HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - November 15, 2010 - CC I
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Copies of staff reports or other written documentation relating to each item of business referred to on the Agenda
are on file in the Office of the City Clerk and are available for public inspection at the City Library.
Persons who wish to speak during the Public Participation portion of the Agenda, shall fill out a card requesting to
speak and shall submit it to the City Clerk-prior to the start of the City Council meeting. nen called, each person
may address any item on or off the agenda during the public participation.
6:30 P.M.
Agency Negotiators: Administrative Services Director-Chief Financial Officer Kreimeier and City
Manager Delach
Organizations AMMA, SEN, APOA, APMA and ACEA
11/15/10 1
2. REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATIONS (Gov. Code Sec 54956.8) 1
Agency Negotiators: City Manager Delach and Assistant City Manager Makshanoff
Under Negotiation: Price and Terms of Payment
Address: 229 S. Azusa Avenue (APN 8614-014-056, 057 and 058)
Agency Negotiators: City Manager Delach and Assistant City Manager Makshanoff
Negotiating Parties: City of Azusa and City of Azusa Redevelopment Agency
b. BLOCK 36
Address: 100 E. Foothill Boulevard, Azusa, CA 91702
614—640 N. Azusa Avenue, Azusa, CA 91702
Agency Negotiators: City Manager Delach and Assistant City Manager Makshanoff
Negotiating Parties: City of Azusa and City of Azusa Redevelopment Agency
Address: 152 E. Foothill Boulevard, Azusa, CA 91702
Agency Negotiators: City Manager Delach and Assistant City Manager Makshanoff
Negotiating Parties: Bank of America& City of Azusa Redevelopment Agency
Any person wishing to comment on any of the Closed Session items listed above may do so now.
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge to the Flag
3. Invocation—Pastor Eddie Velasquez of Jesus Is Lord Church
(Person/Group shall be allowed to speak without interruption up to,fave(5)minutes maximum time, subject
to compliance with applicable meeting rules. Questions to the speaker or responses to the speaker's
questions or comments shall be handled after the speaker has completed his/her comments. Public
Participation will be limited to sixty (60) minutes time.)
1. Mayor Rocha—Announcement of the 13th Annual Food Drive sponsored by Azusa Unified School District
and the City of Azusa.
11/15/10 2 _
Open the Public Hearing;receive testimony,close the Hearing. Waive further reading and adopt Ordinance
No. 10-07, amending Chapter 14 of the Azusa Municipal Code adopting by reference the 2010 Building
Standards Code.
Consider the proposed Ordinance prohibiting sleeping in vehicle on public and private property and waive
further reading and introduce.
The Consent Calendar adopting the printed recommended actions will be enacted with one vote. If
Councilmembers or Staff wish to address any item on the Consent Calendar individually, it will be
considered under SPECIAL CALL ITEMS.
Approve Minutes as written.
Approve Personnel Action Requests in accordance with the City of Azusa Civil Service Rules and applicable
Memorandum of Understanding(s).
Authorize the Police Department to increase parking fines by 53.00 per violation effective December 7,2010
to match the surcharge increase imposed by the State during the recent passing of the 2010 California Budget
11/15/10 - 3 -
Approve minor amendments to agreements between the City and Miki Carpenter and the Center for Integrated
Family and Health Services regarding implementation of the Los Angeles County Renewing Environment for
Nutrition,Exercise and-Wellness(RENEW) Grant Funding.
Staff requests that the City Council approve the Plans and Specifications and authorize staff to solicit bids
for the Cerritos Avenue and Gladstone Street Traffic Signal Improvements and the Citrus Avenue and
Baseline Avenue Traffic Signal Modification.
Adopt Resolution No. 10-C86, supporting the Southern California Association of Government's effort to
develop a Southern California Economic Growth Strategy.
Adopt Resolution No. 10-C87.
11/15/10 4 _
The Consent Calendar adopting the printed recommended actions will be enacted with one vote. If
Boardmembers or Staff wish to address any item on the Consent Calendar individually, it will be
considered under SPECIAL CALL ITEMS.
Approve Minutes as written.
Approve the Developer Request for Proposal for the Ninth and Alameda Project including the fourparcels of
Agency-owned land at the northeast comer of Ninth Street and Alameda Avenue,collectively referred to as
the "Miller Property" (APN's 8608-019-901, -902, -901, and -904).
Adopt Resolution No. 10-R36.
1. Adjourn in memory of Ms. Carmen S. Reyes, Michael Castant&, and Don Flowers.
November 22, 2010, Utility Board Meeting—6:30 p.m. Azusa Light and Water Conference Room
December 6, 2010, City Council Meeting—6:30 p.m. Azusa Auditorium.
December 20, 2010, City Council Meeting— 6:30 p.m. Azusa Auditorium.
December 27, 2010, Utility Board Meeting—6:30 p.m. Azusa Light and Water Conference Room
11/15/10 - 5 -
In compliance with Government Code Section 54957.5, agenda materials are available for inspection by members of the
public at the following locations. Azusa City Clerk's Office-213 E. Foothill Boulevard,Azusa City Library- 729 N.Dalton
Avenue, and Azusa Police Department Lobby- 715 N.Alameda,Azusa, California.
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act,ifyou need special assistance to participate in a city meeting,please
contact the City Clerk at 626-812-5229. Notification three(3)working days prior to the meeting when special services are
needed will assist staff inassuring that reasonable arrangements can be made to provide access to the meeting.
11/15/10 6 _
f# YU:
It is recommended that the City Council conduct the Public Hearing, waive further reading, and adopt
the ordinance amending chapter 14 of the Azusa Municipal Code adopting by reference the 2010
Building Standards Code.
California Health and Safety Code mandates that the California Building Standards Commission
adopt and publish the California Building Standards Code (California Code of Regulation, Title 24)
on a triennially basis. The 2010 edition of the California Code of Regulation, Title 24 incorporates
the 2009 edition of the International Building Code, 2009 International Residential Code, 2010
California Existing Building Code, 2010 California Green Building Standards Code, 2009 National
Electrical Code, 2009 Uniform Mechanical Code, the 2009 Uniform Plumbing Code and becomes
effective on January 1, 2011.
The most substantial change in this triennial adoption of the 2010 Building Standards Code is the
adoption of the new 2010 California Residential Building Code based the 2009 International
Residential Code, and the new 2010 California Green Building Standard Code.
The new California Residential code regulates the construction of all one and two family dwellings,
and townhomes. The most significant new requirement found in the 2010 California Residential Code
include the mandatory installation of automatic fire sprinkler systems in all one and two family
dwellings and townhomes. The intent is to provide a fire life safety element to all new residential
occupancies. The design of the system is based on the National Fire Protection Agencies (NFPA) 13d
referenced standards. This system is designed to provide amble time for occupants to evacuate the
structure. In addition to the installation of automatic fire sprinkler requirement, the 2010 California
Residential code also,,mandates the installation of approved Carbon Monoxide detectors in all one
and two family dwellings and townhomes.
The new California Green Building Standard Code is the first mandatory green code introduced in the
United States. The purpose of the code is to improve public health, safety, and general welfare by
enhancing the design and construction of buildings through the use of building concepts having a
reduced negative impact or positive environmental impact and by encouraging sustainable
construction practices in the following categories:
1. Planning and design
2. Energy efficiency
3. Water efficiency and conservation
4. Material conservation and resource efficiency
5. Environmental quality
Mandatory measures for residential occupancies include:
• Building maintenance and operation manual for new buildings.
• Twenty percent reduction on indoor water use through the use of low flow fixtures.
• Reduce construction waste by fifty percent through a construction waste management plan.
• VOC limits for adhesives, sealants, and architectural coatings.
• Installation of automatic irrigation controllers that can determine soil and weather conditions.
Mandatory measures for Non-residential occupancies include:
• Requirements to provide space for bicycle parking and recycling areas.
• Provide designated parking for low-emitting, fuel-efficient and carpool/vanpool vehicles.
• Twenty percent reduction indoor water use and wastewater discharge through the use of low
flow fixtures.
• Reduce construction waste by fifty percent through a construction waste management plan.
• VOC limits for adhesives, sealants, and architectural coatings.
• Reduction in outdoor water use by developing a water budget that complies with a local or
State water efficiency landscape ordinance.
California Health and Safety Code require cities to adopt building standards that are consistent with
those contained in the California Building Standards Code. State law also allows a local jurisdiction
to amend, add or repeal sections of the California Building Standards Code providing there are
express findings that show each such modifications is "reasonably necessary because of local
climatic, geological or topographical conditions." The attached ordinance fulfills the City of Azusa
Requirements for meeting these provisions as set forth by the State of California. In summary the
attached ordinance will revise Chapter 14 of the Azusa Municipal Code as follows:
1. Replace the 2007 Editions of the California Building Code, with the 2010 California
Building Code.
2. Adopt the 2010 California Residential Building Code.
3. Adopt the 2010 California Green Building Standards Code.
4. Replace the 2007 California Mechanical Code and California Plumbing Code with the 2010
5. Replace the 2007 California Electrical Code with the 2010 Edition.
6. Replace the 2006 Uniform Swimming Pool & Hot Tub Code with the 2009 Edition.
' 7. Replace the 2007 California Existing Building Code with the 2010 Edition.
8. Amend Sections 14-1 and 14-51 as needed to properly reference the 2010 California
Building Codes.
9. Amend Sectionsl4-201 and 14-202.
10. Amend Section 14-4 to include provisions for expiration of building permits.
11. Add Section 14-69 to amend Section R4902.1.3 of the 2010 California Residential Code so
it is consistent with Section 14-55 of AMC.
12. Delete Section 14-58, 14-60, 14-65. 14-66, 14-67 and 14-68. These amendments are no
longer needed as the provisions of these amendments are now incorporated into the new
2010 California Building Code.
13. Delete Section 14-59, this amendment is no longer needed as the provisions of this
amendment are now incorporated into the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
Publication SCE 7-05.
14. Delete Section 14-61, this amendment is no longer needed as the provisions of this
amendment are now incorporated into American Concrete Institute (ACI) 318-08 which is
referenced by the 2010 California Building Code.
15. Delete Section 14-63, this amendment is no longer needed as the provisions of this
amendment are now incorporated into California Building Code and California Residential
16. Delete Section 14-61, this amendment is no longer needed because appendix H is not being
17. Amending Sections 14-53, 14-55, 14-57, 14-62 and 14-64 adopts the following Code
amendments to the 2010 California Building Code:
• Section 14-53 A.M.C. - Amends C.B.C. Table 15.05.1 to require Class B roofs
throughout the City. This is consistent with previous amendments to the 2007 C.B.C.
• Section 14-55 A.M.C. — Amends 2007 C.B.C. Section 1505.1.3 to require the entire
roof of any structure to be replaced with a Class B Roof when more than 20 percent of
the total roof area is repaired or replaced. This is consistent with previous amendments
to the 2007 C.B.C.
• Section 14-57 A.M.C. — Adds Section 1507.2.9.4 to the 2010 C.B.C. which requires
all attic vents, dormer vents etc. to be painted to match the roof coloring. This is
consistent with previous amendments to the 2007 C.B.C.
• Section 14-62 A.M.C. — Amends 3109.4.4, 3409.4.4.1 and 3109.4.4.2 of the 2007
C.B.C. to clarify that pool barriers (pool enclosures) are required for all swimming
pools within the City as required by the A.M.C.
• Section 14-64 A.M.C. — Amends Appendix "J" of the 2010 I.B.C. to replace the word
"Building Official" with the word "City Engineer" throughout the Appendix. This is
consistent with previous amendments to the 2007 C.B.C.
There is no additional fiscal impact to the City.
Copy of proposed ordinance
1, 14-4, 14-51, 14-53, 14-55, 15-57, 14-62,14-64,14-201 and 14-202; ADDING SECTION
14-69,AND DELETING SECTIONS 14-58, 14-59,14-60, 14-61, 1.4-63, 14-65,14-66, 14-
(1997 EDITION).
WHEREAS, Government Code Section 50022, et seg. and California Health& Safety Code
Section 17922 empower the City of Azusa ("City")to adopt by reference the California Building Standards
Code as provided in Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations,adopting various model codes,including
the 2009 International Building Code ("IBC"), 2009 Uniform Mechanical Code ("U'MC"), 2009 Uniform
Plumbing Code("UPC'),2008 National Electrical Code("NEC"),2009 International Existing Building Code
("IEBC"),and other model codes,including,without limitation,the 2009 Uniform Swimming Pool,Spa and
Hot Tub Code; and
WHEREAS, the City previously adopted by reference various model codes, including the
2006 International Building Code, 2006 Uniform Mechanical Code, 2006 Uniform Plumbing Code; 2005
National Electrical Code,2006 Uniform Housing and 2006 Uniform Swimming Pool, Spa and Hot Tub Code
subject to particular additions,amendments and deletions set forth in the Ordinances adopting such codes,and
codified in Azusa Municipal Code Sections 14-I, 14-51, 14-91, 14-111, 14-150, 14-201, and I4-205; and
WHEREAS,the publishers of the international and uniform codes recently published updated
editions of such codes, and the California Building Standards Commission ("Commission") adopted such
codes and has established January 1, 2011 as the effective date of the most recent edition of the California
Building Standards Code; and
4 1�
WHEREAS. California Health& Safety Code, Section 17958.5 and 18941.5 authorize cities
and counties to modify the California Building Standards Code by adopting more restrictive standards and
modifications if such standards and modifications are accompanied by express findings that they are
reasonably necessary because of local climatic, geological or topographical conditions, and
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Azusa ("City Council") finds that these local
climatic, geological or topographical conditions include, but are not limited to, the following:
1. The City is subject to relatively low amounts of precipitation,very low humidity levels and
extremely high temperatures.These climatic conditions are conducive to the spread of drought conditions and
fires. For example, during July, August and September, temperatures often exceed 100 degrees Fahrenheit.
During the same months humidity is usually less than 40% and measurements of less than 10% are not
uncommon; and
2. The warm,dry climate is conducive to swimming pools which creates a higher probability
of child drownings where pools are unprotected.
WHEREAS,the aforementioned geologic and climatic conditions have also contributed to the
loss or damage of,262 homes in the Anaheim fire of 1982. 71 homes in Baldwin Hills fire of 1985,33 homes
in the Porter Ranch fire of 1988, 162 homes in the Santa Barbara fire of 1990,3300 homes in the Oakland fire
of 1991, 2,232 homes in the Cedar fire of 2003, and most recently, 1500 homes in the Southern California
wildfires of 2007; and
WHEREAS,these fires have resulted in the tragic loss of lives along with enormous property
losses; and
WHEREAS, based upon the recommendations of the Building Official, the City Council
finds that the proposed amendments to the California Building Standards Code and model codes
("amendments"),as set forth herein,are more restrictive than the standards adopted by the Califoniia Building
Standards Commission, would decrease the potential incidence of property damage, injury and death due to
fires. and are reasonably necessary to mitigate the aforementioned local climatic, geologic or topographical
1. The amendments to Sections 1505,Table 1505.1_ 1507.2.9.5 of the California Building
Code and Section R902.1.3 of the Califonnia Residential Code will provide a higher level of fire protection to
roofs than required by the 2010 California Building Standards Code. These modifications will decrease the
potential incidence of property damage,injury and death due to fires and are reasonably necessary to mitigate
the aforementioned local climatic conditions which make the City more vulnerable to fires,as described in the
recitals above.
2. The amendments to Sections 3109.4.4, 3409.4.4.1, 3109.4.4.2 of the California Building
code will decrease the potential incidence of injury or death due to pool drownings, and are reasonably
necessary to mitigate the aforementioned local climatic condition.
SECTION 1. The Recitals contained in this ordinance are hereby adopted as Findings of
Fact by the City Council, as if fully set forth herein.
read as follows:SECTION 2. Section 14-1 of the Azusa Municipal Code is hereby amended in its entirety to
"Sec 14-1 Codes Adopted.
The City adopts by reference and makes part of this Chapter by reference, subject to those
certain amendments set forth in this Chapter,the following California Building Standards Codes(California
Code of Regulations, Title 24) and uniform codes:
1. The California Building Code, 2010 Edition. Volumes 1 and 2 (California Code of
Regulations, Title 24, Part 2) including appendix J; incorporating and amending the 2009 International
Building Code as published by the International Code Council;
2. The California Residential Code,2010 Edition(California Code of Regulations,Title
24, Part 2.5; incorporating and amending the 2009 International Residential Code published by the
International Code Council);
3. The California Electrical Code,2010 Edition(California Code of Regulations,Title 24,
Part 3; incorporating and amending the 2005 National Electrical Code published by the National Fire
4. The California Mechanical Code,2010 Edition(California Code of Regulations.Title
24, Part 4; incorporating and amending the 2009 Uniform Mechanical Code published by the International
Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials);
5. The California Plumbing Code,2010 Edition(California Code of Regulations,Title 24,
Part 5; incorporating and amending the 2009 Uniform Plumbing Code published by the International
Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials);
6. The California Existing Building Code,2010 Edition(California Code of Regulations.
Title 24,Part I0, based on the 2009 International Existing Building Code published by the International Code
7. The California Green Building Standards Code 2010 Edition (California Code of
Regulations, Title 24, Part 11, published by the California Building Standards Commission.);
8. The Uniform Swimming Pool, Spa and Hot Tub Code, 2009 Edition(published by the
International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials);
9. The uniform Housing Code, 1997 Edition(published by the International Conference
of Building Officials).
At least one copy of each code has been filed in the Office of the City Clerk and each is
incorporated herein by reference as though set forth in full, shall be the standards,provisions,and conditions
to be observed and followed in the regulation and control of design,construction,quality,and materials,use,
and occupancy,location and maintenance of all buildings,structures,and certain equipment regulated by this
Chapter within the City of Azusa. In the event there is any inconsistency between the provisions of the codes
and modifications adopted by this Chapter,and other provisions of the Azusa Municipal Code,then the more
restrictive provision with respect to building regulations shall apply."
SECTION 3. Section 14-4 of the Azusa Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as
"Sec. 14-4. Reinspection fees; plan review fees; expiration of applications and permits,
renewal fees;
(a) Reinspection fees shall be subject to the following:
(1) A re-inspection fee may be assessed for each inspection or re-inspection when such portion of
work for which inspection is called is not complete or when required corrections have not been
Re-inspection fees may be assessed when the approved plans are not readily available to the
inspector or for failure to provide access on the date for which inspection is required or for
deviating from plans requiring the approval of the building official.
To obtain re-inspection,the applicant,if a re-inspection fee is required by the building official,
shall pay the re-inspection fee set forth in the fee schedule resolution and request a re-
This subsection is not to be interpreted as requiring re-inspection fees the first time ajob is
rejected for failure to comply with the requirements of this Code, but as controlling the
practice of calling for inspections before the job is ready for inspection or re-inspection.
(b) When a plan or other data are required to be submitted for plan review,a plan review fee shall be paid
at the time of submitting plans and specifications for review.The plan review fees shall be as set forth
in the fee schedule resolution.The plan review fees specified in this section are separate fees from the
permit and issuance fees. When plans are incomplete or changed so as to require additional plan
review, an additional plan review fee shall be charged as set forth in the fee schedule resolution.
(c) Applications for which no permits are issued within 180 days following the date of application shall
expire by limitation, and plans and other data submitted for review may thereafter be returned to the
applicant or destroyed by the building official.The building official may extend the time for action by
the applicant, in writing, for a period not exceeding 180 days upon request by the applicant showing
that circumstances beyond the control of the applicant have prevented action from being taken.
No application shall be extended more than once unless deemed necessary by the building official.In
order to renew action on an application after expiration,the applicant shall resubmit plans and pay a
new plan review fee.
(d) Every permit issued shall expire and become invalid unless the work authorized by such permit is
commenced within 180 days after its issuance,or if the work authorized by such permit is suspended
or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the time the work is commenced. Before such work can be
recommenced,a new permit shall be first obtained to do so, and the fee therefore shall be one half the
amount required for a new pemiit for such work,provided no changes have been made or will be made
in the original plans and specifications for such work, and provided further that such suspension or
abandonment has not exceeded one year. If the suspension or abandonment exceeds one year, a full
permit fee shall be required to renew the permit. The building official may extend the time for action
by the permittee for a period not exceeding 180 days on written request by the permittee showing that
circumstances beyond the control of the permittee have prevented action from beim taken.No permit
shall be extended more than once unless deemed necessary by the building official.
(e) Whenever any work for which a permit is required by this chapter has been commenced without first
obtaining a permit,a special investigation shall be made before apermit may be issued for such work.
A special investigation fee shall be collected prior to the issuance of a permit. The investigation fee
shall be equal to the amount of the permit fee that would be required by this chapter if a permit were to
be issued and shall be in addition to the permit fee if a permit is required. The payment of such
investigation fee shall not exempt any person from compliance with all otherprovisions of this chapter
nor from any penalty prescribed by law.
(f) Refunding of fees shall be subject to the following:
(1) The building official shall authorize the refunding of any fee paid under this section which was
erroneously paid or collected.
(2) The building official may authorize the refunding of not more than 80 percent of the permit fee
paid when no work has been done under a permit issued in accordance with this chapter.
(3) The building official may authorize the refunding of not more than 80 percent of the plan
review fee paid when an application for a permit for which a plan review has been paid is
withdrawn or canceled before any plan review effort has been expended.
The building official shall not authorize the refunding of any fee�paid except upon written
application filed by the original permittee not later than 180 days after the date of fee payment.
(g) This section shall apply to all codes adopted by section 141."
SECTION 4. Section 14-51 of the Azusa Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as
"Sec. 14-51. Building Code—Generally.
The California Building Code,2010. Edition,as adopted by Section 14-1;is amended,added to
or modified as set out in this division. If there is any inconsistency between the provisions of the California
Building Code, as adopted, and the modifications adopted by this division and other provisions of this Code,
the more restrictive provision with respect to building regulations shall apply."
SECTION 5. Section 14-53 of the Azusa Municipal Code is hereby amended in its entirety
to read as follows:
"Sec. 14-53. Roof Covering Classifications.
Table 1505.1 of the 2010 California Building Code is hereby amended, in its entirety, to read as follows:
TABLE 1505.1
1 I IB I IIA lIB 111A I11B 1V VA VB
j B j B j B j B B B B B . 1 B
SECTION 6. Section 14-55 of the Azusa Municipal Code is hereby amended in its entirety
to read as follows:
"See. 14-55. Roof Coverings in All Other Areas.
Section 1505.1.3 of the 2010 California Building Code is hereby amended to read as follows:
1505.1.3 Roof coverings within all other areas. The entire roof covering of every existing structure where
more than 20 percent of the total roof area is replaced within any one year period,the entire roof covering of
every new structure,and any roof covering applied in the alteration,repair,or replacement of the roof of every
existing structure, shall be a fire-retardant roof covering that is a least class B.
Exception: Class C roof coverings may be installed on patios with less than 300 square feet in roof area."
SECTION 7. Section 14-57 of the Azusa Municipal Code is hereby amended in its entirety
to read as follows:
"Sec. 14-57. Flashings.
Section 1507 2.9 of the 2010 California Building Code is hereby amended by adding Section 1507.2.9.5 to
read as follows:
507.2.9.5 Flashing, Protection. Any attic vents, ventilators, ventilation turbines, or dormer vents shall be
painted the same color as the roof covering it is penetrating or surrounding unless deemed not necessary by the
Building Official."
follows: SECTION S. Section 14-62 is hereby added to the Azusa Municipal Code to read as
"See. 14-62. Pool Barriers —Private Swimming Pools.
Sections 3409 .4.4.1 and 3109.4.4.2 of the 2010 California Building Code are amended to read as follows:
Section is amended by adding the following definition:
PRIVATE POOL means any constructed pool,permanent or portable,which is intended for non-commercial
use as a swimming pool by not more than three owner families and their guests.
Section 3109.4.4.2 is amended by deleting the first paragraph in its entirety and substituting a new
paragraph to read as follows:
3109.4.4.2 Construction permit; safety features required. Commencing, January 1, 1998 except as
provided in Section 3109.4.4.5, whenever a construction permit is issued for construction of a new private
pool at a residence,it shall have an enclosure complying with Section 3109.4.4.3 and it shall be equipped with
at least one of the following safety features:"
follows: SECTION 9. Section 14-64 is hereby added to the Azusa Municipal Code to read as
"See. 14-64. Amendment to Appendix.J.
Appendix J as adopted in Section 14-01 of this Chapter shall be amended to read as follows:
Throughout Appendix J where the word 'Building Official" appears it shall be amended to read "City
SECTION 10. Section 14-69 of the Azusa Municipal Code is hereby added to read as
"See. 14-69. Roof Coverings in All Other Areas.
Section R902.1.3 of the 2010 California Residential Code is hereby amended to read as follows:
R902.1.3 Roof coverings within all other areas. The entire roof covering of every existing structure where
more than 20 percent of the total roof area is replaced within any one year period,the entire roof covering of
every new structure,and any roof covering applied in the alteration,repair,or replacement of the roof of every
existing structure, shall be a fire-retardant roof covering that is a least class B.
Exception: Class C roof coverings may be installed on patios with less than 300 square feet in roof area"
SECTION 11. Section 14-201 Azusa Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as
follows: and Section 14-202 is hereby amended to read as follows:
"See. 14-201. Uniform Housing Code—Generally.
The Uniform Housing Code, as adopted in section 14-1, is amended,added to or modified as
set out in this division. If there is any inconsistency between the provisions of the Uniform Housing Code,as
adopted,and the modifications adopted by this division and other provisions of this Code,the more restrictive
provision with respect to sign regulations shall apply'."
SECTION 12. Section 14-202 Azusa Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as
"Sec. 14-202. Uniform Housing Code—Amended.
All sections of the Uniform Housing Code are deleted except Chapters 4, 5,6 and Sections 701.2 and 701.3."
SECTION 13. Section 14-58 of the Azusa Municipal Code is hereby repealed.
SECTION 14. Section 14-59 of the Azusa Municipal Code is hereby repealed.
SECTION 15. Section 14-60 of the Azusa Municipal Code is hereby repealed.
SECTION 1.6. Section 14-61 of the.Azusa Municipal Code is hereby repealed.
SECTION 17. Section 14-63 of the Azusa Municipal Code is hereby repealed.
SECTION 18. Section 14-65 of the Azusa Municipal Code is hereby repealed
SECTION 19. Section 14-66 of the.Azusa Municipal Code is hereby repealed
SECTION 20. Section 14-67 of the Azusa Municipal Code is hereby repealed
SECTION 21. Section 14-68 of the Azusa Municipal Code is hereby repealed
SECTION 22. Prior Ordinances Repealed. upon the effective date of this Ordinance. all
former ordinances or parts thereof conflicting or inconsistent with the provisions of this ordinance of the codes
herein adopted by reference including,but not limited to, Ordinance No. and any other ordinance in
conflict herewith are hereby repealed and declared to be of no further force and effect. -
SECTION 23. CEQA. The City Council hereby finds and determines that it can be seen with
certainty that there is no possibility that this ordinance may have a significant adverse effect on the
environment. This ordinance would set forth new construction code requirements, which are required to be
implemented by state law,and any specific development projects that would be subject to the requirements of
these new regulations, would require separate environmental review. Thus,the adoption of this ordinance is
exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section
15061(b) (3) of the CEQA Guidelines. Staff is directed to file a Notice of Exemption with the Los Angeles
County Clerk's office within five (5) working days of project approval.
SECTION 24. Severability. If any section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence,
clause or phrase added by this Ordinance,or any part thereof, is for any reason held to be unconstitutional or
invalid or ineffective by any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity or
effectiveness of the remaining portions of this Ordinance or any part thereof. The City Council hereby
declares that it would have passed each section,subsection,subdivision,paragraph,sentence,clause orphrase
thereof irrespective of the fact that any one or more subsections, subdivisions,paragraphs,sentences,clauses
or phrases are declared unconstitutional, invalid or ineffective.
SECTION 25. Certification/Summary. The City Clerk shall certify the passage of this
ordinance and shall, within fifteen (15) days after the passage and adoption thereof, cause the same to be
published as required by law, in a local weekly newspaper of general circulation and which is hereby
designated for that purpose. Alternatively, the City Clerk may cause a summary of this Ordinance to be
prepared and published as provided by California Government Code § 36933 (c)(1). The summary shall be
published in a local weekly newspaper of general circulation and a certified copy of the full text of this
Ordinance shall be posted in the Office of the City Clerk at least five (5) days prior to the City Council
meeting at which this Ordinance is to be adopted. Within fifteen (15) days after the adoption of this
Ordinance, the City Clerk shall cause a summary to be published in a local weekly newspaper of general
circulation with the names of those City Council members voting for and against this Ordinance and shall post
in the Office of the City Clerk a certified copy of the full text of this Ordinance along with the names of those
City Council members voting for and against this Ordinance.
SECTION 26. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty(30)days
after its passage or on January 1, 2011, whichever is later.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this_day of , 2010.
Joseph R. Rocha
Attest., Mayor
Vera Mendoza
City Clerk
Approved as to Form:
Best Best-& Krieger LLP
City Attorney
I, Vera Mendoza, City Clerk of the City of Azusa hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No, 10-
was duly introduced and placed upon its first reading at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City
of Azusa held on the— day of 2010, and that thereafter, said ordinance was duly
adopted and passed at a regular meeting on the_day of 2010, by the following vote of the
Vera Mendoza
City Clerk
Approved as to Form:
Best Best& Krieger LLP
City Attorney
' 4-
It is recommended that the City Council consider the attached Ordinance prohibiting sleeping in
a vehicle on public and private property.
The City receives resident complaints about trash and blight associated with people living in
vehicles. Typically these complaints are regarding Recreational Vehicles that have clearly been
parked in an area for several days or weeks. Currently, the City's Code Enforcement and Police
Department staffs have no authority to prevent this because there is no ordinance prohibiting
such activity. As long as a person moves their vehicle at least every 72 hours, they are not
violating any law or ordinance simply by living in their vehicles. As such, Code Enforcement
and Police Department have requested amending the Azusa Municipal Code to include
prohibiting sleeping in a vehicle.
The proposed ordinance would amend the City of Azusa Municipal Code by adding Section 74-
439.1 which reads:
"It shall be unlawful for any person to lodge or sleep, on or about any automobile,
truck, trailer, camper, recreational vehicle or similar vehicle in or on any public
street, public park areas, right —of-way, or public or private parking lot or other
public property within the City's jurisdictional boundaries."
Should the City Council approve this ordinance, staff would enforce it based on resident
complaints or if the person is being an obvious blight to a neighborhood. While the ordinance
specifically prohibits sleeping in a vehicle, staff would use their professional judgment when
implementing the ordinance. In effect, if a person is taking a nap, they would most likely be
given a warning. However, if a person is clearly living in their vehicle or a repeat offender, they
would be fined. Per our municipal code, fines would be $100 for first offense, $250 for second
offense, and $500 for each subsequent offense.
The ordinance, as presented, has been reviewed by both the Police Department and Code
Enforcement staff and they agreed that this ordinance would provide them with sufficient leeway
and authority to eliminate the blight associated with people living in vehicles.
The cost of additional enforcement is unknown at this time but is expected to be negligible.
Section 1. Chapter 74 of the Azusa Municipal Code shall be amended to add
a new Section 74-439.1 to read as follows:
Sec. 74-439.1. Sleeping in Vehicles is Prohibited.
It shall be unlawful for any person to lodge or sleep, on or about any
automobile, truck, trailer, camper, recreational vehicle or similar vehicle in or on any
public street, public park areas, right—of-way, or public or private parking lot or other
public property within the City's jurisdictional boundaries.
Section 2. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phase, or portion of
this Ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of
any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the
remaining portions of this Ordinance. The City Council hereby declares that it would
have adopted this Ordinance, and each section, subsection, subdivision, sentence,
clause, phrase or portion thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections,
subsections, subdivisions, sentences, clauses, phrases or portions might subsequently
be declared invalid or unconstitutional.
Section 3. This Ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days after its
Section 4. The City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this Ordinance and shall
cause the same to be posted as required by law.
Joseph Rocha
Vera Mendoza
City Clerk
by OF C
MONDAY,NOVEMBER 1,2010—6:30 P.M.
The City Council of the City of Azusa met in regular session at the above date and time in the Azusa
Auditorium located at 213 E.Foothill Boulevard,Azusa,CA 91702.
The City Council and Representative of Azusa Pacific University Ginny Dadaian,presented Certificates of Cert of Appree
Appreciation to Athens Services,Vulcan Materials Company and Waste Management for donations to the Sponsors
Citylinks Program. Citylinks
Proclamation for School Psychology Week was presented later in the meeting. Schl Psych Proc
The City Council recessed to Closed Session at 6:31p.m.
1. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR(Gov.Code Sec.54957.6) Conf w/labor
Agency Negotiators: Administrative Services Director-Chief Financial Officer Kreimeier and Negotiators
City Manager Delach
Organizations: . AMMA.SEIU,APOA,APMA and ACEA
Title: City Manager r City Mgr
The City Council reconvened at 7:30 p.m. The City Attorney Carvalho advised that there was no reportable No Reports
action taken in Closed Session. Closed Session
Mayor Rocha called the meeting to order. Call to Order
Mrs.Jennie Avila led in the Flag Salute and Invocation was given by Pastor Dale Winslow of the Foothill Flag Salute
Community Church Invocation
ALSO PRESENT: - Also Present
City Attorney Carvalho, City Manager Delach, Assistant City Manager Makshanoff, Police Chief Garcia,
Director of Public Works Haes, Administrative Services Director-Chief Financial Officer Kreimeier,
Recreation Superintendent Chavez,Library Director Johnson,Public Information Officer Quiroz,Assistant
Director of Economic and Community Development McNamara, Director of Utilities Morrow, Senior
Management Analyst Del Toro,City Clerk Mendoza,Deputy City Clerk Toscano.
The City Council presented a proclamation to Christine Estrada proclaiming the week of Proc School
November 10-14`a as School Psychology Week in the City of Azusa. Psychology Wk
Mr,Mike Lee addressed Council expressing his opinion regarding a young girl hit by a vehicle on her skate M.Lee
board without a helmet, reminder to vote in election tomorrow, meeting with Vulcan representatives and Comments t
Azusans Against Mining Representative, good luck to retiring Police Sergeant Gurbada, and to remember
all American heroes on Veteran's Day November 1 I"at 11 a.m.at City Hall.
Mr. Richard Deem addressed Council expressing his opinion regarding the hold of two separate elections, R.Deem
an audit being performed on the Knoles, money lost if Measure A is adopted, Vulcan, the proposed Comments 1
Development Agreement and discrepancies.
Ms. Jeri Vogel, President of Azusans Against Mining Expansion, addressed Council announcing that she I.Vogel
has received an audit form the Business License Department stating that any extra expense will go to a Comments
good cause and that Vulcan doesn't pay a large amount of business tax because their business office is
located in Irwindale.
Mr. Russ Rentschler addressed Council providing information about grants,DVD and CD he distributed to R.Rentschler
Council,a band to consider for Concerts in the Park, displayed a sign promoting shopping in Azusa, noted Comments
comments by a Councilmember regarding the Mills Act and the Special Election to be held.
Mr. Ian Scott addressed Council expressing his opinion regarding the Azusa Rock Quarry and Measure A; 1.Scott
he posed questions regarding acreage disturbed/removed, production, State Law requirements of Comments
conditional use permit and local air quality,tax payments,and rock tonnage.
Ms. Suzanne Avila of California Resource Connections addressed Council announcing the new S.Avila
Community Garden at Memorial Park stating that grants were received from Canyon City Foundation and Comments
Rivers and Mountains Conservancy totaling $23,000. She thanked Recreation and Family Services
Department for all their help with this project.She also addressed item D-10 on the Agenda stating that the
item deals with transfer of grant received from Rivers and Mountains Conservancy (RMC) to fund Bike
Trail connection at Todd and Sierra Madre to the main Bike Trail.
City Manager Delach addressed item C-4,Communities Facilities District Bonds at Mountain Cove stating City Manager
that this was the diligent work by the Financial Officer and Urban Futures which would save 13%on the Delach
cost of the bonds, about 1.8 million dollars, and would save $2004275 for individual tax payer in Comments
Mountain Cove. He reported that the Police Department made a significant arrest of individuals for illegal
marijuana operations. He then advised that he would be consulting with legal counsel regarding Mr. Scotts
questions posed during public participation.
Mayor Pro-Tem Gonzales congratulated the Parks and Recreation Department for the success of the Trunk Gonzales
or Treat event held for the community and thanked the residents for slowing down during Halloween. Comments
Councilmember Macias thanked the community for driving carefully during Halloween. Macias Cons
Councilmember Carrillo responded to a question regarding the Mills Act stating that he continues to Carrillo
support it and would like to review it for the benefits to the community. He congratulated Sergeant Mike Comments
Gurbada on his retirement and service to the City,expressed support to Suzanne Avila for the Community
Gardens Project,and reminded all to get out and vote.
Mayor Rocha announced the following events: November 11"Veterans Day remembrance at City Hall at Rocha
1 I a.m., November 13th Be A Walker at 9:30 a.m., Friends of Library Book Sale 10 a.m. and USO Theme Comments
Dance at NRC 6 p.m. He asked all to pray for all servicemen and vote.
Sched Items
Mayor Pro-Tem Gonzales offered an Ordinance entitled:
AZUSA MUNICIPAL CODE, BY AMENDING SECTIONS 14-1, 144, 14-51, 14-53, 14-55, t5-57, 14-62, 14-64, Amending AMC
14-201 and 14-202;ADDING SECTION 14-69, AND DELETING SECTIONS 14-58, 14-59,'14-60, 14-61, 14-63, Amending Bldg
additions, insertions, deletions and changes thereto; AND ADOPTING BY REFERENCE THE UNIFORM
CHAPTERS 4,5,6 AND SECTIONS 701.2 AND 701.3(1997 EDITION).
11/01/10 PAGE TWO
Moved by Mayor Pro-Tem Gonzales, seconded by Councilmember Carrillo and unanimously carried to V Rdg Approved
waive further reading and introduce proposed ordinance and set a Public Hearing for November 15,2010.
The Mayor Declared the Public Hearing open. The City Clerk read the affidavit of proof of publication of Hrg open
notice of said Hearing published in the San Gabriel Valley Tribune on October 18,2010.
Testimony was solicited, but none was received. Moved by Councilmember Hanks, seconded by Testimony
Councilmember Carrillo and unanimously carried to close the Hearing. Hrg closed
Moved by Mayor Pro-Tem Gonzales, seconded by Councilmember Hanks to approve the proposed State Citizen's
expenditure plan and purchases from funds to be received from the State Citizens' Option for Public Safety Option for
(COPS) Program. The anticipated funding from this program is $100,000. The proposed expenditure plan Public Safety
was detailed in report and includes$79,946 in carryover funds from F/Y 09/10. Approved
The Mayor declared the Hearing open. The City Clerk read the affidavit of proof of publication of said Hrg Open
Hearing published in the San Gabriel Valley Tribune on October 11,2010.
Testimony was solicited, but none was received. Moved by Councilmember Hanks, seconded by Mayor Testimony
Pro-Tem Gonzales and unanimously carried to close the Hearing. Hrg Closed
Mayor Pro-Tem Gonzales offered a Resolution entitled.
The resolution approves the issuance of the Bonds by the CMFA for the benefit of Azusa Pacific Resolution
University,a California nonprofit corporation,to provide for the financing of the Project,such adoption is Information
solely for the purposes of satisfying the requirements of TEFRA,the Code and the California Government
Code Section 6500 (and following). The resolution will further authorize the Mayor, City Manager or
designee thereof to execute the Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement with the California Municipal Finance
Moved by Mayor Pro-Tem Gonzales, seconded by Councilmember Hanks to waive further reading and
adopt. Resolution passed and adopted by the following vote of the Council:
Councilmember Macias offered a Resolution entitled:
11/01/10 PAGE THREE
Staff and the Finance Team were directed to pursue the refinancing of the Community Facilities District Direction to
2002-1 Special Tax Bonds (Mountain Cove) and to initiate the sale of the bonds once homeowner savings Staff and Finance
are no less than 9%per year. Team
Moved by Councilmember Macias, seconded by Councilmember Carrillo to waive further reading and
adopt. Resolution passed and adopted by the following vote of the Council:
The CONSENT CALENDAR consisting of Items D-1 through D-11 was approved by motion of Mayor_Consent Calendar
Pro-tem Gonzales,seconded by Councilmember Hanks and unanimously carried. Approved
1. The minutes of the regular meeting of November 18,2010, and the special meeting of October 11, Min appvd
2010,were approved as written.
Human Resources Action Items were approved as follows:
Merit Increase and/or Regular Appointment: V.Benavidez,Apprentice Line Mechanic.
Separation: J.Szabo,Water Production Operator III.
3. The City Treasurer's Report as of September 30,2010 was received and filed. Treas Rpt
4. The contract for Slauson Park Picnic Shelter Improvements (CDBG NO. 601332-10)was awarded Slauson Pk
to Creative Contractors Corporation in the amount of$51,075., Improvements
5. Approval was given to accept Surety Bonds and Subdivision Agreements from Lee Homes to Surety Bonds
replace Bonds and Agreements posted by Fieldstone Communities, Inc. for Tracts No. 54057-08 &Subdivision
(Greenbrier), 54057-14 (Heritage Oaks) and 64417-01 (Arborview) as substitute developer for the Agreements
completion of needed Public and Private improvements for these three subdivisions. The City
Council through this action released the bonds and agreements posted by Fieldstone Communities,
7. Notice of Completion for the Sierra Madre Avenue Concrete Improvements Project—$24,991.00— NOC Siena
Grigolla & Sons, Azusa, CA 91702, was approved and staff was authorized to file with Los Madre Concrete
Angeles County Clerk. Imp Project
8. The class specification revisions and salary range adjustment for Police Communications Supervisor Specs Revise PD
were adopted as recommended by the Personnel Board. Comsupt
9. The revised class specifications for Assistant City Librarian were adopted as recommended by the Specs Revise
Personnel Board. Asst Librarian
the design and construction of a geology interpretive park.
11. The following resolution was adopted and entitled:
11/01/10 PAGE FOUR
RECONVENED AT 8:31 P.M. Cncl Rend
Councilmember Hanks offered an Ordinance entitled:
Moved by Councilmember Hanks, seconded by Councilmember Carrillo to waive further reading and
adopt. Ordinance was passed and adopted by the following vote of the Council:
It was consensus of Councilmembers to adjourn. Adjourn
11/01/10 PAGE FIVE
1 �
It is recommended that the City Council approve the following Personnel Action Requests in accordance with the
City of Azusa Civil Service Rules and applicable Memorandum of Understanding(s).
On November 9, 2010,the Personnel Board confirmed the following Department Head recommendations regarding
the following Personnel Action requests.
UTL Maria Gomez- Customer Service Rep It Reg Appt/Merit Inc 5164/5
Ville as 10/01/2010 $4331.66
UTL Christine Cusick Customer Service Rep 11 Merit Increase 5164/5
10/04/2010 $4331.66
PD Todd Rasmussen Community Service Officer- Merit Increase 9170/4
Field 01/09/2010 $4562.92
B. PROMOTION — The following promotion(s) have been requested by the department head pursuant to the
Rules of the Civil Service Sy stem.
PD Dewayne From: Police Corporal 11/16/2010 6501/3
Eldridge To: Police Sergeant $7403.09
PD Richard From: Police Officer 11/16/2010 6106/5
Hayden To: Police Co oral $7006.70
C. SEPARATION: The following separations are submitted for informational p oses.
PD Michael GurbadaPolice Sergeant 10/30/2010
LB Shahla Shahsavari I Assistant City Librarian 11/05/2010
There is no fiscal impact, as positions listed are funded in approved department budgets.
DATE: NOVEMBER 15, 2010 /11
It is recommended that the City Council authorize the Police Department to increase parking
fines by $3.00 per violation effective December 7, 2010 to match the surcharge increase imposed
by the State during the recent passing of the 2010 California Budget Act.
The State of California currently imposes surcharges totaling $9.50 per paid parking violation, to
be paid to the county, which then passes a portion of the surcharges along to the State. With the
recent passing of the 2010 California Budget Act, a new surcharge has been added for parking
citations issued on or after December 7, 2010. The new additional surcharge amount is $3.00,
which will increase the total state and county surcharges to $12.50 per paid parking violation.
The bill increasing the surcharge is SB 857, which alters section 76000.3 of the Government
This is a"pass through" surcharge and will have no impact on the budget.
Prepared by:
Captain Sam Gonzalez
DATE: NOVEMBER 15, 2010 /
It is recommended that City Council approve minor amendments to agreements between the City
and Miki Carpenter and the Center for Integrated Family and Health Services regarding
implementation of the Los Angeles County Renewing Environment for Nutrition, Exercise and-
Wellness (RENEW) Grant Funding.
The City of Azusa, in collaboration with stakeholders that included Azusa Pacific University,
Azusa Unified School District and the Neighborhood Wellness Center, has successfully procured
$240,000 in funding for a grant that was submitted on December 20, 2009. A letter of grant
award was received on March 19, 2010. The goal of this two year initiative is to develop and
implement policy, systems and environmental changes to increase opportunities for physical
activity and decrease obesity/overweight prevalence throughout Azusa, This objective will be
addressed through the following three strategies:
1. Identify and provide safe, attractive, accessible places for activity.
2. Provide signage for neighborhood destinations in walk-able/mixed use areas.
3. Identify and provide safe routes to schools.
In May 2010 the City engaged Ms. Miki Carpenter as a full time consultant to serve as Initiative
Coordinator and oversee the day to day implementation of the grant.
In May 2010, the City also entered into an agreement with the APU Neighborhood Wellness
Center to serve in a part-time subcontracted consultant capacity as dictated by the stipulation of
the grant funding.
Months after all of the agreements were in place the County's consultant asked for amendments
to the agreement. As a result the agreement with Ms. Carpenter requires minor modifications
and the City needs a new agreement with the Center for Integrated Family and Health Services
who will subcontract with APU.
There is no impact to the general fund, as all expenditures are fully reimbursable through the
RENEW Grant.
Professional Services Agreement amendment (Miki Carpenter)
Professional Services Agreement (the Center for Integrated Family and Health Services)
This Agreement is made and entered into this15'hday of November, 2010 by and between the
City of Azusa, a municipal organization organized under the laws of the State of California with
its principal place of business at 213 East Foothill Boulevard, Azusa, California 91702-1295
("City") and the Center for Integrated Family and Health Services, with its principal place of
business at 540 Eremland, Suite C, Covina CA 91723 ("Consultant"). City and Consultant are
sometimes individually referred to as "Parry" and collectively as "Parties." This contract is a
subcontract under the terms of a prime contract with the County of Los Angeles and shall
be subject to all provisions of such prime contract.
2.1 Consultant.
Consultant desires to perform and assume responsibility for the provision of certain
professional services required by the City on the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.
Consultant represents that it is experienced in providing grant management and program
development services to public clients,is licensed in the State of California,and is familiar with the
plans of City.
2.2 Project.
City desires to engage Consultant to render such services for the Healthy Environments in
Azusa Renewing Together (HEART), ("Project") as set forth in this Agreement.
3. TERMs.
3.1 Scope of Services and Term.
3.1.1 General Scope of Services. Consultant promises and agrees to furnish to the
City all labor,materials,tools,equipment, services, and incidental and customary work necessary to
fully and adequately supply the professional grant management and program development consulting
services necessary for the Project ("Services"). The Services are more particularly described in
Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. All Services shall be subject to,
and performed in accordance with, this Agreement, the exhibits attached hereto and incorporated
herein by reference; and all applicable local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations.
3.1.2 Term. The term of this Agreement shall be from November 1,2010—March
18,2012,unless earlier terminated as provided herein. Consultant shall complete the Services within
the term of this Agreement, and shall meet any other established schedules and deadlines.
3.2 Responsibilities of Consultant.
3.2.1 Control and Pavment of Subordinates• Independent Contractor. The Services
shall be performed by Consultant or under its supervision. Consultant will determine the means,
methods and details of performing the Services subject to the requirements of this Agreement. City
retains Consultant on an independent contractor basis and not as an employee. Consultant retains the
right to perform similar or different services for others during the term of this Agreement. Any
additional personnel performing the Services under this Agreement on behalf of Consultant shall also
not be employees of City and shall at all times be under Consultant's exclusive direction and control.
