HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 11-C54RESOLUTION NO. 11-054
WHEREAS, in February 2009, Waste Management submitted an application for a
proposed Material Recovery Facility and Transfer Station ("MRF/TS") for receiving and
sorting municipal solid waste, recyclables, and green landscaping waste; and
WHEREAS, the Variance is part of a package of entitlements, as approval of the
MRF/TS requires a number of City actions and entitlements, including approval of a
Zone Change and General Plan Amendment, a Zoning Code Amendment, various use
permits, and several variances, including the Variance at issue; and
WHEREAS, the Variance is required to permit a decorative 6 foot tall block wall
fence on the perimeter of the project, where the fence height limit in the Development
Code is 42 inches; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Azusa, after giving notice
thereof as required by law, held a series of public meetings and public hearings on the
application of Waste Management with respect to the requested Variance V 2010-02, at
which time all persons wishing to testify in connection with the Variance were heard and
the revision was fully studied, discussed and deliberated; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, upon carefully considering all pertinent
testimony and the staff report offered in the case as presented at the public hearing, voted
to recommend that the City Council approve Variance V 2010-02; and
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Azusa, after giving notice thereof as
required by law, held a public hearing on the application of Waste Management to
approve Variance V 2010-02; and
WHEREAS, the City Council, after carefully considering all pertinent testimony
and the staff report offered in the case as presented at the public hearing, now wishes to
approve Variance V 2010-02.
SECTION 1: The above Recitals are true and correct and are incorporated herein
by this reference.
SECTION 2: Pursuant to, and in compliance with, the California Environmental
Quality Act ("CEQA") (Public Resources Code section 21000 et seq.), -a Final
Environmental Impact Report has been submitted for concurrent review and certification.
In accordance with the Final Environmental Impact Report and resolution for
certification of the same submitted concurrently herewith, with the proposed mitigation
measures, the proposed project would have significant and unavoidable impacts related to
traffic and air quality, which has been considered acceptable by the City Council in
accordance with the adoption of a statement of overriding considerations.
SECTION 3: That in accordance with Section 88.51.050 of the Azusa
Development Code, the City Council hereby approves the proposed Variance V 2010-02
based on the following findings:
A. There are special circumstances applicable to the property, including size,
shape, topography, location or surroundings, so that the strict application
of this Development Code deprives the property of privileges enjoyed by
other properties in the vicinity and within the same zoning district.
The subject property is an irregularly shaped corner parcel, with the front
and street side property lines abutting major streets. The majority of other
industrial properties in the vicinity have regular, rectangular lots that front
onto the street, with the building frontages right at the property line. The
proposed MRF/TS building will be set back approximately 75 feet from
the property line, with the drive aisles for the trucks between the property
line and the building. The requested increase in wall height is to provide
safety and security from vehicular damage for employees and the facility.
B. The approval of the Variance includes conditions of approval as necessary
to ensure that the adjustment granted does not constitute a grant of special
privileges inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties in the
vicinity and within the same zoning district.
Conditions of Approval require that the applicant locate the proposed wall
entirely on the private property and install new landscaping and irrigation
along the wall. The wall is required to be decorative and to act as an
improvement at the southeast entrance to the City. There is also a
condition of approval that the project shall include a "public art"
component or in -lieu fee for public art, which could be incorporated into
the proposed new wall.
C. The Variance is consistent with the General Plan and any applicable
specific plan.
The proposed Variance is consistent with General Plan Chapter 4:
Economy and Community Policy No. 1.2, which calls for the maintenance
of "a business climate in Azusa that communicates the city's support for
businesses." The granting of the variance will allow the proposed new
business to install a new, decorative wall for additional security and
safety. The proposed project is also consistent with the General Plan as
illustrated in the table below.
General Plan Policies
Project Consistency
Land Use (LU)
Accommodate industrial,
Consistent. The project proposes an
manufacturing and supporting
industrial development (i.e., the MRF/TS )
commercial use within the West End
within the District.
Industrial District and in accordance
with Table CD -2, Land . Use
Require buildings within the West End
Consistent. Pursuant to Azusa
Industrial District to be uniquely
Development Code Section 88.51.032,
identifiable, distinguished in their
Design Review, the proposed project
architecture and site planning, and
would be subject to Design Review, in
compatible with adjacent uses and
order to ensure that the proposed uses and
structures enhance their sites with the
highest standards of improvement and are
compatible with the surrounding land
uses. Namely, the industrial uses located
to the north, east, and west in the City of
Azusa, and the industrial uses located to
the south in the City of Irwindale. Design
Review would also ensure that the
proposed development complies with all
applicable Azusa Development - Code
standards and regulations, and Azusa
General Plan Policies, and does not
adversely affect community health, safety,
aesthetics, or natural resources.
Additionally, it is noted land use
compatibility impacts associated with land
development involve quality of life issues,
including aesthetics, traffic, and noise,
among others. While these may generally
be perceived as subjective issues, the
significance criteria detailed in each of the
respective EIR issues sections provides a
basis for assessing land use compatibility
impacts. Quality of life issues are
analyzed in EIR Section 5.2,
Aesthetics/Light and Glare, Section 5.3,
Trak and Circulation, and Section 5.6,
Noise. Further, the project would involve
Use Permits and Variances, subjecting the
proposed development to further
discretionary review by the City Staff,
45635.01 817\6053465.1
Planning Commission, and City Council,
which would also minimize land use
compatibility issues.
In the West End Industrial District,
Consistent. The project proposes to retain
establish and require new
the existing sidewalks located along
developments to provide pedestrian
Irwindale Avenue and proposes a curb,
and landscape linkages to other areas
gutter, and sidewalk along Gladstone
and businesses within the district and
Street, which are considered sufficient
to the Foothill Boulevard corridor, as
linkages with the District's other
businesses, given the industrial nature of
the surrounding area. The project also
proposes landscaping along Gladstone
Street and Irwindale Avenue, as depicted
on the Preliminary Landscaping Plan.
Accommodate industrial development
Consistent. The project proposes an
in accordance with Table CD -2, Land
industrial development (i.e., the MRF/TS )
Use Classifications (Industrial).
within the District.
Require all industrial buildings to be
Consistent. Refer to Response to Policy
distinctive, constructed of high quality
4.9 above and EIR Section 5.2,
materials, and be of interesting and
Aesthetics/Light and Glare.
strong design. All buildings shall be
visually attractive from the street, and
from adjacent or nearby properties.
Require rooflines and building
Consistent. Refer to Response to Policy
elevations to be visually attractive
4.9 above and EIR Section 5.2,
from all vantage points.
Aesthetics/Licht and Glare.
Require site development plans to:
Consistent. The project proposes a
• Incorporate physical and visual
decorative perimeter security wall and
design elements that buffer
landscaping (along Gladstone Street and
industrial use from any nearby
Irwindale Avenue) that would buffer the
residential neighborhood or use;
proposed development. Also, the
MRF/TS would involve entirely indoor
collection and processing of recyclable
materials. There are no residential
neighborhoods located nearby. The
nearest residential uses are the City's
southeast neighborhoods east of Jackson
• Provide elements that link
Consistent. The project proposes to retain
commercial and industrial uses
the existing sidewalks located along
(sidewalks and paths, common
Irwindale Avenue and proposes a curb,
architectural design, signage,
gutter, and sidewalk along Gladstone
landscape, etc.); and
Street, which are considered sufficient
linkages with the District's other
businesses, given the industrial nature of
the surrounding area. The project also
proposes landscaping along Gladstone
Street and Irwindale Avenue, as depicted
on the Preliminary Landscaping Plan.
• Require single level, "at grade"
Consistent. The project proposes to retain
parking facilities to be generously
the existing sidewalks located along
landscaped with shrubs and trees.
Irwindale Avenue and proposes a curb,
gutter, and sidewalk along Gladstone
Street, which are considered sufficient
linkages with the District's other
businesses, given the industrial nature of
the surrounding area. The project also
proposes landscaping along Gladstone
Street and Irwindale Avenue, as depicted
on the Preliminary Landscaping Plan. .
Require the consideration and
Consistent. There are no residential
mitigation of noise, light, vehicular,
properties located nearby. The nearest
and other impacts on residential
residential uses are the City's southeast
properties in the design of commercial
neighborhoods located east of Jackson
and industrial development.
Avenue. As discussed in EIR Sections 5.1
through 5.11 of the EIR, mitigation
measures are recommended, in
consideration of the project's
environmental impacts. More specifically,
refer to EIR Section 5.6, Noise, Section
5_2, Aesthetics/Light and Glare, and
Section 5.3, Traffic/Circulation, for
discussions regarding the project's noise,
light, and vehicular impacts, respectively.
