HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - September 7, 1999 - CC (2)ii CITY OF AZUSA MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1999 - 7:30 P.M. The City Council of the City of Azusa met in regular session at the above date and time in the Civic Auditorium. Mayor Madrid called the meeting to order and led in the Salute to the Flag. Call to Order INVOCATION was given by Reverend Mark Carlson of the First Presbyterian Church. Invocation ROLL CALL Roll Call PRESENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: HARDISON, STANFORD, ROCHA, BEEBE, MADRID ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE ALSO PRESENT: Also Present City Attorney Carvalho, City Manager Cole, Captain Garcia, Utilities Director Hsu, Community Development Director Bruckner, Assistant City Manager Craig, Acting Finance Director Brisco, Associate Director of Recreation and Parks Noriega, Grants Compliance Officer Neal, Administration Services Manager Putrino, Planning Secretary Rocha, Economic/Redevelopment Director Andrews, Project Manager Brownfield, Superintendent of Public Works Pedroza, City Clerk Solis, Deputy City Clerk Toscano. CEREMONIAL Ceremonial The entire Council presented a proclamation to Mr. Adolph Cortez Jr., R.E.H.S., Chief Proc to A. Cortez Environmental Health Specialist for the County of Los Angeles Department of Health Food Safety Ed Services, proclaiming the month of September as Food Safety Education Month. Month PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Pub Participation Mr. George Mnich addressed Council voicing concerns regarding video tape of the G. Mnich Council meeting of August 2nd, goals for the City Manager, and landscaping of Well # comments 7 & 8. He then thanked all who voted at the Dalton School precinct on July 20th, and thanked Transportation employees Dale and Donna for their excellent service. Ms. Anna Marie Soliz addressed Council detailing her experience when applying for a A. M. Soliz job with the Head Start Program and questioned job requirements and qualifications. comments Ms. Soliz was referred to meet with City Manager Cole in order to look into the matter. Ms. Carol Deem addressed Council regarding the Mountain Cove Project and requesting C. Deem staff to consider postponing the project to see what the State Conservancy will require. comments 'Ms. Lana Grizzell addressed Council stating that she will be representative of the Azusa L. Grizzell Civitan Club at the State Convention in Reno Nevada this week. She also invited all to comments attend the Azusa Civitan Sixty -Seventh Installation of Officers to be held at El Encanto restaurant on Sunday, September 19, 1999, at a cost of $20 per person. Mr. Edwardo Ozeta, Representative of Congressman Matthew Martinez, addressed E. Ozeta Council stating that Congressman Martinez is available to aid the community. comments Ms. Diana Offen addressed Council requesting that a moratorium be placed on re -zoning D. Offen along the mountain areas until the General Plan is revised. comments Mr. Juan Leon, representative of the Policy Committee of the Azusa Head Start J. Leon Program, addressed Council responding to comments made by Ms. Soliz and also comments requesting that Councilmembers attend meetings of the Policy Committee and expressed concerns regarding certain changes in the Head Start personnel. Mr. Ted Garcia addressed Council noting bad street conditions on 11' street between T. Garcia Pasadena and Azusa Avenues. He then suggested that the Mountain Cove project be comments delayed until questions regarding parking for bike trail are answered. Mr. Bill Sena addressed Council providing an update on the Azusa Veterans Memorial. B. Sena He displayed photographs of the monument and bronze plaques that will be displayed in comments front of City Hall on the monument honoring Azusa Veterans that were killed in action in WWII, Korean War and Viet Nam wars. He then invited all to attend a Azusa Veterans Memorial fund raiser dinner/dance to be held on September 11, 1999, at the VFW for a cost of $10. Councilmember Rocha advised that another Azusan who was killed in WWII was Manual Rocha M. Camarena. He stated that the plaques are $100 and advised that there is a need for comments $2,500 to cover the cost of all the plaques and have raised $1,100. He invited