HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - September 20, 1999 - CCCITY OF AZUSA MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1999 - 7:30 P.M. 'The City Council of the City of Azusa met in regular session at the above date and time in the Civic Auditorium. Mayor Madrid called the meeting to order and led in the Salute to the Flag. Call to Order INVOCATION was given by Reverend Rick Mac Donald of the Foursquare Gospel Invocation Church. ROLL CALL PRESENT: COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS HARDISON, STANFORD, ROCHA, BEEBE, MADRID NONE Roll Call ALSO PRESENT: Also Present City Attorney Carvalho, City Manager Cole, Interim Chief of Police Garcia, Community Development Director Bruckner, Associate Director of Recreation and Parks Noriega, Planning Secretary Rocha, Economic/Redevelopment Director Andrews, Economic Development Specialist Paz, Personnel Analyst Wallace, City Clerk Solis, Deputy City Clerk Toscano. ' CEREMONIAL Ceremonial The entire Council presented a proclamation to Police Corporal Dean Brewer of the Proc to Corporal Azusa Police Department, honoring him for securing and administering an Office of Brewer Azusa Traffic Safety (OTS) grant for $114,842. P.D. Mrs. Audrey Lohr of the Golden Days Committee introduced the 1999 Azusa Honored A. Lohr & Citizens as follows: Mrs. Katie Garcia and Mrs. Charlotte Syverstaad. Ms. Linda GD Committee Bean and Ms. Sandy Franks of the Golden Day Hospitality Committee were also intro Honored introduced. Mrs. Lohr then announced the events that will take place during Golden Citizens Days Week which will run from Saturday, October 2nd till Sunday, October 10'". PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Pub Participation Mr. George Chavarin addressed Council requesting support from Council and G. Chavarin community to help pay for costs associated with the need for a liver transplant for his son comments Dylan. He provided details of his son's disease as well as their family history. He then requested that all donations be sent to: Transplant Fund, P.O. Box 3056, Covina Calif. 91723. He also detailed his plan to hold fund raising events such as car washes, bake 'sales, block yard sales, etc., and requested waiver of fees for permits. He was referred to the appropriate people to talk to about some of the events, but no permit fees were waived and it was suggested that he get sponsors for his fund raising events. Moved by Councilmember Rocha, seconded by Councilmember Beebe and unanimously $100 to Dylan carried that the City donate $100 to the Dylan Chavarin Transplant Fund, to be taken Transplant Fund from the City of Azusa Scholarship Fund. Mr. Eduardo Ozeta, Field Representative for Congressman Matthew Martinez, addressed E. Ozeta the issue stating that they are working helping to get a Lear Jet to transport Dylan when comments needed and also working to locate other organizations that can help the Chavarin Family. Mr. Al Marquez of the VFW, addressed Council objecting to the Bingo Permit Denial A. Marquez and Order to Cease Bingo Games letter, received by the VFW. He detailed events that VFW receive donations from money generated from bingo at the VFW. He stated that the money received from Bingo is always put back into the community. Mr. Jim Rose of the VFW also addressed Council stating that operation of the Bingo J. Rose games have always been by the VFW and went on to explain disbursement of net VFW 'proceeds received from Bingo and how they are divided between the VFW and Foundation for Families In Need. He requested that the City advise them of any technical problems with their system and welcomed an audit of their books. City Manager Cole responded stating that the ordinance governing Bingo is restrictive City Mgr and information provided in the VFW's application for renewal was not in compliance comments with the ordinance, consequently the denial and therefore the VFW has filed an appeal. He stated that the goal is that the VFW does come into compliance and if they do, there will be no need for an appeal hearing to Council. He advised that he will meet again with Mr. Marquez and Mr. Rose for further communication on the issue. Mr. Ron Legault addressed Council with concerns regarding the need for repairs to the R. Legault Senior Center and suggested grants be sought to address those items. comments Mr. Juan Leon addressed Council inviting them to the Head Start Policy meeting to be J. Leon held Wednesday, September 22nd at 9:00 a.m. comments Ms. Karen Hazelton addressed Council requesting that they support the re -opening of the K. Hazelton Domestic Violence Court in West Covina; she detailed statistics surrounding the issue. comments Ms. Tasha Amador addressed Council requesting adoption of a resolution also in support T. Amador of the Citrus Court Domestic Violence Court in West Covina to be placed on the next comments agenda. He provided background on the issue. REPORTS, UPDATES COUNCIL BUSINESS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS -STAFF Reports/updates City Manager Cole provided comments on the Sister City Exchange trip he took to City Mgr Zacatecas, Mexico, on behalf of the City. He spoke about the Sister City Organization, comments provided information