Require on-site lighting of
Consistent. The project proposes on-site
institutional, commercial, and
lighting, as depicted on the Conceptual
industrial uses be constructed or
Site Lighting Plan. Also, as concluded in
located so that only the intended area
EIR Section 5.2, Aesthetics/Light and
is illuminated, off-site glare is
Glare, project implementation would
minimized, and adequate safety is
result in less than significant impacts
involving light and glare.
Control the development of industrial
Consistent. Mitigation measures are
and other uses that use, store, produce,
recommended, in order to mitigate the
or transport toxins, generate
project's impacts involving hazardous
unacceptable levels of noise, air
materials, noise, air quality, and water
emissions, or contribute other
quality; refer to EIR Section 5.4, Air
pollutants requiring adequate
Ouali , Section 5.6, Noise, Section 5.9,
mitigation measures confirmed by
Hazards and Hazardous Materials, and
Section 5.10, Hydrology and Water
environmental review and monitoring.
uali , respectively.
Require all structures to be constructed
Consistent. The project's building and
in accordance with City building and
engineering plans will be reviewed by the
other pertinent codes and regulations,
Azusa Building Division, in order to
including all new, adaptively re-used,
ensure consistency with Azusa Municipal
and renovated buildings; allowing
Code Chapter 14, Buildings and Building
appropriate exceptions for historically-
Regulations. Chapter 14 includes the
significant buildings.
Building Codes, Electrical Code,
Mechanical Code, and Plumbing Code,
among others. Approval of all project
plans would be required, prior to issuance
of any building, plumbing, electrical, or
mechanical permit.
Require all developments including
Consistent. The project is subject to
renovations and adaptive reuse of
Development Review, in order to ensure
existing structures (except historically
that the proposed development complies
significant buildings) be designed to
with all applicable Azusa Development
provide adequate space for access,
Code standards and regulations, and
parking, supporting functions, open
Azusa General Plan Policies. Further, the
space, and other pertinent elements,
project would include Use Permits and
Variances, subjecting the proposed
development to further discretionary
review by the City Staff, Planning
Commission, and City Council, in order to
ensure the adequacy of the various project
Urban Form
Encourage attractive gateway
Consistent. The proposed project will
treatments to establish a positive image
revitalize the southwest entrance into the
at the edges of the City and its districts
City via Irwindale Avenue, enhancing the
and corridors.
gateway to the industrial district of Azusa.
Economy and Community
Build and maintain a strong, diverse
Consistent. The addition of the MRF/TS
economy in Azusa.
business in the City of Azusa will provide
additional revenue to enhance the quality
of life for Azusa residents.
Support the creation of high-quality
Consistent. The MRF/TS will create
jobs for relatively low skill levels.
approximately 62 new jobs, of various
skill levels.
Create a diverse and balanced revenue
Consistent. The project will provide a
base with long-term value, avoiding
revenue stream that will enhance Azusa's
excess reliance on a single revenue
economic health and quality of life.
Noise Goals and Policies
Maintain community noise levels that
Consistent. The project will meet the
meet guidelines and allow for a high
noise standards of the Industrial and
quality of life
Residential zones in the City of Azusa.
SECTION 4: Based on the Staff Report, all written and oral comments and
testimony presented to the City Council, and the aforementioned findings,, the City
Council does hereby approve Variance V 2010-02. The City Council's approval is
subject to the conditions of approval for Variance V 2010-02, attached hereto as Exhibit
SECTION 6: The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this resolution.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 5th day of July 2011.
) ss
I, Vera Mendoza, City Clerk of the City of Azusa, do hereby certify that
Resolution No. 11-054 was adopted by the Council of the City of Azusa, California at a
regular meeting held on the 5ch day of July, 2011, and that same was adopted by the
following vote:
Exhibit "A"
rural vary v:ouncu v.onalnous of Approval 1
Case No: GPA 2010-01, Z 2009-01, UP 2009-01, ZCA 230, UP 2010-04, UP 2010-
05, V 2010-02, V2010-03, V2010-04, DR 2009-01
Address: 1501 W. Gladstone Street
A.P.N.: 8615-007-011
Proiectc General Plan Amendment to change a portion of the subject site from
General Plan land use designation Recreation/Landfill Mixed Use to
Industrial; Zone Change to change the same area from zoning map
classification DWL to DW; Use Permit to allow the proposed Materials
Recovery Facility (MRF) and Transfer Station (TS) as a recycling
processing facility in the DW zone; Zoning Code Amendment to allow
24 hour operations with a Use Permit in the Industrial zones; Use
Permit to allow the 24 hour operation of the MRF/TS; Use Permit to
allow a reduction in the provided parking spaces; Variance to allow an
increase in perimeter wall height; Variance to allow an increase in the
building height; Variance to allow a deviation from operational
standards; Design Review for the construction of the MRF/TS.
These conditions of approval shall be printed on or attached to working
drawings submitted to the Building Division for approval.
A. All requirements of the Planning Division shall be met, including but not limited to the
1. The entitlements: the Use Permit to allow the proposed MRF/TS as a recycling
processing facility, the Use Permit to allow a 24 hour operation, the Use Permit to
allow a parking reduction in parking, the Variance to allow increase in perimeter
wall height, the Variance to allow an increase in building height, the Variance to
allow a deviation from operational standards, and a Design Review for the
construction of the MRF/TS, shall be exercised within 2 years after its approval, or
said permit shall expire and be subject to revocation, unless an extension of time is
approved in compliance with Section 88.52.040 of the Development Code.. The
permit shall not be deemed "exercised" until the applicant has obtained a building
permit or, has commenced operation of the use, for projects not requiring building
2. The entitlements: the Use Permit to allow the proposed MRF/TS as a recycling
processing facility, the Use Permit to allow a 24 hour operation, the Use Permit to
allow a parking reduction in parking, the Variance to allow increase in perimeter
wall height, the Variance to allow an increase in building height, the Variance to
allow a deviation from operational standards, and a Design Review for the
construction of the MRF/TS shall not be effective until General Plan Amendment
GPA 2010-01, Zoning Code Amendment ZCA 230, and Zone Change Z 2009-01
P/Planning/Entitlements/2-Zone Change/2009-01 1500 Gladstone St./Conditions of Approval/draftCCExhibit —A
have each taken legal effect. In the event anyone of GPA 2010-01, ZCA 230, and Z
2009-01 fails to take legal effect, none of the entitlements listed in this condition
shall take effect.
3. All applicable Building Division and Fire Department requirements shall be met at
all times.
4. All construction and uses shall be in substantial conformance with the approved plot
plan and elevations, as modified pursuant to the conditions listed h&ein.
5. Prior to submitting for Building Division plan check, applicant shall submit a
revised plot plan, floor plans, and elevations to the Planning Division for review and
approval. The revised plans shall show compliance with all applicable zoning
standards and reflect the following conditions:
a. At least 79 parking spaces shall be provided and maintained in accordance
with Chapter 88.36 (Parking and Loading) of the Development Code.
b. At least 2 motorcycle parking spaces shall be provided.
C. At least 4 bike racks shall be provided.
d. A roof plan showing any roof -mounted equipment. All roof -mounted
mechanical equipment shall be screened from public view.
e. An elevation and site plan of the roofed and enclosed outdoor temporary
bale storage area and a detail of the type of wall or opaque fence enclosure.
6. Chapter 88.34.080 Water Efficient Landscaping of the Azusa Development shall
apply to this project if the total landscaped area is equal to or greater than 2,500
square feet.
7. All landscaped areas shall include an automatic irrigation system designed and
installed in compliance with Section 88.34.080 Water Efficient Landscaping.
8. Landscaping shall be adequately maintained at all times including, but not limited
to, irrigation, weeding, and/or replacement when necessary.
9. Three sets of final Landscape and Irrigation plans shall be submitted to the Planning
Division for review and approval, including compliance with the City Water
Efficiency Ordinance if applicable. Said plans shall be 24" by 36" and in
compliance with the City of Azusa landscape design standards. Location and
percentage of landscaping, plant material and quantities of each, plant and planter
box size, and design of an automatic irrigation system with detailed cross-sections
shall be clearly indicated. (Note: Do not submit these plans with the building plan
check. Plans must be submitted directly to the Planning Division. The applicant is
made aware that the Parks Division will be routed two sets of plans.. Please allow 2-
3 weeks for review.) The number of parkway trees, if any, shall be determined by
the Parks Division.
