HomeMy WebLinkAboutF-4 California Municipal Utilities Association (CMUA) Legislative Update Information Item
Presented 1/--ki ft
DATE: MAY 26, 2015
CMUA continues its advocacy efforts before both administrative and regulatory agencies that may
have a significant impact on California's energy and water utility operations of its members'
interests, including Azusa Light& Water.
Attached are key water and energy bills being tracked by CMUA, including its position and the
status of each bill.
Prepared by: Liza Cawte, Senior Administrative Technician
Attachments: 1.Tracked CMUA Bills-Water
2. Tracked CMUA Bills-Energy
MAY 22, 2015
(As OF 5/15115)
Bill Summary Location
Drought: local governments:fines. r i
Would prohibit a city, county,or city and county from imposing a fine under
any local maintenance ordinance or other relevant ordinance for a failure to IIi
AB 1 water a lawn or having a brown lawn during a period for which the Governor ,5/7/2015-S . G. &F.
Brown D has issued a proclamation of a state of emergency based on drought
Groundwater basins.
Current law law requires the Department of Water Resources to categorize each
AB 78 basin or subbasin as high-, medium-, low-, or very low priority and to
(Mathis R ;establish ground water the initial priority for each basin no later than January 11/5/2015-A A. PRINT
31,2015.This bill would make technical, nonsubstantive changes to this
;Sales and use taxes: exemption:energy rgy or water efficient home
Existing sales and use tax laws impose a tax on retailers measured by the
:gross receipts from their sales of tangible personal property sold at retail in
this state,or on the storage, use,or other consumption of tangible personal
property purchased from a retailer for storage, use, or other consumption in 5/18/2015 1:30 p.m. -State
AB 88 this state, and specify certain exemptions from the amount of tax imposed. Capitol, Room 126
Gomez D This bill would exempt from these taxes the gross receipts from the sale of, ASSEMBLY REVENUE AND
:and the storage, use,or other consumption in this state of,an energy or TAXATION SUSPENSE,TING,
water efficient home appliance purchased by a public utility that is provided 'Chair
at no cost to a low-income participant in a federal,state,or ratepayer-funded ' I
energy efficiency program for use by that low-income participant in the
energy efficiency program.This bill contains other related provisions and
other existing laws.
Wild and scenic rivers: Mokelumne River.
Would require the Secretary of the Natural Resources Agency, in a report
analyzing the suitabliity or nonsuitability of a proposed designation of the ,
AB 142 IMokelumne River, its tributaries, or portions thereof as additions to the 4/15/2015-A . APPR.
!Bigelow R 'system, to consider the potential effects of the proposed designation on SUSPENSE FILE
'future water requirements,as specified, and the effects of climate change.
This bill contains other related provisions.
;Urban water management plans. --1
The Urban Water Management Planning Act requires an urban water
supplier to submit to the Department of Water Resources a copy of its plan
no later than 30 days after adoption and requires the department to prepare
end submit to the Legislature,on or before December 31, in the years ending..
AB 149 In 6 and 1, a report summarizing the status of plans adopted pursuant to the
'Chavez R act.The act requires each urban water supplier to update and submit its 5/7/2015 S . RLS.
015 plan to the department by July 1,2016.This bill would require each
urban water supplier to update and submit its 2020 plan to the department by
July 1, 2021,and would require the department to submit its 2015 report to
'the Legislature by July 1,2016, and its 2020 report by July 1,2022 .
AB 152 Water rights: appropriation.
R 'Under current law,the State Water Resources Control Board administers a 1/15/2015-A A . PRINT elow
Water rights program pursuant to which the board grants permits and
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MAY 22, 2015
(As OF 5115/15)
licenses to appropriate water. Current law requires the board to allow the
appropriation for beneficial purposes of unappropriated water under terms
and conditions as in its judgment will best develop,conserve, and utilize in
the public interest the water sought to be appropriated. This bill would make
a technical,nonsubstantive change to these provisions.
Integrated regional water management planning.
AB 153 Current law'authorizes a regional water management group to prepare and
'Bigelow R adopt an integrated regional water management plan with specified 1/15/2015-A . PRINT
components.This bill would make a technical, nonsubstantive change to that
F alifornia Environmental Quality Act: local agencies: notice of
ould authorize a local agency,for certain water projects,to file the notice
ith the county clerk of the county in which the local agency's principal office
#AB 291 's located and with the Office of Planning and Research, and to mail a copy 5/14/2015-S . E.Q.
Medina D f the notice to the county clerks of the counties in which the water project is
located, as specified.The bill would require the notices to be available for
ublic inspection or posted, as provided.This bill contains other existing
Position: Favor
Governor Edmund G.
Would require the Department of Water Resources to create and administer
the"Edmund G. 'Pat' Brown, Sr., Research Grant"to provide a one-year
[AB 309' grant to support research that would examine ways to expand California's 5/7/2015-A. RLS.
'Mathis R ater portfolio.The bill would specify that only California State University
-mouses and University of California campuses are:eligible for this grant.
1 he bill would appropriate$145,000 from the General Fund to the
•epartment for this pu •ose.This bill contains other existing laws.
ommon interest developments: property use and maintenance.
urrent law makes void and unenforceable any provision of the governing
•ocuments or architectural or landscaping guidelines or policies that
•rohibits use of low water-using plants,or prohibits or restricts compliance /18/2015 #75
B 349 ith water-efficient landscape ordinances or regulations on the use of water, SSEMBLY ASSEMBLY
Gonzalez D -s specified.This bill would also make void and unenforceable any provision HIRD READING FILE
•f the governing documents or architectural or landscaping guidelines or
policies that prohibits use of artificial turf or any other synthetic surface that
esembles grass.This bill contains other existing laws.
Oil and gas:groundwater monitoring. .
Would authorize the State Oil and Gas Supervisor to require a well operator
to implement a monitoring program for belowground oil production tanks and 5/20/2015 9 a.m. -State
B 356 acilities, and disposal and injection wells,. Because a failure to comply with apitol, Room 4202
\Williams 0 his requirement would be a crime,this bill would impose a state-mandated ,SSEMBLY APPROPRIATION
local program.This bill contains other related provisions and other existing S, GOMEZ,Chair
(San Diego River Conservancy.
he San Diego River Conservancy Act establishes the San Diego River
onservancy in the Natural Resources Agency,and prescribes the territory,
embership,and functions and duties of the conservancy with regard to,
1AB 392 5/13/2015-A. APPR.
mong other things,the acquisition, protection,and management of public
ands within the San Diego River area,as defined. Current law provides that
I he act will remain in effect until January 1,2020.This bill would delete the
1,2020,repeal date,thereby extending the operation of the act
ndefinitely. `_ _,__.�_ _
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MAY 22, 2015
(As OF 5/15115)
I Position:Watch
!Bonds:transportation:water projects.
Would provide that no further bonds shall be sold for high-speed rail
urposes pursuant to the Safe, Reliable High-Speed Passenger Train Bond
i /Act for the 21st Century,except as specifically provided with respect to an
!qB 397 !existing appropriation for high-speed rail purposes for early improvement
'Mathis 4/28/2015-A. TRANS.
R projects in the Phase 1 blended system.The bill,subject to the above
exception, would require redirection of the unspent proceeds received from
outstanding bonds issued and sold for other high-speed rail purposes prior to
he effective date of these provisions,upon appropriation,for use in retiring
he debt incurred from the issuance and sale of those outstanding bonds.
�.__... ow-Income Water Rate Assistance Program.
ould require the Department of Community Services and Development, no
later than January 1, 2017, in collaboration with the State Board of
qualization and relevant stakeholders,to develop a plan for the funding and
B 401 implementation of the Low-Income Water Rate Assistance Program,which 15!2015-A . APPR.
ould include specified elements.The bill would require the department, no
Dodd D later than January 1,2017,to report to the Legislature on its findings USPENSE FILE
regarding the feasibility,financial stability, and desired structure of the
rogram, including any recommendations for legislative action that may need
to be taken.This bill contains other existing laws.
Drinking water: point-of-entry and point-of-use treatment. ��
State Water Resources Control Board to adopt regulations,similar to those
'previously authorized for adoption by the State Department of Public Health,
•oveming the use of point-of-entry and point-of-use treatment by a public
ater system in lieu of centralized treatment where it can be demonstrated
B 434 hat centralized treatment is not immediately economically feasible,with
pecified limitations.The bill would exempt the regulations from the
arcia .dministrative Procedure Act and would require that the regulations and any "!14!2015 S . E.Q.
Eduardo D -mendments to the regulations remain in effect until revised by the state
soard.This bill would also prohibit the use of point-of-entry treatment absent
he state board determination of no community opposition, and would delete
he limitation on the duration of these permits.This bill contains other related
a rovisions.
Water Rights Fund: groundwater regulation.
Current law establishes groundwater reporting requirements for a person
extracting groundwater in an area within a basin that is not within the
management area of a groundwater sustainability agency or that is a
jAB 452 probationary basin. Current law establishes the Water Rights Fund, which 5/1/2015-A. 2 YEAR
(Bicelow R consists of various fees and penalties.This bill would prohibit water rights
'fees from being available for expenditure by the board for the purposes of
board enforcement of the provisions of the Sustainable Groundwater
Management Act and the groundwater reporting requirements. I
Position:Watch I
roundwater management. 4
IAB 453 ould authorize, until a groundwater sustainability plan is adopted,a local
Rolm R -gency to amend an existing groundwater management plan in furtherance 5/7/2015-S . N.R.&W.
I—g---- •f,and consistent with,the groundwater management plan's objectives.
Sustainable groundwater management. r
I B 454 Would require a high-or medium-priority basin that is not subject to critical !14!2015-A. APPR.
Bigelow R !conditions of overdraft to be managed under a groundwater sustainability
lan or coordinated groundwater sustainability plan by January 31, 2023. 1
UB-163 —
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(As OF 5/15/15)
1 this bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
I !Position:Watch
!Groundwater sustainability plans:environmental impact reports.
!Would require the Judicial Council,on or before July 1, 2016, to adopt a rule
' f court to establish procedures applicable to actions or proceedings brought
1 o attack, review, set aside, void, or annul the certification of an EIR for
B 455 rojects covered by a groundwater sustainability plan that require the actions 5/1/2015-A A. 2 YEAR
iaelow R r proceedings be resolved within 270 days of certification of the record of
roceeding.The bill would also prohibit the court from staying or enjoining
I he construction or operation of the project unless the court makes a certain
I ending.This bill contains other existing laws.
i _ osition:Watch
r esalination. ____
I urrent law provides that is it the intention of the Legislature that the
IAB 478 epartment of Water Resources shall undertake to find economic and 2/23/2015-A. PRINT
II-larger R "efficient methods of desalting saline water so that desalted water may be
made available to help meet the growing water requirements of the state.
j This bill would make a nonsubstantive change in these provisions. _
Pupil nutrition:fresh drinking water:funding.
I Would authorize the State Department of Education to receive funds
transferred from available state and federal sources,to be allocated to
B 496 school districts for purposes of complying with the requirement for providing 5/13/2015-A . APPR.
Rendon D access to drinking water as specified, and would require the department to SUSPENSE FILE
consult with the State Water Resources Control Board's Division of Drinking
IciWater Programs to identify available sources of funding for school water
uality and infrastructure.
Lower Los Angeles River Working Group.
Would require the Secretary of the Natural Resources Agency to appoint,in
coordination with the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors,a local
working group to develop a revitalization plan for the Lower Los Angeles
IAB 530 River,called the Lower Los Angeles River Working Group.The bill would 5/6/2015-A. APPR.
(Rendon D specify a prescribed membership for the working group,including,among SUSPENSE FILE
others, representatives from the County of Los Angeles,and elected officials
of the cities riparian to the Los Angeles River.This bill contains other related
(provisions and other existing laws.