about Zacatecas, as well highlights of his trip. He stressed the need to support the organization in a more Governmental manner. Councilmember Beebe expressed best wishes from the people of Zacatecas and detailed Beebe the need for a lasting exchange, further stating that their city is rich in culture, history, comments artistry and craftsmanship. She then expressed the need to strengthen the bound with Azusa Sister City, Zacatecas. Councilmember Rocha thanked all who attended the benefit on September 11 for the Rocha Veterans Memorial, which netted $1,962.00. He invited all to the October 2nd monthly comments City Cleanup at the Senior Center at 8:00 a.m. He requested that all keep in prayer the family of Chris Martinez who recently passed away and also of Ben Perez who will be having surgery this week. He also asked all to keep in prayer Dylan Chavarin and urged all to send donations to the Dylan Chavarin Trust Fund. 'Councilmember Stanford repeated the Dylan Transplant Fund address as follows: P.O. Stanford Box 3056, Covina, Ca. 91723. He advised that Christine Dennis is no longer Principal comments of Azusa High School. He commented on how he enjoyed being in the Duarte parade and shared thoughts about his Aunt Statia, who recently passed away at the age of 92. Councilmember Hardison reminded all to dress up in western attire during Golden Days Hardison week, congratulated Councilmember Rocha and family on the birth of their 11th comments Grandchild, and thanked Council and City for their donations toward the purchase of Golden Days badges. 09/20/99 PAGE TWO An item of subsequent need arose regarding the Azusa Rock Company's amendment to Item of the conditions of approval for their Conditional Use Permit and the last day to comment subsequent on EIR, which was today. Moved by Councilmember Hardison, seconded by need Councilmember Rocha and unanimously carried to agendize the item. Moved by Councilmember Hardison, seconded by Councilmember Rocha and Extend comment unanimously carried to direct staff to extend the deadline for comment period for the period re: Azusa 'Azusa Rock EBR regarding the amendment conditional use permit, to 45 days ; further Rock that staff bring back recommendations on how to publicize the matter. Mayor Madrid announced Taste of Autumn at Citrus College on Sunday, October 3rd, Madrid and that applications are being sought for the position of Dispatcher. comments Discussion was held regarding setting a date and time to hold interviews for City Board Discussion re: and Commission applicants. It was consensus of Councihnembers that the date be Interviews brds October 18, 1999, at approximately 5:30 p.m. or 6:30 p.m., before the City Council & comm. meeting is held. 10/18/99 SCHEDULED ITEMS Sched Items Item regarding proposed resolution adopting class specifications, revising class Reso. re: class specifications, and/or reclassifying certain employees, was sent to Closed Session for specs revisions discussion. Closed Session Discussion was held between Councilmembers and staff regarding two remaining items Schedule of Fees to be decided upon with regarding to Schedule of Fees and Charges for the City. Moved & Charges two by Councilmember Rocha, seconded by Mayor Madrid and carried by roll call that there remaining items be no increase in youth sport program and that the pool fees remain as they were No inc sports 'presented by staff at the September 7' meeting. Councilmember Hardison and program & pool Councilmember Beebe dissenting. fees leave as is. An item of subsequent need arose regarding AB1553, Special Interest Legislation in San Item of Bernardino County, which sets undesirable precedents with regard to development. City subsequent Manager detailed the item requesting that it be added to Consent Calendar for action. need Moved by Councihnember Hardison, seconded by Councilmember Stanford and Oppose AB1553 unanimously carried to add item regarding the opposition to AB1553, to the Consent added to Agenda Calendar as item IV -K. The CONSENT CALENDAR consisting of Items IV -A through IV -K, was approved by Consent Cal motion of Councilmember Stanford, seconded by Councilmember Rocha and Approved unanimously carried, with the exception of items IV -G and IV -I, which were considered under the Special Call portion of the Agenda, and item IV -E, which was referred to Closed Session. A. The Minutes of the regular and special meetings of September 7, 1999, were Min approved approved as written. B. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AZUSA Res. 99-C121 ' APPROVING APPROPRIATION AMENDMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1999- Bdgt Trnsfrs 00 PURSUANT TO SECTION 2-450 OF THE AZUSA MUNICIPAL CODE. C. Human Resources Action Items were approved as follows: Human Resource Merit Increase and/or regular appointment recommendations: J. Prado, J. Action Items Polizzi, and S. Noble. Flexible Staffing Promotional Appointment recommendations: M. Guadagnino, Senior Programmer Analyst, effective 8/12/99. New Appointments: T. Montague, Community Service Officer, effective 9/21/99, contingent upon physical examination. 