10. The premises shall be maintained in a clean and acceptable condition at all times.
All buildings and walls shall be maintained in good repair at all times. Any
offensive markings shall be removed immediately. Any graffiti shall be painted over
within forty-eight (48) hours to match existing wall in color and tone.
11. All illuminated sign and parking lot lighting shall be located, aimed and/or shielded
to prevent lights from shining or reflecting on adjacent property.
.P/Planning/Entitlements/2-Zone Change/2009-01 1500 Gladstone St./Conditions of Approval/draftCCExhibit—A
12. A Master Sign Plan is required for the project.
13. All signs require separate sign permits, and must complywith those sign regulations
set forth in Chapter 88.38 (Signs) of the Development Code to include restrictions
on sign area, sign types, sign materials, and sign height.
14. Signs shall not be placed on the public right-of-way. Those projections over the
existing or proposed public right-of-way shall meet the State of California
Encroachment requirements.
15. Portable signs on the property are prohibited.
16. Temporary signs on the property shall meet all requirements of Chapter 88.38
(Signs) of the Development Code.
17. All handling and storage of hazardous waste, materials, or chemicals shall be in
accordance with all applicable State, Federal, or local laws.
18. If it becomes necessary for the City to take any legal action or commence any
administrative proceedings against the applicant or any successor in interest in order
to enforce any of the conditions of approval set forth herein, the City shall recover
from the applicant or successor in interest reasonable attorney's fees and other
reasonable costs incurred in such action or proceeding, provided that the City
obtains a judgment in its favor in any portion of such action or proceeding.
19. The applicant or successor in interest shall be the real party in interest and shall
assume primary responsibility for the defense of any legal action or proceeding
commenced against the City to challenge the City's approval of Land Use
Entitlements and/or the City's approval related to such land use approval. The
applicant or successor in interest shall reimburse the City for all reasonable
attorney's fees and other reasonable costs incurred by the City in defending such
action or proceeding.
20. By accepting approval of the Land Use Entitlements subject to the conditions set
forth herein, the applicant or successor in interest shall be deemed to have agreed to
the terms and conditions set forth herein and the City shall have the right to enforce
in its sole discretion such terms and conditions by pursuing any and all available
legal and equitable remedies.
21. Any changes to the conditions listed herein must be approved by the City Council.
22. All transfer waste trailers shall be covered for transport before leaving the MRF/TS
23.. In accordance with Chapter 88.39 of the Development Code, the applicant shall
select, purchase and install permanent outdoor art at the development site, accessible
and visible to the general public from public streets, or pay an in lieu fee, if the total
project valuation exceeds $750,000.
24. The outdoor storage area shall be used for the short-term, temporary storage of baled
recyclable materials only and it shall be roofed and enclosed by a solid wall or
opaque fence. The baled, recyclable material must be date -tagged and may only be
stored in the designated outdoor storage area for no longer than 96 hours.
25. The entrance area to the project, designated in the EIR as the Household Hazardous
Waste Facility area and the area along Gladstone Street, between the entrance and
P/Planning/Entitlements/2-Zone Change/2009-01 1500 Gladstone St./Conditions of Approval/draftCCExhibit —A
the comer of Irwindale Avenue, shall be included in the required landscape plans.
New landscaping along the existing block wall and the new block wall, parallel to
Gladstone Street, shall be tall enough to eventually screen the majority of trucks in
the queuing area on the access road from of public view.
26. The applicant shall adhere to the City of Azusa Noise Standards regarding daytime and
night time noise.
27. There shall be no outside routine operations performed during the hours of 10:00 p.m.
and 6:00 p.m.
28. The applicant shall prohibit all municipal solid waste transfer trucks from leaving the
MRF/TS facility between the hours of 4:00 pm and 6:00 pm.
29. The applicant shall consider giving precedent to Azusa residents when hiring new
personnel, including utilizing such methods as a local job fair.
30. The applicant shall pay a "fair share' amount, to be determined by the City of Azusa City
Engineer, of the cost of pavement maintenance on Irwindale Avenue, from the 210
Freeway south to Gladstone Street and on Gladstone Street, from Mira Loma Avenue to
Irwindale Avenue, for a period of five years.
31. The applicant shall provide information on CARB and SCAQMD programs regarding
Rule 1193.
32. The applicant acknowledges and accepts that these Conditions of Approval are intended
to avoid potential nuisance conditions from arising as a result of applicant's operations
and therefore, applicant accepts that violations maybe sited in accordance with the City's
nuisance regulations and the City's fines and penalties ordinance.
B. All requirements of the Recreation and Parks Department,shall be met, including but
not limited to the following:
1. Landscape and irrigation plans shall show locations, quantities, sizes and types of plant
materials, as well as design of an automatic irrigation system. No final release from this
department shall be granted until these plans have been approved.
2. Landscape and irrigation design must comply with all requirements of the City's Water
Conservation Ordinance as it relates to AB- 1881 Water Efficient Landscaping.
C. All requirements of the Building Division shall be met, including but not limited to the
1. Project and plans shall conform to the California Building Standards Code adopted by
reference in Section 14-1 .of the Azusa Municipal Code, and all amendments and
modification thereto, contained in Chapter 14 of the Azusa Municipal Code. Project and
plans shall also conform to the 2010 California Energy Code and the City of Azusa
Municipal Code.
2.. All plan check fees shall be paid at the time of plan check submittal. Once plan check is
completed and approved, applicant shall be responsible to pay in full all other appropriate
development fees (i.e. school district fees, water reimbursement, park fees)np or to
issuance of any building permit.
3. Electrical, mechanical, plumbing plan check fees are required.
P/Planning/Entitlements/2-Zone Change/2009-01 1500 Gladstone St./Conditions of Approval/draftCCExhibit —A
4. Energy plan check fees are required.
5. Applicant shall submit 3 copies of foundation, framing, floor and elevation plans forplan
6. Structural, architectural, electrical, mechanical, plumbing plans shall be designed by a
State of California Registered Engineer, or a State of California Registered Architect.
7. Applicant shall submit 3 copies of structural calculations simultaneous with the
construction plans.
8. Applicant shall submit 3 copies of energy calculations simultaneous with the construction
9. Electrical, mechanical, plumbing plans shall be submitted for plan check simultaneous
with the construction plans.
10. Applicant shall submit 3 copies of soil report simultaneous with the construction plans.
11. Prior to issuance of a permit, the applicant shall submit approval from the Los Angeles
County Fire Department, and the South Coast Air Quality Management District
12. Plans as submitted are not acceptable for Building Division submittal.
13. Methane study is required to determine if methane mitigation system is needed for all
new construction.
14. Special foundation system is required for MRF/TS scale facility or any other structure
located over landfill area.
15. Grading, excavation, foundations, slab work, paving, retaining walls and shoring must
comply with recommendations of geotechnical investigation report.
16. Shoring plan is required to be submitted to Building Division and Engineering Division
for approval prior to excavation for -tunnel area.
17. Grading plan is required to be submitted to the Engineering Division for review and
approval prior to permit issuance.
18. Approval from Azusa Light and Water Department is required prior to issuance of
19. Applicant is responsible for submitting all necessary paperwork, forms, plans and
obtaining approval from other City Division/Departments and outside agencies that have
requirements for project.
D. All requirements of the Water Division shall be met, including but not limited to the
1. Fire Service backflow device (DCDA) location to be set close to the public right-of-way.
2. Will require an approved backflow device for any domestic service.
3. Will require installation of a new water main.
4. Plan Check is required.
5. The owner or project applicant shall take sole responsibility for cost incurred due to any
modification, relocation or alteration of existing water facilities caused by this project to
the satisfaction of the Light and Water Department.
6. This project is subject to Ordinance 96-08, City of Azusa Municipal Code Sections 7.8-
471 through 477 of Division 5 entitled "Water System Development Fee" if there is any
P/Planning/Entitlements/2-Zone Change/2009-01 1500 Gladstone St./Conditions of Approval/draftCCExhibit —A
change in floor footage. Fees must be paid to the Light and Water Department following
the final plan approval by the Building Division.. Fee must be paid to the Light and
Water Department following the final plan approval by Building Division.
7. This project is subject to Ordinance No. 07-012, Sections 78-501 through 78-513 of
Division 6, entitled "Water Conservation Plan" of Article VI of the City of Azusa
Municipal Code. This includes the installation of water saving devices, such as ultra
low -flow toilets (1.6 galloris), and participation in the retrofitting of existing housing
units either by installing retrofits or providing funds to perform retrofits.
