HomeMy WebLinkAbout05. Administration_1_201707171853225302ADMINISTRATION City Council City Clerk City Treasurer Office of the City Manager Neighborhood Services City Attorney Recycling & Solid Waste Public, Education, & Governmental 44 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: CITY COUNCIL PROGRAM COMMENTARY The Mayor and City Council are the elected representatives of the City and, therefore, act as the policy-making legislative body of this municipality. They act on the City's laws, known as ordinances, adopt resolutions reflecting policy positions, or authorization for City actions, and are bound to uphold the laws of the State of California, as well as our Federal Government. The City Council selects or approves the selection of members of the City boards, commissions, and committees. Each year, the City Council considers and adopts a fiscal budget of appropriations and establishes policies and goals to direct the City Manager and his staff. FY 2017-18 STRATEGIC GOALS: •Continue to adhere to approved financial management policies that maintain the City's financial strength and integrity including continuation of conservative revenue estimates that reflect economic conditions and the aggressive pursuit of revenues collections. •Sustain existing infrastructure, identifying areas where improvements are necessary. •Develop plans and funding strategies to address the long term needs of the community in planning for infrastructure and City assets. •Create an environment at all levels of the City that encourages effective engagement and results in quality customer service and service delivery. •Continue planning efforts for the developments on Block 36, A2 and A3 properties, D Club Site and Dalton properties. FY 2016-17 PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS: •Ended the fiscal year with a projected unrestricted fund balance of $8.0 million. •Conducted a goal setting workshop resulting in the development of specific goals and objectives for staff. •Adopted Municipal Code modifications related to improving the quality of life in the community including registration and maintenance of vacant buildings/properties, regulation of massage parlors and restrictions on the cultivation, sale, and transportation of marijuana. •Adopted new administrative policies on social media and fraud and financial abuse. •Adopted a state and federal legislative platform. •Approved Disposition and Development Agreements with Olson Company (A-3 properties), Serrano Development {Block 36), Costanzo Investments (A-2 properties) anp Golcheh Development and Investments (Dalton properties). 45 BUDGET UNIT: CITY COUNCIL DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED YEAR END EST ADOPTED Acct.# 14-15 15-16 16-17 16-17 17-18 VARIANCE PERSONNEL 6006 Salaries/Temp & Part-Time 24,116 24,139 24,000 24,000 24,000 6101 PERS/Employee Contribution 507 420 1,800 420 420 (1,380) -6105 PERS/Employer Contribution 3,637 3,508 2,750 3,230 3,915 1,165 6125 FICA/Employer Contrib/Med 1,394 1,689 1,825 1,456 1,825 6140 Life Insurance Allocation 459 449 450 399 450 6155 Workers' Comp Allocation 964 965 950 902 950 6175 Benefits/Flex Plan 80,867 86,867 80,750 80,750 80,750 PERSONNEL SUBTOTAL 111,943 118,037 112,525 111,157 112,310 (215) 46 BUDGET UNIT: DESCRIPTION Acct.