09/20/99 PAGE THREE An item of subsequent need arose regarding the Azusa Rock Company's amendment to Item of the conditions of approval for their Conditional Use Permit and the last day to comment subsequent on EIR, which was today. Moved by Councilmember Hardison, seconded by need Councilmember Rocha and unanimously carried to agendize the item. Moved by Councilmember Hardison, seconded by Councilmember Rocha and Extend comment unanimously carried to direct staff to extend the deadline for comment period for the period re: Azusa Azusa Rock EIR regarding the amendment conditional use permit, to 45 days ; further Rock ' that staff bring back recommendations on how to publicize the matter. Mayor Madrid announced Taste of Autumn at Citrus College on Sunday, October 3rd, Madrid and that applications are being sought for the position of Dispatcher. comments Discussion was held regarding setting a date and time to hold interviews for City Board Discussion re: and Commission applicants. It was consensus of Councilmembers that the date be Interviews brds October 18, 1999, at approximately 5:30 p.m. or 6:30 p.m., before the City Council & comm. meeting is held. 10/18/99 SCHEDULED ITEMS Sched Items Item regarding proposed resolution adopting class specifications, revising class Reso. re: class specifications, and/or reclassifying certain employees, was sent to Closed Session for specs revisions discussion. Closed Session Discussion was held between Councilmembers and staff regarding two remaining items Schedule of Fees to be decided upon with regarding to Schedule of Fees and Charges for the City. Moved & Charges two by Councilmember Rocha, seconded by Mayor Madrid and carried by roll call that there remaining items be no increase in youth sport program and that the pool fees remain as they were No inc sports presented by staff at the September 7' meeting. Councilmember Hardison and program & pool ' Councilmember Beebe dissenting. fees leave as is. An item of subsequent need arose regarding AB1553, Special Interest Legislation in San Item of Bernardino County, which sets undesirable precedents with regard to development. City subsequent Manager detailed the item requesting that it be added to Consent Calendar for action. need Moved by Councilmember Hardison, seconded by Councilmember Stanford and Oppose AB1553 unanimously carried to add item regarding the opposition to AB1553, to the Consent added to Agenda Calendar as item IV -K. The CONSENT CALENDAR consisting of Items IV -A through IV -K, was approved by Consent Cal motion of Councilmember Stanford, seconded by Councilmember Rocha and Approved unanimously carried, with the exception of items IV -G and IV -I, which were considered under the Special Call portion of the Agenda, and item IV -E, which was referred to Closed Session. A. The Minutes of the regular and special meetings of September 7, 1999, were Min approved approved as written. B. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AZUSA Res. 99-C121 ' APPROVING APPROPRIATION AMENDMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1999- Bdgt Trnsfrs 00 PURSUANT TO SECTION 2450 OF THE AZUSA MUNICIPAL CODE. C. Human Resources Action Items were approved as follows: Human Resource Merit Increase and/or regular appointment recommendations: J. Prado, J. Action Items Polizzi, and S. Noble. Flexible Staffing Promotional Appointment recommendations: M. Guadagnino, Senior Programmer Analyst, effective 8/12/99. New Appointments: T. Montague, Community Service Officer, effective 9/21/99, contingent upon physical examination. 09/20/99 PAGE THREE D. The Memorandum of Understanding between the Azusa Unified School District MOU AUSD & Special Education Program and City of Azusa Head Start/State Preschool, was Head Start approved. Spec Ed E. MOVED TO CLOSED SESSION. Ref to Clsd Sess F. Assignment of Deferred Compensation Plan Administration Agreement assigning Deferred Comp the City's Washington Mutual contract to National Deferred Compensation was Agmt to Nat Def approved. Comp G. SPECIAL CALL ITEM. Spec Call H. The Agreement for Professional Services for General Plan Mineral Resources with Agmt w/ Greystone was approved. Greystone I. SPECIAL CALL ITEM. Spec Call J. Resolution authorizing payment of warrants by the City was adopted and entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AZUSA Res. 99-C124 ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AND SPECIFYING THE Warrants FUNDS OUT OF WHICH THE SAME ARE TO BE PAID. K. Approval was given to sent letter opposing AB 1553 - Special Interest Legislation - Oppose AB 1553 San Bernardino County. AB 1553 sets undesirable precedents with regard to development. SPECIAL CALL ITEMS Special Call Item Councilmember Hardison questioned resolution regarding restricting parking, stating that Hardison he thought there was already an existing resolution. Staff advised that the proposed comments resolution is restricting parking within off-street public parking lots. Councilmember Stanford offered a Resolution entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AZUSA, Res. 99-C123 CALIFORNIA, RESTRICTING PARKING WITHIN OFF-STREET PUBLIC Parking PARKING LOTS. restrictions Moved by Councilmember Stanford, seconded by Councilmember Rocha to waive further reading and adopt. Resolution passed and adopted by the following vote of the