8. The following estimated Water system Development Fee is based on Resolution No. 08-
059 and will be changed to reflect the actual rate as of the day fees are paid.
Land Use Category: Industrial —120,896 @ $8681.92/acre. 50.34/SF = $41,104.64
E. All requirements of the Light Division shall be met, including but not limited to the
1. Proposed Material Recovery Facility and Transfer Station Recycling Process Facility
shall obtain electric utility service from Azusa Light and Water. Method of electric
services to the separate facilities shall be determined when building plans are prepared
and submitted for approval.
2. Any relocation, modification alteration or replacement of any existing electric facilities
shall be at the sole cost and expense of project owner/applicant. Coordinate any
relocation work with Azusa Light and Water prior to any approval of building plans.
3. New building facilities shall be served with underground electric service. Project
owner/applicant shall make advance arrangements with Azusa Light and Water for the
method of underground electric service. All metered electric service entrance main
disconnecting means and meters shall be accessible and installed outside the building
premises or in a separate enclosed utility room with provision for outside door access.
4. Project applicant and/or property owner shall grant an electric easement for all new
electric facilities installed at private property, prior to energizing new electric service or
release of the Certificate of Occupancy.
5. Prior to final approval of the project and before the issuance of the Certificate of
Occupancy, the project owner/applicant shall comply with all requirements of Azusa
Light and Water.
F. All requirements of the Police Department shall be met, including but not limited to the
1. Perimeter walls of property facing Irwindale Ave. and Gladstone St. shall be either
constructed of material or protected in a manner which will deter graffiti. This condition
can be met either bybuilding walls with materials resistant to graffiti paint or by covering
exterior facing walls with thorny or vine like plants.
2. Handicapped parking stalls shall marked in compliance with CVC 22511.8
3. Fire lanes shall be marked in compliance with CVC 22500.1
4. A traffic impact study in regards to flow, pattern, controls, etc., shall be completed and
submitted for review by the Azusa Police Traffic Division.
P/Planning/Entitlements/2-Zone Change/2009-01 1500 Gladstone St./Conditions of Approval/draftCCExhibit—A
5. Applicant shall install strategically placed surveillance cameras that are digitally recorded
and stored for at least 30 days for investigative purposes. Moreover, warning signs of
such recording(s) shall be conspicuously posted as a crime deterrent. The surveillance
system and recordings shall be maintained by Waste Management.
6. Any areas within the property that are identified as having a likelihood of high employee/
visitor pedestrian traffic crossing truck lanes shall have clearly marked pedestrian
crosswalks. Theses areas shall also have caution signs indicating potential pedestrian
traffic. These areas shall minimally include areas around the offices and pathways
leading from the buildings to the proposed pedestrian access points off of Gladstone
7. The exit from the facility off of Mira Loma Ave., which is proposed as a "right turn only"
exit, shall have clear markings both on the ground and on signage that indicates it is a
right turn only exit.
8. In order to minimize potential traffic congestion on Gladstone St., it is recommended that
left turns onto NB Mira Loma Ave. from EB Gladstone St. be prohibited. Ideally, a
wedge median would be placed on Gladstone St. to prevent left turns onto Mira Loma
9. Applicant shall install lighting systems that provide uniformed white light which provide
night time vision for vehicles and pedestrians to permit them to see one another, to see
risks involved in walking at night and to reduce risk of trip and fall accidents. Moreover,
provide lighting systems which will enhance police ability for surveillance and patrol.
10. Applicant shall install lighting systems that provide uniformed white light that minimize
glare, light pollution and light trespass. Where necessary, provide light transition zones.
11. , All lighting systems shall be protected from vandalism. (e.g. unbreakable exterior,
tamperproof hardware, non -corrosive design components and shock absorbing bracket
12. Ensure that number of proposed parking stalls will be sufficient to accommodate
anticipated number of employees and visitors.
13. If the property owner wants illegally parked cars to be towed or cited, the property shall
have signs posted in compliance with CVC 22658.
G. All requirements of the Fire Department shall be met, including but not limited to the
following: .
2. A Building Permit WILL NOT be issued prior to acceptance of eh hydrant location, fire
flow and any additional requirements by the Department.
3. For questions concerning your project corrections, please contact: Manny Moshrefi,
Plans Examiner, at 626-963-5564 between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. only,
Monday through Friday. Office meeting by appointment only.
4. Provide a minimum unobstructed width of 26 feet (28 feet for building more than three
stories or 35 feet height), except for approved security gates in accordance with Section
P/Planning/Entitlements/2-Zone Change/2009-01 1500 Gladstone St./Conditions of Approval/draftCCExhibit —A
503.6 and an unobstructed vertical clearance "clear to the sky" Fire Department vehicular
access to within 150 feet of all portions of the exterior building walls. Fire Code 503.2.1.
Cross hatch the Fire Department vehicle access on the site plan.
5. Dead-end fire apparatus access roads in excess of 150 feet in length shall be provided
with an approved Fire Department turnaround. Fire Code 503.2.5 Cross -hatch the Fire
Department turnaround on the site plan.
6. Fire Department vehicular access roads shall be provided with a 32 foot centerline
turning radius. Fire Code 503.2.4. Indicate the centerline, inside and outside turning
radii for each change in direction on the site plan.
7. Fire Department vehicular access roads must be installed and maintained in a serviceable
manner prior to and during the time of construction. Fire Code 501.4. Provide a note on
the site plan.
8. A minimum 5 foot wide approved firefighter access walkway leading from the fire
apparatus access road to the building exterior openings shall be provided for fire fighting
and rescue purposes. Fire Code 504.1. Indicate firefighter walkway access routes on the
site plan.
9. Building address numbers shall be provided and maintained so as to be plainly visible
and legible from the street fronting the property. The numbers shall be a minimum of 4
inches high with a minimum stroke width of 0.5 inch. Fire Code 505.1. Provide a note
on the site plan.
10. A Key Box shall be provided and maintained in accordance with Fire Code 506, and as
set forth in Fire Department Regulation 5. Provide a note on the site plan.
11. The required fire flow for PUBLIC fire hydrants at this location is 3500gpm, at 20 psi
residual pressure, for a duration of 3 hours over and'above maximum daily domestic
demand. Fire Code 508.3 and Fire Department Regulation 8. Provide a not on the site
12. The required fire flow for ON-SITE fire hydrants at this location is 1250 gpm at 20 psi
residual pressure. When two or more on-site hydrants are required, the fire flow shall be
2500 gpm, with each on-site fire hydrant being capable of flowing 1250 gpm at 20 psi
residual pressure. Fire code 508.5.1 and Fire Department Regulation 8. Provide a note
on the site plan.
13. Show all existing PUBLIC fire hydrants within 300 feet of the lot frontage on both sides
of the street. Specify size of fire hydrant(s) and dimension(s) to property lines.
Additional fire hydrant requirements maybe necessary after this information is provided.
Fire Code 508.1 and Fire Department Regulation 8. Indicate size and locations of all
existing fire hydrants on site plan.
14. The fire hydrant requirements for this project are as follows: Install 3 PUBLIC fire
hydrants. Install 6 ON-SITE fire hydrants. Locations: As shown on the site plan. Fire
Code 901.4.1 and Fire Department Regulation 8. Show new/upgrade/relocated hydrant
locations on site plan.
15. All hydrants shall measure 6" x 4" X 2-1/2" brass or bronze, conforming to current
American Water Works Association standard C503 or apposed equal, and shall be
installed in compliance with Fire Department Regulation 8. Fire Code 508.1.1. All
P/Planning/Entitlements/2-Zone Change/2009-01 1500 Gladstone St./Conditions of Approval/draftCCExhibit —A
required PUBLIC hydrants shall be installed, tested and accepted prior to beginning
construction. Fire Code 501.4. All on-site fire hydrants shall be installed, tested, and
approved prior to building occupancy. Fire Code 901.5.1. Provide a note on the site
16. Provide a receipt, proof of payment, from the water purveyor that shows that all funds
have been paid for the installation and/or upgrade of the required public fire hydrants.
Provide a letter from the water purveyor or installing contractor that indicates the
approximate date the work will be started and completed for the required fire hydrants.
17. Complete and return the required Fire Department "Fire Flow Availability" Form 196.
Fire Code 508.1.1
18. Plans showing underground piping of on-site fire hydrants shall be submitted to the
Sprinkler Plan Check Unit for review and approval prior to installation. Fire Code 901.2.
Provide note on site plan.
