HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - April 1, 1996 - CC (2) €11111SER 0 OF AZUSA < /1 OP
DATE: APRIL 1, 1996
The National Arbor Day Foundation in cooperation with the U.S. forest Service,the National
Association of State Foresters,the U.S. conference of Mayors and the National League of Cities
sponsor a community improvement project called"Tree City U.S.A."
As per the "Informational Item" sent to Council for review on March 6, 1996,the criteria to be
considered for the award mandates four standards in which a city must comply. Attached for
your review are the four standards,the City of Azusa complies with three of the four. Therefore,
it is essential for the City to observe an Arbor Day with a proclamation signed by the Mayor.
The proclamation will designate April 18, 1996,as the City's observance day.
This application request for Tree City U.S.A. was brought to the attention of staff by city
employee Ross Montes, Senior Tree Trimmer. Mr. Montes recently completed a 16 week course
to prepare for Tree Arborist Certification. This is a process that consists of a series of tests that
must be taken and passed, Mr. Montes is currently one test from becoming a Certified Arborist.
With the approval of the Arbor Day proclamation, staff and the Parks and Recreation
Commission, will be observing Arbor Day on April 18, 1996 in front of the Community Services
facility, which is where Arbor Days in the past have been celebrated.
This year, we have decided to plant(3)three,24 inch box trees of different species, in honor of
three individuals who held the position of Mayor and have recently passed away. They are Mr.
Anthony Ortuno, Mr. Willard Decker, and Mr. Edward Cooney.
213 East Foothill Blvd. , P.O. Box 1395 , Azusa, CA 91702-1395
(818) 334-5125
With the approval of this agenda item, staff will notify the family members and invite them to
participate in this tree planting celebration. Like the other trees planted in this area, a bronze
plaque (approximately 10" x 8") will be placed beside the tree in recognition of the honoree.
Therefore, staff is requesting authorization to purchase three bronze plaques and authorize the
City Clerk for wordage.
As per the"Informational Item" of March 6, 1996,the Parks and Recreation Commission granted
their approval to establish an Ad-Hoc Committee, under the Commissions umbrella at their
meeting of March 21, 1996. With Councils approval, a three member committee will review all
tree matters and report to the commission for approval as per the Municipal Code.
Staff is requesting Councils approval to apply for 'Tree City U.S.A." recognition/award,
authorize the Mayor to sign a proclamation designating April 18, 1996 as the City of Azusa's
official Arbor Day, authorize staff to purchase three bronze plaques honoring Mr. Anthony
Ortuno, Mr. Willard Decker and Mr. Edward Cooney and approve the Ad-Hoc Committee.
WHEREAS, In 1872 J. Sterling Morton proposed to the Nebraska Board of Agriculture that a
special day be set aside for the planting of trees; and
WHEREAS, this holiday, called Arbor Day, was first observed with the planting of more than a
million trees in Nebraska; and
WHEREAS, trees can reduce the erosion of our precious top soil by wind and water, cut heating
and cooling costs, moderate the temperature, clean the air,produce oxygen and provide habitat
for wildlife; and
WHEREAS, trees are a renewable resource giving us paper, wood for our homes, fuel for our
fires and countless other wood products; and
WHEREAS, trees in our city increase property values, enhance the economic vitality of business
areas, and beautify our community; and
WHEREAS, the City of Azusa recognizes Tree City USA by the National Arbor Day foundation.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED that the City Council of the City of Azusa does
hereby proclaim April 18, 1996 as ARBOR DAY in the City of Azusa and urges all citizens to
support efforts to protect our trees and woodlands and to support our City's urban forestry
Proclaimed this 1st day of April, 1996.
Stephen J. Alexander, Mayor
As a TREE CITY USA, your >, _;* ** 4
community will receive... ° }-:: T_x
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...highway signs for community ..A'free City USA flag
.,a walztut-mounted plaque _
...along with the joy of stenardship and the gratitude of future generations
The National Arbor Day Foundation, buildings.The TREE CITY USA pro- success based on the judgement of the
in cooperation with the U.S. Forest Ser- gram is designed to recognize those state forester's office,and provide for an
vice and the National Association of communities that effectively manage awareness and appreciation of trees
State Foresters, recognizes towns and their, public tree resources, and to en• among the residents of the community:
cities across America that meet the courage the implementation of commu- TREE CITk USA recognition can
standards of the TREE CITY USA nity tree management based on four make a strong contribution to your corn-
program. TREE CITE USA standards. munity's pride,and it will put you in
At least half of the trees in a typical These four standards provide struc- touch with other communities and re-
city are on public property.. along ture for a community forestry program, sources which can help you improve
streets,in parks, and around public require that program.to demonstrate your program.
