HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - December 16, 1957 - CCCITY HALL 'AZUSA, CALIFORNIA MONDAY DECEMBER 162 1957 The City Council of the City of Azusa met in regular session at the above time and place. Mayor Memmesheimer opened the meeting and led in the salute to the flag. Invocation was given by Councilman Fawcett. Present at Roll Call: Councilmen: Fawcett, Ortuno, Johnson, Memmesheimer Absent: Councilman Romero ,Also Present: City Attorney Williams, City Engineer Kirkgaard, City Clerk -Administrative Officer Miller. 7:30 P.M119 Invocation Mayor Memmesheimsr asked if there were any corrections or. omissions to the minutes of November 18, 1957. .It was -pointed out that a typographical error appeared on.the last paragraph, page 4, where the word "easter- ,_ly" had been misspelled. Also, the first paragraph, page 6, the names of those present at the opening of Approval the bids should have been stated, in particular the Minutes .Councilman present, being Councilman Ortuno, 11-18-57 With no further corrections, the minutes were then 11-25-57 approved. The Mayor asked if there were any corrections or -omissions to the minutes of November 259 1957. It was pointed out that the word "erect" appearing on .page 2,'paragraph 5 had been misspelled. With no further corrections, the minutes were ordered approved as corrected. The Administrative Officer stated that some consulta- tions had been had of the value of extending a drive- way -east from the existing parking space behind the City Hall Buildings to Dalton Avenue. This would be a 10 or 12 foot drive for one-way traffic east bound. -The construction of this driveway would make it un- necessary to construct a drive north of the tennis courts between the tennis courts and the restrooms in the park to serve the Library. In addition, it would alleviate a hazardous condition existing in the present parking area. It was moved by Councilman Fawcett, seconded by Councilman Ortuno, and unanimously carried that the matter of the drive be referred to the Park and .Recreation Commission for their recommendation. ,Councilman Romero entered the meeting at 8:00 P.M. and.was seated. Since it would be necessary to construct a vault to house the transformers necessary to serve electricity and power to the library and this vault could be used to house transformers necessary for serving power to the rest of the Civic Center, the Administrative Officer asked clarification from Cbunoil relative to whom the burden of the cost should be placed. It was further pointed out that the consensus of -opinion was to relocate the over- head.power lines on Dalton Avenue by extending them from.Santa Fe along 8th Street and south on an easement midway between Dalton Avenue and Soldano Avenue and extending the lines underground from the easement to the vault. Moved by Councilman Ortuno, seconded by Councilman Johnson, and unanimously carried, that the City would assume the cost of relocating the power lines and tha txxndx the cost of the vault would be charged against the construction of the Library. The vault would house all transformers necessary for electric service to the Civic Center and the Library. of 0 Proposed driveway referred to Pack & Rec. Commission Cost of Vault be included in Library Bldg. costs 12.0 r•'goon • :iSSUf:U f C : tfiC • .�'r.)u flit' ` t •'-. ::.CSO:' a its IM, ' ;t 4t34AG :z "3•r= r ' •' i .. �P - .t J1�j Ci _,U+J .'t ,. C^JniOt. KOM CITY HALL AZUSA, CALIFORNIA MONDAY DECEMBER 160 1957 Mayor Memmesheimer announced that this was the time and place -fixed by the Council for hearing objections to a change of zone from A-1 to C-2 and Rv3 of that property contained within the proposed Annexation District No. 27 and requested by the property owner Mrs. Monis. This property is located on the east side of Azusa Avenue, south of Gladstone Street, north, and adjacent to the property recently annexed owned by Turner Stevens Co. The City Clerk presented the affadavit of publication of notice of the hearing published in the Azusa Herald on December 5, 1957. The names of the prop- erty owners within 300 feet of the affected property to•whom notices of the hearing had been sent were -also presented. Mayor Memmesheimer asked if there were any written protests filed in the office of the City Clerk, The City Clerk announced that there had been no protests filed in that office. The Mayor asked if there were any objections from persons in the audience. There were no objections offered. There being no objections to the proposed rezoning, .the Mayor deolared.the hearing closed. It.was moved by Councilman Romero, seconded by Coun- cilman Fawoett, that the recommendation of the