Council: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS HARDISON, STANFORD, ROCHA, BEEBE, MADRID NONE NONE Councilmember Beebe addressed item regarding specifications for City's Web Site Specs Web Site Design, with the following comments: who will the City be targeting?, who will define Design what's on the Web?, Council should be kept informed, City should use resources that are in-house and the system should be maintained in-house, employees should use and be continuously trained on how to use it as well as trained on any new technology. Moved by Councilmember Stanford, seconded by Councilmember Rocha and Web Site Design unanimously carried to approve Specifications for the City's Web Site design, approved development, and maintenance, and that the City Clerk was authorized to advertise for bids. 09/20/99 PAGE FOUR THE CITY COUNCIL RECESSED AND THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Cncl recess, CRA CONVENED AT 9:25 P.M. convened THE CITY COUNCIL RECONVENED AT 9:26 P.M. Cncl reconvened ORDINANCES/SPECIAL RESOLUTIONS Ord/Spec Resos. Councilmember Beebe offered an Ordinance entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AZUSA AMENDING Ord No. 99-016 CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE V, SECTION 2-387, OF THE AZUSA MUNICIPAL CODE Changing Cult & CHANGING THE MEMBERSHIP OF THE CULTURAL AND HISTORICAL Hist membership LANDMARK COMMISSION. Moved by Councilmember Beebe, seconded by Councilmember Rocha to waive further reading and adopt. Ordinance was passed and adopted by the following vote of the Council: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: HARDISON, STANFORD, ROCHA, BEEBE NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: MADRID ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE Councilmember Beebe offered an Ordinance entitled AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AZUSA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING Ord No. 99-017 SECTIONS 10-56,10-57,10-58,10-59,10-60,10-61,10-62 AND 10-63 OF CHAPTER re: Animal 10 OF THE AZUSA MUNICIPAL CODE CONCERNING ANIMAL LICENSING. Licensing Moved by Councilmember Beebe, seconded by Councilmember Rocha to waive further reading and adopt. Ordinance was passed and adopted by the following vote of the Council: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: HARDISON, STANFORD, ROCHA, BEEBE, MADRID NOES: COUNCELMEMBERS: NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE Councilmember Hardison offered an Ordinance entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AZUSA, 151 Rdg Ord. CALIFORNIA, AMENDING SECTION 66-359 OF CHAPTER 66 OF THE AZUSA Subdivisions and MUNICIPAL CODE CONCERNING SUBDIVISIONS AND RIGHT-OF-WAY AND Right-of-way and ROADWAY WIDTHS. Roadway Widths Moved by Councilmember Hardison, seconded by Councilmember Stanford and unanimously carried by roll call to waive further reading and introduce the Ordinance. It was consensus of Council to recess to Closed Session to discuss the following: A. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT (Gov. Code Sec. 5495 n Risk Management Coordinator/Human Resources Specialist, Assistant City Manager, Police Administrative Services Supervisor, Water Production Supervisor, and proposed resolution regarding Class Specification revisions and salary adjustment - Accounting Services Supervisor. 09/20/99 PAGE FIVE Closed Session B. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION (Gov. Code Section 54956.9 (a)l. Donna Jeanne Anderson v. City of Azusa, et al. Case Number: Los Angeles County Superior Court #KC 030605. THE CITY COUNCIL RECESSED TO CLOSED SESSION AT: 9:27 P.M. Recess THE CITY COUNCIL RECONVENED AT: 10:43 P.M. Reconvened Moved by Councilmember Stanford to amend the Executive Benefits & Salary Motion Memorandum for Assistant City Manager. Motion failed for the lack of a second. failed Councilmember Stanford offered a Resolution, as amended, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AZUSA ADOPTING Res. 99-C120 CLASS SPECIFICATIONS, REVISING CLASS SPECIFICATIONS, Adopt, revise, RECLASSIFYING EMPLOYEES; ADJUSTING SALARIES AND/OR AMENDING reclass, class MEMORANDA OF UNDERSTANDING. specs, & adjust or amend salaries Moved by Councilmember Stanford, seconded by Councilmember Beebe to waive further various empl. reading and adopt. Resolution passed and adopted by the following vote of the Council: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS HARDISON, STANFORD, BEEBE ROCHA, MADRID NONE Councilmember Stanford offered a Resolution entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AZUSA REVISING Res. 99-C122 CLASS SPECIFICATIONS FOR ACCOUNTING SERVICES SUPERVISOR AND Acctg Svs Supv ADJUSTING THE SALARY THEREFOR. specs/salary Moved by Councilmember Stanford, seconded by Councilmember Beebe to waive further reading and adopt. Resolution passed and adopted by the following vote of the Council: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: HARDISON, STANFORD, BEEBE NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: ROCHA, MADRID ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE It was consensus of Councilmembers to adjourn. TIME OF ADJOURNMENT: 10:47 P.M. CITY CLERK NEXT RESOLUTION NO. 99-C125. NEXT ORDINANCE NO.99-018. 09/20/99 PAGE SIX Adjourn