Application Procedures
The TREE CITY USA application than December 21.Your state fora-ster Because your TREE CITY USA appli-
must he completed by an appropriate will evaluate your application and for- cation must be certified by your state
city official(mayor, city forester, chair- ward it to The National Arbor Day forester you are encouraged to contact
man of the tree board,etc.J. Foundation.You will be advised before your state forester's office early in the
Mail the completed application to February 15 whether your community application process for technical advice
your state forester along with all re- qualifies for TREE ,.''`ITS-USA and assistance in meeting the standards
quested supporting material no later recognition. of a Nice community forestry program.
1TREE CITY USA Standards
STANDARD 1:A Tree Board Or Department condition of each tree are noted('.e. healthy,needs pruning,should be !
A tree board is a group of concerned citizens,usually volunteer, removed,etc.)and the inventory Lata is summarized in a written report
charged by ordinance to develop and administer a comprehensive for presentation and approval by the city council.The report should be
community tree management program for the care of trees on pubilo an objective analysis of the present state of the urban forest with
property.Tree boards usually function with the aid of professional recommendations for future management.The essential,ongoing
foresters. In communities with a population of more than 100,000,city activity for lye care of trees along streets,in parks,and in other public
forestry departments with salaried employees are often feasible.These places is the community forestry program.The annual work plan
departments may or may not be supported by advisory boards or should address planting,watering and fertilizing,dead and hazardous
administrative commissions, tree removal,safety and One pruning,and insect and disease control.
STANDARD 2:A Community Tree Ordinance To be named as a TREE CITY USA,a town or city must annually
The community tree ordinance needs to designate the tree board spend at least$2 per capita for its anneal community forestry program.
or department and give them the responsibility for writing and Consider all funds spent for tree care —budget for street tree
implementing the annual Community forestry work Alan.The ordinance department or board. park department's tree expenditures,dead tree
should determine public tree care policies for planting,maintenance, removal.etc.
and removals.Ideally, the city tree ordinance will make provisions lar ',Note:$1 per capita will be accepted through 1990.
estabiishing and updating a list of recommended street tree species to STANDARD 4:An Arbor Day Observance and Proclamation
be planted with spacing and location requirements.A sample tree Ar.Ardor Day observance c'a n to Simple and brief or an ail-day or
ordinance may be obtained by writing The National Arbor all-week observance.A proclamation issued by the mayor mast
Day Foundation. accompany the observance and declare the observance of Arbor Day
STANDARD 3:A Community Forestry Program with an Annual in your communf r'.You can obtain a free"Celebrate Arbor Dayl"
Budget of at least$2 per capita, packet by writing The.National Arbor Day Fourdatlon.Along with ideas
Many communities begin their program by taking an inventory of for celebrating the holiday,the packet contains a sample proclamation.
the trees growing on public property.The species,location,and
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The National Arbor Day Foundation in cooperation with the U.S. Forest Service,the National
Association of State Foresters,the U.S. Conference of Mayors and the National League of Cities
sponsor a community improvement project called"Tree City U.S.A."
The criteria to be considered for the award mandates four standards in which a city must comply.
Attached for your review are the four standards,the City of Azusa complies with three of the
four. Therefore, it is essential for the City to observe an Arbor Day with a proclamation signed
by the Mayor. The proclamation will designate the National Arbor Day, March 7th, as the City's
observance day. If for some reason we do not qualify for the award this year,the proclamation
will be in effect for the next consideration.
This application request for Tree City U.S.A. was brought about by City employee Ross Montes,
Senior Tree Trimmer. Mr. Montes has recently completed a 13 week course to prepare for Tree
Arborist Certification and is now awaiting the final results.
Therefore, staff is requesting Councils approval to apply and proclaim March 7, 1996 as the City
of Azusa's Arbor Day through proclamation.
Staff is requesting Councils approval to apply for Tree City U.S.A. and authorize the Mayors
signature on the proclamation.
213 East Foothill Blvd. , P.0. Box 1395 , Azusa, CA 91702-1395
(818) 334-5125
WHEREAS, In 1872 J. Sterling Morton proposed to the Nebraska Board of Agriculture that a
special day be set aside for the planting of trees; and
WHEREAS,this holiday, called Arbor Day, was first observed with the planting of more than a
million trees in Nebraska; and
WHEREAS, trees can reduce the erosion of our precious top soil by wind and water, cut heating
and cooling costs, moderate the temperature, clean the air,produce oxygen and provide habitat
for wildlife; and
WHEREAS, trees are a renewable resource giving us paper, wood for our homes, fuel for our
fires and countless other wood products; and
WHEREAS,trees in our city increase property values, enhance the economic vitality of business
areas, and beautify our community; and
WHEREAS,the City of Azusa recognizes Tree City USA by the National Arbor Day foundation.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED that the City Council of the City of Azusa does
hereby proclaim March 7, 1996 as ARBOR DAY in the City of Azusa and urges all citizens to
support efforts to protect our trees and woodlands and to support our City's urban forestry
Proclaimed this 5th day of February, 1996.
