HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - January 3, 1961 - CClvl AZUSA9 CITY HALL regi_ et in oY NZuaa m a lin t11e ea AIUSA, CALIFORNI4 TUESDAY, 0tx'" nv ocatj oto JANUARY 3, 1961 The City Council of the City of Azusa met in regular session at the above time and place. Mayor Ortuno called the meeting to order and led in the salute to the flag. Invocation was given by Rev. B. J. Paroulek, First Presbyterian Church. Present at Roll Call: Councilmen: Paul, McLees, Johnson, Teasley, Ortuno Also Present: City Attorney Williams, Supt. of Light & Water Smith, and Deputy City Clerk -Acting Administrative Officer Caswell Mayor Ortuno asked if there were any corrections to the minutes of the meeting of December 19th, Councilman Johnson stated, after verification by Councilman Paul, that the motion on Page 3, paragraph 5, should read specifically as the preceeding paragraph and state that the Administrative Officer, City Attorney, Assistant City At- torney, Fire Chief, Assistant Fire Chief and the Civil Defense Director be granted a Salary increase of 7%, etc. With no further corrections, the minutes were approved as corrected. Mr. Gilbert Ross, Library Board, appeared before Council to present Miss Ruth Cain, the new librarian. The Deputy City Clerk stated that bids had been opened in the Office of the City Clerk on Friday, December 30th, in answer to Notice Inviting Bids for the remodel of the old library building. Present at bid opening were Councilman Teasley and the Deputy City Clerk. Bids were received from the following: Worrell Construction Co. Arthur E. Isensee Clark T. Elliott Pennant Construction Strona Brothers Volk -Carruthers Eastland Development Co. Richard E. Puck Emory C. Jackson American Construction Co. •1831 7:30 P.M. Call to Ord. Invocation Roll Call App. of min. 12/19 R. Cain new librarian Bid award to Worrell Constr. (Libra remodel "A" "B" Total $2 , 00 $276575—TTq-TK3.00 27,030.00 3,26o.o0 30,290.00 27,415.00 3,285.00 30,700.00 26,94o.00 3,800.00 30,74o.00 31,080.00 None 31,080.00 30,575.00 2,824.00 33,399.00 32,000.00 3,000.00 35,000.00 32,700.00 3,575.00 36,275.00 37,602.00 3,800.00 41,402.00 38,952.00 2,865.00 41,817.00 Discussion was held as to including Alternate "B", the air conditioning, now or at a later date. Keith Worrell, Worrell Construction, stated that over $900.00 could be saved by doing the work now rather than in the summer season. Sam Upton, Pennant Construction, lav bidder on Alternate "A", asked permission to receive other bids on Alternate "B", as he had received only one. Moved by Councilman Paul, seconded by Councilman Teasley and unanimously carried that bid "A" and "B" be awarded to Worrell Construction and the bid bonds returned to the unsuccessful bidders. 184 CITY HALL AZUSA, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, JANUARY 3, 1961 Page 2 Mr. Worrell stated that the building should be completed in approximately 90 days. The Agreement with Azusa Foot -hill Citrus Company was again A t. Foot. presented for Council's consideration. Councilman McLees hIll Citrus questioned Mr. Don McKellar, Secretary, as to the financial' status of the organization, and was assured that the Company would never become a financial liability on the City, and Azusa Agricultural Company's good well can be used as a substitute facility if necessary to pump water for the city, and'avoid having to put in new city wells. Upon being asked'the possi' bility of purchasing the stock in two payments Mr. McKellar stated that this would be possible, but that there would be a 6% interest charge on the second payment. The City Attorney presented a Resolution relative to the purchase of stock. Councilman McLees-offered the following Resolution entitleds A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AZUSA Res. 4124 APPROVING AN AGREEMENT AND AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF res stock 2 965 SHARES OF CAPITAL STOCK OF AZUSA AGRICULTURAL WATER purchase CURNY. This Resolution was read in Rill. Moved by Councilman McLees, seconded by Councilman Teasley that the Resolution be adopted. Resolution then passed and adopted by the following vote of Councils AYESs Councilmen: Paul, McLees, Teasley, Ortuno NOBS: Councilmens Johnson ABSENTS Councilmen: None and numbered Res. No, 4124. With majority stock