19. The inspection, hydrostatic test and flushing of the underground fire protection piping
shall be witnessed by an authorized Fire Department representative and no underground
piping or thrust blocks shall be covered with earth or hidden from view until the Fire
Department representative hasbeen notified and given not less than 48 hours in which to
inspect such installations. Fire Code 901.5. Provide a note on the site plan.
20. Provide Building Code occupancy classifications for all separate and distinct uses of the
structures in accordance with Building code 302.1. Indicate this on the site plan.
21.. Provide Building Code type of construction in accordance with Building Code Section
602.1 and Table 601. Indicate type of construction on the site plan and provide
construction details for the structural elements in Table 601.
22. The height and area of buildings of different construction types shall be governed by the
intended use of the building and shall not exceed the limits in Table 503 except for area
modifications in Section 506. Incorporate calculations on the site plan.
23. Provide an approved automatic fire sprinkler system as set forth by Building Code 903
and Fire Code 903. Plans shall be submitted to the Sprinkler Plan Check Unit forreview
and approval prior to installation. CFC 903.2.3. Provide a note on the site plan.
24. Provide occupant load calculation and exit width analysis for all portions of the building
in accordance with Building Code 1004, 1005, Table 1004.1.1 and Table 1005.1.
Incorporate calculations on site plan or provide an exit analysis plan.
25. Egress doors shall be readily openable from the egress side without the use of a key or
any special knowledge or effort. Building Code 1008.1.8. Provide a note on the site
26. The means of egress travel shall be illuminated at any time the building is occupied with
a light intensity of not less than 1 foot-candle at the walking surface level. Building code
1006.2. Provide a note on the site plan.
27. The power supply for means of egress illumination shall normally be provided for the
premises' electrical supply. In the event of power supply failure, the emergency power
system shall provide power for a duration of not less than 90 minutes and shall consist of
storage batteries, unit equipment or an on-site generator. Building Code 1006.3., Provide
a note on the site plan and indicate the light fixtures with emergency power on the
P/Planning/Entitlements/2-Zone Change/2009-01 1500 Gladstone St./Conditions of Approval/draft=xhibit —A
reflected ceiling plan.
28. Exits, exit access doors and paths of egress travel that are not immediately visible to the
occupants shall be marked by an approved exit sign that is readily visible from any
direction of egress travel. Exit signs shall be internally or externally illuminated.
Building Code 1011. Note: additional exit signs may be required at time of field
inspection. Indicate the exit sign locations on floor plan/reflected ceiling plan.
29. Portable fire extinguisher shall be installed in locations as required by Fire Code 906.
Provide a not on the site plan.
30. Owner to obtain permit from LOS ANGELES COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT if any
building orportion of building exceeding 500 square feet is to be used for storage of high
piled combustible storage.
H. All requirements of the Engineering Division shall be met, including but not limited to the
1. The contractor shall take every step necessary to contain all dirt, construction materials,
and construction run-off on site. No grading or construction -related debris, either directly
or indirectly carried by water, will be permitted to leave the construction site.
2. All work within the Public Right of Way will require application for and issuance of an
Encroachment Permit issued by the City of Azusa and the City of Irwindale Public
Works Department. All work shall be done in accordance with City of Azusa Standards,
City of Irwindale Standards and the latest edition of the Standard Specifications for
Public Works Construction and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer or his designee.
All work in the public right-of-way shall.be completed before issuance of the Certificate
of Occupancy.
3. Provide a methane handling study prepared by a Professional within the discipline.
4. Provide a covenant, agreement and indemnity for the portion of Mira Loma Drive that is
used as a portion of the site access.
5. Provide ALTA survey.
6. Obtain demolition permit from the City of Azusa Building Division.
7. Haul route approval and transportation permits required for all construction vehicles from
both jurisdictions.
8. Provide rough and finish grading plans signed by a Registered Civil and Geotechnical
9. Prior to issuance of grading permit, provide verification of fee payment to the County
Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County.
10. Provide ADA access around building in conformance with current codes.
11. Provide Engineering Division with copies of all Environmental site remediation
12. Provide cross sections of all access roads and N/S and E/W sections through proposed
Storm Drainage:
P/Planning/Entitlements/2-Zone Change/2009-01 1500 Gladstone St./Conditions of Approval/draftCCExhibit —A
13. Submit all drainage plans and hydrology report for approval.
14. Verify after grading operations, construction of walls and buildings, the drainage flows
for the project and adjacent properties are clear and unimpeded.
15. Provide drainage acceptance letter and have letter notarized and recorded.
16. Provide covenant and agreement for proposed drainage patterns, acceptance of drainage
flows and storm drain facilities that binds the condition to the parcel. Have covenant and
agreement notarized and recorded.
17. Prepare easements for proposed facilities and improvements on adjacent property.
18. A construction permit from the State of California Department of Regional Water
Quality Board may be required for the project.
19. Provide methodology, shoring and engineering for storm drain piping that will be
approximately 30 to 35 feet deep at the project site adjacent to the buildings on the west.
20. Provide detention basin calculations.
21. Provide infiltration and permeability calculations for drainage design and study of
materials onsite in order to assure that the ground water will not be affected by
infiltration on site in the manner proposed.
22. Storm drain waters will not be allowed to drain over slopes.
23. Remove onsite storm drain system and plug potential connections to offsite systems.
24. Remove storm drain inlet just north of RR tracks.
25. Developer shall clean and video up to 2500 LF of existing sewers that are to receive
sewer flow from the project.
26. A sewer study will be prepared that should include a capacity analysis of the existing
- system from the project to the treatment facility. Note that LACSD requires a capacity
review for a permit.
27. The sewer system connections shall be accomplished while maintaining service to the
upstream tributary areas.
28. The sewer connections shall be tied into the City of Azusa sewer system on Irwindale
Avenue. If other arrangements are required, coordination must take place between the
City of Irwindale, the City of Azusa and the LACSD. Gladstone Street has been recently
paved within the City of Irwindale and may be inaccessible for sewer connections.
29. Obtain written or stamped approval from the Los Angeles County Fire Department for
access and roadways.
30. Traffic control and ramps to be in place for intersections and crossings during
construction. Traffic control shall be maintained during construction to provide adequate
vehicular and pedestrian access to facilities in the work area.
31. Remove and reconstruct sidewalks as necessary to remove unnecessary parkway
improvements, such as curb drains, driveways; etc. that serve the existing use.
32. Reconstruct/repair all damaged pavement areas of h-windale Avenue, Gladstone Street
and Mira Loma Drive to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.
33. Remove existing rails and rail signal equipment from Irwindale Avenue. Coordinate
work with the UPRR.
P/Planning/Entitlements/2-Zone Change/2009-01 1500 Gladstone St./Conditions of Approval/draftCCExhibit —A
34. Emergency access driveways shall conform to the City of Azusa standards.
35. Mira Loma drive shall be fully improved.
36. Dedicate remaining portion of Mira Loma Drive to ultimate width.
37. Construct raised medians on Gladstone Street to provide for left turn pockets, control
traffic movements and act as a physical barrier between traffic movements and vehicles
to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.
38. Raised medians will be constructed in a manner to provide left turn access for S. Duggan
39. Reconstruct concrete paving at the intersection of Gladstone Street and Vincent Avenue
in accordance with the County of Los Angeles standards for a concrete intersection.
40. Provide a TI and R value for Gladstone Street determined by a Registered Geotechnical
Engineer. Core street to confirm existing street has a sufficient structural section to
handle the increase everyday loading. Reconstruct street to the satisfaction of the City
41. Provide sight distance study for Mira Loma Drive to east side and for S. Duggan Street.
42. Provide on street parking perpendicular to the curb on Mira Loma Drive. No parking on
the west side of the street.
43. New ADA ramps for the intersections of Gladstone Street and Vincent Avenue and
Gladstone Street and Irwindale Avenue.
44. Provide new sidewalk and curb and gutter on Gladstone Street to the satisfaction of the
City Engineer.
45. Minimum radius for curb returns shall be 25 feet.
46. Provide signal modifications and mitigation measures in conformance with the approved
traffic study. Update traffic signal equipment to a 170E controller with battery backup,
100 mph poles, countdown pedestrian heads and new LED ISNS at both of the impacted
signalized intersections on Gladstone Street.
47. Project must comply with NPDES and any requirements of the State Water Quality
Control Board.
48. A registered Civil Engineer must submit SUSMP report, SWPPP, and a detailed list of
BMPs for approval prior to or with grading plan.
49. Dust control during the construction is required. Submit plan, for approval.
50. Work hours are 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday. No work shall be
performed on Sundays or Holidays.