I outdoor Water Efficiency Act of 2015: personal income tax credits: _
•utdoor water efficiency.
he Personal Income Tax Law allows various credits against the taxes 5/18/2015 1:30 p.m.-State
imposed by that law. This bill,for taxable years beginning on or after January Capitol, Room 126
'AB 585 1,2015, and before January 1,2021,or an earlier specified date,would
Melendez R allow a credit equal to 25%of the amount paid or incurred by a qualified SSEMBLY REVENUE AND
axpayer for water-efficiency improvements made to outdoor landscapes on AXATION SUSPENSE, TING,
•ualified real property in this state, not to exceed$2.500 per taxable year,as Chair
specified.This bill contains other related provisions.
Position: Support _
_ Income taxes:turf removal tax credit.
ould,under Personal Income Tax Law and the Corporation Tax Law,for
axable years beginning on and after January 1,2015, allow a credit to a 5/18/2015 1:30 p.m. State
B 603 axpayer participating in a lawn replacement program, as defined, in an apitol, Room 126
Sales D mount equal to$2 per square foot of conventional lawn removed from the SSEMBLY REVENUE AND
axpayer's property.The bill would make findings and declarations in this AXATION SUSPENSE,TING,
regard.This bill contains other related provisions. hair
1 Position:Support
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MAY 22, 2015
(As OF 5/15/15)
Water conservation.
Mould,when the Department of General Services replaces landscaping or
jirrigation on property or when new property is added to the department's
!statewide property inventory, require the department to reduce water 5/20/2015 9 a.m.-State
!consumption and increase water efficiencies for that property,where
IAB 606 !feasible,through replacement of landscaping, irrigation timers,or spray apitol, Room 4202
I_____. sprinkler heads, implementation of recycled water irrigation, or any , GOMEZ,Chair
combination thereof.The bill also would impose similar water conservation
Ireequirements on the Department of Transportation.This bill contains other
xisting laws.
Position: Support
Office of Sustainable Water Solutions:technical assistance.
Proposition 1 makes available, upon appropriation by the Legislature,
specified amounts of bond proceeds for grants and loans for projects that
improve water quality or safe drinking water,for water recycling and
advanced treatment technology projects, and for projects that prevent or
B 615 clean up the contamination of groundwater, including providing technical 5/6/2015-A . APPR.
Rendon D assistance services to disadvantaged communities.This bill would specify SUSPENSE FILE
the types of technical assistance services that may be provided by the office
land would authorize the Office of Sustainable Water Solutions to establish
land administer at least one"Center for Excellence"for the purpose of
1providing technical assistance to disadvantaged communities .
Would revise the definition of"groundwater recharge"for the purposes of the
!AB 617 ustainable Groundwater Management Act to permit the inclusion of in-lieu 5/6/2015-A. APPR.
Perea D echarge through delivery of water to persons that otherwise extract SUSPENSE FILE
roundwater, leaving groundwater in the basin.This bill contains other
-elated provisions and other existing laws.
Water quality: organization and membership of regional boards.
The Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act requires regional boards to
,,, consist of 7 members appointed by the Governor,6 of them on the basis of
Dah le R demonstrated interest or proven ability in the field of water quality and one as 2/24/2015-A A. PRINT
a public member not specifically associated with any enumerated
qualification. This bill would make nonsubstantive changes to these
Beneficial use: storing of water underground.
Would declare that the storing of water underground constitutes a beneficial
use of water if the diverted water is used while it is in underground storage
for specified purposes. This bill would state the intent of the Legislature that /18/2015 #46
B 647 his storage of water underground not injure any legal user of the water SSEMBLY ASSEMBLY
Epaman D involved.This bill would provide that the period for the reversion of a water HIRD READING FILE
ight does not include any period when the water is being used in the aquifer
r storage area or is being held in storage for later application to beneficial
se, as prescribed.
lumbing fixtures:WaterSense standards.
ould require the California Energy Commission, when setting plumbing 5/20/2015 Anticipated Hearing
AB 723 fixture water efficiency standards,to consider the performance requirements ASSEMBLY APPR., Not in daily
'Re D 'established by the WaterSense standards set by the federal Environmental file.
Protection Agency.
Position: Support
B 725 Water quality: recycled water:storm-induced overflow. I
agner R Would,on or before December 31,2016, require the State Water Resources 5/1/2015-A A. 2 YEAR
! Control Board, in consultation with stakeholders,to adopt a policy to address VB-465---
—_.._ V 1�— --
MAY 22, 2015
(As OF 5115115)
te potential for a storm-induced overflow from an impoundment in which j
ecycled water is stored for subsequent beneficial use or aesthetic i
urposes. i
"Integrated Regional Water Management Plans:conveyance projects:
grants and expenditures.
Would require the Department of Water Resources to provide grants and
AB 935 expenditures, consistent with an integrated regional water management plan,46/2015-A . APPR:
'Sales D for the planning,design,and construction of local and regional conveyance USPENSE FILE
projects that support regional and interregional connectivity and water
management and provide certain benefits.The bill would authorize the
department to adopt regulations to implement these provisions. _ _
roundwater monitoring.
Existing law establishes a groundwater monitoring program pursuant to _
which specified entities may propose to be designated by the Department of
ater Resources as groundwater monitoring entities,as defined,for the
purposes of monitoring and reporting with regard to groundwater elevations
in all or part of a groundwater basin or subbasin.This bill would authorize the
B 936 epartment to exempt an entity from this eligibility restriction if the entity ,/22/2015-A . APPR.
alas D ubmits to the department for approval documentation demonstrating that SUSPENSE FILE
here are special circumstances justifying the entity's noncompliance,
ncluding,but not limited to, that a significant portion of the entity's service
�area qualifies as a disadvantaged community and that the water grant or
Noan project includes those actions needed to comply with groundwater
onitoring functions.
i Position:Watch
Groundwater planning:technical assistance: disadvantaged
I communities.
B 937 Would require the Department of Water Resources to provide technical /6/2015-A. APPR.
alas D ssistance to disadvantaged communities so that they may participate in SUSPENSE FILE
roundwater planning,including, but not limited to, plans for regional
roundwater banking,with any county or other local agency. i
Groundwater: basin reprioritization: establishment of groundwater
sustainability agency.
The Sustainable Groundwater Management Act requires a local agency,any
time the Department of Water Resources changes basin priorities and
elevates a basin to a medium-or high-priority basin after January 31,2015,
o either establish a groundwater sustainability agency within 2 years of
1AB 938 eprioritization and adopt a groundwater sustainability plan within 5 years of 17/2015-S. N.R. &W.
!Sales 0 eprioritization,or to submit an alternative to the department that the local
=gency believes satisfies the objectives of these provisions within 2 years of ,
eprioritization.This bill would impose the requirement to establish a I
•roundwater sustainability agency or submit an alternative after
eprioritization on a local agency or combination of local agencies overlying al
•roundwater basin.
•osition:Watch I
roundwater sustainability agency:financial authority.
he Sustainable Groundwater Management Act authorizes a groundwater
ustainability agency to impose fees to fund the costs of a groundwater
ustainability program and requires a groundwater sustainability agency to
hold at least one public meeting prior to imposing or increasing a fee. The
/7/2015 S. N.R. &W.
Sales D ct requires, at least 10 days prior to the meeting,a groundwater
sustainability agency to make available to the public data upon which the
proposed fee is based.This bill would require a groundwater sustainability
rgency to make the data upon which the proposed fee is based available 20
I •ays prior to the public meeting to impose or increase a fee. ,
III i — 1 1
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MAY 22, 2015
(AS OF 5115/15)
Position:Watch {
i Water and Wastewater Loan and Grant Pilot Program.
Would require the State Water Resources Control Board to establish a pilot 1
'program to provide low-interest loans and grants to local agencies for low-
! interest loans and grants to eligible applicants for specified purposes relating 5/20/2015 9 a.m.-State
AB 954 apitol, Room 4202
r his R to drinking water and wastewater treatment.This bill would prohibit the board SSEMBLY APPROPRIATION
1Mratfrom issuing these loans or grants on or after January 1,2026.This bill
would create the Water and Wastewater Loan and Grant Fund and provide S,GOMEZ, Chair
that the moneys in this fund are available, upon appropriation by the
Legislature,to the board for expenditure for the pilot program.
Disaster assistance:droughts:temporary assistance.
Would authorize the Office of Emergency Services to.either independently,
r working through local agencies, nonprofit organizations,or other state
'entities, address the effects of a drought by providing temporary water /20/2015 9 a.m. -State
SAB 955 supplies for drinking and sanitation to property owners.The bill apitol, Room 4202
Mathis R wouldauthorize the office, either independently,or working through local SSEMBLY APPROPRIATION
agencies,nonprofit organizations,or other state entities to,among other , GOMEZ, Chair
things,provide temporary water supplies for drinking and sanitation to
property owners, and to allow temporary assistance to be provided to
property owners whose income exceeds a specified threshold.
California Environmental Quality Act:exemption.
The California Environmental Quality Act(CEQA)requires a lead agency to
prepare a mitigated negative declaration for a project that may have a
significant effect on the environment if revisions in the project would avoid or
'AB 956 itigate that effect and there is no substantial evidence that the project, as
Mathis R evised,would have a significant effect on the environment.This bill would 5/1/2015-A . 2 YEAR
xempt from the requirements of CEQA activities undertaken by a local
agency in response to a drought that are necessary for water recycling
projects that provide water for drinking and sanitation to specific individuals
and communities.
Water Quality,Supply,and Infrastructure Improvement Act of 2014.
The Water Quality, Supply, and Infrastructure Improvement Act of 2014
equires specified water recycling and advanced treatment technology
rojects to be selected on a competitive basis,considering specified criteria,
Including, among other criteria, water supply reliability improvement and
B 957 ublic health benefits from improved drinking water quality or supply. This bill
Mathis R ould include in the water supply reliability improvement criterion whether 5/1/2015-A. 2 YEAR
e project is proposed by a community that is heavily dependent on
roundwater from a basin in overdraft,and would include in the public health
enefits criterion whether the project is proposed by a community that has
xtended, or is in the process of extending,its water service delivery to
ntities reliant on either contaminated groundwater or groundwater wells that
ave run dry.
State Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund. I
Current law continuously appropriates state and federal funds in the State
Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund to the State Water Resources
Control Board for loans and other financial assistance for the construction of
publicly owned treatment works and other related purposes,to a
IAB 977 municipality,intermunicipal agency, interstate agency, or state agency in i
(Mayes R accordance with the federal Clean Water Act and the Porter-Cologne Water 5/1/2015-A. 2 YEAR
Quality Control Act. Current law requires the loans to meet certain criteria,
'including requiring full amortization not later than 20 years after project
ompletion, except as specified.This bill would, subject to the same
xception, require full amortization not later than 30 years after project
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MAY 22, 2015
(As OF 5/151115)
Dams and reservoirs:fees.
B 1047 urrent law requires the Department of Water Resources to adopt, by
Bigelow R egulation, a schedule of fees to cover the department's costs in carrying out 26/2015-A . PRINT
the supervision of dam safety. This bill would make nonsubstantive changes
in those provisions.
California Communities Environmental Health Screening.
Current law requires the California Environmental Protection Agency to
identify disadvantaged communities as part of a 3-year investment plan
eveloped by the Department of Finance for the moneys collected by the
AB 1059 tate Air Resources Board resulting from a market-based compliance
Garcia, echanism.This bill would require the Office of Environmental Health 5/14/2015-S . E.Q.
;Eduardo D azard Assessment to update the California Communities Environmental
ealth Screening, developed by the agency and the office to implement the
bove requirements, by using any relevant environmental data relating to
known impacts on the environmental quality of the communities in the
California-Mexico border region. _ -—
alifornia Environmental Quality Act: priority projects.
ould authorize each Member of the Legislature to nominate one project
ithin his or her respective district each year, and the Governor to designate
hose projects as priority projects if the projects meet specified requirements.