Plannimtg,Commission relative to the rezoning of this property be accepted and that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare the necessary ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance No. 535. Thisrmotion carried by the following votes AYES: Councilmen: Fawoett, Ortuno, Romero, Memmes- hbimer NOESt. Councilman Johnson Bids were opened in the office of the City Clerk at 1Ot00 A.M.,December 16, 1957 for the construction of sewers in the property west of Azusa Avenue and north of Twelfth Street. Those present at the opening -of the bid were: Councilman Fawcett, City Engineer, and City Clerk. Bids and the amounts were received from the following: S. J. Kdran and Sons $39036.62 Max Milosevich 3,727.70 L. D. & M. Const. Co. 5,050.47 The bids having been studied by the City Engineer, .it was recommended that the low bid submitted by S. J. Moran and Sons be accepted. Moved by Coun- oilman Romero, seconded by Councilman Johnson, that the•recommendation that the low bid of S. J. Moran and Sons,in the amount of $3,036.62 be accepted, and the City Clerk be authorised to return the Bid Bonds of,the unsuccessful bidders. This motion .carried unanimously. A'letter-has-been received from Mr. J. Judy, Presi- dezit`of.the Chamber of Commerce, announcing the various members who have been appointed to the committee to study the proposed refuse lease in Van Tassel Canyon. The members of the committee ares Rufus Ogilvie, Vic Taylor, Gil Ross, Bill Mayes and Charles McLees, Chairman. It was pointed out that a previous motion by the City Council had set this date of December 16th for further consideration of the proposed lease to the Van Tassel Canyon -refuse site. Since, however, a motion made on November 25th has stated that the Council would delay all action until the report of the Chamber of Commerce Committee had been submitted, it was moved by Councilman Johnson, seconded by Councilman Romero, that the meeting continue with the next item on the agenda. With no objections, motion ordered carried. The Personnel Board at Its meeting on December 4, 1957, recommended to the City Council that a change Page 2 Hearing on rezoning of Annex. No, 27 Bid for sewer line north of Twelfth St, 121 Chamber of Commerce Com- mittee selected to review lease agreement 122 5,. A C ti F,eri•:rY Acyp At !f aC3 rsr W JA i C..♦ a .. .. ;l.'rI'•f.:.l i. - • � t i�N�f • ni.l, 'LCr`Yril' CITY HALL AZUSA, CALIFORNIA MONDAY DECEMBER 169 1957 Page 3 123 in the Civil Service Ordinance which would -'result in lengthening the probationary period from six months to one year be placed on the April ballot. This would amend Section'8 of the Civil Sdrvice Ordinance, which originally had set up a six months probationary period for all original and promotional appointments to the Civil Service. It was moved by Councilman Fawcett, seconded by Councilman Ortuno, that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare the necessary amendment to the -Civil Service Ordinance to appear on the April ballot. This motion carried unanimously. Copies of the Civil Service Rules and Regulations as adopted by the Personnel board were submitted to the Council for study and approval. Contained in the proposed amendments would be the requirement 'for a'medical examination of all new employees. It was moved by Councilman Johnson, seconded by Councilman Fawcett, and ordered carried that con- sideration of the Rules and Regulations be tabled until -the second meeting of Janoary. It was,moved by Councilman Romero, seconded by Councilman Johnson, and unanimously carried that the -recommendation of the Personnel Board that Thomas Lopez, Maintenance Man II, be placed in the fourth step of the salary range effective December 1,, 1957',"be accepted. Note was made of the expiration of the probationary period'of Ralph Byrd, Junior Accountant, as of January.l, 1958. The Planning Commission at its meeting of December 4','1957,' granted a variance to Mrs. Marion Shay for' -the construction of a dwelling of less required square footage than called for by the Zoning Ordi- nance. This property is designated -as Lot 6, Tract No.,14540. It was pointed out that unless an appeal is made of the Planning Commission's recommendation the variance will become effeotive•Deoember 25, 1958• The Planning Commission at its meeting on December •4, adopted Resolution No.29 of the Planning CommisT sion, classifying certain uses ommitted from the Zoning Ordinance, This Resolution pointed out that Ordinance No. 535 made no provision for minor elec- trical 'sub'stations, booster stations, water wells, and similar facilities owned by a public utility or p'rivite.'service organization. The nearest similar