ownership the City will use the company's well as an alternate or substitute facility to produce city - water when necessary or economical and the company has agreed to do so, the City Attorney advise. Moved by Councilman Teasley, seconded by Councilman Paul that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to appoint Title Insurance and Trust Company as the escrow agent in accordance with the terms of the Agreement. Motion carrie by the following votes AYESs Councilmens Paul, KcLees•, Teasley, Ortuno NOBS$ Councilmens Johnson ABSENT: Councilmen$ None A Resolution vas -presented declaring to annex, and setting a hearing for February 20th.. Councilman Paul offered the following Resolution entitleds A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AZUSA Res. 4125 DECLARING THAT PROCEEDINGS HAVE BEEN INITIATED BY THE res E. COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AZUSA TO ANNEX TO SAID CITY CERTAIN Annex. Ao UNINHABITED TERRITORY DESCRIBED HEREIN AND DESIGNATED "EASTERLY ANNEXATION DISTRICT N0, 40". Moved by Councilman Paul seconded by Councilman Teasley and unanimously carried that further reading be waived. Moved by Councilman Paull seconded by Councilman Teasley that the Resolution be aSopted. Resolution passed and adopted by the following vote of Councils AYES$ Councilmen: Paul, McLees,Johnson, Tessley,Ortuno NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT$ Councilmen$ None and numbered Res. No. 4125 �1'7 CITY HALL AZUSA, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, JANUARY 3, 1961 Mr. McKellar assured Council that he and the staff of the Azusa Foot -hill Citrus Company would cooperate to the fullest with the City. 187 Page 3 The hour of 8:00 P.M. was set for public hearing on Substandard Pub. hrg Structures Cases #4, #5 and #6. Subst.St: Case #4 is an inhabited building located at 909 N. Azusa Case #4 Avenue, of which Charles V. Sewall is the Administrator. Attorney George G. Glick, 3332 W. Olympic Boulevard, Los Angeles 19, appeared before Council on behalf of Mr. Sewall and requested 30 days to prepare a written statement of plans for a gradual improvement. He further stated that there was an attempt being made to sell the property. Moved by Councilman McLees, seconded by Councilman Paul and unanimously carried that the hearing on Case #4 be continued to February 6th for the presentation of plans for improvement. Case #5, owned by Swygold, Incorporated, consists of a house Case #5 and garage located at 915 W. Hollyvale. The house is re- commended for repair and the garage for demolition. There being no persons wishing to be heard relative to the case, it was Moved by Councilman Johnson, seconded by Councilman Teasley and unanimously carried that the hearing be closed. Moved by Councilman Paul, seconded by Councilman Teasley and unanimously carried that the Attorney prepare a Resolution ordering the house to be repaired and the garage demolished. Case #6, the house located at 224 N. Azusa Avenue, was Case #6 demolished last week. This property is owned by Henry M. and Adolph Polido. Moved by Councilman Paul, seconded by Councilman McLees and unanimously carried that the hearing be continued to January 16th and the property owners be given notice that they must clean up the debris in order to avoid further action on the part of the City. N Notice was given that no action has been taken on the Naranjo Hrg. 2/3 property, Case #3. Case 3 Moved by Councilman Paul, seconded by Councilman Teasley and unanimously carried that the hearing be set for February 6th on Case #3. An application was received for a permit to relocate a 3 -car Relocation garage from San Marino to the rear of the lot at 940 W. 3rd appvd. Street, where it will continue to be used as a garage. Mr. (garage to George Jenkins, the applicant,was present at the Council 940 W. 3rd meeting. Moved by Councilman Teasley, seconded by Councilman Paul and unanimously carried that permission to relocate be granted subject to the conditions listed by the Building Inspector. The revised eligibility list for Patrolman was presented to Elig. list Council as follows: Patrolman 1. James R. Albert 2. Anthony R. Foti 3. David M. Hardwick 4. Alvin 0. Wilson Moved by Councilman Paul, seconded by Councilman Teasley ands; unanimously carried that the list be filed. 