all to attend the Veterans Memorial Dedication on November 11, 1999 at 1 p.m., and thanked all who have volunteered with the event. Ms. Lori Anthony addressed Council expressing her concerns regarding youth smoking L. Anthony and selling marijuana at the Edwards Theater and requesting increased Police presence comments in the area. She then suggested the City and Azusa Unified School District obtain federal funds for youth programs, and proving many suggestions for programs. Councilmember Stanford advised that there are several programs for youth at Azusa Stanford & Rocha Pacific University and Councilmember Rocha advised of the success and involvement of comments youth in the Summer Reading Program and the monthly City clean up. Mr. Bardett Lucas, Cable Television Technician, responded to concerns voiced by Mr. B. Lucas Mnich, earlier in the meeting, taking total responsibility of the technical difficulty with comments cable television on August 2, 1999. He apologized for any inconvenience to the community. REPORTS UPDATES COUNCIL BUSINESS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS - T FF Reports/updates City Manager Cole stated that he is looking forward to Golden Days, Sister City trip to Zacatecas, revising the General Plan and advised all to be careful in traffic as children are returning to school this week. He welcomed the three new full time City employees; Larry Onaga, Assistant Community Development Director, Robert Paz, Economic Development Specialist, and Anna Gomez, Computer Operator. He responded to concerns regarding Mountain Cove, stating that it is not a City initiated project, but initiated by developers and stated that staff will listen to the public and their comments. Councilmember Rocha provided an update on the Learn to Swim Program stating that instead, it will be the Water Safety Program to begin in late spring. He thanked all who participated in the Clean up of the Senior Center and stated that there will be a clean up of the Police Department grounds on October 7, 1999 at 9 a.m. He asked all to keep in prayer Johnny Rodriguez who is recovering from surgery. Lastly, he expressed concern regarding the need for hiring of tree trimmers in the City and advised that priorities need to be put in place. City Mgr comments Rocha comments Councilmember Hardison reminded all that there is a need for funds to purchase Golden Hardison Days badges for the community and to make checks payable to Azusa Golden Days comments Committee. He requested an update/report on the reader board sign. Councilmember Stanford also expressed the need for funds for Golden Days badges. Stanford comments 09/07/99 PAGE TWO SCHEDULED ITEMS Sched Items PUBLIC HEARING - on proposed change to Statement of Community Development Pub Hrg Objectives and Projected Use of Community Development Block Grant Funds (CDBG). CDBG Mayor Madrid declared the Hearing open. The City Clerk read the affidavit of proof of Hrg open publication of notice of said hearing published in the Azusa Herald on August 5, 1999. City Manager addressed the Hearing detailing the NIZ, Neighborhood Improvement City Mgr Zone, planning process and all involved with the project. comments Economic/Redevelopment Director Andrews addressed the Hearing presenting and Eco/Red Dir detailing six projects recommended for funding in the NIZ area, as follows: Murray comments School Park Improvements, Gladstone Park -Basketball Court/Block Wall, Tree Planting Program, 50% Rental Housing Rebate Program/Single Family, Los Lobos Commercial Rehabilitation Rebate, and Gladstone Park/Fencing and Paint. He then answered posed by Councilmembers. City Manager Cole requested approval of re -programming of Food Bank money to the City Mgr Adult Literacy Program. Discussion was held and it was suggested by Councilmembers comments to redirect General Funds that were previously slated for the Adult Literacy Program to Discussion the Azusa Food Bank. Mr. Robert Donnelson addressed the Hearing with comments in favor of the NIZ R. Donnelson program and thanked staff and Council for their attention to the community. comments Mr. Burt Hamilton addressed the Hearing thanking Council and staff for the NIZ B. Hamilton program. comments Moved by Councilmember Beebe, seconded by Councilmember Rocha and unanimously Hrg Closed carried to close