51. Protection of the public, pedestrians, and traffic during above grade construction of the
structure is paramount, and full submittal of proposed protection systems for approval is
I. All requirements of the Community Improvement Division shall be met, including but not
limited to the following:
1. Maintain the open space along the north side of Gladstone Street.
2. Trim existing palm tree at the main entrance.
3. Refurbish/repaint the Cemex sign and the Land Reclamation sign.
P/Planning/Entitlements/2-Zone Change/2009-01 1500 Gladstone St./Conditions of Approval/draftCCExhibit —A
J. The applicant shall comply with the Mitigation Measures as listed in the MRF/TS EIR
and as follows:
1. AES -1 Concurrent with the Demolition Permit Application, a Construction
Management Plan shall be submitted for review and approval by the Director of
Economic and Community Development. The Construction Management Plan shall, at a
minimum, indicate the equipment and vehicle staging areas, stockpiling of materials,
fencing (i.e., temporary fencing with opaque material), and haul route. Construction haul
routes shall minimize impacts to sensitive uses in the City. The applicant shall
implement the construction Management Plan during project construction.
2. TRA -1 Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, (estimated to be I"quarter of
2013), the Applicant shall install, at the intersection of Irwindale Avenue and Gladstone
Street, a second (new) southbound left turn lane (at the southbound approach [north leg]
of the intersection) and a second (new) westbound right turn lane (for turns from
Gladstone Street to northbound Irwindale Avenue), along with acquiring the land
dedication required. However, should regulatory approvals not be granted by the City of
Irwindale by the date of Certificate of Occupancy, the Applicant shall provide funds in
an interest bearing dedicated trust account held jointly with the City of Azusa for the
future installation of the identified improvements as well as those identified in TRA -2
and TRA -3 (hereinafter referred to as Intersection Improvements). The estimated cost of
constructing the improvements at this intersection $248,000.00, which shall be further
verified by the time the Certificate of Occupancy is issued and adjusted if necessary by
the mutual agreement of the Cities of Azusa and Irwindale, and which shall be placed in
trust for use by the City of Irwindale. If the City of Irwindale decides to allow or move
forward with the Intersection Improvements and grants, or enters into an agreement with
Waste Management or the City of Azusa to grant, all necessary approvals for
construction of the Intersection Improvements prior to issuance of a Certificate of
Occupancy, the fees and interest collected by the City of Azusa and held in trust shall be
provided to the City of Irwindale. In the event that, five years after the issuance of a
Certificate of Occupancy, the City of Irwindale has not opted to implement the
Intersection Improvements or has not granted the approvals needed to Waste
Management or the City of Azusa for the Intersection Improvements to move forward,
the Applicant shall be reimbursed for some or all of the moneys collected for the
Intersection Improvements that have not already been spent.
3. TRA -2 Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the Applicant shall install, at
the intersection of Vincent Avenue and Gladstone Street, three landfill driveway
approach lanes, a second (new) northbound left turn lane (with protected phasing), a
second (new) eastbound left turn lane (with protected phasing), and a new westbound
protected left -tum phase, with acquiring the land dedication required.
P/Planning/Entitlements/2-Zone Change2009-01 1500 Gladstone St./Conditions of Approval/draftCCExhibit —A
4. TRA -3 Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, (estimated to be the I"
quarter of 2013), the Applicant shall install, at the intersection of Irwindale Avenue and
Arrow Highway, a second (new) southbound left turn lane. However, should regulatory
approvals not be granted by the City of Irwindale by the date of Certificate of Occupancy,
the Applicant shall provide funds in an interest bearing dedicated trust account held
.jointly with the City of Azusa for the future installation of the identified improvements as
well as those identified in TRA -1 and TRA -2 (hereinafter referred to as Intersection
Improvements). The estimated cost of constructing the improvements at this intersection
is $203,000.00, which shall be further verified bythe time the Certificate of Occupancy is
issued and adjusted if necessary by the mutual agreement of the Cities of Azusa and.
Irwindale, and which shall be placed in trust for use by the City of Irwindale. If the City
of Irwindale decides to allow or move forward with the Intersection Improvements and
grants, or enters into an agreement with Waste Management or the City of Azusa to
grant, all necessary approvals for construction of the Intersection Improvements prior to
issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the fees and interest collected by the City of
Azusa and held in trust shall be provided to the City of Irwindale. In the event that, five
years after the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the City of Irwindale has not
opted to implement the Intersection Improvements or has not granted the approvals
needed to Waste Management or the City of Azusa for the Intersection Improvements to
move forward, the Applicant shall be reimbursed for some or all of the moneys collected
for the Intersection Improvements that have not already been spent.
5. TRA -4 Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy (estimated to be 1 st
quarter of 2013), the project Applicant shall install an adaptive timing control
system at the Irwindale Avenue/Gladstone Street and Vincent Avenue/Gladstone
Street intersections that is compatible with the planned City of Azusa traffic control
system and synchronization program and would interface with other neighboring
cities. As part of the compatibility requirement, radio communications equipment
shall also be installed at the existing signalized intersections of Irwindale Avenue and
Gladstone Street (maintained by the City of Irwindale) and Vincent Avenue and
Gladstone Street (maintained by the City of Azusa). However, should regulatory
approvals not be granted by the City of Irwindale by the date of Certificate of
Occupancy, the Applicant shall provide funds in an interest bearing dedicated trust
account held jointly with the City of Azusa for the future installation of the adaptive
timing control system at the Irwindale Avenue and Gladstone Street intersection. If
the City of Irwindale decides to allow or move forward with the adaptive timing
control system indicated above and grants, or enters into an agreement with Waste
Management or the City of Azusa to grant, all necessary approvals for its installation
prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the fees and interest collected by the
City of Azusa and held in trust shall be provided to the City of Irwindale. In the event
that, five years after the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the City of Irwindale
has not opted to implement the adaptive timing control system or has not granted the
approvals needed to Waste Management or the City of Azusa for the adaptive timing
control system to move forward, the Applicant shall be reimbursed for some or all of
P/Planning/Entitlements/2-Zone Change/2009-01 1500 Gladstone St./Conditions of Approval/draftCCExhibit —A
the moneys collected for the adaptive timing control system that have not already
been spent.
6. TRA -5 The project Applicant shall coordinate with the California Department of
Transportation (Caltrans) prior to issuance of a building permit, to pay its pro -rated fair
share for traffic improvement projects to the I-210 eastbound on/off ramps from
Irwindale Avenue during the P.M. peak period, and to traffic along I-210. The pro -rated
fair share fees shall be based on final project approval, consultation with Caltrans, and
consistent with the Methodology for Calculating Equitable Mitigation Measures
(Appendix B) of Caltrans' Guide for the Preparation ofTraffic Impact Studies (2002).
Timing: After issuance of the Conditional Use Permit and at the time that specific
highway capital improvement projects for this segment of 1-210 or eastbound ramps at
Irwindale/1- 210 are identified by Caltrans, or Caltrans implements a specific fair -share
mechanism for the capital improvements to the I-210 eastbound/Irwindale Avenue ramps
or mainline segment, whichever occurs first.
7. AQ -1 The following measures shall be implemented during construction to
substantially reduce NOX related emissions. They shall be included in the Grading Plan,
Building Plans, and specifications. Reductions in particulate emissions shall also be
realized from the implementation of these measures as well as AQ -2 and AQ -3.
• Off-road diesel equipment operators shall be required to shut down their engines
rather than idle for more than five minutes, and shall ensure that all off-road
equipment is compliant with the CARB in -use off-road diesel vehicle regulation and
SCAQMD Rule 2449.
• The following note shall be included on all grading plans: "During construction
activity, the contractor shall utilize California Air Resources Board (CARB) Tier H
certified equipment or better for all on-site construction equipment to meet EPA
Tier 2 or higher emissions standards according to the following:
- Thru December 31, 2011: All off-road diesel -powered construction equipment
greater than 50 hp shall meet Tier 2 off-road emissions standards. In addition, all
construction equipment shall be outfitted with the BACT devices certified by
CARB. Any emissions control device used by the contractor shall achieve emissions
reductions that are no less than what could be achieved by a Level 2 or Level 3
diesel emissions control strategy for a similarly sized engine as defined by CARB
- January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2014: All off-road diesel powered construction
equipment greater than 50 hp shall meet Tier 3 off-road emissions standards. In
addition, all construction equipment shall be outfitted with the BACT devices
certified by CARB. Any emissions control device used by the contractor shall
achieve emissions reductions that are no less than what could be achieved by a Level
3 diesel emissions control strategy for a similarly sized engine as defined by CARB
- Post -January 1, 2015: If applicable, all off-road diesel -powered construction
equipment greater than 50 hp shall meet the Tier 4 emission standards where
available and commercially feasible.
