The meeting was called to order at 5:13 p.m. by substitute Chairperson David CALL TO ORDER
Santellan. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by David Santellan.
PRESENT: David Santellan, Johnny Sanchez, Donna McCormick, Mary Sandlin, ROLL CALL
Condie Lopez
OTHERS: Joe Jacobs, Recreation Superintendent
ABSENT: Harry Hoke, Joe Torres
Minutes of November 19, 1998, were approved; motioned by David Santellan, MINUTES APPROVED
seconded by Johnny Sanchez.
Consent calendar items #1 - #5 and supplementary consent items A, B, and C, CONSENT CALENDAR
were approved with standard fees and conditions; motioned by Donna ITEMS APPROVED
McCormick, seconded by Condie Lopez.
1. Request from Recreation Division to use gym from February 22-25, 1999, from REC. DIV. TO USE GYM
3:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. to conduct youth basketball tournament.
2. Request from Recreation Division to use P.A.system, chairs, tables, and Santa REC. DIV. TO USE P.A.
Chair for Holiday Tree Lighting on December 7, 1998.
3. Request from Recreation Division to use the pancake grills on December 12, REC. DIV. TO USE GRILLS
1998 from 6:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. for Breakfast With Santa program held in
conjunction with Shopping For Kids.
Request from Yolanda Rodriguez to use Memorial Park room #11 on YOLANDA RODRIGUEZ
`.. Saturdays, from November 28, 1998 (or December 5, 1998) to March 1, 1999 TO USE ROOM
from 2:30-4:00 p.m. Room is to be used to rehearse for a dance show.
5. Request from Azusa National Little League to use Memorial Park Recreation AZUSA NATIONAL L.L.
Center lounge meeting room on December 2, 16, and 30, 1998 for from 7:00- TO USE ROOM
9:00 p.m. for league meetings.
A. Request from Center School to use the gym from 8:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. on CENTER SCHOOL TO
Monday, February 15, 1999, for fund raising basketball tournament (History USE GYM
B. Request from Recreation Division to use the gym from March 8-12, 1999, from REC. DIV. TO USE GYM
5:00-10:00 p.m. to conduct SGVMAA basketball tournament.
C. Request from Stefanie Salce to use the Day Camp room on December 20, STEFANIE SALCE TO USE
1998, from 12:00-6:00 p.m. for family function. ROOM
Staff updated Commission on past Recreation Division activities and events, and COMMISSION UPDATE
previewed upcoming events as well.
Condie Lopez brought to our attention the fact that (2) lights are out at Canyon (2) LIGHTS OUT AT
Park on the corner of San Gabriel and Sierra Madre Avenues. Staff to research and CANYON PARK
respond to inquiry at next meeting.
With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:48 p.m. ADJOURN
ecxt meeting is scheduled for Thursday, December 17, 1998, at 5:00 p.m. at the NEXT MEETING 12/17/98
Memorial Park Recreation Center.