Consultant shall pay all wages, salaries, and other amounts due such personnel in connection with
their performance of Services under this Agreement and as required by law. Consultant shall be
responsible for all reports and obligations respecting such additional personnel, including, but not
limited to: social security taxes, income tax withholding, unemployment insurance, disability
insurance, and workers' compensation insurance.
3.2.2 Schedule of Services. Consultant shall perform the Services expeditiously,
within the term of this Agreement, and in accordance with the Schedule of Services set forth in
Exhibit "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference: Consultant represents that it has
the professional and technical personnel required to perform the Services in conformance with such
conditions. In order to facilitate Consultant's conformance with the Schedule, City shall respond to
Consultant's submittals in a timely manner. Upon request of City, Consultant shall provide a more
detailed schedule of anticipated performance to meet the Schedule of Services.
3.2.3 Conformance to Applicable Requirements. All work prepared by Consultant
shall be subject to the approval of City.
3.2.4 Substitution of Key Personnel. Consultant has represented to City that certain
key personnel will perform and coordinate the Services under this Agreement. Should one or more
of such personnel become unavailable, Consultant may substitute other personnel of at least equal
competence upon written approval of City. In the event that City and Consultant cannot agree as to
the substitution of key personnel, City shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement for cause. As
discussed below, any personnel who fail or refuse to perform the Services in a manner acceptable to
the City; or who are determined by the City to be uncooperative, incompetent, a threat to the
adequate or timely completion of the Project or a threat to the safety of persons or property, shall be
promptly removed from the Project by the Consultant at the request of the City. The key personnel
for performance of this Agreement are as follows: Julia Pustzai.
3.2.5 City's Representative. The City hereby designates Joe Jacobs, or his or her
designee, to act as its representative for the performance of this Agreement ("City's
Representative"). City's Representative shall have the power to act on behalf of the City for all
purposes under this Contract. Consultant shall not accept direction or orders from any person other
than the City's Representative or his or her designee.
3.2.6 Consultant's Representative. Consultant hereby designates Julia Pustzai, or
his or her designee,to act as its representative for the performance of this Agreement("Consultant's
Representative"). Consultant's Representative shall have full authority to represent and act on behalf
of the Consultant for all purposes under this Agreement. The Consultant's Representative shall
supervise and direct the Services, using his best skill and attention, and shall be responsible for all
means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures and for the satisfactory coordination of all
portions of the Services under this Agreement.
3.2.7 Coordination of Services. Consultant agrees to work closely with City staff in
the performance of Services and shall be available to City's staff, Consultants and other staff at all
reasonable times.
3.2.8 Standard of Care; Performance of Employees. Consultant shall perform all
Services under this Agreement in a skillful and competent manner, consistent with the standards
generally recognized as being employed by professionals in the same discipline in the State of
California. Consultant represents and maintains that it is skilled in the professional calling necessary
to perform the Services. Consultant warrants that all employees and subcontractors shall have
sufficient skill and experience to perform the Services assigned to them. Finally, Consultant
represents that it, its employees and subcontractors have all licenses, permits, qualifications and
approvals of whatever nature that are legally required to perform the Services, including a City
Business License, and that such licenses and approvals shall be maintained throughout the term of
this Agreement. As provided for in the indemnification provisions of this Agreement, Consultant
shall perform, at its own cost and expense and without reimbursement from the City, any services
necessary to correct errors or omissions which are caused by the Consultant's failure to comply with
the standard of care provided for herein. Any employee of the Consultant or its sub-Consultants who
is determined by the City to be uncooperative, incompetent, a threat to the adequate or timely
completion of the Project,a threat to the safety of persons or property,or any employee who fails or
refuses to perform the Services in a manner acceptable to the City, shall be promptly removed from
the Project by the Consultant and shall not be re-employed to perform any of the Services or to work
on the Project.
3.2.9 Laws and Regulations. Consultant shall keep itself fully informed of and in
compliance with all local state and federal laws, rules and regulations in any manner affecting the
p g
performance of the Project or the Services, including all Cal/OSHA requirements,and shall give all
notices required by law. Consultant shall be liable for all violations of such laws and regulations in
connection with Services. If the Consultant performs any work knowing it to be contrary to such
laws, rules and regulations and without giving written notice to the City, Consultant shall be solely
responsible for all costs arising there from. Consultant shall defend, indemnify and hold City, its
officials,directors,officers,employees and agents free and harmless,pursuant to the indemnification
provisions of this Agreement,from any claim or liability arising out of any failure or alleged failure
to comply with such laws, rules or regulations.
3.2.10 Insurance. Time for Compliance. Consultant shall not commence Work
under this Agreement until it has provided evidence satisfactory to the City that it has secured all
insurance required under this section. In addition, Consultant shall not allow any subcontractor to
commence work on any subcontract until it has provided evidence satisfactory to the City that the
subcontractor has secured all insurance required under this section. Minimum Requirements. Consultant shall, at its expense,
procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement insurance against claims for injuries to
persons or damages to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the
Agreement by the Consultant, its agents,representatives, employees or subcontractors. Consultant
shall also require all of its subcontractors to procure and maintain the same insurance for the duration
of the Agreement. Suchinsurance shall meet at least the following minimum levels of coverage:
(A) Minimum Scope of Insurance. Coverage shall be at least as
broad as the latest version of the following: (1) General Liability: Insurance Services Office
Commercial General Liability coverage (occurrence form CG 0001); (2) Automobile Liability:
Insurance Services Office Business Auto Coverage form number CA 0001, code 1 (any auto); and
(3) Workers'Compensation and Employer's Liability: Workers' Compensation insurance as required
by the State of California and Employer's Liability Insurance.
(B) Minimum Limits of Insurance. Consultant shall maintain
limits no less than: (1) General Liability. $1,000,000 per occurrence for bodily injury, personal
injury and property damage. If Commercial General Liability Insurance or other form with general
aggregate limit is used, either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to this
Agreement/location or the general aggregate limit shall be twice the required occurrence limit; (2)
Automobile Liability: $250,000 per accident for bodily injury and $500,000 for property damage.;
and (3) Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability. Workers' Compensation limits as
required by the Labor Code of the State of California. Insurance Endorsements. The insurance policies shall contain
the following provisions, or Consultant shall provide endorsements on forms supplied or approved
by the City to add the following provisions to the insurance policies:
(A) General Liability. The insurance coverage shall be primary
insurance as respects the City, its directors,officials,officers,employees,agents and volunteers,or if
excess, shall stand in an unbroken chain of coverage excess of the Consultant's scheduled underlying
coverage. Any insurance or self-insurance maintained by the City, its directors, officials, officers,
employees, agents and volunteers shall be excess of the Consultant's insurance and shall not be
called upon to contribute with it in any way.
(B) Automobile Liability. The insurance coverage shall be primary
insurance as respects the City,its directors,officials,officers,employees,agents and volunteers,or if
excess,shall stand in an unbroken chain of coverage excess of the Consultant's scheduled underlying
coverage. Any insurance or self-insurance maintained by the City, its directors, officials, officers,
employees, agents and volunteers shall be excess of the Consultant's insurance and shall not be
called upon to contribute with it in any way.
(C) Workers' Compensation and Employers Liability Coverage.
The insurer shall agree to waive all rights of subrogation against the City, its directors, officials,
officers, employees, agents and volunteers for losses paid under the terms of the insurance policy
which arise from work performed by the Consultant.
(D) All Coverages. Each insurance policy required by this
Agreement shall be endorsed to state that: (A)coverage shall not be suspended,voided,reduced or
canceled except after thirty(30)days prior written notice by certified mail,return receipt requested,
has been given to the City; and (B) any failure to comply with reporting or other provisions of the
policies, including breaches of warranties, shall not affect coverage provided to the City, its
directors, officials, officers, employees, agents and volunteers. Separation of Insureds;No Special Limitations. All insurance
required by this Section shall contain standard separation of insureds provisions. In addition, such
insurance shall not contain any special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to the City,its
directors, officials, officers, employees, agents and volunteers. Deductibles and Self-Insurance Retentions. Any deductibles or
self-insured retentions must be declared to and approved by the City. Consultant shall guarantee
that, at the option of the City, either: (1) the insurer shall reduce or eliminate such deductibles or
self-insured retentions as respects the City, its directors, officials, officers, employees, agents and
volunteers; or (2) the Consultant shall procure a bond guaranteeing payment of losses and related
investigation costs, claims and administrative and defense expenses. Acceptability of Insurers. Insurance is to be placed with
insurers with a current A.M.Best's rating no less than A:VIII, licensed to do business in California,
and satisfactory to the City. Verification of Coverage. Consultant shall furnish City with
original certificates of insurance and endorsements effecting coverage required by this Agreement on
forms satisfactory to the City. The certificates and endorsements for each insurance policy shall be
signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf, and shall be on forms
provided by the City if requested. All certificates and endorsements must be received and approved
by the City before work commences. The City reserves the right to require complete,certified copies
of all required insurance policies, at any time.
3.2.11 Safety. Consultant shall execute and maintain its work so as to avoid injury.or
damage to any person or property. In carrying out its Services,the Consultant shall at all times be in
compliance with all applicable local, state and federal laws,rules and regulations,and shall exercise
all necessary precautions for the safety of employees appropriate to the nature of the work and the
conditions under which the work is to be performed. Safety precautions as applicable shall include,
but shall not be limited to: (A) adequate life protection and life saving equipment and procedures;
(B) instructions in accident prevention for all employees and subcontractors, such as safe walkways,
scaffolds, fall protection ladders, bridges, gang planks, confined space procedures, trenching and
shoring, equipment and other safety devices, equipment and wearing apparel as are necessary or
lawfully required to prevent accidents or injuries; and (C) adequate facilities for the proper
inspection and maintenance of all safety measures:
3.3 Fees and Payments.
3.3.1 Compensation. Consultant shall receive compensation,including authorized
reimbursements, for all Services rendered under this Agreement at the rates set forth in Exhibit "C"
attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. The total compensation shall not exceed
$18,344 in 2010-2011 and $20,000 in 2011-2012 without written approval of the City's
Reprosentative. Extra Work may be authorized, as described below, and if authorized, will be
compensated at the rates and manner set forth in this Agreement.
3.3.2 Pavment of Compensation. Consultant shall submit to City a monthly
itemized statement which indicates work completed and hours of Services rendered by Consultant.
The statement shall describe the amount of Services and supplies provided since the initial
commencement date,or since the start of the subsequent billing periods,as appropriate,through the
date of the statement. City shall, within 45 days of receiving such statement, review the statement
and pay all approved charges thereon.
3.3.3 Reimbursement for Expenses. Consultant shall not be reimbursed for any
expenses unless authorized in writing by City.
3.3.4 Extra Work. At any time during the term of this Agreement,City may request
that Consultant perform Extra Work. As used herein, "Extra Work" means any work which is
determined by City to be necessary for the proper completion of the Project,but which the parties did
not reasonably anticipate would be necessary at the execution of this Agreement. Consultant shall
not perform, nor be compensated for, Extra Work without written authorization from City's
3.3.5 Prevailing Wages. Consultant is aware of the requirements of California
Labor Code Section 1720, et seq.,and 1770,et seg.,as well as California Code of Regulations, Title
8, Section 1600, et seq., ("Prevailing Wage Laws"), which require the payment of prevailing wage
rates and the performance of other requirements on"public works" and "maintenance" projects. If
the Services are being performed as part of an applicable"public works"or"maintenance"project,as
defined by the Prevailing Wage Laws, and if the total compensation is $1.000 or more, Consultant
agrees to fully comply with such Prevailing Wage Laws. City shall provide Consultant with a copy
of the prevailing rates of per diem wages in effect at the commencement of this Agreement.
Consultant shall make copies of the prevailing rates of per diem wages for each craft, classification
or type of worker needed to execute the Services available to interested parties upon request, and
shall post copies at the Consultant's principal place of business and at the project site. Consultant
shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its elected officials, officers, employees and agents free
and harmless from any claim or liability arising out of any failure or alleged failure to comply with
the Prevailing Wage Laws.
3.4 Accounting Records.
3.4.1 Maintenance and Inspection. Consultant shall maintain complete and accurate
records with respect to all costs and expenses incurred under this Agreement. All such records shall
be clearly identifiable. Consultant shall allow a representative of City during normal business hours
to examine, audit, and make transcripts or copies of such records and any other documents created
pursuant to this Agreement. Consultant shall allow inspection of all work, data, documents,
proceedings, and activities related to the Agreement for a period of three(3)years from the date of
final payment under this Agreement.
3.5 General Provisions.
3.5.1 Termination of Agreement. Grounds for Termination. City may, by written notice to Consultant,
terminate the whole or any part of this Agreement at any time and without cause by giving written
notice to Consultant of such termination,and specifying the effective date thereof,at least seven(7)
days before the effective date of such termination. Upon termination, Consultant shall be
compensated only for those services which have been adequately rendered to City, and Consultant
shall be entitled to no further compensation. Consultant may not terminate this Agreement except
for cause. Effect of Termination. If this Agreement is terminated as provided
herein, City may require Consultant to provide all finished or unfinished Documents and Data and
other information of any kind prepared by Consultant in connection with the performance of Services
under this Agreement. Consultant shall be required to provide such document and other information
within fifteen (15) days of the request. Additional Services. In the event this Agreement is 'terminated in
whole or in part as provided herein, City may procure,upon such terms and in such manner as it may
determine appropriate, services similar to those terminated.
3.5.2 Delivery of Notices. All notices permitted or required under this Agreement
shall be given to the respective parties at the following address, or at such other address as the
respective parties may provide in writing for this purpose:
Consultant: Center for Integrated Family and Health Services
c/o William L. Nigh
Corporate Office
540 Eremland
Suite C
Covina, CA 91723
City: City of Azusa
213 East Foothill Blvd.
Azusa, CA 91702-1295
Attn:Warmly and Recreation Services
Such notice shall be deemed made when personally delivered or when mailed, forty-eight
(48)hours after deposit in the U.S. Mail,first class postage prepaid and addressed to the party at its
applicable address. Actual notice shall be deemed adequate notice on the date actual notice
occurred, regardless of the method of service.
3.5.3 Ownership of Materials and Confidentiality. Documents & Data: Licensing of Intellectual Property. This
Agreement creates a non-exclusive and perpetual license for City to copy, use, modify, reuse, or
sublicense any and all copyrights, designs, and other intellectual property embodied in plans,
specifications, studies,drawings, estimates, and other documents or works of authorship fixed in any
tangible medium of expression,including but not limited to,physical drawings or data magnetically
or otherwise recorded on computer diskettes, which are prepared or caused to be prepared by
Consultant under this Agreement("Documents&Data"). Consultant shall require all subcontractors
to agree in writing that City is granted a non-exclusive and perpetual license for any Documents &
Data the subcontractor prepares under this Agreement. Consultant represents and warrants that
Consultant has the legal right to license any and all Documents &Data. Consultant makes no such
representation and warranty in regard to Documents & Data which were prepared by design
professionals other than Consultant or provided to Consultant by the City. City shall not be limited
in any way in its use of the Documents and Data at any time, provided that any such use not within
the purposes intended by this Agreement shall be at City's sole risk. Confidentiality. All ideas, memoranda, specifications, plans,
procedures, drawings,descriptions, computer program data, input record data,written information,
and other Documents and Data either created by or provided to Consultant in connection with the
performance of this Agreement shall be held confidential by Consultant. Such materials shall not,
without the prior written consent of City, be used by Consultant for any purposes other than the
performance of the Services. Nor shall such materials be disclosed to any person or entity not
connected with the performance of the Services or the Project. Nothing furnished to Consultant
which is otherwise known to Consultant or is generally known, or has become known,to the related
industry shall be deemed confidential. Consultant shall not use City's name or insignia,photographs
of the Project,or any publicity pertaining to the Services or the Project in any magazine,trade paper,
newspaper,television or radio production or other similar medium without the prior written consent
of City.
3.5.4 Cooperation: Further Acts. The Parties shall fully cooperate with one another,
and shall take any additional acts or sign any additional documents as may be necessary,appropriate
or convenient to attain the purposes of this Agreement.
3.5.5 Attomev's Fees. If either party commences an action against the other party,
either legal, administrative or otherwise, arising out of or in connection with this Agreement, the
prevailing party in such litigation shall be entitled to have and recover from the losing party reason-
able attorney's fees and all other costs of such action.
3.5.6 Indemnification. Consultant shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its
officials, officers, employees, volunteers and agents free and harmless from any and all
claims,demands,causes of action; costs,expenses,liability,loss,damage or injury,in law or
equity, to property or persons, including wrongful death, in any manner arising out of or
incident to any alleged acts, omissions or willful misconduct of Consultant, its officials,
officers,employees,agents,Consultants and contractors arising out of or in connection with
the performance of the Services,the Projector this Agreement,including without limitation
the payment of all consequential damages and attorneys fees and other related costs and
expenses. Consultant shall defend, at Consultant's own cost, expense and risk, any and all
such aforesaid suits,actions or other legal proceedings of every kind that may be brought or
instituted against City, its directors, officials, officers, employees, agents or volunteers.
Consultant shall pay and satisfy any judgment, award or decree that may be rendered against
City or its directors, officials, officers, employees, agents or volunteers, in any such suit,
action or other legal proceeding. Consultant shall reimburse City and its directors,officials,
officers, employees, agents and/or volunteers, for any and all legal expenses and costs
incurred by each of them in connection therewith or in enforcing the indemnity herein
provided. Consultant's obligation to indemnify shall not be restricted to insurance proceeds,
if any,received by the City, its directors, officials officers, employees,agents or volunteers.
3.5.7 Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire Agreement of the
parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes all prior negotiations,
understandings or agreements. This Agreement may only be modified by a writing signed by both
3.5.8 Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of
California. Venue shall be in Los Angeles County.
3.5.9 Time of Essence. Time is of the essence for each and every provision of this
3.5.10 City's Right to Employ Other Consultants. City reserves right to employ
other Consultants in connection with this Project.
3.5.11 Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding on the successors
and assigns of the parties.
3.5.12 Assignment or Transfer. Consultant shall not assign,hypothecate,or transfer,
either directly or by operation of law,this Agreement or any interest herein without the prior written
consent of the City. Any attempt to do so shall be null and void, and any assignees;hypothecates or
transferees shall acquire no right or interest by reason of such attempted assignment,hypothecation
or transfer.
3.5.13 Construction: References; Captions. Since the Parties or their agents have
participated fully in the preparation of this Agreement, the language of this Agreement shall be
construed simply, according to its fair meaning, and not strictly for or against any Party. Any term
referencing time, days or period for performance shall be deemed calendar days and not work days.
All references to Consultant include all personnel, employees, agents, and subcontractors of
Consultant, except as otherwise specified in this Agreement. All references to City include its
elected officials, officers, employees, agents, and volunteers except as otherwise specified in this
Agreement. The captions of the various articles and paragraphs are for convenience and ease of
reference only, and do not define, limit, augment, or describe the scope, content, or intent of this
3.5.14 Amendment; Modification. No supplement,modification, or amendment of
this Agreement shall be binding unless executed in writing and signed by both Parties.
3.5.15 Waiver. No waiver of any default shall constitute a waiver of any other
default or breach,whether of the same or other covenant or condition. No waiver,benefit,privilege,
or service voluntarily given or performed by a Party shall give the other Party any contractual rights
by custom, estoppel, or otherwise.
3.5.16 No Third Partv Beneficiaries. There are no intended third party beneficiaries
of any right or obligation assumed by the Parties.
3.5.17 Invalidity Severability. If any portion of this Agreement is declared invalid,
illegal, or otherwise unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions
shall continue in full force and effect.
3.5.18 Prohibited Interests. Consultant maintains and warrants that it has not
employed nor retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for
Consultant,to solicit or secure this Agreement. Further, Consultant warrants that it has not paid nor
has it agreed to pay any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for
Consultant, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift or other consideration contingent
upon or resulting from the award or making of this Agreement. For breach or violation of this
warranty, City shall have the right to rescind this Agreement without liability. For the term of this
Agreement,no member,officer or employee of City,during the term of his or her service with City,
shall have any direct interest in this Agreement,or obtain any present or anticipated material benefit
arising therefrom.
3.5.19 Equal Opportunity Employment. Consultant represents that it is an equal
opportunity employer and it shall not discriminate against any subcontractor, employee or applicant
for employment because of race,religion,color,national origin,handicap,ancestry,sex or age. Such
non-discrimination shall include, but not be limited to, all activities related to initial employment,
upgrading, demotion, transfer, recruitment or recruitment advertising, layoff or termination.
Consultant shall also comply with all relevant provisions of City's Minority Business Enterprise
program, Affirmative Action Plan or other related programs or guidelines currently in effect or
hereinafter enacted.
3.5.20 Labor Certification. By its signature hereunder, Consultant certifies that it is
aware of the provisions of Section 3700 of the California Labor Code which require every employer
to be insured against liability for Worker's Compensation or to undertake self-insurance in
accordance with the provisions of that Code, and agrees to comply with such provisions before
commencing the performance of the Services.
3.5.21 Authority to Enter Aereement Consultant has all requisite power and
authority to conduct its business and to execute, deliver, and perform the Agreement. Each Party
warrants that the individuals who have signed this Agreement have the legal power, right, and
authority to make this Agreement and bind each respective Party.
3.5.22 Counterparts. This Agreement may be signed in counterparts,each of which
shall constitute an original.
3.6 Subcontracting.
3.6.1 Prior Approval Required. Consultant shall not subcontract any portion of the
work required by this Agreement,except as expressly stated herein,without prior written approval of
City. Subcontracts,if any,shall contain a provision making them subject to all provisions stipulated
in this Agreement.
By. By:
City Manager William L. Nigh, CEO
Center for Integrated Family and Health
Vera, Mendoza
City Clerk
Approved as to Form:
Best Best &Krieger LLP
City Attorney
Overview of Center for Integrated Family and Health Services Responsibilities:
1. Participate in the partnership to meet deliverables and goals as outlined in the
work plan;
2. Documenting participation in coalition and community forums'
3. Contract with Julie Pusztai, Director of the Neighborhood Wellness Center to
initiate wellness activities. .
4. Work with Project RENEW lead to implement programs associated with work
5. Assist in the integration of existing community wellness activities and policies
with Project RENEW.
E%titIHT nBn e
anization or person)
Form a coalition of stakeholders, by inviting them to an initiative kick-off Feb, 2011 Center for Integrated Family
session to determine goals, sub-committee chairs, volunteer recruitment, and Health Services
meeting dates. Group will include existing partners, key stakeholders Apr, 2011 Julie Pusztai
a Wellness Committee members. Subsequent meetings will focus on
holding community focus groups, training regarding Complete Streets policies,
soliciting community/stakeholder support for initiative, and helping to guide the
policy passage and adoption.
Activity 2: Hold one-on-one meetings with key leaders and make presentations to Nov 2010-Jan 2011 Center for Integrated Family
community organizations to raise awareness about policy initiative and enlist their and Health Services
support. Recruitment of new members/supporters through multiple channels Julie Pusztai
including: PTA ambassadors, Superintendent's Roundtables, school site volunteers,
Mom's Club, Chamber of Commerce and APU internship program.
Activity 3: Community focus groups involving transit users, bicycle riders, Dec 2010 — Mar, 2011 Center for Integrated Family
pedestrians, seniors and the disabled to obtain input on policy and obtain input on and Health Services
draft policy. Julie Pusztai
Activity 4: Build Community Awareness and plan for kick off event Jan-Mar, 2011 Center for Integrated Family
and Health Services
Julie Pusztai
Activity 5: Identify program champions (Schools/APU/City/District Representatives) Nov 2010 Center for Integrated Family
and Health Services
Julie Pusztai
Activity 6: Coordinate efforts with District Nurse and APU Intern Coordinator (interns Nov 2010 Center for Integrated Family
already in place at elementary schools) and Health Services
Activity Develop teaching units to include healthy eating, benefits
f in Nov 2010 Julie Pusztai
for Integrated Family regular Center
activity, fast food facts, etc.... These units will be taught by nursing interns in and Health Services
elementary classrooms/assemblies under agreement with APU School of Nursing. Julie Pusztai
Activity 8: Bi-monthly units taught in classrooms by nursing interns under agreement Nov 2010-May2011 Center for Integrated Family
by APU School of Nursing. and Health Services
Julie Pusztai
Activity 9: Collect information — Student and parent surveys to assess current modes Dec 2010 Center for Integrated Family
of transportation to and from school and readiness to adopt healthier lifestyles and Health Services
including walking/biking to school. These surveys will serve as a pretest to collect Julie Pusztai
baseline data. Post tests will be given at the end of the school year as well.
Activity 10 Collect information - Student Surveys, Parent Surveys (Post Tests) May 2011 Center for Integrated Family
and Health Services
Julie Pusztai
SUBCONTRACT BUDGET - YEAR 1: Nov 1, 2010 - March 18, 2011
P.,ersonneL. , Rate "Hoursz7otal;,
Wellness Director $36.00 160 $5,760
Wellness Assistant $33.00 160 $5,280
Translator $20.00 200 $4,000
Personnel $15,040
Benefits 12% $1,804
Total Personal $16,844
o ram G.osts
Mileage $150.00
Office Supplies $600.00
Facility operating cost:
Family Center
5535 Enid
Azusa $150/mo 5 mo. $750
Total Pro ram Costs $1,500
1Tot -
al Subcontract Bwd et $18,344
Indirect Cost 10% Waived
SUBCONTRACT BUDGET -YEAR 2: March 19, 2011 -March 18, 2012
-PersonnelRate :Hours IaTotal
Wellness Director $36.00 160 $5,760
Wellness Assistant $33.00 160 $5,280
Translator $20.00 200 $4,000
Personnel $15,040
Benefits 12% $1,804
Total Personal $16,844
;Rro rarir:Costs '. r
IMAM swum-
Mileage $350
Office Supplies $1006
Facility operating cost:
Family Center
5535 Enid
Azusa $150/mo 12 mo. $1,800
Total Program Costs $3,156
,Tot il,Subcontract Bud et . $20.;000
Indirect Cost 10% Waived
684 961.2
This Agreement is made and entered into this 15`h day of November, 2010 by and between the
City of Azusa, a municipal organization organized under the laws of the State of California with
its principal place of business at 213 East Foothill Boulevard, Azusa, California 91702-1295
("City") and TEAM ESSENTIAL, with its principal place of business at 19745 E. Colima Road,
#1106, Rowland Heights, CA 91748 ("Consultant"). City and Consultant are sometimes
individually referred to as "Parry" and collectively as "Parties." This contract is a subcontract
under the terms of a prime contract with the County of Los Angeles and shall be subject to
all provisions of such prime contract.
2.1 Consultant.
Consultant desires to perform and assume responsibility for the provision of certain
professional services required by the City on the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.
Consultant represents that it is experienced in providing grant management and program
development services to public clients, is licensed in the State of California,and is familiar with the
plans of City.
2.2 Project.
City desires to engage Consultant to render such services for the Healthy Environments in
Azusa Renewing Together (HEART), ("Project') as set forth in this Agreement.
3.1 Scope of Services and Term.
3.1.1 General Scope of Services. Consultant promises and agrees to furnish to the
City all labor,materials,tools, equipment, services,and incidental and customarywork necessary to
fully and adequately supply the professional grant management and program development consulting
services necessary for the Project ("Services"). The Services are more particularly described in
Exhibit"A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. All Services shall be subject to,
and performed in accordance with, this Agreement, the exhibits attached hereto and incorporated
herein by reference, and all applicable local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations.
3.1.2 Tenn. The term of this Agreement shall be from November 1,2010—March
18,2012,unless earlier terminated as provided herein. Consultant shall complete the Services within
the term of this Agreement, and shall meet any other established schedules and deadlines.
3.2 Responsibilities of Consultant.
3.2.1 Control and Payment of Subordinates• Independent Contractor. The Services
shall be performed by Consultant or under its supervision. Consultant will determine the means,
methods and details of performing the Services subject to the requirements of this Agreement. City
retains Consultant on an independent contractor basis and not as an employee. Consultant retains the
right to perform similar or different services for others during the term of this Agreement. Any
additional personnel performing the Services under this Agreement on behalf of Consultant shall also
not be employees of City and shall at all times be under Consultant's exclusive direction and control.
Consultant shall pay all wages, salaries, and other amounts due such personnel in connection with
their performance of Services under this Agreement and as required by law. Consultant shall be
responsible for all reports and obligations respecting such additional personnel, including, but not
limited to: social security taxes, income tax withholding, unemployment insurance, disability
insurance, and workers' compensation insurance.
3.2.2 Schedule of Services. Consultant shall perform the Services expeditiously,
within the tern of this Agreement, and in accordance with the Schedule of Services set forth in
Exhibit "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Consultant represents that it has
the professional and technical personnel required to perform the Services in conformance with such
conditions. In order to facilitate Consultant's conformance with the Schedule, City shall respond to
Consultant's submittals in a timely manner. Upon request of City, Consultant shall provide a more
detailed schedule of anticipated performance to meet the Schedule of Services.
3.2.3 Conformance to Applicable Requirements. All work prepared by Consultant
shall be subject to the approval of City.
3.2.4 Substitution of Key Personnel. Consultant has represented to City that certain
key personnel will perform and coordinate the Services under this Agreement. Should one or more
of such personnel become unavailable, Consultant may substitute other personnel of at least equal
competence upon written approval of City. In the event that City and Consultant cannot agree as to
the substitution of key personnel, City shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement for cause. As
discussed below, any personnel who fail or refuse to perform the Services in a manner acceptable to
the City, or who are determined by the City to be uncooperative, incompetent, a threat to the
adequate or timely completion of the Project or a threat to the safety of persons or property,shall be
promptly removed from the Project by the Consultant at the request of the City. The key personnel
for performance of this Agreement are as follows: Miki Carpenter.
3.2.5 City's Representative. The City hereby designates Joe Jacobs, or his or her
designee, to act as its representative for the performance of this Agreement ("City's
Representative'). City's Representative shall have the power to act on behalf of the City for all
purposes under this Contract. Consultant shall not accept direction or orders from any person other
than the City's Representative or his or her designee.
3.2.6 Consultant's Representative. Consultant hereby designates Miki Carpenter,or
his or her designee,to act as its representative for the performance ofthis Agreement("Consultant's
Representative"). Consultant's Representative shall have full authority to represent and act on behalf
of the Consultant for all purposes under this Agreement. The Consultant's Representative shall
supervise and direct the Services, using his best skill and attention, and shall be responsible for all
means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures and for the satisfactory coordination of all
portions of the Services under this Agreement.
3.2.7 Coordination of Services. Consultant agrees to work closely with City staff in
the performance of Services and shall be available to City's staff, consultants and other staff at all
reasonable times.
3.2.8 Standard of Care; Performance of Employees. Consultant shall perform all
Services under this Agreement in a skillful and competent manner, consistent with the standards
generally recognized as being employed by professionals in the same discipline in the State of
California. Consultant represents and maintains that it is skilled in the professional calling necessary
to perform the Services. Consultant warrants that all employees and subcontractors shall have
sufficient skill and experience to perform the Services assigned to them. Finally, Consultant
represents that it, its employees and subcontractors have all licenses, permits, qualifications and
approvals of whatever nature that are legally required to perform the Services, including a City
Business License, and that such licenses and approvals shall be maintained throughout the term of
this Agreement. As provided for in the indemnification provisions of this Agreement, Consultant
shall perform, at its own cost and expense and without reimbursement from the City, any services
necessary to correct errors or omissions which are caused by the Consultant's failure to comply with
the standard of care.provided for herein. Any employee of the Consultant or its sub-consultants who
is determined by the City to be uncooperative, incompetent, a threat to the adequate or timely
completion of the Project, a threat to the safety of persons or property,or any employee who fails or
refuses to perform the Services in a manner acceptable to the City, shall be promptly removed from
the Project by the Consultant and shall not be re-employed to perform any of the Services or to work
on the Project.
3.2.9 Laws and Regulations. Consultant shall keep itself fully informed of and in
compliance with all local, state and federal laws,rules and regulations in any manner affecting the
performance of the Project or the Services, including all Cal/OSHA requirements,and shall give all
notices required by law. Consultant shall be liable for all violations of such laws and regulations in
connection with Services. If the Consultant performs any work knowing it to be contrary to such
laws, rules and regulations and without giving written notice to the City, Consultant shall be solely
responsible for all costs arising therefrom. Consultant shall defend, indemnify and hold City, its
officials, directors,officers,employees and agents free and harmless,pursuant to the indemnification
provisions of this Agreement, from any claim or liability arising out of any failure or alleged failure
to comply with such laws, rules or regulations.
3.2.10 Insurance. Time for Compliance. Consultant shall not commence Work
under this Agreement until it has provided evidence satisfactory to the City that it has secured all
insurance required under this section. In addition, Consultant shall not allow any subcontractor to
commence work on any subcontract until it has provided evidence satisfactory to the City that the
subcontractor has secured all insurance required under this section. Minimum Requirements. Consultant shall, at its expense,
procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement insurance against claims for injuries to
persons or damages to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the
Agreement by the Consultant, its agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. Consultant
shall also require all of its subcontractors to procure and maintain the same insurance for the duration
of the Agreement. Such insurance shall meet at least the following minimum levels of coverage:
(A) Minimum Scone of Insurance. Coverage shall be at least as
broad as the latest version of the following: (1) General Liability: Insurance Services Office
Commercial General Liability coverage (occurrence form CG 0001): (2) Automobile Liability:
Insurance Services Office Business Auto Coverage form number CA 0001, code I (any auto);• and
(3) Workers'Compensation and Employer's Liability: Workers' Compensation insurance as required
by the State of California and Employer's Liability Insurance.
(B) Minimum Limits of Insurance. Consultant shall maintain
limits no less than: (1) General Liability $1,000,000 per occurrence for bodily injury, personal
injury and property damage. If Commercial General Liability Insurance or other form with general
aggregate limit is used, either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to this
Agreement/location or the general aggregate limit shall be twice the required occurrence limit; (2)
Automobile Liability: $250,000 per accident for bodily injury and $500,000 for property damage.;
and (3) Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability. Workers' Compensation limits as
required by the Labor Code of the State of California. Insurance Endorsements. The insurance policies shall contain
the following provisions, or Consultant shall provide endorsements on forms supplied or approved
by the City to add the following provisions to the insurance policies:
(A) General Liability. The insurance coverage shall be primary
insurance as respects the City,its directors,officials,officers,employees,agents and volunteers,or if
excess. shall stand in an unbroken chain of coverage excess of the Consultant's scheduled underlying
coverage. Any insurance or self-insurance maintained by the City, its directors, officials, officers,
employees, agents and volunteers shall be excess of the Consultants insurance and shall not be
called upon to contribute with it in any way.
(B) Automobile Liability. The insurance coverage shall be primary
insurance as respects the City,its directors,officials,officers,employees,agents and volunteers,or if
excess, shall stand in an unbroken chain of coverage excess of the Consultant's scheduled underlying
coverage. Any insurance or self-insurance maintained by the City, its directors, officials, officers,
employees, agents and volunteers shall be excess of the Consultant's insurance and shall not be
called upon to contribute with it in any way.
(C) Workers' Compensation and Employers Liability Coveraee.
The insurer shall agree to waive all rights of subrogation against the City, its directors, officials,
• officers, employees, agents and volunteers for losses paid under the terms of the insurance policy
which arise from work performed by the Consultant.
(D) All Coverages. Each insurance policy required by this
Agreement shall be endorsed to state that: (A) coverage shall not be suspended, voided,reduced or
canceled except after thirty(30)days prior written notice by certified mail,return receipt requested,
has been given to the City; and (B) any failure to comply with reporting or other provisions of the
policies, including breaches of warranties, shall not affect coverage provided to the City, its
directors, officials, officers, employees, agents and volunteers. Separation of Insureds,No Special Limitations. All insurance
required by this Section shall contain standard separation of insureds provisions. In addition, such
insurance shall not contain any special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to the City,its
directors, officials, officers, employees, agents and volunteers. Deductibles and Self-Insurance Retentions. Any deductibles or
self-insured retentions must be declared to and approved by the City. Consultant shall guarantee
that, at the option of the City, either: (1) the insurer shall reduce or eliminate such deductibles or
self-insured retentions as respects the City, its directors, officials, officers, employees, agents and
volunteers; or (2) the Consultant shall procure a bond guaranteeing payment of losses and related
investigation costs, claims and administrative and defense expenses. Acceptability of Insurers. Insurance is to be placed with
insurers with a current A.M. Best's rating no less than A:VIII,licensed to do business in California,
and satisfactory to the City. Verification of Coverage. Consultant shall furnish City with
original certificates of insurance and endorsements effecting coverage required by this Agreement on
forms satisfactory to the City. The certificates and endorsements for each insurance policy shall be
signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf, and shall be on forms
provided by the City if requested. All certificates and endorsements must be received and approved
by the City before work commences. The City reserves the right to require complete,certified copies
of all required insurance policies, at any time.
3.2.11 Safety. Consultant shall execute and maintain its work so as to avoid injury or
damage to any person or property. In carrying out its Services,the Consultant shall at all times be in
compliance with all applicable local, state and federal laws,rules and regulations, and shall exercise
all necessary precautions for the safety of employees appropriate to the nature of the work and the
conditions under which the work is to be performed. Safety precautions as applicable shall include,
but shall not be limited to: (A) adequate life protection and life saving equipment and procedures;
(B)instructions in accident prevention for all employees and subcontractors, such as safe walkways,
scaffolds, fall protection ladders, bridges, gang planks, confined space procedures, trenching and
shoring, equipment and other safety devices, equipment and wearing apparel as are necessary or
lawfully required to prevent accidents or injuries; and (C) adequate facilities for the proper
inspection and maintenance of all safety measures.
3.3 Fees and Payments.
3.3.1 Compensation. Consultant shall receive compensation,including authorized
reimbursements, for all Services rendered under this Agreement at the rates set forth in Exhibit "C"
attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. The total compensation shall not exceed
$72380 in 2010-2011 and $84,360 in 2011-2012 without written approval of the City's
Representative. Extra Work may be authorized, as described below, and if authorized, will be
compensated at the rates and manner set forth in this Agreement.
3.3.2 Payment of Compensation. Consultant shall submit to City a monthly
itemized statement which indicates work completed and hours of Services rendered by Consultant.
The statement shall describe the amount of Services and supplies provided since the initial
commencement date,or since the start of the subsequent billing periods,as appropriate,through the
date of the statement. City shall, within 45 days of receiving such statement, review the statement
and pay all approved charges thereon.
3.3.3 Reimbursement for Expenses. Consultant shall not be reimbursed for any
expenses unless authorized in writing by City.
3.3.4 Extra Work. At any time during the term of this Agreement,City may request
that Consultant perform Extra Work. As used herein, "Extra Work" means any work which is
determined by City to be necessary for the proper completion of the Project,but which the parties did
not reasonably anticipate would be necessary at the execution of this Agreement. Consultant shall
not perform, nor be compensated for, Extra Work without written authorization from City's
3.3.5 Prevailing Wages. Consultant is aware of the requirements of California
Labor Code Section 1720,et seg.,and 1770,et seg., as well as California Code of Regulations,Title
8, Section 1600, et seq., ("Prevailing Wage Laws"), which require the payment of prevailing wage
rates and the performance of other requirements on "public works" and "maintenance" projects. If
the Services are being performed as part of an applicable"public works"or"maintenance"project,as
defined by the Prevailing Wage Laws, and if the total compensation is $1,000 or more. Consultant
agrees to fully comply with such Prevailing Wage Laws. City shall provide Consultant with a copy
of the prevailing rates of per diem wages in effect at the commencement of this Agreement.
Consultant shall make copies of the prevailing rates of per diem wages for each craft, classification
or type of worker needed to execute the Services available to interested parties upon request, and
shall post copies at the Consultant's principal place of business and at the project site. Consultant
shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its elected officials, officers, employees and agents free
and harmless from any claim or liability arising out of any failure or alleged failure to comply with
the Prevailing Wage Laws.
3.4 Accounting Records.
3.4.1 - Maintenance and Inspection. Consultant shall maintain complete and accurate
records with respect to all costs and expenses incurred under this Agreement. All such records shall
be clearly identifiable. Consultant shall allow a representative of City during normal business hours
to examine, audit, and make transcripts or copies of such records and any other documents created
pursuant to this Agreement. Consultant shall allow inspection of all work, data, documents,
proceedings, and activities related to the Agreement for a period of three (3) years from the date of
final payment under this Agreement.
3.5 General Provisions.
3.5.1 Termination of Agreement. Grounds for Termination. City may,by written notice to Consultant,
terminate the whole or any part of this Agreement at any time and without cause by giving written
notice to Consultant of such termination,and specifying the effective date thereof,at least seven(7)
days before the effective date of such termination. Upon termination, Consultant shall be
compensated only for those services which have been adequately rendered to City, and Consultant
shall be entitled to no further compensation. Consultant may not terminate this Agreement except
for cause. Effect of Termination. If this Agreement is terminated as provided
herein, City may require Consultant to provide all finished or unfinished Documents and Data and
other information of any kind prepared by Consultant in connection with the performance of Services
under this Agreement. Consultant shall be required to provide such document and other information
within fifteen (15) days of the request. Additional Services. In the event this Agreement is terminated in
whole or in part as provided herein,City may procure,upon such terms and in such manner as it may
determine appropriate, services similar to those terminated.
3.5.2 Delivery of Notices. All notices permitted or required under this Agreement
shall be given to the respective parties at the following address, or at such other address as the
respective parties may provide in writing for this purpose:
Consultant: Team Essential
c/o Miki Carpenter, MPH, PhD
8780 19« Street,#170
Alta Loma, CA 91701
(mailing address)
City: City of Azusa
213 East Foothill Blvd.
Azusa, CA 91702-1295
Attn: Family and Recreation Services
Such notice shall be deemed made when personally delivered or when mailed, forty-eight
(48) hours after deposit in the U.S. Mail, first class postage prepaid and addressed to the party at its
applicable address. Actual notice shall be deemed adequate notice on the date actual notice
occurred, regardless of the method of service.
3.5.3 Ownership of Materials and Confidentialitv. Documents & Data• Licensing of Intellectual Property. This
Agreement creates a non-exclusive and perpetual license for City to copy, use, modify, reuse, or
sublicense any and all copyrights, designs, and other intellectual property embodied in plans,
specifications, studies, drawings, estimates,and other documents or works of authorship fixed in any
tangible medium of expression, including but not limited to,physical drawings or data magnetically
or otherwise recorded on computer diskettes, which are prepared or caused to be prepared by
Consultant under this Agreement("Documents&Data"). Consultant shall require all subcontractors
to agree in writing that City is granted a non-exclusive and perpetual license for any Documents&
Data the subcontractor prepares under this Agreement. Consultant represents and warrants that
Consultant has the legal right to license any and all Documents & Data. Consultant makes no such
representation and warranty in regard to Documents & Data which were prepared by design
professionals other than Consultant or provided to Consultant by the City. City shall not be limited
in any way in its use of the Documents and Data at any time,provided that any such use not within
the purposes intended by this Agreement shall be at City's sole risk. Confidentiality. All ideas, memoranda, specifications, plans,
procedures, drawings, descriptions, computer program data, input record data,written information,
and other Documents and Data either created by or provided to Consultant in connection with the
performance of this Agreement shall be held confidential by Consultant. Such materials shall not,
without the prior written consent of City, be used by Consultant for any purposes other than the
performance of the Services. Nor shall such materials be disclosed to any person or entity not
connected with the performance of the Services or the Project. Nothing furnished to Consultant
which is otherwise known to Consultant or is generally known,or has become known,to the related
industry shall be deemed confidential. Consultant shall not use City's name or insignia,photographs
of the Project,or any publicity pertaining to the Services or the Project in any magazine,trade paper,
newspaper,television or radio production or other similar medium without the prior written consent
of City.
3.5.4 Cooperation;Further Acts. The Parties shall fully cooperate with one another,
and shall take any additional acts or sign any additional documents as may be necessary,appropriate
or convenient to attain the purposes of this Agreement.
3.5.5 Attorney's Fees. If either party commences an action against the other party,
either legal, administrative or otherwise, arising out of or in connection with this Agreement, the
prevailing party in such litigation shall be entitled to have and recover from the losing party reason-
able attorney's fees and all other costs of such action.
3.5.6 Indemnification. Consultant shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its
officials, officers, employees, volunteers and agents free and harmless from any and all
claims,demands, causes of action, costs,expenses,liability,loss,damage or injury,in law or
equity, to property or persons, including wrongful death, in any manner arising out of or
incident to any alleged acts, omissions or willful misconduct of Consultant, its officials,
officers,employees, agents, consultants and contractors arising out of or in connection with
the performance of the Services,the Project or this Agreement, including without limitation
the payment of all consequential damages and attorneys fees and other related costs and
expenses. Consultant shall defend, at Consultant's own cost, expense and risk, any and all
such aforesaid suits, actions or other legal proceedings of every kind that may be brought or
instituted against City, its directors, officials, officers, employees, agents or volunteers.
Consultant shall pay and satisfy any judgment,award or decree that may be rendered against
City or its directors, officials, officers, employees, agents or volunteers, in any such suit,
action or other legal proceeding. Consultant shall reimburse City and its directors, officials,
officers, employees, agents and/or volunteers, for any and all legal expenses and costs
incurred by each of them in connection therewith or in enforcing the indemnity herein
provided. Consultant's obligation to indemnify shall not be restricted to insurance proceeds,
if any,received by the City, its directors,officials officers, employees, agents or volunteers.
3.5.7 Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire Agreement of the
parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes all prior negotiations,
understandings or agreements. This Agreement may only be modified by a writing signed by both
3.5.8 Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of
California. Venue shall be in Los Angeles County.
3.5.9 Time of Essence. Time is of the essence for each and every provision of this
3.5.10 City's Right to Employ Other Consultants. City reserves right to employ
other consultants in connection with this Project.
3.5.11 Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding on the successors
and assigns of the parties.
3.5.12 Assignment or Transfer. Consultant shall not assign,hypothecate,or transfer,
either directly or by operation of law,this Agreement or any interest herein without the prior written
consent of the City. Any attempt to do so shall be null and void,and any assignees, hypothecates or
transferees shall acquire no right or interest by reason of such attempted assignment,hypothecation
or transfer.
3.5.13 Construction; References; Cautions. Since the Parties or their agents have
participated fully in the preparation of this Agreement, the language of this Agreement shall be
construed simply, according to its fair meaning, and not strictly for or against any Party. Any term
referencing time, days or period for performance shall be deemed calendar days and not work days.
All references to Consultant include all personnel, employees, agents, and subcontractors of
Consultant, except as otherwise specified in this Agreement. All references to City include its
elected officials, officers, employees, agents, and volunteers except as otherwise specified in this
Agreement. The captions of the various articles and paragraphs are for convenience and ease of
reference only, and do not define, limit, augment, or describe the scope, content, or intent of this
3.5.14 Amendment:Modification. No supplement,modification, or amendment of
this Agreement shall be binding unless executed in writing and signed by both Parties.
3.5.15 Waiver. No waiver of any default shall constitute a waiver of any other
default or breach,whether of the same or other covenant or condition. No waiver, benefit,privilege,
or service voluntarily given or performed by a Party shall give the other Party any contractual rights
by custom, estoppel, or otherwise.
3.5.16 No Third Phrtv Beneficiaries. There are no intended third party beneficiaries
of any right or obligation assumed by the Parties.
3.5.17 Invalidity; Severability. If any portion of this Agreement is declared invalid,
illegal, or otherwise unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions
shall continue in full force and effect.
3.5.18 Prohibited Interests. Consultant maintains and warrants that it has not
employed nor retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for
Consultant,to solicit or secure this Agreement. Further, Consultant warrants that it has not paid nor
has it agreed to pay any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for
Consultant, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift or other consideration contingent
upon or resulting from the award or making of this Agreement. For breach or violation of this
warranty, City shall have the right to rescind this Agreement without liability. For the term of this
Agreement, no member, officer or employee of City, during the term of his or her service with City,
shall have any direct interest in this Agreement,or obtain any present or anticipated material benefit
arising therefrom.