P/Planning/Entitlements/2-Zone Change/2009-01 1500 Gladstone St./Conditions of Approval/draftCCExhibit—A
- A copy of each unit's certified tier specification, BACT documentation, and
CARB or SCAQMD operating permit shall be provided to the City at the time of
mobilization of each applicable unit of equipment.
• The contractor and applicant, if the applicant's equipment is used, shall maintain
construction equipment engines by keeping them tuned and regularly serviced to
minimize exhaust emissions.
• Use low sulfur fuel for stationary construction equipment. This is required by
SCAQMD Rules 431.1 and 431.2.
• Utilize existing power sources (i.e., power poles) when available. This measure
would minimize the use of higher polluting gas or diesel generators.
• Configure construction parking to minimize traffic interference.
• Minimize obstruction of through -traffic lanes and provide temporary traffic controls
such as a flag person during all phases of construction when needed to maintain smooth
traffic flow. Construction shall be planned so that lane closures on existing streets are
kept to a minimum.
• Schedule construction operations affecting traffic for off-peak hours to the best extent
when possible.
8. AQ -2 Prior to issuance of any Grading Permit, the City Engineer and the Chief
Building Official shall confirm that the Grading Plan, Building Plans and specifications
stipulate that, in compliance with South Coast Air Quality Management District Rule
403, excessive fugitive dust emissions shall be controlled by regular watering or other
dust prevention measures, as specified in the South Coast Air Quality Management
District's Rules and Regulations. In addition, South Coast Air Quality Management
District Rule 402 requires implementation of dust suppression techniques to prevent
fugitive dust from creating a nuisance off-site. The following measures shall be
implemented to reduce short-term fugitive dust impacts on nearby sensitive receptors:
• All active portions of the construction site shall be watered to prevent excessive
amounts of dust;
• On-site vehicle speed shall be limited to 15 miles per hour;
• All on-site roads shall be paved as soon as feasible or watered periodically or
chemically stabilized;
• All material excavated or graded shall be sufficiently watered to prevent excessive
amounts of dust; watering, with complete coverage, shall occur at least twice daily,
preferably in the late morning and after work is done for the day,
• Visible dust beyond the property line which emanates from the project shall be
• All material transported off-site shall be sufficiently watered and securely covered to
prevent excessive amounts of dust prior to departing the job site; and
• All delivery truck tires shall be watered down and scraped down prior to departing the
job site.
9. AQ -3 Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the project applicant shall prepare an
implementation program for the City's approval requiring the use of alternative fuel
vehicles under the following schedule, and consistent with Rule 1193:
P/Planning/Entitlements/2-Zone Change/2009-01 1500 Gladstone St./Conditions of Approval/draftCCExhibit —A
a. Waste Management shall convert into alternative fuel vehicles solid waste collection
trucks, and transfer trucks that utilize the Facility and are owned by Waste Management,
its subsidiaries, or affiliated enterprises, according to the following phase-in schedule:
i. By December 31, 2014, at least 70 percent of all aforementioned vehicles shall be
alternative fuel vehicles.
ii. By December 31, 2015, at least 85 percent of all aforementioned vehicles shall be
alternative fuel vehicles.
iii. By December 31, 2016, at least 100 percent of all aforementioned vehicles shall
be alternative fuel vehicles.
b. For the purpose of complying with this mitigation measure, alternative fuel vehicles
shall utilize alternative fuels that are consistent with recommendations or regulations of
CARB and SCAQMD, Rule 1193.
c. Off-road equipment for on-site operations shall use model 2011 or later diesel
equipment that are fully compliant with tier 4 emission standards.
The applicant shall implement the implementation plan and submit proof of compliance
for each of the milestones listed above by the designated date.
10. AQ -4 Prior to the issuance.of a building permit, the project applicant shall prepare an
Odor Management Plan (OMP) pursuant to the requirements of SCAQMD Rule 410. The
City Engineer shall verify that the OMP has been approved by the SCAQMD or the
Local Enforcement Agency (LEA) or CalRecycle and verify its implementation prior to
issuance of certificate of occupancy and during operations. Any odor complaints received
shall be sent to the City of Azusa City Engineer.
11. N-1 Prior to Grading Permit issuance, the project shall demonstrate, to the satisfaction
of the City of Azusa Community Development Department that the project complies with
the following:
• Construction contracts specify that all construction equipment, fixed or mobile,
shall be equipped with properly operating and maintained mufflers and other
State required noise attenuation devices.
Prior to issuance of each Grading or Building Permit, the Applicant shall
demonstrate to the satisfaction of the City's Building Official how construction
noise reduction methods such as shutting off idling equipment, installing
temporary acoustic barriers around stationary construction noise sources,
maximizing the distance between construction equipment staging areas and
occupied. residential areas, and electric air compressors and similar power tools,
rather than diesel equipment, shall be used where feasible.
• During construction, stationary construction equipment shall be placed such that
emitted noise is directed away from sensitive noise receivers.
12. N-2 Prior to issuance of building permits an acoustical study shall be prepared and
submitted to the City that demonstrates that the MRF/TS offices (e.g. upgraded windows
and insulation, etc.) will ensure they will not experience interior noise levels greater than
45 CNEL due to traffic on Gladstone Street. The study shall be prepared by a qualified
acoustical engineer and quantify the noise level impacting the building face, the noise
reduction provided by the building design, and any upgrades that are required to meet the
P/Planning/Entitlements/2-Zone Change/2009-01 1500 Gladstone St./Conditions of Approval/draftCCExhibit —A
standard. Any required upgrades shall be incorporated into the architectural drawings for
the project.
13. PSU-1 The Applicant shall incorporate safety and security conditions specified by
the Azusa Police Department regarding issues including, but not limited to, perimeter
walls, parking requirements, fire lanes, traffic specifications, surveillance cameras,
lighting systems, and pedestrian crossings. The incorporation of specified conditions in
building plans and specifications shall be verified by the Azusa Police Department prior
to issuance of a building permit.
14. CUL -1 In the event that cultural resources are exposed during ground -disturbing
activities, construction activities (e.g., grading, grubbing, or vegetation clearing) shall be
halted in the immediate vicinity of the discovery. An archaeologist who meets the
Secretary of the Interior's Professional Qualifications Standards (Secretary of the Interior
1983) shall be retained to evaluate the find's significance under CEQA. If the discovery
proves to be significant, additional work to preserve the find, such as data recovery
excavation, shall be recommended by the archaeologist, in consultation with the Director
of Economic and Community Development, and implemented by the Applicant.
15. CUL -2 In the event that any prehistoric, historic, or paleontological resources are
discovered during construction -related earth -moving activities, all work within 50 feet of
the resources shall be halted and the developer shall consult with a qualified
archaeologist or paleontologist to assess the significance of the find. If any finds are
determined to be significant by the qualified archaeologist, then representatives from the
City of Azusa and the qualified archaeologist and/or paleontologist shall meet to
determine the appropriate course of action by the Applicant necessary to recover and
preserve the find.
16. CUL -3 If construction activities result in the discovery of human remains during
ground disturbances, State of California Health and Safety Code Section 7050.5 shall be
implemented. This code section states that no further disturbance shall occur until the
County Coroner has made a determination of origin and disposition pursuant to PRC
Section 5097.98. The County Coroner shall be notified of the find immediately. If the
human remains are determined to be prehistoric, the Coroner shall notify the Native
American Heritage Commission, which shall determine and notify a Most Likely
Descendant (MLD). The MLD shall complete the inspection of the site within 48 hours
of notification and may recommend scientific removal and nondestructive analysis of
human remains and items associated with Native American burials. Such human remains
and associated items will be treated as recommended by the MLD.
17. HAZ-1 Prior to demolition and/or rehabilitation activities, an asbestos survey shall
be conducted by an Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) and Cal
OSHA certified building inspector to determine the presence or absence of asbestos
containing -materials (ACMs). If ACMs are located, abatement of asbestos shall be
completed prior to any activities that would disturb ACMs or create an airborne asbestos
hazard. Asbestos removal shall be performed by a State certified asbestos containment
contractor in accordance with the South Coast Air Quality Management District
(SCAQMD) Rule 1403.