the Hearing. Councilmember Beebe requested that an additional list be created in case of left over Beebe funding for this project which can be used to begin the next item. She further requested comments not to piece meal the project for Gladstone Park. It was also suggested that City Manager Cole redirect the General Fund money as stated above, if he can do so. Councilmember Stanford offered a Resolution entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AZUSA ADOPTING Res. 99-C115 PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE STATEMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CDBG Changes OBJECTIVES AND PROJECTED USE OF FUNDS FOR THE COMMUNITY to Statement DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM FOR FISCAL YEAR 1999-00. Moved by Councilmember Stanford, seconded by Councihnember Hardison to waive further reading and adopt. Resolution passed and adopted by the following vote of the Council: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: HARDISON, STANFORD, ROCHA, BEEBE, MADRID 'NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING - to receive and consider all evidence and reports Cont Pub Hrg presented relative to the City's schedule of fees and charges for various services. Fees & Charges City Manager Cole detailed the requirements of Prop 218 and the stringent requirements City Mgr with regard to fees and charges, which are based on cost to do the service. comments 09/07/99 PAGE THREE City Manager Cole and Assistant City Manager Craig answered questions posed by City Mgr & Asst Councilmembers. Councilmembers requested the following changes: the feasibility of City Mgr a resident discount to be applied to the members of the Swimming Team, Sports Unifotms fee to remain at $10 and not be increased to $20 (deferred, will bring back if needed), Yard Sale permits to remain at $10 instead of $15. Testimony was solicited, but none was received. Testimony/none City Manager Cole requested that the Animal Regulations fees and charges be held until City Mgr later in the meeting when the proposed Ordinance is presented. comments Moved by Councilmember Beebe, seconded by Councilmember Hardison and Hrg Closed unanimously carried to close the Hearing. Councilmember Hardison offered a Resolution entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AZUSA, Res. 99-C116 CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING A USER FEE SCHEDULE FOR VARIOUS Establish User MUNICIPAL ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES. Fees various Services Moved by Councilmember Hardison, seconded by Councilmember Rocha to waive further reading and adopt. Resolution passed and adopted by the following vote of the Council: AYES: COUNCILMEM 3ERS: HARDISON, STANFORD, ROCHA, BEEBE, MADRID NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE Councilmember Hardison offered a Resolution entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AZUSA, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING CERTAIN DEVELOPMENT PROJECT FEES AND SERVICE CHARGES. Moved by Councilmember Hardison, seconded by Councilmember Rocha to waive further reading and adopt. Resolution passed and adopted by the following vote of the Council: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: HARDISON, STANFORD, ROCHA, BEEBE, MADRID NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE Res. 99-C117 Establish Dev Fees & Service Charges Proposed resolution adopting class specifications, revising class specifications, and/or Res re: reclass reclassifying employees was deferred to Closed Session for consideration. empl Clsd Sess The CONSENT CALENDAR consisting of Items IV -A through IV -H, was approved Consent Cal by motion of Councilmember Rocha, seconded by Councilmember Stanford and Approved 'unanimously carried. Councilmember Stanford and Mayor Madrid abstained from the approval of minutes as they were both absent from that Council meeting. A. The Minutes of the regular meeting of August 16, 1999, and the Special meeting Min approved of August 16, 1999, 1999, were approved as written. B. Authorization was given to issue a Purchase Order for the payment of the Water P.O. Replaeement Division's annual replacement water obligation and administrative service fees to Water Obligation the Main San Gabriel Basin Watermaster, in the amount of $1,169,745.79. 