# OPERATIONS 6235 Meetings & Conferences 6298 Council Telecommunication Exp 6493 Outside Services & Repairs 6530 Office Supplies 6563 Supplies/Special 7050 Donations/Contribution OPERATIONS SUBTOTAL GENERAL FUND TOTAL: CITY COUNCIL ACTUAL 14-15 5,725 1,505 774 112 1,577 1,000 10,691 122,634 ACTUAL 15-16 14,047 1,575 519 1,304 1,000 18,444 136,482 REVISED 16-17 7,500 2,000 1,500 500 1,500 10,000 23,000 135,525 YEAR END EST ADOPTED 16-17 17-18 VARIANCE 7,500 7,500 2,000 2,000 1,500 (1,500) 500 (500) 1,500 500 (1,000) 10,000 10,000 23,000 20,000 (3,000) 134,157 132,310 (3,215) 47 Budget Division: CITY COUNCIL FY 16-17 FY 17-18 FY 16-17 FY 17-18 FY 16-17 FY 17-18 FY 16-17 FY 17-18 Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Position Title Allocation Allocation Salary Salary Position Title Allocation Allocation Salary Salary Council Stipend N/A N/A 24,000$ 24,000$ TOTAL - - - - TOTAL - - 24,000 24,000$ Full Time Positions Part Time Positions 48 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: CITY CLERK PROGRAM COMMENTARY The City Clerk is an elected official and serves as the community's representative in the administrative operations of municipal business and the custodian of the City Seal. It is the duty of the Elected City Clerk to act as Clerk of the City Council and as Secretary to the Utility Board, Industrial Development Authority, Azusa Public Financing Authority and the Oversight Board to the former Redevelopment Agency, attend meetings and ensure that a legislative history of all actions is maintained. The City Clerk works with the Chief Deputy City Clerk who is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the City Clerk's Office and is charged with lthe preparation and distribution of agendas, maintenance and protection of official City records as required; publishes and codifies ordinances, processes, attests, and certifies records, conducts all City elections, and acts as a filing officer for the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC). FY 2017-18 STRATEGIC GOALS: •Continue to update and maintain the City's E-Contracts System. •Oversee the creati n of a Records Committee comprised of representatives from City Departments to update and maintain the City's Records Retention Schedule. •Establish a new filing index for improved records management (hard and electronic documents). •Continue to oversee the Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) with Laserfiche and continue to work on reorganization of the existing system to improve access to and retrieval of City records. •Enhance Voting System in Auditorium FY 2016-17 PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS: •Conducted the 2017 General Municipal Election. •Completed, distributed and posted City Council Agenda Packets for all regular and special meetings throughout the fiscal year. •Completed the uploading of two years of current contracts into the E-Contracts System. •Completed the Implementation of a new Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) with Laserfiche. •Continued scanning documents such as minutes, agenda packets, ordinances and resolutions into the City's EDMS. 49 BUDGET UNIT: DESCRIPTION Acct.# OPERATIONS 6399 Professional Services 1015210000 Administration -City Clerk REVISED YEAR END EST PROPOSED 16-17 16-17 17-18 --10,000 VARIANCE Explanation 10,000 Consultants for records mgmt. 50 BUDGET UNIT: CITY CLERK DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED YEAR END EST ADOPTED Acct.# 14-15 15-16 16-17 16-17 17-18 VARIANCE PERSONNEL 6003 Salaries/Regular 123,228 77,032 212,395 109,540 219,455 7,060 6006 Salaries/Temp & Part-Time 113,348 126,661 146,625 127,551 150,510 3,885 6033 Overtime Pay/Premium 2,096 2,585 331 6048 Salaries/Language Pay 6,123 5,086 6,535 5,449 5,470 (1,065) 6075 Vacation Pay-Off 5,323 28,259 433 6078 Sick Leave Pay-Off 1,265 17,805 6101 PERS/Employee Contribution 6,598 4,605 20,220 7,173 30,240 10,020 6105 PERS/Employer Contribution 28,312 32,462 30,415 39,355 72,705 42,290 6107 APPLE/EM PL YR CON 212 2,750 339 1,005 (1,745) 6109 PARS/Employer 6,191 2,580 6125 FICA/Employer Contrib/Med 4,035 4,166 6,165 3,930 6,300 135 6133 Retiree Health Premium Reimb 1,468 1,503 1,530 1,530 1,575 45 6140 Life Insurance Allocation 375 339 750 242 765 15 6155 Workers' Comp Allocation 9,763 8,889 14,580 10,678 14,960 380 6160 LTD Insurance Allocation 661 564 1,655 301 1,710 55 6165 Unemployment Allocation 173 217 430 124 430 6175 Benefits/Flex Plan 49,931 43,954 60,860 41,974 61, 100 240 6180 Deferred Comp/Emetoler Paid 2,340 1, 181 4,140 4,140 4,140 PERSONNEL SUBTOTAL 367,562 368,492 509,050 377,305 570,365 61,315 51 BUDGET UNIT: CITY CLERK DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED YEAR END EST ADOPTED Acct.