3.5.19 Equal Opportunitv Employment. Consultant represents that it is an equal
opportunity employer and it shall not discriminate against any subcontractor,employee or applicant
for employment because of race,religion, color,national origin,handicap,ancestry,sex or age. Such
non-discrimination shall include, but not be limited to, all activities related to initial employment,
upgrading, demotion, transfer, recruitment or recruitment advertising, layoff or termination.
Consultant shall also comply with all relevant provisions of City's Minority Business Enterprise
program, Affirmative Action Plan or other related programs or guidelines currently in effect or
hereinafter enacted.
3.5.20 Labor Certification. By its signature hereunder, Consultant certifies that it is
aware of the provisions of Section 3700 of the California Labor Code which require every employer
to be insured against liability for Worker's Compensation or to undertake self-insurance in
accordance with the provisions of that Code, and agrees to comply with such provisions before
commencing the performance of the Services.
3.5.21 Authority to Enter Agreement Consultant has all requisite power and
authority to conduct its business and to execute, deliver, and perform the Agreement. Each Party
warrants that the individuals who have signed this Agreement have the legal power, right, and
authority to make this Agreement and bind each respective Party.
3.5.22 Counterparts. This Agreement may be signed in counterparts,each of which
shall constitute an original.
3.6 Subcontracting.
3.6.1 Prior Approval Required. Consultant shall not subcontract any portion of the
work required by this Agreement, except as expressly stated herein,without prior written approval of
City. Subcontracts,if any, shall contain a provision making them subject to all provisions stipulated
in this Agreement. .
CITY OF AZUSA Miki Carpenter
By: _ By
City Manager Miki Carpenter, Chief Administrative Officer
Team Essential
Vera, Mendoza
City Clerk
Approved as to Form:
Best Best & Krieger LLP
City Attorney
Overview of Consultant Responsibilities:
1 . Moving the partnership forward to meet deliverables and goals as outlined in the
work plan;
2. Organizing and leading the partnership;
3. Documenting partnership successes;
4. Leading the effort to overcome barriers to the initiative;
5. Connecting with DPH Chronic Disease Prevention and SPA staff;
6. Work with the TA Coordinator and partners to identify technical assistance
7. Fulfill County requirements;
8. Develop, revise and implement work plans throughout the grant timeline;
9. Work with DPH and CDC to monitor and evaluate the initiative;
10.Work with subcontractor (Wellness Center) to implement programs associated
with work plan;
11 . Identify, review and prioritize possible funding opportunities that relate to the
scope of work and write proposals as appropriate; and
12.Coordinate along with the Wellness Center the integration of existing community
wellness activities and policies.
The Consultant will be responsible for the following DPH Grant Deliverables:
1 . Adoption of Complete Streets Policy
a. Develop a coalition
b. Research/site visits of cities with existing policies
c. Hold community forums
d. Collect baseline data to include surveys, focus groups, etc
e. Conduct volunteer trainings
f. Prepare policy and obtain community support
g. Coordinate effort to implement the policy
2. Arrange for the installation of signage along existing routes
a. Assess needs
b. Determine possibility of linking routes, directing to points of interest, or
displaying mileage
c. Obtain bids and oversee installation
d. Create kick off event
3. Create Safe Routes to School Program
a. Recruit supporters at each school
b. Coordinate with District Nurse and elementary schools
c. Assist in amending District Wellness Policy
d. Assess needs and pretest students and parents
e. Plan for International Walk to School Day
f. Oversee educational units to be developed and taught in classrooms
g. Develop calendar of ongoing events, activities, assemblies
4. Administrative
a. Work with DPH and CDC to monitor and evaluate progress of programs
b. Coordinate all initiative meetings and sub committees
c. Develop a media plan and obtain media coverage of program activities
d. Monitor and ensure compliance with DPH grant requirements
ExinBIT "B"
Responsible Lead
DPH REQUIRED ACTIVITIES (organization or person)
Activity 1: In conjunction with DPH staff, develop a year-long action plan with Within 60-90 days of Miki Carpenter
detailed steps for policy/system/environmental change adoption and implementation funding notification
from DPH
Activity 2: Hold monthly meetings with core initiative partners to coordinate the Monthly Initiative Coordinator
initiative's efforts (lead agency, required partner(s), DPH, etc.)
Activity 3: Participation in regular DPH-led Learning Network meetings or Bimonthly Initiative Coordinator
subcommittee meetings
Activity 4: Meet with Technical Assistance Coordinator and DPH Grant Manager at Annually Initiative Coordinator
least yearly to identify technical assistance needs.
Responsible Lead
Preparation (organization or person)
Activity 1: Secure City Council Resolution committing to Initiative Scope of May 3, 2010 Miki Carpenter
Activit 2: Approval of Initiative Coordinator and Wellness Center Contracts May 2010 City Council
Activity 3: In conjunction with DPH staff, develop a year-long action plan with June, 2010 Initiative Coordinator
detailed steps for policy/system/environmental change adoption and
Activity 4: Develop promotional materials, including health data, to educate policy June, 2010 Initiative Coordinator
makers, city officials, and community leaders.
Activity 5: Gather baseline data and identify process for measuring progress toward June— Sept, 2010 Initiative Coordinator
Responsible Lead
Strategy 1: Safe, Attractive, Accessible Places for Activity— Adopt a City-wide Complete (organization or person)
Streets Policy
Activity 1: Organize stakeholders contact information, obtain city-wide calendar of Jun-Jul, 2010 Initiative Coordinator
events and identify available resources for initiative.
Activity 2: Form a coalition of stakeholders, by inviting them to an initiative kick-off Aug, 2010 Wellness Center
planning session to determine goals, sub-committee chairs, volunteer recruitment,
tasks, and meeting dates. Group will include existing partners, key stakeholders Oct, 2010
and Azusa Wellness Committee members. Subsequent meetings will focus on Feb, 2011
holding community focus groups, training regarding Complete Streets policies, Apr, 2011
soliciting community/stakeholder support for initiative, and helping to guide the
policy passage and adoption.
Activity 3: Form a task force comprised of key city staff to identify key steps and to Sept, 2010 Initiative Coordinator
guide the process of policy passage and implementation. Lead city departments are
Public Works and Recreation and Family Services. Jan, 2011
Mar, 2011
Activity 4: Hold one-on-one meetings with key leaders and make presentations to Sept 2010-Jan 2011 Wellness Center
community organizations to raise awareness about policy initiative and enlist their
support. Recruitment of new members/supporters through multiple channels
including: PTA ambassadors, Superintendent's Roundtables, school site volunteers,
Mom's Club, Chamber of Commerce and APU internship program.
Activity 5: Volunteer trainings on leadership, advocacy and coalition building. Sept 2010-Jan 2011 Initiative Coordinator
Activity 6: Conduct research and site visits regarding cities that have Complete Sept 2010-Jan 2011 Initiative Coordinator
Streets policies.
Activity 7: One-on-one meetings with elected officials to inform about progress on Jan — Mar, 2011 Coalition Members
Complete Streets policy.
Activity 8: Invite local media to attend community meetings Feb, 2011 Initiative Coordinator
Activity 9: Community focus groups involving transit users, bicycle riders, Dec 2010 — Mar, 2011 Wellness Center
pedestrians, seniors and the disabled to obtain input on policy and obtain input on
draft policy.
Activity 10: Coalition to meet to compile research information, results of community Mar—Apr, 2011 Initiative Coordinator
forums, and to finalize Complete Streets Policy. Also plan presentation to Planning
Commission and City Council.
Activity 11: Stakeholder/volunteer trainings to outline speaking points and Apr, 2011 Initiative Coordinator
preparation for speaking to Planning Commission and City Council.
Activity 12: Presentation to Planning Commission May, 2011 Coalition Members
q s ��
Activity 13: Presentation to City Council June, 2011 Coalition Members
Activity 14: Adoption of Complete Streets Policy June, 2011 City Council
Activity 15: Coalition to develop a plan to implement the policy, including oversight June 2011-Dec 2012 Initiative Coordinator
and development of action plan and timeline.
Activity 16: Determine costs associated with city projects and assess funding June 2011-Dec 2012 Initiative Coordinator
opportunities available.
Activity 17: Apply for funding. July 2011-Mar 2012 Initiative Coordinator
Responsible Lead
Strategy 2 :Signage for Neighborhood Destinations in Walk-able/Mixed Use Areas (organization or person)
Activity 1: Determine greatest need for signage along existing pathways, to link Aug, 2010 Initiative Coordinator
routes and to display mileage and points of interest.
Activity 2: Begin mapping points of interest in relation to existing and proposed paths Sept, 2010 Initiative Coordinator
Activity 3: Determine future locations for continuation/new bike/walking paths Sept, 2010 Initiative Coordinator
Activity 4: Secure bids for signs and installation Sept, 2010 Initiative Coordinator
Activity 5: Arrange for installation and stay in contact with responsible parties Nov, 2010 Initiative Coordinator
Activity 6: Build Community Awareness and plan for kick off event Jan-Mar, 2011 Wellness Center
Activity 7: WalklBike Azusa Spring Kick Off Event Mar, 2012 Initiative Coordinator
Responsible Lead
Strategy 3: Safe Routes to School (organization or person)
Activity 1: Identify program champions (Schools/APU/City/District Representatives) Jul 2010 wellness Center
Activity 2: Coordinate efforts with District Nurse and APU Intern Coordinator (interns Jul 2010 Wellness Center
already in place at elementary schools)
Activity 3: Draft amendment to current Wellness Policy to include SRTS commitment July 2010 Initiative Coordinator
Activity 4: Present draft amendment to the District Wellness Committee Jul 2010 Initiative Coordinator
Activity 5: Begin to plan a kick off event the 1 st Wed. in October (International Walk Aug-Sept, 2010 Initiative Coordinator
to School Day)
Activity 6: Present as information item at School Board meeting Aug. 2010 Initiat(ve Coordinator
Activity 7: Present for School Board approval Sept. 2010 Initiative Coordinator
Activity 8: Develop teaching units to include healthy eating, benefits of regularWellness Center
activity, fast food facts, etc.... These units will be taught by APU interns in Sept, 2010
elements classrooms/assemblies.
Activity 9: Bi-monthly units taught in classrooms by APU interns Sept 2010-May2011 Wellness Center
Activity 10: Collect information — Student and parent surveys to assess current Sept 2010 Wellness Center
modes of transportation to and from school and readiness to adopt healthier
lifestyles including walking/biking to school. These surveys will serve as a pretest to
collect baseline data. Post tests will be given at the end of the school year as well.
Activity 11: Determine calendar of follow up events for 2011-2012: classroom Nov-Dec. 2010 Initiative Coordinator
activities, school assemblies, "walk to school days'
Activity 12: Using information from surveys, and along with District Wellness Jan. 2011-Feb 2011 Initiative Coordinator
Committee, begin mapping routes to schools.
Activity 13: "Walk/Bike to School' days begin Mar 2011-May 2011 Initiative Coordinator
Activity 14: Collect information - Student Surveys, Parent Surveys (Post Tests) May 2011 Wellness Center
Activity 15. District Wellness Committee meets to discuss results and plan 2011- May 2011 Initiative Coordinator
2012 year.
r. y.
SUBCONTRACT BUDGET - YEAR 1: July 16, 2010 - March 18, 2011
x ,
erersonnei', $Rate 'Hours Total
Initiative Coordinator $40.00 950 $38,000.00
Program Outreach Specialist $30.00 145 $4,350.00
Initiative Assistant $25.00 720 $18,000.00
Research Analyst $40.00 250 $10,000.00
Total Personnel $70,350.00
,Pro: ramGosts
Mileage $230.00
Office Supplies $300.00
Conference/Training $1,500.00
Total Program Costs $2,030.00
pToaSoaBe $70
6 8 4 9 61.2
SUBCONTRACT BUDGET - YEAR 2: March 19, 2011 - March 18, 2012
1P.,ersonnel Rate QHo`urs. -, i otal
Initiative Coordinator $30.00 1920 $57,600.00
Program Outreach Specialist $30.00 192 $5,760.00
Initiative Consultant $40.00 480 $19,200.00
Total Personnel $82,560.00
P'ro. 7am'Costs_
Mileage $200.00
Office Supplies $100.00
Conference/Training $1,500.00
Total Program Costs $1,800.00
Notal SubcontractfBud et E $84;360.00,
KVAA'� A\664961.2
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Staff requests that the City Council approve the Plans and Specifications and authorize staff to
solicit bids for the Cerritos Avenue and Gladstone Street Traffic Signal Improvements and the
Citrus Avenue and Baseline Avenue Traffic Signal Modification.
On January 18, 2010, the City of Azusa experienced torrential rains that overwhelmed the stone
drain system at the intersection of Cerritos Avenue and Gladstone Street resulting in the
intersection being flooded. A traffic controller cabinet was damaged by flood water. The
damage to the cabinet was not repairable and left the traffic signals in the intersection inoperable.
Republic ITS, the City's signal maintenance company, placed a temporary cabinet and re-pulled
the entire intersections signal conductors and safety light wires. The City has been leasing the
signal equipment from Republic ITS since that time. On September 8th, 2009 the City Council
approved the contract of Transportation and Energy Solutions, Inc. to check for applicability and
prepare plans and specifications for this intersection. The construction plans and specifications
are now complete for the Cerritos Avenue and Gladstone Street Traffic Signal Improvements
project and are ready to solicit bids.
The Rosedale Environmental Impact Report identified traffic mitigation improvements at 15
intersections throughout the City. The traffic mitigation measures are required for the City's
traffic infrastructure to handle the additional traffic load created by the project. One of the
mitigation measures called for is to modify the traffic signal at the intersection of Citrus Avenue
and Baseline Avenue. Additionally, complaints by residents and the Police Department have
prompted a left turn warrant study for the East Bound to North Bound and West Bound to South
Bound turn movements, which has been met. The construction plans and specifications are now
complete for the Traffic Signal Modification project on Citrus Avenue and Baseline Avenue and
are ready to solicit bids.
The proposed Cerritos Avenue and Gladstone Street Traffic Signal Improvements project will
greatly lessen the need for repairs and improve the intersection. The proposed Traffic Signal
Modification project on Citrus Avenue and Baseline Avenue will satisfy a mitigation measure
for the Rosedale Development and provide protected left turn movements. Furthermore, to help
minimize delays on Citrus Avenue, the modified traffic signal will be synchronized with the
traffic signals north of this location. Design components are: Installation of west bound right
lane, removal of east bound median nose, protected left turns for the east and west bound
motorists, and the synchronization of the signal with the four signals along Citrus Avenue from
Baseline Avenue to Foothill Boulevard. In order to achieve economies of scale and reduce the
overall cost for both capital improvement projects, staff recommends combining both as one bid
Funds are available for CIP #66111F Cerritos Avenue and Gladstone Street Traffic Signal
Improvements project from Proposition IB. Funds are available for CIP #66111E and 966109E
Traffic Signal Modification project on Citrus Avenue and Baseline Avenue from Prop 113 and
the Rosedale Traffic Mitigation. Both projects are budgeted for a total amount of$230,000.
U �
It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution supporting the Southern
California Association of Government's effort to develop a Southern California Economic
Growth Strategy.
The SCAG Regional Council is planning a "Southern California Economic Road to Recovery"
summit on December 2id (10 AM - 1 PM) with the Govemor-elect, state leaders, business
leaders, and local city officials. The purpose of the Summit is to share with the Governor-elect
and state leaders' information about the potential actions that can be taken to remove
impediments to economic growth for in Southern California.
SCAG is asking for assistance from the 190 member cities in adopting the attached resolution of
support for "Business Friendly Principles". The goal is to have all 190 cities within the region
adopt the resolution and present at the Summit in order to demonstrate to the Governor-elect and
state legislative leaders that Southern California communities are committed to working together
with the state to keep businesses within California and find ways to reduce or remove economic
impediments to growth.
In concert with our nomination of "Most Business Friendly City" in Los Angeles County, staff
recommends Council's formal acknowledgement of the business friendly culture you have
No fiscal impact.
Resolution by the [Name of Local Jurisdiction] in
Support of"Business Friendly Principles" as part of SCAG's development of a Southern
California Economic Growth Strategy
Whereas, [Local Jurisdiction] is a member of the Southern California Association of
Governments (SCAG) who is engaged in the development of a Southern California Economic
Growth Strategy;
Whereas, [Local Jurisdiction] supports working with SCAG and other key economic
stakeholders to improve the Southern California economy;
Whereas, [Local Jurisdiction] is a business friendly municipality and has numerous practices in
place to encourage economic growth within its community;
NOW, Therefore Be It Resolved, by the governing board of the [Local Jurisdiction] as follows:
1. That [Local Jurisdiction] supports the following "Business Friendly Principles"
as part of SCAG's development of a Southern California Economic Growth Strategy:
Principle One—Economic Development as a Priority
[Local Jurisdiction] strives to demonstrate commitment to economic development as a
Principle Two - Business Partnership
[Local Jurisdiction] strives to provide quality municipal services to attract and retain
businesses and employees.
Principle Three-Business Responsive Processes
[Local Jurisdiction] strives to communicate effectively with businesses including
processes to increase its responsiveness to businesses that are seeking or doing business
within its jurisdiction (commitments include responding to business inquires within an
established time period and offering an expedited permitting process for new businesses).
Principle Four—Attractiveness to Business Investment
[Local Jurisdiction] strives to streamline operations for efficient and responsive business
assistance in areas of licensing, permitting, inspections and other municipal services and
will seek to improve its attractiveness to new and existing businesses within its
jurisdiction (commitments include striving to maintain competitive taxes and fees and
establishing good communications with business base via newsletter or website).
2. That [Local Jurisdiction] authorizes its staff to submit a copy of this resolution to
time for SCAG's Regional Economic Summit currently scheduled for December 2, 2010.
WARRANTS DATED 10/01/10 THRU 10/15/10 YEAR oil
THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AZUSA does resolve as follows:
SECTION 1. That the following claims and demands have been audited as required by law and
that the same are hereby allowed in the amounts and ordered paid out of the respective Funds as
hereinafter set forth:
08 CDBG Recovery 0.00
10 General Fund 198,348.99
12 Gas Tax 62,944.62
15 Transportation/Proposition A Fund 5,878.93
17 Transportation/Proposition C Fund 7,583.33
18 Community Development Block Grant Fund 9,194.23
19 Dwelling Tax Fund (Quimby Act) 0.00
21 Senior Nutrition Fund 1,458.23
24 Public Benefit Program 35,388.23
26 Supplemental Law Enforcement Fund 17077.38
27 Air Quality Improvement Fund 2,046.25
28 State Grants & Seizures 160,875.35
29 Fire Safety Fund 0.00
30 COPS 0.00
31 Consumer Services Fund 32,710.75
32 Water Fund 441,463.72
33 Light Fund 1,378,893.44
34 Sewer Fund 3,849.96
36 Refuse Contract 243,123.36
37 Monrovia Nursery 5,649.69
39 AB 939 Fee 620.61
41. Employee Benefit 0.00 .
42 Self Insurance Fund 8,156.00
43 Central Services Fund 1,927.10
46 Equipment Replacement Fund 977229.60
48 IT Services Fund 12,060.67
49 Public Works Endowment Fund 0.00
50 Special Deposits Fund 70,754.37
63 Mtn Cove Adm Exp 0.00
65 CFD NO. 2005-1Rosedale 0.00
71 APFA 93 BDS 0.00
Total *$2,781,234.81
*City funds total does not include CRA funds.
SECTION 2. That the City.Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this resolution and shall deliver a
certified copy thereof to the City Treasurer and shall retain a certified copy thereof in his own records.
ADOPTED AND APPROVED this day of 2010.
I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of
Azusa at a regular meeting thereof held on the day of 2010,
by the following vote of the Council:
WIRES# 991703 —991710
VENDOR EFT# 002598 — 002610
City of Azusa HP 9000 11/09 10 A / P TRANSACTIONS Page 1
TM,, NOV 09, 2010, 11:28 AM ---req: -------lag: CL JL---loc: STECH
I- ---job: 781865 #J14462--pgn: X20 <1.52> rCER
pt id: E 02
SORT: Check Num
SEDT Check Issue Utes: 100110-101510
Check Nun: AP00142475
PE ID PE DjEne Invoice Nirrbar Da=pticn Inv Date Due Date Div St Acocumt Am=t
V00286 AZUSA UIIFIFD S 100110 5B211 FY09/10 112.02/112 10/01/10 10/01/10 1 FD 8210125000-7040 41,674.72
V00286 AZCFA UNIFIID S 100110 SB211 FY09/10 112.05 10/01/10 10/01/10 1 FD 8210135000-7040 561605.22
Check Nun: AP00142475 'Ibtals:
Max: 0.00 Chxg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.30 Dist: 0.00 Iknaaid: 0.00
T5t: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 98,279.94 Paid: 98,279.94
Tax: 0.00 Chxg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 98,279.94 Total: 98,279.94
V02687 CrD;LS 034= 100110 5B211 FY09/10 112.02/112. 10/01/10 10/01/10 1 PD 8210125000-7040 5,498.34
V02687 CTIRUS O344VIT 100110 SB211 FY09/10 112.05 10/01/10 10/01/10 1 FD 821035000-7040 71037.32
Check Nun: AP00142476 Totals:
Tax: 0.00Chrg: 0.00 D1ity: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Urn�id: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: ]2,535.66 Paid: 12,535.66
Tax: 0.00.Chxg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 12,535.66 Total: 12,535.66
V06175 CakT1Y OF LCS A 100110 59211 FY09/10 112.09/112. 10/01/10 10/01/10 1 PD 8210125000-7040 710.31
Check Nim: AP00142477 Tbtals:
Tax: 0.00 Chxg: 0.00 Atty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 1irpaid: 0.00
Tac: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 710.31 Paid: 710.31
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 710.31 Total: 710.31
V11396 LLA= UNIFIED 100110 5e211 FY09/10 112.05 10/01/10 10/01/10 1 PD 8210135000-7040 4.37
Cock Num: AP00142478 Tbtals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 L�.�d: 0.00
Ttx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: . 4.37 Paid: 4.37
Tax: 0.00 C:rg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 4.37 Total: 4.37
VV003219 LCS AN.�CFS CCU 100110 5921LOS AK= CDU 100110 1 FFYY09/10 112.0510 /112 10/01/10 1010 /01/10 1 FD 8210135000-7040 1,10 1 FD 8210125000-7040 166.23
Check Nun: AP00142479 Totals:
City of Azusa HP 9000 11/09/10 ------ A / P TRANSACTIONS Page
NOV 09, 2010, 11:28 AM ---req: - leg: (1 JL---1oc: BI-gBal---jcb: 781865 4J14462--pgn: X20 <1.52> rpt id: C%3RM02
9JFZI: Check Nun
SE[FL'I' Check Issue TDates: 100110-101510
Check Nun: AP00142479
PE ID PE Nave Invoice Unber D--s=pticn Iriv Date Due Date Div St Accamt Ano mt
0.00 Chrg: 0.00 i�ty: 0.00 Disc: - _ ------0.00 Dist: 0.00 T d: 0.00
0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 2,077.40 Paid: 2,077.40
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 2,077.40 Total: 2,077.40
V08628 CUE= 6qq= 100110 SH211 FY09/10 112.02/112. 10/O1/10 to/ol/10 1 PD 8210125000-7040 3 522.48
V08628 C-UgIY SANITATI 100110 56211 FY09/10 112.05 10/O1/10 10/O1/10 1 PD 8210135000-7040 4;686.93
Check I�hm: AP00142480 'Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Aity: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 L��a�rd: 0.00
Tlx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 8,209.41 Paid: 8,209.41
Tax: 0.00 chrg: 0.00 Dity: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 8,209.41 'Total: 8,209.41
V09587 LLCSCIS AJ;E (T)U 100110 58211 FY09/10 112.02/112. 10/01/10 10/01/10 1 PD 8210125000-7040 2,115.22
Check P00 42481 5 Totals:
100110 S6211 FY09/10 112.05 10/01/10 10/01/10 1 PD 8210135000-7040 2,000.07
Check Nun: AP00142481 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Lhpaid: 0.00
Tic: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Axty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 4,115.29 Paid: 4,115.29
Tom: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 4,115.29 Total.: 4,115.29
V02362 P4:'ILdDROI,iMN FFk 100110 SB211 FY09/10 112.06/112. 10/01/10 10/01/10 1 PD 8210125000-7040 107.74
Check Nun: AP00142482 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 mrd: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 107.74 Paid: 107.74
Tom: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 107.74 Total: 107.74
V02185 SAN GNMIEL, VAL 100110 58211 FY09/10 112.02/112. 10/01/10 10/ol/lo 1 FD 8210125000-7040 8,467.78
V02185 SAN G�IEL VAT, 100110 SB211 FY09/10 112.05 10/01/10 10/01/10 1 PD 8210135000-7040 14,235. 43
Check Nun: AP00142483 'Totals:
lax:Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Iuty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 U Plaid: 0.00
Tlx: 0.00 �: 0.00 D�c 0.00 Disk: 0.00 Dist: 22,703.21 Total; 22,703.21
City of Awsa HP 9000 11/09/10 A / P TRANSACTIONS 3 y
, NUV 09, 2010, 11:28 AM ---req: -------leg: C4, JL---lcc: BI-TSH---jcb: 781865 #J14462--p9m: CE520 <1.52> rpt id: 02
S=: Check Nun
SElFI'T Check Issue Dates: 100110-101510
Check Nun: AP00142483
PE ID FE Nave Invoice ix--.s=pticn Irry Tate Iue Date Div St Accaart Muint
V08237 TH EE VALLEYS M 100110 SB211 EY09/10 112.06 10/01/10 10/01/10 1 FD 8210125000-7040 163.96
Check Nun: AP00142484 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 ih�id: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 163.96 Paid: 163.96
Tax: 0.00 Chug: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 163.96 'Total: 163.96
V94521 UPPER SDN GNMI 100110 SB211 FY09/10 112.04, .06, 10/01/10 10/01/10 1 FD 8210125000-7040 21.66
Check Nun: AP00142485 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 D.ity: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Ui1wel : 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duuty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 21.66 PPaaiid: 21.66
Tax: 0.00 Chug: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 21.66 Total: 21.66
V07128 A D GRAPHICS 7645 INV 7645: PRINP AZPD 29 E 09/14/10 10/14/10 1 PD 1020310000-6539 40.61
Check Num: AP00142486 Totals:
Tac: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 upm 0:00
Tax: 3.61 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 37.00 Paid: 40.61
Ttix: 3.61 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 37.00 Tbtal: 40.61
V05613 A T & T 6263345464082410 626-3345464/0517751058001 08/24/10 09/24/10 1 PD 1035611000-6915 6.63
V05613 A T & T 6263345464082410 626-3345464/0517751058001 08/24/10 09/24/10 1 PD 1035620000-6915 6.64
V05613 A T & T 6263345464082410 626-3345464/0517751058001 08/24/10 09/24/10 1 FD 1035643000-6915 6.64
VV005613 A T & T 6263345464082410 626-3345464/0517751058001 08/24/10 09/24/10 1 FD 8010110000-6915 6.64
Check Nm: AP00142487 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 CYrrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 t1d: 0.00
Tic: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 33.19 Paid: 33.19
Ttix: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 33.19 Total: 33.19
!cit °x 20109001.28 PM 11/09 10 A / P TRANSACTIONS Page 4
-------leg: M JL---lcc: BI-=---job: 781865 An4462--pqrn: C€E20 <1.52n rpt id: �ETS02
9CRT: Check Mn
SE= Check Issue Utes: 100110-101510
Check Nun: AP0014248B
PE ID PE Nine Invoice NuTber Descrlpticn Inv Date Due Late Div St Account Amarit
V05686 ALE BLEDS SS IvA 23241 FOR INV## 23241-DATED 9/14 09/14/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3140711903-6835 285.00
Check Nun: AP00142488 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 d: 0.00
0.00 Chxg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 285.00 d: 285.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 285.00 Total: 285.00
V11004 AUJAN M HAUlff4 092010 REPAIRS FrR PROPERTY AT 1 09/20/10 10/06/10 1 PD 3240721000-6815 3,500.00
Check Nun: AP00142489 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Clhrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 L� d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chxg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 3,500.00 Paid: 3,500.00
0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 3,500.00 Total: 3,500.00
V07179 AD=SIN3 SPE 7576 47576 08/17/10 09/17/10 1 PD 1025410000-6625 87.80
Check Nun: AP00142490 Totals:
T3X: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Ih id: 0.00
'1x: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 87.80 Paid: 87.80
Tax: 0.00 Clog: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 87.80 Total: 87.80
V07668 ALIBRIS INC 43871625 2 Childrens Backs 09/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 1030513000-6503 14.91
V07668 AL,IPRiS INC 43935031 Credit Mend 09/08/10 10/08/10 1 PD 1030511000-6503 -8.53
Check Nm: AP00142491 Totals:
Mom: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 thud: 0.00
Tax: 1.01 Chip: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 5.37 Paid: 6.38
Tax: 1.01 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 5.37 Total: 6.38
V12370 ANCRFSVS INIg2A 5483939 FOR INV## 5483939-DkTM 09/12/10 10/12/10 1 PD 3140702935-6615 152.00
Check Nun: AP00142492 Totals:
TIx: 0.00 Chxg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00Lh 'd: 0.00
Tac: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 152.00 Paid: 152.00
City of Azusa HP 9000 11/09/10 A / P TRANSACTIONS Pp�c�
, NRI 09, 2010, 11:28 PM ---req: -------leg: CL JL---loc: BI-TD I---jcb: 781865 #J14462--P3n: 0H520 <1.52> rpt id: CERETT02
SORT: Check Nun
SELECT Check Issue Dates: 100110-101510
Check Nun: AP00142492
PE ID PE Nane Invoice N-rd-e-r Des=pticn Inv Tate Dae Date Div St Accciumt Annum
Tax: 0.00 Chrq: 0.00 Duty: 0 00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 152.00 Total: 152.00
V03016 AMUMEAD 10 1 ED 1025543000-6493 32.32
V03016 A U94E 1D OOI00257305656 #93131 00 0025ice #73065625493131 09/18/10 1010 /08/10 1 FD 1025410000-6563 161.64
Check Nun: AP00142493 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chxg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Lh�xud: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 193.96 Paid: 193.96
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 193.96 Total: 193.96
V09849 AZLGA MEIL W 090710 EL023637 AIDIT REFUE) 09/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 1045630000-7080 900.00
V09849 AZLJSA MMM NPR 090710 EL023636 AIDIT REFUD 09/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 1045630000-7080 129.99
Check Nun: AP00142494 'Iotals:
Tax: 0.00 Cl-mg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Ugid: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chxg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 1,029.99 Paid: 1,029.99
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 1,029.99 Total: 1,029.99
V05782 AGFA, CITY OF 092110 SFGZaZ/WINIR FIEF/= 09/21/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3140702921-7050 1,000.00
Check Nun: AP00142495 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Lh �d: 0.00
T3ac: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 1,000.00 Paid: 1,000.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty:
22 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 1,000.00 Total: 1,000.00
V00088 B&rK EI=C TAE S2624289001
10 1 FD 1055666000-6563 145.86
V00088 P&K ECEMRIC WH 52624664001 #52624664.001/El ASIS--L g 09/14/10 1010 /14/10 1. PD 1055666000-6563 143.26
Check Nun: APO0142496 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chxg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Lh��.d: 0.00
Tax: 25.69 Chxg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 263.43 Paid: 289.12
Tax: 25.69 Chug: 0.00 Duty: -0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 263.43 'Total: 289.12
Ci of Azusa HP 9000 11/09/10 A / P TRANSACTIONS
M V 09, 2010, 11:28 AM ---req: Q,-------leg; L---loc: BI-TECH---job: 781865 ##x4462-- 6
pgn: C%�520 <1.52> rpt id: C�02
Check Nun
SEDT Cheek Issue Kites: 100110-101510
Check Nlm: AP00142497
PE ID PE Narre InvDioe Nurber Description Irnv Date Due Date Div St Awamt Amamt
V05665 BADSER NE;iER IN 88964501 EA"8964501 DATED 9/10/1 09/10/10 10/10/10 1 PD 3240723754-6569 1,638.57
Check Nun: AP00142497 Totals:
T�Ix: 0.00 Chxg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Lid: 0.00
Tax: 144.61 Chxg: 10.76 A.tly: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 1,483.20 Paid: 1,638.57
Tax: 144.61 Chxg: 10.76 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 1,483.20 Tbtal: 1,638.57
V00759 BAKER & TAUCR 0002035156 Ctedit Nhr[o 09/02/10 10/02/10 1 FD 1030511000-6503 -61.04
V00759 BAKER & T7IYLCR 4009553695 5 BDcks 09/09/10 10/09/10 1 FD 1030511000-6512 101.44
V00759 BAKER & TAYi(R 4009554263 2 Backs 09/10/10 10/10/10 1 PD 1030511000-6503 39.08
Check N m: AP00142498 Tbtals:
Tax: 0.00 Chig: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Lhy��.d: 0.00
6.95 Chxg: 1.27 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 71.26 Paid: 79.48
'�: 6.95 Chxg: 1.27 Duty; 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 71.26 Total: 79.48
V05549 BAKER & TAYLCR W50572300 6 DJD's 09/13/10 10/13/10 1 PD 1030511000-6515 113.50
Check Nim: AP00142499 Totals:
'1X: 0.00 Chxg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Thad: 0.00
Tac: 10.08 Chxg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 103.42 Paid: 113.50
10.08 Chxg: 0.00 L1ity: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 103.42 Total; 113.50
V0046 BASIC CHE1vIICAL SI5781156 I5781156 DATID 9/9/1 09/09/10 10/09/10 1 FD 3240722744-6563 161.65
V0046 BASIC Cf�IIC31I SI5781157 I5781157 DATID 9/9//1 09/09/10 10/09/10 1 PD 3240722744-6563 302.44
V0046 BASIC CHE1v1ICAL S15781159 INV V0046 BASIC CHMCAL SI5781158 INV 15781158 LY11ID 9/ 5/ 09/09/10 10/09/10 1 PD 3240722744-6563 472.56
V0046 BASIC G COAL SI5781160 I5781160 LIATFD99%9l/� 0%09%10 1010 %09%10 1 FD 3240722744-6563 298.66
V0046 BASIC CI CAL SI5781161 INV I5781161 LIATED 9/9/1 09/09/10 10/09/10 1 PD 3240722744-6563 393.17
Check Nims: AP00142500 Tbtals:
Tax: 0.00 Clug: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 'h gid: 0.00
Tom: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 2,159.64 Paid: 2,159.64
TWc: 0.00 Chxg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 2,159.64 Total: 2,159.64
City of Azusa HP 9000 11/09 10 A / P TRANSACTIONS 7
TUE, MV 09, 2010, 11:28 AM ---req: -------leg: GL JL---loc: BI-TD I---Job: 781865 #J14462--pqn: CH520 <1.52>
rpt id: aM02
=: Check Ilan
SE= Check Issue Dates: 100110-101510
Check Nun: AP00142500
PE ID PE Nene Invoice NLYTber Dscriptim Inv Late D2_- Date Div St Acotui Aurcxmt
V00083 EEC= CD. B1464502 White House Diary 09/08/10 10/08/10 1 FD 1030511000-6503 18.60
V00083 BF40DAKC CO. B1466836 3 Books 09/09/10 10/09/10 1 PD 1030511000-6503 48.51
V00083 EFdDJ1RT CO. B1468682 Saarland 09/09/10 10/09/10 1 PD 1030511000-6503 16.11
Check Nan: AP00142501 Totals:
Max: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 d: 0.00
Tax: 7.39 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 75.83 Paid: 83.22
Tax: 7.39 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 75.83 Total: 83.22
V02501 BRO/V M7M KR 113045 INV 113045: M-4 REPLACE R 09/14/10 10/14/10 1 PD 1020310000-6825 145.85
V02501 EMU MJIC%Z WDZ 113045 INV 113045: M-4 IAEOR 09/14/10 10/14/10 1 PD 1020310000-6825 260.00
Check Nm: AP00142502 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 U-Ual 0.00
Tax: 12.96 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 392.89 Paid: 405.85
Tax: 12.96 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 392.89 Total: 405.85
V06196 mm, CEM 092810 TRAVEL EXP/CES CCIVF MST 09/28/10 10/14/10 1 FD 1020320000-6235 232.54
Click Urn: AP00142503 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chxg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 ���rd: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 232.54 Paid: 232.54
Tax: 0.00 C1-sg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 232.54 Total: 232.54
V00844 =FUNIA DEPT 807114 ALS 2010 FIN:2 T 09/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 1050921000-6545 96.00
Check Nun: AP00142504 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 ���a.1d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 96.00 Paid: 96.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 96.00 Total: 96.00
V01113 CALSFCFNIA MINI 1737744 WTJ<SFDP/M.H*,1ILTCN 09/20/10 10/10/10 1 PD 1045820000-6235 300.00
Cites' of Azusa AP 9000 11/09 10A / P TRANSACTIONS
R15, MV 09, 2010, 11:28 AM ---req: FIW-------leg: CL JI,---loc: BI-TF]AH---job: 781865 W14462-- Page
pgn: Cf3520 <1.52> xpt id: SET 02
SJHI': Check Khan
cai rT Check Issue lutes: 100110-101510
Check Nim: AP00142505
FE ID PE Nane Invoice Nurber Descripticn Inv Date Dae Fite Div St Account
C1eck Nun: AP00142505 Totals: --- ----- - _ _
Tax: 0.00 Cheg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 LTi ted: 0.00
0.00 fig: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 300.00 Paid: 300.00
Tom: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 300.00 Total: 300.00
V07247 QllZk2ILID, NqM, 092910 IID M1q= REP= 09/29/10 10/14/10 1 PD 2440739082-6625/MIIM 187.50
Check Nun: AP0014250G Totals:
T�Ix: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 iTiy �d: 0.00
Tom: 0.00 Cheg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 187.50 Paid: 187.50
0.00 Clog: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 187.50 Total: 187.50
V02537 CLW GJVERNvENr TWP7744 INV TIIP7744 09/14/10 10/14/10 1 FD 1030511000-6570 71.09
V02537V02537 CDW GJVER14wrNvENT TWP9899 INV TWP9899 09/14/10 10/14/10 1 FD 4849930000-6530 91.00
Check CLW (1�vgWT �1F7P989g II7V TWp9899 09/14/10 10/14/10 1 FD 4849930000-6527 65.67
Check Than: AP00142507 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chxg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 U �,d: 0.00
Tbx: - 18.48 Chtg: 19.79 D,tty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 189.49 Paid: 227.76
Tom: 18.48 M2j: 19.79 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 189.49 Total: 227.76
V04759 CCXX �M, DEPART 11M065 INV 11NM065: AUIOPSY REP 09/13/10 10/13/10 1 PD 1020310000-6493 348.00
Check Than: AP00142508 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chxg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 348.00 d: 348.00
Tax: 0.00 Chxg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 348.00 Notal: 348.00
V01572 CVEIFZIR, JOE 0367 REII1U/D3 CMTIF RIINS�AI, 09/30/10 10/14/10. 1 PD 3240721795-6253 90.00
Check Nun: AP00142509 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chn7: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 UT) i.d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chxg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 90.00 Paid: 90.00
Thx 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 90.00 Total: 90.00
City of Azusa HP 9000 11/09 10 A / P T R A N S A C T I O N S 9 '
NOV 09, 2010, 11:28 PM ---req: -------leg: Cd, JL---loc: BI-TECH---jc : 781865 #J14462--P3n: CU520 Q.52> rpt id: �02
SCRI: Check Nun
SEIF]:T Check Issm Dates: 100110-101510
Check Nun: AP00142509
PE ID FE Nacre Invoice NLuber Dzscnpticn Inv Late Dae Date Div St Aoa=t ArRxmt
710115 DAN CCNIRAC:ILFt 950AZU FR\RL/444E 13TH ST. 09/08/10 10/10/10 1 PD 1835910000-6650/D960 9,000.00
Check Nun: AP00142510 Tbtals:
Tlx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 t ,d: 0.00
Tdx: 0.00 Ch g: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 9,000.00 Paid: 9,000.00
Tax: 0.00 Chlij: 0.00 D-tty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 9,000.00 Total: 91000.00
V05163 DATA2 01U�MATI INV0193766 Bek Ban7cdes 09/10/10 10/10/10 1 PD 1030511000-6539 343.65
Check Nun: AP00142511 Tbtals:
Tac: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Lh )aid: 0.00
Tlx: 29.54 Chrg: 11.11 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 303.00 Paid: 343.65
Tat: 29.54 Chrg: 11.11 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 303.00 Tbtal: 343.65
V00318 DICK'S PIM SUP I578561 INV #1578561/RADIATlR HCS 09/14/10 10/14/10 1 PD 4355667000-6560 40.82
Check Nun: AP00142512 Tbtals:
Tlx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 UlDaad: 0.00
Tax: 3.63 Chrg: 0.00 Aaty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 37.19 Paid: 40.82
Tax: 3.63 Chrg: 0.00 Duty:: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 37.19 Tbtal: 40.82
V1277VVI2775 DFUME SKY: E= 091510 REERI REBATEA/C REPLACHVENF �PcRaP 09/15/10 1010 /05/10 1 PD 2440739082-10 1 FD 6625%RREF 1RAIEZ 00.00
Check Nun: AP00142513 Tbtals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 uy��.d: 0.00
Ttix: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 350.00 Paid: 350.00
Tlx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 350.00 Total: 350.00
V02162 DLM EDW PA 2017128087 #2017128087/CREAM [SII'/PAI 09/13/10 10/13/10 1 PD 1055666000-6563 45.63
VV002162 EUN EZ PA 2059 98699 #059091699/IgT,RAC V 6WT 09/14/10 0/14/10 1 FD 1255661000-6560 78.82
City of Azusa HP 9000 11/02/10 A / P TRANSACTIONS
NOV 09, 2010, 11:28 PM ---req: -------leg: M JL---1oc: BI-T=---job: 781865 4J14462--pgn: CPS20 <1.52> rpt id: �IO
90RT: Check Nun
SELECT Check Issue Rtes: 100110-101510
Check Non: AP00142514
PE ID PE Nam Invoice Nurrber Description Inv Late Dae Date Div St Account Arccmt
V02162Check ISN 2514 CT PA 2059091700 42059091700/BF20-1502 KCT 09/14/10 10/14/10 1 PD 1255661000-6560 54.08
Check Nun: AF00142514 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00iT d: 0.00
Tax: 19.36 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 211.16 Faid. 230.52
Tlx: 19.36 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 211.16 'Total: 230.52
V04080 932UvrZ MID CE 66425 INV 66425: P-17 6K SERVI 09/09/10 10/09/10 1 FD 1020310000-6825 28.54
V04080 BJa\'CY AUID CE 66425 INV 66425: LAkk FCR P-17 09/09/10 10/09/10 1 FD 1020310000-6825 52.00
V04080 B32Uv ' AUIO CE 66431 INV #66431/ FR7N A/C C 09/09/10 10/09/10 1 PD 4355667000-6493 240.01
V04080 D�xMY AUIO CE 66431 INV #66431 = AA//C C 09/09/10 10/09/10 1 FD 4355667000-6560 452.16
VD4080 EMJ�W AUID CE 66459 INV 66459: P-6 REPLACE 14A09/14/10 10/14/10 1 FD 1020310000-6825 145.22
V04080 DSS AUIO CE 66459 INV 66459: P-6 IABOR 09/14/10 10/14/10 1 FD 1020310000-6825 120.00
V04080 E IY MM CE 66460 INV 66460: D-5 CLEAN IDLE 09/14/10 10/14/10 1 FD 1020310000-6825 160.00
V04080 E AUID CE 66461 INV 66461: P-14 REPLACE F 09/14/10 10/14/10 1 FD 1020310000-6825 20.00
V04080 BJ2\U r AUID CE 66466 INVV6466/CLOLANT LK PES 09/14/10 10/14/10 1 PD 4355667000-6493 255.99
V04080 B31\TM AUID CE 66466 INV#k66466/QJOLANI LK FKS 09/14/10 10/14/10 1 FD 4355667000-65 0 265.61
V04080V04080 EM\Uvy AIM CE 66468 INV 66468: D-11 LABOR 09/14/10 10/14/10 1 FD 1020310000-6855 172.00
Check AUID to 66468 INV 66468: D11 C1-yt OIL 09/14/10 10/14/10 1 FD 1020310000-6825 181.64
Check Nan: AP00142515 Totals:
'lex: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 d: 0.00