WOM use expressed in the ordinance is a provision for city.owned electrical substations, water wells, etc: as'.set forth in sub -section (d) of Section 9208.10. It was recommended by the Planning Commission in its resolution that minor electrical substations, booster stations, water wells, and similar faci- litie's owned by a public utility or private service organization shall be de"'emed to be included in sub=section (d) of Se'ctio'n 9208.10"of Ordinance No..535,'subject to all the terms and conditions expressed therein. It was moved by Councilman Fawcett, seconded by Councilman Memmesheimer that the City Council approve,Resolution No. 29 of the Planning Commission. This motion carried unanimously. The Planning Commission on its own motion has set the date of January 8, 1958, at the hour of 8:00 P.M. at the City Auditorium as the time and place for a hearing oil its intention to initiate a change of zoning classification from P zone to Election ballot to carry Civil Serivoe Ord. amendment T. Lopez to Step 4 of Main. Man II R. Byrd - Probationary Period 1-1-58 Zone variance - M. Shay Seat. `9208.10 (d) of Ord. 535 clarified CITY HALL AZUSA, CALIFORNIA MONDAY DECEMBER 16, 1957 C-3 zone -of Lots 19 and 20, Block 29, Map of Azusa. Mrs, Sophia Cases, Steno -Clerk in the office of the Engineering and Public Works Department, submitted her resignation effective December 31, 1957. It was moved by Councilman Johnson, seconded by Councilman Ortuno, thatt:the resignation of Mrs. Cases be accepted and her name be placed on the eligibility list as requested. Motion carried unanimously. The City Engineer submitted a report of his meeting with•tfie James M. Montgomery Co. relative to the balancing of the two city owned reservoirs. It was m6ved by Councilman Johnson, seconded by Councilman Romero, that this report be filed. With no"objections, motion ordered carried. The City Engineer requested authorization to erect a' fence along the west edge of the-Gilfillan parking lot-ae.specified in the new lease agreement. It was moved -by Councilman Fawcett, seconded by Councilman �Oriuno'and unanimously carried that this authorization be granted subject to the signing of the lease agree- ment by -the Gilfillan Company. Due to the excessive height of several trees in the Clty,;and since the existing equipment and personnel' is not adequate to handle these large trees, it is requested by the Superintendent of Public Works that lie be authorized to employ qualified tree fallers at an estimated expenditure from the current budget in the amount of $2,000.00. It was moved by -Councilman Fawcett, seconded by Councilman Romero, that authority be given to advertise•for and to employ tree fallers on a temporary employment, with the total expenditure not to exceed $2,000.00. This motion carried unanimously. The Superintendent of Public Works requested authorization to purchase two dump truck chassis to replace one 8 year old and one 9 year old truck presently in service. Moved,by Councilman Fawcett, seconded by Councilman Romero, that the City Clerk be authorized to adver- tise for two dump trucks, the specifications to be furnished by the,Superintendent of Public Works and bids to be opened'`January 3, 1958. This motion carried unanimously. It was recommended that Ronald Addington be employed at Step 1 as Maintenance Man I, effective December 16, 1957. Mr. Addington is among the first three on•the current eligibility list. Moved by Councilman Fawcett, seconded by Councilman 6tuno-and"unanimous17 carried that Ronald Addington be employed as -Maintenance Man I on a probationary basis effective December 16, 1957. It was requested by the Superintendent of Public Works that the employment of Mr. Odie Burton, who 'has been unable to work since July of this year, be terminated. It was moved by Councilman Fawcett, seconded by Councilman Ortuno, and unanimously carried that the employment of Mr. Odie Burton with'., the•City of Azusa be terminated. The City Engineer announced that easements have been obtained from additional property owners in order to extend the sewer line north from 12th St. to a strip of land running east from Azusa Avenue owned by the City of Azusa. These easements were obtained from the following persona: Van Yliet, Karmazin, Gaebe,Watanabe, Pomeroy and Cairns. Councilman Fawcett offered the following resolution Page 4 Resignation of Mrs. S. Cases accepted 125 Report on balancing reservoirs filed Fence to be constructed at Gilfillan Parking lot Tree fallers to be employed on a temp. basis. Advertise for dump truck chassis R. Addington employed Main. Man I Odie Burton employment terminated Sewer line easements Res. No, 3700 126 f i . t7 G JD • ,:�11n }i •Y C f, e �OfROlI'y✓-. F).7 !.c, ' :j; os„J r f' o�naY` r 54 r),. ` .'