988 M CITY BALL AZUSA, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, JANUARY 3, 1961 Page 4 Council was advised that Captain Warren is working with the Personnel Board on a revised method of recruiting police candidates. Supt. of Public Works Brusnahan requested that an examination Auto mech. be authorized for the position of Automotive Mechanic, as exam auth. recommended by the recent classification survey. Moved by Councilman Teasley, seconded by Councilman McLees and unanimously carried that the request be granted. A Three Year Program of Improvements to the Water System was Water Proe presented to Council. held to later Moved by Councilman Teasley, seconded by Councilman Paul and unanimously carried that action be held until the appointment of a new City Engineer. A communication was received from the Los Angeles County Road Ltr. Co. Rd. Department stating that consideration of the improvement of Dept. re: Gladstone Street from Irwindale Avenue to Azusa Avenue would Gladstone be given in the preparation of the 1961-62 budget. It was also noted that a portion of this area lies within the City of Irwindale and recommended that their interest should be determined. Moved by Councilman Paul, seconded by Councilman Teasley and unanimously carried that the City indicate their interest and make inquiry as to the funds necessary for this project. Council members were advised that the 3rd unit of C & M Homes, C & M Tract #22538, had been completed in December. 3rd unit Mrs. Pat Lemere requested permission to address Council for Study re: the purpose of requesting that Industrial Street be improved imp. of between Georgia and Vernon Avenues. Ind. St. Moved by Councilman Paul, seconded by Councilman Teasley and unanimously carried that the request be referred to the City Engineer for a cost estimate and recommendations as to the method which would involve a minimum of expense. Mr. McRoberts, 510 Fernshaw, LaVerne, appeared before Council Precise to protest the inclusion of industrial buildings in the plan req. precise plans, stating that the time lost waiting for hear- Ind. bldg. ings would be very great. It was the opinion of the City Attorney that precise plans should be required for industrial as well as residential buildings. Determination was requested as to whether Council wished to Consulting retain a Consulting Engineer until a new City Engineer is Eng, to be employed. retained Moved by Councilman Paul, seconded by Councilman Teasley and unanimously carried that study be made as to,N.W retention of a Consulting Engineer. A Special Light Agreement between the City and the Quail Valley Country Club for service at 555 E. Tenth Street was presented for the consideration of Council. Councilman Paul offered the following Resolution entitled: Res. 4126 Light Agmt. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AZUSA APPROV- Quail Val. ING AGREEMENT FOR ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION FACILITIES AND Co. Club ENERGY BETWEEN THE CITY OF AZUSA AND QUAIL VALLEY COUNTRY 14 CLUB AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN AND THE CITY CLERK TO ATTEST SAME. 90 99g CITY HALL AZUSA, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, JANUARY 3, 1961 Page 5 Moved by Councilman Paul, seconded by Councilman McLees and unanimously carried that further reading be waived. Moved by Councilman Paul, seconded by Councilman Teasley that the Resolution be adopted. Resolution passed and adopted by the following vote of CDuncil: AYES: Councilmen: Paul, McLees, Johnson, Teasley, Ortano NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None and numbered Res. No. 4126. A Special Light Agreement was also presented for service at 781 N. Loren Avenue, Azusa Metal Polishing Company. Councilman Paul offered the following Resolution entitled: Res. 4127 Light Agmt. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AZUSA Azusa Meta] APPROVING AGREEMENT FOR ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION FACILITIES Polishing AND ENERGY BETWEEN THE CITY OF AZUSA AND AZUSA METAL POLISH- ING COMPANY AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN AND THE CITY CLERK TO ATTEST SAME. Moved by Councilman Paul, seconded by Councilman Teasley and unanimously carried that further reading be waived. Moved by Councilman Paul, seconded by Councilman Teasley that the Resolution be adopted. Resolution passed and adopted by the following vote of Council: AYES: Councilmen: Paul, McLees, Johnson, Teasley, Ortuno NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None and numbered Res. No. 4127. Authorization was requested by the Superintendent of Light Refund for permission to refund a claim of $552.65, the amount of meter overcharge for a meter at 921 N. McKeever Avenue from overchg. April, 1958, to August, 1960. This property was owned by Russard Co. the Russard Company. Moved by Councilman Paul, seconded by Councilman Teasley and unanimously carried that the claim be approved and payment ordered. A Resolution was prepared accepting a Grant of Easement for power purposes from the Echo Construction Company, said area being in the vicinity of Rockvale Avenue. Councilman Paul offered the following Resolution entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AZUSA Res. 4128 ACCEPTING A GRANT OF EASEMENT AND DIRECTING THE RECORDATION Or. of Esmt THEREOF Echo Const. Moved by Councilman Paul, seconded by Councilman Teasley and unanimously carried that further reading be waived. Moved by Councilman Paul, seconded by Councilman Teasley that the Resolution be adopted. Resolution passed and adopted by the following vote of Council: AYES: Councilmen: Paul, McLees, Johnson, Teasley, Ortuno NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None and numbered Res. No. 4128. Councilman Paul offered for its second reading the Ordinance relative to Easterly Annexation District No. 39: I sz 193 CITY HALL AZUSA, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, JANUARY 3, 1961 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AZUSA, LOS Ord. 658 ANGELFS COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE ANNEXATION OF E. Annex. CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY DESIGNATED EASTERLY ANNEXATION #39 DISTRICT NO. 39 TO THE CITY OF AZUSA. Moved by Councilman Paul, seconded by Councilman Teasley and unanimously carried that further reading be waived. Moved by Councilman Teasley, seconded by Councilman Paul that the Ordinance be adopted. Ordinance passed and adopted by the following vote of Council: AYES- Councilmen: Paul, McLees, Johnson, Teasley, Ortu no NOES- Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None and numbered Ordinance No. 658. The Ordi*ance relative to Water Meter Costs was presented 1st rdg. for 1*.a f.rst reading. Ord. re: water Councilman Paul offered the following Ordinance entitled: meter costs AN OFLIVANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AZUSA AMENDING SECTION 7410.13 OF THE AZUSA MUNICIPAL CODE RE- LATING TO WATER SERVICE FEES. Moved by Councilman Paul, seconded by Councilman Teasley and unanimously carried that further reading be waived. A Resolution was prepared removing recent Annexations from the County Fire District. Councilman Teasley offered the following Resolution entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AZUSA Res. 4129 DESCRIBING CERTAIN PORTIONS OF THE CONSOLIDATED COUNTY FIRE Re: with - PROTECTION DISTRICT WHICH HAVE BEEN INCLUDED WITHIN THE CITY drawal from OF AZUSA AND DECLARING THE SAME WITHDRAWN FROM SAID DISTRICT. Co. Fire Dist. The Annexations included are: Southerly Annexation District No. 37, revised; Easterly Annexation District No. 38; and Northerly Annexation District No. 36, Revised. Moved by Councilman Teasley, seconded by Councilman Paul and unanimously carried that further reading be waived. Moved by Councilman Teasley, seconded by Councilman Paul that the Resolution be adopted. Resolution passed and adopted by the following vote of Council: AYES: Councilmen: Paul, McLees, Johnson, Teasley, Ortuno NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None and numbered Res. No. 4129. A Resolution was presented designating the taxation Districts for the 1961-62 fiscal year. Councilman Teasley offered the following Resolution entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AZUSA Res. 4130 DESIGNATING TAXATION DISTRICTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1961-62. re: Tax. Dist. R-tovcd by Councilman Teasley, seconded by Councilman Paul and unanimously carried that further reading be waived. Movcd by Councilman Teasley, seconded by Councilman Paul that the Resolution