6 1068
IA he bill would require the Governor to provide a notice of the designation to
Ilen 5/1/2015
R -A A . 2 YEAR
he appropriate lead agency and to the Office of Planning and Research.The
!Travis till would require the lead agency to notify the public and interested
takeholders of the designation, as specified, thereby imposing a state-
mandated local program.
Supplemental environmental projects.
Would require each board, department,and office within the California
B 1071 Environmental Protection Agency to establish a specified policy on 5/11/2015-A. APPR.
tkins D supplemental environmental projects,as defined,that benefits environmental
justice communities,as defined.
ater Quality,Supply,and Infrastructure Improvement Act of 2014:
estoration funding: Salton Sea.
he Water Quality,Supply, and Infrastructure Improvement Act of 2014
B 1095 akes$475,000,000 available, upon appropriation,to the Natural Resources
•gency to support projects that fulfill certain obligations of the state.This bill 5/13/2015-A. APPR.
arcia ould appropriate an unspecified sum from that portion of the Proposition 1 SUSPENSE FILE
Eduardo D unds to the Natural Resources Agency to be used for restoration projects
hat fulfill obligations of the state in complying with the above-referenced
ntrastate or multiparty water quantification settlemet agreement provisions
elating to the Salton Sea.
ater conservation.
AB 1128 urrent law declares the intent of the Legislature to,among other things,
romote urban water conservation standards that are consistent with the
Jones- alifornia Urban Water Conservation Council's adopted best management /27/2015-A . PRINT
Sawyer D ractices and specified requirements for demand management.This bill
ould make nonsubstantive changes to these findings and declarations.
ersonal income taxes: credit:turf removal.
he Personal Income Tax Law allows various credits against the taxes
I B 1139 mposed by that law.This bill would,for taxable years beginning on and after
Campos D January 1,2015, allow a credit to a taxpayer participating in a lawn •/6/2015-A. REV. &TAX
replacement program, as defined, in an amount equal to$2 per square foot
f conventional lawn removed from the taxpayer's property, up to$50,000
'per taxable year, as provided.The bill would make findings and declarations
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MAY 22, 2015
(AS OF 5115/15)
this regard.
osition: Support
Water equipment: backflow prevention devices testing:certification.
Would require, if a local health officer does not maintain a program for
certification of backflow prevention device testers,the testing and
maintenance of a backflow prevention device be performed by a person who
B,, has received a California-specific certification for testing backflow prevention 5/18/2015 #96
Williams D devices from one of specified entities or a similar certification provider IASSEMBLY ASSEMBLY
•eemed acceptable by the state board or the local health officer.Because a THIRD READING FILE
iolation of these requirements would be a crime,this bill would impose a
tate-mandated local program.This bill contains other related provisions and
other existing laws.
•osition: Oppose/Amend
ish and wildlife: Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta: predation by
onnative species.
nder the California Endangered Species Act,the Department of Fish and
B 1201 ildlife may authorize the take of listed species if the take is incidental to an 5/6/2015-A. APPR.
ISalas D otherwise lawful activity and the impacts are minimized and fully mitigated. SUSPENSE FILE
-- his bill would require the department, by June 30,2016,to develop and
nitiate a science-based approach that addresses predation by nonnative
species upon species of fish listed pursuant to the act that reside all or a
portion of their lives in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta.
Water quality: impacts on groundwater: Instream flows.
Would require the State Water Resources Control Board to take into
onsideration any applicable groundwater sustainability plan or alternative in
ormulating state policy for water quality control and adopting or approving a 5/20/2015 9 a.m. State
ater quality control plan that affects a groundwater basin. This bill would
AB 1242 apitol, Room 4202
pray D require the state board to identify projects for fish recovery that may be SSEMBLY APPROPRIATION
ndertaken in lieu of instream flows before adopting or approving water GOMEZ, Chair
uality objectives or a program of implementation that requires instream
ows for protection of instream beneficial uses.This bill contains other
xisting laws.
roundwater recharge: grants.
ould establish the Groundwater Recharge Grant Fund and would provide
IAB 1243 hat moneys in the fund are available, upon appropriation by the Legislature,
(Gray D o the State Water Resources Control Board to provide grants to local 5/1/2015-A A . 2 YEAR
i ,.overnments and water districts for groundwater recharge infrastructure
•rojects. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
Water rights:small irrigation use.
Current law authorizes any person to obtain a right to appropriate water for a
small irrigation use upon registering the use with the State Water Resources
Control Board and thereafter applying the water to reasonable and beneficial
use with due diligence.This bill would require the board to adopt general 5/1/2015-A . 2 YEAR
Gray D conditions, in consultation with the Department of Food and Agriculture,the
University of California Cooperative Extension,and others, including, but not
limited to the Department of Fish and Wildlife,for small irrigation use, unless
the board determines that sufficient funds are not available for that purpose.
.Public contracts:water pollution prevention plans: delegation. 5/20/2015 9 a.m. State
i B 1315 Would prohibit a public entity, charter city, or charter county from delegating Capitol, Room 4202
leio D to a contractor the development of a plan,as defined, used to prevent or ASSEMBLY APPROPRIATION
reduce water pollution or runoff on a public works contract,except as
provided. By requiring a public entity, charter city,or charter county to S,GOMEZ, Chair
Page 9 of 17
MAY 22, 2015
(AS OF 5/15/15)
prepare a plan,the bill would impose a state-mandated local program.This
bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
I Position: Not Favor
Delta smelt.
Would enact the Delta Smelt Preservation and Restoration Act of 2016.The
I act would require the Department of Fish and Wildlife to develop a Delta
smelt hatchery program to preserve and restore the Delta smelt.The bill
1AB 1325
Sales D would require the department to enter into mitigation banking agreements 5/1/2015-A. 2 YEAR
with banking partners for the purpose of providing take authorizations to
banking partners and to obtain funding from banking agreements.This bill
contains other related provisions.
ocal government: assessments,fees,and charges:stormwater
definition. I __ —— --
Would define"stormwater"for purposes of the Proposition 218 Omnibus
AB 1362 Implementation Act to mean any system of public improvements or service 3/23/2015-A . L. GOV.
Gordon D intended to provide for the quality,conservation,control, or conveyance of
waters that land on or drain across the natural or man-made landscape.This
ill contains other related provisions.
State Water Resources Control Board:appropriation:drought-related 1
drinking water projects.
Would appropriate$15,000,000 from the General Fund to the State Water
(Resources Control Board,for expenditure until June 30,2016,for grants of
I BA 1376 up to$500,000 per project for public water systems to address drought-
/6/2015-A . W.,P.&W.
Perea D related drinking water emergencies or threatened emergencies in the state.
The bill would require the state board to make every effort to use other funds
available to address drinking water emergencies, including federal funds
made available for the drought,prior to using the funds appropriated
pursuant to these provisions.
Groundwater: adjudication.
Would establish special procedures for an adjudication action,which is
gefined as an action filed in superior court to determine the rights to extract
roundwater within a basin or store water from a basin,as specified. The bill 5/18/2015 #98
SAB 1390 ould authorize the court to determine all rights to groundwater in a basin .SSEMBLY ASSEMBLY
jAleio D ether based on appropriation,overlying right,or other basis of right.The HIRD READING FILE
ill would require these special procedures to govern all adjudication actions
xcept in specified cases not involving allocation of a basin's groundwater
supply.This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
Water quality standards:trash: single-use carryout bags.
Would suspend the operation of certain amendments to water quality control
plans relating to the total maximum daily load for trash unless and until the
B 1454 provisions inoperative due to a pending referendum election become 5/1/2015 A. 2 YEAR
aaner R effective.This bill would require the State Water Resources Control Board to
evisit and revise water quality control plans to address impaired water
uality due to trash if the law pending referendum is defeated at the
ovember 8,2016, statewide general election. __
Onsite recycled water. iI
Would require the State Water Resources Control Board, in consultation with
the State Department of Public Health,the California Building Standards 5/20/2015 9 a.m. -State
�B 1463 Capitol, Room 4202
Commission, and stakeholders, to establish water quality standards and
;Gatto D distribution, monitoring,and reporting requirements for onsite water recycling ASSEMBLY APPROPRIATION
systems prior to authorizing the use of onsite recycled water in internal S,GOMEZ,Chair
1 _ plumbing of residential and commercial buildings.
-- t-170---
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MAY 22, 2015
(As OF 5/15/15)
I osition:Watch f
i State Water Resources Control Board.
I Would authorize the State Water Resources Control Board to adopt, as
AB 1531 emergency regulations, any regulation necessary to ensure consistency with
Committee on the requirements for state primacy enforcement responsibility under the
�Environmenta federal Safe Drinking Water Act.The bill would require that these emergency /14/2015-S S . RLS.
I Safety and regulations not be subject to review by the Office of Administrative Law and
`Toxic remain in effect until revised by the state board.This bill contains other
Materials related provisions and other existing laws.
Position: Oppose/Amend
ierra Nevada Watershed Protection Week.
I ould declare the week of September 13,2015, through September 19,
015,and the third week of September every year thereafter,as Sierra
CR 22 evade Watershed Protection Week.The measure would encourage public /17/2015-A . RLS.
Dahie R chools to include watershed protection in the Sierra Nevada as part of their
utdoor education curriculum whenever possible during the month of
osition: Favor
Housing: water meters: multiunit structures. - —
Would express the intent of the Legislature to encourage the conservation of
water in multifamily residential rental buildings through means either within
SB 7 the landlord's or the tenant's control,and to ensure that the practices 5/5/2015-A. DESK
Wolk D pnvolving the submetering of dwelling units for water service are just and
freasonable,and include appropriate safeguards for both tenants and
andlords.This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
osition: Support in Concept
Groundwater. —-
Would specify that the State Water Resources Control Board is authorized to
designate a high-or medium-priority basin as a probationary basin.This bill
would provide a local agency or groundwater sustainability agency 90 or 180
iSB 13 days, as prescribed,to remedy certain deficiencies that caused the board to 14/2015-A. W.,P. &W.
Pavlev D designate the basin as a probationary basin.This bill would authorize the
board to develop an interim plan for certain probationary basins one year
after the designation of the basin as a probationary basin.This bill contains
'other related provisions and other existing laws.
ells: reports: public availability. __—___-_____-.____ -- ----.________
urrent law requires a person who digs, bores, or drills a water well,cathodic
•rotection well,or a monitoring well,or abandons or destroys a well,or
.eepens or reperforates a well,to file a report of completion with the
tSB 20 eepartment of Water Resources. Current law prohibits those reports from /27/2015-S . APPR.
P� avlev D •-ing made available to the public,except under certain circumstances.This USPENSE FILE
•ill would instead require the department to, upon request,make the reports
-vailable to the public.The bill would require the department to provide
. pecified disclaimers when providing the reports to the public.
Would authorize the Department of Water Resources to provide
reimbursement to funding recipients that execute a funding agreement under
ISB 37 the Urban Flood Risk Reduction Projects program for expenditures
N. Ise en R associated with continued funding of a project initiated under the Early 5/14/2015-A A . W.,P. &W.
Implementation Project program and incurred after July 1, 2014, and before
1 issuance of a funding commitment,or amendment or execution of the
funding agreement, but no later than December 31, 2015. This bill contains
ether related provisions.
Page 11 of 17
MAY 22, 2015
(AS OF 5115/115)
Disaster Preparedness and Flood Prevention Bond Act of 2006.
he Disaster Preparedness and Flood Prevention Bond Act of 2006
uthorizes bonds in the amount of$4,090,000,000 for the purposes of
financing disaster preparedness and flood prevention projects. Funds
SB 113 •rovided by the act are only available for appropriation until July 1,2016, and 5/1/2015 S. 2 YEAR
!Goldoni D =t that time the amount of indebtedness authorized by the act is reduced by
he amount of funds that have not been appropriated. This bill would remove
he restriction that the funds are available for appropriation only until July 1,
alifornia Environmental Quality Act:record of proceedings.