..'13 l i n . a�'' itr{SQ .4 I. ' i �F :i '..fISL'•I .CITY HALL AZUSA, CALIFORNIA MONDAY DECEMBER 16, 1957 Page 5 127 r entitledr A•RESOLUTION OF THE CITY,COUNCIL, CITY OF AZUSA, . ACCEPTING GRANTS OF EASEMENT AND DIRECTING RECORDING THEREOF. Councilman Ortuno moved, seconded by Councilman Romero, the resolution be adopted. The resolution was then passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Fawcett, Ortuno, Johnson, Romero, Memmesheimer NOES: None Absent: None and numbered Resolution No. 3700 - The Engineer submitted his estimated price for construction of the Animal Shelter, The County of Los Angeles, Real Estate Division, requested that the City accept a dedication.of 10 feet being granted by Mr. & Mrs. H. H. Howard for highway purposes extending westward from Azusa Avenue to the wash on Gladstone Street, described as "the southerly 101 of Lot 2, Tract 5115. It was moved by Councilman Fawcett, seconded by Councilman Ortuno, that the City Council accept dedication of this Road Deed upon the installation r and 'completion of all necessary improvements. No objections, motion ordered carried. In connection with the 1911 Act as it affected the eotion of property owners who have constructed sidewalks within the district, the following reso- lution was offered by Councilman Ortuno entitled: A,'RESOLUTION OF,THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AZUSA,.CALIFORNIA, DESCRIBING CERTAIN PROPOSED CHANGES IN THE WORK AND PROCEEDINGS UNDER RESO- LUTION OF INTENTION, RESOLUTION N0. 3653; DECLARING •IT$ INTENTION TO ADD A SET OF PROPOSED CHANGES AND GIVING'NOTICE THEREOF. Moved"by. Councilman Ortuno, seconded by Councilman Romero, -that further reading of this resolution be waived. With no objections, motion ordered carried. Moved by Councilman Ortuno, seconded by Councilman Romero,'this resolution be adopted. This resolution w@s then passed and adopted by the following votes AYES:, Councilmen: Fawcett, Ortuno, Johnson, Romero, Memmesheimer NOES:, None Absent: None and numbered Resolution No. 3701. This resolution set the day of January 6, 1958 at 7:30 P -Mo as the time when interested persons having•any objections to the proposed changes 'appear before the City Council to show cause why such'changes shall not be made. 'The •City'Attorney stated that he had reviewed the proposal.and agreement between Wayne N. Johnson and'the City of Azusa for certain services in con- nection with the Light Department. It was found that.the'estimated cost -of ¢25,000.00 set forth by Mr. Johnson was not a fixed amount nor a maxi- mum amount. It was.moved by Councilman Ortuno, seconded by Councilman Memmesheimer and unanimously carried that Wayne Johnson be authorized to complete the balance of the items called for in his agreement at a cost not to exceed $4,3000.00 and to be completed within 120 days. Estimated price for Animal Shelter Accepting 10 feet dedication of Road Res. No. 3701 re change in, 1911 Act. W. Johnson to continue Electric survey 128 r CITY HALL AZUSA, CALIFORNIA MONDAY DECE14BER 169 1957 Page 6' The City Attorney stated that he had prepared an amended agreement between the City and the Visit- ing Nurses Association whereby the agreement would extend for a five year period and the annual rate 08 contribution by the City set at 010000.00 with the provision that the City could cancel at the end of any year on 60 days written notice. It'was moved by Councilman Fawcett, seconded by Councilman Ortuno, the City Council approve the agreement and authorize the Mayor to sign, subject 'to approval by the Nurses Association. This motion carried unanimously. Copies of Resolution No. 3036 relating to the Street Lighting Project within the City have been distributed to each Council member. On further discussion, it was the opinion of the Council that a'later resolution had been adopted whereby the Lighting Project woule not continue beyond the city lints, as fixed at the time of its adoption. The City Clerk was instructed to make a further search for such a resolution. L The"City Attorney reported that the Lucky Lager Brewing,Company had submitted,an Executed Dedica- t1on Certificate whereby that -Company dedicates a portion'of its property running north from Foot- hill Blvd. for a distance of 300 feet for a public street to be known as Lucky Avenue. S � Councilman Romero offered the following resolution entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL -OF THE CITY OF AZUSA ACCEPTING A DEDICATION CERTIFICATE AND DIRECTING THE RECORDATION THEREOF. .It.was moved by Councilman Romero, seconded by Councilman Ortuno, further