be adopted. Resolution passed and adopted by the following vote of Council: 194 CITY HALL AZUSA, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, JANUARY 3, 1961 AYES: Councilmen: Paul, McLees, Johnson, Teasley, Ortuno NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None and numbered Res. No. 4130 A letter was received from the Police Department stressing the value of the City Jeep in a recent foothill area rescue. Moved by Councilman Johnson, seconded by Councilman Teasley and unanimously carried that the communication be filed. Notices were received from the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control of applications for transfer of an On - Sale beer license for the premises known as the Triangle Cafe, located at 7617 N. San Gabriel Canyon Road, and for Off -Sale General license for Vanca, Ina., located at 601 E. Foothill Boulevard (premises generally known as The Owl Drug Company.) 195 Page 7 Ltr. re: Jeep filed A.B.C. apps It was also indicated that A.B.C. notices received in the future would be referred to the Chief of Police for recommendation. A communication was received from the Disabled American Veterans giving notice of their semi-annual contest of ticket sales for a dance to be held in March. Moved by Councilman Johnson, seconded by Councilman Teasley and unanimously carried that the communication be filed. A report was received from Louis G. Memmesheimer on the Governors Safety Conference which he attended in Sacramento on November 30, 1960. Also included was his expense account from the trip, which indicated that an additional $6.78 was due him beyond the $100.00 expense advance granted previously. Councilman Johnson stated that consideration should be given to travel expenses in view of the recently approved austerity program, and felt that the City should authorize payment equal to train fare only, as the car mileage was so much higher. Moved by Councilman Paul, seconded by Councilman Teasley and unanimously carried that Mr. Memmesheimer's report be filed. D.A.V. Ltr. Report on Safety Coaf Council members were reminded of the League of California L.C.C. mtge Cities Board of Directors meeting on Thursday, January 5th, and the general meeting of the League to be held at Arcadia on Thursday, January 19th. A communication was received from the Western Disposal Company indicating that there has been an increase in consumers price index in the Los Angeles area, and although the Agreement allows for an increase based on this index, Mr. Hartunian stated that they were waiving the increase at this time, but did reserve the right to exercise it at a later date if necessary. Moved by Councilman Johnson, seconded by Councilman Teasley and unanimously carried that the letter be filed, and a letter of appreciated writton to the Western Disposal Company. Western Disposal ltr. filed A communication was received from the Azusa Business Col- Az.Bus.Col. lectors requesting consideration to solicit accounts for the ltr, held Light and Water office. The Aoting Administrative Officer requested that this matter be held over to a later date. Moved by Councilman Paul, seconded by Councilman Teasley and unanimously carried that the matter be held for study. 196 Coreection to Minutes: 3rd paragraph from bottom: The word Appreciated should read "Appreciation" 197 CITY HALL AZUSA, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1961 Pag4 8 The Acting Administrative Officer indicated that he would Salary like clarification as to some questions which have arisen from the recent salary and classification survey. The first question was the pay for motorcycle officers, $20. per mo who receive no additional compensation in the new survey. add'l. - motorcycle Moved by Councilman Johnson, seconded by Councilman Paul officers and unanimously carried that motorcycle officers receive an additional $20.00 per month. The next question was the Planning Technician, now classified Planner as the City Planner. Moved by Councilman Johnson, seconded by Councilman Teasley and unanimously carried that the Planner receive the total salary as set forth in the survey since July 3rd, and that the $75. per month received as Secretary of the Planning Commission be discontinued as of this date. The Acting Administrative Officer indicated that there were many