EQA establishes a procedure for the preparation and certification of the
ecord of proceedings upon the filing of an action or proceeding challenging
lead agency's action on the grounds of noncompliance with CEQA.This bill
SB 122 ould require the lead agency,at the request of a project applicant and 5/4/2015-S . APPR.
Jackson D onsent of the lead agency, to prepare a record of proceedings concurrently SUSPENSE FILE
•th the preparation of a negative declaration, mitigated negative declaration,
EIR, or other environmental document for projects.This bill contains other
elated provisions.
Environmental quality:Water Quality,Supply,and Infrastructure
Improvement Act of 2014.
CEQA establishes a procedure by which a person may seek judicial review
of the decision of the lead agency made pursuant to CEQA and a procedure
or the preparation and certification of the record of proceedings upon the
iling of an action or proceeding challenging a lead agency's action on the
°SB 127
IVidak .!rounds of noncompliance with CEQA.This bill would require the public 5/1/2015-S S . 2 YEAR
�- gency, in certifying the environmental impact report and in granting
pprovals for projects funded, in whole or in part, by Proposition 1, including
e concurrent preparation of the record of proceedings and the certification
if the record of proceeding within 5 days of the filing of a specified notice, to
omply with specified procedures.
iamond Valley Reservoir: recreational use.
urrent law,with certain exceptions,prohibits recreational use, in which
here is bodily contact with water, in a reservoir in which water is stored for
1 .omestic use and establishes water standards for those exempted
S�B 143 servoirs. This bill would exempt from this prohibition recreational activity in /5/2015-S. E.Q.
Stone R
E-- hich there is bodily contact with water by any participant in the Diamond
alley Reservoir if certain standards are met.This bill contains other related
California Environmental Quality Act. 1
The California Environmental Quality Act(CEQA)requires a lead agency, as I
defined to prepare, or cause to be prepared by conb'act,and certify the
ISB 154 ompletion of,an environmental impact report,as defined,on a project that
IR ay have a significant effect on the environment; or to adopt a negative /19/2015-S . RLS.
eclaration if it finds that the project will not have that effect.This bill would
make technical,nonsubstantive changes to the definition of"environmental
impact report."
(California Environmental Quality Act.
!SB 166 The California Environmental Quality Act(CEQA)requires a lead agency to
t-- /19/2015-S . RLS.
GainesR prepare a mitigated negative declaration for a project that may have a
r- significant effect on the environment if revisions in the project would avoid or
ti —
Page 12 of 17
MAY 22, 2015
(As OF 5/15/15)
jrrilitigate that effect and there is no substantial evidence that the project, as
evised,would have a significant effect on the environment.This bill would
ake technical,nonsubstantive changes to those provisions.This bill
'contains other existing laws.
Groundwater:de minimis extractors.
urrent law generallyexcepts a de minimis extractor from the requirement
P q �
hat a person who extracts groundwater from a probationary basin,as
rescribed,or extracts groundwater on or after July 1,2017, in an area within
basin that is not within the management area of a groundwater
jSB 173 sustainability agency and where the county does not assume responsibility
Nielsen R o be the groundwater sustainability agency has to file a report of 5/1/2015-S . 2 YEAR
roundwater extraction by December 15 of each year for extractions made in
he preceding water year with the State Water Resources Control Board.
his bill would define a de minimis extractor for the purposes of these
rovisions as a person who extracts,for domestic purposes, 10 acre-feet or
ess per year. 1
__ _r
Integrated regional water management plans: grants: advanced �_ _
ould require a regional water management group,within 90 days of notice
hat a grant has been awarded, to provide the state entity administering the
SB 208 rant with a list of projects to be funded by the grant funds where the project 4/27/2015-S . APPR:
Lara D proponent is a nonprofit organization, as defined,or a disadvantaged SUSPENSE FILE
)community, as defined,or the project benefits a disadvantaged community.
This bill contains other existing laws.
Position: Support
ustainable Groundwater Management Act: groundwater rights. _
he bill would provide that a court shall use the Code of Civil Procedure for
•etermining rights to groundwater,except as provided by the special
SB 226 •rocedures established in the bill.This bill would require the process for /18/2015 Anticipated Hearing
Pavlev D •etermining rights to groundwater to be available to any court of competent SENATE APPR., Not in daily
urisdiction.The bill would provide that it applies to Indian tribes and the file.
ederal government.The bill would require the boundaries of a basin to be
-s identified in Bulletin 118, unless other basin boundaries are established, I
-s specified.This bill contains other existing laws and other provisions.
Groundwater storage: beneficial use.
Would declare that the recharging of a groundwater basin by a local
groundwater management agency or a local groundwater sustainability
SB 228 agency for the purposes of repelling saline intrusion and recovering basin
5/1/2015 S . 2 YEAR
Cannella R groundwater levels constitutes a beneficial use of water if the recharge is
consistent with the local agency's groundwater management plan or
groundwater sustainability plan.
position: Watch
he Safe Neighborhood Parks, Rivers,and Coastal Protection Bond ActT
_�_ M_ ____.
•f 2016.
ould enact the Safe Neighborhood Parks,Rivers,and Coastal Protection
I Bond Act of 2016, which, if adopted by the voters at the November 8,2016,
tatewide general election,would authorize the issuance of bonds in the total /18/2015 10 a.m.-John L.
'SB 317 -mount of$2,450,000,000 pursuant to the State General Obligation Bond urton Hearing Room(4203)
�De Leon D aw to finance a safe neighborhood parks,rivers,and coastal protection SENATE APPROPRIATIONS,
program. LARA,Chair
1This bill contains other related provisions.
s II
Page 13 of 17
MAY 22, 2015
(As OF 5/15/15)
Public contracts: local agencies: negotiations.
Would enact the Civic Reporting Openness in Negotiations Efficiency Act to
establish specific procedures for the negotiation and approval of contracts
'tSB 331 valued at$50,000 or more for goods or services by cities, counties,cities 5/18/2015 Anticipated,Hearing
I-- nd counties,or special districts that have adopted a civic openness in SENATE APPR., Not in daily
;Mendoza D egotiations ordinance,or COIN ordinance,defined as an ordinance !file.
mposing specified requirements as part of any collective bargaining process
ndertaken pursuant to the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act,
Iosition:Watch _
__ -upil health: drinking water. T — _
ould specify that a school district shall provide access to free,fresh,and
I lean drinking water during meal times through the use of drinking water
I -ccess points, as defined.The bill also would require;a school district to 5/18/2015 10 a.m.-John L.
ISB 334 •rovide access to free,fresh,and clean drinking water throughout the urton Hearing Room(4203)
1Levva D choolday,including,but not limited to,during recreation times,as specified. ENATE APPROPRIATIONS,
j :y imposing additional duties on school districts,this bill would impose a LARA, Chair
state-mandated local program.This bill contains other related provisions and
I other existing laws.
Position: Watch
Agricultural lands:greenhouse gases.
ould require the environmental farming program to provide low-interest
oans,technical assistance,educational materials arid outreach,or a
ombination of these things, instead of incentives,to farmers whose /18/2015 10 a.m.-John L.
S�SB367 ractices promote the well-being of ecosystems,air quality, and wildlife and urton Hearing Room(4203)
IWolk D heir habitat, and reduce on-farm greenhouse gas emissions or increase SENATE APPROPRIATIONS,
-rbon storage in agricultural soils and woody biomass,or both.The bill LARA, Chair
ould rename the panel the Environmental Farming Advisory Panel and
evise the panel's membership and duties, as specified.
•rimary drinking water standards: hexavalent chromium:compliance
ould authorize, until January 1, 2020,the State Water Resources Control
:oard,at the request of a public water system that prepares and submits a
5385 ompliance plan to the state board, to grant a period of time to achieve
�Hueso D ompliance with the primary drinking water standard for hexavalent /13/2015-S . APPR.
+-- hromium by approving the compliance plan,as prescribed.This bill would
equire a public water system to p rovide specified notice regarding the
ompliance plan to its customers and the public water system to send written
tatus reports to the state board.
_ _ osition: Support __
_M, unicipalwater districts: revenue bonds. _ — —�n�_
urgent law, the Municipal Water District Law of 1911, provides for the
SB 442 ormation of municipal water districts and grants to those districts specified 3/5/2015-S . RLS.
Hall D owers, including the authority to issue revenue bonds for any purpose for
hich general obligation bonds may be issued.This bill would make
onsubstantive changes in those provisions.
Water quality:oil and gas:exempt aquifer.
Would prohibit the Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources from
ISB 454 submitting a proposal for an aquifer exemption to the United States /11/2015-S. APPR.
{All Environmental Protection Agency unless the division and the State Water USPENSE FILE
I Resources Control Board concur in writing that the aquifer meets specified
II conditions.
ISB 471 Water,energy,and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions: planning. 15/18/2015 10 a.m.- hn 1
Page 14 of 17
MAY 22, 2015
(As OF 5/15/15)
!Pavlev D ;Would require the State Air Resources Board, in cooperation with various fBurton Hearing Room(4203)
other agencies, to develop an emissions inventory of greenhouse gas ENATE APPROPRIATIONS,
'emissions from the water system in the state, using best available data.The LARA, Chair
ill would include reduction of greenhouse gas emissions associated with
Ater treatment among the investments that are eligible for funding from the
reenhouse Gas Reduction Fund.The bill would also make legislative
indings and declarations,and a statement of legislative intent,with regard to
he nexus between water and energy and water and reduction of greenhouse
as emissions.
Position: Support/Amend
!Sustainable Groundwater Management Act:California Environmental
utility Act:exemptions.
ould exempt from the requirements of CEQA the formation of a
roundwater sustainability agency,the amendment of a groundwater
sustainability plan or coordinated groundwater sustainability plan,and the
SB 487 mplementation of those plans,except to the extent that the implementation /1/2015--:S . 2 YEAR
Nielsen R °quires the construction or installation of a new facility. Because a lead
-gency would be required to determine the applicability of this exemption,
his bill would impose a state-mandated local program.This bill contains
.cher related provisions and other existing laws.
estate water policy:water and energy efficiency.
ould declare the policy of the state that water use and water treatment
.hall be as energy efficient as is feasible and energy use and generation
SB 551 hall be as water efficient as is feasible.This bill would require all relevant /11/2015-S. APPR.
Wolk 0 tate agencies to consider this state policy when revising,adopting,or USPENSE FILE
stablishing policies, regulations,and grant criteria when pertinent to these
ses of water and energy.This bill contains other existing laws.
ublic water systems:disadvantaged communities: drinking water
ould require, by January 1,2017,the State Water Resources Control
oard to develop a report identifying specific funding and enforcement
SB 552 mechanisms necessary,to ensure that disadvantaged communities have /11/2015-S . APPR.
Wolk D ater systems that are in compliance with state and federal drinking water SUSPENSE FILE
tandards. The bill would require the report to identify specific legislative and
dm inistrative actions necessary to bring disadvantaged communities into
mpliance with safe drinking water standards.
ater conservation. -- _ _______
' ould require the Department of General Services to identify each public
•roperty in the departments state property inventory where it is feasible for
SB 553 ater consumption to be reduced and water efficiencies to be achieved 5/19/2015-S . APPR.
Wolk D hrough implementation of the relevant recommendations made in the model USPENSE FILE
ater efficient landscape ordinance and would require the department to
1 mplement the relevant recommendations where feasible, except as
j pecified.This bill contains other existing laws.
alifornia Water Commission: disqualifying financial interest: removal
rom office.
SB 554 ould remove a member of the California Water Commission from office if I
!Wolk D -fter trial a court finds that the commission member has knowingly 5/1/2015-S. 2 YEAR
,.articipated in any commission decision in which the member has a
I .isqualifying financial interest in the decision.