# 14-15 15-16 16-17 16-17 17-18 VARIANCE OPERATIONS 6220 Training Schools 1,440 2,169 4,000 4,000 3,500 (500) 6230 Dues & Subscriptions 650 725 1,050 1,000 1,050 6235 Meetings & Conferences 40 5,400 5,400 5,400 6240 Mileage Reimbursement 60 195 500 300 500 6330 Codification 3,479 3,786 5,500 1,382 3,800 (1,700) 6399 Prof Svcs/Other 10,000 10,000 6493 Outside Services & Repairs 75,575 4,058 15,000 13, 193 3,000 (12,000) 6518 Postage 30, 146 27,901 30,000 28,316 30,000 6530 Office Supplies 1, 166 1,752 1,500 1,500 1,500 6536 Su pplies/Reprog raph ics 119 6551 Fuel and Oil 254 217 250 250 250 6563 Supplies/Special 1,007 1, 174 500 350 500 6572 Office Furniture & Equipment 566 605 500 500 500 6601 Advertising Expense 2,383 2,676 3,000 3,802 3,000 6825 Maintenace & Repair 45 3 6830 Rent/Equipment 4,536 4,909 5,000 4,757 5,000 6850 Lease Payments 2,209 3,787 3,800 3,800 3,800 6845 Maint/Office Furniture & Equip 228 327 500 500 (500) 6915 Utilities/Telephone 642 668 650 650 650 7060 Election Exeenses 69,969 78,000 50,000 {78,000} OPERATIONS SUBTOTAL 124,505 124,962 155,150 119,699 72,450 (82,700) GENERAL FUND TOTAL: 492,067 493,454 664,200 497,004 642,815 (21,385) 52 Budget Division: CITY CLERK FY 16-17 FY 17-18 FY 16-17 FY 17-18 FY 16-17 FY 17-18 FY 16-17 FY 17-18 Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Position Title Allocation Allocation Salary Salary Position Title Allocation Allocation Salary Salary Chief Deputy City Clerk 1.00 1.00 $86,480 $94,475 City Clerk (a)N/A N/A $37,085 $37,085 Deputy City Clerk II 1.00 1.00 56,730 60,800 Deputy City Clerk I 2,444 2,932 54,425 66,230 Assistant Chief Deputy City Clerk 1.00 1.00 69,185 64,180 Operator Receptionist I 1,456 978 25,850 17,930 Operator Receptionist II 1,456 1,456 29,265 29,265 (a)This is an elected position TOTAL 3.00 3.00 $212,395 $219,455 TOTAL 5,356 5,366 $146,625 $150,510 Full Time Positions Part Time Positions 53 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: CITY TREASURER PROGRAM COMMENTARY The City Treasurer is responsible for the investment and cash management activities of the City and all of its programs. These include the Successor Agency and the Azusa Public Financing Authority. The elected Treasurer, utilizing the services of staff from other operating departments, prepares the daily cash deposits, reviews and approves all wire transfers, and negotiates with banking personnel to optimize service. The Treasurer oversees the daily cash flow and cash balances of the City's general checking account and the Local Agency Investment Fund {LAIF) to assure adequate cash is available to meet the City's daily disbursements. The Treasurer acts as the primary contact with the banking and investment institutions utilized by the City, prepares monthly investment reports required by State law, prudently invests the City's idle cash and annually reviews and updates the City's Investment Policy prior to submittal to the City Council for approval. FY17-18 STRATEGIC GOALS: •To optimize the earnings of the cash resources of the City in the safest environment while maintaining a liquidity of funds to meet the on-going operational and cash needs of the City. 54 BUDGET UNIT: CITY TREASURER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED YEAR END EST ADOPTED Acct# 14-15 15-16 16-17 16-17 17-18 VARIANCE PERSONNEL 6006 Salaries/Temp & Part-Time 31,674 31,705 31,675 31,525 31,675 6101 PERS/Employee Contribution 24 24 25 23 25 6105 PERS/Employer Contribution 4,421 5,157 5,555 5,189 10,915 5,360 6125 FICA/Employer Contrib/Med 447 453 695 417 695 6140 Life Insurance Allocation 137 134 150 120 150 6155 Workers' Comp Allocation 1,267 1,268 1,265 1,265 1,265 6175 Benefits/Flex Plan 16,215 17,425 16, 150 16,150 16, 150 PERSONNEL SUBTOTAL 54,185 56,166 55,515 54,689 60,875 5,360 55 BUDGET UNIT: CITY TREASURER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED YEAR END EST ADOPTED Acct.