problem areas -in this survey. Moved by Councilman Paul, seconded by Councilman Teasley and Salary unanimously carried that all problem areas be referred to problem the Personnel Board for clarification. areas to P. Bd. Council members were advised that the escrow on the Azusa Escrow Avenue parking lot had been stopped. proceedings u• stopped The Acting Administrative Officer requested an examination Secy -Steno be held to establish an eligibility list for the position exam. of Secretary -Stenographer to fill the vacancy existing in the Administrative Office. Moved by Councilman Teasley, seconded by Councilman Johnson and unanimously carried that the request be granted. The proposed amendments to the Revenue and Taxation Code were ordered held over to a later date. A letter was received from the owners of the Town House, Req. re: Wings Inn, Don's Dog House and Andy's Restaurant requesting pkg. that the parking Ordinance be changed to allow parking until 3:00 a.m. Moved by Councilman Teasley, seconded by Councilman Paul and unanimously carried that the communication be referred to the Chief of Police and the Superintendent of Public Works for study and report. Notice was given of the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Azusa Agricultural Water Company to be held on Monday, January 16, 1961. Moved by Councilman Johnson, seconded by Councilman Teasley and unanimously carried that the Mayor be authorized to attend as proxy. Councilman MoLees stated that he would likee more stringent regulations in regard to handbill distribution. Moved by Councilman MoLees, seconded by Councilman Paul and unanimously carried that the handbill section of the code be revised to eliminate second class hewspapere, and if possible, eliminate the need of posting private property. Ortuno proxy to Az.Ag.Wa. Co. mtg. Code re: handblIls to be std.. 198 CORRECTION: Page 197 Heading: January 13 should read: January 3rd CITY HALL AZUSA.. CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, JANUARY 1. 1961 The Resolution relative to the new salaries was presented to Council. Councilman Teasley offered the following Resolution entitled: 1 1+9 Page 9 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AZUSA Res. 4131 ESTABLISHING AND DEFINING THE POSITIONS IN THE EMPLOYMENT re: wages OF THE CITY, FIRING THEIR RESPECTIVE SALARIES, AND ADOPTING A BASIC SALARY PLAN. Moved by Councilman Teasley, seconded by Councilman McLees and unanimously carried that further reading be waived. Moved by Councilman Teasley, seconded by Councilman McLees that the Resolution be adopted. Resolution passed and adopted by the following vote of the Council: AYES: Councilmen: Paul, McLees, Johnson, Teasley, Ortuno NOES: Counoilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None and numbered Res. No. 4131. In view of the 7% increase authorized for the City Attorney, a Resolution was presented amending the Resolution pertain- ing to the salary of the Attorney. Councilman Paul offered the following Resolution pntitledi A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AZUSA AMEND- Res. 4132 ING RESOLUTION NO. 3599 RELATING TO THE SALARY OF THE CITY re: salary ATTORNEY. of Attorne Moved by Councilman Paul, seconded by Councilman Teasley and unanimously carried that further reading be waived. Moved by Councilman Paul, seconded by Councilman Teasley that the Resolution be adopted. Resolution passed and adopted by the following vote of Council: AYES: Coum ilmen: Paul, McLees, Johnson, Teasley, Ortuno NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None and numbered Res. No. 4132. Councilman Paul offered the following Resolution relative to Res. 4133 the Bills and Requisitions: Bills & Reqs A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AZUSA ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AND SPECIFYING THE FUNDS OUT OF WHICH THE SAME ARE TO BE PAID Moved by Councilman Paul, seconded by Councilman Teasley that the Resolution be adopted. Resolution passed and adoged by the following vote of Council: AYES: Councilmen: Paul, McLees, Johnson, Teaelgg, Ortuno NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None and numbered Res. No. 4133. Moved by Councilman Johnson, seconded by CouncilmaK McLees Adjourn and unanimously carried that the meeting adjourn. Time of adjournment ?00