Tax: 95.35 Chrg: 496.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 1,501.82 Paid: 2,093.17
Tom: 95.35 Chrg: 496.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 1,501.82 'Total: 2,093.17
V02491 RAP� DEVE 94401304091310 2gtr benefits 2010 09/13/10 10/13/10 1 FD 4250923000-6755 7,813.00
Check Nun: AP00142516 'Totals:
Tax: 0.00 cyaq: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 i �d: 0.00
Tlx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 7,813.00 Paid: 7,813.00
Tlx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 7,813.00 Tbtal: 7,813.00
V12780 FSCRE5, MOUE[, 092010 IED NII4PIOR REBATE 09/20/10 10/05/10 1 PD 2440739082-6625/ 614.75
V12780 FT.GRFS, MICUIL 092010 IID MISTLTDR REBATE 09/20/10 10/05/10 1 TD 2440739082-6625 70.00
V12780 FZCpES, ITU UEL 092010 LED M2MOR REBATE 09/20/10 10/05/10 1 PD 2440739082-6625/MM 70.00
City of Azusa HP 9000 11/09 10 G,A / P TRANSACTIONS �T11
ME, MM 09, 2010, 11:28 AM ---req: -------leg: JLr--10C: BI-TECH---job: 781865 W14462--pgn: CI$20 <1.52> rpt id: I3R�t 02
SCUT: week Nun
SELErr Check Issue Utes: 100110-101510
Check NLrn: AP00142517
PE ID PE Nacre Invoice Nurber De=pticn Inv Date Due Fite Div St Ac=int Arcmt
Check Nun: AP00142517 Tbtals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Uyal : 0.00 '
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 754.75 Paid: 754.75
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Daty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 754.75 Tbtal: 754.75
1410 1 FD 3340735880-6910 24.30
V00026 MS COMPANY, TH 1989209600192410 ACCT: #
T: 198177 920996 96001487 14,
9/ 09/24/10 0/14/10 1 PD 3240722726-6910 50.50
Check Nun: AP00142518 Tbtals:
Tax: 0.00 CyZq: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Lupaid: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 74.80 Paid: 74.80
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 74.80 Tbtal: 74.80
V00215 GIEND3RA, CITY CISPL001251 TRAFFIC SICNFIL MARE FY 2 08/17/10 10/07/10 1 PD 1255661000-6493 8,856.94
Check Nun: AP00142519 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 'l d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 8,856.94 Paid: 8,856.94
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 8,856.94 Total: 8,856.94
V08218 CUTaIH8, LENCR 092210 Program ETense 09/22/10 10/12/10 1 PD 1025543000-6625 166.89
Check Nun: AP00142520 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrgc 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Lfiard: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 166.89 Paid: 166.89
Tax: 0.00 C1rrg: 0.00 LUty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 166.89 Total: 166.89
V04516 QTiTAR CENIER 092210 CCMFMR LN/GISA MI= 09/23/10 10/07/10 1 FD 1000000000-1422 2,633.91
Check Nun: AP00142521 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00L1
id: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 2,633.91 Paid: 2,633.91
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Aity: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 2,633.91 Tbtal: 2,633.91
City of Azusa HP 9000 11/0&10
SDFd': 11/0 ------- A / P TRANSACTIONS
tUV 09, 2010, 11:28 PM ---req: Paqe 12
CYeck Num goc: -T ---j b: 7
81865 #J4462--Pan: CH520 <1.52> Ipt id: CHRM02
SELECT O eck Issue Dates: 100110-101510
Check Nun: AP00142521
FE ID PE Nage Invoice Nurber Description Inv Date Due Date Div St Account p t
V10771 HALL, PATRSCIA 091510 LED MNrIC12 REBATE 09/15/10 10/07/10 1 FD 2440739082-6625/MISE, 87.50
Check Nun: AP00142522 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chzg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 UlDaid: 0.00
Tlx: 0.00 arg. 0.00 Daty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 87.50 Paid: 87.50
Com: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 87.50 Tbtal: 87.50
V03432 HOME DER7P, THE 0011958 INV#0011958 DATED 9/],7/ 0 09/17/10 10/07/10 1 FD 3240721000-6815 34.79
V03432 Hao; DEFCT, THE 0560131 INV. #18455631718, 9/27j1 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 FD 3340735930-6563 30.69
V03432 H E DEPJP, THE 4590458 INV. #18455960711, 9/23/1 09/23/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3340735830-6566 64.68
V03432 KN1h DF D, THE 6021475 021475 DAZED 9/21/10 09/21/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3240723765-6563 36.15
V03432 HS7E DEPOT THE 6021526 021526 DATED 9/21/10 09/21/10 10/12/10 1 PD 3240723763-6560 20.35
V03432 � EE, UE 8133579 FCR IN21638 V#618455 00013/21/71 09%09%10 10 10%09%10 1 PD 3240723765-6563 23.13
10 1 FD 3140711902-6566 179.68
V03432 H1NE DEME, THE 9020863 INV49020863 DATED 9/18/10 09/18/10 10/07/10 1 PD 3240721000-6815 35.35
Check Nun: AP00142523 Totals:
�: 37.72 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 �h�d: 0.00
37-72 : 0.00 Duty. 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 387.10 Paid: 424.82
Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 387.10 Tbtal: 424.82
V03432 H3E DUCT, THE 3042452 NCI R322EATICN CENTER 09/14/10 10/07/10 1 FD 1025420000-6563 42.60
V03432 HIVE DEPOF, THE 4029517 CULDEN DAYS 09/13/10 10/07/10 1 FD 1025420000-6805 189.31
V03432 BCME DEFC7I, THE 4029542 NDIZIH RDD2EAATTCST CENSER 09/13/10 10/07/10 1 FD 1025420000-6563 30.57
Check Nun: AP00142524 Totals:
Tax: 000 Tax: 0.00 Chxg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg. 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 262.48 Paid: 262.48
Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 262.48 Total: 262.48
VD0230 INGRAM B3XS 53757530 2 Books 09/05/10 10/05/10 1 PD 1030511000-6503 45.52
V00230 INGRAM BDM 53757531 QuIn09/05/10 10/05/10 1 FD 1030511000-6503 24.17
V00230 INSRAM B3010.S 53839944 8 Bx ks 09/09/10 10/09/10 1 PD 1030513000-6503 59.68
City of Azusa HP 9000 11/09 10TRANSACTIONS
A / P T R A N S A C T I O N S Page113
ILK ISV 09, 2010, 11:28 AM ---req: -------leg: GL JL---loc: BI- ---job: 781865 *n4462--pqrn: CE520 <1.52> rpt id: �IlII22EETT 02
BJIZP: Check Nun
SEfFFZT Check Issue Dates: 100110-101510
CYErk Nun: AP00142525
PE ID FE Nsne Invoice Nutter Des=pticn Irnr Date Dae Date Div St Aoxznt Am t
Check Num: AP00142525 Tbtals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Aity: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 LTP)au 0.00
Tax: 10.45 Chrg: 11.81 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 107.11 Paid: 129.37
Max: 10.45 Chrg: 11.81 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 107.11 'Ibtal: 129.37
V05369 =-VALLEY PO 22201 #22201 09/09/10 10/09/10 1 PD 1025410000-6563 417.82
V05369 Eq=-VALLEY FO 22555 #22555 09/14/10 10/14/10 1 PD 1025410000-6563 416.27
Check Nun: AP00142526 'Ibtals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 turd: 0.00
Tqx: 0.00 Cln_g: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 834.09 Paid: 834.09
Tdx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 834.09 Total: 834.09
V01298 I= Iw. 159594 FCR INV4 159594-M= 09/11/10 10/11/10 1 PD 3140711902-6493 2,385.60
Check Num: AP00142527 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 �hp �d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 2,385.60 Paid: 2,385.60
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 21385.60 Total: 2,385.60
V09881 JRMN S, FURL 091510 RE GiizATOR REBATE FRaR 09/15/10 10/05/10 1 PD 2440739082-6625/RREF 100.00
Cock Nun: AP00142528 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 uyaid: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 100.00 Paid: 100.00
Tac: 0.00 Clug: 0.00 Aaty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 100.00 Total: 100.00
V12777 rAZZEsRI, ARIFII]R 090910 EL023706 MATT REFU\D 09/09/10 10/09/10 1 FD 1045630000-7080 11.40
CYa�ck Num: AP00142529 Totals:
Trac: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Lhp id: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrq: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 11.40 Paid: 11.40
Tlx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 11.40 Total: 11.40
City of Azusa HP 9000 11/09/10 A / P TRANSACTIONS
TUE, N V 09, 2010, 11:28 AM ---req; -------leg: C, ,7L,---loc: BI-=---job: 781865 #J14462--P9m: CIE20 <1.52> xpt id: QIBage 14
SSRI: Check Nun
SE= Check Issue Dates: 100110-101510
Cl-Eck Nun: AP00142529
PE ID PE Nave IM01ce MIThes D-pticn Inv Date Due Date Div St Puvmt ATaZit
V06235 LOS A� ERE 14536 REPAIR OF BIG TRUCK 4714 08/16/10 10/07/10 1 PD 3340735880-6825 84.79
Check Nun: AP00142530 'Ibtals:
Tom: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Lllid: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 ty, 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 84.79 Paid 84.79
Tex; 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Du 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 84.79 Total: 84.79
V12711 LLI3,7=, DEBBI 091510A/C REPLACEvENT RF�g 09/15/10 10/05/10 1 PD 2440739082-6625/ 245.00
V12711 LLMIOFF, DEBBI 091510 &C M7aE 2IWTCN REHFLT 09/15/10 10/05/10 1 PD 2440739082-6625 25.00
Check Nun: AP00142531 Totals:
T�ax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 L��d: 0.00
Max: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 270.00 Paid: 270.00
Tax: 0.00 Churg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 270.00 Total: 270.00
V04054 NAIL FII N1909155 N1909155/LE45E017121064 09/14/10 10/14/10 1 PD 1045810000-6850 123.59
V04054 NAIL FIMVJCE N1909155 N1909155/LFASE017121064 09/14/10 10/14/10 1 PD 1045630000-6850 123.59
Check NNsn: AP00142532 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Linty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 L� .d: 0.00
Tom: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 247.18 Paid: 247.18
Tom: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 247.18 Tbtal: 247.18
V00991 MARTIN & CfAEM 210432 2010 Directory of City C1 09/08/10 10/08/10 1 PD 1015210000-6230 42.12
Check Urn: AP00142533 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Lkpaaid: 0.00
Tax° 3.12 Chrg: 7.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 32.00 Paid: 42.12
Tax: 3.12 Chrg: 7.00 Arty:. 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 32.00 Total: 42.12
V12779 NI: D EEL, DLW 091510 A/C REPLAC3vENT REBATE 09/15/10 10/05/10 1 PD 2440739082-6625/RAIR 250.00
City of Azusa HP 9000 11/09 10 A / P TRANSACTIONS �15
NUJ 09, 2010, 11:28 AM ---req: -------leg: GL JL---kx: BI-TD�-I---jam: 781865 #J14462--pgn: CEE20 <1.52> rpt id: 02
Ste: Check Tuan
S= Check Issue Dates: 100110-101510
Check Nim: AP00142534
PE ID PE Nane Irrvoice Nucber Descripticn Inv Date Ale Date Div St Acccmt Arrant
Check Nun: AP00142534 Tbtals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 U-mal : -0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 250.00 Paid: 250.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 250.00 'Total: 250.00
V06450 �LIDII( 092810 Nbtrolirk LJW 092810 Metrolink Wises sold for 09sold for /28/10 1010 /07/10 1 PD 2755523250-6654 210 1 PD 1755521250-6654 6,284.56
Check Nun: AP00142535 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Lh�trid: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 8,330.81 Paid: 8,330.81
Tax: 0.00 Chug: 0.00 D.ity: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 8,330.81 'Ibtal: 8,330.81
V10608 MJZAK LLC A702579 INV# A702579 09/22/10 10/11/10 1 PD 4849940000-6835 71.34
Check Nim: AP00142536 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 UlDaid: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 71.34 Paid: 71.34
Tax: 0.00 Chug: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 71.34 Total: 71.34
V07701 NEVAREZ, E94M 071910 NEEI= JLLY2010 09/17/10 10/10/10 1 PD 1015210000-6493 250.00
Check Nun: AP00142537 Totals:
Tlx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 U12al 0.00
Tax: 0.00 M-: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 250.00 Paid: 250.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 250.00 Total: 250.00
V00540 OFFICE DEFOT IN 533354786001 PIEM4927481: C71NDQ L50 BL 09/10/10 10/10/10 1 PD 1020310000-6530 166.00
Check Nun: AP00142538 Tbtals:
Thx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Upaid: 0.00
Tic: 14.75 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 151.25 Paid: 166.00
Tax: 14.75 Qzrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 151.25 Total: 166.00
City of Azusa HP 9000 11/09 10 A / P TRANSACTIONS
p� 16
NCh 09, 2010, 11:28 AM ---req: -------leg: GL JL,---loc: BI-TEM---jco: 781865 W14462--pgn: X20 <1.52> rpt id: C�IE2E`]'IO2
CY�r_]c Nun
S'Ef ECr Check Issue Kites: 100110-101510
Check Nun: AP00142538
FE ID PE Nine Invoice NLrdmr D:scsipticn Inv Date Die Date Div St Acoamt Airount
V06132 CNMRIO REMC E 115810 FCR II" 115810-9OTED 9/9 09/09/10 10/09/10 1 PD 3140702935-6835 265.50
Check Nun: AP00142539 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chug. 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Lhp .d: 0.00
0.00 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 265.50 Paid: 265.50
Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 265.50 Total: 265.50
V05671 CRICIN INC 58124180 FOR INA 58124180-DA= 9 09/11/10 10/11/10 1 FD 3140702935-6493 325.00
Check Nun: AP00142540 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.60 Dist: 0.00 Ural : 0.00
0.00 (hrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 325.00 Paid: 325.00
D)X: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 325.00 'ictal: 325.00
V12778 PAN, XSERM E 091510 PEFRICU2AMR REBATE PFECR 09/15/10 10/05/10 1 PD 2440739082-6625/RRER 100.00
Chock Nun: AP00142541 Totals:
T3X: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 mrd: 0.00
�: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 100.00 Paid: 100.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 100.00 Total: 100.00
V03132 FOVERS & A&EM 1154 PARI# E)207.HR 07/01/10 10/10/10 1 PD 4849942000-6527 419.52
Check Nun: AP00142542 Totals:
�? 370.270 �. 0.00 fluty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Urm3i.d: 0.00
25.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 357.25 Paid: 419.52
Thx: 37.27 Chrg: 25.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 357.25 Total: 419.52
V00045 REPLUICSC E= 20499 INV #20499/FII3LL-ALAKA R 09/14/10 10/14/10 1 PD 1255661000-6493 245.00
V00045 REPJ3UC ECEUIR 20500 INV #20500/A=-CLRA G;N 09/14/10 10/14/10 1 FD 1255661000-6493 290.00
Check Nim: AP00142543 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Upaid: 0.00
City of Azusa HP 9000 11/09/10 A / P TRANSACTIONS �I17
MV 09, 2010, 11:28 AM ---rrq: -------leg: CL JL---loc: BI-TECH---jdb: 781865 #J14462--pgn: CIE20 <1.52> rpt id: 02
SRT': Check Nun
SE= Check Issue Dates: 100110-101510
Check Nun: AP00142543
PE ID PE Faure Invoice Mxrber Desc=pticn Inv Date Dae Date Div St Acoaurt Arn=t
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 535.00 Paid: 535.00
Tax: 0:00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 535.00 Total: 535.00
V04263 Sit ASSOCIATES 091410 CTTRFIS AVENUE R9324S= 09/14/10 10/10/10 1 PD 1280000661-7170/6611 44,875.73
Check Nun: AP00142544 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 'Id: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 44,875.73 Paid: 44,875.73
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 44,875.73 Total: 44,875.73
V03759 SPAaR Ca� II2UCI' 25952 INV#25952 EXITED 9/13/10 - 09/13/10 10/13/10 1 FD 3240723761-6493 731.00
Check Nun: AP00142545 Totals:
Tac: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Thpa,d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 731.00 Paid: 731.00
Tlx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 731.00 Total: 731.00
V09956 SPZ=, TFUS 091510 LEO bIIQITLR REl3zITE; 09/15/10 10/07/10 1 PD 2440739082-6625/NIIM 275.00
Check Nun: AP00142546 Totals:
Tlx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Ugpard: 0.00
Tlx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 275.00 Paid: 275.00
Tic: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 275.00 Total: 275.00
V06317 SASE COMPANY I INS6791 INV 41686791/CUTTER SET,F 09/13/10 10/13/10 1 PD 1255661000-6566 1,090.45
Check Nun: AP00142547 Totals:
Tat: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 T� .d: 0.00
Max: 94.04 Chrg: 31.91 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 964.50 Paid: 1,090.45
Tax: 94.04 Chrg: 31.91 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 964.50 Total: 1,090.45
V10667 SCvZw 111010 P=ST/C.KALBaEL= 09/29/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3940750065-6235 145.00
City of Azusa HP 9000 11/09/10 A / P TRANSACTIONS
NJV 09, 2010, 11:28 PM --- ------- �page�18
1e3: C3 JL---loc: BI-TEFF;---jcb: 781865 #J14462--p9m: CH520 <1.52> rpt id: -IlIl22EE 02
�': Ch°ck Num
SEIECi' Check Issue Kites: 100110-101510
Check Nim: AP00142548
PE ID PE Nbrre LIVOice NLYdD-x Descriptio Inv Date Du=_ Date Div St Pcoxmt ATomt
(perk Num: AP00142548 Totals:
Tlax: 0.00
. 00 fig: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 iTrid: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 145.00 Paid: 145.00
aurg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 145.00 'Ibtal: 145.00
V07329 SHRED-TT 00333667213 INV 00333667213: 9-13-10 09/13/10 10/13/10 1 PD 1020310000-6496 106.60
Check Nun: AP00142549 'Totals:
Tbx: 0.00 Chrg. 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 iT d: 0.00
Tbx: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 fiChrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 106.60 Paid: 106.60
g: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 106.60 Tbtal: 106.60
V10429 SUREIECTC INC. AZO810 Maintenarxe for the rnn-a 09/13/10 10/13/10 1 PD 1555521170-6815 1,629.60
Check Nun: AP00142550 Tbtals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 try d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 1,629.60 Paid: 1,629.60
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 1,629.60 Total: 1,629.60
V00249 TRMNIME M K 258788 INV4258788 DATED 9/2/10 - 09/02/10 10/02/10 1 PD 3240721903-6560 259.20
Check Nun: AP00142551 Totals:
Tlx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 dd: 0.00
Tax: 23.0 23 03
0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 236.17 Paid: 259.20
Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 236.17 Total: 259.20
V12758 UBIQUS REIN 99409 IEG)L TRN1=FTICN SVCS 09/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 5000610139-2719 4,076.87
Check Nun: AP00142552 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 fluty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 �p��d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 4,076.87 Paid: 4,076.87
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 4,076.87 Total: 4,076.87
City of Azusa HP 9000 11/09/10 A / P T R A N S A C T I O N S19
N7J 09, 2010, 11:28 FM ---req: -------leg:, GL JL---lcc: BI-TI7�-I---jcb: 781865 #J14462--pgn: CUS20 <1.52> rpt id: CH=02
Check Nunn
SEf.ECT Check Issue Dates: 100110-101510
Check Nim: AP00142553
PE ID PE Ncue Invoice NLnber De=pticn Inv Date Die Tate Div St Account Pirount
V12761 VPPS AS, M)RIA 9127 REFUZ SECURITY DEFC6IT 09/13/10 10/10/10 1 PD 1025410000-7080 300.00
Check Nun: AP00142553 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 300.00 d: 300.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 300.00 Total: 300.00
V06732 V� INFCR 1348 EZM 1348 TQTJR�E �� 09%9/10 1010 /10/10 1 PD 10 1 ED 2820310041-6493 20310041-6493 149.00
Check Nun: AP00142554 Tbtals:
Tlx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 UjDal 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty. 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 234.00 Paid: 234.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 234.00 Total: 234.00
V06149 VJU G, TIM 090910 REIMB INIERF7 CWaS 09/21/10 10/07/10 1 PD 3340775570-6915 39.99
Check. Nun: AP00142555 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 UrIpai : 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 39.99 Paid: 39.99
Tbc: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 39.99 Total: 39.99
V07151 RMIU LT QY2P. 5608506 INV 5608506: 9-6 TO 9-12- 09/12/10 10/12/10 1 PD 1020333000-6493 7,668.36
Check Nun: AP00142556 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 d: 0.00
Tqx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 7,668.36 d: 7,668.36
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 7,668.36 Total: 7,668.36
V03632 ➢B3P ETU L IIFCR 76749 INV 76749: SAFETY B7JIFME 09/14/10 10/14/10 1 PD 1020310000-6201 54.00
V03632 V= EtU UIIFCR 76749 INV 76749: SAFFIY BJUTANE 09/14/10 10/14/10 1 PD 1020310000-6563 149.78
Check Nun: AP00142557 Tbtals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Unpaid: 0.00
Cci of Azusa HP 9000 11/09/10 A / P TRANSACTIONS pp��
, MV 09, 2010, 11:28 AM ---req: -------leg, (M JL---lcc: BI-TECH---fob: 781865 fJ14462--pgn: CA520 <1.52> rpt. id: C$42ETI00
SMT: Check Ian
SE[F?_P Check Issu: Dates: 100110-101510
Check Nun: AP00142557
PE ID PE Nmm Invoice NLarbxr Description Inv Date We Lute Div St Acoamt Amit
Tax: 16.83 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc 0.00 Dist: 186.95 Paid: 203.78
Max: 16.83 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 186.95 Total: 203.78
V12237 WESTERN E ECIRI 4555 SCT-IED & DISPATCH - ALE10 09/10/10 10/10/10 1 PD 3340785560-64 3 12.61
Check Nun: AP00142558 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Umaid: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chug: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 12.61 Paid: 12.61
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 12.61 Total: 12.61
V00274 M FITTER FUN CE 1010395 INV 1010395: M-3 REPLACE 09/14/10 10/14/10 1 PD 1020310000-6825 277.64
V00274 MUTTTER FiN CE 1010395 INV 1010695: M-3 LABOR 09/14/10 10/14/10 1 PD 1020310000-6825 109.58
Check Nun: AP00142559 Totals:'
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 i�-�d: 0.00
Tax: 24.67 Tax: 24 67 Chrg. -0.01 Azty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 362.56 Paid: 387.22
Cling: -0.01 D-Ly: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 362.56 Total: 387.22
V01305 AZUSA CITY EMPL 2610/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 FD 1000000000-3035 42;294.42
V01305 AZLFA CITY EMPL 2610/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 FD 1200000000-3035 712.41
V01305 AZMA CITY EMPL 2610/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 1500000000-3035 269.20
V01305 AZUSA CTPY ENPL 2610/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 1700000000-3035 88.33
V01305 AZLFA CITY EMPL 2610/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 FD 1800000000-3035 149.23
V01305 AZLFA CM EMPL 2610/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 2100000000-3035 250.00
V01305 AKFA CM EMPL 2610/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 2400000000-3035 93.66
V01305 AZLFA MY EVEL, 2610/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 FD 3100000000-3035 3,702.37
V01305 AZUSA CITY EMPL 2610/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 FD 3200000000-3035 7,816.07
V01305 AZUSA CITY EMPL 2610/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 3300000000-3035 4,079.29
V01305 AZUSr1 CITY FMPL 2610/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 FD 3400000000-3035 1,010.50
V01305 AZUFA CITY EMPL 2610/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 3700000000-3035 18.29
V01305 MMA, CITY EMPL 2610/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 FD 3900000000-3035 25.00
V01305 AZUSA CITY EMPL 2610/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 4200000000-3035 148.00
VD1305 AaFkA CITY EINPL, 2610/1001020 Py 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 4300000000-3035 179.29
VV001305 � CCITY F�NPL, 2610/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 8000000000-3035 4,106.00
City of Azusa HP 9000 11/09 10 A / P TRANSACTIONS P��ee 21
TLK NJV 09, 2010, 11:28 AM ---req: -------1eg: CU., JL---lcc: BI-TB E---jcb: 781865 4 14462--pgn: CH520 <1.52> rpt id: CITRETI02
Check Nunn
SE= CYerk Issue Elates: 100110-101510
Check Nun: AP00142560
PE ID PE Nave Invoice Njd= Desciptiaa Inv skate Due Date Div St Acoamt ATo nit
Check Nun: AP00142560 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 ��p��d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Tasty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 65,227.06 Paid: 65,227.06
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 65,227.06 Total: 65,227.06
V10604 AZUSA NIII%7LE M 2618/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 1000000000-3020 280.00
V10604 AZ[FA ME= M 2618/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10.1 FD 2400000000-3020 29.75
V10604 AaM NIIIDLE NF1 2618/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 3100000000-3020 91.00
V1004 AZUSA MD= VA 26181001020 py 0710 100710 1 FD 3200000000-3020 45.50
V10604 AZLEA MI= NPS 2618%1001020 PY 20%10 10/07/10 10%07%10 1 PD 3300000000-3020 140.00
V10604 AZUSA MI= NYS 2618/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 3400000000-3020 70.00
V10604 AZLFA ND= M 2618/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 3900000000-3020 8.75
V10604 A= MIIFSLE NIS 2618/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 FD 4800000000-3020 70.00
V10604 AZUSA NIII77LE NA 2618/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 FD 8000000000-3020 35.00
Check Nun: AP00142561 'Ibtals:
Tax: 0.00 Ch g: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 d: 0.00
Tic: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 770.00 Paid: 770.00
Tax: 0.00 Chu-g: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 770.00 Total: 770.00
V01303 CALIFCRNIIA FRAN 2554/1001020 563378571 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 FD 1200000000-3099 461.77
V01303 OUAFCFN7IA FRAN 2554/1001020 P0 563378571 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 3400000000-3099 81.49
Check Nhm: AP00142562 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 UTald: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 543.26 Paid: 543.26
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 543.26 Tbtal: 543.26
V09847 C7ILSFC7RNIA STAT 2552/10010200 Com# BY0886578 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 FD 3200000000-3099 230.76
Check Nun: AP00142563 Tbtals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Lid: 0.00
Tlx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 230.76 Paid: 230.76
Tac: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 230.76 Total: 230.76
City of Azusa HP 900011/09 10 A / P TRANSACTIONS PageNDI 09, 2010, 11:28 PM ---req: -------leg: (1, JI,---lcr: BI-Mal---job: 781865 #J14462--pgn: CH520 <1.52> rpt id: CEPM22
SGRT: Check Nun
Sa= CYeck Issue Dates: 100110-101510
Check Nun: AP00142563
FE ED FE Nam Invoice UpbE!r Description Inv Este Dae Date Div St Pcaxnzt Amxmt
V09847 CALIKRIUA STAT 2552/100102QA CRDDER# 2YO886578 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 FD 1000000000-3099 576.34
Check Nun: AP00142564 'Ibtals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 d: 0.00
�: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 576.34 d: 576.34
T�Ix: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 576.34 Total: 576.34
V09847 MIFORNIA STAT 2552/1001020B GREER9 ICCO29006 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 1000000000-3099 300.00
Check Noun: AP00142565 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Lh id: 0.00
Tax: 0 00 Chrg. 0.00 Aity: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 300.00 Paid: 300.00
Chrg: 0.00 Aaty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 300.00 Total: 300.00
V04348 CENIRAL Lk= 2420/1001020 120/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 1000000000-3054 327.28
V04348 CENTRAL iNIED 2420/1001020 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 1500000000-3054 192.64
V04348. CFNIRAL AL iNIIED 2420/1001020 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 1700000000-3054 64.21
Check P00142566 TotTED 2420/1001020 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 3100000000-3054 200.65
Check Nun: AF00142566 Totals:
Tlx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Upaid: 0.00
Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 784.78 Paid: 784.78
�: 0.00
Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 784.78 Tbtal: 784.78
V06783 CTTISIREET 1310/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 Ffl 1000000000-3010 2 525.18
V06783 CITISUmr 1310/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 1200000000-3010 371.25
V06783 CITISIl2FET 1310/1001020 PR
20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 FD 1500000000-3010 22.50
V06783 CTTISIRMT 1310/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/lO 10/07/10 1 PD 1700000000-3010 22.50
V06783 CTTISIREET 1310/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 FD 2100000000-3010 25.20
V06783 CITISIREET 1310/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PIJ 3100000000-3010 180.00
JO 1 FD 3200000000-3010 150.00
V06783 CTAT SIREET 1310%1001020 PY 201001020 /10 1010 /07/10 1010 /07/10 1 FD 3300000000-3010 195.00
V06783 CTTISIREET 1310/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 FD 3400000000-3010 296.25
City of Azusa HP 9000 11/09 10 A / P TRANSACTIONS Page 23
NOV 09, 2010, 11:28 PM ---req: -------leg: GL JL---lcc: BI-TECH---job: 781865 4M4462--pgn: CE3520 <1.52> rpt id: CHMM02
SZPT: Check Nun
SELF>^I' Check Issue Dates: 100110-101510
Cl-eck Nun: AP00142568
PE ID PE N-ffe . Invoice Nuader D es=ptics Inv Date Due Fite Div St Acaamt Am=t
V06783 CITISIREEP 1310/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 3700000000-3010 40.50
V06783 CTTISI= 1310/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 FD 3900000000-3010 60.00
V06783 CTTISIREET 1310/1001020 PY20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 4200000000-3010 150.00
V06783 CTITSU= 1310/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 FD 4800000000-3010 324.00
V06783 CTTISIRMT 1310/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 5000000000-3010 5.62
V06783 CTIISI1= 1310/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 8000000000-3010 267.00
V06783 CITISIl2FEi' 2310/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 1000000000-3010 17,630.65
V06783 CITISI= 2310/1001020 PY 0/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 1200000000-3010 327.50
V06783 CTTISI= 2310/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 FD 1500000000-3010 491.20
V06783 CTITSIRFEI 2310/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 FD 1700000000-3010 423.87
V06783 CTTTSIREET 2310/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 2400000000-3010 25.00
V06783 CTTIS,= 2310/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 FD 3100000000-3010 1,734.53
V06783 CTITSIREET 2310/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 3200000000-3010 2,991.54
V06783 CITTSI= 2310/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 FD 3300000000-3010 1,303.71
V06783 CTDISIREET 2310/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 3400000000-3010 211.50
V06783 CITISI= 2310/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 3700000000-3010 76.38
V06783 CTTISIREEI' 2310/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 FD 3900000000-3010 354.11
V06783 CTITSI= 2310/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 FD 4800000000-3010 1,144.02
V06783 CTITS RMT 2310/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 5000000000-3010 145.00
V06783 CTTISIRFEi' 2310/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 FD 8000000000-3010 720.92
V06783 CTIISTREET 2315/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 FD 1000000000-3010 4,103.99
V06783 CITIS [= 2315/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 AD 1200000000-3010 130.06
V06783 CTITSIT 2315/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 1500000000-3010 41.30
V06783 CTPISIREEI' 2315/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 1700000000-3010 17.70
V06783 CTTTSi= 2315/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 FD 2100000000-3010 92.00
V06763 CTTISIREEI' 2315/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 FD 3100000000-3010 131.25
V06783 C1119IREET 2315/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 3200000000-3010 836.00
V06783 CITISI= 2315/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 3300000000-3010 578.88
V06783 CITISIREE:T 2315/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 FD 3400000000-3010 137.54
V06783 CTPISIREET 2315/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 3700000000-3010 70.56
V06783 CITISIFT T 2315/1001020 P'420
20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 3900000000-3010 18.75
V06783 CTTISIl2FT 2315/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 5000000000-3010 36.25
V06783 CTTISIREEI' 2315/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 FD 8000000000-3010 125.08
Check Nun: AP00142568 Totals:
Max: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Did: 0.00
Tlx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 38,534.29 Paid: 38,534.29
Max: 0.00 chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 38,534.29 Tbtal: 38,534.29
City of Azusa HP 9000 11/09 10 A / P TRANSACTIONS
, MV 09, 2010, 11:28 AM ---req: -------leg: G[, JL--- BI-=---Jcb: 781865 #J14462--
pgm: CH520 <1.52> rpt id: �02
SCfd': Check Nun
SEU =T Check Issue Dates: 100110-101510
Check Nun: AP00142568
PE ID PE Naim Invoice Nurber D;scripticnInv Date Due Fite Div St Acc=t Pnun7t
V94510 COUNIAL LIFE & 2425/1001020 PY#20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD.1000000000-3054 15.00
V94510 0LCNIAL LIFE & 2425/1001020 PY#20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 FD 3100000000-3054 10.50
Check Nun: AP00142569 Tbtals:
Tbx: 0.00 gQ: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Ursa d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 25.50 'Paid: 25.50
Tax: 0.00 Chig: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 25.50 Total: 25.50
V00348 CCN33M HEALTH 2435/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 1000000000-3054 430.15
V00348 C� HEALTH 2435/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 FD 1500000000-3054 32.10
V00348 024SOCUMSEM HEALTH 2435/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 1700000000-3054 10.70
V00348 CU\= HEALTH 2435/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 3100000000-3054 99.20
V00348 C HEALTH 2435/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 3200000000-3054 49.60
V00348 CSD HEALTH 2435/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 FD 3300000000-3054 62.00
V00348 QI�ECp FIEAL,III 2435/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 4800000000-3054 49.60
Check Nun: AP00142570 Tbtals:
Tlx: 0.00 Chzg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 �i �d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: . 0.00 Dist: 733.35 Paid: 733.35
Tax: 0.00 Cling: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 733.35 Tbtal: 733.35
V01378 IN IL Pd37II-IEI2I-$0 2620/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 1000000000-3020 119.00
V01378 INr'L BFDIHERHD 2620/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 2400000000-3020 2.43
V01378 INP'L EIl�77II-1(32I30 2620/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 3100000000-3020 783.07
V01378 INIL ERDIHEEEM 2620/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 3200000000-3020 1,229.00
V01378 INP'L EFOUIETID 2620/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 3300000000-3020 1 284.50
V01378 IIVT'L EdC7II�RI� 2620/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 4300000000-3020 62.00
Check Nun: AP00142571 Tbtals:
M�Lx: 0.00 Cheg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Lh d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Pity: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 3,480.00 Paid: 3,480.00
Tax: 0.004: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 3,480.00 Total: 3,480.00
Ci of Azusa HP 9000 11/ A / P TRANSACTIONS 25
09 10
NJV 09, 2010, 11:28 AM ---req: -------leg: CL JL---lcc: BI-TRN---job: 781865 W14462--pgn: CUE20 <1.52> rpt id: CHRETI02
SCId: Check Duro
SELECT Check Issue Dates: 100110-101510
Check Nun: AP00142572
PE ID PE Nave Dwoice Neer Description Inv Date Due Date Div St Account Amcumt
V03126 LIIqJDLN NITICNA 1320/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 1000000000-3010 1,687.50
V03126 LINMLN NATICI\1 1320/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 1200000000-3010 - 90.00---
V03126 LINCDLN WIC1\I 1320/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 1500000000-3010 130.50
V03126 LINCOLN N�ITICM 1320/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 1700000000-3010 72.00
V03126 LAIN NITLCN�1 1320/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 1800000000-3010 45.00
V03126 LagUIN I\P= hA 1320/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 FD 3200000000-3010 90.00
V03126 LAIN WICI\F1 1320/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 3300000000-3010 150.00
V03126 LZ\= =CIA 1320/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 3400000000-3010 135.00
V03126 LINUMN =C1\A 1320/1001020 PY20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 4800000000-3010 45.00
V03126 LITV= NATICI\1 1320/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 8000000000-3010 45.00
V03126 LD:IJI1V =CIA 2320Z100102'0 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 1000000000-3010 7,645.9d
V03126 LIN= MUTGA 2320/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 FD 1200000000-3010 300.00
V03126 LII\TCDLN =GA 2320/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 1500000000-3010 450.78
V03126 L = MIIC1\A 2320/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 1700000000-3010 193.18
V03126 LIIkKSJIN NUTGA 2320/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 3100000000-3010 1,788.37
V03196 LDMN NATICIA 2320/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 FD 3200000000-3010 21073.43
V03126 LDJ= =C1A 2320/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 3300000000-3010 1,135.09
V03126 LIISCITN NATICI\I 2320/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 3400000000-3010 395.91
V03126 LIATJ;3LN NATTCNA, 2320/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 4800000000-3010 149.76
V03126 LINCULN NATICM 2325/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 1000000000-3010 2,388.41
V03126 LINMEN MMCNA 2325/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 FD 1200000000-3010 175.00
V03126 LINCl7LN =CM 2325/1001020 ?Y 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 FD 1500000000-3010 50.00
V03126 LIIVJJIN MTICIa 2325/1001020 3Y :20 10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 1700000000-3010 25.00
V03126 LDMLN N%TTCtA 2325/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 3200000000-3010 650.00
V03126 LSrI7JLN =CI\IA 2325/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 3300000000-3010 344.57
V03126 LINCOLN =CNk 2325/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 3400000000-3010 196.50
V03126 LD\= WIC1\A 2325/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 FD 8000000000-3010 50.00
Check Nun: AP00142572 Tbtals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Lhuxzid: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 20,501.94 Paid: 20,501.94
Tax: 0.00 Chxg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 20,501.94 'Total: 20,501.94
V10800 PARKER, ASHLEY 2552/1001020 CASE# ITU08478 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 1000000000-3099 438.45
Check Nrn: AP00142573 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chxg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Upaid: 0.00
City of Azusa HP 9000 11/09/10 A / P TRANSACTIONS
, NOV 09, 2010, 11:28 PM ---req: IUM-------leg: GC, JL---loc: BI-TDD-I---Job: 781865 #J14462-- q�
pgm: CH520 <1.52> id: 02
90ni': Check Ilan
SELFxT Check Issue Dates: 100110-101510
Check Nan: AP00142573
PE ID PE Nate Irrvoice Nsrber Description Inv Date Dt� Date Div St Acaxmt
___-_-- =====-== _ _ _ A stmt
TMax:�m 0.00 C1>Lq: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc 0.00 Dist: 438.45 Paid: 438.45
0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 438.45 'Ibtal: 438.45
V04138 RELIASTAR LSFE 2410/1001020 PY420/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 3200000000-3054 2.50
Check Nan: AP00142574 'Ibtals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 T.rpaid: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 (hrg:
Tax: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 2.50 Paid: 2.50
0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 2.50 'Ibtal: 2.50
V09846 S1= LOML 721 2617/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 FD 1000000000-3020 69.47
V09846 SEN LOCAL, 721 2617/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 FD 1200000000-3020 254.20
V09846 SEIU LCCAL 721 2617/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 FD 3400000000-3020 123.80
Check Nsn: AP00142575 Tbtals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 ik d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 447.47 Paid: 447.47
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 447.47 Tbtal: 447.47
V10053 SIPMARD EZLPA 1221/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 1000000000-3044 312.97
V10053 SIAL II�[Il2A 1221/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/].0 10/07/10 1 FD 1200000000-3044 8.19
V10053 STVU1 D IN3M 1221/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 1500000000-3044 4.09
V10053 SUTUM Il�14URA 1221/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 FD 1700000000-3044 4.09
V10053 S1� EZLRA 1221/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 3400000000-3044 16.36
V10053 SI7� BULLA 1221/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 3700000000-3044 16.63
V10053 S1 EZIPA 1221/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 FD 4800000000-3044 27.63
V10053 SPANQ�RD .II\UM 1221/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 FD 8000000000-3044 132.64
Check N1n: AP00142576 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 (fid: 0.00
Max: 0.00 Crirg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 522.80 Paid: 522.80
Tax: 0.00 Churg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 522.80 Total: 522.80
V00876 KkSHDq3ICN MM 1330/1001020 PY#20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 1000000000-3010 2,619.75
City of Azusa PP 9000 11/09/10 A / P TRANSACTIONS Pale 27
MV 09, 2010, 11:28 AM ---req: -------leg: 6L 7L---lcc: BI-TDM---j b: 781865 #J14462--pgn: CH520 <1.52> rpt id: CII=02
P: Check NLxn
SE= Check Issue bites: 100110-101510
Check Urn: AP00142577
PE ID PE Nerre Invoice NLuber Cesc 2 ption Inv Date Die Date Div St Acaxmt FYrctsit
V00876 VA,SFIIlN,'ICN MJIU 1330/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 FD 1200000000-3010 45.00
V00876 W%gD1U'ItSI MJIU 1330/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 FD 1500000000-3010 65.25
V00876 VICN MJIU 1330/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 1700000000-3010 24.75
V00876 WILT= MJIU 1330/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 2100000000-3010 20.25
V00876 W%9AIN= MM 1330/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 2400000000-3010 127.50
V00876 W4SFIII�GICN MJIU 1330/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 3100000000-3010 277.50
V00876 W%9U�IIN MJIU 1330/1001020 Py 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 FD 3200000000-3010 45.00
V00876 km-gi N= MJIU 1330/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 3300000000-3010 195.00
V00876 W18FIII= MJIU 1330/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 FD 3400000000-3010 195.00
V00876 V1AS[III 31CN MJIU 1330/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 FD 4200000000-3010 45.00
V00876 EER\ 'RTV = 1330/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 4800000000-3010 390.00
V00876 4dkS[II = MJIU 1330/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 8000000000-3010 15.00
V00876 V MM 2330/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 FD 1000000000-3010 9,199.90
V00876 VFISF� MJIU 2330/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 FD 1500000000-3010 333.56
V00876 MSEDIUMN MJIU 2330/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 1700000000-3010 123.04
V00876 V ,ICIV MJN 2330/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 FD 2100000000-3010 550.80
V00876 MEHHq= MJIU 2330/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 FD 3100000000-3010 1,545.00
V00876 VASSFIII�U"II1V MJIU 2330/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 3200000000-3010 100.00
V00876 VICN MJIU 2330/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 3300000000-3010 1,553.00