Page 15 of 17
MAY 22, 2015
(AS OF 5115/15)
Urban retail water suppliers:water loss management. ' I
Would require each urban retail water supplier,on or before July 1,2017,
1 and annually each year thereafter,to submit a completed and validated
water loss audit report for the previous calendar year as prescribed by rules
/adopted by the Department of Water Resources on or before January 1,
12017, and updated as provided.The bill would require the department to
post all validated water loss audit reports on its Internet Web site in a
!SB 555 manner that allows for comparisons across water suppliers and to make /27/2015-S . APPR.
hese reports available for public viewing.This bill would require the
lNolk D epartment to provide technical assistance to guide urban retail water SUSPENSE FILE
uppliers'water loss detection programs.The bill would require the
epartment, in consultation with the State Water Resources Control Board,
o develop metrics for reporting year-over-year progress on water loss
eduction and would require the board to adopt rules requiring urban retail
ater suppliers to meet performance standards for the volume of water
ISB 568Groundwater management.
Fuller R Would declare the intent of the Legislature to enact legislation relating to the 3/12/2015-S S . RLS.
Sustainable Groundwater Management Act.
Waste discharge requirements:waivers: managed wetlands.
Would require that managed wetlands be presumed to not pose a significant
threat to water quality and would require,with respect to managed wetlands,
the state board and regional boards to waive the above-described reporting
equirements, regional board prescribed waste discharge requirements, and
SB 615 onitoring requirements of the waiver program,except that the state board 5/1/2015-S . 2 YEAR
Berrvhill R r a regional board shall require water quality monitoring of a managed
etland not more than once during the duration of each waiver period unless
esults of downstream monitoring demonstrate a violation of water quality
ischarge standards.The bill would limit this monitoring to contaminants that
re actually applied by wetland managers to the wetland and contaminants
___ _ hat are known to be naturally present in the wetland environment.
r Suction dredge mining: permits.
urrent law prohibits the use of any vacuum or suction dredge equipment by
.ny person in any river, stream,or lake of this state without a permit issued
.y the Department of Fish and Wildlife.Current law requires the department
o issue a permit, if the department determines that the use of a vacuum or 5/18/2015 10 a.m. -John L.
SSB 637 -uction dredge will not be deleterious to fish, upon the payment of a Burton Hearing Room (4203)
(Allen D .pecified fee. This bill would instead require the department to issue a permit SENATE APPROPRIATIONS,
f the department determines that the use does not cause any significant LARA, Chair
-ffects on fish and wildlife and would authorize the department to adjust the
.pecified fee to an amount sufficient to cover all reasonable costs of the
.epartment in regulating suction dredging activities.
•osition:Watch —
ater: urban water management planning.
ould require an urban water supplier to include within its plan a seismic risk
ssessment and mitigation plan to assess the vulnerability of each of the
arious facilities of a water system and mitigate those vulnerabilities.This bill
SB 664 /11/2015-S . APPR.
`Hertzberg D ould require the urban water supplier to submit the seismic risk assessment USPENSE FILE
nd mitigation plan by July 1,2017.This bill would authorize an urban water
upplier to comply with this requirement by submitting a copy of an adopted
ocal hazard mitigation plan or multihazard mitigation plan under specified
ederal law that addresses seismic risk.
/SSB 758 Atmospheric Rivers Research and Mitigation Program. /11/2015-S . APPR.
'Block D Would establish the Atmospheric Rivers Research and Mitigation Program in SUSPENSE FILE
i —
Page 16 of 17
MAY 22, 2015
(As OF 5/15/15)
ithe Department of Water Resources to research the causes and effects of
!atmospheric rivers,and to take actions to capture water generated by
atmospheric rivers to increase the water supply and reliability of water
resources in the state and to operate reservoirs in a manner that improves
!Flood protection in the state.The bill would establish the Atmospheric Rivers
Research and Mitigation Fund in the State Treasury for the purposes of
unding the program.
istressed watershed: urban greening.
roposition 1 makes available $100,000,000 of the bond proceeds,upon
ppropriation by the Legislature,for projects to protect and enhance an 5/18/2015 10 a.m. -John L.
urban creek and its tributaries that meets certain requirements.This bill Burton Hearing Room{4203)
jSB 760
MendozaD would require a public agency receiving an appropriation from the ENATE APPROPRIATIONS,
$100,000,000 to give priority to projects that are located in,or directly RA, Chair
adjacent to,a disadvantaged community within a distressed watershed and
that may also provide greenspace or other venues for physical activities.
Position: Watch
Water-conserving plumbing fixtures. —--
Current law requires the replacement of plumbing fixtures that are not water
conserving,as defined as noncompliant plumbing fixtures,in residential and
:SB 768 commercial real property built and available for use on or before January 1, /19/2015-S . RLS.
jWieckowski D1994,as specified. Current law provides findings and declarations regarding
these requirements,including that there is a pressing need to address water
supply reliability issues caused by growing urban areas.This bill would make
rtechnical, nonsubstantive changes to these findings and declarations.
I Bay Delta Conservation Plan:judicial review.
ISB 772Current law imposes requirements on the Department of Water Resources in
'Stone R connection with the preparation of a Bay Delta Conservation Plan.This bill 3/19/2015-S S . RLS.
would state the intent of the Legislature to enact legislation establishing 1
-- judicial review procedures for the Bay Delta Conservation Plan. __
Page 17 of 17
MAY 22, 2015
(As OF 5115/15)
Bill Summary Location
'California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006:scoping plan.
Would require the State Air Resources Board in preparing its scoping plan
5/18/2015 #78
AB 21 to consult with specified state agencies regarding matters involving energyASSEMBLY ASSEMBLY THIRD
Perea D efficiency and the facilitation of the electrification of the transportation READING FILE
sector.This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006:Climate Change
!Advisory Council.
The California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 requires the State
Air Resources Board to prepare and approve a scoping plan for achieving
The maximum technologically feasible and cost-effective reductions in
AB 33 greenhouse gas emissions. The act requires the scoping plan to be 5/6/2015-A . APPR. SUSPENSE
tupdated at least once every 5 years. This bill, until January 1, 2020,would i
Quirk D :require,for purposes of advising the update of the next scoping plan,the FILE
state board to develop specified information by July 1,2016.The bill
would require the state board on or before January1; 2017,to submit a
'report to the appropriate committees of the Legislature on the specified
Unmanned aircraft systems. —
Would generally prohibit public agencies from using unmanned aircraft
systems,or contracting for the use of unmanned aircraft systems,as
;defined,with certain exceptions applicable to law enforcement agencies ,
AB 56
`subject to approval by the legislative body having management and 5/18/2015 #80
Quirk D control of the law enforcement agency and other specified conditions,and ASSEMBLY ASSEMBLY THIRD
in certain other cases, including when the use or operation of the 'READING FILE
unmanned aircraft system achieves the core mission of the agency and i
the purpose is unrelated to the gathering of criminal intelligence,as
defined.This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
Sales and use taxes:exemption:energy or water efficient home
gxisting sales and use tax laws impose a tax on retailers measured by the
gross receipts from their sales of tangible personal property sold at retail
an this state,or on the storage, use,or other consumption of tangible
personal property purchased from a retailer for storage, use,or other 5/18/2015 1:30 p.m.-State
AB 88 consumption in this state,and specify certain exemptions from the amountICapitol, Room 126
of tax imposed. This bill would exempt from these taxes the gross receipts!ASSEMBLY REVENUE AND
Gomez D ;rom the sale of,and the storage, use,or other consumption in this state 'TAXATION SUSPENSE, TING,
of,an energy or water efficient home appliance purchased by a public Chair
!utility that is provided at no cost to a low-income participant in a federal,
estate,or ratepayer-funded energy efficiency program for use by that low-
income participant in the energy efficiency program. This bill contains
:other related provisions and other existing laws.
Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund:technical assistance program.
Would require the State Air Resources Board to establish a
'comprehensive technical assistance program, upon the appropriation of
AB 156 ;moneys from the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund,for eligible applicants, 4/29/2015-A . APPR.
Perea D ias specified,assisting disadvantaged communities and other specified !SUSPENSE FILE
communities. This bill contains other related provisions.
Page 1 of 14
MAY 22, 2015
(AS OF 5/15/15)
Public utilities: renewable resources.
!Would require the PUC, in adopting the process, to include consideration
of any statewide greenhouse gas emissions limit established pursuant to
the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 and consideration of
Al !capacity and essential reliability services of the eligible renewable energy 5/13/2015-A . APPR.
'Garcia, t-esource to ensure grid reliability.The bill would require the PUC to SUSPENSE FILE
Eduardo D require a retail seller of electricity, in soliciting and procuring eligible
renewable energy resources,to consider the best-fit attributes of
1 resources types that ensure a balanced resource mix to maintain the
! reliability of the electrical grid.
, Position:Watch
Alternative energy: recycled feedstock.
Current law establishes the California Alternative Energy and Advanced
Transportation Financing Authority to provide financial assistance for 5/18/2015 1:30 p.m. -State
projects that promote the use of alternative energies and authorizes the Capitol, Room 126
(,4B 199 authority to approve a project for financial assistance in the form of a sales ASSEMBLY REVENUE AND
lEgamsn D and use tax exclusion.This bill would expand projects eligible for the sales TAXATION SUSPENSE,TING,
and use tax exclusion to include projects that process or utilize recycled 'Chair
I feedstock,but would not include a project that processes or utilizes
recycled feedstock in a manner that constitutes disposal.
reenhouse gas:energy efficiency: financing. �
B 450 ould authorize the use of the moneys in the Greenhouse Gas Reduction
McCarty D Fund to provide funding for the implementation of the PACE Reserve 5/14/2015-S S . E.Q.
program.This bill contains other existing laws.
Position: Watch
Reclamation District No. 108: hydroelectric power.
Current law authorizes Reclamation District No. 1004, in conjunction with
the County of Colusa,to construct, maintain, and operate a plant,
transmission lines,and other necessary or appropriate facilities for the
AB 568 generation of hydroelectric power,as prescribed. Existing law requires 5/18/2015 #1
'Dodd D proceeds from the sale of electricity to be utilized to retire any time ASSEMBLY ASSEMBLY SECOND
warrants issued for construction of the facilities and otherwise for the READING FILE
powers and purposes for which the district was formed.This bill would
grant the above-described hydroelectric power authority to Reclamation
,District No. 108 until January 1,2021.
Position: Support
California Building Standards Commission: advisory panels.
The California Building Standards Law authorizes the Building Standards
Commission to appoint advisory panels from the design professions,the
B 576 building and construction industry,the affected general public, and 5/14/2015 S . T.&H.
in D interested governmental agencies to advise the commission and its staff.
This bill would authorize the commission to also appoint individuals from
the energy and resource efficiency professions to an advisory panel.
Position: Support
reenhouse Gas Reduction Fund.
ould create the Biomass State Cost Share Account within the
Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund.The bill would require certain amounts
o be transferred from the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund to the
B 590 :iomass State Cost Share Account for the 2015-16 through 2019-20 fiscal y/13/2015-A. APPR.
Dahle R ears.The moneys in the account, upon appropriation,would be available h-USPENSE FILE
or expenditure by the State Energy Resources Conservation and
Development Commission for the purposes of maintaining the current
evel of biomass power generation in the state and revitalizing currently
dle facilities in strategically located regions.
Page 2 of 14
MAY 22, 2015
(AS OF 5/15/15)
lectricity:California Renewables Portfolio Standard.
ould express the intent of the Legislature for the purposes of the
enewables Portfolio Standard(RPS)program that tie amount of
-lectricity generated per year from eligible renewable energy resources be
'ncreased to an amount equal to at least 50%by December 31,2030, and
AB 645 ould require the PUC, by January 1,2017,to establish the quantity of 5/13/2015-A. APPR.