# 14-15 15-16 16-17 16-17 17-18 VARIANCE OPERATIONS 6230 Dues & Subscriptions 155 155 269 155 6235 Meetings & Conferences 300 300 6530 Office Supplies 30 82 100 62 100 6539 Printing, Binding & Duplicating 1, 130 1, 178 1,000 1,000 1,000 7009 Bank Service Char9e 84,788 99,622 146,800 122,000 120,000 26,800 OPERATIONS SUBTOTAL 86,103 145,775 148,355 153,730 121,555 (26,800) GENERAL FUND TOTAL: 140,287 201,941 203,870 208,418 182,430 (21,440) 56 Budget Division: CITY TREASURER FY 16-17 FY 17-18 FY 16-17 FY 17-18 FY 16-17 FY 17-18 FY 16-17 FY 17-18 Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Position Title Allocation Allocation Salary Salary Position Title Allocation Allocation Salary Salary City Treasurer (a)N/A N/A $31,675 $31,675 (a) This is an elected position TOTAL - - - - TOTAL - - $31,675 $31,675 Full Time Positions Part Time Positions 57 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: ADMINISTRATION-OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER PROGRAM COMMENTARY The City Manager is the chief executive/administrative officer of the City. The City Manager is appointed by, answerable to, and takes direction from the City Council. The City Manager's Office is responsible for the day-to-day efficient performance of all City operations, implementing Council policy, formulating staff recommendations to the City Council on policy matters, and preparing and submitting the annual budget. All employees except the City Attorney, City Clerk, and City Treasurer are the responsibility of the City Manager. FY 17-18 STRATEGLC GOALS: •Continue to support the City Council's setting of priorities, as well as monitor and report progress on the development and implementation of these priorities. •Focus resources on ensuring a balanced, fiscally sustainable budget; preserving and enhancing existing business within Azusa, delivering services to the community as efficiently as possible; and implementing organizational initiatives toward increased program performance. •Continue to move the City forward by pursuing opportunities that keep the City on the front line of innovation, including continuing effort to improve and enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of municipal services and operations. •Coordinate the sale and close of escrow for Block 36, Block 37, A-2, and D Club properties and continue to work with each developer to bring their development projects to fruition. •Prepare and implement an organizational succession plan. •Continue to work with other agencies/jurisdictions to consolidate common services where it is mutually beneficia! and where resources can be maximized. •Complete an audit of Business License and Transient Occupancy (TOT) Taxes. •Implement an Emergency Evacuation Plan for all City facilities and conduct at least one drill. 