V00876 V,� M= 2330/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 FD 3400000000-3010 350.00
V00876 VASE-D24= MM 2330/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 FD 4800000000-3010 1,008.27
V00876 WTCTI MJIU 2335/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 1000000000-3010 2,614.83
V00876 MASFD2= MJIU 2335/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 FD 1500000000-3010 41.30
V00876 VRST nM2335/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 1700000000-3010 17.70
V00876 IE243IM MJIU 2335/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 FD 2400000000-3010 543.84
V00876 V, S MJIU 2335/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 PD 3100000000-3010 626.47
V00876 VAS1i1N ICN MJIU 2335/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 FD 3200000000-3010 233.08
V00876 VCN MJIU 2335/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 FD 3400000000-3010 15.00
V00876 V]ASPEI= MJIU 2335/1001020 PY 20/10 10/07/10 10/07/10 1 FD 8000000000-3010 4.57
Check Nun: AP00142577 'ibtals:
'lex: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 LTi �,d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 22,925.36 Paid: 22,925.36
Max: 0.00 Clxrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 22,925.36 Total.: 22,925.36
V12436 A.Y. NUR= IN 0066042 #87834 08/27/10 09/30/10 1 PD 2440739082-6625/RSM 5,482.01
City of Azusa HP 900011/09 10 A / P TRANSACTIONS
N7V 09, 2010, 11:28 PM ---req: -------leg: CL JL---lcc: BI-TEc-I---job: 781865 4J14462--pgn: CES20 <1.52> rpt id: X02
Check Num
SEEECI' Check Issue Kites: 100110-101510
C4 eck Nun: AP00142578
PE ID PE Nam Invoice Rub2r D--s=pticn Inv Date Die bate Div St Pcoctmt lYrount
Chick Nim: AP00142578 Tbtals: - ______ ====__-= - - _
fix: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 d: 0.00
0.00 aZg. 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 5,482.01 d: 5,482.01
Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 5,482.01 Tbtal: 5,482.01
V07668 ALIBRIS R\C 44086925 4 Backs 09/15/10 10/15/10 1 PD 1030511000-6503 81.89
Check Nun: AP00142579 'Mals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Lh �d: 0.00
Tax' 5.54 C1urg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 76.35 Paid: 80.89
5.54 CYnq: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 76.35 'Total: 81.89
V12367 ALZI93V MBM NM 31613 REPLACgIv= OF THE P.D. 'S 08/05/10 10/07/10 1 PD 2880000310-7140/3101 173,376.00 ,
V12367 ALLI£ffiQ MQ1P II 31613 amtracts Pbl/c-rzt/Retn 08/05/10 10/07/10 1 FD 2800000000-2745 -17,337.60
V12367 ALLSS N P43aV 31676 REPLAC�VT O THE PD. IS 08/30/10 10/07/10 1 FD 2880000310-7140/3101 488.93
Check Nun: AP00142580 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Lig d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 156,527.33 Paid: 156,527.33
ltlx: 0,00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 156,527.33 Total: 156,527.33
V00759 RVER & 1!1= 4009560088 44 ChildrIerts Broke 09/15/10 10/15/10 1 PD 1030513000-6503 308.54
CYn-k Nun: AP00142581 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Lh rd: 0.00
Tax: 27.16 Chrg: 2.79 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 278.59 Paid: 308.54
Tax: 27.16 Chrg: 2.79 Ditty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 278.59 Total: 308.54
V04315 BARNEY'S LCCKM 34641 2FnRD TRANSFCMIDER KEYS/pR 08/10/10 10/12/10 1 PD 1045630000-6825/FLER 98.78
CtIErk Nim: AP00142582 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 d: O.oO
0.00 ar9• 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 98.78 d: 98.78
CYng: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 98.78 Tbtal: 98.78
City of Azusa HP 9000 11/09 10 A / P TRANSACTIONS p� 29
NJV 09, 2010, 11:28 PM ---req: -------lea: GL JL---lcc: BI-TD_H---jcb: 781865 #J14462--pgn: CE520 <1.52> rpt id: C%- RM02
SMT: Check Nun
SELECT Check Issue Dates: 100110-101510
Check Nun: AP00142582
PE ID PE Nane Irnvoio= Nxber Des=pticn Irnr Date Die Date Div St Pccair t Afrr mt
V05196 BASH@UL HJITII2, 091410 Statarent Date: 9/14/10 09/14/10 10/14/10 1 PD 1025543000-6625 36.00
Check Nun: AP00142583 'Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chzg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 ted: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chep: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 36.00 Paid: 36.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 36.00 Total: 36.00
V05804 BEST BEST & KRI 630419 45635.01816 VULCAN 07/16/10 10/12/10 1 PD 5000000139-2719 26,864.00
V05804 BEST BEST & BRI 632362 45635.01816 VULCAN O7/14/10 10/12/10 1 PD 5000000139-2719 23,663.53
V058V05804 = ffiI & K�RI 633965 45635.01816 VULCAN 086 VJUDW /12/10 1010 %2/10 1 PPD 5000 00100-6345 236.50
39-2719 14,626.85
Check Nun: AP00142584 'Ibtals:
Tic: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Iuty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Utd: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Azty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 65,390.88 Paid: 65,390.88
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 65,390.88 Total: 65,390.88
V12477 C.T.& F. INC 083110 TA= INIEPGF CN IMPRO 08/31/10 10/07/10 1 FD 8010165624-7170/6611 66,417.44
V12477 C.T.& F. INC 083110 Ccntracts Fbl/Const/Retn 08/31/10 10/07/10 1 PD 8010165624-2745 -61641.74
Check Nun: AP00142585 Tbtals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 T ,d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 59,775.70 Paid: 59,775.70
Tlx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 59,775.70 Total: 59,775.70
V01874 CLEARS INC. 111510 REGIST/RSSE Ri.M= 09/21/10 10/12/10 1 PD 1020310000-6235 395.00
Check Nun: AP00142586 'Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00yd: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 395.00 Paid: 395.00
Tam 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 395.00 Total: 395.00
Ci of Azusa HP 9000 11/09 10 A / P TRANSACTIONS
Page 30
NOV 09, 2010, 11:28 PM ---rte: -------leg: G„7L---loc: BI-TECH---job: 781865 #114462--p9n: CFB20 <1.52> rpt id: CH 02
SQII : Chock Num
SEDT Check Issue Dates: 100110-101510
Check NDLrn: AP00142587
PE ID PE Nane IrrvOice Mxrber D`.scripticn Inv a-ite Dae Date Div St Acoamt Alrou7t
V12607 QVC II93IIIER1M 12498 TpFO32AF= SURVEY AND M 08/31/10 10/12/10 1 PD 3780000661-7170/6610 2,445.00
Check Nun: AP00142587 Totals:
Tom: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Lid: 0.00
Tlx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 2,445.00 Paid: 2,445.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 2,445.00 Total: 2,445.00
V12712 0344MCTAL ET 10314 INS'EVaAT ON OF SHELTER S 08/31/10 10/12/10 1 FD 2480000410-7130%4101 8,980.00
Check Nun: AP00142588 Totals:
Tic: 0.00 Chrg. 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Ur id: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 �: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 8,980.00 Paid: 8,980.00
Qrrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 81980.00 Total: 8,980.00
V04937 D&R OFFICE WaRK 00819571N
V04937 D&d2 OFFICE NIJRK 0081957IN PEHOLS'IEP, SMT 53.65
I& JLI\/h C 09LCA /13/ 10 1010 /13/ 10 1 PD 1020310000-6845 10 1 PD 1020310000-6845 143.90
Check Nun: AP00142589 Totals:
Ttuc: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 U-Pal 0.00
Tax: 17.55 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 180.00 Paid: 197.55
Tac: 17.55 Qirg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 180.00 'Total: 197.55
V04080 E31\T ' AUTO CE 66476 INV 66476: P-2 60K SW: O 09/15/10 10/15/10 1 PD 1020310000-6825 257.91
VD4080 AIITO CE 66476 INV 66476: P-2 ISR 09/15/10 10/15/TO 1 PD 1020310000-6825 451.00
VD4080 BMC Uff AUTO CE 66478 INV 66478: P-5 63K SQL': C 09/15/10 10/15/10 1 PD 1020310000-6825 149.26
V�04080 E02 NM CE 66482 INV
V 66482: P-4 44 :LAEOR 09%15%10 10IO %15%10 1 PPD 1020310000-6825 28.54
VD4080 D32Uvrf AUTO CE 66482 INV 66482: P-4 LAMP, 09/15/10 10/15/10 1 PD 1020310000-6825 52.00
Check NDun: AP00142590 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Ii�d: 0.00
Tax: 38.71 CYzg-: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 952.00 Paid: 990.71
Tax: 38.71 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 952.00 Tbtal: 990.71
City of Azusa HP 9000 11/09/10 A / P TRANSACTIONS �31
NDV 09, 2010, 11:28 PM ---req: -------leg: Q, JL---loc: BI-TECH---job: 781865 fM4462--pgn: 01520 <1.52> rpt id: 02
Check Nun
SECFCI' Check Issue Dates: 100110-101510
Check Nim: AP00142591
PE ID PE Nane Invoice Nurber IDe=ptioru Inv Date Due Date Div St Account nit Ar rx nt
V03609 CLI` , RICHFIRD 011893151227 Uniforms & LaLn-ory 09/06/10 10/12/10 1 PD 1025420000-6201 208.50
Check Nim: AP00142591 'Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Unceid: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 208.50 Paid: 208.50
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 208.50 Total: 208.50
V03003 Q1V721ES, MW 092210 REUvB/FR?aM REPAIR 09/22/10 10/12/10 1 FD 1025410000-6625 30.00,
Check Nun: AP00142592 Totals:
TaLx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Itpai d: 0.00
Tlx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 30.00 Paid: 30.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 30.00 'Total: 30.00
V07086 GJVU2Z TICN I 46928669 5836966 09/13/10 10/14/10 1 FD 4849941000-6570 96.58
V07086 GJVUa4,B TCN I 46928669 6133533 09/13/10 10/14/10 1 FD 4849941000-6570 138.95
V07086 GJVUJ4=CN I 46928669 I 6149228 09/13/10 10/14/10 1 FD 4849941000-6570 139.44
V07086 CJJV13a1=CN I 46928669 9737092 09/13/10 10/14/10 1 PD 4849941000-6570 72.37
V07086 GJVUak=CN I 46928669 I 6056881 09/13/10 10/14/10 1 PD 4849941000-6570 172.29
V07086 CLRA72NE CN I 46928669 6652229 09/13/10 10/14/10 1 FD 4849941000-6570 97.68
V07086 GJJUaZ=CN I 46936718 11605806 VI Ev TIC 09/14/10 10/14/10 1 PD 4849941000-6570 405.83
V07086 PICK I 46936718 STATE ENVIFKITPAL FEE 09/14/10 10/14/10 1 PD 4849941000-6570 32.00
Check Nun: AP00142593 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0:00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Lh .id: 0.00
Tax: 99.78 Chfg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 1,055.36 Paid: 1,155.14
Tic: 99.78 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 1,055.36 Total: 11155.14
V11651 GZANICTE INC. 21373 21373 091510 101510 1 PD 4849930000-6415 217.75
V11651 G?ANM)S Ur. 21482 021482 09/15/10 10/15/10 1 PD 4849930000-6415 1,654.90
Check Nun: AP00142594 Totals:
Tic: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 i ,d: " 0.00
Tlx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 1,872.65 Paid: 1,872.65
Tex: 0.00 Chfg: 0.00 DAY: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 1,872.65 Total: 1,872.65
City of Azusa HP 9000 11/09 10 A / P TRANSACTIONS Page 32
NUI 09, 2010, 11:28 PM ---req: -------leg: C4, JL,--lcc: BI-TF]U-1---job: 781865 #J14462--pgn: C1520 <1.52> rpt id: CHRM02
9JfZI: Check Num
SIIIxT Check Issue Dates: 100110-101510
Check Nim: AP00142594
PE ID PE I\Jam Invoice Fhariher Description Iliv Late Due Date Div St Account Arra nt
V02203 GRCLIER EJLTM 11348338 B/O Bcok 39 Clues 09/09/10 10/09/10 1 PD 1030513000-6503 8.55
Check Khan: AP00142595 Tbtals:
Tax: 0.00 fig
Tax: 0.76 : 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 U�aid: 0.00
CYzg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 7.79 Paid: 8.55
Tax: 0.76
Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 7.79 Total: 8.55
V02118 FCD MIUVAL 091610 Ra\UML/CCD4488 1870RN\1CH 09/16/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3240722747-6493 61.00
Check Nim: AP00142596 'Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 UT)a d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Cng: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 61.00 Paid: 61.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 61.00 Total: 61.00
V03256 HID SUPPLY UPILI 148384500 20 FITIMIG-SSC 3NL-20,43 08/30/10 09/30/10 1 FD 3300000000-1601 2,728.69
V03256 FID SUPPLY Ur= 148384500 FUSE-175 E,S&C _R-20 lmi 08/30/10 09/30/10 1 PD 3300000000-1601 1,308.83
(heck Nun: AP00142597 Totals:
Tax: 358.68 Czrg. 0.00 Tuty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 mrd: 0.00
Tax: 358.68 Chrg. 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 3,678.84 Paid: 4,037.52
Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 3,678.84 Total: 4,037.52
V97030 HMWEEZ, SIEF 10533042040 REDWURSET RIEaN CEREM 09/12/10 10/14/10 1 PD 8010110000-6625 43.89
V97030 H aNWEZ, SIEF 12733042040 R=vBZ'UN ;I' RIP22N CHEM 09/13/10 10/14/10 1 M 8010110000-6625 43.89
V97030 17753042040 R�/ RRIEKN � 09/26/10 1010 /14/10 1 FD 10 1 ED 8010110000-6625 28.74
Check Nun: AP00142598 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 UVai 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 118.46 Paid: 118.46
Tax: 0.00 C7rg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 118.46 Total: 118.46
wa of Azusa HP 900011/09 10 A / P TRANSACTIONS �P�133
MV 09, 2010, 11:28 PM ---req: -------leg: C3, JL---lcc: BI-=---jcb: 781865 4J14462--pgn: CH520 <1.52> rpt id: 02
Ste': ick Nun
SE= Check Issue Kites: 100110-101510
Chick Nun: AP00142599
PE ID PE Nano Invoice Nueber Des=pticn Inv Date Axe Fite Div St At Arranzt
V02345 INP'L AS90C OF 46765 ME`EMSfIIP/OLP MW 09/14/10 10/14/10 1 FD 1020320000-6230 170.00
Check Nun: AP00142599 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 UlUDai d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 chcg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 170.00 Paid: 170.00
Tlx: 0.00 chug: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 170.00 'Total: 170.00
V05369 =-VALLEY FO 22648 INV#22648 DA= 9/21/10 - 09/15/10 10/15/10 1 PD 3240722744-6563 32.31
Check Nun: AP00142600 Tbtals:
Tax: 0.00 chug: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 d: 0.00
Tlx: 2.87 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 29.44 d: 32.31
Tax: 2.87 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 29.44 Total: 32.31
V12715 JalIlE= SUPPL 618199 4618199/l/2HP 230 3PH HNP 09/15/3.0 10/15/10 1 FD 1055666000-6563 1,162.02
Check Nim: AP00142601 Totals:
Tac: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00d: 0.00
Tlx: 103.23 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 1,058.79 d: 1,162.02
Tax: 103.23 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 1,058.79 Total: 1,162.02
V05115 KEYES, R-= 092910 REIlvB/SikTTh= INSPEC TAR 09/29/10 10/14/10 1 PD 1035620000-6240 46.00
Chi k Nun: AP00142602 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 aug: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Laid: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chug: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 46.00 Paid: 46.00
Twc: 0.00 chug: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 46.00 Total: 46.00
V10499 KCF Q1\ISULTIM 093010 acntract sys frrm 9/20/20 09/30/10 10/07/10 1 FD 1050921000-6399 5,360.00
Check Nun: AP00142603 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chug: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Cyd: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 5,360.00 Paid: 5,360.00
Max: 0.00 chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 5,360.00 Total: 51360.00
City of Azusa HP 9000 11/09/10 A / P TRANSACTIONS paqe
NOV 09, 2010, 11:28 AM ---req: RUEY-------leg: GL J,---la: BI-TECII---job! 781865 ga4462--pgn: CH520 <1.52> rpt id: CH=02
9�7P: Check Nun
SELMT Check Issue Dates: 100110-101510
Check Nun: AP00142603
PE ID PE Nme IlMlCe NZber Ies=pticn Inv Date Due Date Div St Acca nt Pnrxmt
V11997 LNESC1PE 6WEH 4028713 #4028713 09/13/10 10/13/10 1 PD 1025420000-6563 35.43
Check Nun: AP00142604 'Ibtals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Tax: 0.00 �9: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 35.43 d: 35.43
Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 35.43 lbtal: 35.43
V002122 T212 �S SW
& LAW A7226209 #AA772226 09141206-L1�TII� 8/1 09%13%10 0%13%10 1 PD 1025420000-6835 2.74
Check Nun: AP00142605 'Mals:
Tax: 0.00 Chzg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 ��-�z d: 0.00
Tax: 0.24 (hrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 34.50 Paid: 34.74
Tax: 0.24 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 34.50 'Ibtal: 34.74
V07294 LSC3-IINDU OIL & 36841 INV. #36841, 8/25/10 - CD 08/25/10 09/25/10 1 PD 3340735880-6551 1,811.00
Check Nun: AP00142606 lbtals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 CTed: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 1,811.00 Paid: 1,811.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 1,811.00 'Ibtal: 1,811.00
V02285 LCSa4N SUPPLY C17 72728 EAR-1�1u� w/strirrIS 09/13/10 10/14/10 1 PD 1000000000-1601 98.78
V02285 LOQ1N SUPPLY OD 72728 CLDVES fart wnsE leather 09/13/10 10/14/10 1 PD 1000000000-1601 131.70
V02285 LCXPN SUPPLY CD 72728 MPE-caution 3"x1:000' 09/13/10 10/14/10 1 PD 1000000000-1601 138.29
V02285 LOCPN SUPPLY Cb 727281 MCL-part slittiM knif 09/20/10 10/14/10 1 PD 1000000000-1601 657.18
Check Nun: AP00142607 'Ibtals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 0.00
Tax: 91.15 Chzg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 934.80 Paid: 1,025.95
Tax: 91.15 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 934.80 'Ibtal: 11025.95
City of Azusa HP 9000 11/09 10 A / P T R AN S ACT IONS pac� 35
NOV 09, 2010, 11:28 AM ---req: -------leg: GL JL---lcc: BI-TECH---job: 781865 #x4462--pgn: CH520 <1.52> rpt id: CHRE IO2
SORT: Check Nurn
SELECT Check Issue Dates: 100110-101510
Check Nun: AP00142608
PE ID PE Nave Invoice NuTber Description Inv Late Ate Date Div St Account Anrx it
V00633 VEMKILL ICBM T 079543 FOR INV# 079543- 9/2 09/24/10 10/10/10 1 PD 3140702935-6615 645.00
V00633 NENEILL SBa= 080387 3944 MATED 9/24/10 - 09/24/10 10/10/10 1 PD 3240722707-6493 435.00
V00633 MT._NKM SM RIT 080422 Il�]V 080422 Dk= 9/24/10 09/24/10 10/10/10 1 PD 3240722707-6493 150.00
Check Nun: AP00142608 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 L���d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 1,230.00 Paid: 1,230.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 1,230.00 Total: 1,230.00
V03491 MELAD & AS9= 083010 PLAM= SERVICES FOR AU 08/30/10 09/30/10 1 PD 1035620000-6435 3,600.00
Check Nun: AP00142609 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00tx m,;d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Azty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 3,600.00 Paid: 3,600.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 3,600.00 Total: 3,600.00
V05287 ME1tC.LIl2Y F= C 14350 INV#14350 DATFD 9/9/10 - 09/09/10 10/09/10 1 PD 3240722747-6493 1,350.00
Check Nun: AP00142610 Totals:
Tic: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00LL �id: 0.00
Tic: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 1,350.00 Paid: 1,350.00
Tax: 0.00 Chi: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 1,350.00 Total: 1,350.00
V00987 h4nCHH1L & 9�N, 148287 INV4148287 DAIED 9/15/10 09/15/10 10/15/10 1 FD 3240722748-6563 944.95
Check Nim: AP00142611 Totals:
Tdx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 d: 0.00
Tax: 83.95 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 861.00 Paid: 944.95
Tax: 83.95 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 861.00 Tbtal: 944.95
V00540 OFFICE EETOT IN 533812332001 HP Q2670A BLACK TOMER CAR 09/15/10 10/14/10 1 PD 1025410000-6530 305.39
V00540 0MCE DEFCT IN 533812332001 HP Q2681A CYAN TCNER CART 09/15/10 10/14/10 1 PD 1025410000-6530 196.41
V00540 OFFICE D= IN 533812332001 AVERY N*= LABELS, SHIPP 09/15/10 10/14/10 1 PD 1025410000-6530 26.67
V00540 OFFICE UT IN 533896991001 item #197092 HP Black ton 09/15/10 10/14/10 1 PD 2125541000-6530 305.39
City of Azusa HP 900011/09 10 A / P TRANSACTIONS Page36IAV 09, 2010, 11:28 PM ---req: -------leg: Q, JL---lcc: BI-TE';I-I---job: 781865 ##J14462--pgn: UE20 <1.52> rpt id: AIIRREEII'' 02
SDR': Check Nun
Sa= Check Issue Dates: 100110-101510
Check Nim: AP00142612
FE ED PE Narre Invoice Nurber Lescc pticn Inv Date Due Late Div St Acoant Firrxnit
V00540 OFFICE LEMr IN 533896991001 item ##477464 HPrraqenta t 09/15/10 10/14/10 1 PD 2125541000-6530 196.41
Check Nun: AP00142612 Tbtals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 [hya id: 0.00
Max: 91.53 Chrg: 0.00 Laity: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 938.74 Paid: 1,030.27
Tax: 91.53 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 938.74 Total: 11030.27
V12773 CRARM CUUgIY T SH27477 FOR ZIC ANALYSIS FOR LR# 09/16/10 10/14/10 1 PD 1020310000-6350 562.52
Check Nun: AP00142613 Tbtals:
Tax: 0.00 �: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Lid: 0.00
Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 562.52 Paid: 562.52
Tax: 0.00 aa-g: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 562.52 Tbtal: 562.52
V12475 PIPS TBa?CL03Y 7309 PIPS MJBILE CN-SITE INSIA 07/01/10 10/13/10 1 FD 2820320028-7140 1,500.00
Clock Nun: AP00142614 Tbtals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Deity: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 ih�tr�d: 0.00
�: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 D.aty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 1,500.00 Paid: 1,500.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Azty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 1,500.00 Tbtal: 1,500.00
V05566 SAN DID3D POLSC 594426 FID-409VA: FEEEPAL 40ML 09/13/10 10/14/10 1 FD 1020310000-6563 11,563.09
V05566 SAN DIEGO FOLIC 594426 FID-4056A: FE MRAL 40CAL 09/13/10 10/14/10 1 PD 2820310041-6563 2477.78
V05566 SAN DIMD RQLSC 594426 FED-AE223AF: FEDERAL .223 09/13/10 10/14/10 1 ,
PD 1020310000-6563 5,386.91
Check Nun: AP00142615 Tbtals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Iuuty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 1h ��d: o.00
Tax: 1,699.28 Chrg: 300.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 17,428.50 Paid: 19,427.78
Tax: 1,699.28 Chrg: 300.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 17,428.50 Total: 19,427.78
V02185 SAN CVZIEL VAL 008 ENEFUY & CAPACITY - ALL?10 09/15/10 10/15/10 1 PD 3340775550-6590 32,256.58
Check Nun: AP00142616 Tbtals:
Tax: 0.00 Chr9: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Upaid: 0.00
City of Azusa HP 9000 11/09/10 A / P TRANSACTIONS paqe 37
NJV 09, 2010, 11:28 PM ---rte: -------lx3: Q, JL---lcc: BI-=---job: 781865 #J14462--pzp: CI-3520 <1.52> rpt id: CHRM02
C1�eck Nun
S13= Check Issue Dates: 100110-101510
CYr_ck Nun: AP00142616
PE ID PE Dane Invoice Nmber Descriptian Inv Date Die bite Div St Acaznt Arc unt
Tlx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 32,256.58 Paid: 32,256.58
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: - 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 32,256.58 Tbtal: 32,256:58
V00029 SAN G7BTtZEL UAL 905035501091510 SUBSMIPITCN/905035501 09/15/10 10/13/10 1 FD 1020310000-6230 245.00
Check Nun: AP00142617 Tbtals:
Tax: 0.00 Chxg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: ' 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 245.00 d: 245.00
Tac: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 245.00 Total: 245.00
V11250 S JUIEZ, GH RD 62830 Invoice #62830 Fbc3 prepa 09/18/10 10/14/10 1 FD 1025543000-6625 420.00
Check Nun: AP00142618 Tbtals:
Tlx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 [1jDa_1 0.00
T : 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 420.00 Paid: 420.00
Tdx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 420.00 Total: 420.00
V02246 SAXE-CLJFFORD 1009154 INV 10-0915-4: PSYCIH=I 09/15/10 10/15/10 1 PD 1020310000-6350 750.00
Check Nun: AP00142619 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 uvai : 0.00
Ttlx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 750.00 Paid: 750.00
Tlx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 750.00 Total: 750.00
V0054 SC FUELS 1310668 INV #1310668/FUEL THRaTE 09/15/10 10/15/10 1 PD 1555521130-6551 1,825.56
V0054 SC FUELS 1310668 INV #1310668/FUEL TI-3P= 09/15/10 10/15/10 1 PD 1755521120-6551 158.74
Check Nun: AP00142620 Totals:
Tic: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 d: 0.00
Tat: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 1,984.30 d: 1,984.30
Tlx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 1,984.30 Total: 1,984.30
V02917 SEEEER, 092410 RFMB/TAlI' RIEI � CERFM 09/24/10 10/14/10 1 PD 8010110000-6625 136.37
City of Azusa HP 9000 11/09110 A / P TRANSACTIONS Pp*Pe
DIRT 09, 2010, 11:28 PM ---req: RLBY-------leg: CL J,---loc: BI-=---jcb: 781865 W14462--p-4a: CH520 <1.52> rpt id: C HRETT02
sCRT: Check Duan
SaEUF Check Issue Utes: 100110-101510
Check Duan: AP00142621
PE ID PE Nave Invoice Darter Description Inv Date Ate Date Div St Account Arraurrt
V02917 SEFFII2, CINDY 48583042040 REIMB/1ARC ,T RTBDN CERFM 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 FD 8010110000-6625 18.08
Check Num: AP00142621 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 �
Tax: 0.00 : 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 L�p�, d: 0.00
Chrg: 0.00 D.ity: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 154.45 Paid: 154.45
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 154.45 Total: 154.45
V09701 gIrII-I, SF7aN RFI30013462 RIIMB/Bv1S C'1P DZMEST 09/20/10 10/12/10 1 PD 3340735880-6220 350.00
Check Duan: AP00142622 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 ih��d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 350.00 Paid: 350.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 350.00 Tbtal: 350.00
V10200 SQL UJIFORM R 1118426 FCR INV### 1118426-DATED 9/ 09/01/10 10/O1/10 1 FD 3140711902-6201 55.20
V10200 93M LNIFUM R 1119853 FOR ID1�# 1119853-DATED 9 09/08/10 10/08/10 1 FD 3140711902-6201 55:20
V10200 93CM LNIFMvl R 1121146 INV 1121146: PRISCDIER LAU 09/15/10 10/15/10 1 FD 1020310000-6575 76.08
V10200 93ML LNIFUM R 1121150 INV 1121150/P.D. MATS 9/ 09/15/10 10/15/10 1 PD 1055666000-6493 37.60
V10200 SOML LNIFCR4 R 1121151 INV 1121151/CI Y HALL MA 09/15/10 10/l5/10 1 FD 1055666000-6493 10.80
V10200 SCCAL LVIFC)W R 1121152 IlW 1121152/LEFARY MATS 09/15/10 10/15/10 1 FD 1055666000-6493 CA 21 50
V10200 S7L NIF�7 R 1121153 INV 112 153/SR. CTR. NAT 09/15/10 10/15/10 1 PD 1055666000-6493 12.00
V10200 SOML LNIFUN R 1121154 #1121154/LAUEPY SQL'/SICR 09/15/10 10/15/10 1 PD 1045830000-6201 16.87
V10200 SUM LNIFCRM R 1121155 INV#1121155 D= 9//15/10 09/15/10 10/15/10 1 FD 3240721795-6201 70.00
V10200 93M LNIFCW R 1121156 FCFZ IIW# 112 156-II�IFD 9/ 09/15/10 10/15/10 1 PD 3140711902-6201 55.20
V10200 �L LNIFDAN R 1121157 INV 41121157�GVALE LNIFO 09/15/10 10/15/10 1 PD 4355667000-6201 6.74
V10200 93M LNIFCW R 1121158 INV. #1121158 9/15/10 - 09/15/10 10/15/10 1 FD 3340735880-6201 115.60
V10200 SSAL LNIFCTI R 1121159 INV1112211553X/=�1 MNL LNI 09/15/10 10/15/10 1 PD 1255661000-6201 53.54
V10200 cCCAL LNIFC W R 1121159 IIWbaLNI09/15/10 10/15/10 1 FD 1055664000-6201 19.68
V10200 SOCAL WEMI R 1121159 INV1121159/SIRP MNr LNI 09/15/10 10/15/10 1 PD 3455665000-6201 27.72
V10200 SCM LNIFCW R 1121160 INV1121160"FAC LNIF 09/15/10 10/15/10 1 PD 1055666000-6201 5.80
V10200 SO AL LNIFCEN R 1121162 INV#1121162 II�TID 9/51/10 09/15/10 10/15/10 1 FD 3240721795-6201 91.03
Check Nln: AP00142623 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Lh �d: 0.00
Tat: 0.00 chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc:. 0.00 Dist: 730.56 Paid: 730.56
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 fluty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 730.56 Total: 730.56
City of Azusa HP 9000 11109110 A / P T R A N S ACT IONS 39
UM 09, 2010, 11:28 AM ---req: -------leg: �d JL---lcc: BI-'ILII---job: 781865 4J14462--fin: X20 <1.52> rpt id: CURM02
Check Khan
SELB= Check Issue Utes: 100110-101510
Check Nun: AP00142623
PE ID PE Nave Invoice Naber Description Irnr Date Due Date Div St Pc=mt Affaxit
V00027 SaIIERN CALdFO 2302340404092310 ACC7: 2-30-234-0404 09/23/10 10/12/10 1 FD 3240722726-6905 31.63
Check Nun: AP00142624 Tbtals:
Tlx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 -vaid: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 31.63 Paid: 31.63
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 31.63 Total: 31.63
V12561 SFCRIWIDE SI285341 #SI-285341 07/22/10 07/22/10 1 PD 1025410000-6201 39.48
Check Nun: AP00142625 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 UT)EU 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 39.48 Paid: 39.48
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 39.48 Total: 39.48
V12262 SIPUM VATM 18769 18769 DI= 9/10/10 - 09/10/10 10/10/10 1 FD 3240722744-6563 5,284.68
V12262 STII2LIINP, kmMI RR 18773 M18773 D'ITFD 9/8/10 - 09/08/10 10/08/10 1 PD 3240722744-6563 15,324.28
Check Nim: AP00142626 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 i�¢��d: 0.00
Tcix: 1,830.86 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 18,778.10 Paid: 20,608.96
Tax: 1,830.86 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 18,778.10 Total: 20,608.96
V00254 SLN 2ACCE =A 317992 (1)LA DYED SILTLNE BAME 08/16/10 10/12/10 1 FD 1020310000-6563 615.45
Check Nun: AP00142627 Totals:
TSx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Urpai 0.00
Tax: 53.70 Clip: 11.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 550.75 Paid: 615.45
Tax: 53.70 Clog: 11.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 550.75 Total: 615.45
V07002 TP,SII2 INIFFblYn SI1217558 REFURBISH X26, TPSER, BLA 08/17/10 10/12/10 1 FD 1020310000-6569 493.88
Check Nun: AP00142628 Totals:
wCiof Azusa HP 9000 11/09 10 A / P TRANSACTIONS
iv MV 09, 2010, 11:28 PM ---req: -------leg: CLJL---loc: BI-TECH---jcb: 781865 #J14462--P3n: X20 <1.52> rpt id: CUFMTI02
SMT: Check Nxn
SE= Check Issue Dates: 100110-101510
Check Nim: AP00142628
PE ID PE hi tre _ Invoice Nutter Des=pticn Irnr Date Dae Date Div St Pcccuit Amount
Max: 43.88 g: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 d: 0.00
Clog: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 450.00 d: 493.88
"Pax: 43.88 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 450.00 Total: 493.88
V00952 TOMES, RICHARD 090710 REUVINIERVET SVC SEP201 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3340775570-6915 41.99
Check Nun: AP00142629 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 fluty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 i��d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 �: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 41.99 Paid: 41.99
Tax: 0.00 Cfmg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 41.99 Total.: 41.99
V03180 LN= TRAFFIC 27546 INV 427546/DR2IVE RIVEIS 9 09/15/10 10/15/10 1 PD 1255661000-656 195.36
Check Nun: AP00142630 Tbtals:
Tax: 0.00 Chip: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Lid: 0.00
Tax: 17.36 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 178.00 Paid: 195.36
'lax: 17.36 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 178.00 Total: 195.36
V04678 VERIM\T WIREES IlN2425867 TAX CN 14 ASB AIRCARDS & 09/14/10 10/14/10 1 FD 4849940000-6915 259.28
Check Nun: AP00142631 Totals:
Tax: 0. 00 g
ChrC1 : 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 LTi-�d: 0.00
"meg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 259.28 Paid: 259.28
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 259.28 Total: 259.28
V00388 VERI712N G26RM0075091310 626 RTO 0075 020606: 09/13/10 10/07/10 1 PD 1020310000-6915 82.94
Check Nun: AP00142632 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Clxg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 mrd: 0.00
Tax: 0 �mg 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 82.94 Paid: 82.94
Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 82.94 Total: 82.94
V12768 ➢dffM-S OF FREES 8448 PW EVENT 10/16/10 09/20/10 10/12/10 1 PD 5008000141-2718 999.00
City of Aa)sa HP 900011/09 10TRANSACTIONS
A / P T R A N S A C T I O N S Page
NOV 09, 2010, 11:28 AM ---r : -------leg: GL JL---lcc: BI- ---job: 781865 #Jl4462--pgn: CH520 <1.52> rpt id: CHRM02
SCRI: Check. Nun
SELFDT Check Issue Kites: 100110-101510
Check Nun: AP00142633
PE ID PE Nam Invoioe Nurber D =pticn Tnv Date Dae Date Div St Ac oant Amamt
Check Nun: AP00142633 Totals: ._._.T
Tax: 0.00 Chzg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 iklpaid: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chzg: 0.00 Aity: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 999.00 Paid: 999.00
Tax: 0.00 Chzg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 999.00 Total: 999.00
V00113 Y TIRE SALES 091243 FOR INV4 091243-Di1TED 8/3 08/30/10 09/30/10 1 PD 3140711902-6825 139.21
Check Nm: AP00142634 Totals:
Tlx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Urid: 0.00
Tlx: 9.26 Chrg: 34.95 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 95.00 Paid:' 139.21
Tac: 9.26 Chrg: 34.95 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 95.00 Tbtal: 139.21
V11265 ZV=, FU= 092210 PMFCW SOC FPJP/SR.CFNIFI2 09/20/10 10/14/10 1 PD 1025543000-6625 100.00
Check Nan: AP00142635 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chzg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00Lhid: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chzg: 0.00 Daty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 100.00 Paid: 100.00
Tlx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 100.00 Total: 100.00
V01003 ZEE MEDICAL INC 0140070181 FOR INV# 0140070181-DAT'ID 08/26/10 09/26/10 1 FD 3140711920-6564 61.86
Check Nun: AP00142636 Tbtals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 L -pai : 0.00
Trac: 4.95 Chrg: 5.95 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 50.96 'Paid: 61.86
Tax: 4.95 Chrg: 5.95 Aty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 50.96 Tbtal: 61.86
V00458 ACOM GAS 11355 411355 09/16/10 10/16/10 1 PD 2440739082-6625/RSIR 274.38
Check Urn: AP00142637 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Li�r d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chzg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 274.38 Paid: 274.38
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 274.38 Total: 274.38
City of Azusa HP 9000 11/09 10 A / P TRANSACTIONS paqe
NDV 09, 2010, 11:28 PM ---req: -------leg, GL JL---loc: BI-TD:7I---7cb: 781865 tM4462--p9m: CH520 <1.52> rpt id: CHRETI02
17IQ : Check Nun
SKEcr Check Issue Dates: 100110-101510
Check Nim: AP00142637
FE ID PE Nane Invoice NuTber Description Irry Date Die Date Div St A mt. Amxnt
V07079 AD GZAPHICS 7644 100 EACH CITY OF AZLFA 'R 09/14/10 10/15/10 1 PD 1035620000-6539 93.29
Check Nun: AP00142638 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00Did: 0.00
Tax: 8.29 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 85.00 Paid: 93.29
Tax: 8.29 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 85.00 Total: 93.29
V07451 AUV� I� 3803 AA 0 PMP EMICA ID �I 09/16/10 1010 /16/10 1 FD 1055666000-G493 530.00
10 1 PD 1055666000-6493 569.00
Check Nun: AP00142639 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 ChrS: 0Tax: .00 Aaty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Lh �d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 a�g. 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 1,099.00 Paid: 1,099.00
Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 1,099.00 Tbtal: 1,099.00
V11295 ALL = MWE 20593 INV 20593: 8-29 ID 9-11-1 09/16/10 10/16/10 1 PD 1020333000-6497 5,185.93
Check Nun: AP00142640 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 C2-ng: 0.00 arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 ��p��d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 5,185.93 Paid: 5,185.93
Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 5,185.93 Tbtal: 5,185.93
V00270 AZHED15 SERVICES 100410 5946.5643@16.57 B.83 BIN SS�� 10%04%10 1010 %14%10 1 P10 1 FD 3640750000-6455 3640750000-6455 198,534.57
V00270 ATFiFNS SERVICES 364722000083110 SEPi2010 svi2/624N S4N"AH� 08/31/10 10/14/10 1 PD 8010125000-6815/5058 175.33
Check Nun: AP00142641 Tbtals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 243,298.69 d: 243,298.69
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 fluty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 243,298.69 Total: 243,298.69
V02407 AZfA CDDLDEN M 125 TS=/PARADE VD� 09/21/10 10/16/10 1 FD 1025410000-6625 540.00
City of Azusa HP 9000 11/09/10 A / P TRANSACTIONS Papp 43
NJV 09, 2010, 11:28 AM ---req: -------leg: GL JL---kx: BI-TEM---job: 781865 4J14462--pgn: CH520 <1.52> rpt id: CI3RRM02
SSI: Clack Nurn
SELFS_T Check. Issue Dates: 100110-101510
Check Nun: A.P00142642
PE ID FE Nave Invoice Nufber Description Inv Date Dae Fite Div St Account Amount
Check Nun: AP00142642 Totals: ------ - __ ---- _
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 540.00 d: 540.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 540.00 Total: 540.00
V00088 B&K FIBCIRIC WH 52625121001 #S2625121.001/LTS 15PK,LI 09/16/10 10/16/10 1 FD 1055666000-6563 13.77
Check Nun: AP00142643 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 UjDa d: 0.00
Tax: 1.22 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 12.55 Paid: 13.77
Max: 1.22 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 12.55 Total: 13.77
V00089 BAKER & TTIYLCR 3016548354 2 Reference Docks 09/17/10 10/17/10 1 PD 1030511000-6503 47.37
Check Num: AP00142644 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 iIl-id: 0.00
Tax: 3.43 Chrg: 8.77 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 35.17 Paid: 47.37
Tax: 3.43 Chcg: 8.77 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 35.17 Total: 47.37
V00759 BAKER & TTIYLCR 4009561356 25 Books 09/16/10 10/16/10 1 PD 1030511000-6503 412.60
V00759 BAKER & TAYLCR 4009562546 6 Audio Bcoks 09/16/10 10/16/10 1 FD 1030511000-6512 116.29
Check Nun: AP00142645 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Ulpa-.d: 0.00
Tax: 46.56 Chrg: 4.78 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 477.55 Paid: 528.89
Tax: 46.56 Chrg: 4.78 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 477.55 Total: 528.89
V05549 BAKER & MIM Spcnqebab
10 1 FD 1030511000-6515 12.34
V05549 BAKER & TTIYLCR WW5509699611 0969960 22-Mls , � 09/17/10 10/17091710 /10 1 PD 1030511000-6515 31.25
Check Thin: AP00142646 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 ttpa,d: 0.00
Tax: 3.88 Chrg: .0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 39.71 Paid: 43.59
Tax: 3.88 Chug: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 39.71 Total: 43.59
City of Azusa HP 9000 11/ A / P TRANSACTIONS
: -------l : M L---I= BI- E ---Job: 7
81865 #kn4462--pgm: CH520 <1.52> Ipt id: CRM02T NOV 09, 2010, 11:28 PM ---
Check Nim
SELECT C ec-dc Issue Dates: 100110-101510
Check Nun: AP00142646
PE ID PE Name Invoice U ober Description Inv Date Ate Late Div St Account Pnunrt
V04315 2ARRY'S LSI 34596 INV #34596/SL� DR FM 08/04/10 09/04/10 1 PD 1055666000-6563 1,422.19
V04315 BARNEY'S LCCKEM 34694 INV 34694: REKFY W/C LCC'K 09/16/10 10/16/10 1 FD 1020310000-6563 22.94
Click Nun: AP00142647 Totals:
0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Ley d: 0.00
Taac: 111.73 Chrg: 187.50 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 1,145.90 Paid: 1,445.13
Tax: 111.73 Chrg: 187.50 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 1,145.90 Tbtal: 1,445.13
V0046 BASIC CHEPUCAL SI5784105 INV#SI5784105 D= 9/16/ 09/16/10 10/16/10 1 FD 3240722744-6563 962.20
Check Nan: AP00142648 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chtg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00Upal d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chtg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 962.20 Paid: 962.20
Max: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 962.20 Total: 962.20
V09550 BAUM, MMIFA 101910 'IRAVE ADV/S&S L15ER C1ZVF T 10/06/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3140711920-6235 573.78
Check Nim: AP00142649 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Lhld: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 573.78 Paid: 573.78
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 573.78 Total: 573.78
V00083 EFCCARI' CD. B1471916 Fall of Giants 09/14/10 10/14/10 1 FD 1030511000-6503 22.32
VD0083 BR= CD. B1472328 Dart Blink 09/14/10 10/14/10 1 FD 1030511000-6503 34.70
V00083 ERSDART CO. B1474573 Deja Vu 09/15/10 10/15/10 1 FD 1030511000-6503 17.33
V00083 CD. B1476117 Lacy 09/16/10 10/16/10 1 PD 1030511000-6503 17.36
Check Nun: AP00142650 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 ltd: 0.00
Tax: 8.14 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 83.57 Paid: 91.71
Tlx: 8.14 Chtg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 83.57 Tbtal: 91.71
City of Azusa HP 9000 11/09 10 A / P TRANSACTIONS Page 45
NW 09, 2010, 11:28 AM ---req: -------leg: GL JL---loc: BI-TD`I-I---jcb: 781865 #J14462--P3n: CES20 <1.52> rpt id: C IT02
SCEM Check Nun
SELECT Check Issue Dates: 100110-101510
Check Nim: AP00142651
PE ID PE Nave Invoice Uffber Descripticn Inv Date Due Date Div St Aocamt lYrumt
V06793 EffdMY1F�L Cb. 144249 I�bxary Supplies 09/16/10 10/16/10 1 A7 1030511000-6530 651.26
Check Nun: AP00142651 Tbtals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Lh .d: 0.00
Tbx: 57.86 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 593.40 d: 651.26
Tac: 57.86 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 593.40 Tbtal: 651.26
V02537 CDW GJVEFNMENI TXCfF093 TXG4093 09/16/10 10/16/10 1 PD 4849930000-6527 130.53
V02537 CDN GOVERWE:NT T}CK7924 u txk7924 09/1.6/10 10/16/10 1 PD 1030511000-6570 81.01
Check Nun: AP00142652 Totals:
Tac: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 d: 0.00
Tax: 17.21 Chrg: 17.86 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 176.47 d: 211.54
Tlx: 17.21 CYa-g: 17.86 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 176.47 Total: 211.54
V11358 CIIJIAS DOCIMWr DS35317676 M35317676 invoice dated 09/16/10 10/16/10 1 FD 1045810000-6493 17.50
V11358 CINPAS DCCLPENT DM5317676 EM5317676 invoice dated 09/16/10 10/16/10 1 FD 1045630000-6493 17.50
V11358 CINIAS DOLMWT D335317676 D035317676 invoice dated 09/16/10 10/16/10 1 PD 1045820000-6493 5.00
Check Urn: AP00142653 Totals:
TZAx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 UjDaid: 0.00
Tlx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 40.00 Paid: 40.00
Tlx: 0.00 chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 40.00 Total: 40.00
V06432 C3vM1 I=CNS 89666 INV 89666: P-3, TRI MME 09/16/10 10/16/10 1 PD 1020310000-6825 117.40
V06432 CCI 4MCAaTCIJS 89666 INV 89666: La= FOR P-3 09/1.6/10 10/16/10 1 FD 1020310000-6825 202.50
Check Nun: AP00142654 Totals:
Tax: 10.43 Chrg:: 0.00 0.00 Arty. 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 LIluzaid: 0.00
TWx: 10.43 Chrg: 0.00 Aity. 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 309.47 Paid: 319.90
Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 309.47 Total: 319.90
V06848 D'KIFr TICS INC 6406278 AZLEA I-210 FREDW READS 07/30/10 10/13/10 1 PD 8010125000-7130/5055 98,400.00
City of Azusa HP 9000 11/09 10TRANSACTIONS .
A / P T R A N S A C T I O N S • �T46
IUB NJV 09, 2010, 11:28 PM ---req: -------leg: GL JL---lcr: BI- ---jcb: 781865 V14462--pgn: X20 <1.52> rpt id: 02
�FrP: Check Nun
SEAT Check Issue Dates: 100110-101510
Check Nun: AP00142655
PE ID PE Nave Invoice M rher D,scripticn Inv Aate Dae Ante Div St Acoant PJr=t
Check Nun: AP00142655 'Totals: -
Tax: 0.00 Chep: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 L� d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 98,400.00 Paid: 98,400.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 98,400.00 Total: 98,400.00
V00381 MUD SUPPLY IN 3979457 Library Supplies 09/17/10 10/17/10 1 PD 1030511000-6530 242.50
Check Nun: AP00142656 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chug: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 uraid: 0.00
Tax: 19.85 Chrg: 19.11 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 203.54 Paid: 242.50
Tax: 19.85 Chrg: 19.11 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 203.54 Total: 242.50
V00318 DICK'S AUTO SUP 1577297 INV #I577297/THRE4DLC= 08/31/10 09/30/10 1 PD 4355667000-6560 29.82
Check Nun: AP00142657 'Totals:
Tlx: 0.00 Ch1q: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 UTpaid: 0.00
Tbx: 2.65 Chxq: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 27.17 d: 29.82
Tax: 2.65 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 27.17 Total: 29.82
V02162 ELM EEVPIUDS PA 2059091704 42059091704/GUN REPAIR FO 09/14/10 10/14/10 1 PD 1255661000-6563 3.59
Check Nun: AP00142658 'Totals:
Tlx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Lkd: 0.00
Tax: 0.29 auk: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 3.30 Paid: 3.59 .
