HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - June 29, 1904 - CCY
Section 1. That any Person, gem, corpora-
tion, club or assoclatlov who Silber as owner
m owners, agent, clerk, servant, employ" or
otherwise establishes, opens, keeps, carries on,
or maintains or who assists In establishing,
opening, keeping, "trying on or maintaining
any Store, Sabana, bar. sample room, Stand or
other place within the City of Azusa, where
any Spirituous, vinous, fermented, malt or
mixed liquors. Intoxicating liquors or any 11 -
quid or liquids containing any alcoho what-
. ever arc said, kept for sale, offered fur salt,
furnlehed, distributed, divided, delivered, giv-
en away or otherwise disposed of, or that with-
in the City of Azusa,.either as owner or own-
ers, agent, clerk, servant, employee or other-
wise disposes of any spirituous, vinona, fer-
mented, malt or mixed liquors, Intoxicating
liquors, or any liquid or liquids containing
.any alcohol whatever, save and 'except as
horebta[wr at forth shall be deemed guilty Of a;
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Sec. 2. KvLry person who sbail, directly or
indirectly, keep or maintain, by himself or by
asaemiatingurcnmhining with others. or who
Shall in any manner aid, assist or abet in keep-
ing within the City of Azusa any club room or
or other platy in which any liquid or liquids
cunlain:nV any alcunoi whatever is
recelved or kept for the purpose of
use, gilt, barleror sale, or for dimributlon or
division among the members or others of any
club of asauclation by ally means whateverand
every persun who shall use, barter, all, give
away or otherwise dispose of, nr who shall as-'
eistor abet anutber in bartering, selling, giv-:
Ing away or otberwtae dispoaing of any liquid
or liquids containing any alcohol whatever,
Save m d accept as hereinafter sal forth, Shall
be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.
Sec. d. Any person, not authorized or per-
mitted au to do by the laws of this state, or the
�! ordinances of this city, who shall in any capa-
cit r, or who by any means, device or deception,
will' Intent to violhte any of the terms of this
ordinance, shall have In his possession or under
i his euntrol M subject in any manner to his di.
rection, at any place or upon any street, alley,
lane or elsewhere within the City of Azusa, or
who shall in said city, offer for sale, sell, dis-
tribute, divide, doll,er, give away or otherwise'
dispose of any spirituous, vinous, fermented,
malt or mixed:lquors, intoxicating liquors or
any liquid or liquids containing any alcohol,
whatever, in any quantity whatever, shall be,
_deemed_ guilty of.a misdemeanor.
I Sec. S Any person, other than an officer of
. the law or a deputy thereof, who, at any time,
visits or is present at any place within the City
of Aruna, where any spirituous, vinous, fer-
mented, all or mixed liquon, intoxicating 11-
; quor,or any lignid.or liquidscontaining any
f alcohol whatever Is sold, kept for sale, offered
for sale, furnished, distributed, divided, deliv-
ered, given away or otherwise disposed of In
1 violation of this ordinance shall be deemed
guilty of a misdemeanor. Provided that no
person, otherwise competent an a witness Is
dl -qualified from testifying as such concern.
' burble presence at any place within the oily of
Asu-a where any spirituove,vluoue, fermented,
malt or mixed liquors, Intoxicating liquors or,
any liquid or liquids containing any alcohol'
whatever in Sold, kept for sale, offered for Sale, I
furnished. distributed, divided, delivered, giv-
en away or otherwise disposed of on the ground'
thatauch testimony may Incriminate himself,
but no prosecution can afterward be had;
I against him for Buy offense concerning which
he testified.
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—Sec -8- It -hall be the duty of the City Mar-
-hal, Ilia deputies and all police offieen of the _
;City of Azusa, whenever they discover
or obtain Any information that any
alcoholic liquid or liquids are bein[ sold, offer
ed for sale, kept for Sale, furnished, distribu.
' ted, delivered, divided, give, away or other.
wise di-pased of contrary to the terms
l -f this ordinance, to unite and hold
for the purpose of evidence only, all alcoholic
liquids that he or they may discover in or at
any place where the violation of this ordinance i
• was being committed by the parties who. he
may arrest for each violation, and which was
I. the pousea-Ion of or under the control of or
subject to the direction of the pardes whom he
may arrest for such violation.
Section P. All alcoholic liquids and the ves-
sels containing the same sold, offered for sale,
,kept for sale, turnished, distributed, delivered,
.divided, given away :or otherwise disposed of
In violation of this ordinance are
hereby declared to be a common nuisance and
upon the judgment of any court haying jurlw
diction finding such nuisance to exist, it shall
be the duty of :be City Marshal to abate such
nuisance by destroying such alcoholic liquids
and the vessels which contain the same. The
City Marshal must maintain in the name of the
City of Azusa an action to abate the above
named nuisaace in any court haying jurlsdia.
lion thereof.
Sec. 17. Allordinanoss and parte of oMi-
I.nances in conflict with this ordinance, are
hereby repealed.
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