reading of this reso- lution be waived. With no objections, the motion was ordered carried. It.was.moved by Councilman Ortuno, seconded by Councilman Romero, this resolution be adopted. -This-resolution was then passed and adopted by the following votes ' AYES: Councilmen: Fawcett, Ortuno, Johnson Romero, Memmesheimer NOES: None Absent_i None and numbered Resolution No. 3702. A letter from Mr. Preston Turner, City Attorney ,of Anaheim, was presented setting forth the ex- pense incurred in the Edison rate case hearing. The total expenses involved amount to 011,653.47, Azusals'share would be one-fourth of this amount. Moved by Councilman Fawcett, and seconded by Councilman Ortuno that the City Council authorize payment of 25% of the Edison hearing expenses as set forth. This motion carried unanimously. A letter was received from the City of Colton, California, stating that they differed with the three other cities with whom they had joined during the rate hearing before the PUC requested by the Edison Co. The City of Colton has decided to request the Federal Power Commission to take jurisdiction in their rate increase. It was moved by Councilman Fawcett, seconded by Councilman Romero, the Colton letter be filed. The motion was carried unanimously. The City Attorney stated that a.joint letter by the three concurring cities could be addressed to the Visiting Nurses Assn. Agre erne nt Continued study on Street Lighting Proj. Dedication of Lucky Ave. Res. No. 3702 Edison rate hearing expenses 129 City of Colton applying to Bed. Power Comm. CITY BALL AZUSA, CALIFORNIA MONDAY DECEMBER 169 1957 Federal Power Commission stating that they were opposed to any Federal action. Moved,by Councilman Fawcett, seconded by Council- man Ortuno, and unanimously carried that the City Attorney be authorized to contact the other cities relative to their feeling about sending such a letter. Page 131 Attorney to contact cities re letter to Fed. Power Comm. The'Upper San Gabriel Valley Water Assn. is request- Communication ing all cities in the Valley to adopt a resoltitiion re formation recommending the formation of a municipal water of Mun. Water district.in the upper San Gabriel Valley. No action Dist. taken by the Council on this item. A statement was received from the Upper San Gabriel Attorney to study Valley Water Assn* for an assessment at 6� per acre agree. Upper San foot on water produced in l 56 by the City of Azusa. Gab, Val, Assn. This assessment amounts to 273.148. Included in the ' 'statement are dues for the year 1958 in the amount of $25.00, making a total bill of $298.48. It was moved by Councilman Fawoett, and seconded by Councilman Ortuno, that the agreement between the 'City',and the USGVWA be studied by the City Attorney relative to payment of assessment and a report to the Council requested. This motion carried unanimously. Moved,by Councilman Johnson, seconded by Councilman Treasurer's Romero, that the Treasurer's financial statement as Report of'Nov, 30, 1957 be filed.- With no objections, the motion ordered carried. The Treasurer's report showed Bank Balances of $378,639.89; Treasury Bilis and earnings of $422,653.25, or a total of 08010293.140 A letter was received from the Division of Highways Proposed requesting a conference with the City Council rela- meeting re tive to the proposed location of the Foothill Free- Foothill way. This conference is requested to be held prior Freeway to holding a public meeting. It was moved by Councilman Fawoett, seconded by Councilman Romero, that a meeting date is to be set at a later,date. With no objections, motion ordered carried. Authorization was requested for the Mayor and Clerk Explanation to sign escrow instructions relative to the purchase requested of Lots 17 do 18, Block 39, which site is proposed to on land be used for public purposes. It was moved by Council- purchase man Fawcett, that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign. This motion died for lack of a second. It was moved by Councilman Ortuno, and seconded by Councilman Romero, that this item be tabled at this time and that Mr. West of Squire Realty be asked to attend•a Council meeting and explain the actions relative to the bidding in of this property. This motion carried unanimously. It was moved by Councilman Romero, seconded by Coun- oilman Ortuno, that the request of Battery B and the Danoe,request Cruisers Club to hold a New Year's Eve dance be ap- approved proved and referred to the Police Dept, with the .power to act. With no objeotions.i motion ordered carried. It was moved by Councilman Fawcett, seconded by Fund raising Councilman Romero, that the request of the Azusa request College to place