Tax: 0.29 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 3.30 Total: 3.59
V04080 DZNavJY AUTO CE 66492 INV 66492: A-2 CIV2TE 09/16/10 10/16/10 1 PD 1020310000-6825 18.66
V04080 AUTO CE 66492 INV 66492: !X§B R. TUR A-2 09/16/10 10/16/10 1 PD 1020310000-6825 52.00
V04080 FCS AUID CE 66494 INV 66494: D-4 CHANCE 09/16/10 10/16/10 1 FD 1020310000-6825 31.28
V04080 IIJ1�NIY AUTO CE 66494 INV 66494: IA15Y FOR D-4 09/16/10 10/16/10 1 FD 1020310000-6825 52.00
V04080 E AUIo CE 66501 Replaced had battery, Veh 09/16/10 10/16/10 1 PD 1555521130-6825 36.80
V04080 EMMY AUIO CE 66501 Replaced had battery, Veh 09/16/10 10/16/10 1 PO 1755521120-6825 3.20
V04080 1 AUIo CE 66501 Parts for cork cone on it 09/16/10 10/16/10 1 PD 1555521130-6825 127.17
V04080 E02T Y AUIO CE 66501 Parts for %ork dxe cn it 09/16/10 10/16/10 1 PD 1755521120-6825 11.06
City of Azusa HP 9000 11/09 10 A / P TRANSACTIONSPage 47
MV 09, 2010, 11:28 AM ---req: -------leg: Q, JL---loc: BI-=---job: 781865 W14462--pgn: C€3520 <1.52> rpt id: CHRM02
=: Check Num
SE[= Check Issue Utes: 100110-101510
Check Nun: AP00142659
PE ID PE Nave LW01oe Miner Description Inv Date Due Date Div St Accamt Anrumt
V04080 B33UMY AUIO CE 66506 FCR INA 66506-D41M 9/16 09/16/10 10/16/10 1 PD 3140711902-6825 496.31
Check Than: AP00142659 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 ih 'd: 0.00
Tax: 36.65 Chrg: 272.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 519.83 Paid: 828.48
Tax: 36.65 Chrg: 272.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 519.83 Total: 828.48
V10872 FNIFRPRISE FLEE FEN1827159 INV FS9 INV E 827159: C 09%17%10 10%17%10 1 10 1 M 1020310000-6823 3-298.00
V10872 ENIFRPRISE FLEE FM1827159 INV FEN1827159: OC= C 09/17/10 10/17/10 1 FD 2620310000-6823 1,077.38
Check Nun: AP00142660 'Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg. 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 3,895.06 d: 3,895.06
Tax: 0.00
Chtg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 3,895.06 Total: 3,895.06
V11897 E VISICU4\PE IN UME5188 Public Fuss Printer Fee 09/16/10 10/16/10 1 PD 1030511000-6539 216.87
Check Dhan: AP00142661 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Upaid: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Tax: 0.00 - 9: 0.00 D.rty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 216.87 Paid: 216.87
Chegg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 216.87 Total: 216.87
V00026 GV COMPANY, TH 0455206400092310 04SS2064000/501E 5TH-FOOL 09/23/10 10/13/10 1 PD 1025410000-6910 506.37
V00026 G; S OT1PANY, TH 1065370671292710 10653706712/809N A aENU 09/27/10 10/15/10 1 PD 1055666000-6910 28.70
V00026 CPS MvPANY, TH 1085205800692310 10852058006/733 N TAL= 09/23/10 10/13/10 1 FD 1030511000-6910 43.01
V00026 CAS COMPANY, TH 1106205800092310 11062058000/740 N rALTCN 09/23/10 10/13/10 1 PD 1025543000-6910 186.46
V00026 CAS CCMPPNY, TH 1380206700292710 13802067002/735N ANELNU 8 09/27/10 10/15/10 1 PD 1055666000-6910 52.77
V00026 GAS 10 1 PD 1020310000-6910 1.01
V00026 C70 , T 1611TH 2206900692710 1607200692710 112069006%1001 N 09/27/10 1010 /15/10 1 AD 1025550000-6910 170.21
V00026 CAS CTvME, TH 1716208700592410 17162087005/320 N ORANM 09/24/10 10/14/10 1 PD 1025410000-6910 50.44
V00026. CAS CLPGMPANY, TH 1862205800892310 18622058008/72-W ALlNEEA 09/23/10 10/13/10 1 PD 1020310000-6910 906.59
Check Khan: AP00142662 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 U17paid: 0.00
City of Azusa HP 9000 11/09/10 A / P TRANSACTIONS �48
NOV 09, 2010, 11:28 AM ---req: -------leg: M JL---loc: BI-TD3-I---jcb: 781665 tM4462--pgn: CH520 <1.52> rpt id: 02
=: Check Nian
SECIX',T Check Issue Dates: 100110-101510
Check Nun: AP00142662
FE ID PE Nam Dwoice Nunes De-scriptim Inv Date Due Late Div St Pcoamt Aromt
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 1,945.56 Paid: 1,945.56
Tbx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 1,945.56 Total: 1,945.56
V08503 HELFFTd', ROMAN 091610 =rims SEPI2010 09/23/10 10/14/10 1 FD 1025410000-6405 50.00
Clerk Nish: AP00142663 Tbtals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 hard: 0.00
Tic: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 50.00 Paid: 50.00
Tlx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 50.00 Tbtal: 50.00
V00064 HMJD1Y R2CK CD 456090 INV #456090/8CB SCHOOL NII 09/13/10 10/13/10 1 FD 1255661000-6563 84.51
V00064 H)Ly = CD 456452 INV #456452/FCB SCIK.lOL MI 09/15/10 10/15/10 1 PD 1255661000-6563 84.51
Check Nun: AP00142664 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Li-pai 0.00
rax: 15.02 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 154.00 Paid: 169.02
Tax: 15.02 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 154.00 Total: 169.02
V03432 II ME DEMr, THE 1085049 INV 41085049/2X MgHN 0 09/16/10 10/16/10 1 A7 1055664000-6563 24.83
V03432 IUvE =, THE 6043060 INV#6043060/FULCSC BGC 69 09/21/10 10/16/10 1 FD 1055666000-6563 64.51
V03432 -UE DEPOT, THE 7560510 INV #75605�0/ST/L{k2 'IHh 09/30/10 10/16/10 1 PD 1055666000-6563 59.05
V03432 UvE E=, THE 8023603 IN#8023603/U CLE CABLE 09/29/10 10/16/10 1 PD 1055666000-6563/C301D 278.74
V03432 FIME DEEUT', THE 8023605 I#g023605/C12AN SHD3<,5LB 09/29/10 1O/16/10 1 PD 1055666000-6563 226.96
V03432 1111EDEEC7T, THE 9113434 I#9113434/AXE nD=S, SSE 09/28/10 10/16/10 1 FD 1255661000-6566 16.40
Click Nan: AP00142665 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 U-paid: 0.00
Tax: 59.57 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 610.92 Paid: 670.49
Tax: 59.57 Clug: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 610.92 ToottalT: 670.49
V12783 , APJ-ENE ARLENE 092310 L310 ED RERVE P 09/23/10 1010 /14/10 1 0 1 FD 2440739082-6625/MM 188.91
Check Nun: AP00142666 'Totals:
City of Azusa HP 900011/09 10 A / P TRANSACTIONS Pie
NDV 09, 2010, 11:28 ANI ---req: -------leg: M JL---lcc: BI-T>7.``I---job: 781865 #J14462--p9n: CIE20 <1.52> rpt id: C€F=02
9CIZI: Check Khan
SE= Check Issue Utes: 100110-101510
Check Nun: AP00142666
PE ID PE Nane Invoice M rLer Desceiptim Inv Date Cue hate Div St Acccimt Anount
Tlx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 iypaid: 0.00
Tic: 0.00 Chig: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 661.41 Paid: 661.41
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 661.41 'Total: 661.41
V05369 I IIER-VALLEY FO 22725 INV#22725 D= 9/16/10 - 09/16/10 10/16/10 1 FD 3240722744-6563 34.86
Check Nun: AP00142667 'Ibtals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Dity: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 ikpai d: 0.00
Tax: 3.10 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 31.76 Paid: 34.86
Tax: 3.10 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 31.76 Total: 34.86
V03445 DgTERATTCIPL C 2800384 CLASS A MQVEER/FdOB f KEY 09/02/10 10/14/10 1 PD 1035620000-6230 100.00
Check Num: AP00142668 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 erg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Upaid: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 100.00 Paid: 100.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 100.00 'Total: 100.00
V12715 JC&IIZqUVE SUPPL 618261 INV #618261/M=,= PUL 09/02/10 10/02/10 1 PD 1055666000-6563 215.38
Check Nun: AP00142669 'Totals:
Tlx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 fluty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Lh .'d: 0.00
Tax: 9 13 Chrg. 0'00 Duty' 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 196.25 Paid: 215.38
Tax: 19.13
Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 196.25 'Total: 215.38
V03518 KM a LT CO. 53934 INV#53934 D= 9/15/10 - 09/15/10 10/15/10 1 PD 3240722748-6563 288.82
Check Nun: AP00142670 Tbtals:
? 20.060Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 L���,d: 0.00
Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 263.16 Paid: 288.82
Tax: 25.66 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 263.16 Tbtal: 288.82
V00225 L A CMNIY ASSE JLTSR 031 MAPS & ILEUsJSE;IlW#11ASRE 09/16/10 10/16/10 1 PD 1035611000-6509 5.52
City of Azusa BP 9000 11/09/10 A / P TRANSACTIONS Pace so
MV 09, 2010, 11:28 PM ---re3: -------leg: Cd, JL---lcc: BI-TECH---job: 781865 #J14462--P3n: CH520 <1.52> rpt id: CHRM02
S,Yd': Check Nan
SELECT Check Issue Dates: 100110-101510
Check Nim: AP00142671
PE ID FE Kane Invoioe Narier Description Inv Date Are Date Div St Acco mt Araa_nnt
Check Nun: AP00142671 Totals:
T3X: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 5.52
Tax: 0.00 Chrg! 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 5.52 'Total: 5.52
V11997 LANCBGAPE KMZEH 4028817 #4028817 09/16/10 10/16/10 1 PD 1025420000-6805 27.53
V11997 LMZaAPE KTAREH 4028818 028818 09/16/10 10/16/10 1 FD 1025420000-6805 66.46
V11997 LNCSMM WMZE[-I 4028828 028828 09/16/10 10/16/10 1 PD 1025420000-6805 45.88
V11997 LkNDSCAPE WEH 4028831 028831 09/16/10 10/16/10 1 AD 1025420000-6805 11.21
Check Nun: AP00142672 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 CYirg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 151.08 Paid: 151.08
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 151.08 Total: 151.08
V03790 LDPEZ, GIZELAR 091610 NEETIl3S SEpI2010 09/23/10 10/14/10 1 PD 1025410000-6405 50.00
Check Nun: AP00142673 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 U� �d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 50.00 Paid: 50.00
Tax: 0.00 Chug: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 50.00 Total: 50.00
V02582 MINTEX 130088 (TRIERS-toilet seat cover 09/16/10 10/16/10 1 FD 1000000000-1601 171.21
V02582 MkTNIEX 130088 PAPER-toilet,roll 09/16/10 10/16/10 1 PD 1000000000-1601 1,697.61
Check Nun: AP00142674 Tbtals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 mid: 0.00
Tax: 166.02 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 1,702.80 Paid: 1,868.82
Tax: 166.02 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 1,702.80 Total: 1,868.82
V04139 NE1w, PPM 091610 VEEEIIN35 S=010 09/23/10 10/14/10 1 AD 1025410000-6405 50.00
Check Nun: AP00142675 Tbtals:
City of Azusa HP 9000 11109110 A / P TRANSACTIONS pace 51
NOV 09, 2010, 11:28 AM ---req: -------leg: GL JL---lcc: BI-TEXhI---jcb: 781865 #JI4462--pgn: CH520 <1.52> rpt id: CHREIT02
Check Nun
SELECT Check Issue hates: 100110-101510
Check Nun: AP00142675
PE ID PE Nave Invoice Nueber D:,=pticn Liv Date Dae Date Div St Acockmt Mount
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 fid: 0.00
Tax: _ 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 50.00 Paid: 50.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 50.00 Tbtal: 50.00
V12280 MMALES INC.,CH 2O09163R CITRUS AVENUEpNp MU\a L 09/07/10 10/12/10 1 PD 3780000661-7170/6610 -7,021.98
V12280 MJZAT_ES E\C.,CH 2O09163R Contracts Pbl/Const/Rein 09/07/10 10/12/10 1 PD 3700000000-2745 9,998.71
Check Nun: AP00142676 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 d: 0.00
Tlx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 2,976.73 d: 2,976.73
Tac: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 D*: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 2,976.73 Tbtal: 2,976.73
V12078 MMUW, M= 092810 TRAVEL EXP/N PA MULAL C0 09/2^0/10 10/14/10 1 RV 3140702921-6235 386.00
Check Nun: AP00142677 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chug: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 d: 0.00
Ttlx: 0.00 Chtg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Tbtal: 0.00
Reversed: 386.00
V00540 OFFICE DEMI IN 530215970001 331110 'CPN.3;LFD' SUV2 08/19/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3140711903-6530 6.34
V00540 OFFICE = IN 530215970001 10838 FILE FOLDERS FOR 08/19/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3140711903-6530 10.51
V00540 OFFICE DEPOT IN 530215970001 696021 STEP FILE Z 08/19/10 10/14/10 1 Pll 3140711903-6530 15.60
V00540 OFFICE D= IN 530215970001 998013 RULER FO2 C5 JOYC 08/19/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3140711903-6530 0.16
V00540 OFFICE DEPOT IN 530215970001 286934 27X INK 08/19/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3140711903-6530 114.39
V00540 OFFICE IST IN 530215970001 12910 LSPILN TEA FOR WT 08/19/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3140702921-6530 3.82
V00540 OFFICE DEPOT IN 530215970001 976695 CD= FOR WIR AD 08/19/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3140702921-6530 11.36
V00540 OFFICE DEEY7T IN 530215970001 976695 ODE= FOR WIR DI 08/19/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3240723751-6530 11.36
V00540 OFFICE DEPOT IN 530215970001 372488 3-PK PRE SOL FOR 08/19/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3240723751-6538 52.63
VV00055440 O TCE D IN 53032IN 0271001 992280 42A INK845 PLA= CPCP RILLS 08/19/10 1010 /14/10 1 PPD 3140711903-6530 155.19
Check Nun: AP00142678 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chug: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00L��ud: 0.00
Tax: 32.05 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 355.25 Paid: 387.30
City of Azusa HP 9000 11/09 10 A / P TRANSACTIONS p� 52
NDV 09, 2010, 11:28 AM ---req: -------le3: CL JL---lcc: BI-TECH---jcb: 781865 #J14462--p9n: X20 <1.52> rpt id: CFRETI02
SC[ZI': Check Nun
SELBS'r Check Issue Dates: 100110-101510
Check Nun: AP00142678
PE ID PE Kane Invoio- Nurser Des=ptiori Inv Date Due Date Div St Account A To mt
Tax: 32.05 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 355.25 Tbtal: 387.30
V09445 PARACAS, SUSAN 100110 tErnERv SOI REF= 10/05/10 10/14/10 1 PD 8010110000-6240 34.35
Check Nun: AP00142679 Tbtals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 [bpd: 0.00
T)x: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 34.35 Paid: 34.35
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 34.35 Total: 34.35
V11289 PREVENTIVE M;BI 2525 IIW#2525 DVM 9/16/10 - 09/16/10 10/16/10 1 PD 3240721903-6825 889.03
Check Nun: AP00142680 Tbtals:
Tax: 0.00 Chig: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 mid: 0.00
Tax: 4.69 Chrgj: 836.25 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 48.09 Paid: 889.03
Tax: 4.69 Chrg: 836.25 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 48.09 Tbtal: 889.03
V09817 MOLINE 21119 36 Disc Cap UVD Cases (10 09/16/10 10/16/10 1 PD 1030511000-6530 97.32
Check Nun: AP00142681 Tbtals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 mrd: 0.00
MAX: 0.00 Chrg: 13.42 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 83.90 Paid: 97.32
Tlx: 0.00 Chrg: 13.42 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 83.90 'Total: 97.32
V12784 ¢JIN1SIEZ, Fa M 9425 Refund 09/07/10 10/14/10 1 PD 1025410000-7080 48.00
Check Urn: AP00142682 Totals:
Tlx: 0.009: 0.00 But 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 mrd: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Qitg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 48.00 Paid: 48.00
Tic: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 48.00 Total: 48.00
V11395 R.R. CIZIRUL'IT 911 REPAIR, SIRIP, CLEW, REF 09/17/10 10/17/10 1 PD 1020310000-6815 785.00
Check Nm: AP00142683 Tbtals:
City of Azusa HP 9000 11/09 10 _ A / P TRANSACTIONS �53
MV 09, 2010, 11:28 PM ---req: -------lag: GL JL---loc: BI-TECH---jcb: 781865 fM4462--pgn: CE520 c1.52> rpt id: 02
MU: Check Num
SECESIII' Check Issue Dates: 100110-101510
Check Nun: AP00142683
PE ID PE burs Invoice NuTber Deseriptim Inv Date Dae Date Div St Ao=t Am3mt
Ta3c: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Lhuidi 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 785.00 Paid: 785:00
Tax: 0.00 (hrg: 0.00 A ty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 785.00 'Ibtal: 785.00
V00121 RADIO SPCC ACC 212405 IRRIGMCN CagIM SII2. 09/16/10 10/16/10 1 FD 1025420000-6805 15.68
Check Num: AP00142684 Tbtals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 thud: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 15.68 Paid: 15.68
Tbx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 15.68 Tbtal: 15.68
V08346 REM TRANgvUSSIO 2389 FCR INV## 2389,I)AIM 9/15/ 09/15/10 10/16/10 1 PD 3140711902-6825 951.69
Check Nan: AP00142685 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Upaid: 0.00
Tax: 35.69 Chrg: 366.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 550.00 Paid: 951.69
Tax: 35.69 Chrg: 366.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 550.00 Total: 951.69
V08345 RT IAMMNCE CCR 35435 LCCKKK FEES AIT 2010 09/16/10 10/16/10 1 FD 3140711903-6493 2,113.11
Check Nun: AP00142686 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 n C g: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 2,113.11 d: 2,113.11
g: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 2,113.11 Total: 2,113.11
V00241 SANIELdAN, IIAVI 091610 MEE-IIII�,'S SEPI2010 09/23/10 10/14/10 1 PD 1025410000-6405 50.00
Check Nun: AP00142687 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Uima d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 50.00 Paid: 50.00
Tlx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Aity: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 50.00 Total: 50.00
V08545 MUS.SEN KRJPP E 1117058961 41117058961/FULL LOAD TES 09/16/10 10/16/10 1 PD 1055666000-6493 1,454.00
City of Azusa HP 9000 11/09 10 A / P TRANSACTIONS ppi�ee 54
TUE, MV 09, 2010, 11:28 AM ---req: leg: CL JL---lcc: BI-TECH---jcb: 781865 #J14462--pgn: CH520 Q.52> rpt id: CRRM02
Sm': Check Nun
S= Check Issue Dates: 100110-101510
Check Nim: AP00142688
PE ID PE Nave Invoice Nurcher Das=pticn Iriv Date flue Date Div St Acoaurt Armnzt
Check Nim: A.P00142688 Tbtals:
Tlx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 mrd: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 CYffg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 1,454.00 Paid: 1,454.00
Max: 0.00 Chxg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 1,454.00 Tbtal: 1,454.00
V05077 TCFUZES, JOSE 090210 NEEITTT_�S SEPI2010 09/23/10 10/14/10 1 RV 1025410000-6405 25.00
Check Akin: AP00142689 Tbtals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Lhd: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 C]rry: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Paid: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Total: 0.00
Reversed: 25.00
V03180 UNITED TRAFFIC 27904 INV #27904/NJ PARK M, SIG 09/16/10 10/16/10 1 PD 1255661000-6563 207.10
Check Nun: AP00142690 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chug: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 d: 0.00
Tax: 180 CiZg. 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 188.70d: 207.10
Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 188.70 Tbtal: 207.10
V94521 UPPER OW CV.BRI 8810 INV#8/8-10 ]J= 9/16/10 09/16/10 10/16/10 1 PD 3240722704-6563 60.00
Check Nun: AP00142691 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chxg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 i��d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chxg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 60.00 Paid: 60.00
Tax: 0.00 Chug: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 60.00 Tbtal: 60.00
V02223 VUZ, HIEN K 092810 'TRAVEL EXP/STREET LLTQJTIN 09/28/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3340735880-6235 112.20
Check Nun: AP00142692 Tbtals:
Tax: 0.00 Chxg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Lypaid: 0.00
Tic: 0.00 Chxg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 112.20 d: 112.20
Tax: 0.00 Chxg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 112.20 Tbtal: 112.20
Ci of Azusa HP 900011/09 10 A / P TRANSACTIONS Page 55
TUE, NW09, 2010, 11:28 AM ---req: -------lag: Q, JL---loc: 9I-TECI-F--- 'ob: 781865 #J14462-- ]KEPI
J pgn: Q-1520 <1.52> rpt id: 02
93FLI: Check Num
SELECT Check Issue Dates: 100110-101510
Check Nun: AP00142692
PE ID PE Mme Lmioioe NuTber Description Inv Date Axe Date Div St Account P rou it
V06810 VUE= FIFET 24229066 2010 FCS CRi7NN VSCIORIA 09/23/10 10/16/10 1 ;D 4620310000-7135 24,298.65
V06810 VJ3\U= FIFET 24229066 CALSFCMIA TIRE FEE 09/23/10 10/16/10 1 FD 4620310000-7135 8.75
V06810 WaUZIES FLEET 24229067 2010 FUD QYW VICIORIA 09/23/10 10/16/10 1 ID 4620310000-7135 24,298.65
V06810 W�tIES KEET 24229067 CALSFC[NIA TIRE FEE 09/23/10 10/16/10 1 FD 4620310000-7135 8.75
V06810 VdC ERIE5 FLMT 24229098 2010 FCFD CROVN VICIORIA 09/27/10 10/16/10 1 FD 4620310000-7135 24,298.65
V06810 VUERIES FLEET 24229098 CALIFOPNIA TIRE FEE 09/27/10 10/16/10 1 PD 4620310000-7135 8.75
V06810 WaU= FLMT 24229099 2010 FOM CI3ZW VICICRIA 09/27/10 10/16/10 1 FD 4620310000-7135 24,298.65
V06810 VJZ�&= F7 EET 24229099 CALIFORNIA TIRE FEE 09/27/10 10/16/10 1 FD 4620310000-7135 8.75
Check Nun: AP00142693 Totals:
UIX: 0.00 4Chrg. 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Lh d: 0.00
TIx: 8,63 .60
Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 88,595.00 Paid: 97,229.60
Tax: 81634.60 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 88,595.00 Total: 97,229.60
U04482 ALES, T SS 150670007 DEPOSIT REFIND 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 ID 3300000000-3102 167.99
Check Nim: AP00142694 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 167.99 Paid. 167.99
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 167.99 Total: 167.99
U04421 ALVARADO, SERGI 30570004 DEPOSIT REFU D 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 FD 3300000000-3102 55.85
Check Nim: AP00142695 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg. 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 UT)ai 0.00
Tax: 0.00
Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 55.85 Paid: 55.85
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 55.85 Total: 55.85
U87471 AbIERSCN & AS90 120400011 EEFOSIT RE UC 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 FD 3300000000-3102 33.32
Check Nun: AP00142696 'Ibtals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Ly"pai 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 33.32 Paid: 33.32
City of Azusa HP 900011/09 10 A LP T R AN S ACT IONS �56
MV 09, 2010, 11:28 AM ---req: -------leg: JL---loc BI-TTE---jcb: 781865 ffJ14462--pgn: CH520 <1.52> rpt id: 02
9CYa: Check Nun
SEMCT Check Issue Lutes: 100110-101510
Check Num: AP00142696
PE ID PE DbRe IrW010-- Nu ixr L eS=ptiCn Inv Date Due Date Div St Account A rumt
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc 0.00 Dist: 33.32 Total: 33.32
U04498 XIERSM, BRF71N 171333014 DEFCGIT REFUQD 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 FD 3300000000-3102 24.85
Check Nim: AP00142697 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 ixmid: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chtg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 24.85 Paid: 24.85
Tax: 0.00 chig: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 24.85 Tbtal: 24.85
U04456 AQTIIU, YSFNIA 130453001 DEPWIT REFU\1D 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3300000000-3102 72.15
Check Nim: AP00142698 Tbtals:
Tax: 0.00 CIZ9: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Uipaid: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chxg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 72.15 Paid: 72.15
Max: 0.00 ChYg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 72.15 Tbtal: 72.15
U04475 ASIDO, JERJIT( C 150653007 DE SIT REETS]D 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3300000000-3102 39.48
Ch--k Nim: AP00142699 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Uld: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 39.48 Paid: 39.48
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 39.48 Tbtal: 39.48
U04514 BARB, PRIAN 2170227304 DEFMIT REFiND 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3200000000-3102 34.56
Check Num: AP00142700 Tbtals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00Lid: 0.00
Tac: 0.00 CYug: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 34.56 Paid: 34.56
Thx: 0.00 Ctrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 34.56 Tbtal: 34.56
U04461 En=, JACINT 131165002 DEFCSIT REFUD 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 FD 3300000000-3102 63.38
Check Nun: AP00142701 Tbtals:
Ci of Azusa HP 9000 11/0 ------- - A / P TRANSACTIONS 57MV 09, 2010, 11:28 AM ---req: leg: 3JL---loc: BI- 1 ---jcb: 781865 #J14462--pgCUS20 <1.52> rpt id: � 02
9DKI: Check N rn
SELECT Check Issue Dates: 100110-101510
Check NIID: AP00142701
PE ID PE hire Irnvoice N rrber D_soapticu Irnr Date Due Date Div St Acstmt Pmxmt
Tax: 0.00 Chxg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 (hid: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 63.38 Paid: 63^38--
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 63.38 Total: 63.38
U01366 E$P EN13INEEPDU 161265305 DEEr6TT REFUD 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3200000000-3102 422.98
Check Nim: AP00142702 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Asxa
Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 ikid: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 422.98 Paid: 422.98
Tax: 0.00 Chxg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 422.98 Total: 422.98
U04489 MAZE r , PHIL, 151037307 DEPOSIT REFUD 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3200000000-3102 55.50
Check Nun: AP00142703 Totals:
Tbx: 0.00 Chxg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 i� td: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chxg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 55.50 Paid: 55.50
Tax: 0.00 Chug: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 55.50 Total: 55.50
U04424 HRI=, DANIEL 30825006 DEEL6IT REFUI) 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3300000000-3102 58.47
Check Nun: AP00142704 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chxg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Chid: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chxg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 58.47 Paid: 58.47
Tbx: 0.00 Chxg: 0.00 A1ty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 58.47 Total: 58.47
U04484 M D , IK29IRAI 150677009 DEEC)6TT REFUND 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 FD 3300000000-3102 126.33
Check Nlm: AP00142705 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chxg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Lhpid: 0.00
Ttx: 0.00 Tax: Chrg. 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 126.33 Paid: 126.33
Chxg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 126.33 Tbtal: 126.33
U04479 aPRJVZ, JC7M 150664012 DEPOSIT REFChID 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 FD 3300000000-3102 20.14
City of Azusa HP 9000 11/09 10 A / P TRANSACTIONS
NOV 09, 2010, 11:28 PM --- : -------leg: Cd JL---lcc: BI-TD;II---jcb: 781865 #J14462--p9m: G 520 <1.52> rpt id: C��,'PI02
Check Nun
SEL= Check Issue LT3tes: 100110-101510
Check Num: AP0014270G
PE ID PE Nam=_ Invoice Nutter D--s=pticn Inv Date we Date Div St Acocumt A o urt
Check Nim: AP00142706 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Lhlpaid: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 20.14 Paid: 20.14
TIkx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 20.14 Total: 20.14
U04497 C*1FM , WAR 171218015 DEFCGIT REFU D 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3300000000-3102 34.44
Check Nun: AP00142707 Totals:
Tlx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 UTai 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 34.44 Paid: 34.44
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 34.44 Total: 34.44
U04414 ova-cs, JLPN 20042008 DERSIT REFU\D 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3300000000-3102 58.17
Check Nim: AP00142708 Totals:
Tqx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Lid: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 58.17 Paid: 58.17
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 58.17 Total: 58.17
U04458 QIRRTLID, EUELY 130479007 DE1�csrr P111M 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3300000000-3102 18.85
(beck Nun: AP00142709 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Uipard: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 18.85 Paid: 18.85
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 18.85 Tbtal: 18.85
U04493 WiTLLC), JESUS 170371001 =IT REFUSD 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3300000000-3102 17.44
204493 WT7LLD, JESt1S 170371001 DEPMIT REFLhD 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3200000000-3102 11.36
Check Nun: AP00142710 Totals:
MDC: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00Lh��d: 0.00
Tac: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 28.80 Paid: 28.80
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 28.80 Total: 28.80
Ci of Azusa HP 9000 11/09 10A / P TRANSACTIONS Page 59
NOV 09, 2010, 11:28 AM ---reg: -------leg: GL JL---lcc: E31-TECFI---jcb: 781865 #J14462--pgn: CH520 <1.52> rpt id: PI02
9�ZP: Check Nim
SECFI'I' Check Issue Dates: 100110-101510
Check Nun: AP00142710
PE ID PE Narre Invoioe NLnber Des=pticn. Inv Date Due Date Div St Pcoanit Amunnt
U04459 WITUD, YVEIT 130480003 DEFO6TT REFU11D 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3300000000-3102 70.81
Clrck Nun: AP00142711 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Uip id: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 70.81 Paid: 70.81
Tax: 0.00 clmrj: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 70.81 Tbtal: 70.81
U04503 C VIM, R M3JJM 191062001 DEFOSIT REFU\n 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 FD 3300000000-3102 84.21
Check Nim: AP00142712 'Totals:
T`ax: 0.00 chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 LA-paid: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 fig: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 84.21 Paid. 84.21
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 84.21 Tbta1: 84.21
U04512 GVLOR, G RIA 2160065301 DEIISIT RERI\D 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3200000000-3102 54.43
Check Nim: AP00142713 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chig. 0.00 Arty: 0Chrg: .00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Cyd: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 54.43 Paid: 54.43
Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 54.43 Tbtal: 54.43
U02896 CEfR[k2Y Q¢LAD 180182012 DEEUSIT REFU 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3300000000-3102 2.61
U02896 CFNIURY C 1LSTi' 90989004 EEFCSIT REFU D 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3300000000-3102 51.98
U02896 CENTURY QLA= 91080003 DEFOSIT REF[I\ID 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3300000000-3102 51.44
Check NLrn: AP00142714 Tbtals:
Tac: 0.00 chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 L-payd: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 CPng: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 106.03 Paid: 106.03
Tax: 0.00 chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 106.03 Total: 106.03
U04443 CHEN, TSM-FPN 90774006 DEBIT RERM 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 FD 3300000000-3102 36.57
of Azusa HP 9000 11/09 10 A / P TRANSACTIONS Paq60
MV 09, 2010, 11:28 PM ---seq: -------leg: GL JL---lcc: BI-TF�I-i---jbD: 781865 #J14462--pgn: X20 <1.52> rpt id: Q)=02
SCW: Check Khan
SEF= Check Issue Kites: 100110-101510
Check Nun: AP00142715
PE ID PE Imre Invoice NLuber D:s=pticn Inv Date Axe Date Div St Pcrxx nt Aircxunt
Ch`clt Nun: AP00142715 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Lpid: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 36.57 Paid: 36.57
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 36.57 Total: 36.57
004472 CLAIM=, DPN 150642010 DEPOSIT REELND 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3300000000-3102 72.78
Check Nun: AP00142716 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 �i�d: 0.00
Tax: 0:00 �: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 72.78 Paid: 72.78
Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 72.78 Total: 72.78
U04463 02MMAS, YUSE 140438006 MC)SIT REFCAID 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3300000000-3102 239.62
Check Nun: AP00142717 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 ��,r d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 239.62 Paid: 239.62
Tax: 0.00 C1ar3: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 239.62 Tbtal: 239.62
004470 CLMW, M MISSA 150637007 SIT REFiND 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3300000000-3102 86.71
Check Nun: AP00142718 Totals:
Tlx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 mrd: 0.00
Tbc: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 86.71 Paid: 86.71
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 86.71 Total: 86.71
U04454 EAS, RM7W1K 120521302 DEPOSIT REFU\]D 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 FD 3200000000-3102 103.73
Check Nun: AP00142719 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chxg. 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 103.73
Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 103.73 Totald: 103.73
C-ity of Azusa HP 9000. 11109110 ------ A / P. TRANSACTIONS PaaeI61
TX, MV 09, 2010, 11:28 PM ---req: Q,- leg: JL---loc: BI-'IECI ---Job; 781865 #J14462--pgn: CH520 c1.52> rpt id: FE`TI'T02
Check Nun
SECFx.T Check Issue Rates: 100110-101510
Check Nun: AP00142720
PE ID PE Nacre Invoices Marber Description Inv Date Die Date Div St Acoaa it A Tomt
UD4428 EAVIIA, GDA S. 40373003 DER"5IT REFUb 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 FD 3300000000-3102 8.48
Check NIIn: AP00142720 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 ihaaid: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 8.48 Paid: 8.48
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 8.48 Total: 8.48
U04444 U-PN, YEU XIN 90862006 DEFCSIT PITU\ND 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3300000000-3102 4.16
Clerk Nim: AP00142721 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Upaid: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Daty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 4.16 Paid: 4.16
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 4.16 Total: 4.16
UD4413 ELIM RDD SERVI 10211004 DEFLZSrr REFU D 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3300000000-3102 93.09
U04413 ELI= REX) SERVI 10211004 DEPSIT REFUZ 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 FD 3200000000-3102 32.69
U04413 ELXIE RED SERVI 10212009 DEFCSIT REFU D 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3300000000-3102 93.14
U04413 ELIIE RDD SERVI 10212009 DEFCGIT REFUND 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3200000000-3102 30.60
Check Nun: AP00142722 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 mrd: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 249.52 Paid: 249.52
Tax: 0.00 Chig: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 249.52 Total: 249.52
U04492 ERICK3aq,GUE 160792001 L IT REELhID 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3300000000-3102 229.96
Check Nun: AP00142723 Tbtals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrq: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Upaid: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 LUty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 229.96 Paid: 229.96
Tax: 0.00 Chug: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 229.96 Total: 229.96
U04517 29DRAEA, JCSE L 2240261302 DER.STT REFU\ID 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3200000000-3102 8.74
Check Nun: AP00142724 Totals:
City of Azusa HP 9000 11/09/10 A / P TRANSACTIONS 62
MV 09, 2010, 11:28 AM ---req: -------leg: C4., JL---loc: 2I-=--- cb: 781865 #J14462--
pgn: C€3520 <1.52> rpt id: CFff=02
SORT: Check Nun
SE= Check Issue Dates: 100110-101510
Check Nun: AP00142724
PE ID PE Na<re Imoio= NuTber Des=ption Inv Elate Dae Date Div St Accanit Arrrxunt
Tlx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00id�id: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 8.74 Paid: 8.74
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 8.74 Total.: 8.74
U04516 FOU EYRA, FRANC 2210194302 DEPOSIT REFUD 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3200000000-3102 22.59
Check NLm: AP00142725 Tbtals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 ihy��d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 22.59 Paid: 22.59
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duly: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 22.59 'Total: 22:59
U04487 FLAN)MN, J[b'PI 150799004 DEEC6TT REFUI) 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3300000000-3102 92.50
Clerk Nun: AP00142726 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 t�'Vai 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 92.50 Paid: 92.50
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 92.50 Total: 92.50
U04469 FU3ai, RAELYW 150635011 =IT REECND 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 FD 3300000000-3102 51.96
Check Nun: AP00142727 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 51.96 d: 51.96
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 51.96 Total: 51.96
U04491 G11NES, ANDREW 151274003 DEFOGIT REFUO 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3300000000-3102 58.07
Check Nun: AP00142728 Totals:
Tic: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 [fid: 0.00
Tic: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 58.07 Paid: 58.07
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 58.07 Total: 58.07
U04499 GALASSI, RACHEL 17137009 DEPCSIT REFUND 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3300000000-3102 121.44
City of Azusa HP 9000 11/ A / P TRANSACTIONS
631UV 09, 2010, 11:28 PM ---meq: __-____lc�: Q. JL,--lcx: BI- X ---jcb: 781865 714462--p9m: Q520 <1.52> rpt id: CHE02
Check Nun
SELECT Check Issue Dates: 100110-101510
Check Nun: AP00142729
FE ID PE Narm Invoice Nurrber D scriptim Inv Ll�te Due Date Div St Amit Pnuuit
Check Nun: AP00142729 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Uipid: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 121.44 Paid: 121.44
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 121.44 Total: 121.44
UD4465 GRCIA, MIREM 140801001 DEPWIT REEUD 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 FD 3300000000-3102 96.12
Check Nun: AP00142730 Tbtals:
Tbx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Urpaid: 0.00
Tax: 0.0Chrg. 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 96.12 Paid: 96.12
C1ug: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 96.12 Total: 96.12
TA4418 GSACTA, LAKEISH 20255005 DEFCZSIT REFUND 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3300000000-3102 70.33
CYndc Nun: AP00142731 Totals:
Ttlx: 0.00 Chrq: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00U 'd: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 70.33 Paid: 70.33
Tic: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 70.33 Total: 70.33
UD4515 CLIA, MRT.A 2180171300 DB'FCCSTP REFUND 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 FD 3200000000-3102 39.43
Check Nun: AP00142732 'Ibtals:
Tlx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Lid: 0.00
Tlx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 39.43 Paid: 39.43
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 39.43 Total: 39.43
UD4451 C!1Z, R-MN 110567005 DEFCSIT REFUND 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 FD 3300000000-3102 26.27
Check Nun: AP00142733 Totals:
'Pax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Upaid: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 26.27 Paid: 26.27
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 26.27 Tbtal: 26.27
City of Azusa BP 9000 11/09 10 A / P TRANSACTIONS �PaceI64
NJV 09, 2010, 11:28 AM ---req: -------leg: JL---1oc: BI-TECH---jon: 781865 *14462--pqrn: X20 <1.52> rpt id: II2EI� 02
=: Check Nun
SEDE7vt' Check Issue Dates: 100110-101510
Check Nm: AP00142733
PE ID PE Nie Jirvoice nmber DEscripticn Inv Late Dae Date Div St Acaxnt Amxnt
U04502 MZASDEN, CAL 190231007 EEPCSFF REFLND 09/27/10 10, 14/10 1 FD 3300000000-3102 73.45
Check Nim: AP00142734 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chzg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Urloal 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 73.45 Paid: 73.45
Tax: 0.00 Chit: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 73.45 Total: 73.45
U03196 GVAC RE9CAP 21166300 DE SIT REFLND 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3200000000-3102 362.99
Check Nm: AP00142735 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 U_Ual 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 362.99 Paid: 362.99
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 362.99 'Total: 362.99
L304445 MJE, F= CIA 91062002 DENT REFUD 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 FD 3300000000-3102 77.98
Check Nim: AP00142736 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 11M 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chxg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 77.98 Paid: 77.98
Tax: 0.00 Q7rg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 77.98 Total: 77.98
LX4483 GRIFFITH, NIDGIN 150675012 =IF REFLND 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3300000000-3102 88.99
CSeck Nun: AP00142737 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 88.99 d: 88.99
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 88.99 Total: 88.99
U04522 CRI77FTT , M U 2370084305 DETC)SIT REELED 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3200000000-3102 34.07
Check Nun: AP00142738 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00L�Im�d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 34.07 Paid: 34.07
City of Azusa HP 9000 11/09 10 C,A / P TRANSACTIONS Page65NDV 09, 2010, 11:28 PM ---2:eq: -------leg: JL---lcc: BI-TF)CH---jcb: 781865 #J14462--pgn: CES20 <1.52> rpt id: CI-ff2EI' 02
SORT: Check Nun
SECT Clock Issue Dates: 100110-101510
Check Nun: AP00142738
PE ID PP N-xre Invoice Ni Ther Dacripticn Inv D`_zte Aie Date Div St P mt syn rt
Tax: 0.00 Chug: 0.00 Wty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 34.07 Tbtal: 34.07
U04525 HAAS, EMPNY 2470160301 DEPOSIT REFLND 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 FD 3200000000-3102 13.03
Check Nun: AP00142739 Tbtals:
Tlx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 d: 0.00
Thx: 0.00 Ctxg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 13.03 d: 13.03
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 13.03 Tbtal: 13.03
U04471 IF1P4LUN, ERIN 150641010 DEMSFF REFUD D 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3300000000-3102 54.22
Check Nun: AP00142740 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 (IT)add: 0.00
Max: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 54.22 Paid: 54.22
Tax: 0.00 Chtg: 0.00 Aity: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 54.22 Total: 54.22
U04450 HARBaR, &*LIE[, 110515004 DEFCSIT REFUD 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3300000000-3102 127.37
Check Nun: AP00142741 Tbtals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 mrd: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Cv=g: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 127.37 Paid: 127.37
Ttx: 0.00 Cln-g: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 127.37 Total: 727.37
UD4513 HkSB.N, JCR3E 2160252301 DEFCSIT RFF 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3200000000-3102 7.59
Check Nun: AP00142742 Totals:
Tdx: 0.00 Clog. 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Cyd: 0.00
CY�rg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 7.59 Paid: 7.59
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 7.59 Total.: 7.59
U04446 HE, DEMIS 100591010 DEFCSIT REFLND 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 AD 3300000000-3102 126.01
Check Nun: AP00142743 Totals:
City of Azusa BP 9000 11/09/10 A / P TRANSACTIONS
MV 09, 2010, 11:28 PM ---ra7: -------leg: C1, JL---loc: BI-TECH---jcb: 781865 #J14462--pgm: CE520 <1.52> rpt id: �IO2
SORT: Check Nun
SEDECT Check Issue Dates: 100110-101510
Check Nan: AP00142743
PE ID PE Nane Invoice Nunes Descripticn Inv Date Due Late Div St Acco mt Anrxmt
Tlx: 0.00 Chrg 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 UjMjd: 0.00
Tlx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 126.01 Paid: 126.01
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 126.01 Tbtal: 126.01
U04505 HER;EIO, JOLIK 2000150302 DEEC6TT REFUD 09/2"7/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3200000000-3102 20.65
Click Nun: AP00142744 'ibtals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Lid: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 20.65 Paid: 20.65
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 20.65 Total: 20.65
U01761 HILLTOP REAL ES 130917001 DEFCSIT REFUD 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3300000000-3102 125.73
Check Nun: AP00142745 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chzg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Uud: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 125.73 Paid: 125.73
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 125.73 Total: 125.73
U04500 HDCKS, JOHN 171379008 DEPOSIT REFCND 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3300000000-3102 88.97
Check Nun: AP00142746 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Ul a i 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 88.97 Paid: 88.97
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 88.97 Total: 88.97
U04473 Dom, NICHMA. 150647009 DECSIT REFUD 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 FD 3300000000-3102 36.14
Check Nun: AP00142747 'Ibtals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 UjDa.1d: 0.00 .
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 36.14 Paid: 36.14
Tac: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 36.14 Total: 36.14
U04494 JACCDSCN, M%W 170438304 LE OSIT REFUD 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3200000000-3102 12.85
City of Azusa HP 900011/09/10 A / P TRANSACTIONS Page 67
MV 09, 2010, 11:28 PM ---req: -------leg: GL JL---loc: BI-=---job: 781865 #J14462--P3n: CH520 <1.52> rpt id: CHRE1102
SCR': Check Nun
SECFK'I' Check Issue Dates: 100110-101510
Check Nun: AP00142748
PE ID PE Nam Irrvoice Nurber Description Inv Date Due Date Div St Acaxmt Amunt
Check Nun: AP00142748 'Totals: - -,-�--
Tax: 0.00 Chug: 0.00 Daty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 L� ��d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 12.85 Paid: 12.85
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 12.85 Total: 12.85
U04448 JDvEM7Z, Ng1KI'IIQ 110413003 DEFCSIT REFUO 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3300000000-3102 47.60
Check Nun: AP00142749 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chug: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 UADa1d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 47.60 Paid: 47.60
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 47.60 Tbtal: 47.60
U04440 JIN HIM, HY[N 90696002 DEFC)STT PEFU D 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3300000000-3102 100.49
Check Nun: AP00142750 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Umaid: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 100.49 Paid: 100.49
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 100.49 Tbtal: 100.49
U04496 JOBS, PNR1rIIARD 171120013 EEFCSIT PERM 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3300000000-3102 8.78
Check Dhm: AP00142751 Tbtals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 �d : 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 8.78 %i d:
d: 8.78
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 8.78 Total: 8.78
U04486 Jt MEM, JESSEE 150714005 EEFCSrF REFUU 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3300000000-3102 98.92
Check Nun: AP00142752 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 U�d: 0.00
Max: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 98.92 Paid: 98.92
Tax: 0.00 Chu-g: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 98.92 Tbtal: 98.92
City of Azusa BP 9000 11/09 10 A / P TRANSACTIONS PageG8MV 09, 2010, 11:28 PM ---req: -------leg: (1, JL,--loc: BI-Ta ---jcib: 781865 ffJ14462--pgn: CES20 <1.52> rpt id: 02
SELECT Check Issu= Dates: 100110-101510
Check Nan: AP00142752
PE ID _ FE NaneIrnoice Midi er a=scription Inv Date Due Date Div St Aca=t At c Lnt
U04510 MU IGU, SIRCU 2140075300 Dues= REFUD 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3200000000-3102 31.50
Check Nun: AP00142753 Totals:
Tac: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 putt': 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Livai 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 31.50 Paid: 31.50
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 31.50 Total: 31.50
U04485 HIM, 9x81 KYU 150708012 DEECSIT REFCLVD 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 FD 3300000000-3102 104.28
Check Nun: AP00142754 Totals:
Tac: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 U �d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 104.28 Paid: 104.28
Max: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 104.28 Total: 104.28
U04518 FN0LLW-r-D ]LAVES 2240285304 DEFCGIT REFU\1D 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3200000000-3102 22.53
Check Nun: AP00142755 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Ii�d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00�: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 22.53 Paid: 22.53
Chrg: 0.00 Atty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 22.53 Total: 22.53
U04449 M)LCA, ESA 110506004 EEFC)SIT REF[ND 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 FD 3300000000-3102 36.92
Check Nun: AP00142756 Totals:
Tlx: 0.00 Chrg: o.go Iuty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 U-pai 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 36.92 Paid: 36.92
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 36.92 Total: 36.92
U04442 KRISEiW4)aMff, 90763010 SIT REFUID 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 FD 3300000000-3102 85.92
Check NLrn: AP00142757 Totals:
Tic: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Lnmid: 0.00
Ttix: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 85.92 Paid: 85.92
Ci ofAzusa HP900011/0910 A / P TRANSACTIONS Pp8q�e69
NOV 09, 2010, 11:28 AM ---req: -------leg: GL JL---loc: BI-'TECH---jcb: 781865 W14462--pgn: CH520 <1.52> rpt id: C H=02
CXZT: Check Nun
SE[FX'P Chemo Issue Kites: 100110-101510
Check Ndn: AP00142757
PE ID PE Nam=_ Invoioe Number Deseriptic Inv L13te Due Date Div St Acc=t Anount
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 85.92 'Ibtal: 85.92
U04439 KfIvAR, NISHWr 90645012 DEPOSIT REF[ND 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 FD 3300000000-3102 39.46
Check Ndn: AP00142758 Totals:
Tic: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 UITDaid: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 39.46 Paid: 39.46
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 39.46 Total: 39.46
U04524 LNvENDA, ANIFIN 2390008302 DE C)SIT REFLND 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 FD 3200000000-3102 113.67
Check Nan: AP00142759 Totals:
Tac: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 113.67 Paid: 113.67
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 113.67 Total: 113.67
U04467 LARA, JOSE 150134002 DEFCSIT REFUD 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 FD 3300000000-3102 119.85
Check Nun: AP00142760 Totals:
Tbx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Llbpmaid: 0.00
Tlx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 119.85 Paid: 119.85
Tic: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 119.85 Tbtal: 119.85
U04506 IASC MO, DESIRE 2020294302 DEPOSIT REFUZ 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 FD 3200000000-3102 50.58
Check Nan: AP00142761 Tbtals:
Ttkx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 UlDal 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 50.58 Paid: 50.58
Tax: 0.00 chxg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 50.58 'total: 50.58
U04464 LAVILLA, CK= 140543002 DEPOSIT REFCDID 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3300000000-3102 10.28
Check Num: AP00142762 Tbtals:
City of Azusa HP 900011/09 10 A / P TRANSACTIONS �qe 70
MV 09, 2010, 11:28 PM ---req: -------leg: C4, JL---loc: BI-TECH---jou: 781865 #J14462--Pgn: CH520 <1.52> rpt id: CH=02
Check Nan
SELET-T Check Issue Dates: 100110-101510
Check Nan: AP00142762
PE ID PE Narre Invoice NuTber Des=ption Inv Date Due Date Div St Pccamt AnDsit
Tac: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 0.00
Tlx: 0.00 .Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 10.28 Paid: 10.28
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 10.28 Total: 10.28
U04507 LOPEZ, IIKICR E 2040120304 DEFCSIT REFUD 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3200000000-3102 78.95
Check Nun: AP00142763 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 i�ld: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 chr4: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 78.95 Paid: 78.95
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 78.95 Tbtal: 78.95
U04437 LLEVAM, NARIUN 90554010 DEECBTT REFLL\D 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3300000000-3102 99.11
Check Nim: AP00142764 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrq: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 L"Daid: 0.00
Tlx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Daty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 99.11 Paid: 99.11
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 99.11 Total: 99.11
U04429 Nu.=, C7LRLC6 40434002 DEPOSIT REFUD 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 FD 3300000000-3102 91.00
Check Khan: AP00142765 Totals:
Tic: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 czg, 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 91.00 L Paid:
Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 91.00 Tbtald: 91.00
U04452 MVM, SER310 120340003 DEFCGIT REFUND 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3300000000-3102 19.71
Check Nun: AP00142766 Tbtals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Upaid: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 19.71 Paid: 19.71
Tax: 0.00 chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 19.71 Total: 19.71
U04425 M)RROCJ, NR1TII-IE 40079001 DETOSIT REFU\T) 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3300000000-3102 57.28
City of Azusa HP 9000 11/09 10 A / P TRANSACTIONS
MV 09, 2010, 11:28 PM --- ------- 71
req: leg: G[, �7L---1�: BI-Zfl�-I---jci�: 781865 {}�T14462--pgn: QB20 <1.52> rpt id: CHRL=02
SMT: Check Nun
SECFX.T Check Issue Dates: 100110-101510
Check Nun: AP00142767
PE ID PE Nare IrNoice Nrarber Description Inv Late Dae Lute Div St Acccrmt Amxult.
Check Nun: AP00142767 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Urpma1 0.00
Tbx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 57.28 Paid: 57.28
Tlx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 57.28 Total: 57.28
U04476 M TSUvOM,ERIC 150656009 MPCSIT REFUND 09/2'7/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3300000000-3102 113.25
Check Nun: AP00142768 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 T10a,d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 113.25 Paid: 113.25
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 113.25 Total: 113.25
UD4504 MMA, DPNISSE 191175002 DEFOSIT REFUND 09/271/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3300000000-3102 1.35
Check Nun: AP00142769 Totals:
Tac: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 U i 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 1.35 Paid: 1.35
Tlx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 1.35 'Total: 1.35
U01334 NfIEW REALTY 2170206303 DETMTI' REFUD 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 AJ 3200000000-3102 33.55
Check Nun: AP00142770 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 UDard: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 33.55 Paid: 33.55
Tdx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 33.55 Total: 33.55
UD4419 NII Q, MRI 30238004 DEFOSIT REFU D 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3300000000-3102 15.27
Check Nun: AP00142771 Totals:
Trac: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 LIpaid: 0.00
Tqx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 15.27 Paid: 15.27
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 15.27 Total: 15.27
City of Azusa HP 9000 PM 11/09 10 A / P TRANSACTICNS �I72
IUUF NJV 09, 2010, 11:28 ---�: -------leg: Q, JL---lcc: BI-TEZH---7cb: 781865 *n4462--p9n: CH520 <1.52> rpt id: 02
II: Check Nun
SE[= check Issue Dates: 100110-101510
Click Nun: AP00142771
PE ID PE Nitre Invoice Nurtxs D.esc7iptian Inv DLaLe Due Date Div St Acbamt A otmt
U04466 KPA, NPaN M 140821006 DEPCSFr RE UD 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3300000000-3102 14.20
Check Nun: AP00142772 'Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00U� id: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 14.20 Paid: 14.20
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 14.20 Total: 14.20
U04468 NIJELLER, MTHRY 150589008 DEFC6IT REELND 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 FD 3300000000-3102 21.07
Check Mxn: AP00142773 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chxg. 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Ur id: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg. 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 21.07 Paid: 21.07
Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 21.07 Total: 21.07
U04474 MME S, JEME 150651011 D3pmIT REFUD 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3300000000-3102 66.35
Check Nun: AP00142774 Totals:
Max: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 (fid: 0.00
Max: 0.00 CYng: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 66.35 Paid: 66.35
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 66.35 Total: 66.35
U04422 N TF, GU13MY 30571006 DEPOSIT REF[M 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3300000000-3102 37.92
Check Nun: AP00142775 'Totals:
Tic 0. 00 fig: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 ihAa'�id: 0.00
Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 37.92 Paid: 37.92
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 37.92 Total: 37.92
U04427 NLEW, La= 40206003 EEFCGIT REFU D 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3300000000-3102 30.98
Check Nun: AP00142776 Totals:
Tqx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 i�d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 30.98 Paid: 30.98
City of Azusa HP 9000 11/09/10 A / P TRANSACTIONS 73
, NW 09, 2010, 11:28 PM ---req: RLBY-------leg: C4, JL---loc: 91-'IEQI---jcb: 781865 V14462--pgn: CH520 <1.52> rpt id: CI IO2
SORT: Check Rhin
SE= Check Issue Dates: 100110-101510
Check Nun: AP00142776
PE ID PE Nam Lwoice Nude Description Inv Date Due Date Div St Accaint Pl=t
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc 0.00 Dist: 30.98 Total: 30.98
U04415 NU\EZ, ANIMIO 20156004 Da:CSTT REFU D 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 FD 3300000000-3102 92.00
Clerk Nun: AP00142777 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Aity: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Uaid: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Daty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 92.00 Paid: 92.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 92.00 Total: 92.00
U04501 OH, CCK JA 180340007 MPCSIT FUTU D 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3300000000-3102 48.82
Check NLm: AP00142778 Tbtals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 thm�d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 48.82 Paid: 48.82
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 48.82 Tbtal: 48.82
U04416 PARSLEY, JPMILY 20245004 DEEUSIT REFi.IVD 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3300000000-3102 80.70
Check Nun: AP00142779 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chug: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 U�rd: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 80.70 Paid: 80.70
Max: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 80.70 Total: 80.70
U04481 PATERSCN, CRAEA 150669011 DEFCISPP RE UD 09/271/10 10/14/10 1 FD 3300000000-3102 40.14
Check Nun: AP00142780 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 u1pai 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 40.14 Paid: 40.14
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 40.14 Total: 40.14
U04477 PALIMU, DEW E 150659010 DEECSIT REFUND 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3300000000-3102 103.50
Check Nun: AP00142781 Tbtals:
City of Azusa HP 9000 11/09 10 A / P TRANSACTIONS p3�
TUE, 74
N7J 09, 2010, 11:28 AM ---req: -------leg: GL JL---loc: BI-=---jcb: 781865 ##J14462--Pgn: CE520 <1.52> xpt id: �TI02
SCRI': Check Nun
SET Check Issue Dates: 100110-101510
Check Nim: AP00142781
PE ID FE Nave Invoice Nunler Des pticn Inv Late Die Date Div St lc¢xmt Prrxmt
Tax: 0.00 chxg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 �h d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chxg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 103.50 Paid: 103.50
Tlx: 0.00 Chxg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 103.50 Total: 103.50
U04426 PEEPUM, ASICAI 40177002 DE CSIT REFUND 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 FD 3300000000-3102 17.63
Cl!ck Nun: AP00142782 Tbtals:
Tax: 0.00 Chxg: 0.00 Put y: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 UlDaid: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chxg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 17.63 Paid: 17.63
Tax: 0.00 Chxg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 17.63 Total: 17.63
U04453 PENH, ENRIQJE 120480003 DEICaSIT REFU\D 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3300000000-3102 45.55
Check Nun: AP00142783 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chxg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 ihpaid: 0.00
Taac: 0.00 Chxg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 45.55 Paid: 45.55
Tax: 0.00 Chxg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 45.55 Total: 45.55
U04457 PIL ACO, OMEEN 130454001 LEECSIT PERM 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 FD 3300000000-3102 57.09
Check Nun: AP00142784 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chxg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Lb'¢xa-i 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chxg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 57.09 Paid: 57.09
Tax: 0.00 chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 57.09 Tbtal: 57.09
U04480 PIL7CN, JC19MA 150667009 =C)SIT REEChD 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3300000000-3102 91.00
Check Nun: AP00142785 Totals:
T)x: 0.00 Chxg: 0.00 But 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chug. 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 91.00 d: 91.00
C17zg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 91.00 Total: 91.00
U04520 PLASCII11C!I71, R°7 2310154300 DEFCSTT REFU\D 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3200000000-3102 40.35
City of Azusa HP 9000 11/09 10 A / P TRANSACTIONS
NJV 09, 2010, 11:28 PM ---req: -------leg: GL JL---loc: BI-IECII---jcb: 781865 4J14462--pgn: CU520 <1.52> spt id: IT02
S HI : Check Phan
SKErr Check Issue Elates: 100110-101510
Check Phan: AP00142786
PE ID PE Nave Invoice Nurber E scription Inv Date Dae Date Div St Aoccmt Aao mt
----------- ------- __--- _ _
Check Nun: AP00142786 'Totals: _
Tax: 0.00 Chug: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 ihuid: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 40.35 Paid: 40.35
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 40.35 Total: 40.35
U04435 SSKI, FRANK 80592004 EEP SIT REFUSD 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3300000000-3102 265.60
004435 FYN=, FRANK 80592004 DEFCSIT REFUND 09/27/1.0 10/14/10 1 PD 3200000000-3102 45.11
Check Phan: AP00142787 Totals:
_Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 EUty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Edd: 0.00
Chrg. 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 310.71 Paid: 310.71
Tax: 0.00
Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 310.71 Total: 310.71
004441 RAIU, T I'm 90729008 DEPOSIT REFUND 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 FD 3300000000-3102 109.03
Check Nun: AP00142788 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 ik �d: 0.00
73x: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 109.03 ,Paid: 109.03
T3x: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 109.03 Total: 109.03
U04434 RAMAM, JUES[E 80503009 T)EPCGIT REFU\D 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 FD 3300000000-3102 80.13
Clerk Phan: AP00142789 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 LI-pal d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Cing: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 80.13 Paid: 80.13
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 80.13 Total: 80.13
U04509 REAL HOMES SERV 2090031302 DEPDSTI RE U D 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3200000000-3102 9.55
Check Urn: AP00142790 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 ihy �d: 0.00
73x: 0.00 erg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 9.55 Paid: 9.55
Tax: 0.00 CIR:9: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 9.55 Total: 9.55
City of Azusa HP 9000 11/09 10 A / P TRANSACTINS Page 76
TJO,, NJV 09, 2010, 11:28 PM ---re : leg: GL JL---lcc: ST-IMi---jcb: 781865 444462--pgm: M520 <1.52> rpt id: CfIl=02
CIZI: Check Nim
SE= Check Issue Dates: 100110-101510
Clerk Nun: AP00142790
PE ID PE Nane Invoice NLuber Des=pticn Inv Late Dae Date Div St Acoamt Aircunt
U04433 REEL), TERRS 80487003 DEFCSTT REFU\1) 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 FD 3300000000-3102 20.48
Check Nun: AP00142791 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 UiTpai : 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 20.48 Paid: 20.48
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 20.48 'Total: 20.48
U04455 IU=Y, TIM 120604007 D=IT REFU D 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3300000000-3102 112.36
Check Nan: AP00142792 Tbtals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 L�i'd: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 112.36 Paid: 112.36
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 112.36 Tbtal: 112.36
UU004432 32 �C REALTY TY 80224005 D TT RREFUJD 09%2`7%10 10/14/10 1 PD 3200000000-3102 92.62
Check Nun: AP00142793 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Thad: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Cling: 0.00 Luty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 128.27 Paid: 128.27
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 128.27 Tbtal: 128.27
U04412 RICE, SXQ= 10172003 DEFCSTT REFLhD 09/2'17/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3300000000-3102 26.54
Check Nan: AP00142794 Tbtals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 U-paid: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 26.54 Paid: 26.54
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 26.54 Total: 26.54
U04420 RCDRI=, ELSZ 30246000 DEPCBrF REF= 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3300000000-3102 135.00
Check Nim: AP00142795 Tbtals:
City of Azusa HP 900011/09 10 A / P TRANSACTIONS Page
NDV 09, 2010, 11:28•AM ---req: -------1 G, J,---lcc: BI-TJ EAT--- 'cls: 781865 W14462-- 77
pin: C%3520 <1.52> rpt id: CYIREIT02
Uheck Nun
SELECT Check Issue Dates: 100110-101510
Check Nun: AP00142795
PE ID PE Nacre Invoice NuTbex Des=pticn Inv Lute Due Date Div St Account Pn ,uZt
Max:a0.00 mug: 0.00 Duty: ==______ cx _
0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00th��u d: 0.00
Tax: 0. 00 0 .00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 135.00 Paid: 135:00-
Chzg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 135.00 Total: 135.00
U04436 S , A 90163002 �T PEfr � 09%27%10 1010 /14/10 1 10 1 PD 3200000000-3102 3300000000-3102 23.47
Check Nun: AP00142796 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Ch id: 0.00
Tax: 0.00� ffg. 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 40.13 Paid: 40.13
Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 40.13 Total: 40.13
UD4460 SOLA LP 131020004 DEPOSIT REFU D 09/2`/10 10/14/10 .1 PD 3300000000-3102 107.99
Chane Nun: AP00142797 Totals:
'Pax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Lard: 0.00
Twc: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 107.99 Paid: 107.99
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 107.99 Tbtal: 107.99
U04447 SD31A, PEIER 110365007 DEICSIT RE� 09/2?/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3300000000-3102 27.98
Check Nun: AP00142798 Totals:
Tbx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 d: 0.00
Max: 0Clrg. 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 27.98 d: 27.98
Cl-mg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 27.98 Tbtal: 27.98
U04511 SHEPARD INVESIM 2150252302 DEPOSIT REFU D 09/2/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3200000000-3102 22.77
Check Nun: AP00142799 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 ihpard: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 22.77 Paid: 22.77
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 22.77 Total: 22.77
City of Azusa HP 900013/09 10 A / P TRANSACTICNSPage 78
NUJ 09, 2010, 11:28 AM ---req: -------leg: Cd, JL---1oc: BI-=---jclo: 781865 #J14462--pgn: 01520 <1.52> rpt id: CH=02
SC%ZI': Check Num
SE= Check Issue Dates: 100110-101510
Check Nun: AP00142800
FE ID PE Ike Invoice Nucber Description Irnr F-te Due Date Div St AccaKit Aunxnit
U04519 SDUPRO, MMC 2290049301 =IT REFCIVD 09/2%%10 10/14/10 1 PD 3200000000-3102 1.50
Check NLrn: AP00142800 Tbtals:
Tax: 0.00 Chug: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 UiDaid: 0.00
Tac: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 1.50 Paid: 1.50
Tax: 0.00 Cl g: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 1.50 Total: 1.50
U04438 SLUJDZKI, CRYS 90570010 DECL"1SIT MUD 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 AD 3300000000-3102 49.71
Check Nun: AP00142801 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 erg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Lmid: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 49.71 Paid: 49.71
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 49.71 Total: 49.71
U04417 SUVICN, GE LSE 20251005 DEEC6TT REFU D 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 FD 3300000000-3102 104.43
Check Nlm: AP00142802 Totals:
Tac: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 LhVaid: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 104.43 Paid: 104.43
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 104.43 Total: 104.43
U04431 STARK, SW)A 50311006 DEPOSIT REF= 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3300000000-3102 127.19
Check Nun: AP00142803 Tbtals:
Tot: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 LIT)ald: 0.00
Tlx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 127.19 Paid: 127.19
Ttix: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 127.19 Total: 127.19
U04430 T71,U, LEET CHIN 40574007 =Fr RERM 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 FD 3300000000-3102 84.57
Check Nun: AP00142804 Tbtals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 turd: 0.00
Tlx: 0.00 Chug: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 84.57 Paid: 84.57
Tax: 0.000hrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 84.57 Total: 84.57
City of Azusa BP 9000 11/09 10 A / P TRANSACTIONS
NOV 09, 2010, 11:28 AM ---mq: -------leg: GL JL---lcc: BI-=--- dD: 781865 #J14462-- Page 79
J' - P9n: Q-1520 �1.52> rpt id: 02
S': Check Nun
SE[ECI' Check Issue Lytes: 100110-101510
Click Nun: AP00142804
PE ID PE Nam _ Invoice NUTber Descriptim Inv i..-,te Due Date Div St Acocttnt Aurum
U04423 TA= OTTCRAT 30654001 DEFC6TT REFUND 09/2',/10 10/14/10 1 FD 3300000000-3102 489.67
Check Nun: AP00142805 'Ibtals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 iIlu id: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 489.67 Paid: 489.67
Tax: 0.00 Chug: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 489.67 Tbtal: 489.67
U04495 TEWEI , AVM 171085006 DEFCGIT REE[%ID 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 FD 3300000000-3102 7.99
Check Nun: AP00142806 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chzg: 0.00 DUnpaid:.ity: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chzg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 7.99 Paid.