;Williams D -lectricity products from eligible renewable energy resources to be SUSPENSE FILE
procured by each retail seller for specified compliance periods sufficient to
-nsure that the procurement of electricity products from eligible renewable
-nergy resources achieves 50%of retail sales by December 31,2030,
nd that retail sellers procure not less than 50%of retail sales in all
ubsequent years.
Position: Concern
Electricity: distributed generation.
ould, to the extent authorized by federal law, require the Public Utilities
ommission, by July 1,2016,to do both of the following for those
-lectrical corporation customers that install clean distributed energy
esources,as defined,after January 1,2016: (1)require each electrical
orporation to collect all applicable nonbypassable charges fixed,
mplemented, administered, or imposed by the Public Utilities Commission
kB 674 eased only on the actual metered consumption of electricity delivered to
Mullin D he customer through the electrical corporation's transmission or 5/6/2015-A. APPR.
�-- •istribution system,which charges are to be at the same rate per
ilowatthour as paid by other customers that do not employ a clean
•istributed energy resource, and(2)calculate a reserve capacity for
standby service, if applicable,based on the capacity needed by an
-lectrical corporation to serve a customer's electrical demand during an
outage of the clean distributed energy resource providing electric service
or that customer.
reenhouse gases: Energy Efficient Ports Program.
ould require the State Air Resources Board, in conjunction with the
State Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission, to
,q •evelop and implement the Energy Efficient Ports Program to fund energy B 678 5/13/2015-A. APPR.
-fficiency upgrades and investments at public ports.The bill would require
O'Donnell D hat moneys in the fund be available,upon appropriation by the SUSPENSE FILE
Legislature,for expenditure by the state board for the purposes of the bill.
Mobilehome park: electric and gas service: master-meter customers.
Would authorize a person,without filing an application for an alteration or
conversion with the Department of Housing and Community Development,
to alter or convert,or cause to be altered or converted, the structural,fire
safety, plumbing, heat-producing,or electrical systems and installations or
equipment of a manufactured home or mobilehome in order to extend a
as line.or electrical feeder line,or both,from a utility-owned service line 5/20/2015 9 a.m. -State Capitol,
AB 682 o the electrical subpanel or gas inlet of the manufactured home or Room 4202
Williams D obilehome only for the purpose of a natural gas or electric service utility ASSEMBLY APPROPRIATIONS,
upgrade, or both,within a mobilehome park that is subject to or consistent GOMEZ,Chair
ith a specified decision of the Public Utilities Commission.
Page 3 of 14
MAY 22, 2015
(As OF 5/15/15)
(Low-carbon transportation fuels.
!The State Air Resources Board is required to adopt rules and regulations
1 In an open public process to achieve the maximum technologically
easible and cost-effective greenhouse gas emissions reductions.
Pursuant to the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006,the state
B 692 board has adopted the Low-Carbon Fuel Standard regulations.This bill,
irk D commencing January 1,2017,would require the Department of 4/29/2015-A. APPR.
Transportation, the Department of General Services, and any other state
Iagency that is a buyer of transportation fuels to each procure 3% of the
I total amount of fuel purchased from very low carbon transportation fuel
sources.The bill would require the percentage to be increased by 1%
each year thereafter until January 1,2024.
Energy efficiency. --
Current law requires the Public Utilities Commission to require an
(electrical or gas corporation to perform home weatherization services for
bow-income customers if the commission determines that a significant
lAB 793 (need for those services exists in the corporation's service territory. For
!Quirk D these purposes, existing law authorizes weatherization,where feasible, to ./7/2015-S . RLS.
include certain measures for a dwelling unit.This bill would require
j weatherization,for the above-specified purposes,to include home energy
Ifmanagement technology,as defined, determined by the commission to be
easible, taking into consideration the above-described factors.
Position: Watch
Public utilities: energy efficiency savings.
!Would require the PUC, by July 1,2016,to authorize electrical
corporations and gas corporations to recover in rates the reasonable costs
AB 802 of programs providing incentives or rebates or both incentives and rebates 5/6/2015-A. APPR.SUSPENSE
11Williams D to their customers to increase the energy efficiency of existing buildings, FILE
F-- as specified.The bill would require the PUC to authorize electrical
corporations and gas corporations to count all energy savings achieved
toward overall energy efficiency goals or targets established by the PUC.
Automotive fuels and products.
Current law requires the Department of Food and Agriculture to establish
standards for motor vehicle fuels and other petroleum products that are
offered for sale in the state and requires the department,through the
AB 808 Division of Measurement Standards to enforce regulations and standards /20/2015 9 a.m.-State Capitol,
for motor vehicle fuels and lubricants. A violation of this law and those oom 4202
'Ridley- regulations and standards is a crime. This bill would revise and recast SSEMBLY APPROPRIATIONS,
Thomas D
those provisions and would additionally subject the retail sale of electricity GOMEZ,Chair
or the purposes of transferring electricity to, or storing onboard electricity,
n electric vehicle primarily for the purpose of propulsion and other
�altemative fuels.
r Electrical and gas corporations:security of plant and facilities.
Would,to the extent feasible,require an electrical corporation or gas
corporation to utilize direct employees,as defined,for any work
AB 853 associated with the design,engineering, and operation of its nuclear, ,
Hernandez electrical, and gas infrastructure, including all computer and information /13/2015-A A. APPR.
Roaer D technology systems, unless the utility files a Tier 3 advice letter with the USPENSE FILE
Public Utilities Commission that demonstrates that the work can be
i performed safely and securely,and without jeopardizing the security of its ,
nuclear, electrical, and gas infrastructure by persons that are not direct
'employees. Position:Watch
--_ UB-181
Page 4 of 14
MAY 22, 2015
(AS OF 5/15/15)
Air Quality Improvement Program: Clean Reused Vehicle Rebate
Si Project. 5/20/2015 9 a.m. -State Capitol,
AB 904 Would require the State Air Resources Board to establish the Clean Room 4202
1Perea D Reused Vehicle Rebate Project,as a part of the Air Quality Improvement ASSEMBLY APPROPRIATIONS,
Program,to provide rebates for the purchase of eligible used vehicles. GOMEZ, Chair
Sales and use taxes: exemption: low-emission vehicles.
Would,on and after January 1,2016, until January 1, 2020, provide a 5/18/2015 1:30 p.m.-State
AB 945 partial exemption from sales and use taxes with respect to the sale of apitol, Room 126
Ting D specified low-emission vehicles,as provided.This bill contains other • SSEMBLY REVENUE AND
related provisions and other existing laws. AXATION,TING,Chair
Position: Watch
r Electric vehicles: infrastructure:charging systems. f ~ __T
Would state the intent of the Legislature to encourage and support the
widespread deployment of electric vehicles, protect competitive markets
for electric vehicle charging equipment and network charging services
{AB 1005
Gordon D rom unfair competition, support consumer choice,and encourage and 5/1/2015-A. 2 YEAR
support private investment in the equipment and services, and would
make legislative findings and declarations in that regard.This bill contains
ther related provisions and other existing laws.
Public utilities: sale of hydrogen to public as a motor vehicle fuel.
Would provide that the ownership or operation of a facility that sells
1AB 1008 hydrogen at retail to the public for use only as a motor vehicle fuel, and
Quirk D !the selling of hydrogen at retail from that facility to the public for use only /7/2015-S S . E. U.,&C.
as a motor vehicle fuel,does not make the corporation or person a public
tility solely because of that ownership,operation,or sale.
1 osition:Watch I
nergy: public domain computer program: home energy rating.
ould require the State Energy Resources Conservation and
'IIevelopment Commission to approve and make publicly available, not
'ess than 6 months prior to the effective date of adopted or updated
B 1013 -fficiency standards,a version of the public domain computer program •/29/2015-A . APPR.
uirk D hat will function properly with these adopted or updated standards. The SUSPENSE FILE
•ill would require the commission, before approving the public domain
omputer program for use with adopted or updated standards,to perform
reliminary tests of the public domain computer program.
Public Utilities Commission: proceedings: ex parte communications.
Would require the Public Utilities Commission to establish and maintain a 5/18/2015 #138
B 1023 weekly communications log summarizing all oral or written ex parte •SSEMBLY CONSENT
Rendon D communications,as specified, and to make each log available to the ALENDAR-FIRST LEGISLATIVE
public on the commission's Internet Web site. DAY ASSEMBLY MEASURES
California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006:Greenhouse Gas
Reduction Fund.
urrent law requires moneys in the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund to
•e used to facilitate the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and, ./20/2015 9 a.m.-State Capitol,
B 1030 here applicable and to the extent feasible,to foster job creation by Room 4202
Ridley- •romoting in-state greenhouse gas emissions reduction projects carried .SSEMBLY APPROPRIATIONS,
homas D ut by California workers and businesses. This bill would ,for projects OMEZ,Chair
nvolving hiring, require priority be given to projects that include
artnerships with training entities that have a proven track record of
lacing disadvantaged workers in career-track jobs.
osition:Watch I Q
- -- -- �. -- -- — --- -102
Page 5 of 14
MAY 22, 2015
(As OF 5115/15)
' Iternative fuels: infrastructure.
ould add a definition of"alternative fuel"and would provide that it is the
olicy of the state to help accelerate the adoption of vehicles using
Itemative fuels throughout the state by increasing the amount of charging
and refueling options needed to facilitate electric, hydrogen, and natural
AB 1074 as vehicles traveling along all passenger and goods movement corridors 4/29/2015-A . APPR.
Garcia, n federal and state highways.The bill would require the State Energy SUSPENSE FILE
Cnr sUna D Resources Conservation and Development Commission to conduct an
ssessment and develop an integrated strategy to maximize the benefits
nd scope of an alternative refueling infrastructure,as defined,to help the
tate achieve its climate change, air quality, and economic goals and this
ewly stated policy.
nergy usage:plug-in equipment. —
ould require the Energy Commission, in collaboration with the Public
Utilities Commission, to conduct an analysis of plug-in equipment
iectricity consumption,as specified,and set statewide,long-term energy 5/20/2015 9 a.m.-State Capitol,
B 1094 fficiency targets to reduce the amount of electricity consumed by plug-in Room 4202
illiams D quipment.The bill would require the Energy Commission, in collaboration SSEMBLY APPROPRIATIONS,
ith the Public Utilities Commission,to develop,track the progress of, OMEZ,Chair
revise,and update an implementation plan to achieve those targets,as
Position: Watch _
alifornia Renewables Portfolio Standard Program: unbundled
renewable energy credits.
ould,under the California Renewables Portfolio Standard Program,
rovide that unbundled renewable energy credits may be used to meet the
IAB 1144 irst category of the portfolio content requirements if among other things 5/18/2015 #92
Rendon D hat the credits are earned by electricity that is generated by an entity that, ASSEMBLY ASSEMBLY THIRD
i____ if it were a person or corporation, would be excluded from the definition of READING FILE
n electrical corporation by operation of the exclusions for a corporation or
erson employing landfill gas technology or digester gas technology. This
ill contains other existing laws.
California cyber security.
Would continue in existence the California Cyber Security Task Force,
consisting of specified members, previously created by the Governor's
AB 1172 Office of Emergency Services and the Department of Technology, in the 5/13/2015-A. APPR.
hau D Governor's Office of Emergency Services.This bill would authorize the SUSPENSE FILE
I task force to convene stakeholders to act in an advisory capacity and
compile policy recommendations on cyber security for the state.
Local ordinances:electric vehicle charging stations.