novelty fund raising containers granted in business establishments be granted. With no objections, motion ordered carried. A letter''was received from Attorney Fred Raab 10 shares of stating that he had available ten shares of Azusa Water Co. Agricultural Water Stock for sale. stock to be It was moved by Councilman Johnson, seconded by purchased Councilman Romero, and unanimously carried that CITY HALL AZUSA, CALIFORNIA -MONDAY DECEMBER 16', 1957 Page 8 authorization f6r the purchase of these shares at $10.00 each be granted. It was moved by Councilman Ortuno, seconded by Application Councilman Fawcett, that the copy of the applica- tion for transfer of an On -Sale Beer and aline License at -112 Be Foothill Blvd. be filed. With no objections, motion ordered carried. This is a change of ownership. Notice of an Area "D" meeting to be held in Mon- rovia on January 8, 1958 was read. Councilman Fawcett was authorized to attend. It was moved by Councilman Fawcett, seconded by Councilman Ortuno, the report of areas within the County Fire Districts as submitted by the City of Covina be filed. With no'objections, motion ordered carried. The appraisal of the proposed park site on South Pasadena Avenue was delivered to the Council for their study. It was moved by Councilman Romero, seconded by Councilman Fawcett, that the appraiser, Mr. Hamil- ton, be,;authorized to assist in negotiations for ,this property. Motion carried unanimously. Area "D" meeting Report re Fire Dist. filed Appraiser to assist in negotiations A requisition for the purchase of wood power poles Request for in the amount of $1,732.06 was submitted by the poles approved �Light,and Water Department. ;It was moved by Councilman Romero, seconded by Councilman Ortuno, the authorization for the pur- chase of -these poles be granted. With no objections, motion ordered carried. "It'was reported by the Police Chief and Admini- atrativ6 Officer that it would be in the best •-inter`est of the City if false arrest insurance and memberships could be with the Peace Officers Asso- .oiation,of,the State of California. The coat of the -membership and insurance for the year of 1958 will amount to $387.50. It,was,moved by Councilman Fawcett, seconded by Councilman Romero, and unanimously carried that authorization be granted to enter into an insurance 'agreement with the State of Calif. Peace Officers Assn:"as recommended. .A letter was received from Mr. M. Be Munday, Secre- tary ofthe General Committee of the Azusa Boy Scouts, requesting a review of the proposed lease agreement as'submitted to that Committee. Mayor Memmesheimer agreed to. meet with the Committee for study of this -lease agreement. The request of the Administrative Officer for a subscription to "Management Information Service" deferred for further information. It was brought to the attention of the Council that the Gladstone School District would be interested in annexing to the City their property located at the Southeast corner of Gladstone St. and Citrus Avenue. It was moved by Councilman Romero, seconded by Councilman Fawcett, and unanimously carried that this be referred to the Administrative Officer and Superintendent of the Light and Water Department to investigate the furnishing of power to -the new school to be constructed on this site. It was moved by Councilman Romero, seconded by Councilman Ortuno, that additional information be Insurance with Peave Officers Assn. Boy Scout agreement to be reviewed Subscription Pequest deferred Possible annex. Citrus & Gladstone 133 CITY HALL AZUSA, CALIFORNIA MONDAY DECEMBER 16, 1957 Page 9 supplied relative to the Election Supply Company Election to be,used at the forthcoming election. Motion Supply Co. ordered carried* to be selected It was moved by Councilman Fawcett, seconded by Councilman Romero, that the notice received from -the'PUC in the matter of the application of the Cali'fdirnia Edison for rate increase be filed. No objections, motion ordered carried. Councilman Romero offered the following resolution entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AZUSA ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AND SPE" CIFYING'TBE FUNDS OUT OF WHICH THE SAME ARE TO BE PAID.` It wea-moved by - Councilman Fawcett, seconded by Councilman Ortuno,•that this resolution be adopted. This resolution was then passed and adopted by the following vote of Council: 'AYES,: Councilmen: Fawcett, Ortuno; Romero, Memmesheimer NOES:, Councilman Johnson Absent: None and numbered Resolution No. 3703. On the motion of Councilman Romero, this meeting was a4journed. Time of adjournment 10:37 P.M. 3ames M�3er,L�y Report of PUC filed Res. No, 3703 Claims & Demands 135 136 1 I