Tax: 0.00 Chzg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 7.99 2btalc 7.99
U04521 U41v ,9, JO AIN 2310205301 DEPOSIT RERM 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 FD 3200000000-3102 54.44
Check Nun: AP00142807 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 CloChg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Lhid: 0.00
rg. 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 54.44 Paid: 54.44
Tax: 0.00
Chzg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 54.44 Total: 54.44
U04462 TCN, TLNY 11TP IIi 140428001 �TT R�EFiI\D 09%2%10 1010 /14/10 1 FD 3200000000-3102 10 1 PI) 3300000000-3102 127.36
Check Nun: AP00142808 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 A1ty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Ury��d: 0.00
Inc: 0.00 (lig: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 151.85 Paid: 151.85
Tax: 0.00 chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 151.85 Tbtal: 151.85
U04490 TM V, SKYLAR 151237007 DECCSIT REFUU 09/2.7/10 10/14/10 1 FD 3300000000-3102 109.43
(beck Nun: AP00142809 Totals:
City of Awa HP 9000 11/09/10 A / P TRANSACTTONS Paqe 80
Nil 09, 2010, 11:28 AM ---req: IUJBY-------leg: GL JL---loc: BI-Mai---j('O: 781865 #J14462--p9n: CH520 <1.52> rpt id: CH=02
9�7f: Check Nun
SELFS'P Check Issue Dates: 100110-101510
Check Nim: AP00142809
PE ID PE Nave Invoioe Ruber D:S=Pticn Irry I_ ite Dose Date Div St Accuuit Am=t
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Ui-Dd: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 109.43 Paid: 109.43
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 109.43 Total: 109.43
U04488 VU, SHEN-IbM 150900007 DE MT RaU.Z 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3300000000-3102 78.65
Q7edC Nun: AP00142810 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Llum- : 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 78.65 Paid: 78.65
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 78.65 Total: 78.65
U04508 KIM, HVE[, 2060213300 DEFCSTT REFUD 09/2-1/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3200000000-3102 54.43
Check Nun: AP00142811 Totals:
T'ix: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 hDal 0.00
Tl0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 54.43 Paid: 54.43
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 54.43 Tbtal: 54.43
U04478 WXM, M%TIHEN 150660008 DgCSJT PERM 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 FD 3300000000-3102 21.44
CYEck Nun: AP00142812 Tbtals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Aity: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 ThpDal
d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 21.44 Paid: 21.44
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 21.44 Ibtal: 21.44
U04523 YE, NIIAB HDR\ 2370135304 =Fr REFUND 09/27/10 10/14/10 1 PD 3200000000-3102 52.48
Check Nun: AP00142813 Tbtals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 ihd: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 52.48 Paid: 52.48
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 52.48 Total: 52.48
V05613 A T & T 2149624710 S= & DISPATCH - SEP10 09/15'/10 10/19/10 1 FD 3340785560-6493 231.12
Citv of Azutsa HP 9000 11/09 10 A / P TRANSACTIONS
, NJV 09, 2010, 11 -------
SCI ': Check NutT: leg: (3 JL BI-=---jco: 781865 4J14462--pqn: CI520 <1.52> rpt id: 02
SELECT Check Issue Dates: 100110-101510
Check Nim: AP00142814
PE ID PE Narre Invoiae Niari�s Description Liv Lnt:e Due Date Div St Aunt Pruox¢7t
----- ----- --- ---- _ _
Check Nun: AP00142814 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 CTng: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 L��a�d: 000
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 231.12 Paid: 231.12
Tax: 0.00 Chug: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 231.12 'Total: 231.12
V12370 AIS INIEMA 5485182 FOR INV# 5485182-T1= 9/ 09/19/10 10/19/10 1 ID 3140702935-6615 152.00
Check Num: AP00142815 'Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Lid: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg. 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 152.00 Paid: 152.00
CYry: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 152.00 'Iota].: 152.00
V05935 ANITKCIE TERvaT 141857092110 IN ICE M= 09/21/10,PE 09/21;'10 10/21/10 1 PD 1055666000-6493 50.00
Check Nun: AP00142816 'Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Urd: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 50.00 Paid: 50.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 50.00 Tbtal: 50.00
V00046 AZL)SA PILPBII\13 0346714IN INV #0346714-IN/BDBRICK B 09/21/10 10/21/10 1 PD 1055666000-6563 25.19
Check Nun: AP00142817 'Totals:
T�: 2.24 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 'd: 0.00
,Pax. 2 24 Q�g: 0.00 Aity: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 22.95 '. raid: 25.19
C1sg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 22.95 'Ictal: 25.19
V00089 BAKER &UaICR W1511S5645R TS3 Site License & 2 User 09/2(/10 10/20/10 1 PD 1030511000-6504 2,185.00
Clerk Nun: AP00142818 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Qrg. 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00
Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 2,185.00 d: 2,185.00
Tax: 0.00 clung: 0.00 Atty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 2,185.00 'Total: 2,185.00
City of Azusa BP 9000 11/09/10 A / P TRANSACTIONS �82
NOV 09, 2010, 11:28 AM ---req: -------leg: GL SIL---1oc: BI-=---jcb: 781865 4n4462--pgn: X20 <1.52> rpt id: 02
9DKI : Check Ntxn
SEEP Click Issue Utes: 100110-101510
Check Nun: AP00142818
PE ID PE Nage Invoice_ NuTber Description Inv rate Due Date Div St Await Prroimt
V05549 BRIM & TAYLGR W50904780 2 UJD's 09/20/10 10/20/10 1 FD 1030511000-6515 24.66
V05549 BAKER & TAYLOR W50904781 4,UO's 09/2C,/10 10/20/10 1 PD 1030511000-6515 85.44
V05549 BAKER & TA=_ W50904782 TE*.er Bell. . . . 10 1 FD 1030511000-6515 24.68
V05549 BA1M & TAYLOR W5111788110 333 U/D'ss I7JD 09/20/10 10 /2010 /10 1 PD 1030511000-6515 799.90
Check Nim: AP00142819 Tbtals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Cyd: 0.00
Tax: 83.03 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 851.65 Paid: 934.68
Tax: 83.03 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 851.65 Total: 934.68
V04315 R8='S LOCKEM 34697 INV 34697: CUT 8 KEYS FCC 09/2:/10 10/20/10 1 PD 1020310000-6563 25.90
Check Nun: AP00142820 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Daty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 ih�d: 0.00
Tax: 2.30 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 23.60 Paid: 25.90
Tax: 2.30 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 23.60 Tbtal: 25.90
V0046 BASIC CIHEAICAL SI5785819 INV I5785819 IlATID 9/20/ 09/2(.,/,10 10/20/10 1 Ffl 3240722744-6563 356.34
V0046 BASIC CHEALCAL SI5785821 IlW I5785821 LIP=) 9/20/ 09/2010 10/20/10 1 PD 3240722744-6563 704.14
V0046 BASIC C12VHCAL 3.47
I5785823 DAIM 95785822 = %20% 09%25%10 10IO /20/10 1 PD 1 PD 3240722744-6563 563 743.84
Check Nun: AP00142821 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 a Cd: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 2,347.79 Paid: 2,347.79
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 2,347.79 Total: 2,347.79
V00318 DICK'S AUIO SUP I579037 INV ##I579037/DELLA R?-\ FR 09/2 ;/10 10/20/10 1 PD 4355667000-6560 93.22
V00318 DICK'S AUIO SUP I579068 DW #I579068/M%= CYLIN 09/20/10 10/20/10 1 FD 4355667000-6560 52.16
Check Nun: AP00142822 Totals:
Tlx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Ilud: 0.00
Tax: 12.91 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 132.47 Paid: 145.38
Tax: 12.91 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 132.47 Total: . 145.38
City of Azusa HP 9000 11/09 10 A / P T R A N S A C T I (: N S
NDV 09, 2010, 11:28 PM ---req: -------leg: Cg, SII,---1oc: BI-TFCII---jc o: 781865 4J14462-- 83
pan: C%I520 <1.52> rpt id: C�PI02
Checlt Nun
SELErr Check Issue Dates: 100110-101510
Check Nun: AP00142822
FE ID PE Nam _ Irmice NLnber Desci1Pticn Irnr i:.ite Due Date Div St Acca t
V05680 DIEIMCH-FAST 935921 FUR INV4 935921-DATED 9/2 09/L./10 10/21/10 1 PD 3340745800-6530 221.95
Check Nun: AP00142823 Totals:
Tom: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 L� .d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 L�ty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 221.95 Paid: 221.95
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 221.95 Total: 221.95
V04080 BM\ICM MM CD 66539 INV 66539: D-17 21K SERV 09/2:!10 10/21/10 1 PD 1020310000-6825 34.02
V04080 EUMEW AUIU CE 66539 INV 66539: IA5�A FOR D-17 09/2.', /10 10/21/10 1 FD 1020310000-6825 52.00
Check Nun: AP00142824 Totals:
Tom: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Lh �d: 0.00
Tom: 3.02 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 83.00 Paid: 86.02
Tom: 3.02 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 83.00 Total: 86.02
V05262 H[NIER ECFX=IIRIC 2010140 ]NV#2010140 DID 9/19/10 09/1S/10 10/19/10 1 PD 3240722711-6493 159.90
Check Nim: AP00142825 Totals:
Tom: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 L� �d: 0.00
Tom: 0.00 (hrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 159.90 Paid: 159.90
Tom: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 159.90 Total: 159.90
V00230 R\M M B30KS 54024844 We have alta�yS lived. . . 09/ls'';10 10/19/10 1 FD 1030511000-6503 32.35
V00230 IMM BOOESal<S 54024845 2 Star Books
09/15'/10 10/19/10 1 PD 1030513000-6503 12.55
V00230 RUR M 90DIG 54024846 2 Audio Basks 09/1';/10 10/19/10 1 PD 1030511000-6512 46.48
V00230 II�321�M BOOKS 54024847 3 Childrens Berks 09/19!10 10/19/10 1 PD 1030513000-6503 36.38
V00230 INM M MONBOOFS 54030432 C�rahs Selection #64 09/20/10 10/20/10 1 FD 1030511000-6503 19.28
V00230 IlV327M BCCKS 54030433 2 Backs 09/2_;/10 10/20/10 1 FD 1030511000-6503 35.37
V00230 INM M BOOKS 54030434 4 Books 09/20/10 10/20/10 1 FD 1030511000-6512 74.03
V00230 UNIM M BOOKS 54030435 4 Books 09/20/10 10/20/10 1 FD 1030511000-6503 56.71
V00230 U99 M BOCES 54030436 Infinite Dys Audio Book 09/20/10 10/20/10 1 FD 1030511000-6512 23.04
Check Nun: AP00142826 'Ibtals:
City of Azusa HP 9000 11/09 10 A / P TRANSACTIONS �P�84
RM 09, 2010, 11:28 PM ---req: -------leg: GL JL---lcc: BI-TECH---jc�: 781865 4014462--pgn: CI-520 <1.52> rpt id: 02
S Check N rn
SE[B.T Check Issue Dates: 100110-101510
Check Urn: AP00142826
PE ID PE N-ffre Invoice Nurber Descxiption Irnr Date Dae Late Div St Acorn Prcxazt
Tax: 0.00 Chxg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 ��r d: 0.00
Tax: 29.13 Chrg: 8.46 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 298.60 Paid: 336.19
Tax: 29.13 Chrg: 8.46 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 298.60 Total: 336.19
V07547 INLAND DE' S 100900278 FCR INA 100900278-DATID 09/20/10 10/20/10 1 PD 3140711903-6493 656.30
Check Nim: AP00142827 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 656.30 d: 656.30
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 656.30 Total: 656.30
V10328 I1IIIFMTTC1\PL A 092710 MEvEOZS-IIP/ f KEYES 09/27,110 10/18/10 1 PD 1035620000-6230 102.00
Clerk Nun: AP00142828 'Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 102.00 102.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 102.00 Total: 102.00
V00161 LIFEFRT CASSIDY 092710 W_PJC9-UP/ GRAF 09/2!/10 10/18/10 1 PD 4849930000-6220 35.00
V00161 LTFFWR'P CASSIDY 092710 WJRKSFLJP/KE �aqM 09/2./10 10/18/10 1 PD 4849941000-6220 35.00
V00161 TTEEERT CASSIDY 092710 V7JRILSF%�P/K.VAN�R.TP,PIA 09/2':'/10 10/18/10 1 FD 3140711920-6220 70.00
V00161 LTEBEFT CASSIDY 092710 WJRKS[-%OP/J.JACrES .0= 09/2'/10 10/18/10 1 PD 1025410000-6235 70.00
V00161 LIE= CASSIDY 092710 VFN�MP/ROY CFR 09/27/10 10/18/10 1 PD 1025420000-6235 35.00
V00161 LIE= CASSIDY 092710 447RI,2M /ianPE CagZAIES 09/27/10 10/18/10 1 PD 1025543000-6235 35.00
Check Nun: AP00142829 Tbtals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Uipaid: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 280.00 d: 280.00
Tax: 0.00 chip: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 280.00 Total: 280.00
V12786 M4RJND, JEFFREY 9487 Refw-d 09/1_./10 10/18/10 1 PD 1025410000-7080 40.00
Check Nim: AP00142830 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Upaid: 0.00
City of Azusa HP 9000 11/09/10 A / P TRANSACTICNS 85
NCJ7 09, 2010, 11:28 AM ---req: -------le3: Cd, JL---1oc: BI-TET=H---j,.iD: 781865 #J14462--pgn: CI-520 <1.52> rpt id: MprUO2
SaRF: Check Nun
SEI T Check Issue Dates: 100110-101510
Check Nim: AP00142830
PE ID FE Narre Invoice Mbar D=scription Irnr I7_te Dae Date Div St Account Pmcmt
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0 00 Dist: 40.00 Paid: 40.00
Lac: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 40.00 Total: 40•.00
V01898 PATICNS SALES C 2013774 #2013774 09/21/10 10/21/10 1 PD 1025420000-6563 171.87
Check Nim: AP00142831 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00U �.d: 0.00
Tac: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 171.87 paid: 171.87
Tax: 0.00 Chip: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 171.87 Total: 171.87
V01481 PMAIO INC. 222016SCINV 222016 SC: PARIS 09/2'./10 10/21/10 1 PD 4849941000-6846 39.51
V01481 MIMIC) 1NC. 22201690 INV# 222016 SC: LABOR 09/21/10 10/21/10 1 PD 4849941000-6846 65.00
Clerk Nun: AP00142832 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00ih's 'd: 0.00
Tax: 3.51 Chtq: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 101.00 paid: 104.51
Tlx: - 3.51 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 101.00 Total: 104.51
V0054 Sc FUELS 1312473 INV1,1312473/FUEL
1312473/FUEL THFUI-H 09/15/10 10/15/10 1 PD 1025420000-6551 868.51
V0054 SC FUELS 1312473 INV1312473/FUEL THRCUaj 09/1c:/10 10/15/10 1 PD 1055651000-6551 65.61
V0054 SC FUELS 1312473 INV1312473/FUEL TI',F= 09/1S/10 10/15/10 1 PD 3140711902-6551 825.60
V0054 SC FUELS 1312473 INV1312473/FUEL THRCU94 09/1_/10 10/15/10 1 PD 1020310000-6551 78.73
V0054 SC FUELS 1312473 INV1312473/FUEL TI3E'CL1$N 09/lE/10 10/15/10 1 PD 1055666000-6551 45.28
V0054 SC FUELS 1312473 INV1312473/FUEL THECLIL$-D 09/1'=;/10 10/15/10 1 PD 3340735880-6551 796.30
V0054 SC FUELS 1312473 INV1312473/FUEL THN�LI31 09/1:/10 10/15/10 1 PD 1035643000-6551 87.58
V0054 Sc FUELS 1312473 INV1312473/FUEL THUT14 09/1F;/10 10/15/10 1 PD 1010110000-6551 29.10
V0054 SC FUELS 1312473 INV1312473/FUEL TI)E�LLI 09/1 /10 10/15/10 1 PD 1035620000-6551 127.58
V0054 SC FUELS 1312473 INV 74.47
V0054 SC FUELS 1312473 INV IF 09FUEL, 'IHRCUUj, %15%10 10/15/10 1 PD 1045630000-6551/=5661000-6551 1 036.15
Check Nun: AP00142833 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Did: 0.00
Tbx: 0.00 Chug: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 4,034.91 paid: 4,034.91
Tlx: 0.00 Chug: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 4,034.91 Total: 41034.91
Cir of Azusa HP 9000 11/09 10 A / P T R AN S ACT I ONS Page 86
NOV 09, 2010, 11:28 AM ---req: -------leg: GL JL---10c: BI-T SI---jun: 781865 #J14462--pgn: Q520 <1.52> xpt id: CHRM02
SORT: Check Urn
SELECT Check Issue Dates: 100110-101510
Check Nun: AP00142833
PE ID PE Narre Irmice Mxber Description Inv 1 zite Dae Date Div St Acaxmt Amount
V02307 SART & FIML 143006 M3 S. 09/21/10 10/21/10 1 PD 1025410000-6625 22.90
Check NUrI: AP00142834 Totals:
Max: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 t ,d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 22.90 Paid: 22.90
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 22.90 Total: 22.90
V12787 -c;v=, SP�UA 9075 Refund 09/2.':/10 10/18/10 1 PD 1025410000-7080 20.00
Check Nein: AP00142835 'Iotals:
Tic: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 �id: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg-: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 20.00 Paid: 20.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 20.00 Tbtal: 20.00
V00032 90 CAL EDISCN C V00032 SO CAL IDISCN C 2319071437092110 23190713092210 437/8533E QFC =LLL 09CITRLJS %21/10 10/12/10 1 PD 1055651000-69051055651000-6905
Check Nun: AP00142836 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00TT Da�.d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 171.27 Paid: 171.27
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 171.27 Total: 171.27
V00027 SaATERNCALIFO 2201464260100210 SCE SEP10 2-20-146-4260 W 10/02/10 10/21/10 1 PD 3340785650-6493 22,463.54
V00027 SAJII-UN CAUFO 2204457360100210 ACIP: 2-20-445-7360 10/02/10 10/21/10 1 PD 3240722726-6905 29.95
Check Nim: AP00142837 Totals:
Tbx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 T�p��d: 0.00
Tbx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 22,493.49 Paid: 22,493.49
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 22,493.49 Total: 22,493.49
V00130 SPARKCETIS 4605721092210 INV g605721092210/M\D 09/2;,/10 10/18/10 1 PD 1555521480-6840 57.08
VV000130 SPARKT� 4605721092210 INVINV ##46057210922100/ 09/Z/10 10/18/10 1 PFD 1055664000-6563 130.00
City of Azusa HP 900011/09 10 A / P T R A N S A C T I i N S
MV09, 2010, 11:28 AM ---req: -------1eg: (, J,---lc�: BI-T XH---jr ,: 781865 #J14462-- cx�e 87
pgm: C1520 <1.52> rpt id: CH;U--M02
Ste': Check Than
SELECT' Check Issue cates: 100110-101510
Check Nun: AP00142838
PE ID PE Nave invoice Nurcber Descripticn Irnr El.lLe Due Date Div St Acm mt
V00130 SPARIIEM 4605721092210 INVP605721092210/[R\IPG 09/2;/10 10/18/10 1 PD 1055666000-65633AT000
V00130 SPARKLETIS 4605721092210 INV605721092210/DR 09/2::/10 10/18/10 1 PD 3455665000-6563 75.00
V00130 SPARKLETIS 4605721092210 INV605721092210/DRNKG 09/2:.%10 10/18/10 1 FD 4355667000-6563 30.00
V00130 SPARKLETIS 6252752092210 Bottd Water ervice 09/2:'/10 10/15/10 1 PD 1030511000-6563 53.05
Check Urn: AP00142838 Totals:
TT3X: 000 lx: 0.00 CTsg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 420.02 'Paid: 420.02
Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 420.02 Tbtal: 420.02
V02371 SPRINT' 864888819034 864888819-034 09/291,10 10/19/10 1 PD 4849940120-6915 119.97
V02371 SPRINP 864888819034 INV 864888819-034 09/21:/10 10/19/10 1 PD 4849940000-6915 151.93
V02371 SPRINT 864888819034 INV 864888819-034 09/2:,/10 10/19/10 1 FD 1010110000-6915 79,98
V02371 SPRINP 864888819034 864888819-034 09/25;/10 10/19/10 1 PD 1025410000-6915 39.99
V02371 SFRINP 864888819034 INV 864888819-034 09/2:/10 to/19/10 1 FD 1035611000-6915 9,99
V02371 SPRINT' 864888819034 INV 864888819-034 09/2 :/10 10/19/10 1 PD 1035620000-6915 10.00
V02371 SPR_IIVI' 864888819034 INV 864888819-034 09/2:•/10 10/19/10 1 PD 1035643000-6915 10.00
V02371 SFRW 864888819034 864888819-034 09/2 ;'10 10/19/10 1 FD 8010110000-6915 10.00
V02371 SPRINF 864888819034 864888819-034 09/2:://10 10/19/10 1 FD 1045810000-6915 39,99
V02371 SFRINI' 864888819034 864888819-034 09/2:/10 10/19/10 1 PD 1025420000-6915 39.99
V02371 SPRINP 864888819034 INV 864888819-034 09/2-1'10 10/19/10 1 PD 3240722701-6915 79.98
V02371 SPRINT' 864888819034 864888819-034 09/2_:/10 10/19/10 1 FD 3140702921-6915 39,99
V02371 SPRINT' 864888819034 INV
864888819-034 09/2.,'10 10/19/10 1 FD 1045630000-6915/FILfl2 39,99
Check Nun: AF00142839 Totals:
Tlx: 0. 00 g
a� . 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 ih id: 0.00
Chrg. 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 671.80 Paid: 671.80
Tom: 0.00
�1g: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 671.80 Total:
V03464 TM4x-",N 0:11M 092110 CEN & ALMDN -ALU10 SEWIC 09/2';/10 10/21/10 1 FD 3340775570-6301 4,850.53
Check Nun: AP00142840 Tbtals:
Tom: 0.00 Chrq: 0.00 Du d: 0.00
Tlx: 0.00 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 L�
�: 0.00 : 0.00 L�: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 4,850.53 Paid: 4,850.53
ty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 4,850.53 Tbtal: 4,850.53
Ci of Azusa HP 9000 11/09 10 A / P T R A N S A C T S ( ' N S �P�88
NDV 09, 2010, 11:28 PM ---req: -------leg: C1, JL---loc: K-'TECH---j,u� 6: 781865 #J14462--pgn: CH520 .52> rpt id: 02
SJRI: Check Nun
SFIFS,T Check Issue Dates: 100110-101510
Check Nun: AP00142840
FE ID PE Nine Invoice Uxrber Description Inv :.:,,te Due Date Div St Account Anczmt
V00237 TOOL TEPM 10788 INV. #10788, 9/20/10 - EIA 09/20/10 10/20/10 1 PD 3340735830-6566 10.92
V00237 TOOL TEM 10789 INV #10789/D&�L�T 4 1/2" 09/2:/10 10/21/10 1 FD 1055666000-6563 12.02
Check Nun: AP00142841 Tbtals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 th»id: 0.00
Tax: 2.04 CYmq: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 20.90 Paid: 22.94
Tax; 2.04 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 20.90 Tbtal: 22.94
V04678 VERIZIN WIRIIES 0909129404 0909129404 invoice dated 09/23/10 10/18/10 1 FD 1045630000-6915 28.43
V04678 VERI7l.%Q WIRF7F.4 0909129404 0909129404 invoice dated 09/2-;/10 10/18/10 1 ED 1045630000-6915/FTIY2 52.03
V04678 VFRIZCN WTR6TFS 0909129404 0909129404 invite dated 09/20/10 10/18/10 1 FD 1045830000-6915 85.29
V04678 VFRIZC1� WIRFIfF� 0909129404 CREDIT DLJE A=0002 09/2:':/10 10/18/10 1 FD 3140711902-6915 -95.36
(beck Nim: AP00142842 'Ibtals:
Tlx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 ihlpai-d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 70.39 Paid: 70.39
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 70.39 Tbtal: 70.39
V04678 VERI711Q W RATF.4 0909129405 INV# 0909129405 09/2::/10 10/18/10 1 FD 4849940000-6915 56.86
V04678 VERDIN W Rr M 0909129405 CREDIT OLE A=0002 09/2'/10 10/18/10 1 PD 3140711902-6915 -38.14
Check Nm: AP00142843 Totals:
Tlx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 (hp��d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 18.72 Paid: 18.72
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 18.72 Total: 18.72
V04678 VERIZCAT WCMM 0909136687 INV 0909136687: TELEMIaaR 09/2../10 10/18/10 1 PD 2820310052-6915 136.24
Check Nun: AP00142844 Tbtals:
Tlx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Ubpal 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 136.24 Paid: 136.24
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 136.24 Total: 136.24
ci of Azusa HP 9000 11/09/10 A / P
93IQ':MV 09, 2010, 11:28 AM --- _T R A N S A C T I Q S
Check Irn �: : 781865 #J4462--
pqn: Ci20 <1.52> rpt id: C�
SEEFxT Check Issue Rtes: 100110-101510
Check Num: AP00142845
PE ID PE Narre Irnroice Nurber De-q=pticn Irnr "--,Le Due Date Div St Ac�xmt P rolIl it
V00388 VERIZ N 626RIM205091310 626 FN p-0205 031024: 09/11.,/10 10/07/10 1 PD 1020310000-6915 44.46
Check Num: AP00142845 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Fwd: 0.00
Tlx: 0.00 Chr90.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 44.46 Paid: 44.46
Chzg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 44.46 'Total: 44.46
V07151 4 1[TD CS% 5614579 INV 5614579: 9-13 TO 9-19 09/1.;y/10 10/19/10 1 PD 1020333000-6493 7,159.06
Check Nun: AP00142846 Totals:
Tlx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Fwd: 0.00
Tbx: 0.00 Chxg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 7,159.06 Paid: 7,159.06
Tax: 0.00 Chxg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 7,159.06 Total: 7,159.06
V00278 }ERCM CURFCATT 050681711 INV 050681711: XERCX PAIN 10/0::/10 10/21/10 1 FD 1020310000-6845 33.90
Check Num: AP00142847 Tbtals:
'bx: 0.00 Chxg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 L� d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 33.90 Paid: 33.90
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 33.90 Total: 33.90
V01003 ZEE NMICAL Il\r 140472764 INV 00140472764/* SPPL' 09/2',/10 10/20/10 1 PD 1255661000-6563 69.56
V01003 ZEE V01003 ZEE 1 DICAL I� 140472764 INV #1404727G4 INV 0140472764/MMED SPPPL' 09/;./10 10/20/10 1 PD 43556610 1 PD 7000-6563 65.74
000-6563 25.26
Check Num: AP00142848 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Lh �d: 0.00
Tax: 5.94 Chrg: 5.95 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 148.67 Paid: 160.56
Tom' 5.94 Ch g: 5.95 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 148.67 Tbtal: 160.56
V05961 ALVARFZ, GPRLE 025285101165 Unifoms & Laurdiy 10/01./10 10/18/10 1 PD 1045830000-6201 120.71
Click Num: AP00142849 Tbtals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 UDaid: 0.00
City of Aaisa HP 9000 11/09 10 A / P T R A N S A C T I N S Page 90
NX 09, 2010, 11:28 PM ---rel: -------leg: GL JL---loc: BI-TD I--- 781865 #J14462--p9n: X20 <1.52> rpt id: CHREIT02
90Fd: Check Nun
SELECT Check Issue Dates: 100110-101510
Check Nim: AP00142849
PE ID PE NmE hwolce Nhxrb,-x Descripticn Inv !r.te Die Date Div St Account Arromt
Tax: 0.00 Chtg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 120.71 Paid: 120.71
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 120.71 Total: 120.71
V12794 Hr1RA3AS, Ev1IL1A CR143010 REFU D DAG DEPCSIT = 09/2':/LO 10/20/10 1 PD 5000000000-3115 300.00
Check Nun: AP00142850 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 mrd: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg-: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 300.00 Paid: 300.00
Tax: 0.00 Chn3: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 300.00 Total: 300.00
V00772 RARCELO, NSR 093010 NEE= SEPT2010 09/3:',/10 10/21/10 1 PD 1055651000-6405 50.00
Check Nun: AP00142851 'Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 �T ��d: 0.00
Tlx: 0.00 Chug: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 50.00 Paid: 50.00
Tlx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 50.00 Total: 50.00
V06175 CCLDTIY OF LOS A REPWI0090300647 FCEX-16845 BELL ROOK COVI 09/0;:'10 10/19/10 1 PD 3240723761-6605 104.07
Check Nun: AP00142852 Totals:
Tlx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Luty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 opal 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 104.07 Paid: 104.07
Tac: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 104.07 'Total: 104.07
V11167 HAE5, TITO 100510 TRAVEL EXP/LE4GUE OF CC 10/05/10 10/19/10 1 PD 1255661000-6235 300.00
V11167 HAES, = 100510 TRAVEL EXP/LFPGUE OF CC 10/0::%10 10/19/10 1 PD 3455665000-6235 491.69
Check Nun: AP00142853 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chtg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Ulpai 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 791.69 Paid: 791.69
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 791.69 Total: 791.69
V03256 HD SUPPLY U= 157107500 STAPLE-3",mzildinq 09/2..!10 10/21/10 1 PD 3300000000-1601 312.79
City of Azusa HP 9000 11/09 10 A / P T R A N S A C T I N S
N7J 09, 2010, 11:28 AM ---xeq: -----_ 1eg: GL JL---10c: BI-TEL"I-I--- 781865 #J14462--
J - pin: CZ-520 <1.52> xpt id: CM02
�': Check Nun
SE= Check Issue Dates: 100110-101510
Check Nun: AP00142854
PE ID PE Kane Invoice NLuber D=scripticn Irnr D =e lue Late Div St Accntuit AmDRmt
Check Nun: AP00142854 'Totals:
T�Ix: 0.00 Chep: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 i�y �d: 0.00
27.79 Chep: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 285.00 Paid: 312.79
Tax: 27.79 Cheg: y: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 285.00 'Ibtal: 312.79
V05891 MgUZALE, = 100510 UPIL USER TAX SEPI2010 10/05/10 10/21/10 1 PD 3200000000-2787 7,081.05
Check Nun: AP00142855 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Cirg. 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Thrid: 0.00
fig: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 7,081.05 Paid: 7,081.05
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 7,081.05 Total: 7,081.05
V03518 KEG BMT CD. 53922 INV. 453922, 9/14/10 - HH 09/1, /_l0 10/15/10 1 PD 3340735940-6835 147.07
Clack Nun: AP00142856 Totals:
M3X: 0.00 Cheg: 0.00 Duty: 0-00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 U-paid: 0.00
Tax: 13.07 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 134.00 Paid: 147.07
Tax: 13.07 Chep: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 134.00 Total: 147.07
V01494 LCIS ANMES CDU 110707BJ INV 110707PJ: FLCD SERVIC 09/1':'/10 10/19/10 1 PD 1020310000-6575 679.25
Check Nun: AP00142857 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Upaid: 0.00
fix: 0.00 Chep: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 679.25 Paid: 679.25
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 679.25 Total: 679.25
V11115 MUTEL, ALFUM 6598 Refund 10/01/10 10/19/10 1 PD 1025410000-7080 200.00
Clack Nun: AP001428SB Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Upaid: 0.00
'ax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 200.00 Paid: 200.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 200.00 Tbtal: 200.00
City of Azusa HP 9000 11/09 10 A / P T R A N S A C T I Ci NS Paqe 92
ND1 09, 2010, 11:28 AM ---req: -------leg: C3, JL---lcc: BI-=---jc.u: 781865 #J14462--pgn: CH520 <1.52> zpt id: CHREFI02
SJRT: Check Nun
SELECT Check Issue Dates: 100110-101510
Check Nun: AP00142858
PE ID PE Narce Invoice Nuxdmr Descaapticn Inv "ate Due Date Div St Accamt Amaint
V00540 OFFICE DaEUF IN 533929366001 ITEVI 1 351377, TTNPS4IST TA 09/1,:;/10 10/17/10 1 PD 3240723751-6530 6.93
V00540 OFFICE DEEOr IN 533929366001 I 326901,FRII�TCH VANIL 09/JL';10 10/17/10 1 PD 3240723751-6530 4.60
V00540 OFFICE DEPOT IN 533929366001 321750,SPLa\TA (CHIT 09/1'/10 10/17/10 1 PD 3240723751-6530 3.76
V00540 OFFICE DEMF IN 533929366001 IT 976695,FOLLFRS (LIZ 09/1 /10 10/17/10 1 PD 3140702921-6563 11.36
V00540 OFFICE DEEOI' IN 533929366001 I 326901, FRaTH VMI 09/15/10 10/17/10 1 PD 3140702921-6563 4.60
V00540 OFFTCF DEEOI' IN 533929366001 326921, REC�JLAR CRE 09/lE;/10 10/17/10. 1 PD 3140702921-6563 4.00
V00540 OFFICE DEFOT IN 533929366001 872110, FFA N II' CR 09/16/10 10/17/10 1 PD 3140702921-6563 5.40
V00540 OFFICE DEPOT IN 534206313001 715165 REALSPPCE WEST CET 09/20/10 10/20/10 1 PD 1035643000-6569 108.65
V00540 OFFICE DEFCTf IN 534206313001 908194 EuAcK SWIAuINE ST 09/20/10 10/20/10 1 FD 1035643000-6530 6.35
V00540 OFFICE DEEM IN 534206313001 207037 PIOLT G2 REIRACIA 09/20/10 10/20/10 1 FD 8010110000-6530 29.70
V00540 OFFICE LEEOI' IN 534206313001 576833 POST IT PRI= ME 09/20/10 10/20/10 1 PD 8010110000-6530 10.00
V00540 OFFICE DEFCTT IN 534206313001 105873 POST IT FLAGS GRIP 09/20/10 10/20/10 1 ED 8010110000-6530 9.60
V00540 OFFICE �T IN 534206313001 222416 SWORD UJiB4LL ST 09/2:/].0 10/20/10 1 PD 8010110000-6530 6.06
V0054V00540 OFFICE
FTCCEE � IN 534846949001 4507IN 534846949001 45 HD AVERY1 F ACK IVR C 09CLEAR IN= /2 /10 010 /21/10 1 ED 8110155000-6625/5053 45.57
Check Nun: AP00142859 Totals:
Tbx: 0.00 ClZg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 ULMId: 0.00
Tax: 21.38 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 252.99 Paid: 274.37
Tax: 21.38 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 252.99 Tbtal: 274.37
V06652 OFFICE NM CONT 103745 Itan #20344575 Sanyo delu 09/2:1/10 10/21/10 1 PD 1025543000-6625 318.26
Check Nun: AP00142860 Totals:
Tlx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 ikp 1 0.00
Tax: 28.27 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 289.99 Paid: 318.26
Tax: 28.27 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 289.99 Total: 318.26
V95716 PAT'S TIRE SERV 23533 423533FLAT 10 1 ED 4355667000-6493
V95716 PAT'S TIRE SERV 23533 #23533//FLAT REPR,BACK-DE 09%0!1'10 1009 /10 %1/ 10 1 PD 4355667000-6560 26.304
Check Nun: AP00142861 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Laud: 0.00
Tlx: 2.34 Chrg: 80.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 24.00 Paid: 106.34
Tax: 2.34 Chig: 80.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 24.00 Tbtal: 106.34
City of Azusa HP 9000 11/09 10 A / P T R A N S A C T I I N S
, MV 09, 2010, 11:28 AI ---req: -------leg, Q, J,---lcc: 21-=4 781865 #x4462-- Paqe 93 ,.
pgn: X20 <1.52> rpt id: Q-IRM02
�': Check Dhan
SECFX~P Check Issue Dates: 100110-101510
Check Nun: AP00142861
PE ID PE Nacre Invoice N rrber Dkscri i�
Pt I n . ,--Ire Dae Date Div St Accauit Ayo t
V12668 FWL PRO, THE 999 REPAUZ SE im cENIm FOLN 09/21/10 10/21/10 1 PD 2440739082-6625/M4,N 3,642.50
V12668 FML PRD, ME 999 REPAIR sENioR ca= FCXN 09/2:;'].0 10/21/10 1 PD 1055666000-6563 1,967.50
Check Nun: AP00142862 'ibtals:
Tax: 0.00 00 - -: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 i d: 0.00
0.00 C%: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 5,610.00 Paid: 5,610.00
meq: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 5,610.00 Total: 5,610.00
V12785 PPF lIND$IRIAL 092810 U-SI allM PARZNER57-IIP R 09/2:"/10 10/19/10 1 PD 2440739082-6625/CTEN 10,000.00
Check Nun: AP00142863 Totals:
Tom: 0.00 �: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 i� d: 0.00
Tom: 0.00 fig: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 10,000.00 Paid: 10,000.00
chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 10,000.00 Tbtal: 10,000.00
V94690 PRJA'EE, PAIRICI 093010 MEETINGS SEPT2010 09/-'C;10 10/21/10 1 PD 1055651000-6405 25.00
Check Nun: AP00142864 'Ibtals:
Tom: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 LhT)a1d: 0.00
'�: 0.00 rg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 25.00 Paid: 25.00
�r9: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 25.00 'Total: 25.00
V12790 4T14=, ISECA 9314 Refuel 10/0 ;/].0 10/20/10 1 FD 1025410000-7080 35.00
Check Nan: AP00142865 Totals:
Tom: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Ih¢ ,d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chug: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 35.00 PMd;
Tom: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 35.00 Total: 35.00
V10789 ALES, NICK 093010 MEL� SEPI2010 09/3 ;110 10/21/10 1 PD 1055651000-6405 25.00
Check Nun: AP00142866 Totals:
City of Azusa HP 9000 11/09/10 A / P T R A N S A C T I f.) N SPage 94
MV 09, 2010, 11:28 AM ---req: -------leg: C3, JL---lcc: BI-'ID`H---j: r:: 781865 4n4462--pgn: CH520 <1.52> rpt id: CHRM02
9DiLT : Check Nun
SE= Check Issue Dates: 100110-101510
check Nun: AP00142866
PE ID PE Nave Invoice Nulber Des=pticn Inv '::• to Doe Date Div St Ac=mt Amxmt
- ------------ -------- - -- - -
Tax: 0.00 Chzg: 0.00 Dsty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 mrd: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chzg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 25.00 Paid: 25.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 25.00 Total: 25.00
V03664 SAN ECRU 110110 PH3ISr/DFPN EREk R 10/0_/10 10/19/10 1 PD 1020310000-6221 1,159.00
Check Nim: AP00142867 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Cliff: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 1,159.00 Paid: 1,159.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 1,159.00 Total: 1,159.00
V03664 SAN EERSPRDINJ 1253 K== WIL/EVAN ATEN 09/2./LO 10/19/10 1 PD 1020310000-6221 1,250.00
Check Nun: AP00142868 'Ibtals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 'Id, 0.00
Tax: 0.00 (hzg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 1,250.00 id: 1,250.00
Tax: 0.00 Chzg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 1,250.00 Total: 1,250.00
V00237 TCcL TEM 10735 410735/LASER EgFRARED T-G 08/1;/10 09/30/10 1 FD 4355667000-6566 87.68
Check Nun: AP00142869 'Totals:
Tax: 0.00 (hrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 pal 0.00
Tax: 7.79 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0-00 Dist: 79.89 Paid: 87.68
Tax: 7.79 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 79.89 Total: 87.68
V12793 RAVER, TdD= CR143905 REFCL\]D/AZP126751 10/0 ;10 10/20/10 1 PD 5000000000-3150 35.00
Check Nun: AP00142870 Totals:
Tlx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 UT)aid: 0.00
Tlx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Iuty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 35.00 Paid: 35.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 35.00 Total: 35.00
V04224 WEIR, BLANCH 093010 NEEIINCS S=010 09/3 ,/10 10/21/10 1 PD 1055651000-6405 50.00
City of Azusa HP 9000 11/09 10 A / P T R A N S A C T I i N S
NUV 09, 2010, 11:28 PM --- : ------_lam; 71---lcc: BI-TF H---j..',: 781865 9J14462-- 95.