Would require a city, county, or city and county to approve the installation
of electric vehicle charging stations,as defined,through the issuance of
pecified permits unless the city or county makes specified written findings
ased upon substantial evidence in the record that the proposed
nstallation would have a specific, adverse impact upon the public health 15/20/2015 9 a.m.-State Capitol,
IAB 1236 r safety, and there is no feasible method to satisfactorily mitigate or avoid Room 4202
Chiu,D he specific,adverse impact.The bill would provide for appeal of that SSEMBLY APPROPRIATIONS,
ecision to the planning commission,as specified. !GOMEZ, Chair
osition: Oppose/Amend
_ UB-183
Page 6 of 14
MAY 22, 21015
(AS OF 5/15/15)
lternative energy.
he California Alternative Energy and Advanced Transportation Financing
uthority Act authorizes the California Alternative Energy and Advanced
1ABAB 1269 ransportation Financing Authority, until July 1,2016, to grant financial 5/6/2015-A A. APPR. SUSPENSE
1269 D -ssistance in the form of a sales and use tax exclusion for projects thatIDaFILE
romote the use of advanced manufacturing. This bill would extend the
uthorization to grant the above financial assistance to projects that
,•romote the use of advanced manufacturing to January 1,2021.
alifornia Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: regulations.
he California Global Warming Solutions Act of 200E authorizes the State
.it Resources Board to include the use of market-based compliance
echanisms and to adopt a regulation that establishes a system of
1 arket-based declining annual aggregate emissions limits for sources or
AB 1288 ategories of sources that emit greenhouse gases,applicable from /28/2015-A . APPR.
Atkins D anuary 1, 2012,to December 31,2020, inclusive, as specified.This bill
ould no longer limit the applicability of a regulation that establishes a
ystem of market-based declining annual aggregate emissions limits for
1 sources or categories of sources that emit greenhouse gases from
anuary 1,2012,to December 31,2020.
Position: Watch
!���— Energy Efficiency Resource Standard Act.
ould enact the Energy Efficiency Resource Standard Act. The Public
Utilities Commission, in consultation with the State Energy Resources
onservation and Development Commission,would be responsible for 5/20/2015 9 a.m.-State Capitol,
1330 upervising the implementation of the act by community choice Room 4202ploom D ggregators,electric service providers,electrical corporations, and gas SSEMBLY APPROPRIATIONS,
orporations.The governing board of each local pub icly owned electric
tility and local publicly owned gas utility, in consultation with the State GOMEZ, Chair
Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission,would be
esponsible for the implementation of the act by the utility.
osition: Oppose
-! California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006.
The California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 requires the State
it Resources Board to adopt regulations to require�:he reporting and
erification of statewide greenhouse gas emissions and to monitor and
B 1367 nforce compliance with this program.This bill would make /27/2015-A. PRINT
Williams D subntanto trmthe: te boarad
egulaontions to require the repohertingequireand verification cis d
reenhouse gasive emissionschges and to monitorent andat enforce the
compliance opt with
he program.sta
Personal energy conservation: real property restrictions.
Would,subject to reasonable time and place requirements,require a
landlord to permit a tenant to utilize a clothesline or drying rack, as
efined,approved by the landlord in the tenant's private area,as defined,
if certain conditions are met, including, among others,that the clothesline
i r drying rack will not interfere with the maintenance of the rental property.418/2015 #2
IAB 1448 his bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 'SSEMBLY ASSEMBLY SECOND
ILr° eezz D Position: Support
– _________----- UB-184
Page 7 of 14
MAY 22, 2015
(AS OF 5/15/15)
1 Electrical corporations: underground electrical facilities:worker
ould require the Public Utilities Commission,by January 1,2017, to
1AB 1453 adopt a rule regulating work performed in underground electrical facilities 5/6/2015-A . APPR. SUSPENSE
Rendon D y,or on behalf of, an electrical corporation that is consistent with certain FILE
corker safety protections. Because a violation of the rule would be a
rime,this bill would impose a state-mandated local program.
Electricity: residential rates.
iCurrent law authorizes the Public Utilities Commission, beginning January
E1,2015,to authorize fixed electricity charges that do not exceed a
B 1479 (specified amount per residential customer account per month. Current
Patterson R Elaw, beginning January 1, 2016, authorizes the adjustment of the /27/2015-A. PRINT
aximum allowable fixed charge by no more than the annual percentage
increase in the Consumer Price Index for the prior calendar year.This bill
ould make technical, nonsubstantive changes to that provision.
_ Position:Watch ( _
Methane emissions.
he California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 establishes the
State Air Resources Board as the state agency responsible for monitoring 5/20/2015 9 a.m.-State Capitol,
=nd regulating sources emitting greenhouse gases.Current law requires
AB 1496 Room 4202
'Thurmond D he state board to complete a comprehensive strategy to reduce ASSEMBLY APPROPRIATIONS,
-missions of short-lived climate pollutants,as defined,in the state.This GOMEZ,Chair
•ill would require the state board to take specified actions and conduct
pecified analyses with respect to methane emissions.
Electricity: energy crisis litigation.
Current law,until January 1,2016, requires the Attorney General to
1B 1524 represent the Department of Finance and to succeed to all rights,claims, 5/18/2015 #114
Committee powers, and entitlements of the Electricity Oversight Board in any litigation ASSEMBLY CONSENT
on Utilities or settlement to obtain ratepayer recovery for the effects of the 2000-02 CALENDAR-FIRST LEGISLATIVE
and energy crisis.Current law additionally prohibits the Attorney General from DAY ASSEMBLY MEASURES
Commerce expending the proceeds of any settlements of those claims,except as
specified.This bill would instead repeal the above-described requirements
on January 1,2018.
Electrical restructuring.
Current law,enacted as part of electrical restructuring, required the Public
IAB 1525 Utilities Commission to authorize an electrical corporation meeting 5/18/2015 #156
(Committee specified conditions to implement a rate cap mechanism that included a ASSEMBLY CONSENT
Eon Utilities fuel price index mechanism to ensure the continued safe and reliable CALENDAR-SECOND
'and provision of electric service during the transition to competition and to limit LEGISLATIVE DAY ASSEMBLY
Commerce the effect of fuel price volatility in electric rates paid by consumers.This MEASURES
! requirement became inoperative on December 31, 2001. This bill would
kepeal the above-described re uirement. —
California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: market-based
I bompliance mechanisms: exemption.
1The California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 authorizes the State
it Resources Board to include the use of market-based compliance
SSB 1 mechanisms.Current state board regulations require specified entities to
omply with a market-based compliance mechanism beginning January 1, 1/15/2015-S. E.Q.
;Gaines R 2013,and require additional specified entities to comply with that market-
based compliance mechanism beginning January 1,2015.This bill delays
the Cap and Trade program for petroleum and natural gas suppliers until
Position: Oppose
Page 8 of 14
MAY 22, 2015
(AS OF 5/15115)
alifornia Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: market-based
ompliance mechanisms:exemption.
Under the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, current State
it Resources Board regulations require specified entities to comply with a
arket-based compliance mechanism beginning January 1, 2013,and
SB 5 equire additional specified entities to comply with that market-based 1/15/2015-S . E.Q.
idak R ompliance mechanism beginning January 1,2015.This bill instead would
xempt categories of persons or entities that did not have a compliance
bligation,as defined, under a market-based compliance mechanism
eginning January 1,2013,from being subject to that market-based
mpliance mechanism through December 31,2020.
osition:Oppose T
alifornia Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: emissions limit.
ould require the State Air Resources Board to approve a statewide
reenhouse gas emissions limit that is equivalent to 90%below the 1990
evel to be achieved by 2050,as specified.The bill would authorize the 5/18/2015 10 a.m.-John L. Burton
ISB 32 Aate board to adopt interim greenhouse gas emissions level targets to be Hearing Room (4203)
Pavlev D .chieved by 2030 and 2040.The bill also would state the intent of the ENATE APPROPRIATIONS, LAR
Legislature for the Legislature and appropriate agencies to adopt , Chair
omplementary policies that ensure the long-term emissions reductions
.dvance specified criteria. The bill would make conforming changes.
_ •osition:Watch
ehicles: high-occupancy vehicle lanes.
urrent federal law, until September 30,2017,authorizes a state to allow
pecified labeled vehicles to use lanes designated for high-occupancy j
SB 39 ehicles(HOVs). Currentt law authorizes the DMV to issue no more than /7/2015-A. DESK
IPavle D 70,000 of those identifiers.This bill would increase the number of those
dentifiers that the DMV is authorized to issue to an unspecified amount.
his bill contains other related provisions and other current laws.
Position: Sup••rt
Protection of subsurface installations.
ould require the Contractors'State License Board to adopt a program to
-nforce violations of provisions relating to excavation.The bill would • 18/2015 10 a.m.-John L. Burton
1SB 119 -uthorize the board to require a contractor to undergo training, levy a fine, eating Room (4203)
D -rid suspend a contractor's license fora violation.This bill contains other ~ENATE APPROPRIATIONS, LAR
elated provisions and other existing laws. ', Chair
Civil law: unmanned aerial vehicles.
Would define knowing entry upon the land of another also to include
operation of an unmanned aerial vehicle below the navigable airspace
SB 142 overlaying the real property or operation of an unmanned aerial vehicle /5/2015-A. DESK
Jackson D less than 350 feet above ground level within the airspace overlaying the
real property. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing
State Energy Resources Conservation and Devellopment �� I
urrent law establishes the State Energy Resources Conservation and
jDevelopment Commission consisting of 5 members appointed by the
SB 156 (( ovemor subject to confirmation by the Senate.This bill would make a 19/2015 S . RLS.
Huff R technical, nonsubstantive change to that provision.
Page 9 of 14
MAY 22, 2015
(As OF 5/15/15)
{California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006.
The State Air Resources Board is required to adopt a statewide
greenhouse gas emissions limit equivalent to the statewide greenhouse
SB 167 gas emissions level in 1990 to be achieved by 2020, and to adopt rules
Gaines R d regulations in an open public process to achieve the maximum 2/19/2015-S . RLS.
echnologically feasible and cost-effective greenhouse gas emission
eductions.This bill would make nonsubstantive changes to these
provisions. This bill contains other existing laws.
Electricity: emissions of greenhouse gases. --
ould, on July 1,2017, replace the greenhouse gases emission
rformance standards for baseload generation with greenhouse gases
mission performance standards for nonpeaking generation and peaking
5/18/2015 10 a.m.-John L. Burton
eneration. The bill would require the Public Utilities Commission, by June
ISB 180 Hearing Room (4203)
t- 0,2017,through a rulemaking proceeding and in consultation with the
Jackson D State Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission and ENATE APPROPRIATIONS,LAR
he State Air Resources Board,to establish a greenhouse gases emission 'Chair
erformance standard for all nonpeaking generation of load-serving
ntities,and a separate standard for peaking generation.
osition:Oppose _
'Public retirement systems: Public Divestiture of Thermal Coal
Companies Act.
ould prohibit the boards of the Public Employees'Retirement System
nd the State Teachers' Retirement System from making new investments
or renewing existing investments of public employee retirement funds in a
SB 185 thermal coal company, as defined .This bill would require the boards to ,/27/2015-S . APPR.
De LeOn D liquidate investments in thermal coal companies on or before July 1,2017, SUSPENSE FILE
nd would require the boards,in making a determination to liquidate
nvestments,to constructively engage with thermal coal companies to
stablish whether the companies are transitioning their business models
o adapt to clean energy generation.
unicipal utility district: utility charges: delinquencies.
he Municipal Utility District Act authorizes a municipal utility district, by
resolution or ordinance,to require the owner of record of privately owned
real property within the district to pay the fees,tolls,rates, rentals, or other
SB 188 harges for certain utility services rendered to a lessee,tenant,or
F-- subtenant,and provides that those charges that have become delinquent, 5/14/2015-A . DESK
Hancock ncock D ogether with interest and penalties, are a lien on the property when a
ertificate is filed by the district in the office of the county recorder and that
he lien has the force, effect, and priority of a judgment lien. This bill would
xtend the operation of these provisions indefinitely.