58 FY 16-17 PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS: •Successfully negotiated and coordinated the preparation of Development and Disposition Agreements (DDAs) for development projects with the Olson Company (A-3 properties), Serrano Development (Block 36), Costanzo Investments (A-2 properties) and Golcheh Development and Investments (Dalton properties). •Negotiated an exclusive negotiating agreement with the Charles Company for development of Block 37. •Collaborated with the City's lobbyist to secure passage of Senate Bill 536 which granted the City the option to purchase the former National Guard Armory at Memorial Park at an agreed upon price and with payment terms. •Established a comprehensive customer service program throughout all City departments to create friendly, helpful, and courteous interaction between the City and its citizens and other customers. •Implemented a citywide core values and ethics training for all personnel. •Formed a Joint-Powers Authority with the Rivers and Mountains Conservancy to jointly manage the 201-acres of open space that was dedicated to the City by Rosedale Land Partners. •Recruited and appointed a new Director of Human Resources/Risk Management. 59 BUDGET UNIT: OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED YEAR END EST ADOPTED Acct.# 14-15 15-16 16-17 16-17 17-18 VARIANCE PERSONNEL 6003 Salaries/Regular 136,687 183,406 181,505 181,505 194,530 13,025 6006 Salaries/Temp & Part-Time 50,631 19,249 23,800 23,800 25,585 1,785 6048 Sal/Lang Pay 301 968 1,190 1, 190 1,280 90 6069 Allowances/Vehicle 2,085 3,017 2,400 2,400 2,400 6070 Allowances/Telephone 870 1,509 1,200 1,200 1,200 6075 Vacation Pay-Off 13,425 6,993 6078 Sick Leave Pay-Off 597 677 6079 Adm Lve Pay-Off 2,290 6101 PERS/Employee Contribution 9,602 11,856 14,550 14,550 13,715 (835) 6105 PERS/Employer Contribution 11, 182 20,421 22,385 22,385 28,215 5,830 6107 APPLE/EM PL YR CON 169 960 960 6109 PARS/Employer 6,013 493 6125 FICA/Employer Contrib/Med 3,306 3,730 3,510 3,510 3,730 220 6133 Retiree Health 2,970 6,037 3, 100 3,100 3,200 100 6140 Life Insurance Allocation 315 424 495 495 530 35 6155 Workers' Comp Allocation 7,505 8,420 8,400 8,400 9,000 600 6160 LTD Insurance Allocation 1,436 1,892 1,415 1,415 1,515 100 6165 Unemployment Allocation 207 221 240 240 260 20 6175 Benefits/Flex Plan 21,257 30,958 32,300 32,300 32,300 6180 Deferred Come/Emeloler Paid 2,051 5,033 2,485 2,485 6,805 4,320 PERSONNEL SUBTOTAL 281,096 312,827 298,975 298,975 325,225 26,250 60 BUDGET UNIT: OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED YEAR END EST ADOPTED Acct.# 14-15 15-16 16-17 16-17 17-18 VARIANCE OPERATIONS 6230 Dues & Subscriptions 47,017 49,443 2,435 2,435 2,435 6235 Meetings & Conferences 3,278 11, 165 11,000 11,000 11,000 6399 Professional Services 17,313 84,025 75,700 57,600 63,000 (12,700) 6405 Commission Meetings Expense 2,075 575 6509 Publications/Other 300 300 (300) 6521 Messenger Service 200 200 200 6527 Supplies/Computer 635 304 1,000 1,000 500 (500) 6530 Office Supplies 1,836 1,503 3,000 3,000 3,000 6551 Fuel and Oil 500 500 (500) 6625 Program Expense 3,530 2,814 2,500 2,500 2,500 6850 Lease Payments 225 750 900 900 900 6915 Utilities/Telephone 104 400 400 400 7045 Other A9enc Contributions 2,940 3,436 OPERATIONS SUBTOTAL 79,256 154,184 97,935 79,835 83,935 (14,000) GENERAL FUND TOTAL: 360,352 467,011 396,910 378,810 409,160 12,250 61 Budget Division: OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER FY 16-17 FY 17-18 FY 16-17 FY 17-18 FY 16-17 FY 17-18 FY 16-17 FY 17-18 Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Position Title Allocation Allocation Salary Salary Position Title Allocation Allocation Salary Salary City Manager(a)0.40 0.40 $79,400 $79,400 Management Intern / Part-Time 988 $0 25,585 Executive Assistant to the City Mgr 1.00 1.00 65,305 65,960 HRC Grad Intern 988 23,800 - Management Analyst-Admin 0.60 0.00 36,800 0 Sr Management Analyst-Admin(b)0.00 0.60 0 42,485 (a).30 FTE L&W Administration, .30 Solid Waste (b).30 FTE Solid Waste, .05 Prop A, and .05 Prop C TOTAL 2.00 2.00 $181,505 $187,845 TOTAL 988 988 23,800 $25,585 Full Time Positions Part Time Positions 62 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: ADMINISTRATION-NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES PROGRAM