Stephen J. Alexander, Mayor
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As a TREE CITY USA, your
communitywillreceive... : +� =yy-;�-A.
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TREE C11Y USA lur4 '
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...highway signs for community -..a Tree City t!SA flag- • ,•.a walnut-tnounted- Iaque _. --
...along with the joy of stewardship and the gratitude of future generations
The National Arbor Day Foundation, buildings.The TREE CITY VSA pro- success based on the judgement of the
in cooperation with the U.S. Forest Ser- gram is designed ti,recognize those state forester's office, and provide for an
vice and the National Association of communities that effectively manage awareness and appreciation of trees
State Foresters, recognizes towns and their public tree resources, and to er.• among the residents of the community.
cities across America that meet the courage the implementation:of commu- TREE CHI"USA recognition can
standards of the TREE CITY USA tatty tree management based on four make a strong contribution to your corn-
program. TREE CIT-'i USA standards. triunity's pride,and it will put you in
At least half of the trees in a typical These four standard.-provide strut- touch with other communities and re-
city are on public property... along ture for a community forestry pi lam, sources"hieh can help you improve
streets,in parks, and around public require that program to demonstrate your program,
Application Procedures-----
The TREE CITY USA application than December 31.Your state forester Because your TREE CITY USA appli-
must be completed by an appropriate will evaluate your application and for- cation must be certified by your state
city official(mayor, city forester, chair- ward it.to The National Arbor Day forester you are encouraged to contact
man of the tree board,etc.). Foundation.You will be ad-:ised before your state forester's office early in the
Mail the completed application to February 15 whether your _ot:_manity application process for technical advice
your state forester along with all re- qualifies for TREE ••Y TY l:SA and assi5ttance in meeting the standards
quested supporting material no later recognition_. cif a ;: .-or rnunity forestry program.
TREE OR USA Standards _. . . . . ..--
STANDARD 1:A Tree Board or Department ccreition of each tree are'ioted(..e healthy,reeds pruning, Should be
A tree board is a group of concerned citizens,usually volunteer, removed, etc.)and the inventory cata is summarized in a written report
charged by crdinance to develop and administer a comprehensive for presentation and approval by the city council The report should be
community tree management program for the care of trees on publ;o an objective analyse of the present state of the urban forest with
property.Tree boards usually function with the aid of professional recommendations for future management.The essential,ongoing
foresters. In communities with a population of more than.10,030,city activity for the care of trees along streets,in parks, and in other public
forestry departments with salaried employees are often feasible.These places is the community forestry program.The annual work plan
departments may or may not be supported by advisory boards or should address ciant'rg, watering and fertilizing,read and hazardous
administrative commissions. tree removal.safety and fine pruning,and insect and disease control.
STANDARD 2:A Community Tree Ordinance To ce named as a TREE CITY USA,a town or city must annually
The community tree ordinance needs to designate the tree board spend at least$$per capita for its annual community forestry program.
or department and give them the responsibility for writing and Consider all funds spent tor tree care—budget for street tree
implementing the annual community forestry work plan.The ordinance department or board. park departments tree excend'tures,dead tree
should determine public tree care policies for planting,maintenance, removal,etc.
and removals. Ideally, the city tree ordinance will make provisions for -Nuts'Si per capita will be accepted through 1990,
establishing and updating a list Of recommended street tree species to STANDARD 4:An Arbor Day Observance and Proclamation
be planted with spacing and location requirements.A sample tree An Armor Day observance can simple and brief Cr an all-day or
ordinance may be Obtained by writing The National Arbor all-week observance. A proclamation issued by the mayor must
Day Foundation. accompany the observance and declare the observance of Arbor Day
STANDARD 3:A Community Forestry Program with an Annual in your community You can obtain a free'Celebrate Arbor Dayl"
Budget of at least$2 per capita' packet by willing 7ne Nationai Arbor Day Foundation.Along with ideas
Many Communities begin their program by taking an inventory of for celebrating the holiday,the packet contains a sample proclamation.
the trees growing on public property.The species,location, and
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