Cock Nan pgr: CI-520 <1.52> zpt id: �IO2
SEI.F�'P Check Issue Dates: 100110-101510
Chick Nim: AP00142871
PE ID PE Narre -- Lnvoice NLuber I�s=pticn IrIv i:e Die Late Div St Acc-tnt
Check Nun: AP00142871 'Totals:
�: 0.00 Chug. 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 id: 0.00
fig: .00 Duty: ik�0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist:
0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 50.00 Paid: 50.00
0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 50.00 Total: 50.00
V11999 POOM Srrr7EDIEnr ODAZ-15 SCfffD & DISPATCH - =0 09/1''/10 10/01/10 1 PD 3340785560-6493
Check Nun: AP00991703 Totals:
�: 0.00 Chug. 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Lh aaid: 0.00
n g: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 833.00 Paid: 833.00
Uix: 0.00 (twig: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 833.00 Total: 833.00
V00027 SaJIHM CALSFD 14223 TRAMMSSICN - ALMO INV 09/1 %10 10/05/10 1 FD 3340785650-6493 22,147.39
Check Nm: AP00991704 Totals:
T3X: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00
�: 0.00 Chug, 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 22,147.39 d' 0.00
�: 0.00 Chug: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 22,147.39 d. 22,147.39
V00426 L15PS 100410 SAT AND NUISCE POST 10/0 ./1.0 10/05/10 1 FD 1015210000-6518 3,550.00
V00426 LAPS 100410 C�I�AL AND NUISEL� = 10/0 /10 10/05/10 1 PD 1035643000-6518 1,450.00
Check Num: AP00991705 Tbtals:
15x_: 0.00 Chug: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 ihd: 0.00
0.00 0.00 ty` 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 5,000.00 Paid: 5,000.00
Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 5,000.00 Total: 5,000.00
V02428 SaJIHEFNCAITFC) SJ1010 SCPPA SJ1010 10/0 '10 10/08/10 1 FD 3340775550-6590 1067,438.00
Check Num: AP00991706 Totals:
T�Ix: 0.00 Chug: 0.00 Daty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Lha
�: 0.00 Chug: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 1067,438.00 Paid: 1067,438.00
0.00 Clog: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 1067,438.00 Tbtal: 1067,438.00
Citv of Azusa HP 900011/09 10 A / P TRANSACTINS �I96
NOV 09, 2010, 11:28 AM ---req: Q
leg: , JL---loc: BI-TECH---j:-: 781865 *n4462--pgn: X20 <1.52> rpt id: 02
S]Zr: Check Nun
SE= Check Issue Dates: 100110-101510
Check Nun: AP00991706
PE ID PE Naae Invoiae NuTber De.=pticn Il1v : :,t_e Dae Date Div St Account Anc nzt
V02428 gam- N Cmim HU1010 SCPPA HU1010 10/07!10 10/12/10 1 PD 3340775550-6590 9,063.83
Check Nun: AP00991707 'Ibtals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 T ,d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 9,063.83 Paid: 9,063.83
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: . 91063.83 Total: 9,063.83
V02752 WELLS FAROD EAN 092110 WATER UIT VII"BIVT SERIES 09/2 /10 10/14/10 1 FD 3200000000-1181 247,246.62
V02752 WADS FAIM BAN 092110 ➢d= SYSTEM 2003 SERIFS 09/2'./10 10/14/10 1 PD 3200000000-1183 122,891.76
Check Nun: AP00991708 Tbtals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 LTiaxaid: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 370,138.38 Paid: 370,138.38
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 370,138.38 Total: 370,138.38
V97136 CAiSFCR IIA II� 20101011317437 SEP10 CPSSD TR�CN I 10%1'./'10 10/15/10 1 PD 3340710 1 PD 875550-6590 104,618.56
Clerk Nun: AP00991709 'Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 t ,d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 126,811.66' Paid: 126,811.66
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 126,811.66 Total: 126,811.66
V02428 SCUD-] U CMIF0 37449 FN9UY & CAPACITY - MD10 10/0 /10 10/15/10 1 PD 3340775550-6590 65,506.00
Check Nun: AP00991710 Totals:
Tdx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 umd: 0.00
Tac: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 65,506.00 Paid: 65,506.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 65,506.00 Tbtal: 65,506.00
� CUD 45977 ICE = 6 S 2K�. 08%3: /10 10/07/10 1 PPD 3340735920-6493 500.00
CiLv of Azusa HP 9000 11/09/10 A / P T R A N S A C T I ( 1 S
�, NOV 09, 2010, 11:28 AM ---req: -------leg: M 3L,---loc: III-Tr'7D-I---jrb: 781865 #314462-- "
fin: Cf1520 <1.52> rpt id: CTI02
�': Check Nim
SE[FIT Check Issue Dates: 100110-101510
Clerk Nim: EP00002598
Irivoioe Ntarker Description Inv : ;Ce Dae Rate Div St pmt Ptrctnit
Check Nim: EP00002598 Totals: -
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 d: 0.00
Tom: 0.00 Chrg: 50.00 Duty. 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 750.00 d: 800.00
50.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 750.00 'Total: 800.00
V01906 CLME LAM NP= 72153 Invoice 472153 clean up a 09/0:110 10/08/10 1 PD 1025543000-6430 225.00
Cheek Nun: EP00002599 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Clog. 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 LhID3id: 0.00
��9: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 225.00 Paid: 225.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 225.00 Total: 225.00
V00724 T3DA SYSI 16741
V00724 TLTICTE1PM ECSTE HVU ARE 09/1 %10 10/10/10 1 FD 1020310000-6835 1,500.00
II2URBD DATATA SYST 16741 TTCKIPM SERVER SDFIVARE 09/1 /i0 10/10/10 1 PD 1020310000-6835 600.00
Check Nun: EP00002600 Totals:
Tlx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00t.� �d: 0.00
Tom: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 2,100.00 ^ Paid:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Az2,100.00
ty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 2,100.00 Total; 2,100.00
V01545 ALFA 2615/1001020 PY 20/10 10/0' %10 10/07/10 1 PD 1000000000-3020 739.17
V01545 ACFA 2615/1001020 PY 20/10 10/0 /10 10/07/10 1 FD 1200000000-3020 15.30
V01545 ACEA 2615/1001020 PY 20/10 10/0"/10 10/07/10 1 FD 1500000000-3020 78.30
V01545 ALg1 2615/1001020 Py 20/10 10/0. /10 10/07/10 1 FD 1700000000-3020 38.70
V01545 ACEA 2615/1001020 PY 20/10 10/0 /10 10/07/10 1 PD 2100000000-3020 18.18
vols4s ASA 2615/1001020 PY z0/l0 10/0' /10 10/07/10 1 FD 3100000000-3020 9.00
V01545 ACEA 2615/1001020 PY 20/10 10/0 /10 10/07/10 1 PD 3200000000-3020 18.00
V01545 ACEA 2615/1001020 PY 20/10 10/0'/10 10/07/10 1 FD 3300000000-3020 36.00
V01545 ACEA 2615/1001020 PY 20/10 10/0''/10 10/07/10 1 PD 3400000000-3020 20.70
V01545 PACEA1�A 2615/1001020 PY 20/10 10/O , :LO 10/07/10 1 Ffl 3700000000-3020 5.40
V01545 2615%1001020 PAY 20%10 10/0./10 10%07%10 1 PD 10 1 ED 4800000000-3020 1089,00
V01545 ACEA 2615/1001020 PY 20/10 10/0' /10 10/07/10 1 PD 5000000000-3020 2.25
City of Azusa HP 9000 11/09/10 A / P T R A N S A C T I C` N S �Paae 98
NJV 09, 2010, 11:28 PM ---req: -------leg: C;L JL---1oc: BI-1ECH---j: o: 781865 4J14462--p9n: CH520 <1.52> rpt id: 02
SCRT: Check Nun
SET Check Issue Dates: 100110-101510
Check Nun: EP00002601
PE ID PE Natte Invoice NuTber De=pticn Inv '_::,te Due Date Div St Account Am:;mt
Check Nun: EP00002601 Totals: �- -----------_= ---- -- -------- - - - -
Tax: 0.00 Chrq: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Tfi d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 1,098.00 Paid: 1,098.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 1,098.00 Total: 1,098.00
V01626 Fmkm, = 101410 TRAVEL ADV/CAARS CCIVF MH 10/0 /1.0 10/13/10 1 PD 1020310000-6235 328.30
Check Nun: EP00002602 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chfg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chr9: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 328.30 Paid: 328.30
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 328.30 Tbtal: 328.30
V04924 IIQF� E C , 45600 FOR INV# 45600-D= 9/16 09/1; '10 10/16/10 1 PD 3140711903-6518 7,121.88
V04924 IIZCGM D INC 45600 FOR INV# 45600-DATED 9/16 09/L /10 10/16/10 1 FD 3140711903-6493 21714.76
Check Nun: EP00002603 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 9,836.64 Paid: 9,836.64
0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 9,836.64 Tbtal: 9,836.64
V0027 ARDFCMdA ¢)z1LTT 0660007025 RZII,1ESS CARIIS AS PER FM 09/1_/10 10/15/10 1 PD 1020310000-6539 127.85
V0027 PMFCf4k (RY= 0660007025 aEnNMS CARDS AS PER PRD 09/1! /10 10/15/10 1 FD 1020320000-6539 12.79
Check Nun: EP00002604 Tbtals:
Tlx: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 U-paid: 0.00
Tlx: 12.49 Chrg: 0.00 Arty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 128.15 Paid: 140.64
Tax: 12.49 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 128.15 Total: 140.64
V06703 PRDFC)RVA CCIr1LI'P 0660007036 N1Q-ADHESIVE PALS FOR TAR 09/1./10 10/12/10 1 PD 8010110000-6625 183.39
Check Nun: EP00002605 Tbtals:
Tac: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Lh�id: 0.00
Max: 15.11 Chrg: 13.28 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 155.00 Paid: 183.39
Tax: 15.11 Chrg: 13.28 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 155.00 Total: 183.39
City of Azusa HP 9000 11/09/10 A / P T R A N S A C T I ; DT S
NJV 09, 2010, 11:28 AM ---req: ----___lam: GL JL---loc: BI-TD`I-T---J 1-,: 781865 W14462-- �P� 99
pan: X20 <1.52> rpt id: L&REM02
,T: Check N rn
SELECT Check Issue Dates: 100110-101510
Chx k Nun: EP00002605
FE ID PE Narm Invoice NuTber Descripticn Irnr i.,Le Due Cate Div St Acaxmt
- ------------- ---- -- ----- Iona mt
V03651 VUFFCM, LYSELL 090110 R=/DUM EI' SUC ALU201 09/2./10 10/12/10 1 FD 4849941000-6493 69.99
Check Nun: EP00002606 Totals:
'fix: 0.00 Chxg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 [hid: 0.00
0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 69.99 Paid: 69.99
Max: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 69.99 'Ibtal: 69.99
V01626 EMVER, COIE= 03750 REIN/OJEy��INT SUPPLIES 09/1 /10 10/19/10 1 PD 1020310000-6563
V01626 RRIIaQ2, ODLE 03750 REBvB/.cHE2K�IIVT SUPpLSES 09/1 ;A 10/19/10 1 FD 1020310000-6563 13.10
Check 1 7 T 57091810 REII�/OEC" O7TTI SUPPLIES 09/1s /10 10/19/10 1 FD 1020310000-6563 49.78
Check Nun: EP00002607 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0-00 Dist: 0.00 Lfi-paid: 0.00
Ttx: 0.00 �9: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 153.43 Paid: 153.43
9: 0.00 Daly: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 153.43 Total: 153.43
V00997 CCIVIM, CM OF 100510 Urm USER TAX SEPT2010 10/0:. /10 10/21/10 1 FD 3200000000-2786 8,322.75
Check Nun: EP00002608 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 L���d: 0.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Iuty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 8,322.75 Paid: 8,322.75
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 luty: 0-00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 8,322.75 Total: 8,322.75
V06703 PR3FUZvA0660007026 RER E;SS CARDS FOR RE)= 09/1. /10 10/18/10 1 FD 1015210000-6536
V06703 FMMIM � 0660007027 B-Giness Cards - Ardrierm 09/li %IO 10/15/10 x,79
1 FD 1030511000-6539
Check Dhan: EP00002609 Totals:
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 ihumid: 0.00
Tax: 2.28 Chz9: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 23.30 Paid: 25.58
2.28 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 23.30 Total: 25.58
V02919 WEST' MOr AREO 67750 #67750 08/3 /10 09/30/10 1 FD 1225420000-6493 2,277.00
City of Azusa HP 9000 11/09/10 A / P T R A N S A C T I : N S �00
N7J 09, 2010, 11:28 PM ---req: -------leg: GL JL---lcc: EI-TDO-I---J r;: 781865 #J14462--pgn: CH520 <1.52> rpt id: 02
SC RT: Check Nun
SELECT Check Issue Dates: 100110-101510
check Nun: EP00002610
PE ID FE Nairn Invoice Nu ber D2s=pticn Inv i :,te D-ie Date Div St Adult Anumt
V02919 NEST Caz\ST AIM 67751 ${67751 08/3;/10 09/30/10 1 PD 1025420000-6493 540.00
V02919 iM O= ARgD 67752 #67752 08/3_/10 09/30/10 1 PD 2440739082-6625/RSIR 3,151.00
Check Nun: EP00002610 Totals:
Tlx: 0.00 Chrq: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Lhn��d: 0.00
Max: 0.00 erg: 0.00 Daty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 5,968.00 Paid: 5,968.00
Tax: 0.00 Chxg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 5,968.00 Total: 5,968.00
Tax: 0.00 Chrg: 0.00 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 0.00 Lk d: 0.00
Tax: 14,837.74 Chrg: 2,852.71 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 3073 367.06 Paid: 3091,057.51
Tax: 14,837.74 Chrg: 2,852.71 Duty: 0.00 Disc: 0.00 Dist: 3073,367.06 Tbtal: 3091,057.51
Reversed: 411.00
I _
MONDAY,NOVEMBER 1,2010-8:29 P.M.
The Board of Directors of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Azusa met in regular session at the
above date and time in the Azusa Auditorium,213 E.Foothill Blvd.,Azusa CA.
Chairman Rocha called the meeting to order. Call to Order
ALSO PRESENT: Also Present
General Counsel Carvalho, Executive Director Delach, Assistant Executive Director Makshanoff,
Department Heads,Secretary Mendoza,Deputy Secretary Toscano.
The CONSENT CALENDAR consisting of items F-1 through F4 was approved by motion of Director Consent Cal.
Hanks,seconded by Director Gonzales and unanimously carried. Approved
1. Minutes of the regular meeting of October 18,2010,were approved as written. Min appvd
2. The Agency Treasurer's Report as of September 30,2010,was received and Sled. Treas Rpt
3. The License Agreement with Target Corporation for use of Agency owned property located at 812 N. Lie Agmt
Azusa Avenue/801 N.Alameda(formerly Johnny's Towing). Target
4. Resolution authorizing payment of warrants by the Agency was adopted and entitled:
None. None
It was consensus of the Redevelopment Agency Board Members to adjourn. Adjourn
0 COT.
°�uFbnrr- .
It is recommended that the Agency Board approve the attached Developer Request for Proposal for the Ninth
and Alameda Project including the four parcels of Agency-owned land at the northeast corner of Ninth Street
and Alameda Avenue,collectively referred to as the"Miller Property"(APN's 8608-019-901, -902,-903,and
The Agency acquired 28,000 square feet (0.64 acre) of land in four legal parcels from the Miller Family on
March 11,2009. The Agency paid$1,151,942 for the property from the 20% Set Aside Fund with the intent of
utilizing it for an affordable housing project. See Attachment 1 for a graphic depiction of this property.
On July 19, 2010 the Redevelopment Agency Board approved a Developer Pre-Qualification List for
Affordable Housing Projects. This list contains seven firms that had responded to the Agency's previous
Request for Qualifications.
Staff now proposes a multi-family,for-sale project on the Miller Property that would incorporate a mix of both
affordable and market-rate units.The goal would be to develop the property in a manner which will result in the
highest possible residual land value while still providing for some affordable units. To this end,it is envisioned
that the proposals received will reflect the current zoning density for these parcels(27 dwelling units per acre),
provide for a minimum of two (2) income-restricted units (i.e., moderate income at 120% of Area Median
Income), and include a land acquisition price that meets or exceeds the fair market value of the property.
The next step in the redevelopment of the Miller Property is to seek a development partner to acquire the
Agency's property and construct the project. Staff believes that all of the developers on the Developer Pre-
Qualification List are capable of constructing the envisioned improvements. In order to commence this
recruitment, staff has drafted a Developer Request for Proposal ("RFP") for the Ninth and Alameda Project
(see Attachment 2).Following Agency Board approval,it is proposed that this RFP be sent to each of the firms
in "Band A" of the Pre-Qualification List.
Agency Expectations
The Agency envisions the Ninth and Alameda Project as a for-sale,multi-family residential development with a
mix of market-rate and affordable units. Developer proposals submitted in response to this RFP should reflect
the following Agency expectations:
• That the Project will consist of town homes or condominiums and that the total number of units being
proposed will not exceed the permitted zoning for the property.
• That the Project will generate the highest possible residual land value to the Agency and that said residual
land value shall, to the fullest extent possible, be equal to fair market value. This will be accomplished
through the appropriate balancing of market-rate versus affordable housing types, density, creative
design/construction, etc.
• That all applicable City of Azusa parkin dards will be met.
• That the project will incorporate least two ) affordable units which may be restricted to moderate
income families (120% of Area Me ' Inc e).
• That the proposals will ensure that the vision for the Project is economically feasible.
• That the funding component of the proposals will be sufficiently flexible to ensure that supplemental
assistance from the Agency is not required.
The anticipated schedule for completing an Affordable Housing Agreement for the Ninth and Alameda project
is shown below:
Redevelopment Agency approval of Ninth and Monday, November 15, 2010
Alameda Request for Proposal
RFP Issued Tuesday,November 16, 2010
Proposals Due to Redevelopment Agency Thursday, December 9. 2010 at 5:00 p.m.
Agency Selection of Developer Tuesda , January 4, 2011___
Commence Period of Exclusive Negotiation Wednesday, January 5, 2011
with Selected Developer
Approval of Disposition and Development Monday, April 4, 2011
The overall goal of the Ninth and Alameda Project is to provide for a mix of affordable and market-rate for-sale
units that will enhance the surrounding neighborhood while at the same time permitting the Agency to recover
the fair market value of the property. However, it is unknown at this point whether the economics of the
proposed development will result in a residual land value that is equal to or greater than fair market value. One
of the determining criteria for selecting a development partner will be the extent to which their proposals
achieve this residual land value.
The proceeds of the sale of the Miller Property will be deposited back into the Agency's 20% Housing Set
Aside Fund and will be used to fund anticipated land acquisitions associated with the Atlantis Gardens
Neighborhood Rehabilitation Project. The need for emphasizing the recovery of fair market value is twofold:
1. Maximizing the proceeds available to assist the Atlantis Gardens Project.
2. Eliminating the need to prepare are-use report for the project.
Also, because 20% Housing Set Aside Funds were used to acquire the property, it is important that ome
affordable units are incorporated into the project. Failure to include an affordable housing component to e
project may require the Redevelopment Fund to reimburse the 20% Housing Set Aside Fund the entire $1.15
million that was originally spent to acquire the Miller Property. This would be problematic for the Agency
given its current financial status.
The particulars regarding the development of the residential units would be handled by the Planning
Commission through the normal entitlement process. Once a developer is selected, staff will bring back the
appropriate Affordable Housing Agreement and 33433 Summary Report at a noticed public hearing.
The issuance of the Ninth and Alameda Project RFP will not, in and of itself, have any fiscal impact on the
Agency.The terms and conditions of the Agency's eventual Affordable Housing Agreement with the selected
developer will determine the extent of sales proceeds that would flow back to the Agency at close of escrow.
1. Assessor Parcel Map of Miller Property
2. Developer Request for Proposal for the Ninth and Alameda Project
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• City of Azusa Redevelopment Agency
Developer Request for Proposal
Ninth and Alameda Affordable Housing Project
I. INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................... 3
IL DESCRIPTION OF SITE............................................................................................... 3
III. PROJECT EXPECTATIONS......................................................................................... 6
IV. PROJECT DESIGN ELEMENTS .................................................................................. 6
V. PROPOSAL FORMAT.................................................................................................. 7
VI. SELECTION PROCESS AND CRITERIA..................................................................... 8
VII. SCHEDULE ................................................................................................................ 10
VIII. SUBMITTAL INFORMATION ..................................................................................... 10
IX. WAIVER OF RIGHTS ................................................................................................. 11
City of Azusa Redevelopment Agency - Developer RFP
Ninth and Alameda Affordable Housing Project
I. Introduction .
The Redevelopment Agency of the City of Azusa ("Agency") is pleased to issue this
Request for Proposal (`RFP") to its list of pre-qualified developers to partner with the
Agency in the construction of a quality, for-sale residential project in the Merged
Redevelopment Project Area that incorporates both market-rate and affordable units
(the `Project'). The project site, located at the northeast corner of Ninth Street and
Alameda Avenue in the City of Azusa, is comprised of four parcels totaling 28,000
square feet.
The primary goals of the Project are twofold:
1. To provide for a mix of affordable and market-rate for-sale units that will enhance
the surrounding neighborhood.
2. To permit the Agency to recover the fair market value of the property.
The Agency acquired the property using its 20% Low-Moderate Income Housing Fund
("LMI Fund"). However, in order to address funding requirements for other high-priority
housing projects, the Agency must now dispose of the property in a manner which will
result in the highest possible residual land value while still providing for some affordable
units. The successful proposals will reflect the current zoning density for these parcels
(27 dwelling units per acre), provide for a minimum of two (2) income-restricted units
(i.e., moderate income at 120% of AMI), and include a land acquisition price that meets
or exceeds the fair market value of the property.
H. Description of Site
The Agency acquired 28,000 square feet (0.64 acre) of land in four legal parcels from
the Miller Family on March 11, 2009. The following chart summarizes this property:
Parcel Lot
No. * Address APN Size Structures
1 None 8608-019-904 7,000 sf Vacant
2 906 N. Alameda Ave. 8608-019-903 7,000 sf Duplex 1,241 s
3 908 N. Alameda Ave. 8608-019-902 7,000 sf SFR 952 s
4 912 N. Alameda Ave. 8608-019-901 7,000 sf SFR 952 s
See Exhibit 1 for parcel desi nations 4
The three structures are currently vacant and boarded up. The Agency paid $1,151,942
for the property from its 20% Low-Moderate Income Housing Set Aside Fund with the
intent of utilizing it for an affordable housing project.
The current zoning is NG-1 Mod (Neighborhood General 1) which provides for moderate
housing densities of up to 27 dwelling units per acre.
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Exhibit 1
Ninth and Alameda Property - Assessor Parcel Map
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Exhibit 2
Ninth and Alameda Property - Azusa Vicinity Map
City of Azusa Redevelopment Agency - Developer RFP
Ninth and Alameda Affordable Housing Project
III. Project Expectations
The Agency envisions the Ninth and Alameda Project as a for-sale, multi-family
residential development with a mix of market-rate and affordable units. Developer
proposals submitted in response to this RFP should reflect the following Agency
• That the Project will consist of town homes or condominiums and that the total
number of units being proposed will not exceed the permitted zoning for the
• That the Project will generate the highest possible residual land value to the Agency
and that said residual land value shall, to the fullest extent possible, be equal to fair
market value. This will be accomplished through the appropriate balancing of
market-rate versus affordable housing types, density, creative design/construction,
• That all applicable City of Azusa parking standards will be met.
• That the project will incorporate at least two (2) affordable units which may be
restricted to moderate income families (120% of Area Median Income).
• That the proposals will ensure that the vision for the Project is economically feasible.
• That the funding component of the proposals will be sufficiently flexible to ensure
that supplemental assistance from the Agency is not required.
IV. Project Design Elements
In addition to overall Agency expectations for the Ninth and Alameda Project, it is
anticipated that the Project shall conform to all applicable City of Azusa design
standards and guidelines for multi-family residential construction. A summary of these
Design Standards may be found in Appendix A to this RFP and include the following:
• Site Design and Neighborhood Connectivity — How the project will address vehicle
and pedestrian circulation, landscaping and open spaces, building massing and .
orientation, parking, etc.
• Building Design — How the project will address building types and scale, architectural
articulation, etc.
• Sustainability — How the project will employ "green" features and technologies, how
it will interface with public transportation, how it will reduce environmental impacts on
surround neighborhoods, etc.
City of Azusa Redevelopment Agency -Developer RFP
Ninth and Alameda Affordable Housing Project
V. Proposal Format
In order to achieve consistency in the type of information to be reviewed by the Agency,
developer proposals should employ a standard format using the same naming and
numbering conventions provided below:
1. Introduction
1.1.Project Understanding - Provide a summary of the firm's understanding of the
project and overall approach to the scope of work.
1.2.Statement of Qualifications — Provide documentation of any updates to the
information contained in the firm's Statement of Qualifications that was
submitted in response to the Agency's December 22, 2009 Request for
Qualifications. This would include changes to personnel, names/titles,
addresses, emails, phone and fax numbers, etc. Also, indicate any new
information that may have a bearing on the firm's qualifications to develop the
Ninth and Alameda Project (new projects completed, changes in financial
capacity, etc.). Updated financial statements should be provided if available.
1.3. Project Team — Provide the names and titles of the specific individuals and/or
consultants who will be assigned to work on this project, including the
designated Project Manager. Background information on these individuals
and/or consultants should be provided if not already included in the Statement of
1.4. Responsible Corporate Officer - Identify the individual who will be authorized to
execute documents for the development entity and his/her job title.
2. Project Description
2.1.Project Narrative — This narrative should describe how the proposed project will
meet Agency expectations and provide details of the project such as the total
number of units being proposed (with bedroom counts), the mix of market-rate
and affordable units (including income levels for the affordable units),
architectural style's to be employed, etc.
2.2.Description of Site Plan — Provide a narrative description of how the site will be
utilized including building locations, building heights, parking design, vehicle and
pedestrian circulation, landscaping and open spaces, etc.
2.3.Sustainability — How the project will utilize energy saving technologies, building
methods and design.
2.4. Illustrations — The proposal should, at a minimum, include the following
conceptual graphic illustrations: Site plan with dimensions (buildings, open
spaces, parking and related improvements), typical building elevations, typical
unit floor plans (by product type), building floor plans, parking plan, circulation
plan. Developers may include any other illustrations that they believe best
describes their proposals.
City of Azusa Redevelopment Agency - Developer RFP
Ninth and Alameda Affordable Housing Project
3. Preliminary Project Financing Strategy (Project Proforma)
3.1. Project Cost - Identify the total estimated cost for the project as proposed (land
acquisition, construction costs, financing costs, marketing, etc.).
3.2.Sources and Uses of Funds - Identify the proposed sources (and amounts) of
funding for the project. This discussion should include a description the types of
funding sources that are likely to be employed for the affordable units.
3.3.Residual Land Value — Identify the amount of money that will be.paid to the
Agency for its property.
4. Entitlements and Environmental
4.1. Development Code — Based on the project's proposed scope, provide a
discussion of how the project conforms with the City of Azusa's Development
4.2. Environmental — Provide a description of the various environmental
assessments and reports that the developer believes will be necessary for this
project, subject to final Agency determination.
5. Project Schedule
5.1.Milestone Chart - Provide a chart showing a proposed development schedule
with major milestones such as execution of a development agreement,
completion of entitlements, funding award, design period, commencement and
duration of construction, Certificate of Occupancy, closing of permanent
VI. Selection Process and Criteria
The Agency will review and evaluate all complete proposals received by the deadline.
Selection of a firm will be based on the quality of the proposal, including
comprehensiveness and responsiveness to the requirements of this RFP. The cost of
preparing responses to this RFP shall be borne by the respondents and shall not be
reimbursed by the Agency.
Proposals will be reviewed and assigned points by Agency staff and consultants. The
maximum points available will be 100. This evaluation will focus on (but not limited to)
the following criteria:
1. Project Conceptual Design (30 points) — The degree to which the proposal
describes how the project will look and how it will be developed. Specifically, the
Agency's review will focus on the following:
The number of units proposed and the mix of market versus affordable
product types.
City of Azusa Redevelopment Agency - Developer RFP
Ninth and Alameda Affordable Housing Project
• The proposed massing of structures on the site and architectural features to
be included.
• How on-site parking will be provided.
• How landscaping and open spaces will be incorporated into the project.
• How the project will provide for long-term sustainability.
2. Project Team (20 points) — The degree to which the Project Team proposed by
the Developer has the experience, knowledge and capability to move the Ninth
and Alameda Project from concept to design to construction to sale. Specifically,
the Agency's review will focus on the following:
• The qualifications and experience of the designated team members (including
proposed consultants).
• The number and type of projects that the designated Project Manager has
supervised that are comparable to the Ninth and Alameda Project.
• The number and type of affordable housing projects that the designated
Project Architect (or architect consultant) has designed under conditions and
constraints that are comparable to the Ninth and Alameda Project.
3. Project Financing (50 points) — The degree to which the proposal generates a
residual land value that permits the Agency to recover the fair market value of the
property. Specifically, the Agency's review will focus on the following:
• The overall per-unit development cost (including marketing and developer
• The projected revenue based on the unit's suggested market price points.
• The residual land value.
• The developer's proven track record for financing similar projects.
The Agency staff will review the proposals and recommend a developer to the
Redevelopment Agency Board for approval. During the selection process, the Agency
reserves the right to request clarification or additional information from respondents.
This may include interviews Agency staff.
The firm selected will enter into a period of exclusive negotiation with the Agency in
order to craft a Disposition and Development Agreement and process development
entitlements (estimated at 90 days). The firm will then secure appropriate financing and
ultimately build the project. Restrictive covenants for the affordable units will also be
recorded against the property in favor of the Agency to insure that the property will
remain affordable to targeted households for a period of at least 45 years from
completion of construction.
City of Azusa Redevelopment Agency - Developer RFP
Ninth and Alameda Affordable Housing Project
VII. Schedule
It is anticipated that the developer selection process will reflect the following schedule:
.. NMI' Activity 009 ,r
Redevelopment Agency approval of Ninth Monday, November 15, 2010
and Alameda Request for Proposal
RFP Issued Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Proposals Due to Redevelopment Agency Thursday, December 9, 2010 at 5:00 p.m.
Agency Selection of Developer Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Commence Period of Exclusive Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Negotiation with Selected Developer
Approval of Disposition and Development Monday, April 4, 2011
Following the Agency's selection of a development partner, the schedule above
presumes a period of approximately 90 days to negotiate the terms of a development
agreement and to process project entitlements along with any required environmental
VIII. Submittal Information
Developers desiring to respond to this Developer RFP should submit three (3) copies of
their Proposals, in a sealed enveloped marked "Ninth and Alameda Proposal" prior to
the closing date of Thursday, December 16, 2010, at 5:00 pm. All late submittals will be
rejected and returned unopened.
Ninth and Alameda Project Developer Proposals should be delivered to:
Azusa Redevelopment Agency
213 East Foothill Blvd.
Azusa, CA 91702-1395
Attn: Kurt Christiansen, Deputy Executive Director
Questions concerning this Developer Request for Proposal should be directed to Ms.
Sandra Benavides, Redevelopment Project Manager, at (626) 812-5100 or at
sbenavides(a)ci.azusa.ca.us. It is important to note that all contacts regarding this RFP
are to be directed to the Azusa Redevelopment Agency. Any direct or indirect contact
with members of the Agency Governing Board, City Council, or the appointed
members of any other City board or commission during any phase of this
developer recruitment process shall constitute grounds for the Agency's
rejection of the Developer's proposal.
City of Azusa Redevelopment Agency - Developer RFP
Ninth and Alameda Affordable Housing Project
It is the sole responsibility of the Developer to ensure that the proposal is delivered
before the closing date, at the above address. No oral, telegraphic, electronic, facsimile,
or telephonic proposals or modifications will be considered. The Agency is not
responsible for deliveries made to any place other than the specified address.
Developers should be advised that the Azusa Redevelopment Agency offices are
closed every Friday and do not accept mail deliveries on those days.
By submitting a response to this RFP, the Developer represents that it has thoroughly
examined the requirements of this Developer RFP, and that it is capable of performing
said tasks and functions.
IX. Waiver of Rights
By submitting a response to this RFP, the Developer waives all rights to seek legal
remedies regarding any aspects of the RFP and the Agency's selection process.
In consideration of the compensation and other benefits derived from any contract that
may be entered into with the Agency, the Developer shall agree to indemnify and hold
the Agency harmless from claims or losses arising from, or in connection with, all work
relating to the Project. In addition, the Developer shall be expected to indemnify the
Agency, officers, employees, or agents and hold said personnel harmless from any and
all claims, liabilities, obligations, and causes of action of whatever find or nature for
injury to, or the death of any persons or the damage or destruction of property during
the term of the contract.
Azusa Development Standards
Appendix A - Development Standards
The following summarizes the key development standards and guidelines that are
currently applicable to multi-family and small lot, single-family residential housing
projects in the City of Azusa. These standards and guidelines will apply to the Ninth and
Alameda project unless the City's Development Code is amended for this Project
through a Specific Plan, General Plan Amendment, PD overlay, or other type of action.
The full Development Code is contained in Chapter 88 of the Azusa Municipal Code and
may be found on the City's website at:
hffp:Hlibrary.municode.com/index.aspx?clientld=l 0418&stateld=5&stateNameCalifornia
1. General Plan
• Encourage a "sense of place" through improving safety through lighting, sidewalks,
street trees, neighborhood center and traffic calming measures.
• Require new units and sites to convey a high level of quality and character and
complement surrounding neighborhood character.
• Multi-family development should convey the visual character of the individual units
rather than a single volume mass.
• "Living space forward" design with garages at the rear.
• New residential development to include: greenbelts and recreation/community
amenities; well-designed and lighted alleys to minimize dominance of garages along
street frontages
2. Current Zoning
• NG-1 (Neighborhood General 1) Moderate Density 27 d.u. per net acre
3. Development Code NG-1 Zone: Design Standards
• Building Placement: 20' front& rear setback, 5' interior side setback; 10' street side
• Parking placement: 15' behind front fagade, 5' side setbacks, 3' rear w/o alley, 5' rear
• Maximum Height: 2 % stories or 35 feet, whichever is less.
• Encroachments (patios, porches, bay windows, balconies) allowed up to maximum of 8
• Allowable frontage types: stoop, porch, common yard.
• Density Standards: 6,000 sf minimum parcel size, 50 width, 80 depth, 27 du per acre.
• Parking for row houses, townhomes, courtyard units:
City of Azusa Redevelopment Agency - Developer RFP
Ninth and Alameda Affordable Housing Project
o Studio or 1 bedroom = 1 space within a garage.
0 2 — 4 bedrooms = 2 spaces within a garage.
0 5+ bedrooms = 3 spaces within a garage.
o Guest parking = 1 guest space for each 3 units in a project of 5+ units.
• Parking for Multi-family/apartments:
o Studio or 1 bedroom = 1 space within a garage.
0 2 or more = 2 spaces within a garage for the first 2 bedrooms, plus 1 additional
space, covered or uncovered, for each additional bedroom.
o Guest parking = 1 guest space for each 3 units in a project of 5+ units.
• Parking for single-family detached:
o 2 spaces within a garage for 4 or less bedrooms; 3 spaces within a garage for 5+
4. Development Code: Multi-family and Small-lot Single Family Projects
Requirements Allowed with Minor Use Permit
• Building Type: "walk-up" units with separate, ground floor entrances, such as row
• 75% of the fagade is occupied by habitable space w/ windows.
• No upper floor, open balcony or hallway or unit access shall overlook a side or rear yard
of an adjacent residential unit.
• Elevation of the first habitable floor shall be located at or in proximity to the predominate
grade level.
• Roof of multi-family structure shall be articulated and well-designed.
• Each detached structure shall be separated by a minimum of 10' or greater. -
• No garage door shall directly face a street.
• Open Space: 150 sf Minimum Private Open Space for each unit; 31 + units = 2,000 sf
minimum Common Open space.
• A minimum of 100 cubic feet of lockable storage area shall be provided for each
dwelling unit, with no dimension less than 30 inches.
5. Development Code: Goals for Future Development in NG-9 Zone
• Maintain the historic architectural character of traditional neighborhoods.
• Encourage the use of higher quality fences (replace chain link with wrought iron, wood,
or masonry fences).
• Use hedges, bushes or flowers planted in rows along the property's edges to define
property boundaries and establish private domain.
City of Azusa Redevelopment Agency - Developer RFP
Ninth and Alameda Affordable Housing Project
• Encourage the use of traditional building materials such as wood siding, wood
details/moldings, clay tile roofs, real arroyo stone.
• Encourage the use of wood windows and doors.
6. Applicable Housing Element Goals, Objectives and Programs
• Program 2; Multi family Housing Acquisitions and Rehabilitation Program: continue to
move forward with the Ninth and Alameda redevelopment project to provide a high-
quality housing development, including affordable.
• Program 6: First-time Homebuyer Programs: Provide homeownership opportunities to
residents through down payment assistance loans.
• Program 7: Affordable Housing Funding Sources: Provide development assistance
through Redevelopment Set-aside Funds as a means to reduce overall development
costs, thereby facilitating construction of lower-income housing.
• Program 9: Ensure Adequate Sites to Accommodate Regional Fair Share of Housing
Growth: Continue to provide appropriate land use designation and maintain an
inventory of suitable sites for residential development.
• Program 17: Outreach Plan: Support efforts to help residents be more informed about
housing facts, including understanding development trade-offs and the benefits of
affordable housing.
7. Entitlement Process
• Development Agreement
• Environmental Assessment (EIR, Negative Declaration, etc.)
• Entitlements (i.e., Specific Plan, General Plan Amendment, Zoning Code Amendment,
• Tract Map
• Design Review
• Minor Use Permit for Townhome or courtyard housing design
8. Infrastructure Requirements
• Public Works (sewer, streets, intersections)
• Water/ Electricity
SECTION ]. That the following claims and demands have been audited as required bylaw and that
the same are hereby allowed in the amounts and ordered paid out of the Redevelopment Agency Funds as
hereinafter set forth:
80-165-624-2008A TAX ALLOCATION BONDS _ 59,775.70
81-165-LM MRG TAB08B HS
82-125-CBD DEBT SERVICE FUND 63.193.38
82-135-WED DEBT SERVICE FUND 85.735 57
TOTAL ALL FUNDS: $ 309,822.70
SECTION 2. That the Secretary shall certify to the adoption of this resolution and shall deliver a
certified copy thereof to the Agency Treasurer and shall retain a certified copy thereof in his own records.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Redevelopment Agency of the
City of Azusa at a regular meeting there of, held on the day of 2010.
City of Azusa HP 9000 11/09/10 O P E N H O L D D B LISTING By PerEhtity Nme Page 1
MY 09, 2010, 3:42 ASI ---req: RUBY-------leg: GL JL---loc: BI-TEM---jcb: 782076 #J14544--pqrn: CH400 <1.34> rpt id: CUIFLTR02
SECFZT FLEVD Oxes: 80-82 ; Check Issue Dates: 100110-101510
PE ID PE Nacre AL= NUMBER / JOB N v2ER Invoice NuTber Des=pticn St Disc. Art--. Dist. Pert.
V05613 A T & T 8010110000-6915 6263345464082410 626-3345464/0517 PD 0.00 6.64
PEID d: 0.00
Paid: 6.64
Total: 6.64
V00270 AlHQ SERVICES 8010125000-6815/505800-6815 364722000083110 SEPI2010 SVC/624 FD 0.00 175.33
PEIDUlDaid: 0.00
d: 175.33
Total: 175.33
V01305 AZUSA CITY EnDLO 8000000000-3035 2610/1001020 PY420/10 PD 0.00 285.00
MID d: 0.00
Paid: 285.00
Total: 285.00
V10604 AaJSA NIII= WN 8000000000-3020 2618/1001020 PY#20/10 FD 0.00 35.00
PEID ikT:,,aid: 0.00
Paid: 35.00
Tbtal: 35.00
V00286 AZLISA UNIFIED SC 8210135000-7040 100110 S9211 FY09/10 11 FD 0.00 56,605.22
V00286 AZUSA LIVIFTID SC 8210125000-7040 100110 =11 FY09/10 11 PD 0.00 41,674.72
PEID Laid: 0.00
Paid: 98,279.94
Total: 98,279.94
V05804 BEST BEST & KRIE 8010125000-6345 632362 45635.01816 VULC FD 0.00 236.50
PEID 0.00
Paid: 236.50
Total: 236.50
V12477 C.T.& F. IDU 8010165624-2745 083110 Ctntracts Pbl Co PD 0.00 -6,641.74
V12477 C.T.& F. INC 8010165624-7170/6611067170 083110 TA13 J INIEP= FD 0.00 66,417.44
PEID d: 0.00
Paid: 59,775.70
City of Azusa HP 9000 11/09/10 O P E N H 0 L D D B LISTING By PerscrVEhtity Nave P8Lqe 2
TO , NOV 09, 2010, 3:42 FM ---req: MM-------leg: Q, JL,---loc: BI-TECH---job: 782076 #J14544--P3m: CH 00 <1.34> rpt id: CHFLTR02
SE= FUC Ods: 80-82 ; Chi_ Issue Dates: 100110-101510
PE ID PE Nam AC= NU43ER / JOB NUv2ER Invoioe IVnber Descriptio St Disc. A t. Dist. Alt.
Total.: 59,775.70
V06783 CITISI= 8000000000-3010 1310/1001020PY 20/10 FD 0.00 267.00
V06783 CTTISIREEP 8000000000-3010 2315/1001020 FY 20/10 FD 0.00 125.08
V06783 CITTSIREEP 8000000000-3010 2310/1001020 PY 20/10 FD 0.00 720.92
FEIDU-�d: 0.00
Paid: 1,113.00
Total.: 1,113.00
V02687 CTTRCJS C1441 TIY 8210135000-7040 100110 SB211 FY09110 11 PD 0.00 7,037.32
V02687 CITRUS 03NS= 8210125000-7040 100110 SB211 EY09/10 11 FD 0.00 5,498.34
PEID Lhmid: 0.00
Paid: 12,535.66
Total: 12,535.66
V06175 CJ= OF LCIS AN 8210125000-7040 100110 SB211 FY09/10 11 PD 0.00 710.31
PETD ty id: 0.00
Paid: 710.31
Total: 710.31
V08628 CCXIVIY SAIVPIATTO 8210125000-7040 100110 SB211 FY09/10 11 PD 0.00 3,522.48
V08628 CaVIY -q NPIATIO 8210135000-7040 100110 SB211 EY09/10 11 FD 0.00 4,686.93
PEM Ll��,d: 0.00
Paid: 8,209.41
Total: 8,209.41
V06848 DAKIFCNICS INC. 8010125000-7130/505500-7130 6406278 AMBA I-210 FEEE FD 0.00 98,400.00
MID LhTV: 0.00
d: 98,400.00
Total: 98,400.00
V11396 DUAFriE LIVIFIEID S 8210135000-7040 100110 SB211 EY09/10 11 PD 0.00 4.37
PEID Upaid: 0.00
Paid: 4.37
Total: 4.37
City of Azusa HP 9000 11/09/10 O P E N H 0 L D D B LISTING, By F�Entity Nave Page 3
t NW 09, 2010,. 3:42 FM ---seq: RUBY-------leg: GL JL---lcc: BI-'ID I---]cb: 782076 #J14544--pgn: CH400 <1.34> rpt id: OHFZ7R02
SECFZT FUVD Cis: 80-82 ; Check Issue Dates: 100110-101510
PE ID PE Narre ACCCLNP N VEER / JOB NCMBFIR Invoice Nsd�er De--=pticn St Disc. Ant. Dist. Part.
V97030 Imo, SIEFA 8010110000-6625 12733042040 RE MB/U*= RIB PD 0.00 43.89
V97030 HRZWCEZ, SIEFA 8010110000-6625 12753042040 REINS/TSP RIB PD 0.00 21.94
V97030 IRIDEZ, SIEFA 8010110000-6625 17 REII"B/TP= RIB PD 0.00 8.74
V97030 HERTA=, SIEFA 8010110000-6625 10533042040 R=IB/TAT RIB PD 0.00 43.89
PEID id: 0.00
Paid: 118.46
'Ibtal: 118.46
V03126 LINCOLN =C%,AL 8000000000-3010 2325/1001020 PY#20/10 PD 0.00 50.00
V03126 LII�LN N?LTICYSIL 8000000000-3010 1320/1001020 PY#20/10 Piz 0.00 45.00
FFTD d: 0:00
Paid: 95.00
Total: 95.00
V09587 LOS AM= = 8210135000-7040 100110 S13211 FY09/10 11 FD 0.00 2,000.07
V09587 LOS AM= = 8210125000-7040 100110 SB211 FY09/10 11 PD 0.00 2,115.22
PEIDd: 0.00
Paid: 4,115.29
Total: 4,115.29
V03219 LOS ALLELES ME 8210135000-7040 100110 SB211 FY09/10 11 PD 0.00 1,166.23
V03219 LOS AIT ES = 8210125000-7040 100110 SB211 FY09/10 11 PD U X0.00 911.17
ID Paid: 2,0707.40
Total: 2,077.40
V02362 NIETIBOFOLITPN VPkT 8210125000-7040 100110 SB211 FY09/10 11 PD 0.00 107.74
PEID Cyd: 0.00
Paid: 107.74
Tbtal: 107.74
V00540 OFFICE ISP DU 8010110000-6530 534206313001 576833 FOST IT P PD 0.00 10.00
V00540 OFFICE DEEOI' = 8110155000-6625/505300-6625 534846949001 450745 HD 901 BL PJ 0.00 45.57
V00540 OFFICE DEEY7i' DU 8010110000-6530 534846949001 574558 A= CLE PD 0.00 17.79
V00540 OFFICE = INC 8010110000-6530 534206313001 207037 PIOLT G2 FD 0.00 29.70
V00540 OFFICE DEPOP INC 8010110000-6530 534206313001 105873 = IT F PD 0.00 9.60
V00540 OFFICE DEFOF = 8010110000-6530 534206313001 222416 S?I\= U PD 0.00 6.06
TOEOf 09 01090030:42 Hy _11/09/10 OPEN H O L D D B LISTING By /Ehtity Nam Face 4
: RLBY-------leg: GL JL---loc: BI-TETJT---job: 782076 #314544-1-pgn: CK400 <1.34> rpt id: CHFLrR02
SIIIx-T FUSD Vis: 80-82 ; Creck Issue Dates: 100110-101510
PE ID= PE Narre _ / `OB NLM3ER Invoice NuTber Desc=pticm St Dili Pik. Dist. Pry.
- ' -- - -PAIDikux�id.- __-- 0.00
Paid: 118.72
7btal: 118.72
V09445 PARACAS, SUSAN 8010110000-6240 100110 DELIVERY SOI REP PD 0.00 34.35
P= UrMd: 0.00
Paid: 34.35
'Ibtal: 34.35
V06703 PROFCRIA (gIAliCIY 8010110000-6625 0660007036 NaT-AEFESIVE PAD AJ 0.00 183.39
PEID UTmdd: 0.00
Pai : 183.39
Total: 183.39
V02185 SAN GVPJEL VALL 8210135000-7040 100110 SB211 EY09/10 11 FD al: 14,235.43
V02185 SART C?1RR7FT UALL 8210125000-7040 100110 SB211 FY09/10 11 PD 0.00 8,467.78
PEIDd: 0.00
Paid: 22,703.21
Total: 22,703.21
V02917 SEFFER, CEZY 8010110000-6625 092410 RE vB/TAT T RSB PD 0.00 136.37
V02917 BEEPER, CIIVDY 8010110000-6625 48583042040 REE1B/'IPSCk;I' RIB FD 0.00 18.08
PEID tltdd: 0.00
Pai : 154.45
Total: 154.45
V02371 SFRINf 8010110000-6915 864888819034 INV# 864888819-0 FD 0.00 10.00
PEID Ulmd: 0.00
raid: 10.00
'Ibtal: 10.00
V10053 SIUMARD IIy5(]RpN 8000000000-3044 1221/1001020 PY#20/10 PD 0.00 132.64
Urugid: 0.00
Pad: 132.64
'Ibtal: 132.64
City of Azusa HP 9000 11/09/10 O P E N H O L D D B LISTING, By Perscn/Ehtity Nane Paces 5
TUE NOV 09, 2010, 3:42 FM ---req: RUBY-------leg: GL JL---loc: BI-'TECH---3cb: 782076 *n4544--Pgn: CH400 Q.34> rpt id: (JiFffR02
SEd f FUND C--des: 80-82 ; Click Issue Dates: 100110-101510
PE ID PE Nacre AJ= NUvE= / JOB NL= invoice Number Descidpticn St Disc. Ant. Dist. Amt. .
V08237 THREE VALLEYS nJ 8210125000-7040 100110 SB211 FY09/10 11 FD 01.00 163.96
PEID d: 0.00
d: 163.96
Total: 163.96
V94521 UPPER SAN G�13RIE 8210125000-7040 100110 SB211 FY09/10 11 PD 0.00 21.66
PEID d: 0.00
Paid: 21.66
Total: 21.66
V00876 K%EJ IlN= NUTA 8000000000-3010 1330/1001020 PY420/10 PD 0.00 15.00
V00876 W%SFEaT KMA 8000000000-3010 2335/1001020 PY20/10 PD 0.00 4.57
PEID Uru id: 0.00
Paid: 19.57
Tbtal: 19.57
Paid: 309,822.70
Total: 309,822.70