVATION. WHEREAS, the tegistatune of the State o6 Cali,6o4n.i.a hRs ena ted the EneAgy Re6omce6 PAogtam, which pAovcde6 6und6 to eeA.tcun potitccat 6ucb- divc6iona o6 the State o6 Cati6o4ni.a 6oA aequi4ing tand6 and,6oA devetoping 6aeititie,6 to meet uAban AecAeeation needs; and WHEREAS, the State DepaAtment o6 PaAh6 and RecAeati,on ha6 been det.egated the Ae6pon6ibitity bort the adminiathatiun o6 the pa.ogum, Betting up nece,66oAy pAoeeduAe6 goveAning apptication by toeat ageneie6 undeA the pao,gAam; and WHEREAS, 6aid p4oeeduAe,6 eetabW hed by the State Depaatment o6.Pa4h6 and Recneati.on AequiAe the apptieant to ee4ti6y by Ae6otutti.on the appa.ovat o6 apptieati.one paioA to 6ubmi,66ion o6 6aid applications to the 6tate; and WHEREAS, .6aid appUca.tion6 contain a certti6ication that the applicant witt comply with aft 6edeAat, 6tate, and tocat enviAonmentat, pubtic health, Aetocation, a66irtmative action, and cteani.nghou6e 4equiAement6 and aft other appAop&iate codes, taus and Aegutati.one prtioA to the expendituhe o6 the grant 6und6; and WHEREAS, the p4ojeet(6) applied 6oA undeA thin pkogaam mu6t be o6 a high p4io4.i,ty and saW Ay the most uAgent paAk and Aecuation need6 with empha6i6 on unmet needt in the mo6t heavity populated a4ea6; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Councit o6 the City o6 Azusa heAeby; I., AppAove6 the 6iling o6 an apptication &ort 6unding undeA the Energy Re6ounee6 PAogAam; and 2. Ce4ti6iea that 6aid agency undenetand6 the genertat p4ovi6ion6 o& the agreement; and 3. CeAti6ie6 that 6aid agency ha6 oA witt have su6bicient 6und6 to opertate and maintain the p4ojeet(6) &unded under th.i,6 prtoqum ; and 4. CeA.ti6ie6 that 6aid agency ha6 oA witt have abaitabte pki,oA to commencement o6 any wonh on the p4oject(6) included in th.ia apptication matching money &nom a non6tate 6ounee; and 5. Cehti6ie6 that the pAoject(6) included in thin apptication con6onm to the AecA eation etement o6 any appticabte city oA county geneAat plan; and 6. Appoi.nt6 the City Admcni,6uatoA ae agent o6 the City Councit to conduct aft negotiation6, execute and 6ubmit aft doeument6 inctuding but not timi,ted to apptications, agaeement6, amendments, payment Aequeate, and 6o on which may be neee66aAy 6o4 the comptetion o6 the a6otementioned p2oject(6); and 7. Appoint6 City Attorney a6 tegat coun6et 601, 6aid agency with authoAi.zati.on to 6ign the ce4ti6ieation. Thin Re6otution is adopted I HEREBY CERTIFY that the 6 the City Councit o6 the City o6 Azu6a at a AegutoA meeting theAeo& heed on the 1st day o6 FebAuaAy, 1982, by the 6ottowing vote o6 Councit: AYES: COUNCILMEN: DeeheA, FAy, CAuz, Mo6e,6, Sofem NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None IleLtkK