Clean Energy and Low-Carbon Economic and Jobs Growth Blue
Ribbon Committee.
ould create the Clean Energy and Low-Carbon Economic and Jobs
rowth Blue Ribbon Committee,comprised of 7 members appointed by
he Governor, the Speaker of the Assembly, and the Senate Committee
SB 189 n Rules, as provided.The bill would prescribe the terms and 4/27/2015-S . APPR.
Hueso D ualifications of committee members and would require the committee to SUSPENSE FILE
dvise state agencies on the most effective ways to expend clean energy
nd GHG-related funds and implement policies in order to maximize
alifomia's economic and employment benefits, and to take specified
ctions in that regard.
Position: Watch
Page 10 of 14
MAY 22, 2015
(As OF 5115115)
alifornia Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: Greenhouse Gas
I Reduction Fund.
urrent law requires a state agency expending moneys from the
reenhouse Gas Reduction Fund to create a record prior to the
SB 207 xpenditure,that includes, among other things,a description of the
Wieckowski xpenditure proposed to be made and a description of how the proposed 5/14/2015-A . NAT. RES.
D xpenditure will contribute to achieving and maintaining greenhouse gas
missions reductions,as specified. This bill would require that record to
posted on the Internet Web sites of the state agency and the State Air
1 esources Board prior to the state agency expending those moneys.
I Position:Watch
Unmanned aircraft systems: law enforcement use.
Would specifically authorize a law enforcement agency to use an
I unmanned aircraft system if the use of the unmanned aircraft system
mplies with certain conditions, including, among others, protections
SIE against unreasonable searches guaranteed by the United States ,/20/2015-S . JUD.
IGalaiani D Constitution and the California Constitution,federal law applicable to the
use of an unmanned aircraft system by a law enforcement agency,and
tate law applicable to a law enforcement agency's use of surveillance
echnology that can be attached to an unmanned aircraft system.
The California Public Records Act: local agencies: inventory.
Would require each local agency, in implementing the California Public
Records Act, to create a catalog of enterprise systems,as defined,to
make the catalog publicly available upon request in the office of the clerk
of the agency's legislative body, and to post the catalog on the local
SB 272 gency s Internet Web site.The bill would require the catalog to disclose a 5/7/2015-A. DESK
Hertzberq D list of the enterprise systems utilized by the agency,and, among other
hings, the current system vendor and product. Because the bill would
irequire local agencies to perform additional duties, it would impose a
state-mandated local program.This bill contains other related provisions
.nd other existing laws.
I Position:Watch
Electricity:direct transactions.
ould require the Public Utilities Commission to adopt and implement a
chedule that implements a 2nd phase-in period for expanding direct
ransactions for individual retail nonresidential end-use customers over a
period of not more than 3 years, raising the allowable limit of kilowatthours
SB 286hat can be supplied by other providers in each electrical corporation's 5/4/2015-S . APPR. SUSPENSE
Hertzberg D a istribution service territory to 8,000 gigawatt hours above the amount FILE
•etermined by the commission for the first phase-in period.The bill would
equire the commission to ensure that 51%of the new direct transactions
.re for electricity products from eligible renewable energy resources
meeting the portfolio content categories.
Position: Watch
r Public contracts: local agencies: negotiations.
Would enact the Civic Reporting Openness in Negotiations Efficiency Act
to establish specific procedures for the negotiation and approval of
contracts valued at$50,000 or more for goods or services by cities,
SB 331 counties, cities and counties, or special districts that have adopted a civic /18/2015 Anticipated Hearing
Mendoza D openness in negotiations ordinance,or COIN ordinance,defined as an ENATE APPR., Not in daily file.
rdinance imposing specified requirements as part of any collective
argaining process undertaken pursuant to the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act.
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MAY 22, 2015
(As OF 5/15/15)
Clean Energy and Pollution Reduction Act of 2015.
Would express the intent of the Legislature for the purposes of the RPS
program that the amount of electricity generated per year from eligible
enewable energy resources be increased to an amount equal to at least
1% by December 31,2030, and would require the PUC, by January 1, 5/18/2015 10 a.m. John L. Burton
ISB 350 Hearing Room (4203)
017,to establish the quantity of electricityroducts from eligible
enewable energy resources be procured by each retail seller for specified A,Chair
ompliance periods sufficient to ensure that the procurement of electricity
roducts from eligible renewable energy resources achieves 50%of retail
I ales by December 31,2030.
Position: Concern ,
•gricultural lands: greenhouse gases.
' ould require the environmental farming program to provide low-interest
loans, technical assistance,educational materials and outreach,or a
ombination of these things, instead of incentives, to farmers whose 5/18/2015 10 a.m.-John L.Burton
ISB 367 •ractices promote the well-being of ecosystems, air quality, and wildlife Hearing Room (4203)
kWolk D -nd their habitat,and reduce on-farm greenhouse gas emissions or SENATE APPROPRIATIONS, LAR
increase carbon storage in agricultural soils and woody biomass,or both. , Chair
he bill would rename the panel the Environmental Farming Advisory
Panel and revise the panel's membership and duties,as specified.
Green Assistance Program.
ould establish the Green Assistance Program,to be administered by the
Secretary for Environmental Protection in concert with environmental
'ustice programs, that, among other things,would provide technical
SB 398 5/11/2015-S . APPR.
Levva D -ssistance to small businesses, small nonprofits,and disadvantaged SUSPENSE FILE
ommunities in applying for an allocation of moneys from the Greenhouse
as Reduction Fund. The bill would declare that the secretary use
'existing resources for the program.This bill contains other existing laws.
Renewable energy resources.
Would make technical, nonsubstantive changes to the Renewables
ISB 427 Portfolio Standard Program (RPS program)program authorization for
r— electrical corporations to apply to the Public Utilities Commission for 3/5/2015-S . RLS.
r— approval to construct,own,and operate an eligible renewable energy
Hazardous waste: photovoltaic modules.
Would authorize the Department of Toxic Substances to adopt regulations
to designate end-of-life photovoltaic modules that are identified as
SSB 489 hazardous waste as a universal waste and subject those modules to 5/512015-A. DESK
Monninq D universal waste management.The bill would authorize the department to
revise the regulations as necessary.
_ San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District: purchase and
elivery of electricity.
ould require any electrical corporation that owns,and operates
ransmission and distribution facilities that deliver electricity to BART,
SSB 502 upon request by BART,to deliver electricity generated by an eligible /30/2015 A. DESK
Leno D renewable energy resource without discrimination or delay. For these
urposes,an "eligible renewable energy resource"would have the same
meaning as defined in a specified provision of the California Renewables
Portfolio Standard Program.
Position: Support
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MAY 22, 2015
(AS OF 5/15/15)
'Renewable energy resources:geothermal.
he Public Utilities Act authorizes the Public Utilities Commission, upon a
(complaint by a geothermal energy producer,to prohibit any electrical
SB 539 corporation from curtailing the generation,production, or transmission of
H, ueso D lelectricity from a geothermal powerplant operated by the corporation, if 5/7/2015-A A. DESK
he commission deems that the curtailment is not in he public interest.
his bill would repeal the above-described geothermal generation,
production, or transmission curtailment authorization.
riNet energy metering. V— _ -
Curent law relative to private energy producers requires every electric
utility to develop a standard contract or tariff providing for net energy
metering and to make this contract or tariff available 1:o eligible customer-
, enerators upon request for generation by a renewable electrical 5/18/2015 10 a.m.-John L. Burton
ISB 550 eneration facility. This bill would delete the exemption for those local Hearing Room (4203)
.Herrttzberq D ublicly owned electric utilities.The bill would define the"aggregate SENATE APPROPRIATIONS, LAR
ustomer peak demand"for the purposes of calculating the net energy , Chair
etering program limit for electric utilities that are not large electrical
orporations. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing
I Position:Oppose
State water policy:water and energy efficiency. '
I ould declare the policy of the state that water use and water treatment
shall be as energy efficient as is feasible and energy use and generation
SSB 551 ;shall be as water efficient as is feasible.This bill would require all relevant 5/11/2015-S . APPR.
'Wolk D 'state agencies to consider this state policy when revising,adopting,or SUSPENSE FILE
establishing policies, regulations, and grant criteria when pertinent to
these uses of water and energy.This bill contains other existing laws.
income and corporation taxes: credit:electric vehicle charging
The Personal Income Tax Law and the Bank and Corporation Tax Law
allow various credits against the taxes imposed by those laws.This bill,for 5/18/2015 10 a.m.-John L. Burton
SB 578 axable years beginning on or after January 1,2016,would allow a credit Hearing Room (4203)
Block D n an amount equal to 30%of the cost of purchasing Level 2 or direct SENATE APPROPRIATIONS, LAR
urrent fast charger electric vehicle charging stations to be used in the , Chair
rade or business of the taxpayer, not to exceed$30,000 per taxable year.
This bill contains other related provisions.
-- _ enewable gas standard. —Y— _ —
ould require the state board, on or before June 30,2017, in consultation
ith the State Energy Resources Conservation and Development
Commission and the Public Utilities Commission,to adopt a carbon-based
renewable gas standard,as defined and specified,that requires all gas
sellers,as defined,to provide specified percentages of renewable gas
meeting certain deliverability requirements, to retail end-use customers for 5/18/2015 10 a.m. -John L. Burton
SB 687 use in California,that increases over specified compliance periods. The Hearing Room (4203)
(Allen D bill would authorize the state board to waive enforcement of the renewable SENATE APPROPRIATIONS, LAR
gas standard upon certain showings being made by a gas seller. �A,Chair
Position: Oppose
I �
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MAY 22, 2015
(As OF 5!15/15)
Energy conservation assistance.
Current law requires the State Energy Resources Conservation and
!Development Commission to take steps to solicit loan applications to do
SB 726 !certain things, including awarding loans in regions with high summer peak 4/27/2015-A . DESK
H D loads.This bill would instead require the commission to take steps to
solicit loan applications that award loans in regions with high peak loads.
California Renewables Portfolio Standard Program.
ould require that the Public Utilities Commission evaluate the benefits
nd costs to the California economy, including upon low-and middle-
income individuals and families and disadvantaged communities,before
S xercise of its authority to increase the procurement of eligible renewable 5/4/2015-S . APPR. SUSPENSE
Morrell R nergy resources in excess of the specified quantities.The bill would FILE
require the commission, in performing its evaluation,to conduct duly
oticed public workshops throughout the state to allow for public comment
nd consideration of the economic findings.
(^ Net energy metering:eligible customer generators.
ould require the PUC, in ensuring that prudent investments in energy
efficiency are made and produce cost-effective energy savings, reduce
ustomer demand,and support the state's greenhouse gas emissions
eduction goals, to contract with an independent entity to serve as the
alifomia Market Transformation Administrator(CaIMTA).The bill would
$require the PUC to require the CaIMTA to take certain actions, including,
among other actions,working in concert with other energy efficiency
.dministrators that are carrying out energy efficiency activities under the
SB 765 PUC's oversight to incorporate long-term market transformation strategies 5/4/2015-S . APPR. SUSPENSE
into the state's energy efficiency portfolio and to work with the State
Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission to
encourage local publicly owned electric utilities to participate in the
CaIMTA's planning efforts and provide funding for and support the market
ransformation initiatives administered by the CaIMTA to ensure statewide
onsistency and full market deployment. Because a violation of these
requirements would be a crime,this bill would impose a state-mandated
local program.The bill would require the PUC to consult with the CaIMTA
egarding demand-side energy management programs.This bill contains
•ther related provisions and other existing laws.
Green Tariff Shared Renewables Program.
Would require the Public Utilities Commission to require that a
participating utility's green tariff shared renewables program permit a
SB 793 participating customer to subscribe to the program and receive a 5/18/2015 #41 SENATE SENATE
reasonably estimated bill credit and bill charge,as determined by the
!WolkD commission,for a period of up to 20 years.The bill would delete the BILLS-THIRD READING FILE
repeal of the program.This bill contains other related provisions and other
existing laws.
73 Energy Bills still progressing
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