COMMENTARY Neighborhood Services is a division of the City Manager's Office and is dedicated to strengthening and enriching the community by providing high quality services and resources through educational programs, neighborhood revitalization, resident empowerment, partnerships, and assisting those in need. FY2017-18 STRATEGIC GOALS: •Improve public understanding of City operations and services. •Provide publicity and event management for the Azusa City Council's community meetings and other community meetings as designated by the City Council and/or the City Manager. •Improve the relationship between the City and neighborhood groups and individual residents through public engagement. •Create and disseminate publicity materials for various City departments and City events. •Facilitate neighborhood enhancement, community activities, and provide for social service needs among residents by creating partnerships and identifying resources through collaboration with various corporate, social, non-profit, and faith-based groups within the City. •Prepare and administer a survey to measure resident satisfaction with City services and perceptions about key quality of life indicators. FY 2016-17 PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS: •Maintained critical cable television (CA TV) broadcast equipment in the Civic Auditorium using Digital Infrastructure and Video Competition Act (DIVCA) revenues. •Maintained monthly newsletter dissemination to provide current City information to our residents. •Facilitated community meetings as designated by the City Manager and the City Council. •Disseminate news releases, information and develop advertising campaigns of government services. 63 BUDGET UNIT: NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED YEAR END EST ADOPTED Acct.# 14-15 15-16 16-17 16-17 17-18 VARIANCE PERSONNEL 6003 Salaries/Regular 80,733 86,564 84,350 84,350 86,045 1,695 6048 Salaries/Language Pay 2,412 2,414 2,400 2,400 2,400 6075 Vacation Pay-Off 7,095 9,103 8,516 6078 Sick Leave Pay-Off 1,489 1,412 6101 PERS/Employee Contribution 5,844 6,335 6,095 5,927 6,215 120 6105 PERS/Employer Contribution 7,344 9,334 9,165 8,867 12,055 2,890 6109 PARS/Employer Contribution 6,473 8,988 8,410 8,410 8,580 170 6125 FICA/Employer Contrib/Med 1,326 1,451 1,490 1,330 1,515 25 6140 Life Insurance Allocation 208 221 230 197 235 5 6155 Workers' Comp Allocation 3,326 3,606 3,470 3,374 3,540 70 6160 LTD Insurance Allocation 610 631 655 538 670 15 6165 Unemployment Allocation 79 86 105 77 105 6175 Benefits/Flex Plan 16,220 17,432 16,150 16, 150 16, 150 6180 Deferred Come/Emelo er Paid 1,800 1,935 1,800 1,800 1,800 PERSONNEL SUBTOTAL 134,959 149,512 134,320 141,937 139,310 4,990 64 BUDGET UNIT: NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED YEAR END EST ADOPTED 14-15 15-16 16-17 16-17 17-18 VARIANCE OPERATIONS 6230 Dues & Subscriptions 864 1,326 1,400 1,400 1,400 6235 Meetings & Conferences (114)1,725 1,500 1,500 1,500 6493 Outside Services & Repairs 2,170 18,530 25,000 25,000 (25,000) 6530 Office Supplies 155 248 250 250 250 6601 Advertising Expense 17,022 10,000 5,000 (10,000) 6625 Program Expense 650 20,210 29,600 26,600 10,000 (19,600) OPERATIONS SUBTOTAL 20,747 42,039 67,750 59,750 13,150 (54,600) COMMUNITY PROMOTION TOTAL: 155,706 191,551 202,070 201,687 152,460 (49,610) 65 Budget Division: NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES FY 16-17 FY 17-18 FY 16-17 FY 17-18 FY 16-17 FY 17-18 FY 16-17 FY 17-18 Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Position Title Allocation Allocation Salary Salary Position Title Allocation Allocation Salary Salary Neighborhood Services Coordinator 1.00 1.00 $84,350 $86,045 TOTAL 1.00 1.00 $84,350 $86,045 TOTAL - - - - Full Time Positions Part Time Positions 66 BUDGET UNIT: CITY ATTORNEY DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED YEAR END EST ADOPTED 14-15 15-16 16-17 16-17 17-18 VARIANCE OPERATIONS 6301 Legal Fees 236,078 267,524 250,000 250,000 250,000 OPERATIONS SUBTOTAL 236,078 267,524 250,000 250,000 250,000 GENERAL FUND TOTAL: 236,078 267,524 250,000 250,000 250,000 67 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: CITY MANAGER RECYCLING AND SOLID WASTE PROGRAM COMMENTARY The management of recycling and solid waste programs is under the City Manager's Office. Refuse collection and recycling services are provided on a contract basis by Athens Services. Through Athens Services, the City's "Green Waste" is diverted to Recycled Wood Products where it is recycled into a variety of landscape and gardening products. The City Manager's Office works closely with the Light and Water Department on billing, customer service and public information issues. The City Manager's Office also administers two State- provided block grant programs (the Oil Payment Program and the Beverage Container Recycling Grant), and promotes smart gardening and composting, use of reusable grocery bags, and proper disposal of "sharps" medical waste and other recycling & conservation programs. Division activities include support of code enforcement regarding illegal disposal issues and violations of Athens Services' Exclusive Franchise Agreement. FY 17-18 STRATEGIC GOALS: •Provide a clean and healthy environment for the community by efficiently collecting refuse generated by City commercial and residential customers at competitive costs and by the routine removal of dirt and debris from all City streets, curbs and gutters. •Maintain a minimum diversion rate of 50% and identify additional waste diversion programs to make progress toward the 2020 goal of 75% waste diversion as set by AB 341. •Develop and promote programs that will ensure the City's compliance with AB 1826 Mandatory Commercial Organics Recycling Program. •Enhance public information and promotion of various recycling programs such as backyard composting, compost and mulch distribution, e-waste, household hazardous waste, and medical waste. •Continue consideration of automated residential trash collection service for residential customers. FY 16-17 PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS: •Achieved a waste diversion rate of more than 66% in the most recent compliance period. •Held document destruction and clean up event for all City departments. •Secured Used Oil Recycling and Beverage Container Recycling Grants from CalRecycle. •Successful site visit by CalRecycle. •Successful Green Month activities consisting of sherd ton, e-waste, etc. 68 BUDGET UNIT: DESCRIPTION Acct.# OPERATIONS 6399 Professional Services 6625 10XXXXXXXX XXX RECYCLING & SOLID WASTE REVISED YEAR END EST PROPOSED 16-17 16-17 17-18 VARIANCE 20,000 20,000 36,000 36,000 50,000 14,000 Explanation Consultant services Additional Pro rams 69 BUDGET UNIT: RECYCLING & SOLID WASTE DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED YEAR END EST ADOPTED 14-15 15-16 16-17 16-17 17-18 VARIANCE PERSONNEL OIL BLOCK GRANT 6003 Salaries/Regular 971 SUBTOTAL 971 OIL BLOCK GRANT 6003 Salaries/Regular 189 SUBTOTAL 189 AB 939 FEE 6003 Salaries/Regular 54, 172 80,691 106,640 106,640 109,565 2,925 6033 OT/Premium 975 29 0 0 6045 Sal/Ed Inc 365 521 0 0 6048 Sal/Lang Pay 1,154 1,027 2,400 2,400 960 (1,440) 6069 AllowancesNehicle 712 1,800 1,800 1,800 6070 Allowances/Telephone 228 900 900 900 6075 Vacation Pay-Off 1,874 1,727 0 0 6078 Sick Leave Pay-Off 513 6101 PERS/Employee Contribution 3,998 5,432 7,760 7,760 7,810 50 6105 PERS/Employer Contribution 5,025 9,895 11,685 11,685 15,590 3,905 6109 PARS/Employer Contribution 1,652 0 0 6125 FICA/Employer Contrib/Med 980 1,510 1,855 1,855 1,880 25 6140 Life Insurance Allocation 142 205 300 300 300 6155 Workers' Comp Allocation 2,298 3,521 4,470 4,470 4,525 55 6160 LTD Insurance Allocation 427 708 830 830 855 25 6165 Unemployment Allocation 63 92 130 130 130 6175 Benefits/Flex Plan 12, 196 16,578 16, 150 16, 150 16, 150 6180 Deferred Comp/Emploler Paid 720 1,725 1,910 1,910 1,910 SUBTOTAL 84,902 126,253 156,830 156,830 162,375 5,545 PERSONNEL SUBTOTAL 86,062 126,253 156,830 156,830 162,375 5,545 70 BUDGET UNIT: RECYCLING & SOLID WASTE DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED YEAR END EST ADOPTED Acct.