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18. HAZ-2 If paint is separated from building materials (chemically or physically)
during demolition of the structures, the paint waste shall be evaluated independently from
the building material by a qualified Environmental Professional. If lead-based paint is
found, abatement shall be completed by a qualified Lead Specialist prior to any activities
that would create lead dust or fume hazard. Lead-based paint removal and disposal shall
be performed in accordance with California Code of Regulation Title 8, Section 1532. 1,
which specifies exposure limits, exposure monitoring and respiratory protection, and
mandates good worker practices by workers exposed to lead. Contractors performing
lead-based paint removal shall provide evidence of abatement activities to the City
Project Engineer.
19. HAZ-3 Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the Applicant shall determine whether
or not underground storage tanks (USTs) are present within the western portion of the
project site. Should USTs be present on-site, the Applicant shall obtain appropriate
permits from the County of Los Angeles Department of Public Works and County of Los
Angeles Health Hazardous Materials Division, per the Environmental Programs Division
and the Underground Storage Tank and remove the UST's. UST closure by removal
shall comply with the closure conditions as directed on the closure Permit as well as meet
the requirements of California Health and Safety Code Division 20, chapter 6.7, section
25298, California code of Regulations title 23, division 3, Chapter 16, Sections 2670
through 2672 and the Los Angeles County Code. The Applicant shall conduct
soil/groundwater testing, as requested by the Health Hazardous Materials Division.
Should the Health Hazardous Materials Division refer the case to any other regulatory
agency (e.g. the Department of Toxic Substances Control or Regional Water Quality
Control Board, etc.) then the Applicant shall comply with that said agency as well.
20. HAZ-4 If groundwater is encountered during construction, sampling shall be
conducted by a qualified hazardous materials specialist with Phase II/Site
Characterization experience in order to ensure that worker safety is not compromised. In
the event that groundwater contamination is above acceptable regulatory thresholds, than
the Applicant shall prepare and implement a Worker Safety Plan, approved by the
County of Los Angeles Health Hazardous Materials Division, that outlines safety
precautions (e.g., utilization of protection equipment, specific training prior to
commencing work, verification of safety requirements during construction, etc.) that
minimize potential exposure to workers.
21. HAZ-5 If unknown wastes or suspect materials are discovered during construction
by the contractor that are believed to involve hazardous waste or materials, the contractor
shall comply with the following:
• Immediately cease work in the vicinity of the suspected contaminant, and remove
workers and the public from the area;
• Notify the City Engineer of the City of Azusa;
• Secure the area as directed by the City Engineer; and
• Notify the County of Los Angeles Health Hazardous Materials Division's
Hazardous Waste /Materials Coordinator (or other appropriate agency specified by
the County of Los Angeles Health Hazardous Materials Division). The Hazardous
P/Planning/Entitlements/2-Zone Change/2009-01 1500 Gladstone St./Conditions of Approval/draftCCExhibit —A
Waste/Materials Coordinator shall advise the responsible party of further actions
that shall be taken, if required, and the applicant will implement all further actions
so specified..
22. HAZ-6 Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the Applicant shall demonstrate
compliance with land use regulations specified by CalRecycle in Title 27, Division 2,
Chapter 3, Subchapter 5, Article 2, Section 21190, California Integrated Waste
Management Board — Postclosure Land Use standards as follows:
All on-site construction within 1,000 feet of the boundary of any disposal area shall
be designed and constructed in accordance with the following, or in accordance with
an equivalent design which will prevent gas migration into the building, unless an
exemption has been issued:
- A geomembrane or equivalent system with low permeability to landfill gas shall be
installed between the concrete floor slab of the building and subgrade;
- A permeable layer of open graded material of clean aggregate with a minimum
thickness of 12 inches shall be installed between the geomembrane and the
subgrade or slab;
- A geotextile filter shall be utilized to prevent the introduction of fines into the
permeable layer;
- Perforated venting pipes shall be installed within the permeable layer, and shall be
designed to operate without clogging;
- The venting pipe shall be constructed with the ability to be connected to an
induced draft exhaust system;
- Automatic methane gas sensors shall be installed within the permeable gas layer,
and inside the building to trigger an. audible alarm when methane gas
concentrations are detected; and
- Periodic methane gas monitoring shall be conducted inside all buildings and
underground utilities.
23. HWQ-1 Prior to Grading Permit issuance and as part of the project's compliance with
the NPDES requirements, a Notice of Intent (NOI) shall be prepared and submitted to the
Los Angeles County Regional Water Quality Board (wm), providing notification and
intent to comply with the State of California General Permit.
24. HWQ-2 The proposed project shall conform to, and implement, the requirements of
an approved Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) (to be applied for during
the Grading Plan process) and the NPDES Permit for General Construction Activities
No. CAS000002, Order No, 2009-0009-DWQ, including implementation of all
recommended Best Management Practices (BMPs), as approved by the State Water
Resources Quality Control Board (SWRCB).
25. HWQ-3 The potential Best Management Practices (BMPs) outlined in Section 5.0 of
the Hydrology and Water Quality Technical Study for the Waste Management Material
Recovery Facility, Transfer Station, and Household Hazardous Waste Facility prepared
by RBF Consulting (October 2010), shall be considered for inclusion in the project's
Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (S WPPP) to the extent necessary to comply with
the NPDES Permit for General Construction Activities No. CAS000002, Order No.
P/Planning/Entitlements/2-Zone Change/2009-01 1500 Gladstone St./Conditions of Approval/draftCCExhibit —A
2009-0009-DWQ. All BMP's included in the SWPPP shall be implemented by the
26. WQ-4 In order to ensure the proposed project would not impact existing drainage
facilities (i.e., Arrowdale Drain) serving the project site, the Applicant shall prepare a
detailed design report that demonstrate the following prior to the issuance of grading
permits, to be reviewed and approved by the Los Angeles County Public Works
Department and the City Engineer:
• Post -development peak storm water run-off discharge rates shall be mitigated to the
existing conditions capacity (current design capacity, as analyzed in the 2007
Irwindale Master Hydrology Study) of the downstream Arrowdale Drain utilizing an
on-site detention /retention basin(s);
• All storm drain facilities, excluding detention basins, shall be designed for 25 -year
storm event protection; and
• Detention facilities shall be designed for 50 -year storm event protection. The
approved drainage facility design report shall be implemented by the applicant.
27. HWQ-5 The project Applicant shall prepare and implement a site-specific Standard
Urban, Stormwater Mitigation Plan (SUSMP) for the proposed project. Requirements
for commercial/institutional developments (including the proposed project) include the
following to be implemented by the Applicant and enforced by the City of Azusa Public
Works Department:
• Post -development peak storm discharge rates shall not exceed the estimated pre -
development rate for developments where increased peak storm water discharge
rates will result in increased potential for downstream erosion.
• Conserve natural areas by using cluster development, limiting clearing and grading
of native vegetation, maximize trees and, other vegetation, promote natural
vegetation, and preserve riparian area and wetlands.
• Minimize storm water pollutants of concern by incorporating Best Management
Practices (BMPs) or combinations of BMPs best suited to maximize the reduction of
pollutant loadings in run-off to the maximum extent practicable.
• Protect slopes and channels to decrease the potential of slopes and channels from
eroding and impacting storm water run-off.
• Provide storm water drain system stenciling and signage.
• Properly design outdoor material storage.
• Properly design trash storage areas.
• Proper proof of ongoing BMP maintenance.
• Comply with SUSMP standards for design of structural or treatment control BMP's.
- Bioretention Basins
- Infiltration Trench/Basin
- Irrigation Retention
- Extended Detention Basins
- Vegetated Swales/Strips
- Media filters
- Or other approved treatment control BMP's
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• Properly design loading/unloading dock areas.
• Properly design repair/maintenance bays.
• Properly design vehicle/equipment wash areas.
• Design parking areas to reduce impervious land coverage, infiltrate run-off, and treat
run-off before it enters the storm drain system.
28. GEO-1 The project shall incorporate and implement all engineering
recommendations contained within the Geotechnical Investigation for the Proposed
Material Recovery Facility, Transfer Station, and Entrance Improvements, prepared by
Geocon West, Inc., dated May 17, 2010, during project site design, construction, and
operations to reduce any potential geotechnical hazards at the project site. These
recommendations shall be stipulated in the construction contracts and specifications. The
Geotechnical Investigation is included in Appendix 15.11 Geotechnicallnvevtization, of
this EIR and is incorporated by reference into this mitigation measure.
P/Planning/Entitlements/2-Zone Change/2009-01 1500 Gladstone St./Conditions of Approval/draftCCExhibit—A