09/07/99 PAGE FOUR C. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AZUSA Res. 99-C118 COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES GRANTING THE GOVERNMENT OF THE Permit to Use UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE City Prop. Cyn ,FOREST SERVICE A PERMIT TO USE CITY PROPERTY. Visitors Station D. Blue Sky, Inc. completed the re -roofing of the Head Start building in accordance Notice of Comp with the plans and specifications. There was one Change Order in the amount of Head Start Bldg $450.00, due to dry rot repairs and installation of 100 tin shingles. The Notice of Blue Sky, Inc. Completion was approved and the City Clerk was authorized to file same with the LA County Recorder's Office. E. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AZUSA Res. 99-C119 WAIVING FORMAL SEALED BIDDING AND AUTHORIZING THE Purchase of ISSUANCE OF A PURCHASE ORDER FOR AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED Computer $19,485.00 FOR THE PURCHASE OF COMPUTER HARDWARE FOR Hardware PD PUBLIC SAFETY COMPUTER PROJECT. F. The Contract for General Plan Environmental Review Consultant, Terry A. Hays Agmt T. A. Hays Associates, and General Plan Traffic Consultant, The Mobility Group, for the Assoc. & Mobil. General Plan Project, were approved. Group, Gen Plan G. Human Resources Action Items were approved as follows: New Appointments: Human Res. L. Onaga, Assistant Director of Community Development, effective 9/13/99, Action Items contingent upon results of physical examination. A. Gomez, Computer Operator, effective 9/8/99. H. City Treasurer's Report for months of June and July, 1999 were received and filed. Treas Reports THE CITY COUNCIL RECESSED AND THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Cncl recess, CRA CONVENED AT 9:39 P.M. convened THE CITY COUNCIL RECONVENED AT 9:41 P.M. Cncl reconvened THE CITY COUNCIL RECESSED AND THE AZUSA PUBLIC FINANCING Cncl recess, AUTHORITY RECONVENED AT 9:41 P.M. APFA convened THE CITY COUNCIL RECONVENED AT 9:42 P.M. Cncl reconvened ORDINANCES/SPECIAL RESOLUTIONS Ord/Spec Resos. Councilmember Beebe offered an Ordinance entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AZUSA AMENDING 1st Rdg Ord CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE V, SECTION 2-387, OF THE AZUSA MUNICIPAL CODE Changing Gilt & CHANGING THE MEMBERSHIP OF THE CULTURAL AND HISTORICAL Hist membership LANDMARK COMMISSION. \_ Moved by Councilmember Beebe, seconded by Councilmember Hardison and carried by roll call to waive further reading and introduce the proposed ordinance. Mayor Madrid dissenting. Police Captain Robert Garcia and Executive Director of the San Gabriel Valley Joint Powers Animal Control Authority, Michael Burns, addressed Council detailing the proposed Ordinance concerning Animal Licensing. The proposed Ordinance would provide the framework for the administration and enforcement of the dog licensing program. It addresses when dogs must be licensed, which type of dogs are exempt from the cost of licensing, the application procedures, the requirements for the issuance and wearing of dog license tags, the penalty assessment for late renewals, the availability of voluntary cat licensing, and the transferability of dog licenses between jurisdictions. 09/07/99 PAGE FIVE Discussion re: Animal Licensing Ord. Councilmember Stanford offered an Ordinance entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AZUSA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING 1" Rdg Ord SECTIONS 10-56,10-57,10-58,10-59,10-60,10-61,10-62 AND 10-63 OF CHAPTER re: Animal 10 OF THE AZUSA MUNICIPAL CODE CONCERNING ANIMAL LICENSING. Licensing Moved by Councilmember Stanford, seconded by Councilmember Hardison and ' unammously carried to waive further reading and introduce the proposed ordinance. It was consensus of Councilmembers to adjourn. TIME OF ADJOURNMENT: 10:00 P.M. NEXT RESOLUTION NO. 99-C120. NEXT ORDINANCE NO.99-016. *rt*rtr*rrrrtrsrts*rssrrr**rrtrtrtrtrtrtrssrtr*rt*rtr**rtrtrt******rrr**rtrtrtrtrtrtssrtrtrtrts** Closed Session mentioned earlier in the meeting was held in the Special Meeting of this same date and those minutes reflect it. No reportable action was taken. r*rt*srtrrssssssrsrrrrrtrrrrtrtrtrtrtrtrtssrtr*rt*rt**rrt*rtrt**rtrt*rrrs*rtrtrrsrtsrtrtrtsss*r 09/07/99 PAGE SIX Adjourn