# 14-15 15-16 16-17 16-17 17-18 VARIANCE OPERATIONS OIL BLOCK GRANT 6625 Program Expense 18, 172 13, 198 13,716 13,716 13,716 SUBTOTAL 18, 172 13, 198 13,716 13,716 13,716 BEVERAGE CONTAINER RECYCLING 6625 Program Exeense 2,869 12,114 12,980 12,980 12,980 SUBTOTAL 2,869 12,114 12,980 12,980 12,980 AB 939 FEE 6235 Meetings & Conferences 1,145 1,000 1,000 6301 Legal Fees 446 10,000 (10,000) 6399 Professional Services 20,000 20,000 6518 Postage (1,696) 2,000 2,000 2,000 6539 Printing, Binding & Duplicating 2,500 2,500 2,500 6625 Program Expense 35,887 47,625 36,000 36,000 50,000 14,000 6915 Utilities/Teleehone 399 SUBTOTAL 36, 181 47,625 51,500 40,500 75,500 24,000 REFUSE CONTRACT 6455 Refuse Collection 3,024,067 3,317,887 3,588,850 3,911,847 3,911,847 322,997 7055 Uncollectible Accounts 18,273 25,009 25,000 25,000 25,000 SUBTOTAL 3,042,339 3,342,896 3,613,850 3,936,847 3,936,847 322,997 OPERATIONS SUBTOTAL 3,099,562 3,415,832 3,692,046 4,004,043 4,039,043 346,997 71 BUDGET UNIT: RECYCLING & SOLID WASTE DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED YEAR END EST ADOPTED 14-15 15-16 16-17 16-17 17-18 VARIANCE TRANSFERS OUT REFUSE CONTRACT 5950 Transfers Out 682,660 747,935 805,420 805,420 823,510 18,090 SUBTOTAL 682,660 747,935 805,420 805,420 823,510 18,090 TRANSFERS OUT SUBTOTAL 682,660 747,935 805,420 805,420 823,510 18,090 SOLID WASTE MGMT. TOTAL 3,868,284 4,290,021 4,654,296 4,966,293 5,024,928 370,632 FUNDING: AB 939 FEE FUND 39 (121,272) (173,878) (208,330) (197,330) (237,875) (29,545) GRANT FUND 28 (22,012) (25,312) (26,696) (26,696) (26,696) REFUSE FUND 36 (3,724,999) (4,090,831) (4,419,270) (4,742,267) (4,760,357) (341,087 Total Funding (3,868,284) (4,290,021) (4,654,296) (4,966,293) (5,024,928) (370,632) 72 Budget Division: SOLID WASTE FY 16-17 FY 17-18 FY 16-17 FY 17-18 FY 16-17 FY 17-18 FY 16-17 FY 17-18 Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Position Title Allocation Allocation Salary Salary Position Title Allocation Allocation Salary Salary City Manager(a)0.30 0.30 59,550 59,550 Management Analyst 0.30 0.00 18,290 - Utilities Comm & Environ Specialist(c)0.40 0.40 28,800 32,210 Sr Management Analyst-Admin(b)0.00 0.60 0 17,805 (a) .40 FTE CM Admin, .30 Light & Water Admin (b) .60 FTE CM Admin, .05 Prop A, .05 Prop C (c) .60 FTE Light & Water Admin TOTAL 1.00 1.30 106,640$ 109,565$ TOTAL - - - - Full Time Positions Part Time Positions 73 BUDGET UNIT: DESCRIPTION Acct.# 6405 Commission Meetinos Expense 6527 Suoolles/Computer 7143 Computer Software 2810130000 PUBLIC EDUCATION GRANT-ADMIN REVISED YEAR END EST PROPOSED 16-17 16-17 17-18 VARIANCE --8,000 8,000 --2,170 2,170 --7.434 7.434 Explanation Consolidate Commission Expenses under this account including $5,000 for City Clerk and $3,000 for the planning commission. The installation of the E-Vote Granicus plus traininQ. 5 ipads & olannino mini 269. 74 BUDGET UNIT: Public Education Grant DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED YEAR END EST ADOPTED Acct.# 14-15 15-16 16-17 16-17 17-18 VARIANCE OPERATIONS 6405 Commission Meetings Expense 8,000 8,000 6527 Sueelies/Comeuter 2,170 2,170 OPERATIONS SUBTOTAL 10,170 10,170 CAPITAL OUTLAY 7143 Comeuter Software 7,434 7,434 CAPITAL OUTLAY SUBTOTAL 7,434 7,434 GENERAL FUND TOTAL: 17,604 17,604 75